Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Apr 1913, p. 12

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foot st rockei -vases, board ' waehu 2 daix stand, - 2 chiairs, à i tsbr set,, pieces, 5 mats for wah tud, à Iloorflmat, 83pictumO, 1bUug, -1 oerPet, 1 pair lace curtains, 1k eingI trou bed,, m'attregs, apringa, 2 - plU. ows,2 cair 1.idresser, 1 wa* stand, towel rack, S3 dreqer 0orna. mmul, S' dresser mats, 1 -carpe,- floor mats>, iàplr- lace curttus. ITCHEN-1 lnoleum, lounge, sto".Reapify TJ»ogjI, Witlh tank,- I sMMIllbox stove» d éock, sçuil *ble, ceaI scuttle, *i1. rocker, 4,,chairs,,8 picturea, i table, 1 I cl eater, 'wasb- bec icllstove and oven, im1 bi .topstand, bru#:. crock snd ti', Picýures3, pair-,chenille curtaIns, mlir rer, -,bolier,> in Rth -tub', stop laddor, ceaI aiter, 3S axes, -55w snd saw herse, ickle, sheeji shears, 3 tubs, * wash boards, wrlnger,ý clothes basket, tinuae, g2raftiwri, ,e croa freeze, flat Irons, odd disbes and nu- norouùs othber articles. STABLIP-3 forks. laws mnower. 794t, Of f-inch h0ffe, 2 'busel baskets, lid- der, bcéès, rakes, shovels, new wheel'i -brrow, show hàllier, s'econd-baud, wbelbarrow, whlp, 1, uteel erowbar. sale aI -two o'cionk. 'Trms, -cash. ýW9I. Maw, auftioneer. SUDDEN DEATI! 0F WM. MOWAT. Early on Wednesday morning 'Dutých" Mowat, at one lime a bar- tender at the Royu -Hotel, <ied sud-- ! effly at his boardlug l:ou9n, l3rer«h Street. Mrs. Wilson, with wlin he boardod, sayi,- Ie bail been out ail nrght aid returned about rý qtl. qbrrt- lr aller vom<ug Itb the house te fe11 E.é Re BLOWP z Spring *over, aud ugon getlMng Up feUl dowu 3 agalu. In a iew minutes death su- sued. *Mowat l9-ad bee-bazteniing :Li> 1o- we"Iks aire. -Te'tl sosie o! hie -friends l.t wn on f-ýèà day,- *heu he was. foling unwoîl thati i .bshad eaten a meal"ilu-a 'rooutoteà- tauran t on Saturday, anrd soon aller 1, was taken i iI, aud mit, Iquet- *ly for àa-day 1or wtwo 'e xk , ver slek na;at al oyýnte. - The Crôwn-!decided thàât ar n lquat wsotnoessa r y. The body was taken Wr- burial t0 r,ort Perry,- by the fathe± of deceased, who reside s tbere. M wa w a ayung mso ub ably 26 years-. effromÏithe-aiIimentzcaused by' doordered ist6lnahý, tr liver:, irregular b)owels is gifen -quickly saf, e,' and asaur- edly-by tle trie d and reliable FILL S overwhe* la boxes, 25 cna .Agent, WMITBY Footweàr N . e carry only- the Latest Styles in Men's, Womïen's, Girlts', Boys' and LitieTot'Fl -wâr, in the llnest leathers, Patent Jid, Patent Colt, Tan, Vaiour and Gun Metal CiJf, alscv the finest of Nic iMd. - I Men's, 3oys' and Youths' Boots grai , t ps and EJk Leatheirs. speciaJty. A cail Soiicited. JOHN P] hock 3g~ $oqUL. Oit. -N %0%0&% - in heavy oiled SchooJ Boots a EEL. OANkIA NUATIO14AL1mon'_ SHOW, TORONTO, April -29th to May fird, 1918. .-. On accout-of the Canadien Horse Shbw at Toronto,. the Grsutl Trunk Raliway System will-.sell returuMùc- -ets single -fare . for',bbhéround trip 5itb 5c. -added for admisitios ýto -tbe -show. 'Tiokete good going .April 29th sudf SOtýh,: May Tht, '2nid sud rd, .roburnbn Monday, May S.th, 1913i . Soeur. tick- ets and ail informnation. bom- ay, Grand -TriuIIIAgent, sud eMial frcm .E.. Stephenton, -Téle a Bi>x Prose -and' generaýlâcet office$ (op- posite Standre nk,)à wMiy. NEW _DISTRITTRBPRESENTA-,, TIVE. - -É R M. Tip.er, B.S.A., has t.. cetybeen .appo*lted 'ditrict.repre-' seutetie!for th local llrauch or bte' Ontario Department- ci Agricutume at Wbtby, dutie ommencinz: AýprE Mr. Tipper han -bail valuable exper- fence with' the Lambton branoh & th1e Department o! Agriculture at Petrolea, sud les proparcd- to continue the good work cearried on by Mr. Uare, sud bis assistant, Mr. Ho- garbh, ln1 Ontario County. New Mea. turcs wIll be lxiroduoed. from l ime te, time as occasio demande and oppor- lunity perm1ts.- Thp hearty co-operation of every person Iu Ont arlo Count-v who ls 15- terosted ln agriculture lu any of its branches, le desired. AIlinýplries wlll recve pirompt attention, and suggestions willl 1w nucb appreciated. Wben ln Wlntby call at bhe office and gel acqualnted. You wlll hoe wel- ceme.. %l10O PEWARD, S100 Thc ren'ipr-af tMis paper wil be pleased to le9;ru ici,,t there la Bt lea,.t one dreaded disease .th t , iene bas bren able <o cure. i ll mi ts tare$t. nd that l19Citrrh. -HaI'ItCâtarrh Cure la the nnly, positive cure now known to the miediral fraternitv Catarrb beinz a constitu. tiOnald~iP-eae. reqUireg a Conatitutionai treat. ment. R'all'a Catarrh Cure ia taken iuternally. acinLurdirerti7 rnou the blond and nucoutesaur'. faoe* of the svetein. therehv t'estroving the fnundatiou of thediseease. and gi1vinîethýe patient atire-npli hv hujldinz "p the cnstitutin a'9-4 t assiseinir nature in d,,inv itsq work. The -pro- sv ori un faitb in ita curative powpra nfSer fP n,-Tnired l'ollari for suiv iae tha fails ta ncure. send for iat of test. Ad'res:F* CtNEY & CO.. Toleudo. n. Sold hv al l Ditrista. -,5t,. Take R-aIV's Pasmily Tilis for constipation THINKING IT OVER. Every lisne in a newbpapcr costs somnethinlg' If it is for as individid-1 ual it should be, paid for. If the« merchant were asked to contribute1 hie wares to one abundantly able 'toi pay for hem,- he would refuse. The proprietor 'o! a newspaper nîust pay for the free advertising if the bene-i 'ticiary does not, and It is one of thei bardest things to be learned by mauyi that a newspaper has space in -is1 colunins to rent. To give away for( anything less than living rates would1 be certalnly as fatal as for a land-1 lord te furnish bouses frec o! reut. PARISIAN SAGE. PUTS tUAIR ON YOUR HEAD AND KEEPS IT THERE. WisaI's thc use o! belng bald ? Whab seaseis lisere- lu dellblratly allowing your hair le buru gray ? Do 1eoû want la look ohd before your tîme ? ? Give up-bbtbohughtî old age wilh corne only toc soon. Look after your hair. PARISIAN Sage wllh kill tise dandruf! germe, and le tise ^euly preparat4on, so far as we kuow, tisaI le guaranbeied ta do se. Man or womafi, no malter bow oki you are, PARISIAN Sage will make you look young. WisY net ho to A.H. Allun and gel a large bottle la-day,.il only caste 50 cents, aud your money bnck If Il dae sot cure dandruif, stop fallng hair or ltebing o! bbc scalp. It wil maire your bain luxuriant, brigist sud beau- ttfil, sud -Ilt is e most ret.reshing, pleasaut and. lsvlgcraîlng hair drese- Ing made. kA NEW COLONEL. Uxbrldge Timea :--JMuehs ta the sur- -prise o! ail Lieut-Coi. Grson ba resign6j hie commis sioa n sd lu oemsary la appointa- uew colonel. Tise positila bas been dlired d ~ prBicir, o01Canuiton, vs .1ke k--- 5O¶15 15 OOIre more t~ tai..opebing sauld edeux oe tbaSemo I aetiln sould b.do boc e orôIf wae t b«tus- proeut séason Is ', . - àuse - or Alarin of ÀLw f te ldstrSg aft. .Mjg a s- im at sbo.Id i à ot what you estbùt wbat you *dwtsuaaiilats t.hatdo"syou &d Sme othe uteonguat, heeitb- a .dbmoderd uiiomach, sudmas centract msou m d Uwjhdirauad or abuseof the. W. unu aau Who sufer from miw- that we 'wflirefuad the pn bun, i.wtlout question ér fmmr iif fte-usymuam enot PëeeWtkymted with rsut.. ha IISt chm ofi0»n w ,and bem- bfut1u I. belleve thora le boidlicyiequ Thýeyfçivoprompt " 4bm 7prome. Oefect ntritInsd eorrectusyr jtoxn. Three mliss, MU4eaI, O-et., and 81.00. Tao a biiy Ros» Dyspeps aTablets A. He1.ALLI Né Wbltby DTM, sIv 0.mb Thoeobsa szaflfltoeola aiyesoetoma and' ou the l.unio taLmda GreatEtisThr aI.etBai ftm or 1 bnfreer rlar unmli LOCAL REPItESENTATIVE WANTED.- 'To bandie lots in Parkway Hcighits subdivisbeS, Welland, Ontaio; thse fastest growlug town lunadaf, .e-. 26 *manufacturng* plants-ne veu .ral- rosils. Parkway Helghts jbis e only h!gh-c1ass . residentlal subdivision wilhln the city limite. Soyas min'i- tes walk from tihe post office. Elec- trie ll-gbt, sewers, gas, water, are al ava-liable. Car linos beiug extended ta property. This is one of thc best luvestments in Canada to-day. Appiy with refereaces. Laughlin Reallty, Ilmited, 32 Adelaide Street', East, Toronto. NARROW TIRES MUST GO. A bill introduced in thse Ontario liegisiature proposes that narrow ttred vehbicles shall net ho sold in this province alter two years 1-rom now, and tbat nouie shall ho allowed a! ter five years from tbe prosolit tiane. In other words, owners ëi narrow- tired vehicles are given five years grace bu - lot biseir equipment wear out. If a Person le bound- te have a new narrow-tired vebicle, ho can gel it for two years yet, but will have te give it up all.,the same by tbe lto! January, 1918. Saturday, May Srd.-Auation sale of chattel -praperty, beloigtgl. -tise laIe Dr. W.(). EaËtwood.- Sale et 13 o'clock.. Wm. -maw, iuctilomer. W4RREN-À~t Part, Whltby, on Apnil 20th, _1913, Rer._Edward Warren, le hie 80111 year. ff#ew Laundry. We wish to acquaint the people of Whitby and sur- rounding country with- the fact that we have opened -up a laundry on Brock St., Whiîby,, in Hèwis-Bros.' old stand. We& are prepared to do ail kinds of laundry work Ladièe work and family orders given special attention. -Ail work, neaf and clean', and promp servce giYen. Parcels called- for and -de- Iivered. L IM&sReadY4.ýoiWeair -uits., We have -a fi t)kof new Spring Suits, the ready to ,-wear -kind, prices _..$5.00 to $2o.oo.* We have about, 5oo sampl!es of -Twreedsand Worsteds. The Mc.--&. R. ad Hoberin goods. Suits, Don't- fail t set our stock of CurtainNpetts i Wite ream, Paris &Tuscan. 4.Days' SaleSaturda, April 26th, to 3Otb. ;GenuîaeP<ea erald-or-Peai SWsdding We have a1sw v g v v W- W- -- W v k A -k f a v - ':. W v N J ag sorm ScOTCh I L Floor OUI1 lo 25c to'35C sqe Y% ne-e Yard Wide X One and ai Haif Yard --Two,,Yards Wide -. ThreYds- XW s- - No tice af transfer cf Licenet xWmnd- çor Hotel, Town o! Whlby- Liquor LiasseAct. Nolise le hereby gSivems tisaI pplicg-, OU bhshca ldo byRM. 3cCheyne a! .c indor Hotel in- the .T4wn o61 Wblbby, t t r=weletbis *ver#t license ta William W. Enmersou and T. P.* KIug, o! tise City o!: damiu1bou, and that thse said ippli«tiau wiil b. cou- sldered at a 4"?~g of 111e USm. Board for 111e District of South on- tarse, lun1the Town Hall la the town of Whbby. on Friday, Apnil 25. aI 10 o'clock. AUl parties concerned wri-H govenn thenuselves acoardlngly. - By erder. LEWIS P. LUKE. License Inspecter. Tisisl a cut-of -aur _SÎud eb aker, blèdel -35 rT ou i g t r J à s i l Ca ~it aMte ~md e-by ý5incis stroke, what Most, mainufacums',éà a 4o.cr 45 horý -pawcr, vith- a i x16 inchis wheel. base; Six. Passenger, -Electnic Ligt, Eléctriç Starter, Sik Moair"Tp. Jiffy- Curtains, T p W ndhed Speoeer, extra Rim and Tire Holder, al.fr $5oooo: While aur 25 h. p., five passeng ,$i050.a hans demenstrated itseif te b. the greaest value on tise Canadiân market. -These cars are bullup te a standard .flot dcfwn ta a prie.. Drop in ad let us tell you more about them. A Complète Line'ot Eaoâhinery andIar ness onHad - Disney &Puckrin, W '_iitby, Qît. Independent and 13ll Phonosm Li~ j-, .0 An -xesOn Toephj rTHE ýRESIDNCE, If'thé maun tel.ï-l Phono la dcwnstalrs 'au Extension Tel... phone ,upatalns vii add irealy -te the use! ulnes ansd conrenienc ,or. the service. Upstairs or downsauirs a telephone viii b.' clese -at band aud the necesulty eft&stair- cllmblng ellmlnateil. Inccmlng and. outgoing night m- sages are et ten emurgency or highly imper- tant An s xtenaon Telephone upti iu or near the sleeping Spartment vii Mars muzch-time sud add greatly to your couifort aud protection. 1N THE OFFICE, au Extenion Teiephono on ycur deek vii mare you usuch lime mnd unnoyance. - It is moat incenvenient te be ceuatantly caiied eu tc leare your desk te answer a telephone caU at a tel.. phone fanrcmoved from the work lu haud-& With an Extension Telephone on yoUr desk, teléphane oeils can b. sent aud *recelred ccureuleutly with practlealiy, no *o oa f lime. Wlîh ite aid you viii be able te accompliah moe duiing the busy offce Tie additjonal expeiweof an -EXTENSION TE>EPHONE le,-trllUng--.on a few cent#.*a day. The Bell TelephonCopy QIp aANDA Oppo ite Post ~¶ -STRQNG- DRINK'91 - Slrng drin's -a dec f a traiter, *the ýsoul. Il promies heaIthb Detbrones Godlkj weakens co.tirol. _Thse putest cf milsis, am~ of natures Thse drink isas- degrad est of ly So hey -are-Vhe wisesi * topartie it -- Who straigbtway --il 11rmly say NO! -Grave wretmbenessà- crime anil sadues Result, from bise drink~ * blighing'-gail. ýp*en pestilence, lamine lcs.horrors Tbau Ibis ýouroe a! e 'Of aul. Jis, vicbims by thlouso ands are numbe * The rich aud Ike. P( -great and the mal -Tbey only aàre safe 'M pantako lb, So -let us -refuse il for ail. - Il robahui tle childireun -Deprives -thers of loa ente fond carc; Il-breaks mobher'sh bruIes genblesb ma, Spreads riot andl mi For New Prfectioiz * to àGfl. M. Rice. - Very ittle, - ilan3 *tiens have bogun yetl 4 - -The grouud continues AryiuK days would. amsu ligister land ftff >Nylo Chocolates- S E. Wiilis, druggis- -Mr. Munie,ofW new teller intheV in place-elf,1Mr. RSdt * erred -te.zNwonvUÜ F. itie crochet é 25C. during -four da-: -Walters. A veluable disco ney pihIs, 1rthe~ ARCHIVE S Ol nd9hip flirth S ýageinent. THE àDOMINIGE BUX -~ ~ 1eI.OIR L1~5igT .o ATKU V E N.. -~ ~ lG eYou ABank Book Yemotaedbvi> ank.ergeu Mofmny I. rd t .~ u socntvii bisBak.Yo «a op=n an 1Booout vii oem~undedtwlco a year.* -WHITBY BRANOH:- A. A. ATKINSON, Manaer *OSHAWA A H. BLACK, 1EXCUIRSIOS TIo Man-iob, SaskatcewnLot HOam du RS ptembeandt Octobew, it ada .:M. ituitag Xay, juzns jàIy Md* ugm i2jh bas.. ovon"tet.WiauIp. dai4 ou udm tmaufrem e.uy C.P.& à or vhs;k - Dstrct aamngs~tTeo=tb Water Proof RBnnfq- Notice. ýý 1 Imm . 1 Ri jew eller and WHITBY

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