Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Apr 1913, p. 16

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kils Ooe wf emwmMm terwaidaya jý kit t oeutly wità âre. W. A. 1iéliday l ts e - WMYJean HayLcraft. as bisn flue to tie, bouse for over a VtPk forxjis aïi- with ioultDi. ' wl9,î5&,to reainme undergo tepjMrt f0the exteut ofon tlboumaud dol1aÊd. A s-.a me Mr. Russol t,Wbo s b pcllm 19-il hasbeM'Ywsheld'iultiii atIteudl5g Gu lph A grlcultural Qol-I-ida lege, bas-retue cd home. ness of the e ven Mns. N. W.. lwtl sud le .Johnbanquet-was hiwi maynard spoRt. everal, days ln Tor- where a verye * nt Tlt V. iSou, hoba et. Tee a miss Vers VIpond-, who bai bewBrother -Oddfellic lvninToronto for mrne t n Ohaa.,ëet reundhome for'tise summer. Qlsapeut srosy111 for a couple e" ofekte, u"~ s stillinhia cntcal condlthxs. c lhiiskbre * Read A.C. Elllott's advt., lu tii( e >Whîîe TMr. Issue. Mr. Elllotts, apace, which aP- P1055à3K1-and bli pears each week, , con-tas1flss * beeà lu charge ôf chances- for peoploWlx are Iooldmg "' for -big bargalfte.the, WM1tITBank - Mr. Samuel MaisnDg bas a ar mcviiAo!ametn hÎ of cernent to'dispose of. Amu"e vo- A etn qiïlrlng smre should ssm bd<> bforeohurcis()ou Moudai 'buylng eleewhere. lacz a temperauce * Mn. E. Patte 1rson bas pur!cbased , Tp. fisc foUlow1ni lot fromn Tis. BowIe near- his cd ,E.- Tlnk, c&a ~tADBN à forth vereell- Every thing, _to ýplant the, Gai den* -Every -Package guaranfeed fresh thîs year. LAWN GRASS RÂ-PE ,-'ANGOLD SEED We-have a few JIbs. of the Giant *-White Mangold Seed ieft. Order now amd save disappointment, Ail the ieading varieties of CORN - The.best on the markÈ. -A*Ce Broolin IElii*ott - Ontario Bel] and Independent Phones n iii CLEAR ANCE, SALE i Owing to the loss of our Furniture Ware- ro oms- by fire, we must clear our entire stock of Furniture at greatly reduced prîces. ýverything must of cost. be sold* regardless Sale to Commence on [Tu.esday, Apr. I --I the old Brooklin Factory, just north of, Our old -stand, * where we have secured ac- commodation for the sale. To)rdieff Bros. Furnitui-c eaieWrs & Unfdertakers. Brok1i Our [,:n4iitaking Department viii receive Our uBÙaJl prompt and, careful attention.- Mb L Ils'.l., tofa I:QrSl, lJelN 'par-t of asi -week wth Tir. D.A- Comilsloar Downey',*tlýi hl$ac of mounsMd tie -sPlt-log-drag moàde tise rondes whlds wero ahnlost pa- -able, splendid for traffe. Tir, sud Tn. .GIroy, 0 ot - poot, >Spent Suuday 'wlLh frlemidk er,. A numb ,er _rom ber. atteuded tise Oddfello.w's baàOwpt l roiuon, Kluscurrheulnatism sxit. 14 ftwo inmsuIEr risumtias tierelu rt oteda dull pala'.lu tise-muscle w" âm grdualiy jucrease.- Tht. ain oftem skift. frm one muscle to s- o$ler,-su ti~ orkmge tieseMun. Igusular. rieuumIas ubloocidis- emu sud -*houduot be ueglatted. A' Proper -treatasent should,-bWgh witis .th Brui s-ymptom. Rieumo la vo- commeudedby tise oremoat people everywbero, beesuse h drives ailurle oipoionsfrein tie blood, and ou- riches If so thst thse ystems becomes bealthy sund froc tram tihe tortures of rheumatIsm. Get a bottie, .ï f u- Mo to-day aud rld yourself of dieu- matim. Sold lu Whltby only ai J. E. Wllls' drug store.-48.1 Thse- Citizeus' Baud bave becu eu- gaged to. play lu Uxbridgc os tise 24t1i of May. Thse teachers have ail returned -te resume their work alter an enforced holiday of several weeks, due f0 thse prevaience et sinali-pox. There wva goed atteudance ef pupils viso ap- pe rently eemed pleased to gpt back f0 work. Another ofth11e ploneens of tis deis tract pasmcd to bis rest os the morn- penson of Tir. George(3alvert, of the lng of Saturday, the l2th lnst., lu 'Lie 'lVh conbesslon. He vas a native 'Of tise sou-th of ScotIand, and alter spendlng severel years lu- Wales, 'came to Canada as a young man. He fol- iowed hie tirade of blacksmith for many yearà, werving iucc&sslvely at MSegolia, Atha Corner sud green Ri ver. - Parmers inuVUxbrldge Towusblp éturted tiseir seeding opera- tfons last week, and piowing te nov qutte general in these parts.-News. Dou't b. aurprised if you bave an attack of rlieumatism tiis sprlug. Juat fub >the afccted parts tfeclv výtis Cisamnbrlain's liniment and It will sonn disappean. Sold by ail dem-- ers.-44. FTCKERING. A nuniber et trout have bec.n e- eutly caught-in tisé creek bore. Donald Munro sold bis teani of heavy herses eue day iast week fon $580 f0 a Scar.bono man. Ourr sports are isavlng cocsiderable good teck sucker-Ilshlug, and somne goùd isauls are reponted. James Greaniaw caught a pike on Monduy lu tise Mars11 wich welgied 114 peunde. This Is tise largeef fIs whicisbas beean caught In this iocality for a numben o! ycars. Tlhe Townsip Council bas the gradeirs at -work upon thse township ronds, but net betore tisey voire necdý- ed, fer duntung tise past Week tise roads bore vere- neyer Il-u scb a bad condition. TiY littie son Ied-a veny severe eold. 1 *ua reeommeuded to try Chamberilu'.ceugis remedy, and ic.' for a amail bottie vas flnlshed he vas as weil as ever,"I write. Tirs. H. Si1Ik., 29 Doing St., Sydney, Aub- tralia. Th18 rernedy ln for suile by ail dealers.-44. SEÂGRAVÊ. Thse tirustees of tise chuncis met last weisto choosc a wvndov for tise cisurcis te repiaqe tise one desfnoyed by tise renct heavY w'fhds. A new one vIii be ilstalIed In due time. On Saturday luet Mn. J. Grooves vixile operatlug Mr. Wes. Fnlse's Wood 'sav had t>hc iifertujie to blave Mfs baud badiy ieoerated witi thse Shungliug bas bec. tise rden of tise1 day iatciy around bere. Tbe feiiov- Ing- parties have had to replace, - -or partiy go, tiseïr barn roofe -W.- 'J. Rogers, Bld. -Wooidxtdge., Jasjý L-eask, J. 9. Brown, A.L;. Onchard. Mv. A. Syden la ré-eblugllug bis-bouse BS'e-tise burubng lit our -station,- tise G.T.R. nage9ýmet bas our 9ld trustcd agent, Mir. Crooka, comfrt. ahi. ýýdomtind tu à, cnac quklnYLL We -Wil taire your mo:re Word sud ibtor your money. »ousa' k taud to resson that RIOMIl "3"HarTonemut e xnlgty o rmedy simd haveIpven- greastsaction teoOur customéra if WO endore it 1ke tus? W. know of ncslm-irgmsedy thstis-asguod., It- às beoaàibeof>whst Rean4,-93,,Haie Tonio haeu done for others "ht we back it with 'Our ova n oney. WhY suifer scalpand hair trouble or be bsd& viienRexa ,o al"9"Hin Toma vwiii removo daudruM ;make yoéur scaýp comfortable -and 'healthy,. peomote haie: growtk sudt tend te prevet -bsldeos - ven ' -vil psy for tii. trat ment should ft ffai ntopl sé I à6, la? W. dem toblgat y +Fteany- We vl hand WbaM. Two iss,5ansd $1. dabte1& You e«u bty zli "04493" HairTonie laitbis=ommnty only-at our store: and tby la Unite *&te, s= M GO Sié ai. Teelu a dioeuat Rezel Roauodyoedinaey hmni omheu~~'~Z~for thé. poetiu-i I e eoammendod B3ATEMAN FREED WHEN HE IS Klingsatou, April 21.-Johu Baliemm vise vas scxsteced to deatis at Oms- awa lu Deccanier lest for thse murder of bis vife sud visose sentence vas conimuted f0 Ille imprIlomut, bas becu transfcrred from the peaiteutlury to Rockvood Hospital for tis lu- sane. Bateman, on his commlfmcnt to peniteutiary, vlas incaroerated ln the insane vend. A report vas made to tise Minister of JUstice mad througb bis lutenceslcu ho vas transferred to Wlil nte tii&at4 b h 4m»S.. The. young follows who are keen lu -theBunap Juse tii. shoe -they relongfor. It hbaaB -M"sine 'O "IbeaJlahlgh, too, au in thÏ stch' ý- For -*il thieée "%hhWOeffethé iiùi mpfou per feciblyland givas alargeifssr cfcmogaloug »_ Ik lu worm, kooplng is original shape ntil Bump Blsck Ki ng Caii and - Tan- Guo Xetal Bluchor J. PELWHITBY PHONE 5 ASIIBURN STOREd T HOUSE OLEANINS Everytbing needed for house cIea new anduptdae at prices ihai make it to your advantage to'buy a Ashbuxn Store. aning,4 will it the~ BAL ONTP HAVE YOU PURCIIASED YOUR FOR THlS:SE.ASON?, * I have a ful lin. of the, McLaugklinBuggies on baud. If vo -cannot suit.you here w. viii drive -you to thé' factory-ind you have your choice, of anything made l-ýi -this lino.tvr Ican supply you in * Brockville, Carniages et the lovCCt priceýs availeble foz! good g 8d. IL vit-i ay yu to giva w. aéô oeil.m -DO net- forget ýurpr'icès of -Wire Fniî- br 7; -Our Poultry Fonces are a wonder. THE BROOKLIN HARQWARE STORE' I READY MIXED IPAINT Try Brandram- Henderson Ready Mixed Paint for floors, and House Paints for outside and interior work. 1WIRNIT(JRE VARNISH Make your furniture look like new with- oui varnish, called- Chinalac. Ready- mixed paint for wagon and implement use. I II EXCURSIONS- T o. M A I O B A A I A C E W A N . mc.rTSAY ntlc.I2WT iclusiv eaoh TUEDAYnti c. n hinls Prprions low rates to other pointe. * eturu Iinit two months._ Settiers' Excursions Every TU198DAY until Ap'ril ~inclus. ire, front -stations-in Ontario, Port Hope, Peterboro -and West, alk ver~ o ratesa. Tbroigh coaches and Pul man Touri.st S8leeping cars are operal-ed to Winnipeg without change, leaving Toronto il p. a,. vis Chicago andSt. Paul on above dates. .Tihe Grand Trunk- Pacifie Railway in' the shortea't and quickest route between WinnipegSaskatoon-Edmonton. .Berth Reservations ad particulars from Grand Truk agents- Es STEPHENSON Town Agent for Epr1 s icket a,,, Telegraph Offic,'pposite Stau.aro Ban; hîb, opnt ehne3 TRY SOLACI3AT OUR EXPENSE MWonay tec for any ease of -Riteuniaisin, Neuralgia or Ileailache that Solace Fails to Reinove ery of three german Ocientiots that dissolves Urie Acid Crist ansd prfiste blood. It laseasy to tek., sud viiinot affectethe eakestomaeh. Il lu guarauteed under the Pure Food sud Deug. Law to ho sbsolutely f ree iroinoplateso hanuful drug.of suy desrpion. o Salace lespurespecîfie luneerywysd ha. been proved beondquestiou te o zteaSuýreat suad quickest remey fon r ic Acid Troubles kuovia te medical science, no matter boy long standing. It meaches aud-removes-the root cf thes trouble (Urie Aeld) sud purifies the blood. The Selace Bu,. of Battie Creek, are the solo U . aentesud bave thouassof voluntary testimonial letters whlch have beau recaived frons grateful people Selace ban reatored te bealth. Testimonial lettar.,lilterature aïd Pre. Box sent upon request.4 R . Lée Morris, President cf the Firat National Bank of Chico, Teis, Wrota tha Sulace Company as foliova:i "I vaut you to, send a box cf Solace te My fatb. or lu Nemphie, Tenu , for which I enclose $1. This remedy bas be used by some friends cf (Sigued) R. L. Morris." Put uP in 25e, bol-, ud il100 boxes. tt' mlrnhtY flue t, be well spi yeu eau -Beu b.e 0by ?kianO S Laga NoSec maTetment Se emeu or Peu. just oLace an does the work. Write today for the free box, etc. SOLACE REMEDY CO.. Bstle Cmeok. Miel. WHITBY NA8KETS Cartage andTemig 9Base thrbsl g ie bus lim e hm Mr. Wilim Xswpow-t, w. hav.ehem I.vored with v a V rge wppstoeos»a awd we fs lul are gimtthe pube- good M-i A E CI o r ' fo r te a a ain , f u r u t u r mavng, eirt4fo of fright, veau fS piqasre prtie, etc., 'Wil reolv euti voy but ttuntoi. Ulrst..lauslUvoy. ilu ouneeton. JO. ARD # SONS Owl io- th 1ïïStamr in talned finthlscollege, th: demsadJo the WsdnatéeIl ar l inexees ithe 'SUIIL his a aqusstIémsy V» Of Cs 'àde's et Ceàuuerguc ue Rs record shows It. Toronto, Ont., admltî studeute st-Uy [=poios uds.iusorthy studeuts lu meuare sînploymsnt. C0lieVopenail ,he ~ e r - W rite o v for sa o m cor. o ge ed! w . -. B s à 1exadrBt.Pisis -V WiTBy JUNCTION. * ..6.1 p. Me Susda -irs ns h ve for Torem be 4 .2 5 a -.m . a n & 7 . 5 6 p i .m . , - îo m T e e - auto-trainsstop at wu% 7 uaties a &815.sud 9.55 a'., ud 9.30 pj.. UP-TlUWN STATION.- Going North ...s.3a8z.GoingaoÏth... 7.9a.M TevsWLitby,ý for Osébswa a t 1» a.M6 sudd 4p.'.JO.Reon, pro. prietor. Louve. for &ouglssm ai al.e Mr. EIwards, prpriebu. Aloi e <over, par bus.8110 to *12.0 A- Wheai1 whlts.--------......s COI.......TRIO Wliea, goos......-..--...0.85 00.093 -Wbeat, spdng........ .20t. 0.81- wH1BY-XL. ]Eý.-L lIsomMuI, Wheat, fl --,.0.86 toi.Ion Clark, Wiiby- Jeu. 13, TNb. < Brlsy......... .... s.. OAS to 060 Kaak ,di April mera>2#, JUrne 6. Deaus....... .. »1.001.. Jàiy 8, Sept. &'"Oi. 2, NOV'. 71 DO& 0.79 te 0.76 4- Jam. 7-, ý1914. Pesai ........... ....ý0Ut .0 WUA mI Buouhat... ... .. 00i Q <>go o» Clkt-iJa. 14j Tl. 4, Kr. 5, Apr,. Ogt ....- -- .... , 0.38 tb 0.38-4 -]gay5,.Jim.7, Jllpi4, Sept. Red Clovmr.... ....... .... 8.Oto .00 0&i.3, -Nov. 8, Doé se Jans 9 , 1914. 2. BBOUGRAx -'*I. leseo, Gruau- - LOUR AND PEED. . wood, Clrk--Jeu. 15 r,.e. -6,-May lour, pjwI .7 bzoo . ~ Ji7 7, Sept. 5, Ïovs 1,Ja., Cbopped teelcv... 1.50 tose 19 4 .300L .. ... ..... ài 2 .60 3. PORT Pffly -6W. Blirabmu, Br np r o .... .-. ..500 t0 m5.0 Po t P e" ryClerk - Jan. 7, ZOer. 7 Shorts par ton.. 370t. 2&00Kay 7. July 8, sept. 4. Nov. 1IR. De.17, 1914. MEAT, POULTRY ÂND 2R00 30. 4. CUXBR I- J. loes, Uxbri4i Clark-Jas. 10, Ka"ak14, NeY 13, uwL......... ..10.00 te 11.« July 15. Sept. Pl Nov. si, Ja. 0, Catie, live velgt...0 o6.0 1914. Iamb@,eats. ...... ....6.00 t. 610 .CAINNGTN- Thos. K- esta. H098, drcscd ........ .12.00 t6 12.50 Camnugtou, Cie*k -Jas 9, Mat. 1il, t r-,l, t ..... .«....~.. 8.2g t. SM ]-gay 14, July 16, Sept. 10. Nov. 19. OblekFenspperlb--------0. .. .loto 0.18 ans15,11. Ducks, ppr lb ...........0.15 te 0.18 6. BECAVERTN- Jas. - If. Gordon, 43110009 . ,dt îd."..1ju la 0.18 Beaverton, Clr-Jan. S, ]Car.'12, Turkeyu, dneed per b.0.18 le 0.20 May là, Jul 17.1-4et. Il. Nov.i1B, Butter, par lb---...28 i'o 0.80) Jas. 14, *1914. IR petPadms., uw si .22 te 0.25 7. UPTEGROVE- Daisil Leesard, Lard, par lb ........... 0.18, f0 0.20 Âllsuriy,- Clubk- Ja. 7, - at. Il, P*"toïé, par bag ...*lOto il. Kay 16, JWly 18, Se. 129 Novï, 18, Apple.,pa barrai .....1.510 8.00 Jan.1811. IOsions, par bag, ........10to LU 5 BY' Ord@R, J.liEILFAUWNL gapar-tons...... ..... 1500Clerk 0f th esa.. RIOB >tdaiWli.li' 05 03 W004., imsbi...., 01101 Camf §king. P« --lb0.13t 0.18 FIoflI W IFI H idi, pu r e wi .q-1 * 0 1 9 .0 0 ICo y ,g l ............. 0.teLs P!OTIOAL ,UNOURTANERS Dsas...........9.5629.1.9Cbargea Mod4mt.-- là #loge; fié,_&10_Bel_ _ _ __lits ougluogheny for ý'ý-George Crhek for a g work. Fresk min "We Iead in quality WHITe-SÂl CRKAM-BhJ BREAD AND CAE i Feed Whiolesale il ChoPPing-~Evej O*LVELL'S 1Mou -Pickeriug Wneyl Usde( er ufiE m Whitby, 'Phohie 99 Raglan.-W. H. Br, Oshava Phones,4 -Cails by day- or niý atteuded -to;. Chaât WE gn ur premast your e e, wec exactly t e leni have.-FELUKE -,g A159 Yontre St.. trO U S'iNE à Yes, we are ýpiïtang every class out cf busin Býy wearing cor Ortiiopt *and you hear no kick. * FROK OUR CUSTO We receiveJletters and, lar te thse foilowing: Dear'Sir,- YourI- wor *satisfaciion. r g' * hitby!s Oniy Repa Brock St- S Elilmp Mnutai .,ed K"esldeace, Du S WITBY 0doors veat 01im Wi we preparud bru1W à pumpâ -on short .liie.d ta ailn. tfor-tIsa OtaniniWin im eizgnes s nd 'the - ý OrnasSep e No. 56 esieue. ARCHIVES 0OP 1 -l CLAREMONT. . 1

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