Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Apr 1913, p. 3

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rR EA . Bond, lustry"11 dîîîgly yîeld' oration INTOI ONT. br canada, 1* li sp iettew, sont &los rantee. *' nOw auction lM d! 1w au( ewas Mr e price s w irden soot commence OMaY u )n Banik, fi son. who1 toiler, bu aud Mr.j 1' T, We have alwa.yrs large, assortment ài>4-and i bk Prces fi $210 t. $1010 Jwlrand C Il Opposite PÇost Olc Itby- Oaro tore-é meoàr Rp.Addroau .O -plate --do-k wiIl b. les W any gýJrl or o f SCenic, froral. ,tocards at 10 cénts rdsý lnt eah a etý). , id timokeeper and 't' iarlor-or. bot. he$ - - - 1 - îd addreffl sOtd w. 5to* CellS. When .nd we wJiui >O. 3, 4Ql-Zc<; ex. Bar)oy->taritoba 70 to 7&r-. Buck- Fiour-1l'-nltoba fti'kts"î540;, do..- kerm, $4.70;- -VIn- .<tru igbt rtes Pq, M20 1o -$2.35; 1,; baff ef 90 Ibo., $20; <diorts, $22; $30 to $3se Is o,ý $12,60 ta 13 13e; do..eu.- Bl tter--Cho<-est 1, 3 0 to 31C. Egge Ls-Per bag;ý car h-7Wheat--No, 1 rthero 0.e(-; No. 11c', No. 5,76IL2, No, .rjce te. 3 do., 78 1-4de; -'.' 70 1-te; No. i 1-20; No. 1 rot, 1-4(". No. 3 d l-extra Ni r1.< No. 2 fesa No. 4, 48e~ rs. -- . i N-W0y, 88 No. l -i ;o. 2 Ncrth<-rn, .No,. 2 rye, tt patento. $4.. $41 '$ 4.50; -N.1 tiard, 14;No. 2 Nor. 8' 73-8e 'bld: ebld; No. 1 Ufiz et, $1. t 31 '-4 * bid - 6 3.4- Colmon - ni>,7 t4), 71. je005, about CI"hoj<-o t'N.port r,, $ 640 -ti$. 6.60; Coun , 1~ è5,; bull, 652 Cuitto-erH. ,3.2s 6..$ to $7; $3 tu 3.25. j. 700 to J100$ * 8tt<priug.. 'a-ré'J $9,20- ---I - -J -t W.Ce TeU. TRONG DRINK'S A DECEIVER- Stroag drlnk'e a deceiver, a modctrs ¶traitor, ~T; sfoe of 'the body, the mhd sMd ~te soul. It promises health, but iît spouslansd It ý fpoions, > D.tbrose God-llke reassns --and weakens coutrol. Ti% purent cf minde, ud thes weeteet -of natures' The drink bas degraded, mode low- it of low; So tbey are the wisest when preesed to partake it. Who stralghtway decline it and firmly say NO! %rave- wrctcbcneaa, povety, sin, crime and sadunefse Resuit from Uhc drink,witti iLs foui- bllgtlug gaîl. Eeu pestilence, famine *and war cause leshorrorsi Than tbis source or evil, most -fatal oAfal. Its victime by thousands on thous- suds are numbered,, The rich and the poor, and the great and the amati; * Tey only are- safe *ho decHine to * partake it, So let us refuse it now once andi for ail. It robsa ilttie children cf food and cf ciothlng, * -eprives tem et love andtilc- par- ents' fond care; It breake motbsr'a heart.-<t sm- brutes gentiet malioens, -Sproàds neot andi madaes and vice everywhore. -Cadet's Owa. LoalHappenilags For New Perfection oit stoves go to Oco. M. Rice. -Veny littile,- -if anly, setilng opera,- lions have hegunL yet lu titis tlcluty. 'Te grounti continues wet, u o - trylng tisys wouiti mako tise bighoe ant ligitter lanti lit for cultivâiom Nyto Cboeolatos....noue amgoot J. E. Wllils, druggit ami opticen. Mr. muntro, Of Wellington, (s ttc new toiler lnlte. Standard Bam* bons lu place o! Mr., Reed,-'who wai -tram.- ferreti to Newbovile. Whito crochet "rtton, 8 halls for 25c. durlng four days. aIe at W. G. -WalLon. Bey Pinls, for of Ietiet !au Sherbourne StxýW - "-w 'utu v! u~der" _J &dWn'.gv mIS T e Metitodist Tbbr j~te ii oe Mh1r.W.aett- f'iym nucretar ieooisn> don the dirciMODO npo! eW, oterirhoainuoic o- ae !i n104i:¶okfront 187' Ipoti #Oins ua largo adrertIse- 84' eot- i lc<o 886 46 ~~ectorfl- an-ogp Il pays -to adrerthig n, ",tjle WBEvtie Pte h . o paper,, whlch goes t<o alMogt r . 1895I d«elook oV th a ft . henÇ Inu the commuulty.Sllnsd .Stpeou the- mst Md o of teé Goodyear purchasers aike1&dë L p Sland' te 1 toWiin, jut bimiVt onI cc., BowmmUiiI1oe atiread-ti tltsad' otabl e umne . eeus n o3i~idren to ecliool1, vive of te e VitePaper. r1u. msRasketi wlat -ubicSl>lfrh dtht by June -olfe.e 800. .ein,,d charre ln_ file case. pli ns nd eci osT yîre. m oved t h lat cm.S Pl e s i lptios an recPee e targed$1 perinobit for Mbi our w ll h i o p er ly h lt r n ci o . areti J.F,.Wilis, le. .Jones.-aece1týed 1w 1Mr. COlîn 81.0 Srmentit. Àmentiment declar-1 Infor the seaso0n <'f crn cd. Club, cf Bowman- Mr . Hat0it. seCcgMdpd ,hv Mr 0en M o n d a v ( e v e n l n , t r . ? r v d t t d t e ~ i n l M n ru of a apreati at arrnetCmftet u1tie taie b.evr ctonwas 'nec e MMr tfn i da substltute for Mies Leonard. b W. G. Waters' CArIited. cunsain nette, 1fr Nmichlr rsnet eot Lite seli ol nro ertr sm a tte 'wOfc rue. atrtiy~ LJLJKING FOR A 1Oqm~. w~eie. ad et abtenw e RpE eeta f ' Upper -Canada, M. Pfr<scn 1eetd <o rp Tenta wneCali- CoileÏo wer _ nc luWhtby lutwee G-Vh h'noe ¶t»tet4 -rportwa a -f Mrs. Toms 0tlciIof tbc"Colce. Tt iltèe put- lDUs rnt'a'.r'-~~m Ifetiodilut Tabernacle, A4IniUP15411s<. Claniterton's ani cottes, VWo- 40 anti 5n. hbick tpnt!white, ott 3.5c. "Pr doz. durine four daya cf- sale at . Waltere. <)wiug to thbe stort' u st1Iriav <'veufn hte itelrure 4à ble r1ven hv Viss Titvlor. R. A.. of te Collorre. on '<Rnrm.qu ritin," wnrs nnqtncin<- 'tI i Prldav Pvmttn<. ni thi% week. Tho lec- lItrs will bp1 l1instratetéd vVt-iio sccte. Admission 1s5e. rTe Wenien's Tstitute wll helti-a tMtmbie tesa aths homes o! Mre,. D. Wilson, on Priday aitennou, Apnil 25th, frotu 3 b 7-o'cloc-k. Rfrêsh- tuent. wilI -lie servçd, anti a -mti program given. The-members of %Wt Institute are helplng to furnish and -maintain a cet iunlte new National Suaninum Hlospital for ceneUmtuitve chiltiren in Toronto. Tl-te procceds e! titis tea will be /devoted te tis cause. AIl ladies welcome. Admis- sin15e. Tite A.Y.P.A. heiti a scial Svttflhlg iu te Sundav Schéool on Monday svenlng last. Sixty nimetrs and' a number cf visitors 'were present. An excelent urorrarn, gaines sud refresht- ments were in entier after bhe busi- ness of te Asisocition was complet- ed, anti evervne tliorouitly sujoyeti thentuelves. The youtng men wili Put on ths Prozram -for <tie next regular meeting, which wilIl be itelt oentte' eveniug cf May 12. Just arriveti-our ýnew stock o! lawn rncwsrs, and blest of ail Uic pnices arc izht. Caîl anti look Item over. G M. Ries.* Tb was rsported l <>wtn last wiok tat te pisouers who bad escatet front custotir aIt t Ilospita for the Insane, Whitby, lbatibeeni uvec eti. Tiis was not <rue. however. No trace of Vhe tuen basbeen fotitit, soi poeJsibly the auttonities are net .Ver'y sorry. - A SUNDAY OUTING.- The Toronto Motor Cycle Club, tO te humber ef 83 -melon cYcles sud 5 lUVOSt teck a, îru t bt>'4Ù Sunday lest aud, tok dIi= Btv Ju Royal Hotei. T-alu t therun wu, matie seoezni toidicabétetaât L roawls muet he*ve gtBlyti*ovzd: durog the past twe weski -PoCial eue yard wlde -black paillette ffl anteeoti 81k rogular ueo, ý4 daya sale Prie. 7?ne. at +W.G. Walters. TIlE TO PAINT. WO have- the beot pâint "d1vamidi le th" marktlby-a.ciual ittandi our Pries are nlght. -Gin. 8a Bcali,,No' trOIIlle t@ show goqda. Ge M. iieý THuE ?EWqROCERY. Ile new grooery mIGo o pee i-ty Mr. Wm. 1f5eJà a few weoks glasb itee weiî Patrou5uod- ,Y tonlpOie thereon. ka an , -Oonicu was, ttinÙgs te lis learnid Sundar, Annil 27..- Momng-ý service Il o'clock.- Subjecî - "?-Ow to h1w Fistgblisbetd." .veninoe "Mrvce. 7 c'clock-Suhiect Goo< inutle lhv the< chair. - S. 9. anti Adtit classes at 'l p.m.. Men's Cl.asr.- BRAPTTST CTTTRCTT. S- . undav, Atvril 27. preacit. -Evlmnne .ubiert "F,,in Pnd .Ty, ai te <fifIenm e twem blietu." Evelrvhcvf- "--b:hmatie welconte at these Îervlees. CONE T N CHARADES. The tunder storin whieit began at 7.30l oclck lasb Fritiav cventng anti cuntinueti for - an itotr, preventeti Many persans front atteMItng tbe cuntest in Charadesitetil Vite Uap- tist sehool-rooxu under thte auspices of lte Ladies' Aid Society-. Notw t- stânding te storm, quilLe a numben cathereti,*andi a uicsb social lime was' enjoyeti. The finaL charade 'was taken Part in by titree pensons. Vhs word. ictureti bciug "backward," Ouiy two nerseus ln te oudieneguessedthei correct word. lunte second charade fve pensons tcok part, te word lilng "«punget." A-bout a dozen cor-* rect answers wei 'itantietinl. ]Refrest-' mrente ýanti reverraiotiter itemas cf pro. ,eam u 'recedt- and' folewed te- pfirsonal Mention. "y -a MeeGs iltt uTno-o-ii C.ek Iutnahoerrù Tor.nt W.n, utan a brefri Torontoon unay, f oono sPets u Csinvone, Trno Mpe. aunday lu atwn. elan-o Tor.ntI MArs Way-ine oln. o Mieç Nellis Smith, o! Toronto-, was- wll 'fidende lu -town on Suùdav. M1.iss Haie1iWaring 1wgaarcet 9get atLie home of 1Mr. Wnm. Maw. j MNrsý. W.H.L fge!Toronto$ a lite éý guct ci er ss VriM2s. W. Ricoo, ever Sunday last. -Mr, C ici t eù È rry,_ e! To ronto, uý'ilw -I' I e bsmother 'bore .over tbe wcek md. J. nient commi)tte hV:P tlé r là inthe huilding 'tflaeiieair fcr seats cbanged. ami te outslde - stepa- renarèd. .ànd ih4 t eh~ oI a azeMent- Comrit ter have te&cc tarv _. Pdvprtise in lte Toronto Glo%:e and Mail andi Etnire for a seponti- clisnrofeqlonal, teacher tb taire miss Wood'housc's place u Ic 111g Scbnotl buildinir, as soon as such as teachet' de obtained, that ýis od bouse 1w transferreft k Iufplrng Rqt,, echool to take sncéhclaSses a-; r: Henderron, tJie princ!pa;,. mayaefg to ber. Moveti ln amendînent lUV Mr-, Rn.s, secoudeti 1w Mr. Iiatch. that ttls, mo- ion O! Mfr. McClellan's bhe net*p - decîded by a vote of lté Board, 'but tbat it be reerreè te tille'3Standiniz Cominittees cf Sebnol Manegeett anti. Selool Propertv, qaid rcommittýee Vo reort to the BRoard- at the eanrljcat datel iosslhie. (Earrled. Mlr. R. H~. Waiks, P*..T., was re-1 qusted te address te Board ()n te Maestion of the needed i iprovements ino the Henry Street scito. 1f r. Are vou a working man, tabouring "bfard" for every COIN, Are you eveen on easy Street ? Don't you want that COIN to do it's best, its very best ? LISTENK _'17The fountiation' thg eipuces iCe crealcing. they, are7 QOME 1 SEE i If we're flot digging under- Ineatb. Lqw, vcry iow, expenses pute ýus on the end cf a strong lever to give yeu goodi at almoit' GROCER - WHITBY, ID0N'T MiSý;TE- Chance of gettlng yu Spring or Sumtmer Mit frbzn lB - 0IB PWELLO 'BokStreei '-Port -Wbtby, 7rometi. hone,bi&k front, bot air furnace, hall acre,lot- NerJunc4on I<rame homse -seven, ,roomu, hot ar furnac, oic-hait acwre- lot,-- 'wltbfruit. iramne bou*se, sétable andi six acres, 1f4#4n, jut outaie corporation. 9 ,other bouses, wlth n-rqa~ acre lot Lo 3 acres landi. 4- lots on Victoria- and BIyron - S. 4 -lots betwesu Pý-alace sud HIehSt.-- $evmla- fanms for sale. ThOas ventie t t buy or'ssII iiown or f an property .anjpiy te FRANIC E. JONE S.. Wbitby, Ont~ For Salé, 'bn- 1AY-0l o 'l'Millauo mlId -faercsOf ROMulci'land Ià t Mewmabflp etf lckIerlug, stue.te& on tbc Base iLiSabot haIt -way. be- tI t o s u W i V v a n t i P ei o n l - d tom i a torev tframe- b ouse, bank 'ban witb itnons stbles antiont- buildings. Wilill sii abS4dn._ Two frame bouses on Disnues t.. <'oe totwn saton aitacre Of -&-n u atd , goot o r citrd an ti wa b r ' R . e u tt k e , o x 4 1 . W l ib y , o r 2 15 2 Mbtourne street, Terontok. -Miscellaneous Àdverts. WANTED. - Fart c dairy wonlc by man and wife. Apply te ýGeorge, Noakes, Wbitby, or Gazette, Wbitby. -- TO RLENT OR FOR SALE.- Six-noometi- semi-detàcited brick .bouse, gooti loeality. The Misses Pow- ell, Wiitby, WANTED AT ONCE. Tinmitts, machiniste, fitters, dcc.. ticians, moor me,, andtebstos. Me- Laughiil Motor Car Company, Ld., Oshawa, ont. - BOARDERS WANTED. Coinfontable bouse, convenieut Vo churci, sciool, station, etc.,_ Apply atkthis office or P.O. boxr 126. WANTED. -- Carebaker for Bowling Green. A~ ýp4y at once te 1fr. A. T. - a ln WMVby. ' FOR SALE.- Chle- building lot, ear'Junetilcu station. - -Appiy te Dr-. -John- Waught, *Mhty.-44.-- ite b ouse and pncperby -of Vhs late, -D. Onmiston., Appîy ta, Miss E. Or- miston, withy. P OR SALE. MYcLaghiln bhuggy, -cptter, Planet Jr. s'et drill, step-ladder, ibt-beti sashes sud tramne, 1-herse plongit, 'Sufflr, ,,cutlng-b «, w4itlpnow, ecythe, gnindstoeoand ti ete-articles. Apely ýto J. H. GALe,--42. WANTED.--Ù A'competent womau or- girl fr gs orlhosow ok. Appjy'It Witby, Apnil MS. TL,3E - WANTED., Lt o coré improven 'snd twe ap- -ptieS te leara olrossmaiugi Ap. ply te MUS.' WORFoLI(. - EGGS FOR" AE Pu i red i- to e goa n BaroiRok. 1poer settin . AISR 3,, bsrýe elturuandi a-- umber et bm vus. James nflP t Wltbyl. H1011E FOR 8SALE. Ou--BÉrock etrèet,, fraffl osev,ve tern waer,4ionW1atan<uelot u4ItJ aia -o mallri Apply teý V'o oor.iWM* 1913.. th té in, to qrow 'f -Wb.tby, uga teaveÏ,1 sd . acoreding.-t tbmn t Èa bave Dat6d 19t-A Wercd te tite per- týSecttioue 8 andi 9_CIO ~r'List Act -ihe ýt to aatd Act,, c S e,. ýg by te Iset rW- Roil cf saiti Muùt- ýIed to votéithe' at elections for Elecions an Oatls, 8an.el ras first posted up OtSbr >iVbY, on the lltit PaEiI ti. upon to exam- PaCUn.1 and, if any OMIS- errors arefound J,. 0, NWIEY iCO. Wbltb bdilng 1msN We ave ail kinda -of seeds for the garden, -by bulk ndi - r packages at >2 for 5c,--5ealnd .ioc each,- allrrew. ro old stock. AIso Carter's.Tested English Seeds.- Tonto tawn Gas ed, 30e pkg LargqePineapples; " 20e each.,. B a nanas. LettuceDIa.ily. tino.E; W TE3R -USE' \VHITBY Phono Il k'rompt Delivery. i CHEAPEtR -F00 -TU" PoTAT(IES- Chloice Eastern -Delawares zcf firest quality, - Pedpath's XXX Granulated, 20ibis. for $i -01M i tly New Laid,i8cpgr- doz. * Choice, pure--Man-itoba For, $265 lier bag. ~W. B. RJ!.3L &OO 'WHITBy TRI 1- ýI.,- ç o srtâýbv ca * e'd % .-e- of-i stock Ail the iBo'-oks ielse th- iof stati, :w. Leadi BROCK-S au iat cA4 AAJ5ecl.i< ewest- thingé ..in Papers,- ci agzies, Rubbe.rs, gëes to make -thé'e st ery.in tuwn. Pensand Inks, and é~rerythin2' -~ complete stock et, uour i i Ai pli one Prolmpt Déli'v for cooking à, Pens i and ev li

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