Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 May 1913, p. 7

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Ptr Eance, vas the" entmy they WiU oppoe:ýthe tunnel ase sturdily uài theirfathers. Ând f>iotiffa-- ~ On.i wl not 'do t*irai»,-gh _ 1bopei in triveiers who 'rebeiier1 iuily the. hôerrasof a-o)&nDnel pa.s- sage But 'What a- greatthing for 1tavel and,, omnrderCe a chaniiel __4UDne1 would, bel1 Tharnes eM bankuient >isneo .1ýnger the: "sh<Sw plae'? -of -LOU: '-eon s poverty.. For generatione the beuches and sidewalka of the e ýembankmezithave served au sleep- ing _q4arters for - clown and outs îgtl.Ther served as the. lester- 'ing places o!f. disease and crime. * 'i:iey do so no longer. No man. M jLAndon 'need now. sleep. out c! Thr'ough:tii. efforts of John Burns- ý-tie various ch.rity.,,shelters of!-th e 4y have been 'brought 'ihin reach , ai necy. The -police hav been cilUed into co-ope Mo.Te un- 4r tiuate mon and women- wio seelc 0oold pavement cf thei. embank- uetfor rs are directed by the i policeman o'n 'the, beat to a noir-1 by ofice., 1ntiat office a man lu in, te1e honfe communication with evory ýlulter'. Thie man or w9man br'oudh in luis given a -posu toone1 6! those' places. In tii. ahelter the. down and ouqt1 iunet merely given. a bi te sloop in. H. lu required to take. bath. ne. in alsJ-given breakfast the~ next morniug. In pla4cing the homeles men in tiie 'various sheltere dis-1 tinctionl. .1 ade between the. man11 "*ho ls a -iiopeiess derelict aud the. turnh is only temporarily down $,ý In'e nthat way many a maxi- -who libeining te drift downward s aved f1» the. underworld and -restored t iocityý.as a. useful mem- &I1ways DeYoi Bes$ Even Thou6h' Iu a golden franîe on the German Emperor>s desk in Pnis satudy is te, b. found the '!oU1,wing .code e! "'Be strong' in pai<n; don't long ' for -wbat is unattain4ble or worth- *less; b.e atis.fied with the.day as ,,cornes ; look for, good iil ail ~ tig;b. satisfied ,îth oeehJeur o f happinesa 'for'a tlieusand bitter ones; alway-s do your -best even thougii you may net b~ thanked. "He - iio leAris Zto d thes" .tbings will b. a happy man. We iust conider every oue an equal or superior tillthtei - cpntrary is -. ce.Tiie world is so great £nd we nien 8so nal thus everytiig cannet b. happening about us. When we sufer an injury or are% .harmed, wiio knows but that -it is forý tii. good of creation In, èvà, erytiug on eartii, dead or aive, livés Ithe great -white wIll o!t:-ÃŽ. -Creato9r, ýniywe little beinga clon't realize it. - Everytiiing is for the --besuin tiié eyes o!-the. Creator." 'Tiie 'words are those of the. En- - Dr. Osier tells the. folewing te filustrate tue elasticity of the. Eug- ,Uii language as used by the South- e runegro. Ont :day thiere came toe i.cliiic Snegrese 'vitii a broken jaw-. Tii. ,,aniniug piiysician, intent ou dis- 44veong the exact nature sud ex- ' .,'t o! the 'ijury, asked numerous ,xestions. To ali !tbfsxiu the neg- .'i fr.Sss returned evasive ahsvens. Fin- ,Àlty sh*a admitted that eh. vwas "ht su anobject." "* Was iV a large object or as mali -oject?"' asked tiie phyuiciau. "Tolle'by large." "Was iV s hard object or a se! t r "Tel'>by liard." "Was it-ooring rapidly or slow- 13'1" je "Tolie'by fast." Tien, her patience exhaust.d, the,' Ç -eress turnq e tii. epiysician tel th trthdoctor, I Wa" I- sriemau iiein te ac". is estîmated at 210,090. Tii. Duke aud Duces>e! Mont- rose -uare -té enterta;nm.easl in LUndon thiî steasngthan during thi, paitfeyes'1eaT M' -t seskinig a suitabie to*Wn usidéiace. - 8 lI the cotton .zills msxiual--Iab'or ha been reduoed shouf-50 -per. cent. i Now ôné weavmer maxiases4Lron t+ot td',ten borna, wiere. oee 1uu u formerly tended by ont 'iyorker. t The 'Rev. J. E. Adderl'e,- .Bïr- films, says- sermons- arm sometimesO delive6re4 i o people whà realyý don' kuow what the . preacher, la talkixig about. ' - Mrs. -Susan Aiôoek, w'ýho.;died a,ât Anderton, Norwichi, Cheslre,aged 88; lèit no lewer than -66 descend- ants-three sono, three daugiite.rs, 40- grandcildren and 20- great- Seoiland Yard, ýlodn -aruaed by the. threats c! wcmexi, lias sent eut warnings te ownerai aud ten- ants o! property o! possible devel- opment,-sud ýtii..police everywhere are, tain& uniusuai precautions. -148hakespere,"sidaPPgi teenth century Writer,- '.w-&#mas- ter o! two books unknown to many* o! -the profoundly read, which the. Iast econflag ration cniy côuld d6- stroy :-the book c! nature and cf maxi.' The. Times aunounces the. death o! Admirai John Ha1iday Gave,J C. B., state~nigton, aged 84. H. Pol as seniori uea the ti- Dia- mon&d, sud 'ashonorably nmentioni- ed as wounded at the eterining oL,_ Lëndon, lhas abe en the, buriat place o! many o! tiie great- çt id« d'e u gthe. Duke o! daIs was -buried in -1$9Q in the. Crypt, aud the. Catiiedral also Con- tains memorials te soldiers c! sucii reuown as General - Gordon, Sir Henry Lawr.'nce and Sir John Moore. Thle pôpulation of- thépii. nfcipa1 parts pe! tii.: -Britali Empire -ovet- seash iinreased i the. 20 y's from- 1891 te1911 a& !ollowa-Iný- dia, 287,t70Oidn 1891axid15,086,-4 00<> in 911;Austelia 3A174000 and 4,569,000; Southi AInes, 2,071,- 000 and 5,937,000; West Aies, 1- 649,000 and 20,177-t00 ; 'Canada, 5,- 035,000 snd 7,447,000. Prof. Jordan, Lloyd, semeor sur- geon at the Queen's Hospitai, Bir- minghamu, and a well-known figure in connection 'wflh medical juris- prudence, died witii tragie sudden- neas on the. 4th inst., a# Edgbaston. wiiere he- performed severat oper- ations, Mr. Jordan Lloyd walked home and'died fromi angina pec- tciris a few, minutes alter entering his house. FRANCE LEADS IN AIRUIPS Rfas e~ Different liakes t. 47'o! - Other Nations Combined. Au nallysis of the, existingmokes o! aenopiaxes and iiydre-aeropianes maeby a French ne*,op&per shows 'that Fran.ce aionpyxme"ses forty- eight 'compared :vitii -forty-seven --rdited toail other nations cern- bined. Numbers sien., it lu point- eéd out, do'not prove -nuch, b6ut tiie chie! records give Franice aise the firat place. The. non-stop' record lias been beaten tiWenty-three tumes, tire times by !vrelgni machiues, twenty times by Frnch. Thie speed record lias been heid twice- by foreigu. ma- chines' sud cighteen times by Freheli. Th. heigit record has been beaten tweuty-five times, four tinies by foreigu machines, Vthe rest -by French. Ln the list drawu up America luR crcdited with two makes o! biplane. (Wright andc Curtis.> and thnee o! hydro-aeroplanes (Bungena-!Wright, Wrighit snd- Benoiet); 'Gresot Britain with aine makes e! biplan.s, eleven of monoplan-es sud on. hydro-aero- plane; Germauy with six maies-e! biplanes, seveuteen o! moxiepiaxiens aud twe hydre-seropia.nes; Francle vitii tventy maken of biplan-es,ý tveuty-!ou-n - o! monopianes and tventy-fonn -of hydro-aeroplanes. Tii. rémaining countries de neti rea-cb double figures. Itaiy bas nixie, Austnia, tire., J&pan, Russas sud Swtzerland eue eaci. -Tii.maxi vi labuylng hi. ious.e on tue inatalmeat pianaxiow vishes lue 0ould 'redecorate it -in ý-Vie samàe iv, pwdce th, three head6. O!S têii$,-fve w-ere lo6k!ngý tired, thrTè seemed to baAaI&,u~pn their shounldeis thê burdéens-of, thvworld, odtii.eter two'lo)bked oiùt upop the, roadway, athejlgh it wua fot there. Tii hea Tat&wr-fm ekus:7restàurafi in the Strand ,tri;l toy ekp1an. it aifl. "It às an age o! 'wory,".he~s«d. Look ,around thus rom -There are herethirty or - orty pée*rsons, wê -t lsd bei!lg erved wïth- am ornfothe fineât- !of In rEurope, yèt scarcely _one o! In$dodStreet, and there- bouts-tii. ectors' promemide- the-Maoébeths of yffsterd&y aird tii.. Rnof o to-morrow ail looWkek Haltso rnelancholy, as their mein. b utside one o! the, biggest agent' s eeven of them atood toge- ther, al 1ini an "ÀAs, poor Yorick 1" mood. .Do G 3As- RAwLWAY GUA&RD9. Parl& Police Degs Are Trained to At ter-severaV ,attempta had beeuLý made t<> damnage the raiiways us ed for. the. triansportation of Grèek' trOcm iatQ Turkiih. territory, dogs. were, employed to,. uard -thi ea, t4 e G r ek' Govefrnmeuit being-- un4' aâbletospare soidiers for tii. pur- pe.The. resulta were excellent At Larissô in partcuLn.r, ten raioadUnewaaeffioac'ously Pro- tetd ydoga'L -Èor ev4yars -perfetly 4nà. heexi aaegxi"ed te important txe Ai l aoug the-bahks 61 th6 Ssine- dogs vatcii for accidenite. P&ae lms. p&osenger i oÉàu 'txwry mani fr11. off oh. C thie'nma ny ,buSte end0 bage py u àiensàstiy. up suàa-d Opti- e ne e othi big inte thie vàter to'thinueu, bsrk- lng to give the aiarm, d-eddtea sozuers te. suld fr4àu jiixi Pi leuemy, ov~ness fired upon, as a notodrlous _bani f«t"' his cent ,durins a r«~en. struggle te- escape wiii being cneydto trial. This la a -resuit ýobtsid by 'careful training. Hov to de!end us -mater lu an- otiier importaàt'lessuxi taught the police dog.. The dog must suani aud bite as soon as an attemnpt te iold Uphis =aster je made. Lu this the.'police deg is develeopiug mar- veilous qualities. Hie menai trainin-g furms as much o! a police dog's education asis professional lessons. H.ela taugiit te be houe-st aud f aith!ul and net te accept s bride. Tiie latter la immortant because poiso»ned matlaoften offered te, these oge. Tii. police ceg soou learus toeaet uothing but vilat his master serves hlm sud is au exami- pie te rnany me-n in hie resistance te, temptation. I!DI'S IUBLE GATEWAY. strueture to Mark Spot of Ring George's. Laud1nt. Lord Sydenhiam, the. Governon, reSnxtiy laid the. loundation stone o! the building, the. -synubolicai gatevay co! India, wvhichi la Vomark tii. spot vie-ne King George landéjf on Ludianu soi on his vsy t-o the Delhi Durban: The struceture, viii b. o! sbîuîng white marbie, - sud the style -o! architecture choEen u*s mixýec Hipdu aud Moalem. Tii. total coatbte building yull be about $300O001 of vhich the- Govelument oi India lu contributiug two lakiis;o! rupees, tic Bombay Goverument tire. lakiis, Sir Jaob - Sassoon Vinee. lak!i,-audthe Bom-bayiCorporation- oue laki. Refe"rn-ting to the ihappy combina- tien ofthe'Hixidu sudti.osei styles, Lord S deniiam- said - he .arn.etly,'hopedthat Vils vould b' of good au gury -er , advaute o! the. geat Indian commcunities hand" ln liànd'tevards uati-oniiÃ"edunde'r the guidance o! B itish nul.. - Deuied. Judge (Vo netonieus ban-k i.obber> -Tiiey say you ver. lu pelitica oun thie other aide. Accueed (Wlih, o!!exded diguity>-- Neyýer, yu oo!Plities výUld hae r=indMzy oaatr nitv ln INPETIO 1EP S'EXACTý- ING WOBK. Rluin lu Australia- Reeultlng, From Drought Now Prevented by _ Irrigation. the. world, sud a large, perCentagZe o! young Boitiqhers who endgrate1 thiieland .ventually on-a - sheep1 etation. .A. 'uew cqmomr, tiiey must, - co>mmence ie as-a jaolceroo, wiiich is the niatuve najme for tiie fr-e.uuh-1 maxi, sud must for a; wile do auy- Liing. 1 1 . . A jsckeroo ià paid.aboutfifteexi shilings a!6w.ek, with loard and Lo4ng. Mter\ some nu$bs'ex- penîenoe, durmu>g 'wbich hbs l.amrt to.ride abore-buok**mpers incude-hevai b.tesectas a career l penhap iïme at tis, ~. vi t41by b. s&y in the. ."' ora oth -ut .aoe round- i up, or ridig-in ée.p ýowiiini certin bêunt y. B 'Re uts at ertain îuntobsom!hie üs- veIs, sd it m lyé. x 'c t#eryone- Peniapsl.wl~e~ûn ber o! heepded*'&'oViieretyn msbegthere4d, d burut. -'Bore zidesc! -the Ëi uniao!r i- ïpectioxi'-wo>rk o!f .#oundary#nier would have ow do-c'an b. gained f rom tw th ae tW'taýO name c! Vthe targer .eheep "a" osthere 'are- as m.y s #0Q00-eiiee->.The.-animaisa 'Mrao"dr for Mil. ifthei- fiat, li seai'eiio!f fod, and 4V i.nefflssry for~ ~ ~ ~~< ardrpiocà1y t ound thmup sud dirive them baék witiiin oerta.in boundaries., À Ll]Ékely Decl4es te "Squat!," After a year. or two on a.eep statio n, -the ui4gratt may akain to t-he dignity o! shearing. He wiil be- gin to conaider himsel! an expert ini mutton «natters, sud bis enthusi- asm will probably tend toward tiie de * i- n>o! being a squatter, or a eiieep btatio>n owner buiset!. But airthougli experiexice' teaciies, tiie new chuni wio comnimences tif, on a siiéep C aion -in Australia lias ma'uy lznprtant conditiona to con- aider. Shee.p b ~ ~ ei g iu certain parts o! Austral-la isprecarious, mas- mucii as ite success depênds entire- Iy on t'he amount of graes feed. The drought, which -las almeut ruiued Austral-la over sud over * again, pisys bavoc with the sheap, owing te the grass being dried snd burt up. Tiie animiais die off lu thou- -sanda, Èknd the. youug squatter lis eoon ruined. In accordance with Au.îtratia's devetopuetit, -e ruh The Risk -fDo-h is beoomiug uimizcd more sud. more. Irrýigation-the pusnpin-g o! water f nm rive-nsand main irriga- tion chaume-les long artificiel waten- ways eut ti-rougi gcenessd acres o! is-nd-iias greatly iiel-ped te coun- eraet any disastrous dnought. If King Sol predomilate-s tee long, fan-me-s just re'sort te irrigation Vo vuter the ps-reed laund. The- Governunl of the. various statea are ma-king henculean efforts te pro'vide* irrigation eba-nuels b cultiva-ted' areas dietanced frei nan- tural waterws-ys, se tust lu a few years Vo corne -etticra may invest tiue a- mouey in land sud stock produce wthout fear of drouglit. ib Buildings et Asbestes. Aebestoe plaster, used lu tiie samaeenmauxer as coucrete at the. pue- sent tili,, viii, 50 a western con- struction comreen belilves, solve soeas1 -prelems. Lt lu ciaim.d net 9nly tus-t building& oonstructed o! Ïtioh-materiaf wouid lie absolute- iy, fireprool, ,no matter iiov hotu s fine, might be raging on eltiier- sic., but- that thé. unecf Such Plaste, viiichi l a por conducor o!fii.&tt wbuld'saveý > fuel li w-in4er and keip. intenlors cool li _u.ammer. *Asbestes' à .40 SOund-procf, wii aa-d~ pjjýj1i eatu-re o! importance, -par- frêm"228. te 24s'. per wee. The grois. earnfings o! 150 steam-t erà !rom -Backie, snd, district- at thei. witer.iierrlng fishilg-has -beexi cal- cuIated te 'amount to' $487,500. Tii. estate o! Liôciivaie, .belong-t idrewLuýk, lias beén purchssed by James 'Olenagb.an, cattie dearr At a,-meeting o! the dxbur end Leith C orpo-r*ation Oas Comý- he!been-receiv-edifoýr the. C9rs- torpiiiue oic!gas -works. Out -o!fegrd te the, feelings oef ite poor, - Faikirk PaýisiiCounçil1 has deci.ded,, o .eliminate the, word If pauper" '-suàd-.,substituàte.-4'recipi:- eut" lu- its books- Mr. Andrew, Dic6kson, clerk o! woïks, has just, netired after 35 years' faitiiful' service in tii. Hope-7 town estates, sud was th. recipi- eut o! many presexita. -An offer has ben -made,. by- Pais-i iey Art-Institute.to build sud iiand over to tiie Towni Council, Ire. o! cost, -an ý addition tote iexisting. art- gajlery. Dunfermline Town Ceuncil'ha. resolved te borrow £90,000 for tiie purpose of tiie construction.- o!-au outfall sewer te, the Forth sud sub- .sudlaryýsew.ers. - ýOperatiêus have been 'b.gù fî0i pupigth - w-àter -out of the Glas-', gorr tunnel-asud puatting the lbàciury- ai& the, elevators into -working order. Greenock Corporatiçon have de- cided ig laUki tenckrs L»r the ý -* àt:io! ci -nextension fo t ée burgh gas venus, -te be ouastruct- ed on the. vertical retort system. -Several whales have been might- eci sporting -tiiemeelves some mniles nortiio e!ti May Island', and it Jes believed that they have !ollowed iierring te the mouth, e! tii. -Firtii o! Forth. Stepa have beexi takexi witi' tii, view of- holding in Aberdeen'-next year ; nati4nal.; exiiibitüon,~rpe sextative 'particulsrly o! -tii.-fish- ing Mnduatry sudItii. geneial.-trà.de o! the North et Scotland. William Meikie, Chapel Fanm, Stratuilaven, was fined £2-at Hein- ilton -Shériff-Court- for elto'wing a dairymaid ivhe iad recently been lu contact witii pensons -suffering Irom seâtlet lever te milk-'cows. Tii. nicdeling o! tii. memor;ial 'for Edinburgh te tthe- tate Rigiit Hon. W. E. Gladstone by Dr. Pit- tendrigh Macgillivray, R.S.A., lias been completed sud the statue will b. ready for setting up ln about six montiis. ICELAND WLLL BE "DRY." Presexit -Stock 'of Liquors te Be Exhausted _by 1914. rAt the-,nd e! the present year, accônding te, ne-vs reocuved f nom Copenhagen, iV vii be imp3ossible for either nativea or toùrista to ob- tain aieohotic liquorn lu cciand. Unden the anti-spinit la* permis- sien was -given to consufle the Pre- aenu stock o! liquone lu Icelsnd, and- figurng ou the per-ëa-pita-côn,. sumption it viilail be gene- by the. end of the. year. Tii. goverinent adopted the drastie prohibition laws becs-us. it vas feit that the excessive dninkingof tue Ic-elan-ders was uuderminnug the , physical fit- ucas efNlie people.-- 'During' the iast tweuty yeas the trade and industry o! Lcelaud lias increased enonmousiy. Twenty yeare aàgo there -was net a -dainy lu the. countny; now thirty big dainies9 are seuding taiousands o!- casks of butter -to, Leitii su Edinaburgh, Scotland., Sîeep- raising' is a-lso be- ceming an importabt business. * Fieiiing, iiowever, continues Vo lbe the staple, ludustny of the. people. Tweufy .years ýago 15,000,000 peunds o! dried cd- vere - -exported- from Ioeland aunuaity.; -nov 50,000,00 pouhda ne, siipped _eack year. Twenty-one- steam- traviere- nov sail W>ithIhtie.r liauls - dirmtly. ..Io Hull, - Eugiand. Tiie country -still neea immigrants, much cfit being unteue',ute. 'W .r- W , vien Ivsyu age-I didn't rhave as .ýiuc Iinoney lu a inth a, you - spend' lu ad .S3n-'"Well, pa, do't spqoi4. pu about ï 3Vihypdon't o-,go' rdi -grsndiather V '-: relatl'On o!.individuâls, but only ldse-paney through tie opposition ýand rela- -not by means- tieon the uiifr sil can réalize itsel! tion, o! spiriti aS 'au individual whiole." become deej A scient «ist- may insist oce inter- more.-Rev. preting&*.'ý probiem of thi&-'sôrt bya Japaese Evi iEIJODAY SCIIOW. ,STDYI INTg!RNATIO-NAL LESSONX MAY 4. Lesson V.-Joseph Intérprets dreamâ4a,,Gen. chap. 40. Golden text, Job 32. S. Verses 9, 10. Chie! butier - Cup- bearer te the kinig.' - A vine was before me-In bis dreami the king's cup-beirers -1ees the whole process o!f'wine-maklng transpire before- hie eyee lun a few moments o! ti me. It vas asr ,tiougii tue branches, ofe! tue vine budded, aud as though their. hies- soins ahot forth, sud tiiese li turn grew -axidbrougiit forth ripe grapes. Verse Il. Pressed them into Phar"ao cup-Tiie usuai interpre7 tatian'- iven - te -tus verse "ou'ld ieadý us te -t]ink o! unfermeuted grape-jie, 'refresiig aud as igt prited-li uuicieut Egypt as- litusunrerici-t.b-day. - But if we t ol'low the suggestion. given lu th. tpreceding-,paragraph lu connectio'n wi4h vrsqeP p-sud JO rgç<ji' sgune.the-.draita -euacled in t he Vîi ioan te lucelude the transformnatZ* o!-ti.-rapa-juice inte winel-before the cu ugiven inte Pha-raoiis iisnd. Lt ie- well known 'tbst fer- mented vine- vas; a, ommoxi bever-. -ageamcu- -na » ecient peuples, in c iidixg - both Hebrews sud the.- Egyptians.- - -l3. --Li t up thiv head-Beiustste tii..i l fce; do,-the. -houer. Com pare _2: K-luge !à2-727: ~vlmrd ach, king ef Babylon, in 'thiiyear that h. ,began te. reign,, didlift,,Up,1 thie'iËead of -Jlehoinchin, king of: Ju- daýh, out- of prison."Yy 14- Buth ave me i-n nemembrauce -Do not louget s friend whoia su!- fernug -uxjust imprisoumeut viien thou are again lu a -positio6n Vo shiow - kinduess. Briug me eut ef tuis house, - Bing about - MY release from mi- prlsonmeut sud slavery aud my nesteration to deserved -freedorq~.- 15. Stolen away-And therefdre net tawfully a pnisoner on slave. 16. Three baskets of White bread -The mesning o! tii. word4 trani- lated "white -bnead" Isiuncertain. Varlouis earlier translations of the. ffebrew contain. different re,pnder- inge, buch as "'baskets of palm' branches," "'wicker-work., baskets," sud "ail manuer'-of bsked food,"' phastry, cake, bread, c -a 17.Lu tcakesuperadetcbskt. The I pree u ! lmanue bsked The! luseeo Vis baket esofna han odie 'thi sat emnt hat the-vs itte seuenailthee basket-ws w(Compre comen lt ou pbecedts' vérse.)arf cemwere te aubatiut uvrse 16 Ifi. trnsla- sti e "i erbsk6,-ets ! alm branc-hes" or bastsie ofikeraor baskets," then the-two lover bas- kets miglit b. tiought.of aes being empty. so that viien the. birds had devoured the rcoutpnts of the up- - pbrmýoàt*basket tiiére vas nothing Ileft for the chief baker te serve fo ~the king. Tic baker experienea the. heplessuies se scommon iu dreame sud is 'net able te frighten away the birds. ai9. Pharaoli shalt lift up tby hea-'Tee, iterpretatieu eof th8 dreain begine exsctty like the. lu- tèrpre tation o! Vie butler's dream. Tiinee momeuteus wonds are, ho-w- ever, added-fnom off thee. Tiese. change -thee luterpretatuon !rom eu of promise te -eue o! doem. Rang tii.. ou a tree-To expose tii.dead body o! a maiefactbor vas te ixicrease tiie- degnee o!fuisi The,birds shah 'd _a t ty fleali-_ Tii. ýEgyptians believed that - thie preservation - o! thé body asg.a mulnmiv as essèntial te a. nenson a, essieu for nation l"rn the, ancients wae th( their kling. -Th6na. that iu Egypt 1V vas celebrate the. birthdsaj ing Pharaol- iti-gre including 'religloua ci the. graxiting e! pa. prisoners. Both ti s"à thechie! baier j ,f rom' prison, tii. e to bis formerofiet executed. 22z As. Joaepii iiad the.pn--Both drea ms 1 evexi as.Joseph iiad f 23. Yet dld ne't tba the. feliow prîsofler is entineiy for-, gotten axn.d'tii. oic!sunroundio'ga of prospérty-and po'wer. 'EXCAVATINO !-IERO'S HROUBIE- Art - Gallenles of! "Nero's Fouj" - Wier. Fffleftâh Earth. - -Iutere'sting i-&avations aie- Winj« made i4 NerW'a "Golden IHoua"3 y- the. ItaIisp Goven-miexi,- ie at, [teution vas drxawu ote . subjeet by - Dr. Fritz Weege, a& yoit4n'g-zGWrman - anchiseologiet, - aut4ior o! a tnestis e ou one - o! the, r4wo * ÏAu4 t a 'palace knowu as "Neno's -FollY" aud which covered an-aresabout thrice that ccnpied by the. present Vatican with ail its al:purtenance-- Erected alter the -burning e!f Rome in A.D. ", the "Golden H a1o u s e , -" v iic h ',x te n d e d - he m , t ii, ýPala;tin e far up the.. Esqualine, sund of which the. artistie Emperor Clom- placently nemarkedy "I 'arn -no*w lodged4 lesa a, mn bold 4bey"wa~s eonv.eè d by his succeàsors: unte otiierýedifices,, acconding te te- vil e i.Colosseumn -arose Io -tue site o! tii. Nenoniaxi -Lakie, the,- batbs o! Titus aud.o! Trajan respectlvrely r9preïent Coth pontions _o! -tii FNeronian: palace. The. immense and riciily decora'ted gallenies vere more thaxi half-filied up vith earth"-sud recentvýisitera had to grope -threugh tue- dark, bent nearly double, to , svoid touchîng_, the.coiting. 0f:tflein ural paintings-- t-he; p ost iuterfesting is 'that ef -a-' wann ion 'with noddiug. behlmeti, a' wec- maxi holding àa chic! (clearIy- iaiible in tiie-paixiting) -sud-another-womniax lu the, backgrou'nd, *Whde -a gâte s-ad .battlixuents are. also, notioae- able. - -Be&ldes the, murai paintings, -tii.' excavations, have, ýreveaied- -a num- bèr o! hlstýoric names, scratche-a!- -ténrtthe fashion o! the tounist, ou the valls. -Nean1Ir 200 -names bave, beeni alneady uoted, dovu,- beginniuýg-with the year; 1496. Mont o! ethein--are Du-teh ; , but 4f, Bnitens-, -there.;,are Came-non, -Buchan sud. John Pan- ker. 1',On, king-ha*,crawled- hMs naie tiene -Gustavus Adolpbtus 111- of- Sweden,-with the -date 1784, eigiit years- before is assassination. F-atronizilig a Frineffe How the Crown Prnices- e! ýGei- mauy once met'a nbi l ti-l sa Berln despatch. -The --pnincess, takes igreat interest ilu, ail -measuiea that alteviate thie- lot of working girls. As the ae~~esh ie once - applied, incognitoy,à-on be-hall of'-a protege. te a - esdl m ftn!dres.s- mÉakers for a- posïiion asia ïdel. -- ýI' came,'>'shè, said; "because 1 saw yeur adetsemeut, and ' I m ao u n at- " r- la id bis - - - - The mngr :i 4 pon her ý,shoulden. "My begh"h ome agam next m il s e e 'Cil c t - 1 u S e , 'iv, for it in tay- kag- 'ce in e sel. [in- ars hi. ti-- r- re,- 1

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