Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 May 1913, p. 4

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litC-3ïAl.Had belived Jcva'; !W.wardï--A-.Jub~8 ,uIld ipve blIn, igh Ly-two- years eld , ult ~4I1~br dedprior te bis matur- 'ec ti.MrWJ1t rIs i hr idsonieettLre er g ~I 1t31. ndhebeng heoI'Y oi,~Ej agnin, be put up for compettficL->n TheI suinedte r psp, iy ot carin<fr ea that is fortunateenouh:toq au 114 I oth r aù d gand uither, as w l k è ti iýljsc e ~ oa u i i as the rsojis!bilityý ooeaectç with utAt. rsei bi hl h.te S.W tearand anagmn-o ua-wrwowodn'Itthree -years ngo Ird-ncre fri iha-eicumric cf Pur repfeseÛtatves, 'onie f rom a cc $59 i t, nic i du t~no orpld ward, were appohLte by thie chir't andi aÏ ~is naturity he'was highhY r-atn- omite-frUctown spected and was recognized. by ail league gamnes wihich wiil be lhelti as Who knew him as 6fte -0f the nb à11et eoe i hrdyaterlIoàIs during and' mot reliablew eo!f aans u-te sumÏmer mointAs. AlPersosde jeets. *,, -sirous o!hva Bregod sport -- He was united .i .iarringe wnf durliig the summer, report themoelves Oscar-Dowuey, work bu road div,> 17, CIhauin !,ior., -if. eighteea years o! age to Miss I.4ydln tO - . $11.3r Bert uC W On on addVt12, .1 eGIepieI forgrài Clark,'- with whom lie lived happily te manr.*AmUhk4a untl 4ay1~ 199,whe dathtok --~17,- $4.88'; R. Tr1ÏÉ, wr road el. bauled iun DuIbartoiL Village, 75. bier from i hm, and she wap, interred For esadvS 101 e.Faks~ rP $&0;-tCineboe o ear lu te cmetry hat ny itla tie ~~oe ~ ~ - -cleiand work on scraper, $18.50; ing culvert betwepht10id-, o! isesat, ai non nt ye u qe umsmy TOUI,8, Thos._.ý»wuey, road, werk div 15;intcon. 8,'$1 ;'W. Harvey,for repair- th boundarie Et WOU't- $5; r- TQI, roati wérk ýdtv.' 15, 149 çulvert 'On KiiaÀ.stop od -.1 ,as'h Hubl brigground," o c>~~oet aa viiere hoe laid to rest bis grandmotb- Topov6c~- .- Ah.I ]upa!am, renioviug brush W0c;W. Bifton, for cleaiig ditcblai --cr, Who lived te b. uinELy-fivQ d --G, rieek 12;W.Ker aigdv 8 4;Ae.Qurhiib years aId, and bis -mother, Who saw Ãœzn ieakdiv. 1, $1.5"; J'1-.1o oe u li~Dx. brig,3.0 the ripe ohd age of ainety-,four, gs a t ild t .~I uush CllLfxn ieakdv 9 t.5Ti cnil4ebignrcit o! » eil as bis vl!e's mother, Who madel theumdi »ýa-ea' i Thos. Rule,-rond work d1e. 5" commun!cton âm<axhmrn .homnewitbh. lm fora, number et -ne 1975zoomroiciie.cuvra vrsr !dv 41reuirto 1>YupepSa*"oM ,àludu e thei., aud ronds- div. O,$750; Robt pn.weer cïIêopoieca1 e ,years prior tc hier a toa ndeath, al 'f - a< " e;~rocs t. dv 2 3&8 4tigte opprommtemi ti -whom received the ciqsest attefr . ioww w .ubS àWQWte 8* Uthuei he doupd t et on MgTa okatrtewr -,tion and the . tenderest -care in i their nOÉefud lathefr MIayJa ad rcreli eos.yti. ork sas. - tii. wai l-I2ià rouow-te'rsgrYtlefo aie - 'doclinlng yeari and 1aot days. H.e~~~__________ %erected a moniument on bis burlal lot bm.,-bu ea py.,u a itiîOillg Vo _.tWi.-almoud aimpassibW, lo mark the lat restlng place cof ahi OuiiÃŽaUusand othoeer ut&. -codtdf-,te Kingstcrond, nid ..the. members of the family, whlcb lot Bbutl.8bi,.S it e~ LUTÂIQ ISO OK 1b.lUg a- rôai thait was.!oirmrly vas ahi -filled wl tiithe exception of a M 6eou.tautky UOepI d drooog- -Rev.- C. J. Caineren. ,asgrt, -supt. ofcf lt -by - the goverument, --your -coro-- vacntspt hub asreerid fo sndbyti. utr.maicl PWmb- Home -Missions, sud P..Ia1o 1tevui-recommeud tbt t ti hiumsll, between his estimable niother Ai n viiablo lii l T h* otnu Suuday Sciioci Seeretâr fti n-e.kb ptutt otr-îbVt nid is dvote wll, wbcit . J~~f"_ --tU - --_ remldy tiot- deuominatien. of Ontaîte, >paid iffereut.-,muuicipalities-.:boriiering o teaded f or bis own. inst restlng place.. r"IS1 f18. Whitby, a'visit on Wedneeday 61 las-the',. above- rosd fvori, TororliÃŽto V m e oertan tbnt thme î S i'he-.trseof.if X- t sk - -Scme few years after bis marriffg e Lmthitn"o fSt stomaoi vMe u V'.lumrst1.c tter ork. ICtustona ku_ - hem. -te c- ie Was converted at a Methodist u - B~Vt i famtr pad !noeae w t'h tiiusuuciplity- you to t17 thon-at our riuL 1TnSe. idied -'ýictiires ~-representing thie _inpetitioning-,the- Provincial Goveru-, camp meeting and united vlth the kiun, 25 out. e atis. ud 3 1.00. vork o&'Mission Janti Sunday -Soitools ment as tO tbe - ecessitY cf- their. hon- -Mthodist church, sud he teck an Ycu u biy&tz0l qpd lu Ontàrf e ve.tbruwu upôn a sheet. orable body. tskig -itod of.Vist a t.. lu is dlibeatinsas li tti'C0ifniUit~ o~ t 0W sore Ti. - alGol b auinterestlng ter. . Qwing Vo uns rond haviug-: gl cotlb 9u -eeosy frA. -14. ALUN . aèdtres's trcm. eaci t cf the gmeheb immelse . amount of trafâc hotu -veb- Itsprores na prpeuaton-untl nli, a . bw-Isupplied nanr'ost intee.sti geveuîng:euand'atrtek, your commnittee are thetim ofth unionof hevarious Tm e fo o pesn. Staî te p4i 1a ti societios of Methodists itoone or- -a ortooitreen.Tin apit îs a it oino tntVM ond- -should ganization, ut which tmoigt ud o uye" rhyh the fact that h sparents before hi - 0 dumm fo1gopwl 1aj rot, Moutreni, and New Ontiario as suci,bi eIayiowrkmagttiSavcf o-1eapvniarndnlzuuaid ha benadieens f hebeie-'offSr wI&iie""11imd. rins-an- imsplring chapter intethis.--The COmmittee on Relief reported md ee aderntso!thebele! f lb. R.U Ssa u.MAUMdWW Uslb tory o! miissioary enterprise ia OnÀ- aud recammended tue ioîînwiug psy the. Baptists, anti feeling that b.ie 0&aieient :-Henry -esr fr- d.sp- *p1à, ibe more ut borne with that de- plRdJass(ig , f.50. - up mominat-ion, hie uuited with theni and Townshmp-Couci -TeCuncil no ndoured Vo meeti-sim proved by bis actions aud godhy life o onTh n She uj- gan uneci ock don Mnday, te t.hat bis heart beat in, sympathy with Council met on MDIIlihlMaywOIRaB. fi t onday c ay on f or rnathon Vhe spirit of humanity sud the up>- Ail members- present. BIWe. ite ___B! eeraC a nn O N. ff al busineoss. tanacio lifting o! mankiud. chair. Minutes of lust meeting rend you ngver snv a beautiful - omno eea uies As ugo crept ,upon hlm ho ret-tred nid coaflrmed. wodd'haebatfuhir TesaeofhoCtYfTld. tram the active physical labors o!fte The lollowing -communications voie hrofahabenut-Iful w hair.liin. Lu f hcs CityfTd. firm, which wns managed by otiter red FerharrMnyvmo d nVre- CheOeY Miakes o.th thst he la peplor bauds,, and having suffered -a severe Prom Ahi. Hoover, re brush ou lots lize the. attractions they possees be- rTUtue-s lu.tht (City of Toledn.Countv &and state sickness he was le!t la an en!eebhed 23 Ïod 24. cause they do not. give proper tteVn- aforem.ld. 5and that mid allrn -!i pay the amrofa condtion thotl-ONfcHUND)RxD DOLLA'RS for ecnchoui every codtin Soty df ter tAlis hoe bur- - îo M. J. Smith, ré taxes. - on te the hair. cade 01 Cîtârrh t but cannai be cured by the uleof led bis wife, and having niit- _wltb The auditors macle a special report The vomen o! the "400"are mnmed lEslituC -t'rh(1e RAK.CIeNE. ,woThetobeforofnthan"i400"sarebed lnmyapros soie reversiis, andI boiag vithout of standing Vo April l4th. 'for titeir beauty, net becaube t-heir n 11Ct thi. 61h day af Deceinhet, AD. iM86. children o! bis own, -ho deemed it ad- ,_4hic-f ollowing wiro fonce bonusos ý aci tntre ae uprlr o -buec-ts>A. W. GLE-'.sor. visable Vo sli bis farm sud corne Vo vt ruel - ohrvMues, utreauer r t-b e nvof ttbloin NOTARY PUBLIC. were granted. RaYshCtrCremkeIne naly, and mci.- g . aiseosedhi ea lte etebtbcas hyknwdrfly w h l didmucous anîface. utfthe EJkRapds o sondilsreminng A. Hsna, for about 35 rode vire boy Vo -keep young by supplying. vlg- 1viten. seuil for testoniaz4 free day vt-bbi to sstrs Hesiaifeace, east side lot 22,,con. 4, at 15c- 'or lustre, sud streagth t-o their hair. F-J-CtIENEY & CO., Toledo, o. Frink sand Sabra ail, now o! MV. peïr re- V-j p Vo a few years age PARISIAN TSake iJZallPain, y Pi75fcontpto Clemfeas, ih urie hlm, one sister, -j. B. Mitchell, for about 12 rods on Sage could- hardly b. obtaîued lu Ca- Ehectu Holleabeck, t-be mother ,o! thbe aerth side o! lot 34, con. 9, at 15c. 'nada. But - now Vhis deli-gtf u! haîr Hollenbeck !amily, haviug died about per rod. 1 -restorer can bebad in every tova. A. FELL FROM AUTO-BROKE LEG. t-we'nty-one years ugo. - - RobV. Trigg, for about 40 rods on- H. Allia sehîs it lu Whitby for 50c. Mr. Barton, a business -'nan of Bay Hiý aepbew, George Friuk, son Of lot 29, con. 4, at 25c. per rod. . 1a bottle, and guarantees.it Vo grow Street,, Toronto, broke bis heg by Iîepelbah,-vit-h wbom she lived, hav- J. S. Lynde, for about 40 rods oni beautiful, luxuriant hair ; Vo stop fali- being tbrown froni ap auto on Mon- - ng receivod power of -att-orney Vo west side lot 34, con. -.9, ut 15c. per ing bair, eradicate dandrufi. day while en route tâ- Toronto. iu act for bis enfehIed uncho, wnt to rod. Ipsigb h elt amtegn -Cauada sud disposed o! t-he est-aVe, Pasin byth - - - - --he en --It w .s.,..,d t'. t the uditor re- tleman bad arisen Vo bis feet, aRd ut renizag otee 3300 sd 3,00,port as presentied b. and is hereby Pickering Tp. Counci. temo nthe arsucarug sud- brou3ht hbu home witbh hm, and th-moenttiecard and adogi hoe lived wit-b Mr. Prjak un-Vil bsRooeved ad aopted, and t-bat thbe' spot, throwing Mr. Bart-on out. A o! Rev griant bis order ou t-ho Troas-1 The- above Council met pursuant Vo wheeh of te car passeti ever bis heg, det.urer lu favor o! D.W. Macdonald aud acjourumenton Monday t-be 7th îuist. bekn t owsbogtbc - Because o bis iutegrity sud t-be Henry Burton for the suni of 833each. Moi-bers ail precit h ?tee t e - Wingit HwbD.as rren reduc lutereet he took in ail matters per- It vus movedti -at the absessors chair. Minutes of 1ast meeting were V-b. fracture. tuiuing Vo Vthe public good, as weli as roll as presented by-C.J. Spencer,b. read aad approved. bhis sympathy- for those ii troubleli ho te, andi that thbe Trens= 1 r A-number of accounts vote present- - as itoncred and hoveti by ail who graut bis choque for the sum a! $120 ed for payment andi referred te thoir knew hlm. u î amn !bssevcs epciecî ittes Durlng t-he years o! tic rebçlion, i ullva meof tbtswservies. epa aum-mtes. rt i R le wiion- ont ceuntry wa5 vrappca in bor eo. Cooper, collector o! taxes, frcm -headaches, dui feelings, and we-goo ud waing lwaaltiifr t-ho o! ratepaye.-rs o! tb. tou .,p f was heard re taxes uucollected . 1fatigue ai bilicusesa m uqicl HuA>lI o Tavrs CVy Ms.l .lçj"'t- <~ tbtÇucîceReports, Vacciationi Certificat-es, tonar Vi ov.Te peogram vas -HolUay, ov a ldcv o! rese Rave aud Wm. Kemp b. ý6i6sô -etc., $39.50 ; D. R. Beatea, oun e1paieib -h uléaro ht etVy, -and Davidi Hubb.ll ,o!f Myrtl, ors te have t-e leoore oi thie t-vo couat- of salary, $75 r, Dr. Arnohl, o!f boumeSt eteie itrli cra Ont.,e Vie n lait c ei bth mîlbnritges, hovuns -taie marsii andtihVe Toronte, for atteudance oa sîsîl-pex t-e, under t-be direction..of Vie organ- ~dldeu v~n b tec VhM. Aside base Ue bridges sateby anti substat-' patients at Claremoist, $180. 1e u himseM.GD-A-m fnomv«» t1 s. ees arte lu V irectran llby teneveti. Y SrcmmIt-tee, inving coasitiereti sou. The chair, about,.sixt-y et-tog, ratvm es glon aouet- ihaty doiget Te a-- <><Poeuut-edamo!M. 3ci toyfor the vit-b aa umbiet of f ienils, came dov» ~reatvesvh nalîe est alalu vee Ppointeti commis4oiters for Vie 10lOcf à-Mre by !nlllug on ice on by special train, and returuet borne md -true fnl.u4 bas gcie - yet he lives Rench Tovuhine - taee Reve anti McFrlau.'e MIII on January 28, are'al ter Vie concert. la teir memôry. He- fcught a. good Ccuucllîcn.XHall fer Pickering tevu-' 01 the opinion t-bat ovlug ta 1tle icy] M.Aksavh l eisu figlt aid kpt- Vie faîte and fs teceiv- lin., aorte a!fVthe sixtit concession, pouditiai of t-be mouds Mrtc.iue!a Ahlykunou tewhibs ied Ia ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~u liirwr.Curbte.- ~ sdCouncillors Rove andi Gutiirie for vlncb tee Cauncil vas unnîhe Vtecon- mscldretrc0it nal taie Pickering ovulle ueetiof taie trÇi, Mr. Stery diti net take us u sici~t adies rohe, hdopreateOnaprio. - BSEALL - - rd-con., iti alse Whltby ovuhine. précautilons lu goîug dvus fi i ,tgaiesVint vas admlreary a rg& Att-en aeugthy discussion at- t-h.Tii. said commit-tes t-o sot lu cou- aud furtier alilrends vweto at Vhst and vstieti, and t-ho audience vici btuebalb meting ou MondâY Rnih-t, i-à-junctOn vit-i taiecommiIssionots of tume lu Vie samo icy condition, -and filied t-ho large andýtinum veme meut wa. decideti te rjaize a club Vo b. ndjoiulag itniclpalities. wvil e vosyuIat-lze vit-h Mr. St-ory euthusiastic lu t-ieu t ebti 0c tb clIed "Tthe Wbit-by Basebail Club," j Tii. felleing accounts vote pro- lu lits boss vo feel t-be accident vas choir aud solo artists. for Vie purpose o! carryin' an t-ho seuted for paymeat. - net Occasienedf by 4ny regleet- on t-be The choir lt-self ptoved te b. au adi- tcwu - egSe tant- vas so pepular C. A. Good!eibow,« piriag, $5 ; J. part eft t-is Couacil. mirably balauceti organization. titree yasgo ad a180 a teau -Vo Bonetta, work ou rond div. 1, $4; The Commit-tee on Bonuses fot Wine The -opranos vero chear anti vi- ,play ontu"de-ame. Tii. folîowing W.A. Holliday, -postage sud station- Ponces teported t-he following appl- btSiit, and t-beaites always tree froi tifflers vote theg elect-ed : - et t Apiil 10, 85C.; D. Holliday, Vo cnt-ions fat bonusen- for vire fences :t-ho forced auiVoe a otn n on. PreséW-. $utb1MP. fpsy Municipal World, $3.66;TomsF.9Hoe 10roe. more ain lot hourd. The. basses anti tenons ver. Patron-. HIat-ci, W. J.H. Rich- Doviiey, vork on tend div. 17, $4.50 9, con. 2, Mr. Sparks t-o luspeet anti qUit. adequate to t-be largo vomen's' _________________________________________________ - report. John Tous, about -80 rods an section at -.bse atiuah lot18,ou., Tff Sprkst-oinpeet vere unusuaily ici anti sonorous. aud report. Mrs. Hooti, about- 80 - The' pram includeti three accom- rodecabt 2, cu. 4 Mn Sptkspanieti numbes-a stirring settlug by te luspeet anti report. Andrew 1'egg,- Schuecker e! the -wll-known. hyuin, ! I~ D O M N I N B N Kabout 70 rads on lot il, con. 7,' Mn. "Qavard Christian Soldiers," vhich R oMovbray Vo inspeet anti report. Hen- was deliveredivt peddty-ri oSEm l«-ENi . . b aimHW i U PE5NTiR.t peddryhi S.A OCMIT, ets! Imnage ry C. -Puller, about 40 rods on lot 15, Ekbandon sua -bn hoa wnlefi con. 4. Mr. Sparks te inspect sud te- Gounod's "G-allia" lu viicb Vihe se- 'YEou C.muuom-rt S.Wm-.tmlAe$1. US.S port. Mr, Henry Elli7étt, about 75 prune) solo) anti obligativas tabou by YouCai tat N it $1 rods on lot 17, con. 5. Mr. Sparks Vo- Mrs. j. . Young, who mas au n --So of iii, jageai socunts In aur Savlngs.Departmnent WeTC inspect sud report_ i'erptto 5a-uc nicn started la à siodeat wy. h omte o od n As.oqut4n&> o oned wth-one dollar.or more. Tt(nritt O od nicent sOloist- 0f'distinction - P<-* Bridges reported and recornmend- ley request te Hallelujah chorus W4TYBRANCK: -.A TISN aae.- ec ie ffoigpaymeuts :Isaeftrn Handel's ijumortal Alessiahivas J -OSKAWA 41 .t H. BLACK, m - t-, for filling washout opposite -Sung to t-be grent deîigbt o! tie sud- lot 12 and 1.3 lu -i1. t3A,-$ 1250 ;M. ,ieie. - It was in that'msteirpee"-'Ã"it dCo r- QFotuàoi, tha 1 the. cliOir reacheti pinnale" t- i. cb thé expreo As -Mr. Atkiuson sakd -in a -few luttr>- ductory remarks ,tit li'trily siy. part tendiily appangtie sod part remoadrative 'ai' ea 1g sd the titird. part au .ahinosté.eoco' declarat o f veugeauce. It m,4 anLyb. stated àthtAe o. a. a rendeirlng tht t,*as wou&rfullyil-w lun4atve, and which bt a stroiig.. Mi. Lee Smihtliib emîneut solo 1 celloist gave several numesMu4i quite won the Iiearts of fris audieue. I ýHis toule -is beautiful in -tAieextreMe,1 autd b. playsý -wlth2a mastery _*âd friEedoni,that 18. mest convlncing. Mr. Atkinson contrfbuted beveraî orgain solos, which, were much- apprectated desPite the. fact * of an uifortuuate cipher on the orga.1 The ladies of thie cougregation, very kindly entertaiued thie choir afterthe concert, and a_ very pleasant social hall heur was spent. Much credit is dute those under wbose auspices VMhs 1 this prganization was brought Vo the 1 church, and hopes for a return viWt4 at sonie future time were, freely ex-4 pressed.4 The annual bazaar of Ail Saintsw ohurch was held on Tuesday aiter. noon and- evening, - and was a suc- cess, both financially and oluherwise. The fancy work table, thc homemade table anid candy were well patronized during thbe ai ternoon. The fish pond had its usual attraction for, the youug folks. A daity- tea was serv- ed froin 5 Vo 8 consisting of cold meats, salads, fancyand, plain cakes, etc. The proceeds amouxited to $190.4 At Collingwood last week four of.- tenders were fined $20 and costs each for being drunk -in the publicstreets. If the Police Magistrate adiieres Vo that- tariSf public drunkennegs in Col- l-ingwood will 800e be a thing of thei past. The cout of a Busineus or Shorthand Education in the Do you know just how little it cents te secure a thorough business educati on that wilI flot only increa. your eaiD&n capse- ity bt wfloabe you te geta Posi t ion wheryou wal cornl contact within- Rluetia pole Who can asist you t. furramacrent? Ourcatalogu. wifl gir. yon full particulare. A pont card- one effort-w. do the rest I cor. Vouge and IW. J. enI.ft*. Alexander 51.. I Principal -a i b SPRfINIJ WhiiLy, Oit. Ploie III j - The, India- Moorcycl Runs Faster, Wears-.Longier- apd; Climbs Huis Better than'-any -other Motrcy 1 iae Getinterested lu buy an "INDIAN" HI; M. KIPP ,& CO. -- this best of summer - sp orts,- and: -Write for catalogue. 384 Spadina Ave., Toronto" -r- Y>or Boy là .E.tiIs , 'toa free' Canadian Far..s Why worry about- the future of your sons? The Oovern- ment at Ottawa i13 giving away this year 150,000,irée home- steade -in Western Canada. The bulk of these- are loeated along the Canadian -Northern Railway,'tb e bine recognized in the West as the PIONEER FARMER'S RAJLWAY. This, titie was earned because the Canadian Norther'n'Rail way neyer- lacked courage to build its steel into new districts, placing the rails and- ail that it stands for within easy reach of the pioneer, From ncw on to the end of October Homeseekers' Excursion tickets.- to Western Canada are on sale every Tuesday. These tickets are good to reîurn within two months from date of issue, except tickets sold from May to July, inclusive, may be extended foi two months on paymeat of five dî*Ïars for eacli month orpart thereof te agent at destination. Stop.. over %%.l be permitted at any Canadian Northeln station west of Poit Arthur. For the accommodation of passengers a tourist car for Winnipegi via Ch-»cago and Duluth, will leave Toronto Union Station at 11I p.i no the following dates:-june 3rd, July Ist, July 29th, AUgust 26th, Sep-, tember 23rd and October 215ut. Write fer ahl particulars. Some Canadian Northern Publications.. "A Creator of Business "-A story cf the Canadian Nortiiera Railway ..... « Peace River, Alberta, and How to Reach It." "Key te Prosperity "-A story cf the Wheatfields of- Western Canada. "35,000 Free Homesteads." Any agent cf the company will gladly give Yeu any or -ail of the above publjcations, or write General Passeager Departmeat at 68 King' Street East, Toronto, Ontario, or 226 St. James St., Montreal, Quebec. CANAI)IAN NORTHERN RAILWAY. - ss.s.... se---------- 1---- ..ê An Extension Telephone THE TRIRSIDENCIE, If thein u~mtele. phone la dewnatM»lRs uEtasiou Tel.- phon. upetairs viiiaddti greatly t. th. uasulnm ad convenleace oetVhes ervloe Upetaire or tievutair a telephene vl b. Ioms nt band andti tii. ece.slty o!.taI- cllnxbng lfmlat.d. Incomlng aud outjolng nlgitmes- sage, 'are otten emerisncy or hIgAly Impor- tanàt eni. Au! t.nsInTe1epboeupwu in or near Vheslaeeping apsrtment wMl savo much ime anti add greatly to your comfcrt anti protection. 1N M TIOFFICE, an ExteouuaTslephou. OnY.ur tub viiioe,.yoig much lIme ast nanoe.It il Mot incouvewnt Vo b. coumtaatly cailet en toe lears yeur dockk Vo aswer a elphom. cmli at -a tel*- phons fatr :osdfrom tho e k lu baud. Wlth an Extension Telephone on pour tiesk, Veiephoue caMliiau b. sent aud receiveti conv.uleutl7 wlVh practicaliy ne 1cm" Of lIme. Wlth Its aid you viiibs- able te aceomplish more durlng the busy offce heur. 'J-'-- V OUwill-ee m Sthinga, Sonn PeCIa-lv pretty brac zncludi»ng BR~ACELET- WATCHE&- ana an Cxceptionally line of gold abd& peai NECIKLETS9 - ,- ,~will be to your ad -- ',tage to se aur assorti nw-of re-construtdp v Wearealsoshowin ;exclusive, une oflai -mesh bag'sandl ~ plendid values in llea ;hags. LL;Don't, undefany ci-f' ~ stance -Miss seeing 'wbig assortmnent of ggsivr SWEDDING üGUFT BASSET bSPECTACLEWR j FOUND LNA LANE. Tie body o!, au unfortunat vas f!oundin à aune at-t-Aie- 2i ~fl ord street- (llnst stréet sÉ OSJ-~89 West -Quen -Sireet) recen, man bati been notîced ýin t-be,- -iu au apparently'-int.oxica.ted Vian during the morniug. Mr.ý , -'oi-thbe Kindel Bed Company, i Vo Vie lune soine lime laVer anu t-ho st-ranger yivng on-bis face1 Thé police patrol remove t V te t-be morgue, _here n, inqUt 11e hielt. The man vote a gra neluci rt, browva trousers, grey coat, - b-ue o*vencoat and 41Chrietie." Ho vas evidentry -45 years , of age, and-5 foot 9 ia ieight: 111e bair vas saxn beginniiig t-a tutu grey. -Ho a] -a sandy- moustace.- The 1 World, April 15. - t- * A TERRIBLE BLUNflE A lady vie vwas an ar-dent suce vonker saiti: "I wo-uld-_ ilav vine or spirits lu my haý wbe I se t-he girls tiretianad Isendti o t-ho chomisVs for se2i vIne an-.gave t-hem sa .glass, .~dees t-hem- gooti." She vas t-erribhy grieved wv youuges t taughter becarno-a- ed drunkurd- anti ended ber t-ho asybum, She thought, -u&- Usdo, t-bat cacea '1 lsme as t-be ortiinnry cocos fortoo. IV isuet. t-cout aMd veainess for ÃŽle t-ie, babit vbich tutus Squl wrecks. the nerves and- sentie th» t18 o Vie .asylum.-Dr. Beattie, qetet.inluthe Issue~. The reguhar ueetiugýot Vite T. U. vil b. held- att-e Kns- Arthum Richardison, on- - 4ay alteruocu, May 14th- Local Hàpptii F'or, Nov Perfection 011 ii Gec. X. Rice. L ie , b e t r a u ts o f 5 ., c. el-gars-pipes, . tobaccoosI 8tVo at J, E.Wiisdm "tater - Howarti Thompsot r. ant i rs. G. K. Tlrompt- Whitby, vas a prize wixui .by -show ai Alameda, C The Ladies' --fSt turchil uholti thei'afnu ý-the music hall on tie' là~ eiv*u of!- Friday, May cr-,particulars inter. -- - / - v .mm i- g I -- The addgtional epe«<Ian EXTENSION TELIPON~i friflngon a few cents a <lau. Q The Bellelphne Company 01 f ANADA. FINN, Whithy Agent

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