Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 May 1913, p. 8

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spelit~SUWlenwt si '.L, - MIss GlaspOl, o! f 8b8 Kcre t dj - 1f I~etbLaYSlC o ?roftoh ,2boeZt's mc daeàU' wras wl.th 'hkl parent, here -vetroubltu~il Anuýjber tozn here aitended thé Thousadshave j>een bMMted- by -e AdtIIw prde at Whitby on' Ifg therneTabletis. Sold by afl4g Sunday! ers.-7. -- Mrs. A4G. HeenIersofl, ot -Toroio, j has been -the guest o! 1fr. eulr. , KINgIALE.- A.C. Eliott.. f.4e »O Sei t 'ee it Is ti me. -fthe waterillg cart W wa Lth friemili b ero. te Skl put into use on t#e vil4ge sitreets, Mt. p Law Mr.ad Sylveie! as the dust 18 almoit nubearable. Mackey- bavo ,.botreoovered frba The mnfy frienda of 2IeTille thȕer eftlUe. Robson wll be pleased- te kuow that Mis mljie Steveiso, from Toro se îta itproving *nicely - from -ber .r.-">'~ abe tlMgf henlho cent attaàk of p IttILp h s ééo is glnthd. e- ÃŽ The danoe held ln thlee Masoist hall1-r. Neal and 1ft'g a of .Clire on~ FrkdaY- evening was a grand slbc- j n"ite ,vWBtLflg ai- r M--G90 ems. There was a faly goodcrowd INel's.. prelent, and al had s thorougbly j-M1r. Fred, panklns, wio basbee ni goo-tfil.. t.PoIce -Force, Toroitois ýhom *Mrs. Johii-PiIe, who wue talsen 110'at preutk fée Oshawa HsiýÏtal lasli week, Archie Thornpso bas engaged Wt where a erlu peration wa ier £M . , Lwre efor ,the meaien -formed, fIsdoing aioey..Mer ay carpestiermg'. finonds wili be g1o4 tq know_- thàt ,0g itiecer and'puplis c'elebrate' asie came through thle operation go Arber_ Day by çdealtg üizp tbw weli. - and s cgbôo;l. The fiag-pole Mr. Colwlll will open 1* ile. creaut W lrnroyed by- a cowat of! patuli. parlor f«n the season en )f<njay - OýWîmg tÃ" qaaarIej iy eettsg- ai Every thing to plant the. Ga':den, Every Package, guaranteed 1resh this year. LAWNGRS RAPE MANGTOLD SEED .We have a few lbs. of the Giant White Mangold Seed Ieft. Order now amd save disappoiritment. Ail the leading-varieties of CORN -The best on thP.market. ACe Brooklin El-i ott, m Ontario I Bell and Independent Phones I. I HAVE YOU PURCHASED YOUR FOR THI-S SEASON? I have a fulll hue of the McLaughlin Buggies on hand. If we ossuot suit yau hore we wilI drive you te the factory and you have your choice of anything made lu this line at very reasonablo prices. I cmii, eupply you in Brockville Carnages at the lowest prices -avWgiable for good gaods. It will pay you te give me -a qail. Do not forgef caur prices of Wire Fencig-8 bar, 27c; -9 bar, 29c. Our Pocltry Feucesa are a wonder. THE BROOKLIN HARDWARE STORE URIAH J)NI3S ( STUDEBAUiRoI MODIL 250 $105000 'Ffitey Upholitered Deep Cushions make thus Car extremeiy conifortable. -la #roportion te- its weight- of i175o pounsis the 25 b;as extraordinary power. For mm,. of halidlingmad roadablliiy we do flot believe it le surpassed by any Car at auy price. We bave a go"d msortraent of BUGGIES a! night prices. -ee our lino of FARM IMPLEMENTS, they. ii interest you. >W. ais o hndie HARNESS, LAWN MOWERS, FERTILIZERS,_ Etc. Dlsny &Pu'ckri n, -WhltyOt 3.~~~b q Ont,.aetsu .i hns t, i r 's I. i r a 1- I. Il e Irn J. McINTYIE. WQP~ Lravan IDRAI ENOL~ ie lu I wing Linto a a Grem,-#Ood, tiser. -Was no service bêe GliFberI -and Hersces Lawrence bave- bitt for tlueir new borne ln Port,,Hope. 1f- r. Russel Helard, f romi Oshawa, 'riâted bis- sister, Mns. A. Pankins. Russelbas recovered* nicely from lits Secent accident,- and will resume hie work on the C.P.R. It wouisi surpise you te knoW of the great good Ijuat te belng- doue -by fChamberlaln's Tablets. Darius Dow- nAey, o! Newberg Junction,, N B., wle,"My mite lias been- using Chamrberlains Tablets,_ and finds them veny'effectuaI and ddmng -ler lots of goosi." Il you have anir trouble with your stomach or bowels, 14Me theni a trial. For sale by ail dealers -47. MYRTLE. Mn.fI. Wilson is moving lutte hie nlew home south af -thse village.' 1Mrs. Gimblett, of Whitby, te visit- ifg ber daughter, Mrs. J. 'Beamish. . Mr.- Perey Kent bas been under the *doctan'.s cure. AIl hope lior a speedy recovery. IMn. fH.T. Langford hasi a veny suc- 'cesstul sale on Eniday. Auctioneen Maw m-it-ded the haminer tin his us- Iual persuansiv-e manner. . Mr. ani Mrs. A. Nesbitt, of Brook- lin, speut Stîndar at Mr. G. Pringle's Mn. H.T. Langlord and f amily le! t on Tuesday for their uew home ia Summenberny, .Sask. Thene neyer was a lime R-heu people appreciated the real meits of Chami- berlain's Cough Remesiy more than naw. This is - showun by the increase in sales and voluhtany testimonials froni pensons who have been cuned by il. If you -or- your chiidren are troubled with a cough on cold give Il a trial and become acquainted wit its gaod qualittes. For sale by al dealers.-47. PICKERING. fils mauy frieads dn Pickerng will regret te hean of the deatis of 1Mr. Wesley Bunting, which- took place ou Friday last at the home et bis son, ln Strathroy, at Vhs age o! 87 years, de.athbebing due te the infirmities ef old age. R. A. Bunting wus [n Strathroy on Moaday attendiag the f uneral o! his uncle, the- late Wesley Buating., Miss MIaule Rankin retunned-te To- route on Thursday tast. She has blen Iengaged an the teacbing stail cf the Central Business Callege. fier sub- Ijecte hsing steaography and.itype- writing. The tunerul o! ths late Mrs. Faany H familten, of Tarante, took place ou Tuesday when lier remains were con- iveyod ta Pickering, ths laterment- pbeing made lu thse Friends' burying tgrounsi. She was farmerly Mrs. Eph- raim White, and at eue tinie livesi just cest of Whitby. .Lame back Is usually causesi by rheumatlsm of! the muscles af thse back, ton wbf ch you will fibd notblng botter than Chamberlaln's Liniment. For sale by ail. dealers.-47. OSfiAWA. The Board o! Trade Want a better phono service, and have taken the matter up witb Vhs tocal agent. The Board have big ideas reganding tise Promotion a! the tewn indus- trieusly, and will ask the Counett- fer $25,000 le be placesi at the disposei o! an industrnl commission te bu ap- polatesi, tise came to ho spent for the purpose et incneasing the growtis of manufacturng lu Osliawa. Mr. T.C. «1'ce, of Beavertouu, bus been appolutesi superviser of Oshawa Schools at a salary o! $1,600 a yealr. Oshawa bas a Sunday Sohoot Base- bail League. A slrong and eathusiastic Meoo League bas been organlzed in Oaks- awa. W.F. Eaton ta President, R.S. MéLaughitt, Vice-Pros,, J.W. Bers- berry Sec. - REPORT OF PUBLIC SOHOÃ"ELS FOR APRIL. Sr. IV.-C. Jackson, Mi. Luke, p. Gehdrnag.- IJr. IV.-M. SmItl, L. Ravin, M. Walters. Sr. .f. Richarsosn, N. Rosi, H. Wor!eik. Jr. 111-M. Beckett, G. Jeuunhags, M. Mitchell. Sr. II.-D. Lavery, L.-Palmer,' E. Cormack. Tnt. II.-K. Wigsloa, H.- Toms, H. Cenmaci. Jr.,-p. Melityrs, E. Oke.,-V. HUberI. Sr. I. (H.S.)-H. Jakoiu R. Hill# d'sstadq*rIwhie ;I oWUOLmîny -,countary, eaawOrsgexasý .Hr 8- t eçoe, iithe r suOpý lte u -Tkee a aehild 'borû: îiï-ýtiie nZ. o- hoosi.: Tlý e atadlg physician - 'iet9j 10. Thse, eitr.gives t9W, Iwg. youngpteraà grêat - end off-ind gota. Iil. PAITt .ît lachristenesi-ansd tiiè mluistiér I asté $5 ansi the editor $00, I-t grorws and -marres. The. editer -pu1i88 j We have ome tnouse long-wfnded ,'flowery article truths for you cou- .asitells a dozen sififerent lies--about' P'the, bëàutlùlut andi accolËlsished, abookie bride.", Théue'miobter sets $10 and, a, pCece oÈ< cake., Tise eIditor. gels- $000 ad u r«tquest, idcarry bih. grOOUi'8 - ' IUIPI1 01 ? sub6cription accout-tanetherrer. -In VVUUDI~~ VKIIE'the course! resedl. The mimiter getç ite 5 -te $100j W. Neman...- - hé ýed!tor pul$îsesa notice af deats. Sr. Prtimer-"G.,Brennan, L. Mayne, 'and -an obituary twlo-cotl-uias long,' IA. Fowler. Iiedge resalutiens, alot o! b etry as f fut.% - Pr!mer-C. Chanltoni-I Quin-; a oýrd-,eft tauks and ets 10,000. Ne, ton,, V. Wilson. jwouder se 'mary è ouutry- edi tors .,getV Sn. .$ .)-W. Hartrick, L. Web- rich,.-Exdbange. ster-i H'.1-Rlichardsoa.j Sr. Pintmer.-Katie Hartrick, R. Shepheltd,. M. Brown. Iilt. Primen.-W. Bradley, G. Tuck- er, L. Brown.r E Jr. Primer.-A . Rowe, N. Cor- mack, F. Valensky. The Sageinc girl te Ia bu seen in'J. E. Willis" drig store and on evcny bettie of Sugffine humr tonie that is genuine and 0sold under a pobitive guarantee to stop !alling hain, -enad- icate dandruif andti t grow the most lifeless, coanse, dry bain in tVick softt and luxuriant. Sageine is a dcean, seient<flc bain tonie conrppsed o! the moat modemn bain pnaduclng and beautifying agents ;ilte t free tram greas# substances, is flot a dye, and te daintily perfumed. Sageine le tise favorite of particular people, and ta salinl Whitby oaly ut J.E. Wtlis': drug store. Sagdine te only 50c., so as to brng it within -reach at all.-45 INITIATES GRANDSON INTO aXA. OPznTTf'ri TrTF.9 Godenicli, Apnil ilth. A dectdedly unique event was oelebrated lu Mait- laund Lesge, No. 33, A.F. & A.M., here tbis week, wheeu Past Master Aledanden Straiton inittated his -granssn inte the rites ai Aucient Free Masny, cneating tise- record et having three generatous lu active membersbip lu ans lodge. Whie ~Worshipful Brother Stratton hue not exemplified tlb work ta over tbtnty- toqur years, lie periormesi the cerenuen- 1ew on hs occasion lu a most crei- itabie maunen, to the manitest inter- est et a great number of nesident ud vislting brelhnen. W. Bro. Straiten, a former master of Cituton Ledge, *s hlmselt seventy-three years of age, For Loss of flair W ili pyfrw tyuueIf ROxail "93" tiai"rTonlc doessfot promot. the. growth of your hafr. In ail our ex~inewt air tonice the one that la oenoito man ur confidence la Rexali "'93" EsrTonie. We have such wcil- founded faith in it that- we vant you to try it tour risk. If it docs Dot satisfy you iu every ýpurticular, we will psy for what you use -ta the extent of s 30 day trestmeut.- 1fRexali '-93"! Hair Tonie does not remove clandruif, relieve scalp irritation, stop the hair froni faiiing and pramote a new growth of hair, corne baek ta us sud ssk us ta return the maney you psid for it, and we wil promptly haud it bsck ta you. You dont sigu unythiug, promise sny- tbffig, bring auythiug back, or in snY wa~y obligé.Le yourself. Is't that fair?, Doesni'tit stand ta reasan that we would- not make sueis s libersi offer if- we did not truly believe that Rexa l'"93" flair Tonic will do al we dlaim for it - Ihat it will do ail and more than. auy aLlier remedy? We have overythin there la s de- mand for, aund are-ab e ta judge the meit. af the thinp we sil. Oua- tomenutelusaf their succeas. There are more satisfled-usera of Rexall 0.93" flair Toute than any smilar preparation we seIi. Btart a treatmeucaf Rexail"Oi flair Tonic 'todair. If You do, 'u'e believe -you wil thsnk us for this advie.- Twoui.ebottles, 50c snd SI. Tou oabuy Reali "'93" flair Tauie Ea this Commuaiey oxdy,&t Our store: A. H.. ALLIN. - rom le' l The bigis, roundeil tas certainly does mean comfart toa-a superla- tive degree and th. "racker" or- -sprlug sole makes for easy walk- lng and also prevents the leather aver thse tces from wrinkltng dssply sud causiugbliaters. -The Panama ba s a 'haridsomely modeied bnoad tas sud a high arch asddhbel. Panàma fBlack KRing Caîf and Tan Russia Cal! mlucher J. PEL, IWHITBY PHONE 5j NEW MUSKOKA TRAIN. Thse Grand Trunis Rai lway System is putting ou a uew train frozu Tor- onato to, Muskoka Wharf, commencing Saturday, May 17, leaving Toro>nto at 10.15 a.m. daily, éxcept Sunday, arriviug Muskoka whar!. 1--40 p.m. making direct connections with steam- ers fot all pointe ou ýMuskoka Lajies. SA brasai new train, cousisting o! liaggage car, Vestibule Coaches, ami Parlor-LUbrary-Buffet car will be; op- erated and passengers are assured o! a comiortable ride alotg the most interesting route to -Musfcoka Wharf, which le tthe original gateway te thse far-famed )4uskoka Lakes. This train ruas night te aide o! steamer at Muskoks wharf tinta a- voidfnig any incOnvessience te passen- gers. Returu conuection la ruade wlth train leaving Musiseka Wharf at 10.45 a.m. daily, except SundaY, arrlvlng Toronto 3.10 p.m. Tourist tickets at reduoed rates are now on sale te Muakoka resorts, good for stop-over at any poittand good to return inali Nov. -30, 1913. Full particulars and tickets frem Grand Trunk Agents, -and especiaily E.&. Stephenson, towu agent !or ex- press, ticket andi tefegrp ofcep- ponite Standard Banik, "Whitby. Te- epiione No. '36. Vo~~ ~~~ 88e- 9911iEmI1IIl te reliabte eiuergetic men for tue isie o our products, we -give ail thee advant7 ages thïta..a reliable, well advertime, cstablishesi firm oea offer. If yeu, wiub t.o reprement u WRITE NOW, beforeft ii toolatie r furtser Information. -M 00ACRZS - under cultivatiov andi eue of tise moit complete Nurseiy plants in Canada." EstbUisied 35 yer8. Free catalogue of stock on applicatiea. PZLHAM NURSE&Y Toronto Jitùa ,.egheset Prices t>aid." rom rohs Laienderj a reliable ci lOrer'forc Sec them. Store cloue Tudesday sudThttrsdài aveu gag g6. W.M.LAWREN BROOKLIN.- u 4 I 01a tSe--------e d------- HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIlONS- TO IANiTrOBAo,,8SACEA AND ALDERTA&' eedhý TUESDAYuutil Oct. 28,h inclusive* WiuoeIpe ad Rtera. ..$»JeS Ednmton and Ratura n .,48.00 Proportionate low rates ta othen points.. Reta timit.two lubuths. Through Puliman'Tourist Sleeping cars are operated te Winnipeg without change via Chicago and St. Paul, leav- ing Toronto i î.oo p.m. ou above dates. Tickets are also on sale via Sarnia and K'orthern Navigation Compapy. Fuit particulare.sud reservations from G'rand Trunk agents, and especiaily froin E. STEPHENSO)N Town Agent tor Express, Ticket and Telegraph Office, opposite StanCare -Bank, Whitby. Ont. Telephone 36 TRY SOLACE AT OUR EXPENSE iIùney hack fer any case of Rheumatism, Neuralgia -- or * ieadache that Solace Falls to Remove Solace Reinedy is arecent medicaliicov ery of three German Scieutists that dissolves Urie Acid Crystals ani purifies the blood. It iseasy to takre, and wiii not affect tihe weakest stomaàch. it ia guaranteed under the Pure Food and Druga Law to he absolutely f ree-frdm opiates or harriful drugs of any description. Solace is a purespecific in every-way, and has een proved byénd question to be the surest and quickes re edy for Uric Acid Troubles kuown ta medica science, no intter bow long standing. It reaches sud removes the root of thse trouble (Uric Acid) sud purifies thse hlood. The Soisce eu. of BattIs Creek, are the soie U. S. agents snd have thousanls of voiuntary testimonial letters whic bhave been received from gratefal people Solace has restorefi ta healtis. Testimonial letters, literature andi Pre. Box sent upon requeFt. R. Lee Morris, President of thse First National Bank af Chico, Texas, wrote thse Salace Company as follows: "Iwn o osend s. hx of Salace ta my fath- er in 19empiss'Tnufor which 1 enclose $1. This remedy bas be used by sars friendY3 of mine bere and I must say its action *vas wonderfui. <Sigud R. L. Morris." Put up ini 25c, 50c and $10OO boxes. ft's mýighty fine to b. welI and y.. can soon be no by takIng S49LKoeB. No Special Treatrient fichemes or Fees. Just Barîeyi .A.C. No. 21 DÈS, Dban ýuts farly Jûirni Peu, COu, hautie - ýj. H.ý' DOIN ET è-00. HerdS Bus Cariae aad,Tga- Smoce. purohasing tii.bus lim fmoo mn. Wfllim Newport, ive have-bonm favo'red with a verjy large patronage andi we feel we are giviÈgtlA".pubio goasi servioe. - Anl onders- for leanuing, furnituz, 2noving, cartage o! freight, ýtn for pleasure pdLrtiés, -etc., wiilreceéive our very bout attention., Firat-clasa livery ia cennection.- 'Phono No. 89; - JOS. tEAà -WHITBY JUNOTON. .3aîng West ......4¶2a.m. jGolngRXast.. ..8.a.ma .... 2.57 Pml Suaday lraim't bave --er -Tuut 4.25 s.om. ând 7.56 ,p.* Froos 'Pdoe enato-trains etop at -Wtby JaOtfo ai- 8.1J5 sd9.5r.nd 9m3 .n~ - UP-TOWN STATION.- - Golng Nartb ... 8,30---m. Gaina lOutls..7.58g.m - STAGES. .15m -Les-vo.Whuby, for Osh awa a 1 a.m and 4 p... Jo. ]Holden, po ýluc zumuuuc v-3-orr. nu zoay ir m '--ew.- iree box, etc. lý « for SOLACE REMEDY Co.. amuie Creek. Mich. Bkogha *t 10 sm, _____________________ propit. - WHITBY MARKETS AI lme lver, per bu-.811.OO b 812.00 Wiuet, Sali. .- ...._0.90 te 0.95 CGUU-op0FONARTO. Wbeat, !wbite-.. ......... 0.80 le 0.85698.- Wheat, goom..,... ..... .85 tu 0.90 . la YKi. .L. Xaadoa.l ilviiespinng .... . .... oteo0.86 (J1rk, Wuty- m .1,- hlu. S Wheat, &IL.-. O. o091Xr 4, April 3, -Kay 2, 3'ua. 0 qai..9.. ..... .. .. ,5 .0 uI@3,Spt3 Ot 2 ov , Buei.,.. .. .. .... t tee ti4, Ja. 7, 1914.1 By...~.... ....0.75 te 0.79 OH& r-XI. L..XawdoeI .-. .85 1-..90 (Jirk-Jau. -14, Feb. 6 , Buowhet.-. .-.. .5 o.s eo» o c a>.3. u»-7e 1, ý 0.1....O. .o#.* el,.teseau o0J c Nov., 81 e. ,Jaà. 8, 1914 Red Ciover .... ........ ....oo te 9.00 2.BEOUGHbI - x.L ome. ïim PORAEE-Wood, CSie a.1, a.s . FLOUR ND -FED. -6. Judy 7.,goept. 5,Nov.' U, .,0 Fleur, pf«wl 2#. .378 tes-200194 chopped--lied, owl.. ...lift b 10#o PRT- PERMY -j4W. Daurebas. VoIDIDS8..... ......eu..2.001.25' 0 1't Ferry, Clork...Jan. -17, NaXe", 3m# pet -tom..... -5 o2.00Xe ,Judy 8Sept. * I-t Bhorý4 Pft ton.. ..27,0010, 2800 Doc. 17, »14 MEAT. - POULTRY AND PROID JOp. . 5 ep.S ov i as..I& Be.!, per, cwt. 1.0 I 1.00«heK.Pm&t CaIlle, live welsut ...5.50 te 6.50 CMWIIDoft. C!lk a.I 3 flop, dreees....... .1200 le 12.50f 'p14 uy 6 .p.1, ov.5, r-gm, mmetJ,. ...82 e88.a N...15 1914, CbWlkam, Per lb .... ... 0.16 te 0.18 BU Oio-.-J'"a8X Grd 8 OUM# émuèe pu fle S0.8 My 15, Jul.y 17, Sept. 1,W.,. i. ,' Ou...inus, pu lb... ii1.0. Jan8. 14; 1914.,- Turkeym, drum,aspu lb. 0.18 te .0 UP-OO-5-1ma. JOund Butmepw eib..,. .2.....8 t.0 7.CBA B- ÉFȈd _%gM Per d&a., newlaid 0.22 le 0.25 thedsl J (wek- Jn 1]r l Latdp, peulb........... .1 to9 j» 57 16, J* y18, 001t.,12p o. 8 .~ ~ Jan. 18,1014.- a.....pa- b «ý 1.0'80 0 BS d. li E PlU *L Onlm, pSt bua.. i.Oto 8-0 B Bay, pu ton .... ...1.0 . So .I-Diw m.î iiu, I. 1l 8.12teES WooI, isaubu.... .. ..0.118 0.1u 0*11 ~ ~ ~ S t1 . .... ..01 u.01 -7' MONULME,ý I i pay yen teo mul at Doat b.mmied by.ael a" , Unpioyhem, onuua &Wl do sow Ibm-thénî'p If 10 bpet ntuhscknt m il mvby urcbaingfrosa un A Cali .SoIcltei. Orm âad Workr IpomiteStandard]Bak, WMii Wire- for*i DeoulWj Fûr flus iriag, powerwu fLxtures mnw4 supplies, Mmaiand t'ailsoruuers. ifyou wat'us'eaU us at expense. a - rLb vr vp TORONTO T,.lORDIFF 8H08IS PRAOTIOAL UNDERTAKERstj I mFI.f I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - arcisùeful fo J.E JNdO. E. FARE Barrister, County ci County SI Ofiee souith wiug Co A.E.C Barste, llltor, N O1icei Breck St,'O0 - M cy to JAMES, Rui i E, Offce immediately so- * 6, VOUNG SURl Brier, Etc. Mne, o.ý Marriage OficSmuîh's Bloc DENT igut Ret Rdeum sNo. JASï5B1 mon to L. Fairbanks. d111j" applylo 1self Ç J by. LICENSED AUCI AND -VALUA Ai orf !sale. proi to. -Arrangements can sales a!the Gazette offi, Terms reasouable Bell and Iudepends.e p WIIITBY, 01 J.- HOWEýLL Carpenter, Builder and- Plans drawn and estimati - Repaira, Alteraticus ani Agent for- Brantfor'd Box 467--WHIT8Y Marriage Lie - A. H. t§LLIN lasmer af Marniage 11, Hq Wlressea Corner druga X- itessreqýuîred_ -so in er-sc For-coursesin lu ItBÙsim jects leading-ta positions' keepemrs-oStenographers Civil Service and _Co Specialists, examinations coductedi in Shaw% Sch< vanta, (Tihe Centrai l USI lege with four city frranéh frona JulY3rd ta Aagustîî :Imm* 1 -7 - -- - -qw-

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