Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 May 1913, p. 2

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NOW toe TO TUSW'11_&TW2, BUt. i A eespatch',f rom Wae hisigtod sa.ys: The UnderwôodBi11 ýp4.od j the lieuse on Thured.y saht by s. Vote oi £81 te 131),,.nad it ii, nw-u.p -,6te I- enate te, ompete 1theflut- filment of the Demoera.t -taifft pledge. For t ifrst tiine in tweeity yean sth. Deaaocratic party sw a geetra.l triff mieasure go threaugh th ftô foe of Repreeenttives with th lecerW*jntY that i -one fOr-io 9ncther itwila a few menthe he the. law of th4land. Representative - Underwood stated b1unt1lrthat the, AdmitrtonlWould"aaxa vee7- tigationa te be iadein~ the -esseof! * -every factc>ry'tIsat eIoed on e ground thail it -was f'oro.d te do ï6 by conditains preéipitated b» th' new taziff. CÀMxPAIIG-N 0F VTOLEXCE. Militants Biirn., Dowu. an--Unoecu- Apied Hfouse. Adespatch framn - London says: -ninstance of the. wrong that eau lie done te the -people *hà have. no - interest in the' suffragette', move- -Ment by' the militants' indiecrimiti- eting campaign o! violence - le fur- , niished by the destruction o! an un- occupied hoeuse in' Goldors Green. The owner le a young widow, wboae( iuband inveéted hie savings in pur- dhising the house. He dièd shortly -fter the marriage. Theidwun derwent a long illmess. When »he ré-overed she went te live with-er- parents, advertising the house for sale. This houe. has now been gut- t.d by the. suffragettes. A LOVERS' QtABREL. Girl- Fatally, Wounded, ani the Man lW Dead. À despatch froni Montreal says; Ânother uhooting affair took place here on'Wedneiàay afternoon, and as a reeult Engene Laporte, -who did the. shooting, le dead, and hie -victim, a young woman, sdig Laporte came tu Mise P. Barnardes l ise -in the afternbon with two 1other men. As soon as she opened the door he opened fire on lier and then turrned the revolver on hlm- self...-Laporte. died an- hour later, while tii. woman, who lias two bul- let wounds, is likely to die. The ai- fair grew out of a lover's quarrel. Laporte vwas a -chauffeur employe< ijii the fire department. * CO ET DISCOVERED. Visible la a Small Teleseope and Was 3loving North-East. - A despa-tc _ f rom Camnbridge, Mms., sayz: The diecovery qfa comet by Sehaumaene, cf Nice, :à announced in a cablegrami receiveé *at Harvard CoUege Obaervator3 froin'Kiel. Its position onMay 6 6082 Greenwich meen time, ww riglit ascension 20 h.,- 54 m.; 44 s. declication plus 9 degrees 52 m The cornet wus visible in a sui Weuop; and was moving _porth RESCUED IN iIID-OCEAN. .-5 ïure on the riglii vui the four sgtman ater craft and ýdby- the lion. la o! the' countr, :u .at,1010 11'"Ih WouM -bhave - becn 1freely awarde - * î1- Second, lb pegr ofetthe xàtents 'aobaebeen teataby Dr.*'rt4dmaDn ban - pot heen declelve. lu somý ;cases there'.bau beenl mprovelient, but-th. OSP. tics maintai -Ibt t i mpro*ement Migbt baveý been ol>ered even if-,there had been no.'Friedmanfreatment, l, other instanceS Ibere h-as been" no li- provemient whatever. The -anewer of Dr." Fr"ihdmusf1nto the ciics of lis nithod cf "givin» out the remnedy iu Ibat 11h eharacter requires. that it ehould:ho l Ib ebande only> ot prac- titioners 'abo bave -been pcholed îuWt use, and ýthat it.>woud b. unsaife and un- fair t0 baud il eëat freel>' to-the pubtlic or pven ta lb. medical professin ,at 1 lo.For 1h14- reasenx 1*i. roal thtt Dr. 1Frieëdmana ,tbrou'gb e oin- ,pany wbtcb ueow boldo tbe rigbt 60 bis serni. will establish- tuberculosis 0aultoria,ý. whb- me>' hé kuewn au Frlsdibun i nqtttutes,"'wbere -patients -'il ho admulte& as ther - wouid be te hespi- tala &nd 'abiers Abe trledmianii sèrUMil' ho "adxiulstered, The didcoverer, ma" tliat patihata ai -e0areunable 60 pa>' for the tre <atmeut 'il ho treated -free. Or 16 may ho that ail Ibat wll ho doue for a year- or two waIlb.- 60 eetabllsh a Fried- mnann sebool , possihlin luNew York. 'ahere pyioints 'abo 'ash 60 famiiliarise ,*em.I selvep atb the treatment nia>'secure iu- snetl thor eb.purpoeeetcfafterwards applyluit ta tlelr patients. This would -h -a& protasle oeration for' the PrieS- matai Co nan. It mtlgbt seure fees for thbe instruetIon and 16 woul4, donhtlesu alise iake- a profit ou the sale cf tb. remody ta the practisinif physiciane 'aho wisb 60 use it., Thia, being the situation it la pérbiape to êlyte pass a final judgment op th firt.of tbe renieS'. Byen those physiciails, wbo express Îbe belief that the remiedy iunet,-a renieS>' sa>' that se f ar as tbsy kno'a- titnlamet ijurions. They only four that the rbuaing off aise hepes among a Cla s cf sufferers abese condition le, as a nIýe. hopeless,'may lead teO much îýddltionai uuseriiig. - No FsdsI]ai Squire. Toronto lias giveli up al hope cf ever securing a Federal' Square. The proposai wase that the new aovernment buildings requred suc a s Cuetome Hous, Post -Office anS simillai institutions. abould be huit on the sane street, whicbi would dhe laid eut on a style cf magnificence. IThe Qoverument was reported 60 o, lui entire symipathy wîtb the ochemne. and Toronto believed that ai lest it would gel seniething worth whibus But the Gorern. ment found 'aben they'- came te purcbsas the 'land that the land owiiere always saw theini omng and jumiied the prices aj accordingl>'. The acheme 'asa going 60 in- voive se great an oxpense that it i nally was egbandoned; Now the Goverument propomsto bulld ý, for the cit' a fine new Post Office on thae 'iand occnpied and adjeining the presenil a site, on Adelaide Bt. eaet, and similarlya 5s new Custonm House on the premest and ýd adjoiniii; site at the foot of Yonge St. The uew Poet Office le t have a front- 'Y age cf 328 eest snd a denti of 186 feet. It 8,la estimatAd that te addttioiial land re- quired *111 coat.-net lesa than 86.5000, ks aithouglr tilts land. lanet Inu the most expensivS area. SMANAGER 0F INTERCOLOLUE Mr. Gutellus lias Been Âppointed ut a Sulury of $20,000. A desputch froni Ottawau suys: 'Attcmpted Suicide Prom .the -i-ne oaea-iU-couneil anlieiTille - - tesmshlp Majestie. . Board o! Managemnt e! Govreru- - ment Ruiîwuye, 'sud sppoïxtlng Adespa-ich f rom -New York sa-rFaedeic Pasmore Guteliua gen- Chie! OfflerBlair jumped overboard erI manager!o! tie 'ahole -systeni, -i-n mid.ocea from thie steamer Ma- wa-s ta-bled i-n tii. flous. on Wed- j"-g -.on TlSesdlay la-et -and nescued nesday. The appointuient la for a- W. Keown, a- oua-ipasger 'aho hud definite peried o! two years, sud attempted. sguIide. Ke-own appar - thereufler a-t he plea-aure of Ilie ently regrehled hài'act aescson a-s Minuster o! Ra-iIwa-ys. Mr. Guteliue' - le bit the.w'aatar, sud began strug- saîa-zy la ho b. $20,000 per year. Hie g ling. , Blair prexuptly spra-ng aller wiîl muke negulutionsaus 10 thie er- hinx sud iel-d i up until btiganizutien- of !the.staff, the. condi- were picked up by a- ixiat. tiens cf .empl6yment, sud the. cel- lection o! revenues. A yearly ne- port is to e eubmilled tte-tie Min- SCOTT BMENORIAL F UNXD, istere. A ContrIbution WiII Be -Givea By the iGovernuient.. A despalh f remi Otaas- ye _ajuderstood lthstti.Govexnment ia-4 deided te make a contribution ct e Sot MesiionlalFuud. The znater 's dthee iale House &t etalime wbea 4.tails cf the Ant- arClo ra-edywere fiaet *made knosË.n te thz wold,*nd the. Prime: Mihpeter at thM, hlm.- indicaledtha-t ,~ C.4ýa 'would '4-. "esiý4 cd a- TRAPE IS GOOD. -~~~ - rtâ IiJw nt Expeérts fer .,pril 8ShowihLàre Inrae , - k 4espa-leh froi London -says: -Thebboom in trpAe , ôebnlinus. fThe -~zppro, e-pite lte -ec Ine In raw, of $ f 17,280,8W0 n~ue *1~5~9,as compawred with rle çreoding mon-lb la-t'yeaz. The' p>esd$j8,3ý2,275; in 0& MW Crlcab xàavfàýt>»ditoiÇýandd steel, #12,- i. i~P- ~ *0,77,45,and ina- A WEALT1IY CHURCH. TrInty, o! New York, Now Owua A desptei -frein New York suye: The, parish o! Triuily Churci, ofîsu described 'a-s lie wee.tiiest lu tic wenld, la now pàying taxes on pro- perty valued a-I $15,171,0ý24, an in- creuse o! nearly bal! -a million -dur- .iug, lie - year, aceordiug te figures given-nla .a 600-page year.book cov- arngh e tivitiles*o! Tninityý parisfi. Il ç id. l t t he méît v-Ilminnus yéur bock-ever printed. l'y a- durci. Reports slow thaltbh cbnrch corporation now ewns 366 in'usw- , hiçhIbetween 3,000 sud 4,000.persona are living., - VOTES FOR WOMEiS. lilinole Sca-ate Fa-ssci the- Suffrage - -- - fill. - - A'deipatob froua 5pringfield. TV o'uis; say.: Tii. Senaté, on Wed-, nesa-y passed the.MeGili won=, n suffrage bll. , The bill gives wc- Men tib8 right to vole ion a-lf Iatu- tory offlees. It uow goea te lie THE NEWS ri,'APARABRAPII INUTBUFLL Canada, tbe.,Emplre ad tiiswos Canda. A-Usaxwaa out te piéces by cirule- a~wslua barrai worka -at Woetrh n.'epa.perrmen are nego,- tia ttesuppoaent the Associ- ated -Priese servie. by ùmore direct n.ws frein Grei.t Entaan. I. lnipe Board of Trade protesta againest western freiglit raIsaakngthe. (kve6r-mesti t6 eee thein equalizcd ns fa-r as pSei- hie. - Sta-ztlizig fats anad figures in re- gard te the white slave trafflo-lu Canada wore given by Mrm. A"a Gerdon o!, Otitaws, at tii. National Cpn*eiofl wonen. %ogS.M alloch, an c au- ilIon diocter, lias been appointed by the Governunent 10onSPanY Ste- fa-nason, lu charge <A! one o! the geological partie.. Mrs. Shortt o! Otha-wa- ait thie Na- tional Councilc.o!Wopien auggested bringing out LI>ndon hboy( to work on farme lu summfner and as pages sud domea-tic servante la winter.- --Great Brituin. - Tii. womn's suffrage bill was a-gain zejected lu the. Briiihlouse o! Commnons. Au attenipt wus made le wreck the. historic St. Pauls Catie-cra inl -London witb a- bcib. Militant suffragette. are eunspect- ed of having burned St. Catienne's tCliuzch, near Chathani. The 'home rvle bill was given a- firet readiug in the BrItish flouse of Couinons without debate. l"General" Drummondcollapsed SLond-on, during preceedings a-gainai the isuff ragettes. L United States. Dr-. Louis A. Dubring, famed a4-aa writer a-ad au authority - on akîn diseaGeé,' le dead at Piila'delphia, age-d 67. John P. Mitoiell, presildeat of the Board of Aldermen o! Ne-w York, ha-s beeni appointed customs eoîlec- ton A! that port. The eveturaing -of s kettîe of hot fat at Roxbunry, Ma-se., oaeed a fire which desl-tnroyed ten buildings and suffocat.d 120 boases. General. Kinag Aifonso of Spa-lu was ac- oorded a- gXcat welcene in Paris. Grains of G oId. He- who wa.its te do a greet dcaI cf go-od ah once wrilI neyer do any.- Dr. Jo-huson. Sonie mon, undea- tie notion e! ,weeding out prejudices, ezadicate virtuýe, lioueehy and- m.igion.-Deain No Ilchance- l ecvii te hlm that la onùteit, aýnd te a- ma-n ncthing mis- erable unlewe it b. unreaoable.-, JerernÏ'Taylor. IL Thméotgladeome tVing lu the- world le tha-ew of. as f âIl very; owthe' e'st ' ha-t witl iuc , SUO il is.the life of evhi-y day frein 'ah-eà ---eeei: o a bette-r lf. muet come. Pretty RIch, "lae b. zîchenonghute keep ean au- ,e, -h.elle - even, rivierz hier tiat. Rie keepa alaw r. "Ho du. -enadvertise thaI yenu,, do paizinleëe, denitry1"' - "Dic I hur yot, Mis rr Absblut;e 1er- luire. -Ysu talked fo r- fivý iitéè à-ah a ime>wheu - I uldn'h ût~ l - - -. - bt ie'a ia-oti j2floaboriginal >race). s that form thie- outiieru-Cr-oss,- ýeaPqs. -The 'creet ashows tlIe The~ arma were £dopté1 a-t the - 3r W88 raisedA.rom a colony tù NEWS BY BAI&L BOUT'JOUN BULL ÂX1i miâPEIOPLE. Oeeurrenees - lu the tend That Beigne Supreme,- lu the" «Com- mercIal World. - The British lIs oprs e .- e 'r than 1,000 separate islande a-ad isléts. Abotit bal! a milion 'foot Pas- songera sthe. Mansion' House, London, Iaily. - ign- Martin, f Cardiff, secouul ,mate of,-the Wstgarth , died'oh 'the. cleck e!f the veesel-at Southanipton.- The. Queen -bas pýreseuted-.a fur- biier gift of 'books to the. Victevia Leugue forChildren lu the Domin- ions. .L SSir Willian Bell bais died in à nu-relng bome iu Dorset square, fol- lowing an ope 1ration, -cr -appendi- citle. Passengere travelling by the. Great Central Ruiiway Co. are now însuriîugtjeirbaggaee againet los or damage,- k Chie! In"specter Windsor, of Nez- wich, ýa native -o! Colciester,,t huis been appo'inted Chie! Cocnstubte cf Mr. FranéÈs Stopford, a- well- known society 'writer, has been ap- pointed man.iging .director and edi- tor of thei' é'orld.y Mary Stephen, the wife of the proprietor o! a sbooting gallery at Souh Shields, wus !atally ebet while unloading riflés. It lias been decfded te sut aa club o! old comraidee o! the, 131h Hlueais under the. -titi. o! "Tiie Old Couirades'-Dinner Club."1 A steeplejack uumed Elias Pen- nington feli ne.arly 160 feet frein a stade at tie Port Talbot Steel ,Wozke and was killed instaritly. A -tablet bas -been unveiled. in York Minster by General Wynne ini memory o! Sir John Moore, who was killed sf7 Corunnu lu 1809. A' North-Eastern engine-driver named Halrry GoodwilI, uged 36, dropped de.ad ut Thornaby-on-Tees station just prier te bis- train start- ing. Dover promena-de pier and pay11- ion are te b. utilized as a naval landing stage, having been pure-las- ed by the admirulfy for £8,000- The Postal Service 12y,~ mileE wulking race ut, North Fincliley was won by H. Broekheuse with F. E. Roberts, luet yeur's winner, sec. end. The death lias occurred o! Lad5 Pitmuni widcw o!f Sir Isaac Pif- man, ah her residence in Roya' Crescent, Bath, at the age o! eigb- ty -eigbt.1 Tii. collierles have nolified th( lioueehold coul depols iq Newcastlo hut practically ail. qualities o! cea bave.been advanced, le. per ton. .AI. Ibe police station aE Steur, bridge, Worcestersiire, a Tam wortli laborer wae found deadili hie oeIl -with a' stocking ramme' down -bisthbro at. TheR oyaD-l -Aoaetn o! Msie an lad-i-waithg motored: fr Windsor te 5unnilwgds-le,.aud a. a-n in!crma1 -y-lut to. t6e, Lqnd Motbeére' ConvalescentHoe I cluda-d.lu the, Ist of candidat 'wio halve pased the fnail1fll Id er arf .xuainàa-i9à,and nti VM,~Prince ,Louîsine t rNidiolas of' Batt'ei track~ a rio stock,. 46o peat-bagi a-wares at 65 t6a 67 1-S6 bag, où'track. _Baconý-Lng clear.. 1514->to 151.2c perlb.. lu case lots., -onor.eu,*2 e 2; a<4 es,'21 L-ta $22. HarànP-Kdîin to lilt 112ta 104 heuvy, 62607c l-, iii ; breakfaSqbacon, 112 6 20'e;-baCk, tb 19 1224o Lard-1ierceo, 14 14c; tubs, 141-2.- pailsi 1434c. ScaIed fHay and^Straw.- Ealed Ha . 1812.50- t60$13, on track, Toron3ta; No.- 2, $11 te $11.60i Mtxedbay 15i quot.d at $19. Baled;st ra-8-6e0 to *9-ou trcTorcut, Montreal, May, IL.-Corni. Âmeriëa.No. Z sielow., 6560 o66c. Oate.t Canadisn Western, No., t,421.20; No. 3, 401I-Ze; extra No. 1 feed. attg61 700. Buckwbeat, No. 2.ý56 -t 5e. -Ple1ur, M"n. Bpriig wheatý patenta,* firata, e40ýo -seconds, .4490, utrong- bakers':, $4,70; ' Wluter _ patents, coc.$.5 straigtt rollers, $4,85 te $40; trailbtroi-, lors., boss ,?2200-*2.36. Rolled,-oato, bar;- relu, $4.35; ba«si, 90 lb.;.2.5. Bran, $17.60 t60 $19. shorts. $21 10 $22. Middlings.- *$M 60 826. Mouillie; $28 60 $34. ,Hai, No. 2, per .tan car lots, $14, to *14.W. Oes ig. est wes terns,, il 60 l-.e.Butter,, choiceut- creaînery, 2610 2612c;uecoëndir,25t601251-2e. Eggé, fresh, 21 te -22c. PottoespVer, bha;, car lots, 50 60 60c. - wlnnlpeg Wb.at. Winuipeg, Ma>' 13-Casb-ýWbeat-N0O. i Northern-, 92,4e; No. 2. do., 891.2e; No. 3. do., 8674e; ,No). 4. 831.2a; No. 6. 78; lNe. 6, 74e. teeS, 620, No. .1 rejiected, seeds. 87e, No. t,-do., 84 1-c;,'No. 3. do., SI11-9e; No. 1 tougli, 61-2à, No. 2. do., 83 340, INo.- 3. do., ic; No. 4. do., 771-2c; Ne. 6. do.ý, 711-2c: No. 6, do.. 6f1-.2c; feed teugh. 55 1-2e; No. 1 red Winter, 93 34e; No, 2, do.. 90 1-2e; No. 3, do., 87 7M - No. 4, do., 84 1-Se. Oatsi.-No. 2 C.W.. 3378e; No. 3, do.,, 313-4c. extra No. i Yéed, 33 1-22e- No. 1 feed 32 14e. No. 2. de., 303-4e. -Barley7!-Ne. 3. 4 -4c; No. 4, 471-4e. Flax-No. 1 N $W<. 1.1414-,a No. 2 .W., Unlted'Blets. M*-hotu. Minneapolis, - Ma>13&y,-We M>, 1-2 te 865-4e; Jul>', 8834c, Soptembor, 891-2e. Cash pries9-No. i bard. 90e, No. 1.Nortb- ero. 881-2 ta 891-2c. No. 2 Northern, 861.2 te 871-2. No. 3 yeilow coru, -55 to 56o. No. 3 wahite cale, 33 1.2c. No. 3 r>'e, 56 ta 58e. Fleur prie.. unebauged. Bran, $15 te $17. Duluth, May' 13-Liuseed, cash. $1.30 60 *$L30 14; Ma>', $1.29 1-2-, 3n1y, *1.31 1-2. Sep- tomber. $133,-4 bid; October. *1.32 asked. Wbeat-No. 1 bard. 903-8ce: No. 1 Nertb- ern, 8938e; No. 2 Nerthern. 867-8 tq ffl-8e; May', 881-4c, nominal; Jul>', 901-8o asked; Septomber. 903-8e teked. Live Stook Marke Montreal, May' 13.-Prime beeves 7 1 te 754; medium, 51-4 to, 7; commoaa, 4 to 5., Milkmen'a strippers. 41.2 to -63-4. A fe'a choice - niukers Wëiit for *$0 6 $75 eacb. Calves 23-4 te 614; aheep aboue5-I-2 te 7; sprinr Iambe, *5.60*$7 sacb; bogo,A 1 -. Toronto, May'i3-atl-2Ooi xport. *6.50 te $7; choices butchers,' Kr60 te *7;. good medîi, * 6 te *6.25:camion. $560 $6.25: cows. $5.25 60 $5.76. "bule. $525 ta, $5.75. caners. $2 ta *Z.50; cutters, $325fto $3.75; Calves---Good veal, $5 te $7; eholce,ý $8.50 to $9; common, $3 tp *3.Z5. Stoek- ers and -Feeders-Steers. 700 ta 1.00 pounds. $4560 te $575; ,yearlings,. *3.10 'to $3.50; extra choice heur>' feedes 900 pounde. *5.85 te $6. Milkers eSd apring- era-Steady demand for good stock ut froni $W0te $7Z. Sbeep and Laab-Light ewoa, _e6 te*$7.25; heavy, $5 ta $6: lahh's, $8.25 ta *10, bucks, $4.5060 t * 6. Ecg- *9.80 to 9.86. -fed anS- watered: *$9.40 to *9.50 fo.b., sud $1040 off cars. SUFFRA-GETTES' DOINGS. Rave Caused An Immense Amount of Damage Io Pzopezty. A deepat0h f rom London says: mhe dama-ge to property lu the, Bn-' tiaàIs le-scaused by the n4itant Suffragettes duriug the pat tiiree menthe amnounts te upwards o! $5,000,000, aeoordiug 10 a-n estima-te mande by thie authozitiee ait *police heaéquartere abti> Seot-land- Yard.' To ths suan tiey sey muaI be added, tbe-mne-ased eoSt of -protectî-ng lives miprpertY,. - Thre delco-w -over eaèh inember- cf the Cabinet ait a-Il limes, whiîe &a1 euspected1 persens are uhadowed :iiy pla.in- lothes mn, a-nd a-Il public build- -ings have been pla-cd under spe- Scial guard.- 3 ThirtyY ears In Frison. -day's work inm où, an4~e lutend. te tatno, aide~ WeIWa,-60, daIz, 'te-à dteva- t.ner ug oin rnitfor trlal." moitie as: lielongeaVii.1 ae 'r aI- eva sq d- fi ew'pr-eveanhi vo de _to1'a- pnecn, being prv'ed 'aga-inetho - --settieti.1 -L -Mrm. Randa11--Thié tW "e osl de't spea k aý>n ' r_' ci ca#ned te lia-v-e tiheinuîùrtest cbuld linwu -Mre. st-bdi a Jbt$- have, ehezc t.- - "WIiy do- you blame uiomu for Biak>e gronchinels V_" - Desoepdve euirclar on fêques, pIric: 9.20 arid nterea,- to Yied6% f - r ANDQ I - B I Iloire- mU'st tbeèrefore, b. pîo.ý >BJ~ Z $YW H I nuiDýl Vo'tiat o! thé bo-dy. , 'a maller-of»fa-ct, ta-il men bave largèr brune ii~ maîl men witbout a-ny BIG IEAS AR NO ALAYS errsp0di4g e.?cese o! intellect ý .BIG"ADB'ARENOT LWA a-arIdlb. oaller' female body, of THE CLEVEREST. cusca-ils o espyia-rl - energya-id- therefoze does-nqVf-, - - quire 80 large- a biain. - -Girl Babies Have 1y, Ounees Bore In quulity .a w omaile Iram je BrainBatte Than- quie--euaL to tbat pf a m~an, and - i a-limema-y come ~w'en tbatpait ef -Boys. the~ brain- de-Voted t& mental "IVnc- "Men wlio-talcs a large size' in s ib agr~uwoe a lu me n. Anylow, aie starts eut in .hats," remarked a fa-aionable ha-t- 1f. witb brain mattçr weighâfg 134 - tez the other day, "'are very proud ounces more tia tl4at cf-the.-male" of tho fuel. Am withreuson, for id QutpsibyBe-a'ný -dees not'a large, edi pl ri ste use il us a ma-n dies-tô eurpass_ and intelligeîice above tii. a-v'er- hùn la- mental pwr agel- This ides 15 very common, writesfI DR GEFR AAD a àoctor, but studeute o! ekulîs a-ad BGD- -E OýVAAA bruina are qujte convlnced hat ne -i B U e .t X é ie p' a constant relation existe between-tiiheUeeeMaeBe"ae aize o! the. skull -and tb. muss of Harbor lu udi.5 B ay. the. lra-lu, nor even between the Canada waili begin tiia-ummer te- -quantity o! brai i matter and the niake a deep iiaa&hr: *çn H'ud'son person'e intelligence. Bay. At acocet of! 4yer $ï!5o~o00a On. m-ay, lu the first place, bave miammoh hydipaul-ic suction.,dredge a large liead wile -the brain witli- capable of excava-ing ta depthbof lu il- la only about tbe average 5I12 fortysýeve-n fee t l in gii built at To-ý or penhups& below il. This ia-y be rente for tie -Dominion Covern- due to unusual massivenes e!flhe meut. Il je deelgd _Wbà4le wti. boue or 10, thickuesa o! certain me '- the. e flous <6f thie Actic region11 brunes which form the. sca-ffoldiiig a-nd _may b.- oompletely subi erged 'L the brain. wifheut sùstaiuixg dage. - - Tiien, a-gain, a persen mayreally ,e4-e n-1ly la 1, h ie--biggeah- job-o! bave'abrai' o! unusual dimensions the kind everattempt.d- liy, afC-na witb- quits an.avera-ge understand- digin -oliïpbüildet-, -buthèiýccôntr-et, ing. esils lafor itseorapetic>xiin-the coTT:- This curiole fuel ln expla-ined p&ra-ively short epace Of five quit. simply. Our brans consiat of mentis, ,wbieb meaiis reord hume grey malter on the. surface sud a for a. destic - eipye.rd.- --musao! white malter beneatli. Tii . dredge Wil be equi.pped wi1thi The lutter le merely a collection wireiess appa-ratus, 'x conmpte ma-. - , o! uezves,/wlici bzing in sensations dhLine-shop, -iùcluduuig:lathes, plan-- sud curry outwazds the impulses »rs &ille, air campremeors a set tiat moe muscles, control glands, cf 'pueum*tiy bol, emitiiy-,nld7- Ilc lewt-ii1rymatrw Ih inejhe emresud er-1e fonn ail ti. oermentizaunctions,ý and in alarg oteruienthie uy b.n o! i reavlyageîl siretthii wlite ofrlvl mallter.o tewht mThe qatl !gry atr whicnit a- p rson inttegn, de es alyou o ndliept, c dumeres clefla or-thleurea te whic. i lpe. The-odeeiser leis-o sueshie-greadis.Te viee. - ereofis- mental cspacity. - IhQùality Bruine. 'The man wioý-weti a'-big lia-ma-y, pjocir qua-lity: .aid consequýenlly Is inferloy lun.,meutla-i-cspaelty. te - lise mai% ýc! 1h. amaîl ha-t. QU'ajity,,- iowever, caisb . judged ouly by ils , As.,a malter of fat, we sec ma-ny - Imeai. cf great ca-pacity. aida 'iawI forebheade sud 'cbviously sinali,' brains. - On lie ehher bau, Ii. ,pos»eîsori o! a&highi, broad, for- -ieudâlàý su arge.. head i. oqflen. dis- i ýappointing 'ahen,,yen cemçe ho.as-ý ,certain the am"' nt.cf, biàimental, powezs.. lighes nn superior imental gifle. 'Crernweli' a -br~laj~~ai tehave beeî on -1 âd >Byro .-b-inàmof ôuà.e ome ta-u' roila But Gambetutate gteàt>.Freuci léta- màai,ý, waa belcw lieÏerge -aereadsIis eor ga n, ii e êy, maîll 1*ýiaveighing. a 11h11, lias, han41' ounces, - «Are o ew 's s. lntelechuai b.-' cause- they hâve amaller bruine than Imen ?I Ildoea net lcllew'a-t a-Il. Thc lir-m lasa-gret al ei !-wrk te do hiat bea-rs ne relatl*iï onteinlu- telmt. 1h contrQle alilloQur meve- meute, keepeî* ial orgnin oe ras caMina. -Aiso ýýhi crew wlilf' b. able toe eniey ma-'ny' cf the-luxýur- - les of sm' cocan-lméri, -a -tbf Craf t wiil bave electzic liglit a-ad ste-ani h.stlagla every zoom, a.>iarge re.- filýerahýOr, .pantry - ànd chier- cci- e- . oveznmcuet liopes Vo --inake~ uch eliadway -n.lthe- develo>peýl-t o!f ~ a arbor ou Hudson Ba-befere he wîunterof W13,aad. iia-expeet. ded l-hrbor -wiIl b. -ready bhythe ine the, Hudsea Bey Ra-iiwaSy ~a di-ledge viU ha-ve to go0 dowýn'fhe SL la,er-ence, eouud by lthe oua-st of -ýa4tira4o r, tbrougi - th.-Hudson, Stra-qts a-fid,, eross the. la-y. Wle -thhe atis not isel-f-propll&1 alie is .-Ieam stee-ring gear hu dl î fro -lb oeiaig' bouse ou th, uppe ýde-ck. Thisa la lu ordez t6 kéep"be-r oteudy wiecutowlg.Sho, wlllhv 1~2iutb tdrlîi c a-l,- -d wîl keep b.r liad t<tit.ewî-nd in cafe 'na asi.- fOr, iýtig- leca-at héèr a-clri!t.-- , - - Unenqucrcd. -> 1'6iigleig4i (in art -mu esui)" as aexe-- ~ Fer Enbey eummr and wer- 'iroiùglifor the. -1aboii of yar. The morea .were the more trouble 'eiced. When they w estthey fretted4 abo t, as left und-.on tLy went at --te wor enoefrom exliausti oyel nd wi th their ci Whè n an active, en returnsýafter yers in firet need je a preac local doctor on the ne This he ehould tale a antidate to the- preac. city lotor 'who advis the office and take to_ lehasecapi -al enougli hire other men to do: o &njoy the deliglite of If lielias flot capitale -- zut sucli a progfa his money without trength at the amet an$l painful l-abor. But let it lie underst is the determining fa great pity that more-; denot stay onthe la e~nilcre city- -boya .do., *ranke <if the. ieturùers- optrtunitiee inu abu those who have youth1 and 'who are willing tk to eecure an ùi4epén --hoùi!ê' good enougli-o'r 1i Wilim'Osier' that,'tle lock b. turne-c that.ie gone and the pened-Qn the daytha was oly abit of conse inggeneration to obse at .hand M~d ot jumi grét, for one that liad- Wllianibas atrickef- sie, and '. te ie aniï ise more thaxi le intended, t1er-of chloroform ami Now lie bas folk haaMiM because hie philosoplay aw&y boti-tlie eunseteî' wrises and 1eate the hunai in the monotony of aoo, Sl wou1di -take away t that identifies and en-ric] anticipation- which Therelqre, folk proteet * will flot loch themseelves twentv-four hours a nd -lia -behind them- but a. do aross the entrance-by came and nothing beforf * cept a dopr barred.ar * .by which the~y Wi11-o ou -liam n1tmerely. wished -against scrambling thrù _1each -the next. It was t-à b. an oyster. A4VO-ID 11R .DIS: ius triaP Physician Says Asfor ts, acoffeendt muelh lenss te-o b-e said.' - le offee, certainly di, ne'rvýollS affection&s f thelý -it had litle effectupoe tu ~-.ndteo ~asinjurjous ol With regad to -nieat, we.re-ý rigit when. they CaP4 inj urious effects, b ut,- aftm haps it was more the ric anjd gravies zccompasnying di dt.h é ichif. -T.he idei cailled a ie eswertl< fui flan darle meat.swea lily only-t.-rue ila a'agârd tc ferent ia-y of preparing a Tet ' man wy--f1 9 mm j%01 %01 TORONTO mfl%.or 1- y- ý -. 1 ý . - ..1111.11 1 - - - l ý 1 ý m

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