Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 May 1913, p. 5

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n1 ge zw iZ- ~ ~ ,~JREPRE- h .rigbt tb c ange one à iinds'a iA.Derican International- Art nbKSN4îE; 2 serb1~. ~ ii4vll~goThe offer. to accept a*tundni an even higher liohor lins .v'niM r.TpeGnnue ' d gonds declslvely .assumes -he bur- to lier ini hing -a pcuea etby tivefon - e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O b .e k t e n o!prof. W . realize that-- .i1- î ti i. 0cete Nation l ! le e u -uywth -th sp y plm e bi eo Ir1.hidIdd=1ttr- là not. gained mierely -by the son -! bMiostex Isî lear ~and ' s sitn, )Mr. Hogarthl, sup1;iù 'org nabon ai Mis o-l-are doing tespràylng uinMrs. Pow-. - --~ our lnerchandige,. Il là -the mey livrays was formerl.y a-pupilo!Mr'0 llj .orehard tlis seasé,adgo 4h Bdd ~i.! lack il yow are hotl satllld>' policy W.L. ~éeuTrno resuits May le -Iooked for. MîSTi-7pper, t~~-hai -materializès ouir sales? ,,Basa- ý-isrcnl;be.apltdt ie - .Ce uesPOLIC1Ot0URi Oitil-'latelY o0ecuped .by Mr. J adled. uýn,1, 2. dy vag,~m ae n s-particularîy interes1èeÃŽ ()n~ dusdyQ-4.ùs tM.Jhn - 'PME WOOD FOR pee SALE»-' eard beforeti oie ti ae adcllaf a tous' -~ I ave everi loae c!excelmiton g chiage o! dsordeÏly-- onducî ndfrit, ndwI> ùdubteîybea aad ~ ~ r Ufgr ' amrwo,' -,or kinl gwo, alt. Jdýènson- h em < hval oaOlo amn ruiorWers whick1I, will, seli to -,first cowàer. .ii prmnet aàddss, hd- starri ~!-oti.naf.. Firsl coame, #t a eed. C. <A.. . In ow en he assaulted a lad ,,ào-utea cae_ ko' Goodfellow, Gazette oilice.nmdNwoadwapopî rI- I IJonAIN ermotmted crown . _il '-écàreo.ïsÜýad t Ten liiilb.spln oil uiy o h hre-f sni;ad Notice Ila hfereby giveit -than an- np'. morning-and even.ing by lRWTev hs, ,wai8 fined$2 and-costs* orI 5dy. 7pla'o-wl"b ao n oafc .Cowàa, .~Tronto, in' hea 0 tceo!did not haie the ncssry oa.ndlb anpefr , ek - e' ntalo an Irmutd i atr.- - [.afis address .wlI. be the, CounlyLaè,Onaio n - ~ ..Sunday ýSchooI and Bible laiss at Gaol for lite next twowes etrnRlwy opany ànt 1h ere~ ' 1 - .*~FIET gnada aife Ry. Compàinytoy the IR SOD T.UE NED. ' Canada, upon, lhe expiratiôn- a! on r lios et gas; FP1WORTH LEAUE. . On, 'nhursday of Iast w£»ëk lie tisl nnlltram lb. datç fIJeflrïtl- Tue m~~~~-ÃŽe. 'ug<of 'fouildation 'ohele fàirs ctae o e ~~ 50!Iee ,dist ,EËpworlli League- on- -Tuesday Hospitafbor attr ns lofa thc Èon oaa le heard REIS-VERY fevening n ext .a 8, o'clOýck, wilI ake oýr building -aof lite new É.ptlý o for a, recommendatlen tla 'the Gvr Sthe, fbrm . 61asocial . evénieg. A tliéheInsane. .Tii. patàs f .the -inafliu- noria Co1n.- frlb sntion a! a TLETE .,god fimlàlexPecled. Allilcoin. lonprovide for a, large 'iumber o Lae,4ae. i O$ aya 90 ... Sal blfig, sahr hn neo 11, rote. tlie; former 'ofApnîl ýs ma s, raher e an oe fo Comnpany -lao W SRK [ TEÇ. ]mare large structures.' It is expect- l ather ompauy,, <îuvering té? ulne, strike, bob lae' tw 1y aaed liaI thé bui ding ulb eetdof ralay .o! lie fonnier eOMpan7w. amn 'ti en employedby th éei- Çïà a a es ra a ohre u oic agvnpursuant -.t6 tta i-lIn BrdgeCompny, t ait à & tlim4e. .Th e.was iiô çremoûy at* 22' f Brlon ffi.ÇbidgeaI Dxia -te,îl. so-îunig, ieworç *n -J Po iosa Scin 31o! lie Rail- new C.P.R., line.. The- inendemanitiOutafly-,- spec a D ated Màatrèà1,, IbIs -2dday hfgerwaoo bt h. conpnyrè mxkigof!-th. event as an& '-o! great of April, 1913. fusti'l cmpl, ndxiw- ne wzeimport t this -community an thle - * put n lie ob~ Touble as expi~'t-Province ot large. . .W ETY put n te Toubl wa exeelSolicitor for sald Oocmpanies. eti, and several special çonsaeles were pickete, but no disturbance a- IfIGH SOHOOL CONCERT. rose; andti hç newmen look -Up 1h. on the evenlng o!f riday, May. 23, T. U.D woik. wllhout interference thle PuPls o the higli scollwil[ hald- l j,, a oncert la th.eiusic hàll. A fine N fUV - IrIONjLJ' .ECO1D. -The report o!lie Taronto Chie! ýof Police for the year ý1912 15 a docunment liaet enliodiem iJn!oqzatIon temandins -tb lim çael attention of citizens. The, total niimber o! ýofences dealt withinl ~e pole~ court during- lie year vas. tônb r' on1911. .- -t is latrue-that -the cit>y lislargely -exened ie ts mina and largeiy ,la- à$eaiëd -its- ppltion, *but tli- - -Crease- In .crimùe la e7ond lhe increas t1 p.opulation.-,Tii. number -o! arreste --on. the offenceso!f-drunkennilsswas ltoos; p'boudes .1,991 annerits for- dis- ceer eoaut. Tle.e do «net, liow- evt, maire up te total of. cames ith ici stýaug drinhlas mucii te do. -hr Tia lucase-01f offeucesthakt la vry !requetly- tlà, resul of indul- gênee iliu lpr, and whlci figures.very lageIylut AbecriMe, boali., Amoagi tham niay be meatloned the filiow- ý 1". -$Usgltl, tbri a h-he'-liJor law, cruelty ta anim aIs, affences a- gulust dleay, koep<mg of'disnepu- tle resorlu, megloot of famiiy, and lietlk. -Tbely we maay areSs -4on0 ttandvagnancy, boti o! *htÙch offeioeàgigow ingoly out o!i ntent- perate babites, lb la ssafe to aay ltat tuiltoui. haI!th'clmoiy's police busi- Pm An8lu eing vlhh lawlessaess dur- f Iig the. puat yean had Ils -origla lla th. 4iquortafflo and' hie iqeor hbl- Cause for EnLouragement. "Bt tàat3aw mai remain ion eMO omilities a iledý letter, unless proper - uni~*hoou 'jprovision 18 made for asfot<eniMt' by lb. goVgenment..No ~bIDjIhowver, ,oaatoilerate I'letramplng under foot of its logis- l-tien, 8and4 - believe that wlth rea- o#e omm P tal$On our cas, and urlou conld1rtiono! It by aur legiors at the present session af the Soms ,fÂsrnl, u equest wIU b. granted.. b~W ave i'aQ *asWe note -the brogfo88madi la -', 1e pas t te be -nj oorà*. i Qr tomperance forces are in sood leart. We are-couMient liat enaoi.-the besing of qod ti. day o! vtoo~ u nt far diatt.' - T1Orpr eOrded the lad tthat tii. fliistr f Railwaya hai ssued au eider tlirowling open the I. -C. R.' premises te officers, of lie lawfor la- spogtion, scarch and seizure c! liquor. The . question of Dominion Problbi- 'llon was rI!erred te asz o*' engaging' lb. attention o!, the , xecuive, and t -was -repo;ted- that ftnal action would 'tli Isn afa conereuice ta be held nozi Soptember hi -Toronto by re'pre- ientatives o! 1h. Provincial Alliances with n vtew ta approaching aur. Do- minion. Parliameut.. 14 Akutmobile for Ire at L4ke_&' Son's- garage. Phoue 10. i -I jr - AGAIN SOLD - BY AUCTION. - For ltie'second lime lan a tew weelii thi Chas. Bond '"properly on DLndas streel vest was moiti by auctimon Satunday lest.. Tii. irst, sale,iade lao Mr. -Ed. Brown, for $820,-w-as a61 co>mpîete,- dr. .Brown fling -t.scar- ry: ouI lthe purchase. tii.-pr;iperty had tb be agaîn -advertlscd, a-' on 1his.occasion Mr. R.W. -Bra'itelr was1 lhe purchaser for $520, aireduction.o! $300 -on lie price.aI vwilch itilwas firI knocked dowa. - BOY WANTED. Sman-t boy la leara pnfntlng. at -Gazette-Chronile office. .Apply;.- HORTICULTURL(ONET The. Tomauto Hlorllcùitnral Soci'ety- have donaaed t lte- Whltby Society a allver-and a bronze iedal, ta b. awarded ta the. person liav-lug the best collection of Henbaceous,-Pereui- niaIs, cul.,-bioom, la b. exhiblled Bt a fiower exhibition,, lhe date of wb'lch vIII b. announced, later. Here is an opponluily fôr tle. aver lover tà iispiay bis a.btlitlea in floriculture. - SUMNER WOOD FOR SAL I-have ,aeverai losil of)' summer-w .ood, on k*iing -wci Ilii i sl ta fina Firaot corne, fintal serveti. Goadtellow, ,Gazette office. LE. exedlent - wood, cone., -C. A., CORIN CR0? COMPflTITION. Pprgani la belng t6pedla b.- talion part la by lite pupils. -Mr: Gea. Ne,,, the amous -Scottish tenon,.ufil be present,' anti will sin.-a numben of cholce sange. Mr. .Nef! ,le said tp ho tie- fnest siagef -of qe*tUeh sOngs- 1 Canada. rlensof the uchool shouli keoit tis concirt la imini. SIN-LE PARE FOR VICTOR-IÀ DAY. The Grand Trunil Railway.,Systemà vwiii Issue 'round trip tickets at singlè lare belveen al Stations ila -Canada east o! Port Avr, aise la Detroit, and Pont Huron, -Mich., Buflalo, Ni.- gara Faîls, Black' Rockn sien Bridge, .Y., Rok andi S spn 'Ood going Friday -and Saturday, May 23 and 24, valid retumrningtun-. tg1 Tuesday, May 27, 1913. ii- Tickets and fuli infarmat"tefront Grand Trunk Agents, and especialy E_- Stephenson, lown, ticket, agent, Wiitby.-47. HE LIKÈS THE WEST.. -Mn. Harry Haiob ret-urasi lust 'week frein a six ea trip te lie West, going as tan as Vamaçuver. Mn. RaIdi vas go muchi mpressed vitb lhe possibulities qf lh. Western p;ov- IaCes thathlelias- deeied --akû that h homie. Meordimgy hlbai sodi hlquzor shop bsines- in Whit-. by ta Mr. Flnigan, o! Ohawa,ani bas applied te 1the Licous. Commia- alone for a Iransfer et bis license. ""le nea oat crOp camPeiitioa cc--Vnovr tiucted- bylteýOshivs pair 1lasI- yoar Vancou-er provei sucita s'Uloes' btat tliiiyeat they are -coatâl'nla le ametîlion BEAUTIPY WHITI3Y. la cern . wenty-ifse enînies out be 'rheWhltby lifortlclunlSolt necevei frain !armera'wltm-liln1 adlua offens lii. ollovlng prises> tesoclety ar fifteenmiles a! O*àwaa. .. Lôeral mnembers sud rosideuts o! the tovu.1 prises are -offered, for fielda -o! ive 1. For lte .bonivegetable gardens acres or nmare, andti iope grovlng en-,WOrk --ob. bau by lte ovuer tu lie- silage car n latirs district wili do garien, exc.ptiug le18otn. a veli to place lhiel entry befone lie a"z,$3 BdprIe,$2; Srd.plizé, firaI o! Juno vititW.E.N. SInclalir;14th, prise, Soc.- Secrebary o! lie Pain, or E.G. îHo:-,2.- or -ieltIffwrlvIawî, garli, Whthby; and geaeral- effet.otf!gardons 'udl home surroundingu. >Work tà- b.<loue É OY WANTED. by ,lb. awwrs o! i , bgardons, etc. Smart buy ta barw prnn Apylut prlz,-U ; nd prise, $2; 3rd 11:15 at Gazette-Chroalcle ofnSc. $;4hnz,5. Entnies 'forltes. ,gardon cmessta' -b. maie by June lai. Seni au THE TABERNA"LE. ame ta bihe secrelary And enter e TI. -Suaday, May '118. field. Temonning. service vIl!lie laken M. V. Powell, SeC.-rftu. by Rev. Wm. Kettlewehl, aý,ne a! fT-o-- roulo's meet - able 'speakers, la the CLEAN-UP 1)AY. in-leresalt, o!the. Domùinion-Aiiîce A.t Ilits at-mIpeeting tse TovnCouin- T.e.veaing service vii e tby c011 ,named Xonday nexIf, IMay 190 as_. lieP pata R bet'The POýwer of <'èreàu-up day" for li lw~I Prgye." Tie SundaY School and aduit class-- es meet at Sp.rm.Avecôolçil t ..* ** ê* z Spçciaàl-ý-mnsIC - aI bot oerv.tes, bý' - - - the Choir. - Rev. hMm.,Ke.tt-leWel i ijI spe4ýak aIB ELV R IE Almonals, aI 2.3Q pa..- WHITBY -ARI-STIS SUCES Fo itOI ay-dp Miss Floreùce- IM Gllivray-,,a li- by, la meeting with - decided sucesi her art work in Paris. Suce e THRe M 1SSESeWM Li miad;ç President-- 5of iýiÃŽMan d ~ ~ . . 2 - -~- ~ - -4 1----- Ï11178, j We wish to acquaint the people.,of Whijy and sr rounding country witlhe fa thât-We haýve- ý4pýhed p lIaùndry'on, BrockSt., Whbitby,, in Hewis Bras.l' aid stand. We aré prepared ta do al kinds of laundry work Ladies,. work and family orders - given special attention. Ail work neai and clean, and prompt service gived. -Parcels called for- and de-' llvered.- CHARLME WÂIR Proprietoms Now, wi=butqtalm u stock 18muh aA fç 0 -watcbword ahhi'bejS .Many- a merchant bayA care- iesaly, tiaughtlcaaly; iàflock accumulates,-ile.ir"um&getsa aid and samie, losumi"h ln real "value, gou à'(uinflairn etc. Too, tie goedi u'i - for mnthasi 4yearsare- buring aley .u'epti u 'this way-demnalne pnofts-É 0, àuS, ïaspenhaps, muc ien. Wb9 paya iL Thlnik t-Qlak1 Ovet and oven, .s ur-et cký fainy 'busthlng la a thou lit fibuMt "ita aur. minis 11L.. y ean so ! ob aerv ti a. Smeas 1 hl .41g-,,t%.B- ideà, ta youù fresit, crispges -9»d-26% saved,- eatehi the P > un b2 rck ho Ë uàS. an Byron street. -, 2. -b ld t,ý liu e a on Cntre, treet. Z brick-houýs eon, Braki te t Il fraune -hou'ùsé on'Brock Stree4.' F- rramio« oàie çnCoborne Streel. Frae ihouse and su acres on Kineg. stÃ"if doutgidè e6coportion. Fr ise lore o<iBrock sret. . Cotae Hydenshoir. Paràk.> -2 -lI c orner Vitria Byo -tre1t - - 1 '. n Brn r12- loM -betweeu Ilenry and i ig Strfets: .100 -aPpie trs plaat.d fi ' vearu.,, Several farme., for s ale. cuntrywt mîlhueadbarn. F RANK E. JONES$' - WHITBY. - forSale.- 100 aeres O! best Clay landinlut .owii' emhp ! ci e naboukt--wo mlles -OfI e "Plsg, good bilc1k bouse,, bak beru:vll aStone stables un out- ýbudb . "IfT fon nod milbed. r i T a r a la l un 11e v er y e e u- - 76, mer.. Of -good dAY lmpdýY i-the re ouip o! Pikedlugsftuabecl o ~i- uLime, a&bout -iiaiw wiy .bo- taViit& atome atables maiod muM.WII mil aI a, bargii. -TWé tm oqm 0f.a bou se, aui -Tw. tr,$a-M oa.. on Dundu. 81. ProM& £001 orhard Mdiwatuv Y>S furthirpanàlars apply te- W.i &,' Wutlh., box 421, Why, o 2, 2 abogru. m i, % Toroate. - -1 -I i I c I I I f M clianeous -Aciverts. - -WOMAN- WAN'rED%. To do vashlng, Mondays- or. TUes.- fays. Apply ta Mns. C.. (ioê,dftl&, - OR SALE. Tempérance Houa. lan the ilboa Brookla. Doiag gooti business. Quoi n1ssan for seilig. Appil tua . W.U C LAUNDl.-49.TM A UNoD, mrS AT Aànr go aanthevoàawalmt.RUo. iauuiiry ohe a lit. -R.uea. Jeuê AApy-olte MatOI.-t. CaisemtaeniwA S atg. - Cmai ami e eme. D'oi a49o: vowek, u only on. car 1011. ernas. atratongven At a b totm Itrue.W. J, Luk Sit - OR SAL Ai uprlit _bofler m0, ouglne, 1.0 bhormepoer. Very uhoap. APPiIy bt Majr 1arpr &SosWMtby. - FORSALE. Tii. bouse ami propenty .Of t-be late B.Ormfstoý. Appl te M Iu , n - 8E»BMARLEY. - - Hae lng uantty o!O . -A. C No 2,prmaýuaoeî b y Prof.,-Zv ltu, h aË! tiEPedm~a o pan-mot, mt&lo glirai C Do ligeta -e h. liëwas.-productive sud bu alyfor the Onlaofarmel êbethes t fnÃœ na.' Prlc 70e busls,_ oiy oe j-O per bostel m&-oovx~e~jat *0 p.: bku' - By rivat sal athIs resdence, ~~ýtv- Ce-eS. Wfh , wyd- n'ïi--i No oki stock. 'Also Carter's Tested English Seeds.L1 Ir" T ownto Lawn Grass Seed, 30e pkq0 VYanity...,on the, highWay stil pas . aiculous -toliKfor. auto..- mobile travel.- , B tit hund-red thoUsandý new - Foid wiil this season, go to -buyers Who Prefe i-cal sez.vice ý-at rteasonable cost, rtather than -.costenïtatiaus- dispiay at Untèàesonable 'cosl. - -ý -. Our faet6ries baye produeed more than a3uuart- er of a million -Moel 'a. Prca:1uabout, $675; Touring Car, $750; Town Car, $10004.o. b. %Valkjrville *ith àll equîPmený. Foir particu-- lare got "Ford Timos"-an interemtng autoro- bile magazine. It'a free-from WalkervilleI factory. Ford Motor Comipany cf. Canada, Liie.W. j. J.IJE&£SON, Whbitb1Agents. SSSIIDgTimo We. have ail kinda of seedsfor the garden, by bulk Dutcb ett -20 Ïs, -AO13ecknar Neew Poate Sy, *- 0(40eck-u.1 New MPeap'le Syrp,2 0equart. - L aamePnapes - 20c each.1 Vi hae onultàlun wmohi-Mngul SM. Noé e a io* atL.- Jfle E W4 ERHOUS3- Phon, il Prompt Dêli~êy. enda.o - I .adtht e-a s £e ra 6eèedevrnot ùta e, an , tha tio cn suceed pyl use that new Jiat WHpITBY èivry stock of STA--TONj-RY - - AILthe riewest îhings ia..Papers,Pens Bksand.-Mag4gin'esl Rubbers and ei - else that gosomakethe most; conip - ofsetationer! -, -in'to*n', - - w. . l Ric0hards lyycie- 7cle made.' ports, and ,Toronto ive C.A.GOI> >fl ~oronto 'FAN E,'OESAiT 1STO Qom wTc LaiIway nover the rails anti itrilon tickets ;Mt are good ets sold 'from a paymient af ation. Stop- west ai Port ýor W'innipegj, 4.1 IlrPm. on Bt 26th, Sep- tom- Canada. ' r ail of tÃŽhe - at 68 King -a], 'Quebec. and Yeu, tiaC c'nè il 1 1 % k% ýi.ESTATE" Phène,

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