Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 May 1913, p. 6

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hope thatý you can put your DIood - -i ight. Purgatives gallop through1 theo systom - and weake n stead of- - gving strengtb. An y dos,$ýr wl!1 -neodinisPrîng is -a tenie tliat wifl niaàe new 'blood and buil'd ti the nerves: -Dr'. Williame' Piiik-p'ilIa I. the; only mediçiie that cap do this Opeedily, u1afely and - aurely. Fvery i-dpes, of this, mediëine 1makes new- blod-whîch celears9mak tîred, depressed 'monu wonenan children bright, active and atropg. Mn'. Maudo Bagg, L berg, Bask., iays: "ýI ean unhesita ingIy'rocom moud Dr.. William.s' Pi nk -Pillaas.a. blood buildie r -and tonle. Iwasi *very much rui dgwn whein I bêgan *uàing the Pilla, and a few- boxes luhly'ietored mv health."- Sold by ail medicine de&lers or by mailat 50 cents a box or six, boxeis for $2.50 f rom, The Dr. William.'l Mei-eCo- Br.qckvile, Ont., DRAGON CLUB,$ S1IIPLE LITE. IVown l -ournallut t Her Last Six. pence- Organizea Cub, The "Dràgon Club," i'ith dinner -for sixpence,. ha. ,tlrred mnany in- quiries. It waa a ýwoman journa- list who, at her lat ixpence of- fered te- organize. that. Chelsea * !England) --retaurant -on oheup lines and run it au a clttb. It was the superfluitica that, wer. eut oc«. -The laundry bi11--whY,*ahould not you eat f rom a bare table that eçau, ho easily cleaÜed 1.I The, crockery business was r>in on careful -Unes. There is too much- crookery ioni the siniple ife. "We e4t off bare tables,>' wi 48 the founder of the Dragon Club, - "and the f ood is.-dished iu French fireproof bowls 'with 11dm te them, Fjerviný the double purpose, when necessary, ci saucepan and plate.. Our spoons arà oý horn and boue, to save labor -in<Il ihiug silver, and out mugs are D uton, te, save labor, aud wc' wait on ourselves, also to save 1abor. The meal is euh- s tantial, atÂd- the hungry pereon eau eti t byoining the club and 'puttîng up hi. sixpencea fior tickeW.2 . - BABYS BATTLES. -.Baby's battles for health are rnany. The precious little lite la iu copitant danger from the many illa that afflict little -une s scb a consti- pation, ' indigestion, colic, diar- nhoei, ete.,.and unies. the Tnother guards her - ittle ones against these trouble.seriouia results may. follow. -Babys .wn Tablets jes the beeat niedicine te fight baby', batties. They are -a mild - laxative that wil rogulate the stomach and, bowels and will thus wàrd off sickness and will keep baby happy, healthy aud atrong., Tho Tablet. are sold by medicine dealera or by mail at 25 -cents a box from The Dr. William,' -,Mdicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Oh, Wcll 1 Pùitîonl of chieken ydu served to -me was nit one-third the size of the portion you just gave to that fat -inan over there. I'mi going to make à complaint. -WYhere'ýs th 1e mana- Wàiter indicàting fat party in ctacked ua aûd face froin the time aho una bora. Tbey erre çertaWuy ver,' much d4agured. Thes ida e1ue ssensitive and èracked and bled, causlug xmuch pain b,, * ~amariua. Webellu a, Ulttis Il took the foricf itching. The trouble nude hec. 'very iMrss. Whense. ried the teara'Would jnakeolii muan Causce more pain. I trled -- - ccld anru -, - sd an sd- st guI botter oui,' to breaki out agan when ~ sdte air. -S$hosuif èred for over - - ,'cnsd I wus gçttlns-dlacouraged whnIrend ofCutlcur aôp sud Oltaeni aud senti o apla-Ctcur Olntmànb meiucd t O &ýtee 1*rigliS A""79 nr o tli A <>' V - - oltments made 1* bora, se 1 bought'aome ignore. lu3d themfocfour weeks and obe jauzo* bea bowee duic. -Rer famlLnd b e~a ve iadve ia4a mark placeinfaeb ~bei empi~4~Je.ta ondeaf1iIiV o1cr.' .~C%éus S#Jsboeb for ida n Mdba# becim e fIta extemne 0urft7, deliate yt i .efeciv W epioien@t prou1eriO ad refrpshliiç geilit cww ebut ltla off-tbam Imlluwy jaspe, weame te a vafer sud qivee e ~ 4, iaacI~eve7 aommt t- mà~c* «ýqelItw bbadjÏunee. ti gF.psuIacr ltaeOo.a1 Lfb*nailpl ~ W1~blà. A. ýer o te, e r oiè "Lake, -oof- ~e- Dead" bu Seuthern Nigeria where- o! tpho guairdiaa le a giaut Python; likewise o! tliçiik4Qi trie, 'thie en of w ý-hich 'are'< ,little - better, than el&veate othe"*ooien, aud hi. adhn- tures amen-gth4 - latter and a.mong men Wîtl. j"'buffàlo çW teul'" are set. forth 1- great detAi lunhis reccut, book 'Un the, Shad4wý of -the Bush." The La;âke of Lite. Soon alfter T4a1ûsd hie equably, intrepld wfegtbc eAf ries- again, .after, theirlholid&y in Eng- band, -the opiaonrs>re eut on a new expeditton , whih ne- suited lu tii.disoeyery 6o! a eacred' "«Lake o!fe ' ti, eaistVIce-o! wbtdh hmd beenkept naa *èlous secret f rom the kuowledge ;b! Euro- peaue9.. Sbneting about .thi. Istest dLwoevery b! -te, .omniission-.r w a&s published lu - tii.- Losidon ow&-- paper, but Tàlbc4 gives fu ler de- taàs-le a thé'cursâe of -a.letter,ý-dMted flot, ue.sr Cablabar..' "On the.- afeajuading 0o! thisi Luake'of Life, aooerdi.ng- te 19côa1 ho- iefs, " b, -*ntýâ$ , «thiewelfiaý,o f, over a quartie. o! a million Ibïibiots depeuds."- Thon-,h. goce on te tell how-ý cloe a&shave h.àand-i e- panions- had f rom death. It seqns tlhat erruptioii 1pae tifed prebty extiens7iv-by ii. up- to-ate native offiiaiso! Tal'bô's district. Boon alter bis returu, in. f sot, the, commission-r duSoevered that the. duiky clo,'ks o! the. negion fad been indulgiug in it whoIesýIJe, and ho prompt1y im-prison-ed four of theini."The, rest," hb.'Wriites, ,fearing reveistions, started a ru- mer amon-g the'-villagera that 'thi expeditien jmat strting out wa.e te burnusud slay and lthat their sole cha.ncewas te anticipaite eveuta by murderingtii. white men." A Narrow Escupe. lt wa.s only owing te the acociden- tai lnre of a signal that the coin- mission-or ecaped. Afterward, however, -Taîbot ro.ved a charm- ing apobogy from- the chiefs,~ ex- pressing their satsfaction thattliey had'-n-ot bs.n- led i-to the error of killing bim betore't4i8y foun>d that the, repente as te bis intentione wer'e un-true. "Tii. trouble witlh life out home," remark. Taibot, sententiously, '"is that it contaln a s-npenabnndainco of thrille. "To give yen an ides o! everyday - occurrenSa. Last week a boy et eight wae brought np te me- for ,tabbiug a -pla>=ate througb the heant because theè latter trled te talc, away a bit o! sting 1 Next day -a wenisn, with hem foreh-ead eut through te the boue f rom the hair line te the top of the n-e, camne te comnplain thuit ber brother had donc it because hey-coulýl net agreo as to. the ownomuhip et a f 0w feet of yam patch. Anoth8r day a white mun teld ns that lu bicycliing along a track which beadg through oueo lettosacred crocodile ewa-mps he te-il over the rottin.g bodY -o! a wornu-, the. akuli cleft tbrough and laid eout as if in sacrifice with doz- eus etf brokeni jars set around ber. "To-day we. have just earued thu.t aneither ma-n and woman are. guihty o! destroying the Vwins which wexe borinte, theni I just mention these case& te: show yen te sort of 'in<idéttt' thâut i.s always happening ont bore." LITE OF ROMAN PAUMER. o)thàr w4sre, lciiga efc U99 Ipotse aud Pui'beck. marble vessels, wenedisose'ed osweIlas lai!., hiade, epindie w-boni, sud -coin-e $rom Gallien-s te ,conat&%ntiue, dur- i m-gti, ooaatona. Inîide tlhe bie e& u ril me oud bï,ýni 4-te i.bronza ae,- 's-d-ber. wa8 louud.' n- earro-W behéansd a chier'- *ry un a t. si 4a m a wefl wounan,- aud -osu d ë,si-r&th work as, ever 1-oud 1 .- 1 Dod s XKdne Pilla, -cured-Mrs. Face beoause ber idroiibleàos me f rom-disessed kidneyd.ICodd's I' uey -PIl .~waye ,r dineased kid-- neys, and ia. nînet'Per tent.- of!' wo mon,' stroubleieë,ëQes -f roni kid-n4y trouble, Dodd'e Ldney Pilla have corne tcb. known as si.ffering-wu.ý man a best frîeud. - WIIITE A BAIlt- Terrible Story of Eseaped, Coaviets From Devila Island.- A àtory% f canniibaiSM, in w hich wi"ecéked sailore were iudioted fur killing and eating a s-hip's boy, wuai related'in the Freinch Fresrodent-. ly. Four _oonviot-s med Mouiliard, Buoheresu, Fossey, aud Maohevele' arrange4 te ecAqpe frarn, DeviVus e- liad, the, penal oolony, inl, Frencu GuineW. -They ledt on- night,, ud Baohereau proani&edt Iead-the*i te apao-he< h-wod-b a.b>eto- dlg.for gold sud - niaàk e6n0ugh te Ilive on- tii ,t4ey coeud es- Ca"p -f rom tle o"c>ne'tltogther. , On Jan-uary e they leftç Wth a sword &pievëi some loavea o! breid and'oemo preerved voegetablea in tins. Fose acté'd as guide, aaying that ho lrnew the way te ý'the River MMA.uan, where gold ýwaa plentif ni. Af ter & six days' Maroh Fossey ad- mittd th4t ý ie- ad t luhs 'wý,y. The four meu wandered &bout aïm- lessely for eight <lays mo.re, living on roots. Starvation overtook them. M-ackevel broke duw-n -asnd. hie three companieiq& kiled an&- ate hlm. By means o! stesiing>,a béat the survivors got '14> )15Z118rwhere they weae able tW â tea-I a larger 'boat. They were wreck&l et the. mouth of the Maroni, aud taken baek to -prison- at St. Laurent. The three meà have-oonfesaed to eatinq their comptanion, and are tic be tried for his murder. CLEARED AWAY. Proper Food Put,- the Tr oubici Away.- Our owu trouble always seem more severe titan auy otherea. But wheu a -man is unable toeaet even a light breakfast, for yeais, without sevtre distre§s, he - bas trouble' enougit. It is email wender he likes te tel o! food which cleared awsy the troubles.ý "I arn glad -o! the oppertunity to tell o! the good Grape-Nuts bas doue fer nie," write. an Eseteru man. "For. many years -I 'was un-- able toeaet even a light breakfast without great suffering. "lAfter eating I wonld snddenlyý b. seired with an attazk o! ohic sud vomitiug. This wonld ho loi- lowed by hesdache and misery that -would' sometimes hast a week or more, leaving me se weak'I could hardly sit up or talk. "Since I began toeaet Grape-Nuts I have beeu free f rom the old trou- bles. I usnally eat Grape-Nuts on-e or more times -a day, taking it at the beginning o! the meal. Now I cari eut slmost auything I want without trouble. "«When I began te use Grape-Nuts I wag way under mw usual weight, now I weigh 30 pounds more than I ever weighied iu MY lite, sud I a-m Ont.l -ead Lh.- ittl bookiet,-Th inig uucomfortabbe; suýd it we' until thin I foundj ut '-1,-hadI put mj'e trousers te bcd -aùd had- 'hun- meseif over the 'batk ik !achair.'> "ýYes," sRaid theod l,"Ifn my stren-gth la faihn& eo.6r ew.hàt. I used te walk around t!ii'; every mornlng, but iately II 1 tie wheu I get bal!f way ro,- '- haveê to, turu and-corne, bo,.'> we cer1ween n uigni)o>rmg qrjjos and tai attacka pe, cr1 n 8eno ni frequent »-wng te'- the total lack of it, Police organiiàtion 1 sud-in au'vh a oNi lawlems oeunbryt -sneoay a- I tèetosecure ' ' isfor e~al UË cents, for th-e wmen, "ýn4l e-aH for th. c1àideà-4uashad ius ofl~t and the-r' - h Fiaely Developeul Bedouine, who0 prviGouiy ,had otily haut a rifle and in mary cases ,ony a apear -ln their haut. were MOUnat ýwrk -wtht pickaxes -while the womeên'darried." tiie ballasnlusmall. basireta, and the. ebldren- tirew o- boe ioeby eue onti-e; t Wkoi. It i. &dMzàshlng what rapid.pro- gnoe tiey makià u@Pite o! the. ci.- mnntary ,instruments. néed. lu aà-d>. dition- - tée tiee -local wonkerw atone-1 ma44osen1were (dned.frein tii. -seth- west Who..with cliaravtexiatic Turk- sh pheibut lu a- 9611, areul- flur,-bulît raiload -stations wth wS<drful fecade, reprodac-, moequee".the, -smoo&, wâIl 'aurfaçe, witlseut -aMYplane and l-fSer .hum- «"Whmuthe firstuiarte idth'e traok were laid ,dcwn sud tii.trai-c balliat, - wagom begun- te mn,,-l moat every mmi- edla u footlese corpses wer, f4und on the li-ne iu the ùxxuwnrgi aiter tube trains had been r-pa ite sscl.ff n utii diarkn.es,'e-asays -the Cologn.e -Ga- zette. "As àuicide ta far froin tle, thouglits ci! 4ues 'ebdren 0e! n- ture, t can oiily b. aurmised tha.t they chose theo h-e.Wfr tercnc as beiugthe biandlet plaSJor theoir work.- "Tiiey âàgoMtok a ýchildi.h pies- isure in rolliigete:nea e ecnm i eou the metals or losening tii. fiê pla.tes... Tiiegwould 'wait te se. ho* the. engin-e gpt vei thes. bunkers, ,Or Was lVorsted by Them. "From Dechersblue an iron bridge, 650 yards, will taethe, lino acrosa the ÈEi tÀm atsinto Mmspo'. tamis. -Au inspection o!f te exca- vation. uow bei-n-g made -ou ths site o! tiie old Hittt tial oon-veya oin intereating ideà o! -the culture and civilization o! tha.t once grcuat nionarcby. One of tRiltmeet inter- .e&tiug fin-cIa is a bas-relief et a casuel with its5 rider, the fimat ne- presentation hitherto discovered o! this indispenîable animai. 'The Egypt-ia.ns, who carved on- their' walls figures of every posible e- presentaitive of te animal cnes- tien, omitted the camêl. "Tii. excavàte)rs are net content sinply witb diggiug on tii, site. They maire excursions inte the sur- ro-un'ding villages in eca.rch ef trea- sures appropriated by the Bedouans- te eçmmon use. I-nfone village theY tourd a large granite water 'jar covered wl-tii -beau-tiful Hittite in- soniptions. The enly way te, seenure it vus te preeunt thie wucr with s similar jar, but -wit-out inscrip- tions, aud tItis vas 'hlanded oever witii selemu 4,eremonl&llu inte pre- seuoe-of ail the eiders of Vhs vil- lage." -A Friencidlthe Policeman.e Gottunal,' on their test, t-l ipe elera" are invariabi,' troubled with cerneansd bunions-but net for long. becaua&- they know of s quicia cure, Pnitnsm'e cern Ex- tracter; it cures puirlergly lu 24 bonis; try ,putnama.", LIc. tai aleris. Iu accord with the eternal fituese et things, a man who stele a watch weudup ilu jeu. ilinard's Liniment Ourese Dphheris. Drawing' a Distinction. "Whst! Yoi've beau acquiuted 'witb Blobbs foi, twenty-five yearis &Fii et ough withc Li> ýca s aaily' or sazfnel, - sDr. bltncPfflp; 1Btho re an Isisal tsm- y ýrémdy for 'tlh leae.e e ta. mjoli ler sud bowrels. Beld lunfie xes, fivq for 81.00. &U drugulftwansd #rkeer rTheOtrooe Ca,.', uRio, N. ., sudXingstoDn, Canada. .ObNSMALLEST HOUSE' "DW011119",Neàr - Hyde -Park lh 9 fét',t.WIdeànd 26Long. 'Tiie saesat houa.' luLnd as Just .been put u.p aMt mutirn'. It 1la No10 Hyde Park Plaýce, I-na row o! h>USea oné- e.Bî~aten e de oý ve- looking the -prk.- is e astreet dcor ýqua.ded .by ,an il 191gtebut ther a..ofl -o he ;eti.-o.. Thm i"etbouee, le reaiy -à tiny, retrs4 uli ovs alon,-'pasesage a bout six -feet wde - beliwé,NOS. 9. but bis,!! ýýway sien-g IV theo.ina -a 'irçon ladnwic a cllsubed wih lfiêlY. -Thie' -lêd eR tthoNingýle xoom ,wiihis Loidione'.a zuileetbloâme. It-i.wide arne h-pasage.-an-cl about lwenty foot lon#-. IVms 'n-c-eo! tË.Wfix- tutes ffofa moiclsrnhouse,but li 4iight.d by & wi&4ow. whic-h - Sives a mopat ehaoing view o! Hlyde, Park. It. le eald thatit . wasbuiit unin1th '70ýs by lari old 1lady nambed. Jupp f-i5a hon niid to ive in-aud it vas thon, eudoire>d with a eeparate exieten-oe as a hou*e sud a ûuer placed <Qu the. îtreet door. - -R-,lRIS Number. - A lawyeî- aud.,-cornoisseur was deaoerlbing'some o! hie-expenienc es lu search -e! curios. I otice'enter- ed a uhop," hesald, "sud the sales- man ponted o-ut te me a dilapi- dated chair. 'That thure chair, ir,' ho muid, imprcslvely, 'belong- e4-to Louis Croisseye, King o! France." 'Louis Crosseye 1" said I. 'Wby, there'. n-o such person.' 'Oh, yes, thon. ln, sir,' sali the. sales- man-, and b, ahowcd me s, ticket, marked 'Louis XI."' ZAimmBuK OIRED mis Ur. Jaaes cComb, et Thoruton, Oift. wriltôPoileteightfiuonthsl I sur. tered froma eczmna snd couid Cet noth- lng te gie ie relief. I heard ef gev. erai caeS wlhere gooli reaulte' had foi- iowed thie use of Zamn-Buk andi decided t. give tbl. remedy s trial. Wlthin three dais- I f.lt much better, aRd wthln two woeki the sortis weno en- tir-ely cured." For ail sah- dinoases, eruptlons, bail., scalp sores, etc., Zami-Buk le without equal. It lalunt asu good fer cuts. bumus, bmuises. bleod-pelson, piles. varicoe.ubcera, bad leg, inflamed sorea, etc. AiU drugglsts sud store. ut 60c. box, or peut free front Zam-Buk - Ce., Taronto, upon r.ceipt of pr1ce.ý Refuse harmfi lubstitutes sud imitations.- lave you tried Zaim-Buk Boap? 26e. A iat. Mm-s. You-ugwedd (shopping)- "Lookr atthe new etove witii the glass iu the oven. Wonder what it's made et glass for ?'-' Yourgwedd-' It's te maire the bread lighter, I suppose." minard's Liniment Cures Distempsr. Many animale lu desent regions uc-ver bave any watc-r exept the de'w on vegetatiom.- .- nEy Onte '5R0MOQUININ" - limât la LAXATIVE - BROMO QUININE. Look for t-he signature af E. W. GROyJ. pures a Ooid lu oue Day. cures. Un.» as zUe Dar. ie. - Idieresa travols- leisnrely,--ud pov erty sec-n oventJlkes hon. Minard's Liniment cures Car4et in cees -\ ~th ' , an gas. - For, lest resukts use ROYALITE 011. Stock carried at ait chief pints,: -111 THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY Wmnp Toroato HpiUfsx mostreel Vancouver si. John Western OMfcial-"Do ou take this woman 'w hose hand you' re .queezin' te be your lawful wifé, in flush tUmes an' skimp l'- "I re(Jkon thaf'ii about the size ot it, squire.", "Do you take thie man you've jined fiste 'with. to_ be your pard through thiok an.' thin V'-" "WelI,yo'r about righý loýr 'once, old màn.-" "&llrigt, tenKiss in court au' 1 reokon you're married' about as. 'tight iis the law can jine you. ý. guess four bit'1l -do, Bill, il I don't have to kioea-he, bride. If I do e six bits extra." 1 oured a hore et the Range wlth J.ISTOPHER BAIJNDERK. Dalhousie. I oured a borse, badly tomn by a. pitch fonk, with MINARD'S LINIMENT. Bt. Peter'p,(0. B. EDW. LINLIEP. I oured- a horse of aàl>ad swelling by MINÂED'S LINIMENT. TROS. W. PAYNE. Bathiurst, N. B. "leMyboy doesn't seem to have got along4iere very iell," said the o4- fice boy's father. "Well, to be per- fectly frank with you," replie.d the employer, '<I must eay he does n-t." -"Ah! What's the trouble 1" "HEe hasn't any trouble; it's the rest of us wjio have had-that"' When Your E es Bhsd Car&, Try Murine Eye Reey No Spmartlug-Feels e eA't QlkY. 1T y t for Red, Weak, Watery -Eyes -and Grau ated Eyellda. Ilue. trated Book ln elLch Package. Murine la grpune by ou Oust-uot a "Patent lIed. Iclne"-bu lnuse n oeelul Physîclana' Prao. Mie for many rears. 50w dedlcated ta the Pub. Sadjold b Dugets at»io and (Onuer Battis. mrn ye Save lu Aseptio Tubes, Ie and (me. Muirine Eye Rem.cty Co.,, Chicago "Jack proposed te me while turn- ing the muâi- for me et the piano?' "Ah' ee! ouplayed rihi ito hie bande.»- PILES CURED EsBTiro 14 DAys- Tour druggiat. wifl refund imouey il PAZO OINTMENT tfala to cure auy case otiîtch lu,. Blind. Bleedint *or.ProtrndinW PiIeo, la t te 14 days. IOo. What many -need is - fot wealth, but a'kind thou.ght-or deed.- 14inardis 'Lniment Cure* Oolds, SEM Aiüybody could seçe that Tommy had been- carefully brougit. up. -One day ho sat upon his father', kènee iu a crowded car.. - A la'dy entered. e'M.adwman " a.id TÎéàMjý, e 1sié got off hies father's knee, "wi"lll y ou c 1cept my seati"- Au n -ishmau wae once asked, by .a f riencl to- go te, a concert- with him. Fatco'nsentcd. - They bad not, proýceeded far,-on the way before-, - piat asked how much the seats werc. - -ie f..riend'said the. front Écats *ere , one shilling cach and the back seat.- - w~e sipeneiech and theè. pro- ýgrammes. on-e penny escit. "AIl ght," said Fat,- 11.t onttii. programmnes." - Madde" HeW much, cee 1psy ferbis clothesi" - wlikn,-"About oune its s National Drus -PARU$ FOR SALE. L H. W. DAWSONï*Nlnety -Coiberna $trait, Toronto. &U' 130uoa J Ontario. R EMIDÉNTI POE To 1 Eramtonsn ~id6zen ç9ez towie-- H. W. AWvSN, Coibo6rnesiL, 1T6ro ntQ- A> CREB-7 MIrLES PROX LONDONX brick bouse: number of -Qutbuhld1ngii- an - excellent frutt and iveeable farut. The. Western Real Estato Ezohange, Lendon, ont. MALE HELP,,WANTED. A T ONCEý-lIEN 'WÂITED. LEÂ&RN ~jBarber Trade; gre84 -deM&nd; Lgood wraireegtwenty te tbIrÏ iL adréiaed tfo daily In,-,Toropto. papers aloe. Cam -teaýb- von i l x 1zto e ght w4 e bd for Oa.' ~ogue. IVoler, Colle.2ta. m een Emt. 110- Q¶ TaM-PCOLLEGTOf-U 1 iJNIIR D Ir- " ferent -Foreigà "Btamps.-CatalO"06 Album' ., even Cen2t.. arkesUtampg lun.teronadet*a. 'l. wt ont vain by our borne 1îratmenî. Write ne betore toc late.' Dr. fleltmsan Medie Co.. T.1n»ltpq1. Cnhllnrwnd.. Ont. àLL 8au> BTONk$ _K1DMNY ANti LU dX<er Stoie. Kl-dneytrouble. (Gray 1. Lumbago and>'kindred alimenta poanltlrl .,enred wlth tba - nuse erman Eerned- "Bauni. prîce S150.Another. new remed. for TiabeteÏi.Mllltue; afid sure cure, le 'SanoVu Antf-i)1ab9te%.0 Px'ice $2.00 -from- 'drugizzat.4 or direct. The. Sanol Ilannf&â. tiaritàtCx'1 au -of -Canada. Liw*ite.- The Disart of ao.îPiano iathe Action. Insist on tho <.OTTO HIGEO Piano -AttIoti BIER8 ,f POSGýTutLp rý' TONTOAN ya L'enag nd Sullderu from th. XIUrach orraI a wral eyed Pinto Broncheà wiîh> s Ramai>, nse and lightnlng hcsW. havye tssued- ~shumelrons descriptive--circular of this .remarkibie'bronca wtih ilimas' ,.trations-bl his sntics. -Sent f reeonu application ta any reader et this paper.- This ta the rnost iarnousaolrcuJar ever ,;prhïtedin 1the Englisb lsiuageI More:tharç half a million copiTes have -aiready beeu distiibufed te' trvertjSýIls our famous-Pinto ShoH gloves,.mtcia" tramtanh Ban.0hleS.- For-& frew 9opysend-po-stal te 7 HUDSON DAY-UNUTTNG CO. Cauada Exlpert 61e .aui IMakese, "Doûyen. keepîng a c-o No"repli graph sud' chine, and. e that the cO thle eud. 1 lave set order the èeots -w Wigtawr-shire, tubea enstouas ut Cemlr incidents whiliexcit sud fluai],' ourinu --famil, andi 1 hve, -lb. 'clrcuxrstancesw ter -sud iyseif iutoa .-pereonul relations h1 Iluink Ïbthûtthere cau meut thun this te over ta those. who ha omnetbixug'cf-wliat 'Vloomrber 'during the c rviug it fmeom wt o etoIndividu ah Il ow la' bel -net It le tue.smo --there are a fevrnot lu 1t. sud' - carre nyow---exieieie or'-write, ]but Mr. Presbyterian miniater aopied dowu lis d by- the cross-et'op -good clergyman has, alight polih Upon which --ratlir regr besu mâore tuterestir wben reporie ye serves, bowever, cou lsraeiPs tndividualit igarded as an exact saw and/ did-wle éMoze'Wîeurvîce,, CHÀPTE~ <Caipied sud sftheuti sud -Mathew 15m -' Muiater Po irgl -'- General HeatheratQlne ' that- I maunua' sayF becausel the reandems e a ure o'. that, -for. the -weeý, kepned sud meax -o' lihs border, sud -tl dam su Aunndal - pleased ta hesr -ncws Stukes. decaeeh as se'm -tanld.-how sa ehoptrg l n ebkneto bas sfa ~touble, NO ho -ueed- n sent mne oat ta c sendlug -me 15e scea 'tiand le -brouglit- lu plen aud practio .-o- Coveraut, for wbc prsîgedl' IL was iset iMay factor body,- Maîste tae jr n the street I wàs an wart -0' a - sd gaird'ner._ As j --tas be on -the look eower -quicki te let At. lt's --a, guid plu woulid b. g ad o't. J corne up =s y oID su ad nut your air q tleman-' That eue' him, for l& aslo on . ee- t a brgain-vi lest-le lu the next lt-f coame, thers'll b. th ue - left baud- c' s1i.n, surpris Wel ntheie mcm 61ieadthers I te ./a-Iag hin dour mxm al face ns browu sud nu't. HIe looked liard en iliat gie-wed. ltk ilion liesays. saye lis li thesé pantsI m .'Aye," sy.a, a "Never been -oot o'. ý'Twice te Carlisle ain a man whs loves aides 1 keuned that mW gueing tliens ,for' eteers sud a tin 1 -thbe stoekin' o' theflD 'Ilearn rsM Gýermni Heutlerstex anmd nane ibher, !ýtla1 -'N"saysL-- "It seern asreme, -- t-le facio.r ".that thi, vwaut. -Servante ta -esys lue, "by owen u hava-nae doobi, Stak ume veli enengli. Ye' mosth ansd a' ornd,- 'ube niglit o' -giviTu' 7 roice.at any lime. - "It's v ers different mays 1, discontented-' -wene'trne eneugl.1 cufl, gave me la pUE rit-ciitwics ia-day. "Weel. weel," 5575y -' 78asris-&1esuit. bajusel, siin 1 that 1 mer.itsthe cuitm, ~- expos' tas cee 75 at Wlueui t-lieMouiay. -? ct tue Oloombr. boose it 1in wl'- 4 -'main,, sud spece e 5 bl! the pariai. As - -was ro_ gslr-den1'fr- the herse wvre" s -atutIra r-ovin-g picture nia' .rged the kitchen- so 'can ,entertain'he' - i E >r

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