Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 May 1913, p. 2

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cause tue -anC6rO'us eOOUac'ts quI -differently'froxu an infected oee. the eoo.trary, .it iS uB iik-a ec -with- exaggerated,,vit ,atV ppiuted out that it- lu sùfficient I ithese celis Vo o edivàý4i nte pIe' 1for it to b. -incapablý oà reprodu ina the disease, while in every othi infectieus rnaadY nO , arnount crumliing îa sufficent te prevent lu ther'inobculation.- 'R P. HRe aise brought evidruco te urge thsecloseat Conuecti >owef %r p.'teristic, ordin*ary celli nad thoe ci- cancerous tissue, aùlc tot -domon- * strate the soie and det,,p dierouce -betwveen them as a quièttion- e! the * amount o! nourishieiùt sud spëad lu reproductipp. . R 'declisred thîq4 * aftçQr a long senries cf reséar-ches and a most c'areful collection 'ýI!dâta h disccvered that thse devepxnont 1cf ýýaner .was i' direct -priopor -u t the amount f ,sug i-r-te enganiza-' ti î tin has at its diaposai. - Tc% sup- -port-this statem6ënt h têri1tle haesthat cancer was Speeialiy severe amung diabotic patients .On --7n - - 'i o hg nion by e0Ic-nJne- mület- northwest. Ua4m0 t-,gpaýa aiteetd aijt th.ak ara willbeýrun.- lected l2 n Ù""' hdln Y ooraii t av fpfi ea'more than thrice. hs nu »ler e0 lioyn-dollar betel on I>o«inio>n lasting Cures will-be - effeced th8< - Square1- uÉder th ai-mre, 'anaMr 1 la poésili with- the sui'ge>n'5 kiilfe ment an tbe Be4ýjmènt, of NewYork.< i~ee.-- -Mies LéisB.. Hutohin*son, of!-To- J)r. KeatIs* art's. address, ronto, V* h gr_.e &heaea whc as reçelved wbih r&~c 6 ce in Weeteri Canada, -by est intërest by the -Academye wa'speilstc aiauomt foilowed by further evidence lu SUP- 1V ià mited that iu - Ontar 1 o pùo f tesieter yD: l aiouat 18 per- cent. andin- Aberta. pBO ais a.recogiized authority lu abeoui 43.5. per cent., cf the àreààas ..Pa si -h cfpathoigy, whoz gave 8C>Wu to wheéit Iàs fal4 bave been the pargoeulara cf tw cases wher e wintarý killed.' lie eur&lInon-o<us cancers 'in did-' Quéen Mar han couaented teO betie <persons bysevere Jnting and pres- -Vhe buttc>u and u nveil the- purglug, Thostatemènts of tho two monutmelit that tise Pominiecn Gov- scient ists are, censideU;lred a. mong arrnent h ais rectod on the Stony mo4ý n hore Vo b ftlh gh- Creek baWtefiei4l. -est importance te the progress f evraio Montrea1'e - vete-rau- seinc,. civxc ffcials .are sl&'ted for rtr scince --ment in, the procesm f reorgaaizar: -- - bien. They iucluaIe-he -cty d 'NEW;WAY TO SELECT ýA-BRIDIE. the henlth offleer,. and the ýbuilding - and bo6l iipectra Doubtful _Praet e ét Two Saskat A Germàu immigrant, en. route au che a rmers.- - freinNew-v York te o ia-ev - epa rOm Grand -Trirnk R ailway'expressr-- - 4 depatchfred Mntres mnys rtVo tae London polie that he Matchïing straws la'tise iatesV wvay.hadben -bdcf*,0luah of seiecting ra bride, but it ii doubt-' between aI1n and 'Lcondon.- fui ifl!the practice wll beceme gen- f'lV W.Iocv. oral. T-wo brothers fro 1e11mo!L ~ho are ncw.farminglu Sasisatche- o udl. ,Onprvdaha f wau rewtird e -kepîg "aVe"'ter the deat.h of bis- sister hin es- sud deçideci Vo seek wives throulgh ~eo bu 6.0 nt ot a mattiinonial-bureaU., Te do-thse erphan homeG o! A"hley t>own, -.ïe *a ver- Bristol, Engiand. - Vîmeci anc recOo xvol 9 a,istera in a -neighbening, Belgian - Vowu. Tiseoourtship gremi until marniago .mia ulecide-d upon, and- tise bretiiers 1e! forEurope.. As ,nono -o!1tise quarteittq>- had l-een thein prospective pîLrVters, it was decide<ý te match trnw,ýs,'hs bro- tiser getting tise longer straw te manny Geor-gette. This wami doue, sudc-en Weduesday Vise four nturu- Ied te Canada isappiiy wedded. - Ét. Hon. iVinston Churchill, -First Lord ci the Admiralty, as ho iooked three weeks &po. NO SPECIATJ SALUTE. Whtçn King George's Second Son * Arrived at Halifax. A,despatch f ro'f Halifax a: H.M.S. Cumberland, with Prince -Albert, King Greorge'ýs second son, TSTEIR MAJESTIES' VISIT. Ring and Qucen IVili Extend it in Berlin. A deirpa-tesf rom 1tendon-- ays: Tise visit cf King George and Qusen Mary te Germany te attend the rfïarriage -o! tise YKais'dWùhte-n Vo Prince Ernst of Cumberland miUi be extended beyond- tiheir original intention. They isad arranged Vo romain tiser-e only Vwo da-ys, but uc-wv it ha-s been decied tisat they wiii les-vo on Ma-y 19 aud return on May28 or 29. Tise ma-rnia-go il be ceiefrated ou Ma-y 24. Tisere is nothing to indicate Vsat bbc priva"e nature-of Vthe viit has been alterd ENORIOUS ADVA.NTAGE. Militnry Training Would Ma-le Mea Stroag and Rard. on DoVV4U, arrivea in port on ±nurs- A despatch f romi Wellin.gton, Nem day morning. There was no spe- Zealand, says: Preaching in ChriM -cial ealute fired f romn the citadel, Çhurch Cath.edral, 3hpJuu and no officiai recognition will belsi htm-i&ytann oi tàken cof the fact-that the trainin id that omiht ayvanng oulr êhip *includes a Prince <ofb cfenrmos dvatae t eer in her'company, Prince Albert be- body, &part f r<m it' "nilitary value, ing t.reated as an Il rdinary- cadclet. The physicai and moral benefit, woukt be -great; discipline, obed ence, courtesy and comrndeshil wouid be inculcated, and ultimata Commera-' If a man has an in- ly New Zeaiýand's sdhe'me, instea£ hlm- principal ?." Cynic-"A man cf encouraging strife and war 'with such an income usualiy has no wouId inake men resôlute, stroný pricipe."and hard, and would raise the stan dard cf ma.nhood. TH,- ESTABLISHED 9901 HEAD OFFICE. 36 1<11< STREET EAST TORONETO%- MONTREL. 'LONDON. £.Q.., ENO. The Bonds of long-establishied industrial evonccrnsý 0%' INCOME SECURITY and MARXETABILITy -UÉFIS MORTG/GE SINK- ING Ff eUNDINDUSTRAL BONDS 0F ECET SSUES5 YIELD THE INVESTUR SIX, -ER CENT. *: $100, $500.-op'$,0 bonds are obtain-. ableoeiherreglsteredor payable fo bearer. st -s Great Britain. - A plot of thse militan-ts to kidnap a. Cabinbt IMînîster was neve&ied in -ndon.- A bomb wae yailed by.-tise mili- tants te tise Maisrats o!,tise Iow ýStreet Court ilu tendon..& 1 An Anserica.u made - au -offer - t punchsne ise csuncis palacçe o!fVise -Bisop o! Salisbu-ry. Lendon papers comment at icrsgtis on tise propoed vim*t Of tise United Sta-tee -naval squad-ron te tise Meditenranean.- Lond -Nor-ton wricte tisthe Ln- don Poet Vo- suggest tisa-t tisa cen- ensry o! poes ije agolden oppor- tu-niVy for Amenica, Engiu.nd and 'Ger-many Vo enter into an interna- tional erbit.r-ation tneaty. 'United States. -A Camadia-n ]laim dnting f nom 1812 ls being deai-t with by tise in- ternational arbitra-tors at Was-hing-' ton. -Conductors on !cnty-eigist easteru railways lu.ntise United States wil present tiseir demand8 for au un- creuse i-n wages froru 15 Vo 20 per cen-t. Juîy 1, a-nd if thseroads refuse te arbitrate a strike rua-y be order- «I witisin a fortuigist foilowing. Tise suif ragists won a tacticai vie- tory at Washingtors when the 8en- &te Cc-mmltte0 ou Woman Suffîage ordered sa favorable report on tise nesolution subinittin-g to thse Stabes a constitutionai ameudment giving womeu equal suffrage rigis wibh men. ip Tisa Fr-ench Ohamber cf Deputies e- defeated a resolution Vo revo-e 9ail d gambling-icensos. - r,0 On-e a-via-Ver wus kiiled 'and two' g otiserg înjrîre-d ini an soroplane coi- i- lision at Johfknnistall, Germa-ny. tepisone girls iu tise Governmnets service mut-t noV fflar-ry bcttween t-ho a-ges o! cigisteen aud twenty-five. FORTRESS 0F SCUTARI. Internatioiîal Force Tooli Posses-- sien on Wednesday. A despateis from-Cettinje, Mon- - tenegro,, asys -'Au international naval for-ce, commanded by Vice- Admir-al Ceeul Burney, cf tise Bnit- iShn-avy, to-ok possession ou We4d- fro: neday of tise fortres of Scutarni. tai The'mter-'natonai force was escont- ed itisehéCity by a Montenégrin] guard of isenon. ' '* . yO1 F R (ILI- - m-C lcavy Wâgue'r- .Win, be Hanged on .i - .Ague-: 8thi 'A despateis fronM14aimi B. O, tayè, .Henry -Wa nr aralauece i teberéngi.4uut8 o-~eu. ibbinga ,à r-cerymibon iuVer,u-pýe.e by,'tise policeman~. Ho - bas a'-,long, er-iinai 1reoeiýrà. ;P <'What il t]'. Wort - tiing about-- - riches 1" iAsked a scicol tÈacisr'a! qilUTili. "Tseir scarity," xepUied j ce ithe pupil, and, wam immodiatel yr-e-r 1warded full marks.. - -1 »eaqsýinth-80ue , ocu Is uuw re:U l ackgproUnd- and tire figirters cqule te -thse Lake Ontarlo on Rampage., S6eme aspprebenaien lâ $1en sel count . the nusua-Ir-bigir lenel-af tire water f a Lake Oultanlo dunîng 1Ptieiprmet Year.ilîJ je now almost-tree feet rigirer',-tbasl-hbq- ,i'erae.andi as i eeal'caiusrS nuntil eanrly inJu, Lt le possible tiet al recDords, iri.l ià,re been kept for 60' ïear bnck, ai elioei une 11 eu idrta3ida aigt causes tbeà Lutu«ation ef tis nier àèïlemlluntse-LiTent, Lakes. .* At- oeh etlftbn r-va been, abseredcom'eine a r-ang e at six test.,Tise egwi*L.e-ver riseordëd mia jýn -tise letelý anà -te 252,92-eet, aboe tisemeausea loee ati Ziw,.Yek. -bia vas'on Ma>' 15h. 1895. aie i.le-se mie-.248.96ieet nboie 'tire insais-lèeaiatNeiY .Fr a feww e5ira aa;ielevellis; b*n - hirng ar-enu-t4 MSteo.asu la tecirial'darbd 16 moiesabie eio. Zrobelnga pointý Sged ýai 245-,feet abo*ie sNov- Yoek-lêele - TPheoiestint -tire irigh m Iot a eeed V>' unnsilly : bitgisprintg _Irqsbhetý - do net stand',investigation. One googist < ayi liraI peculiar vibraWtiéns-c;ftireveathr55U Tire.dauggr- ~t rgrwatèr estSedaqase, tisaI muai'be eecasom'te -abaTTes, ldocks" a ndf'beaes'anti tire lnleentncamniued Sta sippiflg. Tise w-un ioa.iToronto -bar- ber la, nomi oee, te the top o!-tire wiarres and -boats unlond under. dàMcuftieo.Sme a'utlionitiests far. he.ifme este hi se a severe and lng continueti etonin from- tise eat,. mncir woüu'Pile -tisewater up ait iiiend e'f.-tIie Lak-e.te seult tI e$a nbnto',s Jalaud - migirt le disastroiis . Thse tslnd'la cuir- a aand 'bar and at uo point lemore tran a temi t eeî aboie tise,le-sel, or tise. ike. High -. ater -bas-, oodeti Il betare; but«a se-vers >sSorm miglt isare a noe.dueasteoOB eaet. nlgssrfting its very ta,ùu4atonsi- - Acpningta ir5~tnae5 of"thse City' et orut fr-tire iûsncilsi ry e itret proposesta speu47,»iro - enOi tD- uiof 839.14.142.0. Tiisfigsir I' Vepli-ve. Tise actuai curreut expenUditure-o; ir e >ear amnolnt ýte $11,744 9~3.Tise balane of sometig avr870000-00jlamatie up ,of iteufl wmiicir m4gbtbe deaeribed as ca- pital expsnditu!es, tirai las, tisey'-are for permanent improaWISçnts. Tire aignifieant uising about tire fire leairai ldicates wisat anrenooais developmeut la under va>'. Tise largést.item in thre total lsau amount oti e5lssua ser'eu million dollam, for a matermverira exténais isiBeme. Tisent la anotiser tvo and in irait million dollars provided fer tise Bloor Street viaduet. An item et appraiimatel>' ans million dollars la, set aide for s garbage lncinerator plant. The otiser iteme are tise erdinani -r-un et publie morÈg. Tisai tisersisould amount ta sueis a large total indicateq tise present taisiper efthtie citizens gaimral tovard extension. Tiser. la ne possbilit>' tisai ailofet t sum wiuîl be suent turing tise present >'ear. Tise cash muill b. ralsed br tise sale a- bonda and debentures, sud as, tiers leat .readr- some tmpl-se million dollars oft tise securitis undlgested, -tise prospecte foi 1tres sales are net efthtie test. E-sersvit) thse moner- availabis. it would not be vos. aible te do more tian begin a numbereo 1tise publie vanka included lu 'Luis -car'à estimlates. 0f tiseais-son million odd, te be a ni ou curredt sxpenditllres. almoat t n .and a irait million la prerided br--re'ielif producing assets sncb as the watermorirs Tise balance of $8,646,638 le; te be ralse .iv taxation. mhichis laie televied, on tis -ax . - Cr a t hti ra te et 19 1-2 m ille. O r tiseviol il mar- be aid tiat tise citr-ii taing Mfr. W.. F. Macleani' dvC u s .been getting *'i* .er-es." 1 Attacha n Tronto's Schools. 1 Tenante spenda anar a million and a bal dollars a r-car on tisa mainitenan~csetofit ;publie acisoe. It*ispende anotisi' quarte. eto a million on tise maintenance et ht unbisl scisoole anti a furtier- iundredt tise Lsaut on tis? maintenance cf its tecirnica and covilnei'ciai seiosl. lu addition, - aspent,-last r piractics.lr- s million do lare on acisool buildings sud sites, se tir jSweet Bt of corn Iost Toasties At Your :5ervice. EReady. to eat -,direct )m tigh4ly sealed-sai- ýy package.- F~ront ýour ovens to ir Étable Post Toasties e.lQt toùlcheid by lui- un -ha<nd.-, Ld sugar or' ris For - sale erywhere. i<stioa~t I~tsU~ci mnadie.a ~Ew&iig ereasmnafil . 1 1 of~7~ ~ ~ a a n c about -,5 00 àËan 19 sita;" D S O E 1 O J E I N Tii, rgumnt i favo; t iheal, but- Rivi trilla ý le t hnt -th y- are practiah titl f ,ie L ri, a ne ks> n a &bfl-if tIey- always reaija. t.t the Gutis jc luiak.ugte- standad. . <~1~ ~ cf~ ~ lnder Arre-n uRegin n Çag ehn u-i.-system cof le-syligtamatien the dayn cf bise auicientBriitons it A of TIiO!t . for ;,eehool pur-poses. t pre en t the _aelr çop M d j w p la ev c e a c j 4 Q im t hde p iVj fr u R g na . sa. taiesar-e lncuded in- the general taX -'ateAwo membel re f-tot o lice Saý- and roughir ,-aunt to about oe-~third of aven. Tomm - -f--h .ciyDlc au ttiorafraction over- six mil- on u hntpto!tetwucldfoufmnrWnigmeOb--- it>'. but the, City' Oouncil blwiltie jur 1- Cipping ;-iÜ -'âhôk tblsb v- admcaifY ae dicio - it- ti.spndlg cf h.- m ue',tjsught -'te be-the re i4 a et -l6rti-, under arr-et on a charge f tbleft.- hieh-iu-dons bytire Boadot EducatioXi. u reé aeb nbadDeqese--uugtdV.O. Tie-Mayor . e hein's ate ,se3pàrAt:e,,the fioain o"8oI h me wr- nng- -uy n scii axs Ëo iegûeÏeal tises an the Rider, lu '913, but iseid by some. f t<hèi- duitioa was Vo try all Vii. lt te i &ord f Education b - drectiy, e b ! niils L san u tr b sn s eol n sin4eetetiefe l fr-trscoleti- eorigin. do - ntebenéescin-Oe e0-tgItaown moner- nd tei spndiiâ of i. brýicks aplpear in tbi. iid C urc f of Vithse coe tath1 ie l al aleged, R e thmnks tu i Board co« Edu tation ex tra v -St.- N i chala , T ise ,t ow er' ef 'thre , -fou i nd t h.. d -6er--cf as lo't bîAg e tab- ghaxWe of- pt. t> wnt e a chur-ch ceeu inuthe baèkgreund e! :islaluneutOpen, and iseiped hixunolf ---the Chspig i ct tfre -I-ytea, Pzana a hat, a raincoat, and a. wa-!wood,,but \vaz ;r4Uhit W-th suit-ýýcf <ilhe. 1The other, fixtding, flhi~!ti ranu ~ brin u1743. An m-iythere the dSo- à iwholes" aeoo Agiaid- ,poute& u s u hr- ikopen, it iha aegedte apiye - Turpin nt(ýpped Vo havýe- bls hbrce ani.- eEOT IRn hod w-heuo-on'ee af bie pilgr-im-- p1ude. eSw NEWMOTEL, FOR fMONTREAL. CENTRE» 0F AMERICA. Ege&oe a i enul id ad --- hanbeèh aaid te o ie 1e 1ly'fou-' nSt !St. -QeorgelàChueh on'* - ris et BCaile.Gri h"I.at aie n V ofon nlnDominion Square. - -Promo a-Home am 2t~d W-ia ii eale sc ,0 - yfles ago,- iueiud-ug Vthe reoonquet A despatois fr--m'Mentra1 ss Breatuafe. f Engiiand f rom the Danes. Motreal is te have a ne-w $4,000,O(» Teronte, Maýy 22.-F our--0 u rio 0 wieat - is tel erectéd . on - Vhs site ë! -St . fleur,- 90 er cent -.patenta . 90wGe rg 's ha-c4on IYmqe -Mo pteal or, Toonte freigite xanitobas G o g n O o -Fintt;-patents, in jute bai,$50 second THE. 1 MILITANT CA3iPAIGN. Squre. Tise isotel, whl r-rillitt 6patent. Ila> jrto bans, $4.80; etrongbakr--hos rtdfray a4 te av x Maiiteba Wireat-No. 1 Northei'n. 98. on Several Bombs Fouud ia Varos isundr-ed r-comm and b. 1uÉird the track, >& .porte; No. 2 ai. 9fr1-4e; No., 3 t a' p2-c Ry~ort&. Fer lay shiipmnt, 1at !Liio.mrenanageniten 'a,_V - Hte rontarlo Wireatb-No. 2 white and-, - r-s A dsSthfo edns.a omno e ok .iet 6t 9e uad, and lufenior at' The' militant canspalagu of outrage about 75c.aaOtnootê312t 4 ed. couVài-nes aW-rnikly ne ever. Sev~- DESTRUCTIVE1 TOI[LXADO. fand at 370e on track, Toroto., Western oralf bomba wer-e fouïd on Thursday -- iCanada oals. 40e for No. 2aud ut 38140 in a;nious parts of tendon. Noue Niasne People Wer-è Kled and Many for N.3, Bs>' ports, prompt simal. expioded. One was found ea lu . in Peas-Tie market la purely nominl nu'd tBarler--Prices nominal thé morning outsid tise National -1 8 crn-No. 3 America" - -cern, 62e, ai-rail Galery lu Tafaliga.r Squar. Ai- A despatis f rom Lincon, er- r a n d a t 57 1 :2 , c j1 , . M i d l a n d . ek a s A t r d e , t u c - t h 1Rye-PriceI nominal. - thougi 1Vcontal-ned explosives ifhsyiAtrae tukts BBuekweat-NO. 2 -at 62 %o 53, outide. had ne exploding mechanisi. Au- tewn O! Se-ward, tisir-ty miles wet 0' ra-Mafltoba' bran, $16-50 te 819. lu9 ô bags, Toronto freigiit. shorts,$Zo te $21. otiser was discove-red at Aylesbury cf Linuon, on Wedne d&"y --:i3t rTarante. - Raiiway Station ad anetirer ou;it about 6 ococ. Nin àre deiud, r ide tise Hot<ei Brentwocd. A boînb andmaynjrd * Fcountry Produse. _____________________a______danger-- à Butte-D inY pnints, cËloce, 23 te 25; is is pp a e Vob ay ryd n r--- einferlor, 18 -se 19e; ereamen>', 28 te 30e for eus explosive was found lu tise pri- r ro lia a n d 27 to 28 e fo r c h o ie s . a d a w e c a ý 1 f t e D k f B e Egga-C-asO ota. 20 te 210 iereanaIvtchploVi.Dko!B- - - t7,Otie 112 frvin,- cleucis at Dalkciuh, ail wrapped -UpF R RE ehflge:.: t 11-ofo tinaud a niad Iabelled witis Suffragette lun- 12 12 teo 13e for large. - buie; pto a Bean-Riad.picekd, $2.40 per b s e rio ,primèè, 32 t-îîz2.25. l ebbrng WaY.--ST B W r H anei-Ext actod; luin tins. 123 4 ta 13 0 I E R 1S Iper lb. -ten No. f wirlesale; combs, 82-W E TJINI IES ata $3 per dozen fr No. 1 -and $2.40 for1i sf No. Z 01-l fatted. lsan, dry.pied Caiitdian Pacifie Rgilway Wi ew B i tok:Cckes, 19 te 200 PerLbow, Build Two.- susisutsaigwh It 16 ta 17e; tuarkeys. 20 te 21e. Lve poisltry, lrslesauepro fer r-ad e -about 2e lowrntian tire aboie. ersdaî-v:pretrr., ,Potatoes-.Ontario stock, 450 per bag, On A despatcis from London says: sîackbl,'ani ontalifg- Infor- traek. and neïawarea at 65 ta 671-2e pr ItV was leaned on Wedniesday that 'matis as tàothe'- bstiess, - ,d aos rc . tise Canadian Pacifie - Railway will vîian*ia,i sn ig, ure LeProvisionis. buiid Vwo uew Atantic lin-crs - o! value,-eto., of the companlus la Bacen-Leng clear-. 15 14 te 15 12e er lb. about tise size of tise Aisatian o! the nsd id se in case los. Pank--Birort cuts, M i -C p o eq e 827, de.. mess, $Z1.50- te $22, Rama-,- 1O' auLino. C'- - - -ues dium ta iigit. 112 ta 19; iseair-. 1612 to ..~.l.~ ____ 17e; rails, 6e; breakfast bacn 91a Tise recslguation o! Sir Mol-ville A. .AUES 0 . if0eO; backs, 23 te 24e. ebr oot tc x ne- 'Lard-7Tierces, 141-2c. tubs. '141.k.: palns, MaeNaugisten, Aeaistanit Ccmùýin--MmesTseo tcxbne. r14 3.4. sioner .cf tise Louden Metropltau TORONTOï-o il, N- 1tREAL -e Police, aud chie! f. tisede -e'- - saloti Haisand ToiaW.partment, la ann-6unced.-FZlaouenaioudwebsL it Baled Hart-:-No. 1 at $12 6, ou trackFýLi 6uo m lt usadwosa I. ent; N. 2 $1. ixed iiay iflutedat Tise Duke and Duches ciW senid a éopy of"rtred5o.a at5~ -o tak o minten have signed a formai deed --. Baled 38.50. o!i neparation. Seis to rece-vo -am 1routao.- - t iarkets. $- 100,000 s year from isim. T er ST. OrP.O. * Montesi Amrican intimnates .ayVise Duke tr-ed isar - I Maureal.Mai' O.~Caa dln -sWeste persuade his wife, Vo divorce i, 1ÂE... -Po I12 shlow, 64 te 65e. Oata, îPUCE 2>' n - o2, 42e: -Canadian Western,_NO._3-. but-aise refused. - B uckw mea l, N o. 2. 59 t e 6e. Fîcun. M ar. -H m ' Spring visent patents, finls, 8 5-40; seconds, et.cisoica, 85.25; straigitrl lera, 84.85 ta 4.'90; a traigil r-plera, iag, 82.20 te - 2.35. 1*- Roiled bta, barais, 4.35; bage. 90 lie. U205. Bran. -31750 ta $18. Shorts, UO0 te H te$33 n'e .vrtncrIt,8421. Middling, $22 te $23. Mouihhie. 271E>0W $5000 o 14.50. Ciseese. fines% t r5 l12te -D la il 3 4 . f un s aI a st eu. 3-4 o l . B t tr, ehoieesl creAmer>'. 26 ta 26 1.2d; seconde.;25U te 251-2c. Eggs, treai. 21 ta 230. Peta-= roa arbg, car lots, 50 te 60e.Mamu ofsetc teprbWinnipeg Whieit. Mxmmo aey b Winieg M>'îO...Csi:-isa.-No.~ yield, is tise desîre of al Nortieru, 913-B; Ko. 2 Nortireru. 1883M.e;etgi o te nete 140o. 3 Non-hem. 85e; No. 4, 81 1'2c, No.- =1gg sl.r e h m v sm reJected> seeýdd. 861-4; Na. 2 de., 831.4; NO. botis tiese conditions: 3 do.. 801-4e; No. 1 ougi, 3; N. 2'de., 2; No. 3 t., 79; 'No. 4 do., 7414; N.- 1 te Wntr,93.e;?4.2 do., 89 3-8e; No. > Tnt. -3 do.. 86u; No. 4 do, 811-2. Ota-e euii ae C.. 333.4c;,. 3 W. 3 11.4e; extra Toronto Paver Bonxds . 6% SI No. 1 teet, 333.4e; Na. 'l teed. 32-54e; 'Ne. 12 Took ç Bres.. 1'ref. .1- 7% 2 feed. 30 -4e., BàrlSy-Na. 3,47;_ Na. 4, nare P i B n s . 6 45.4.Flx~~-1 N. Wf.C0.. $1.131-2; No. - Ontaionauld Comm-n_ 6% 1 2 C . ., 8 . 11 ; N o . 3, C . W .,_ 1 .03-2. C a8 M ac in er-y Bm onds 60/ -unlted Binou .arksUmm -j -M88epo M Sr- 20. - W at- 1 4c-.-- 863.4c; Jis, 8 -é; peme.89.e Caair-'lQ. iir d, _9c;N le Nertirern.89 -Bnd s and stocks of te9 x01 lo a i.e, ls -41ARO35. tuah. rireasd for $4.99 Live Stock toTo 4to$6 WilEarn.a aDay >mbined w-ithhigli interest ýinve-stors.: The following. entof $5,000 seema to meet 100 8$1,000 .000 OOand'Tnt. 89 1,200 1,068- »6 1,000 960 sud Tut 65 1,800 990- 98 1,000 980'a-ut T.1t. 9Q, 60, ff8, and àae]1re lufteÈest oný 'l7,We-belie he h -boys pries wiil àppréeeate -Jconsider- TORONT]ON D. - pAOuVEimiONON Ri Th.3ýeanse Iy true, but tiens te whic ly -novel. would answ the past, an cation «tat fruth, foi a in the distrib th.at there is class which un;ust. o a ew dema cme fr-cm uncommen- uider veryw Admiirab1e thernoveme are, it is by uhywiil a ine9maiutes, idedi justicë adjustmnedt rewards ar me rt, 'an 'may have- A-wol4an~ week may. than anôthe -mer rsr bhacagain - - Imeit. The the two M chance, an( Sthe inone'y ha nicely- e it is-W eil -in- -Considel 01 rnany1 * they &naen be ol' *way to priâk-of - D eadli Another1 to -hisdea feýarléssa w Trhe brie, B. Ethe'« of oaalsmei0 calIs atteni e-er precse the medica don hospitý and cheerfi Gperatîng, London -do< Mnror rc narowiy -e ing cziitrad antisepac are net sa tectiocnas gWar deed -zmFe. I "When] 11.00od sep * (IIIdon~ Mrs -Ycit eoher daj !kept xyld ur-'a -1 13Y,

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