Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 May 1913, p. 3

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i~n. Nek iu~ - ýWea.I-justice i"Bible uni4er aay r.- a4justment. 1lh a iultideocas - ' rewards ýare not apportioaed tô ' Ye~t nd as' amattér o!faé*t the8Y uunay have 'nctbing te.do. wit4 meit.ý - A wornan. who lu working t !68 "weeirm.y -have' far' greater mentÃŽ 'than anothér wiio passes' from, suïw- m --ner resgrt 'to' water resort -aïd iiaek again,, or uhe my h&Ç lesa m 'rit. The 'differenos lu'th. fates. o! -the. *'o rmay. bi due entirely Vo - haace, and' 'ateiérchance nor -- tlrift can b. eqnual5ed.'""Nor êaàl 0'the- moncy value,,of Moral qualitles, -. j le wlltVo remenrbe6r, thieeore,; ~in consideriag he probable rcsulta -t:o!. many reforrn programmes ta tbey are no'ý at a'Il likolytoelado lUtopl-Z Othcrwise ,atbusiiasni aiaY lie foil-owed by a reaction.and' give >!Iw .à,iiS ô.iaqameiiai yo ism.. DA I REOIS)! 0F SUIGEaY.1 Pre eo edie l n Operation 1u R)eadly ai Snake stiug. Ancthe bavenu$~0ILhais gone 'taii. deaîbhl.. a vi.um ofo!ne>i.Of tiicac everydas.y nri" te whichb tho feanleau workerla the cause o! liýéaling arebeiiag eonst.ntly ex-, Tlie b ~riie!f a.'il1nescf .1Mr. R. ol6, - at"tex le<upoignantly Vo tha e'vér -prese . ut perrile - whboach te the, ueisi-toeC cn - WlicSmt ev 'ridnyl big Lon- '40» iffePi. i ug are b-ra-v-ly aid chiefufly r 49n tii lvai operatk'a-'ý on da.ngerouàs' eptic casse,'P w".,,tu-&setatetuzent of!'s L»nd» docte-r, -who told The Dal-y ~Mlrror reoewfVy that s-ven O! hi-s w oleague-working in hepita.s bad narre-wl-y esoaped d.ath by poison- -' g contraoted akt operaitions. "AÀt-al <peritie-ne, o! course, wihpthar the cases ans septic e-r ? antiseptic, Surgeons wear rubber gloves" 's- said. These gloves are not- 50 much fer thein own pro- tection ais fer tii. proteotion o! pa-' -tieuts te be, openatéd ou alfter- -wards. - Tuhe gieves canef uily steni- '.lizel -prevéntti. spread o! infec- '<The usuail way iùn which surgeone. are infe-ted with uoeptic- organis * l by a pnicir from ths ueedle durin-g the sewin-up proossa. Du-ring the àbtuàl operation ther. is lit<h d'an- - "Wh-en thé. wouud is being'-sewn Upî-I is a simple niauter 'fer the - needle Vo siip sud peneraite the - - $ger' throug<h tihe glovre.1-, -s - ~'-~antsurgon, h bpe st tuis X~nt, lhaa eve-» more nis i laan hie - --"ii-cseo!fgalgreJiS or otheu -4>1>eràtiocns cf'&êeec natuye, this tny priok eon tue.,fingeo f-nom a use. 4,14 coveredwitii liing organas»a in, l as de4Ziy aaunaire-bite. "Ife the, pint lias penetratcd the f S4ki» as far'«s thse-aod the poisom - 'roaoiieu tu- he'ea.t -wit-bin a fe '.joondà, anad ià thus '-di-stnibuted - 6vertue whol body. -"Affn-puta'ton -cf- thie prkkc in. - ger 4965 noV, savo onen . lu ud a It ýý -es If tue Ski» s8"rnerely- Se'akoh 'cd the ~redof fetinMayr b etpe y plng :g thabÏknd in pointing forward, and two Pointiang- "'thatle to belP him in limbing the tiée trunks> suppos'e,"Y. thought Bob. But w.1iAt interested Bob Most was Mfr.. Iowny's long, aliarp -bill. .It mneto b. vmpry stong, for -the- yood4peoker used'it as à sort of ham- mr ,UHe wold test a -place on the. ttrun 'wth the sharp ppbint of his bil, and tiien if tiie place suit- ed'him, h. would bimmr away' un-. tiI h. iad made d imall bole tiirough the .Iark. - RH.-strucira -sharp blow. "Why does'-T.ie miaire so many. hoies?" whisperçd 1Bob, -wvith ;'lhie eyeL fiàtened on'tiie bird. - "Some people-think hle dodes it*soÏ that h. mey eock the sap of the- tree, but that is not &o." iai. Uncle- Phil, -in-a low tone. ."Mr' Downy lu fond of the udt, iniik nner bârk of 'the. friût,-rees, but hli luquiteS at the borera, beeties and -weevils that lodge there. --And yèu *1I1 no- tice..diat h. never d!rill deep into liv. ,triée'yit is inVhes'dead ààtree - that h. m fkêè othe. deep hole. S you -seS: thé doees 'ittle, r"I.l damaàg with Ial liii h&mering ,ana'bor- ~'But ho* doms lieg.t the, insectR. putý of'theý holes 1"' persîsted Bob. Pull. "Yôu wjllsee that ti l101o9 Bd tender, àand bas abarbhe4, point. There là à&0 , it o! stickys eub- stance-On, hie tongue , too, vnt helps Vo- catch _the ingmctî. They are hie food, you know." Jüst then 1Mr. Downy finleh.d his work cnri"té,ri. Brut pplm-trme, and flew to the second.* -they follow- cd, lnole Pul drmw a nQteý-book and pencil ýfromn hie pocIret. said. "I want ygu te 'take'ýthis note- 1book, and keep a stric1Û.ccouflt Mr. Downy'ls-ýdiflgi.--Countemr tre. h. visité,couînt how manyhoe he makes, andfInd ont," if you cau, . what kind ࣠thinga h.e ets. I 'will rhelp you as much as 1 çan."- Bob took the -pencil and went to 1wo-rk with- a will. H. was greatly 6interested, but when Mr. Downy iflew Vo anothier tree, and begaï to ýhammer away at a hole, Bob 1begged for the glasses- - "I*-want to sec- bhim catch s,6me- thing with that barbed tongue of >his 1" he-said, excitedly., r Sure. enough, after a few minutes r spent upon the hole, Mxr. Downy 1 thrust in' his bill, and presently -brought i t, out again,- with a f ai .grub iinpaled upon the barbed point .of bis tongue. " «Crirky !" exclaimed Bob. $il neyer kne-w woodpeckers Wvere 5à> in- teresting." 5 -For nýarly two hoà'rs Bob and hi îuncle followed Mrî. Downy bacir and f. orth hrough thé orchiard, and i- though the friendly littile bird inust have seen Vhem W'ith bis bright, aiêrt- eyes, hîIý, took no notice of itihem, and went about his buïine.so as usUal. 3 MAter the bird was gone, Bob est clo9wn on the&,piazza stepa and gtave- B."Mr. .Downy -went to fifty4-"even -tres/' Ie sak', finally. "H. inade rthrirteeni holesr and three o! then 8 -werm big oaci. - Uc 'ate borers, - grubs, beètIei- ,aunis and ants' bcggs, and spiders." 1BobS was' feeling rather ashamed 1o! himàelf, and h. was hoinesi IL nough Vo admit it. " That_ littie i '<'«Wiiat sVcly1" "About !igbrids. 'I'limy say eh.é *ý l ji er'la shop Vhos ýy, ad fseing a aide, cf ron à *us ceter, eh. ns- JWby, 1 didn'V kuow -you ýpbcùeW- ber.' Sounds Like Yankee Yamn. MommerciaL travelher was brag- giag about the. magnitude o! the frm horresct ed "-I IuÃŽos or houe, iu a pret- Vy blg ýeishwuiient 2" said the cus- "BiI Yu'~ut ibaye aay idea -of its - imenýsionsý,. :Lat weeir we teck an lnventory o! hs employes, and found 'cut -for tii. Brut' time ViiaV tbree cashîbem and four -book- ireopens wermi#aing.- Tiat w ~~e yo ism~dsa&fthe -magni- 'tude'o! our business-' A.i» 'of e-t mlorý*ecan Qmors 'o! tiie_'band are -Indiana'sI; .- H ayi, mik, -'potatees, and' cottoni- woo.d are bing shipped _ veý 'day freai Cbilliw ack Vo Vancouver. Lait , -t there was -a big de-- mand frségh' doge 1»Hazlèto». The 'avera ge. pice' iws $5~ci A Cxreston ranobcerl adylsesl-fanm ens Vo plant wIiite poLatoes, auýtboy are tbe béat for céommercial pur.- poses. Frank 'Wiepl,6y -captured 12 ýsi- ver grey, [axes la Alais"a huis 'Win-, 'ter 'and BbiPIï.dtbeV- hie fox' farm luXe Bunsiwic4r'. , - Foimy, Weicb' & Stei+art will -use'l tiiree , teaun tbovele on the P.-O. E.eat'-of Liliocet. z-'The shovelu- ,out #10,000 cd. --- ,Tii. 'Brut earload o et neuipe -fomý' the Earrismlnes asar-Hazle-ý. to othe Tr-ail saeter gavc aï net aturao! i$ 73 a' V<týn. "In» Teaskee, IurCld yr was flied,.$500ý for sý"elling liuo witiioutaliessd$0 omn ùnii a-la4ak- g~e ' - In'uee Carlotte durlng>Iatcb Mrs. îW.' 3J. &nlth - récci'ed"1,O egg'ïrom a:ficck-bf'!10 henu .ihé siold tue'epgs or $70f.08.; Tbrough ëxteiigive advertisung- maore thai< $500,000' wortb-' o! 1oe- -bahve alrc4dy been sold l' the-'tow- site o!, Por b Edward, near-I'nincèe Rupert. -A Seattle Company has -put upa new gold dredge -t» work> on the Fraser River. near Yalê. IV will 4dredgc tue river bottotà Vo a -depth o!t -40 fect, The reçentdé.atb o! Mark Wbeel- er leaves George Bell, the ouly sur- viver cf tii. baud o! settiers Who teck up. land on Éalr!e'd Island over 40 years ago. The provincial' batchenis t.Sar- ,dis bave recently 'been' stoïked 'witii Mongoian -pheasants f rom -Eng-. land. Only thrée. o! thie 25 'birds were lest on the journey acros* Vhse sea.'r Tiie Canadian Nortiieru Railway wiii operats its trains between New Westminster and Vancouver by e1ectricit#. A tunnel 24,000 feet -long wil be drive» hetw-een Vhs Vwo fi points. IV wil taire.twc years Vo 1 drive and wiil cost -$3,400,000. -Good Weather for a Fight. Thene is -ne inck of sbrtewdness i thVe Eng-ish peasants, 8 ' ys Mr. A. J. Swinburne in- "Mernories -of a Schooi Inspecter," but their irnow- lédge o!fViie Viings beyond their cw» villages is oiet.» surprisingly smail. At Vhe time wii e-sstruggle be- Vween Russia' sud Jaipa» iiad reach- ed its climax, and -become tii. ah- 'sorbiug topio of the whole world, a -Suffehir laborer, off worik, accosted friend eng&gd »dgging: "lBnd news frein' Vhs -war." "Wiio's a-fightin', tih" - "Wiiy, thiie Rooshaus' and Jap- '"'Oh, - hey're a-filin',, are. they 1".1(Pausiug !rom bhis worir.) -' "h, yes, Vey' re a-fightin' 1k. Biily-0 1", "Are tiiey, thougb" "lYes, that they are." "Wel," ýater plaïcidly scanniug Vhs hoýrizo ýnsud résuing -bis wenk, 1"4iiee've geV ,anice day f oriVt, any- They ,0Ã"wu Brltaln'u lAuid. nitin'a lonïdd nire.s -nd eanla irere l inie hiuulight ithe HOu-se e!' CoÉnuneu5 reeeutly iviien -lMu'.. Outiiwaite,' durin~g the clabate ýon tue m0OUls fer 1, b-e seèxod res<iLI3.ý of the Rural CcýttagesBll, é"vo an intereeting tbWfthe iii4epateii- es o! lanad h h, I>ukes hoM d4000i54S 31sîMar- 'W a t e r -f "r -M "I wonder how ý manydrink -suiffi- êient -plain water 't6 keep ' thtn in,- hcalth4" "ýasirè& ">a. .m'éeial'man. :eRow' mùchi do, you - drink, by the wa -1 ' "Oneglass 'c' iclag;i' re-. _ir he Vh -irit«ér.'!IhoiikhtE'," iemarkeîd tiè - modieo. your' é.e".ju et ruiiig y9uniiealth' for vou Il0ugit --to drink'at leaisV th ree. k"In' 'thé firsV- ïhacer You. le. yý peïaplr£4uon . a * vprtica 'la.the breath about two p0'uiits a day .o! tié" ivatéÈ you taire int;o Vhos ystem, aËd, abut- rob~ 'pint'joes" t P 'p .ke.p the bbod in order'aiïd Vii. ukla «landis ar~ln ts, ec., cieiitly- piit. MiIk iis not of -ucuh us V replace ibis, as it lu mainiy a fcod; Tea' and 'fféë .-,are -noV 'advisabl«e drinks. Ã",ocôgal gain, ià more oà a food -thana -drii ,' and-,alooo1iW-- 'well, *ée. lus ù,id' -about that 'the, i'i.only drinks wu7e - ift,- thuu, -,re. miuiral waters and plain Water. 'Too' xîueh: minrs.i w4ter. l not îgcd;-but-Plw- ' Wter 'containu; nc-o hami d'*miï»nrals,, and', morever is ~a~ur~s wn roduct. '1f ýydou drinùk- effeient çf-itq ýthe uin -wiU b. ýki.pt l.e'f plplcSï, -rasàh* es,_ andores, the#lbldod>,will b. p4r-, er, abd' 1'atureei i E. Vo iV thal suificienV- water- le minglcd witb 'il soktat iV circul4tes normally, anc net ýluggîshly -because iV lu sthick with unpurxties.'- ' "'T'aire a bal-iit glass o! water at a Vlu.' On. ia the mrnin~g on r* ng one aterbreaifast,'ý one f- Ver dinuer,- one iduring tViiafter- ueo», <lNe a!ter Vea, and oe after r upper;> Votai, Viieee -pinta-." How te ReESst a Cola. One way Vo ye>rcome cilly sensa- . tiens of Vhe spins and bacir on the< least change of temperature lu to put your bacir up, 50 o eýpeair - Vi contract Vhs muscles o! 'Vths back. Thus, utLys Famiiy Doptor, which pro- ceed-s »-If ven are getting chuhll dbout Vhe 'baci o!fV-be, necir stifisi Vhe neckr and sét Vhe muscles to -work.' Wheu you are sitting still aud -fiud yourself' getting- chuiy set Vhe muscles Vo work- and Yen will ueo» geV over it. If you do net start youn mxsçles going you -w111 soon id tbem going o! thein 0w» accord. yen wvill begin Vo shiver-an invol- untary action of -Vhs muscles. If you wifl set your muÊcles aV worir before that shivenîng cornes yen will bé abie Vo prevent it. -Contract yeni hands, youn 'legs, the muscles c6 .your bacir, raise -up your chçst,_stil- .feu youn necir, Vben"-turn iV vigox- .ou-sly, siowly, from side Vo side, oi beud it backrwardu"- and' fcrwards, ,This will keep you from Vairing coid One ueed neyer taire cold wben sit. Viug stili. You can maire youi muscles Worir just as bard wiien Bit. .tiug down a's when walking aboui and iV may be more convenieut. Quie< rtlutard Plaster. A rained n urs e says that if ouE forgets Vhs exact proportion foi miaking a mustard plaster oee-car rb. quickly made by cutting athic sulies o! bead, dipping it for a sec. .oud in hot water, ' tien spreadiný with white c! an egg, and aprinli 1ling thickly wiVI> musta.rd._ Tii. egî will preveut blistcriug. -Italy's War' Strength. ýprig li u or ot e o f gik t ico t 'd eadly ins Iab led îy -ti . elii r cb, h a s n o m o ra l--- ot îi e , té , n are worn -over tuile aid lacé blouses o - 1 srçgizd s4 et the diligence "dl h Ji 4 ~ysmrtydrssdgirls., -get oreso ioëiief-"he fruit. TIi. tru&ü è~~ Liti irls'-Ru sian' blouses are devil's cusbion "' an old wWiter calis honest, e rnet' ~ , ý:rs~ *e.Ût gaterd 'nt uhpebans r blditinducng rust o! mind àd depa<on xrcise -o!f>r.niIts.W~h àt thei. long wailsthine by- a icaeà r_ vity of Boul to all Who fal .victims osine i»oàw r na b.lt: - '- - Vo ~It. Its dager lies in wbatwe i. siglit of Qed whogisu 0W 1S Matlets of suPple tft a 1 painloeAhro Ugk it, àeawellas -wht w n ortosand u ok-EL -and - broôaded sursa are ut of attii. sýuilsr. ,_ ,H gh Backr. - kuee lins and ;- worn with sm art - '- --* For tenns hepoerikirts are 11 IJOY~Ull TIl 2 et on for -h'ylî'mhif cf.whie' ooy.ý. lianp and rep , ILT)IUYI His rank dîd noV p-erpit hiludodine or serge, witb paiàts2e in -at i e- -wtth hem at t i ne 5 ii- 'a~ .. Ji *while sincerely cordialwd-ibei dnére ressesa o! voile e  IO A ESN h u'o Uliyo Ë ~t eponge are 'being trimme4 witii sou '- liA 25 goial tquette aeinadcda' yh, facýe effeots la whit e i mmroidery taton. --' -- on tullr.' the ' Egyptuaù -OlB ers of Màany o! thei , jiitée net blouses to Leuson VII-M c h u ej - ra. These, tooc o )sei.L p - tattrno wnbaeo'sc iu . . .àrately,'tbough m4hesàniericomf.i sawn.Y 'fowmr9wmd hae ow -f iî ý Gen. Chap 43. 'Golden aoiainuibt~$p hi y arm n sum m r oiet ' t t ee-tvAen tabiomainas p eccd ng he -n'-.theê E S" sashes. '. Joucph'u brthren1 betoh n . the. itw f'tn gYýi rui The narrative intervenThg- bé, l4te won it adrpe kut aies'~pese iand «Iheir retur»in oamn l'esnç au eol s e sjirigdays. ras arm 2ed witla toouid7t-rne. O tha cw w "Thu so rlou n t-' the - exr ienct es. of Spring are o! beavy ph' emin witlxe*thmin copice ithîe oi o~'s >,gue Li T.baeued rdad 1 wt h -trict rqce ! e ph.. h rie or ringu"Teh' réatineor- * ti. sae maeria. Ee !ntr béB h choseàn Vo maritu te kteso - or 'ai h co -d raout maiîtea cig- ter ncrt-ain tetindiinr t;i i gluteé ave be.m - in its Ori~prgen enal cothïic rng and til- ese-peilhooay o' 9 hiig s. r ing. cositumn fts dcscrpÉionsp I tons, se n s ir !'aentes-n V min h.wasressued cncrmg o - ' ' Comm Vii. birdsththe1wrinean j robins, - andheaithtit.eprsentQ4had.' 4so! isiother chà meue, ra ed nd ine -ith the b roi rs, and teir s p ýleowad - rnk .a n were nierry-t erai- th sm y, eil. Eg. e aur a ch oý?thr. But Vo maire assu-seod oflauuhl ue or e- 'a4Core herasoutwindsacooligand their cosidatcn' fo Benjmi w ich wa a prminnt featurn e a * - a n o ahisr fa nthe Bfre PIy mild, È- 'aged Orental bman iàiets.i co ~ Crnetheg$o-womsbuterfin chater -oiogor icusn pasi-,TeEie jpig sai1gein oserp ion.4.-ges hmeifina- insr r It o! ing nmayý-Vrimei, Ao! reastJosarephi-brothd ersaa othy. Vii mntb th yer nd ivs hrncifVh easureo Tse hat's her e a4igging la,, o i~' henVhsleaes re ree an Ve-Muien, heiwsr ossuat a ba nti dryyehw ste doete r Benamins noer1 -hae1si4i r . A.ubn los w 'mn Wh in eres osal n'tighemrésn cdar k as of 'Vto the tba' èeier bac n tDan sndiender,-Ltea ~~~~~~~& Wnte fo es r rs n br tean nd t ei spiritte, sir noddithegassesee8shem» er ri-gre n.Ank ydrI'm tat ddeàd _ad ýivin'lah 'Ris fchormer Vreatien1 cf Vem and ' the 1is ob cfstlin 9 a Wh é h-pWgha sfeldward te reoilc-sion, o! Vueme o Te's '-noV ael. ieV iude; pioddhingeè, t, - ' n her acis'w1-ffcint ca s 'ait ecesiv i n i . f o gh Whnthe rsk abeaeplyn,pfor drea -wang a ute p, eraing- si;' e Whn to su mercorns oce ro te nti. - - O!athen--idforoBenjsmin r on t heV s uhea is oo ler n d eir occaio agan. u-Lte-f f Son Vs fower wih fde nd iyroh himuàe fapon s, -ht e1 is' me Vh ;at\dromb. ciimbagto ea drooptheke us-by surprise,éfor boudmen. ofi'hiè box-like rocm * Soon the reeduw ihi msr tr so, 1.amte 6 nar te thesew a4 s- ut The-fr iloead. haO Son hswte'shug b Viie, Joseph iueerrine l 1ef -in a get fsfo'n ~. Sc» hs fowe's reshssekilehmpoknew in advannc histhat he wrs ngovr it s pÉngitisth My-im, found imn teirdcirsb ddtion- a hdarirning goom r Soc» the fm ers refap their sow nd a ivoey fr his tpurh u r-ci mor s meud . at a-s bre:ahýigcfigin a Whnte gra r renad e-b in. fl hs t aquti dr eIdu o wisteecfa poye Coladsr, in, i - nrai BTenj misteward' was ler l awae c I- Ànd, oh, Vhs o rn ing h ra- man W oc't the leaes' !row m a nd trees, h ealatit d e rhe as tte o ' Othas .ould, ou'-1& sod. 9 W.oo"slaway Vsbir4 and bes, -' ari le. 1»Vreèinsthni SWoo's th-f o u s ur& eyfloes, idyadsetn tratfrne 'idm ia" igtydae r ~~~es Wor arofor pîg-ie.ow o e tt he mn r ario-: ns d F i Vîme Vo go Vod ori gi n odcrs, atLgsn sheen, ' - Ts frerureH b.t hen ftras a 'TsyDta as tesassf ken o ecr n of te i. Ve o d T eri»g tmi le i e g hè theld1netexpiai»mbliyaritbota'be- G. b.ess'y -at.ha vi.ahr Wintr cones itbsterer apect~fornyroing ismasterpans ùdhaVe sif te a,-ei Ooldthe an d ny archil incer 4 4hd ter ebI a- 'ù r lebn.y wé,ld IL lesa inyw. it r inencustom upon ' And , h, Il inVmb e e , 'ing -e Wiba ornwhchn lu, entcting Vhs b nous Oas Th n Vhs o,,in'o cui'sd. Mrh- WiVb wide e spa cs oire ,- n"" 25. The present-n. wiirh thei - bn h Wihgehe s o-and '-cicua'g lw faie Je csion hadina siged i"Te Jriia'An Tobe f Wi the lo rs w ipin-ade and o! tb.- chicaelfruui s , th t 1an i s-m ict,ôbe lmiÈt drop Wihtedaai azl-..gitr -y uvs-ysurs e<l foary owdmnti. "A 1 bd w if.is eavea egeat - -" -tmhe'ra resewil-a liàre balm. anda et f omnad h aete )rScnthe. ater's . lulitttile, oeh hous ey' tier, ned 'm>'jletI i 'théodk"re arosired '. Son thw May-tfésnez ired, h nuts , nalmoansc re Il>. JaWr b h.oie -%'n h So- Hav e f uito ha ll Vhs p res'at - no t o yô.rurntirwh1O ,'ti is jey An -oy,"lîpi aur o n, abe enAils - Loei. res nfbeeesad ta- elà it or father? bu rnç'iysi.Tichbeheeau '-4~. -i ,1 - addee cp' r t question b.-Vo r at pu ei~ nd 'trae ,n ie ir Love thie floeru a ga 1 or e prfoi.athe Ypbr Viise o nd bva amored m ofl oe 'mo~n1lgV - Tu b. yowiiivs -ahémonugl ju a th - ci he *-" it Loe hs-s the -- ns n - uunu l, 23ea ' - o ola k7IoOd .mn-ut-, emu h, a t wicfkýùs ed- if oyBt baiâve d 4»IV of t eà , theral atttue & -'mtetir, -' "s- M oreth e oud , oQ àne e su Woos frl; us our d vely. lfôHeld,-indiy, and settin ît rest for th I, Nebrais- etrucr the.' ules West d-y -night, iare dead'i g wtl, à t , d - market ipalhis- Exohasl TREAL '-w' - 'F ýcr est ýwing meet 84 90 60 St -on

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