Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 May 1913, p. 4

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mach the stroogor of Ihe -'v:o p Lot omon wIt4hdraw rOfft u chrhato-d« &ami-to-morrow num would' tura tbom- labo other uneful , Wboroyr wc!aaandlia gow, i .ga xicéo W lbtbonegSiebe l ot -*àsre>,ite time. lasofasof 1k. .w114 part. of Pur",couatry, -whcý -~ra. sia goa~d acetii. ardsbfiPs sienom one eaaily, deternu eupon. ..euteriaç oe. -of theié homes how des-- t4tutseoft lb. ouch of von"',s hanisM oR1k ibi ii goam the cplace lL Tbee r o la i of e anoki3 ;iiài tm1- IUYbe-:,-kAL lUI TE8çoPEs& A-ower ia wladow or gprdelauo mus- us t sand si Qmewbeir ea&u - la ur ainsowy andthis, decorule' dOW1JWr1Thiil aoii atne 8o P* tlegla«s panes:; ne <tiClate' chna,n> amkebi e i I - on morrord -aldeboad; au -inc4e t in0k b* e osi mt bWS k-B~ b .there la no birrorci eldebôr* oazb b. tetlir e êwoii at * posa. lvsrytbuig* looka lbard and4 j0 wl hm i r IbI.*u;t- -crude, almost the- cpoint ç,-b%~ at But-ais s vsr'tàiledflM jilutsi. But Ioti womaa ,, 'o 10ýthoseti9, he oesnot-lee vrj 1ïiïý îè à» us..I and note -how , 4ulckly hunga fi risjt, bDÂ>kf- i at &H ftmsmobe 6. 4-b~b change. A1laoet mmsulOoY tDu2i gt îUttes. Sothue matter goR --on, t _î- 'Mi î -wl take on a éoter -hué." Ths vin-1 ai.tb iais om - v e hocares not PWS& e s âfiou l dowa vill become ctrtafied-it MY I i.imeither secs hm u inoke or aot~.I bc by the savlng- of butter ad g ltbmhmh11.tesveon iio-1~ tOOV u MeW_1 i bishomelité, thre wré n, op.- as, adjuibul to. the--axa O * or it may be b: the eàre.t -pleadings 'tien wfiatever. He vas taught là~t for - ih. treasured article; lut' t1ic55*the breakung of a the smash-~~'mvisu~ai on uunan wU beautiful alry nothinge must, and Wll,ing o! a wno-p swas' -aotilng t -- t ug b be had.' 5he cannot live WlthOut1 short of a 0 y w Ti.' ers roslly of - couru se a ia t Inproveinent, them. It may *b. buit tires-c entms-1 the cly thinge that ho wma taugbbh , .ý * -des.i4 lin; or Up la the. da.ars'for, sllk ; Put were crimes. But the nature cf -a as ber nature' craves for these-tîg real crime vas quite, «>reigu, to hi'*j . nul]3enu..rî. lhlm Ba t-o viii ehe malcer them liera. AU that st-gyWeia-u 1 1wolï nteery -gées te make up the -beautiful l lat e l î-ayvze r%*thmtvs'ia Joy m o, gmn jugmdmma desire o!flier hat sof'teniag.19 lht motives fromj amedium LzaQuar 'And through .te Otiu-Ifun And about the mïotheýrls vote ! IfA cil, qulmt maured, but abulldog ta ces e! lier nature wer.have 'our lovely mte aist vta Ui l nlY Me football ft.iednt.e&. bmnéit h homes;- which, If let: te the men te !urther the~ cause o! good and _the atudy et ýopties. Natilrafl-ou would be, I am afrald, alnosb n-rgt- V- ol'. I .' habitabl. - Un~- righk W.coul ' e Iinle -e'-hthOug-ts orm dlr to tde4- haitbl.wanting te vote fer ay other rea' toctive Sons" ofetht, . gun telüeups Now althouigk-nan-eeems incapable, son. And when- eut mtea as a'rue -[mnnéss broke Wlion .the gaz. worm ýo! per!orrning. these lovely eet-teiing.body take a higiier etazldav a to the 'im;teooe tvsnesayti l -effecte, yet bis nature' sympath, zes mrl ry nn cfte a os, &M;> vet a aebreaab w with them, ýand lie fully appreciates wiîî ibml be-tulfihling-their mission lan One day1 yîei m later, vile station. *' tbem. But the peint is, women can- lie, tha fb i'Iititnn7ae.lý dI ibntp-Msi aid not ive wft-outhis nvionnintApdthis kind ok-boy- when grown te e!W ibrotheraffleors toe ii.whdow: while mea can. xnanhood, and* though'tfulnese, la the' noir lMs desak on ti. second flooT et a, As v-ian asthegi4 o ai thsekind of man who la goling to give wo- builigla the naY - Yards. Ho ýshow- - ¶ influences, Se lias she bthe power of1 man lier vote.' ed , bbm wai üëwjtti a -metatL: banGd * moulding the characters e! bier sos, M. R. W. ,,gltünxn aon iecrumeec - brothers and oltentime lier lite part-I- Tien heo pened ii. wlndow and, o- net; tbougb very often be le se cal- 0 ' lberately threw the Ions wlth al Ms loue througb time and habit that t- Vmlht apon theî brick pa vement bé- is- very -bard to do se. But If she sol Cauges Much Disease 1.Ti.tiers knew of bsptb wills, the- moulding of! ber little son's Av about Stom bc Trotilis by andi tbugit ho bad 'gl'ýen lb up Wa -habits are bier privilige. & àU 13w ta relleve heale gust and.iibmci talion ibis way eofel- New, what I believe to be more e- Don't neglect Indigestion,4 for it lug ubeai se. But -be put o i it, lit sential than one rnotber's vote, ILe may Iead toa ai sorts of ilUs and'com- a cigarette and bade uiiearfollew hlm. plications. '1-An -enunent physician the votes' o! two or more good . pria- once sald tbat-ninety-fivýe per cent o! Ee led thece down the stairs amilG oea- -- -cîpîci boys, althougli the motber's al l Ms have their o mial a dis- etsderable Joklnig and eout, t. the, SpOt vote accompanying these noble boys" ordered- stomdàch. viere thie Ions lay on the pavement. vots houilnoVt-e tm their val-- Our experiee with Rexail DYS- The glass was unbroken. The one vo.tes'theuld nwould be pepsia Tablet eds tis-to beheve dfcftetlsoee.Ih a - 1inl the 'leaet, In fuet, it *oudb theni ta be one of the most dependable gradeeietbtescpagu ai one vote- more in. the right direction. remedies known for indigestion and beeri -overcome, and M ustin hadl mads - ~ ~ But sud Vo relatecsome o u o- urcdyspePsia. Their ingredi- -posle the long range gunnery cf -Sut, end frethoeof higb-alia enta are soothing ta the iiiiaed P oem rnnavy. Thé thuil oftthe lit- *tby wmnfre hi.ihelig membranes of the stomacb. -Ricb h o - - ,WhiWa they bcautify their hiSies and in Pepsin and Bismuth, two of the ile glass diel wiib lie metal collar -set a sumptueus board, they forget grete ei.i ids known 't~o opoa the -brick-pavemenlt -vas the sig. ~- - their sons and daugliters. very prompt. Used prssenad alfrteniosebent bd But,1 wîill refer. especially te t-be regularly for a short trne, tley tend thefr, Dreadneugts.-Âmericaa ?>aga- Util ses wo ae grwin ino mil- to relieve pains causeci by stomacli sine. bhood'with' suéb rapid strides. - Does RexaliDyspepsia Tablets -help - LN ARD MN she et eedthei an cithe theai insure healthy appetite, aid ciges- p;operly-? O, yes,- she does ail this! tion, and promote nùtrition. As Tho l vntpotin ! be dty evidence of aur faith-iE them, *e ask- Th.y Cqus.d Vigareus. Protomt la des ein e Éat sortionuf there: Thery ou totry temat our risk. If tbeyMsshu.*-n1. In tbîts,: Their do nt give catira satisfaction, va prlnçîples, theirorp ri+- iii return the money you pald uï The. follovlng- proteet ulgii.d by 3e- haitthï . p. n -ethi sii v ithout question or formality. Thr - sepli Enilcet, governor; Thomas Dul- ual lifle. izes, 25 cents, 50 cents, and $10. I have seen- young amea of voting- o a u ealDsese~a, lets ly, deputy govera'or; Richard BelIag- age vho were nothing short et a dis- ib is cornnunity only at our store: limai, Riad altonstall. ii% Thom" grace te manhooi. And wben waien A. H. ALLIN. P NevRe rt, W iam Blband - homIsx1-ý are..seen asiihgfor a vote;-whea nane Whtby iTMe 2" itenom tadosto FlitwuRebort Brde min aieu Bra eapeint te thel r sons and witaess 1%meelas Remul Star. ln neary < ueotva ublho atomahiet f -cigaret epeokers, drinkers, bail-charao- rt r u in Temlea dt Re J'rotn1649: vo aria long liais, bers and 'habits witl it Val we la- Piaidy for neari oemin«7buinm 111- e i.gvro etc.,-of Massachul- deed: ask : "la net tby mission te d .rtl.yi %=sotor rais. dutî-ful uni Christian sons ?11 lV. RSà Stem .ane Am~& 1We 1 'Terssmucb as the vearlag oe- long ISeoe Mothers etep f erth la indigna- hae bit, mtter the. mannor et Russians aMd tien uni ask : "Arn-I.-ýespoùsîîble tbat - barbarous Indiatis, bas begun ta la- My son lias turned out te b.b a bad, ANOTHER 0. P. R. STRIKE. vadoNev Englai, contrat>'0'a b wayward ma?" As I would. not Strikes seem to be in fashion la thé raie eofQed's word, wMhb ays,,lb la IL anaer ue uetio dieclyI sah ontrutio cmp n te .lP.R îal hokao frmuL a 9wmar long hbis as Lc sss Pis boy gees te echool :9 Il Cotees bcre. FRANe1. C F '#bronaturali>'al le srestricin 8H ~wOrn to beforeine aud uibed i>1~nypee. A tagtkicm tams e elc.tht. 6th diLy of DeeSaber, àjyiJrs gelshome vwbere the. restrctios-vax _(ses» A. . GESO aitoli 1dm 0f aforftune te bmmadae oesvmwrse. ,Thère are noe dèhioius ila-j'acatarrb Oureit NOTRÂY PçalC. «umr àa"m tie mae-- 1i aPPearp pf~l~ ~gts l ibt hoe, te vret-dtrectly on the blood nd muom a tatOusdab eotviIbl- Ca outhe dlslagroim fioor. TtIs âYlem: U' nd for testtrnouaaî 3 ea ofth u'94doà1" a$I ituuat home. '"Dent'." Seld b . Oy "Oho@ Tari, o , "id gi.'ye !b> the -morning »und "don-t's" ttAkHWPmfitIfoenîpto iiPa au ' s 1»l.elg. uiu!ad ft.Ii ltter <lopaetheb.boy turas toluzn mu ~ Kuet 4ad tua» îîes W oeagive yeu as goci valuet a uusr sutbe iSm= nG luoar ~, ~ hardware for yeur dollarg,as yencea7oU bard oit t mei *MR OmEa*whsiSW. 0. T.<auWS IMUSSIfrl>'11 hrop,vabeapu - j UA.yÉGXeep GMon e nirer. -- l 0 btai&@b' o 4 Oo, IBmucVend$&noem&e- r yais> es. honlSd oulit t, brtfieby«e iens. -W luite~.ufolo Bmk thy vii bearang __ _arl Oeb 1 1_ou e If Y Kub?4ôney>___U-,Home lilieë,samipalai. - Mrs. A'.E. Lueck$ of ioroumto, - played - -tte -vous5dng msrhae.'Tle. brlde *vbo vas bro4hbl ,in ahd given avay~ by béer couSIn,Mr S. BYa;, '-wore a vdiggW e whsite .11k-d ci.effévibh lace anti 'Pearl - triminisga, aryytag a bouqueb, W0- vite rae nd lilY oft'thé. valle>'. Miss M. Hai, o" f -Osba,*aj, a r muid ws atfre lapae ,blue satin Americeit Beauy reaçe. Mr. J. ýLyts o! TOmanute, vas groomaman. The- Prom'gltb.thbrevaa iaZ subursb andtg te ibridesmiait a goli baud bracelet, andti t -the best .mua a pair *of eue- liaIs wlth tie pis te match. Tii. bridai couple leftIýon the. - vao'clock train fer l'Xewv York' anti ther pointa la the-States, viiere they> viii spend their. boneymoen. Up- on their 'retura tiiey wil reside in Totoento. COUNTY.: COUNCIL-'COUNTY «0FO ONTARIO. The ýadjourned meeting of the Coui-1 cil of the Corporation ci- the Couxityj of Ontarlo, will- beý held pursuant ta sýjurnentat the Côuncil Chamýer ln té Cor ouse, Toýwn of whitbyl 'on Tuesday, the Srd1 day. of June, 1913, at the hour o! Vwo o'ciock in, the afternoon., Ail accounts'to' be placed before the Council should -be forwarded to- -the County Clerk at least'three days-be- fore -the meeting ,6f said Counoil. JNO. E. FAREWELL, County Clerk. NOTICE. Notice of Transfer of Shop -License, Town 'ofWhit>by Liquor License Act.- Nýotice is hereby given that -applica- tion has been made-by H.O. Hatch, of the Town of Whitby, to trustfer his shop license to M. -Finnigan,-- of the Town of Oshawa, and that the said application wilI be conÈidered at a meeting of the License Board for the District of South Ontario, in the. Town Hà11, in the Towm o! Whtby, on Thursday, May 29, at 10 o'clock. Ail parties concerned will govera themeelves accordingly. By order, - LEWIS R. LUKE, License Inspector. -THE 'Gazette& -hronkIc to Jan'y, 191,4 for -ist ôf To otô, W.;E.ontgomery, t'O be a.t my store.o the, two day .ýnentioned.a'bore, for- thée puiposel of giv.mngcOuInsel and adviýce to ail those -requiinggIases ..to relieve or-_ cure_ eye ýh-eadaches andf"or the -correction of -imperfeet siglit. Parets sou1~big -heirchilrento tis pecialit û d h';e thefr s-iglit cOrrected. Aileye sigh. sffreswh0wshte best- of service- shoüUld take,ý advanità, ae0o ths pruiy Appointmeàù 0arNW Bein ae RNe BASS -ETT9 Otic,ant * DEATES. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0'DONNELL-A-t- Oshiawa Ilospital, May 18, 1913, Timothy Lou1is 0'- Donneil, aged 26 yeLars, il ïaonthps months and 9,days. En W,- EVANS Punip Manuf actuqrer 1o Sbop end IIcsd.e, buas Strt 1Ir« doorx wost el Whuyil".n. W. a». p!Spu"Od t mw woode irm U pu.p.on short notim, m4s0 ett.ud to amli ndsof rw pairig. Aismt 'Surthe. Outazis Wind 111 gamoline mugines"mdulb.squareessIb ed Kagniet Orem eSeParatar. Phone No. 50 reslmoe. POUR LEADERS -i t5ýoratQfn oal.", "1youghogheny Steam Goal"1 'Blue Grgos Canneél Goal." "IIGeorge Creek SMlthlng Goal." No Coul ce equal thès. Scraaton fer rangea, heaters and fuma- aces. TeIibest-clcaa, brigbt and dry., Canaci for tire places anti grates. . Youghiogheny fot stemi-- None any better. George Creek for al 'Idnds cf smith- iag womk. Freh mMWCd We lcad ina quality antiquaatity,.xý Bell Te.pg. Th e Indiane Mtrcyl Run-s Faster, Wears- Longer and' Clibs iisBeur tan ny othe--,Motorryple made. G~ nîeresd in this best of sumersorts, and- byan "iýXN-DIAN." - Write ftcatalogu; fi. M. -KIPP & CO. --3B84 Spadina.Ave., Torontor 5.FINN, -Whitby Agent.. 4- 4: -1 I Home Tél î4.[ Spriit Footwe&r- we arbn the Àne' Colt', Tan, Valci finest or viçi KGd IF the La-test Styles, 1n Mepn's, i Boys' and LAttie Tots' Foot- ir and Qïusr Met al af, -alto,the èlèp wîn eachke4bute] ,you, g td4phodïe luyour home2 The Bell.Teon Of -ad - - overee j lo cal, O garag -e. Mchntyresba cuT.-mble, o 7- -Gardetéf slrertly. Mayor warrant setting Priday snd sd'3lst is exp Bassett's. - Teie omea's- ing a gaiden p 13tb, on Mfrs.: Froeeds lu aid ju f o7r nu -_ W. bai-e ail thi 4 -fj~andijUd $Iroaia OCs Hic. Painit up fck Brandram-1{ende~ paint. Oaýesàle -ware. - The Toronto i re now verv ae tweea Whitby an work is being Silyas possille. Dàowit miss - Tree'"_àt the bu -N - Darliag, at- tue on 9ay 23.. For higb -grade lep tires' go- te PrIces are the le As Saturday SEaipiree Day, lt-1, * general holid ay, 'business will b. biaving business -eratheaiselvesa Fridaysund ,Sati 31st.-BASSETT' hardware and tins Tarant, bu Quei dace neot men wil leave Whtb] he bas extëeud' - ests. B-or-e buyiag, Mlntyre's . lirdi their free alumt aise their law -pi Dn't fail %à se show at the iR Wednesday ^and E 10e., other night 'Friiuy uni Sm ,,..1,W.E. Moiti lu, vile at The Duf erIn on Thursia>'aft tLhe meaiory ef iu- - uerIbok plat umying"- churcli vi h11 -andevening eof, - u fma!ncy --'c0oklnig,osai>', 'ttc."comprise tiou. - 1gb tes Mir. Bain-Pe Sltra feabure bn Wedaesday s Il --hslas', vithaà - emued bigh p -Thle drain on1 buhas been- repairetl.-1t1 ora places tue Lb utr-~J - - m-m -Oà & bp l8 - - - - - - - - - - -- 1 Ire

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