-wi s and,1 tôt year'gfla4 se S eestien.- ur e esu. They liedthe BUtflCGn of of the Fien'h Go, ,ér nment,.W1ibhd- Tb uid ,ber aýIly î i, -as h ler , 1 ~nd, England,, W settie thei M3 arfý hichreal1y arése ,more iti out cfa misunderatanding -cf eacI, tb other %han any tangible-difterenceu, ma anif thgy were supp;te4,by,,i5isu * Edward. Grey. A r iîs the former qiabbingsw ère the re- ini suit. The great majcority of the IRrit- ti - fah publie are> res4tp applà ùd 'Sir a AÀrthur for tis ~oondummation, for eti to him fell thé 11où's t re cU the W-Ork, but there là stiIl a littie co- :ti terie of anti-RsI"ans wh6eqan e-ýPO no good in any ot tho- Anglo-Ruqsuian yT, agreements, who . aie'-glà d te séee ' him go', and who exp'reoss the'hope, Me asi- 4.oiced by,,o e sof.their- papers, cei thit "thi.e uùSsophulsl4Iy which Ir, * fe 4 ,s n»xh te d-evelop iWcomýý Cd in-oan end withhus'departure." WHEM BABY -,CRIES* 'When tise baby- anisaOoentiually do uaL put iti down, iomp»Ie ulin nas--thst ià ùnt the - baby'i nature -_iV lu-te be ha-ppy aud laughing. Every baby sho ry -.,ef--fûfteen -oqr - eùtYminutes le -- dy-tha4 lishow ha.- trengtheas - -biialunga., But moôthere il ,your ýbabýy ~i'eu hami *p~e~cig cia- or 'ow - apbbiug wall9, ,he'l 1~an n 4ecvatetil on-iu -so X e B~yaOwn Tableti..- They regé 14. -hs stomach sud bowçls, expeli wbrms, brea - ôlanid wiJJ Sbaby ealty , bh y.Th ~~r~let~arè- sid~b ~ieicnede- -~uor by mail at 25 cents a box Irom Tii. Dr. Williamsa' Msdicinée Ç C., Breýckvi1le, Ont.- 'Little Pave wau detected -by hua -fatfrer iu h act et sLeling troni one of bis'littie pîsymates. -Tii. father, net believing lunerporal punishmeýt , coucludeci tôtry a mor- al lecture- .After pointiug out the wrong -of such'anuact-, he saici: "AI- ways bear in mînd, my -boy, that these temptatÃŽon*is eau be resintec i f you turn a- des! ean ho them." *Dave's lip tr'embled as h. replieci: - "But, father, what eau I do 1 I ain't got a deaf- ea." MKinards Liniment Cures DistemmUr. Hffard on the Ears.. First Woian-"I hate for people to be alwayà & whispering.'! Second Ditto-"Yes, it is much harder to uà dergtand what they are saying to èaèh other 1" DANDRUFF AM jreve nted b JTICUR, L-, 1 tç *geutly etinue'- gonýe. c iwltb*( albus eeabls,, is 2enb% iy head i irdly k. osge l aei- trot n or any, other trou1ke onr witry blood, begfl ourieli-to-day by thee upe !jlliarse l k-Pille. B, m1ý ledioins 'deaers ,or by, 'M' unta a box or six boxs! rmThé D.Wllm' .,BnockvUI40 Ont., SFEED ÂT WHICH JOlI IVÂLL A. Plece of! trlng, aWeb m ai Sonse Kota liiTel!. Tiser. ta asvery simplô way- 4 tewLng at wak -%p5l f:JhIstim n , saeY 80 te 100 yards lonig. To onêe emd tie a ve.iht-a pies e.of ead'<W etiien m.ie4, or G6re. a stone. At aui 44 teot bfr-nuthie *eiitt pùià tà kuot on loep 4 tstfrou the Aistnd se oén thsee4ntiele6ùgbl,-ià f. t6 atrig put a e'enieoi Snoe.,or -loope - 44 t eet frein eahoh 'er. ýTaS. m. one baa~d & watoh with a 6ecexiMKwid. w dIro- - tiie wedght an ordinary a,-lîegttie welght remjain 'sue-ns t foJ, snd allo-wlng the. kuots or li6fepe toeïlp 9-bug eue £anud. Thse numiber et ]=-4or leeps te slip throug«i the hand MIn hait a minuite ar-et4hiosme as thie number et miles waikpd inu heur. ýIï is always well te Snow t.ue res, son for -what we -do, sa-y. the 0 h11- drenPs Magazine. 14 là nôteýnouei té know "t..t tii. numberof! #m«s we walik 44 feet .linhait a mù-iute l the w saeas 4h. number ef milee w. wakin u.,un-heuri We ougiut t know w-hy iV le se. The. reason la "ht 44 e st la ,thi.eué'Giuxued ansd tweutieth pà .rt <Xa' mile, becauà se a mâ,eoctai-ns 5,280 feet, or 1,760 yards, aud a hait a ninute -fs 4h.e one hundred and twentietà p-;iDi an heur. Theretore, we are a-hie te-ý wallr-oee lund-r&I sud twentieth et a mile juast as mnany turnes in one<- hund-ed andi twen-ieth eofan heur as we casi walk a mile -lu an. heur. Eaeh Germait- Soldien (lests at Least $238 to Peasant Family. - AV t a tume- wbien Geruua.y le about te maies a big'ineren u er a-rmy 14t a etfinte-rent te note- tiseecono- in effeet oet h. preacut peae foot,- i -mg upon a typeal .peea-nt luly. >Y Th, Ttsaspect of Germny's miiitaxy burden hb sn nle the aubjeot ef înve-stgation, sud f rom ail re-, ports, on. neýr1y. .oo pflEwate' fainilieu lu BIavaria à li a se-n thâ1t every sldur coets hies-femnly et leant $238 durnug 4h. two 4year f Ser"vinluthe aSurn-. ao - As the. PaY etthse men does'ne-t "utlS for their itee>ds, their par- ents have to e eed-theni onsd gifLa luetav-a-ge à about $e6 a yen-r. Bedes -hi, 4. easant muet hire a. sfa-ru, iborer-as a ,ubstituts fer niasoin, wiieimea-neaâtuitheýr ex- Pense Of $90. -Tisssé fgures appear a&Il the more ser!ius when it iw- te-. Ih m.mbered lhat-ever hait pfthe-i th amilies included ln tue luvestiga- A tien furuishe th ie country at le," tour eo-Idiere eoh' bueti.nuni. A r lwent as b.gh as eigist <S- ide, A.,.An"kUng fetgre. et tisesiuation le tise virtulÃŽMru i f soum si Lrns:ferm by te re o-vl f tuie yo-uag w!tl monho 'de th> elr mmof ser'ice éütf. citer. wroW 11"Iéb6uld -L&M ro gla toam ' a fwo.! the.u to ut meeyoutiI. anm." &Aohe Oêweoý-ei thee ore o1-land a - hinvïeuluf tri librer foà r a part of- huistiie, -a44: «>ypnoty 5E -mUI enoiigh alllad1y .a m c e h1 y milita-y dty." H. bd ainu thilJA Ëe el4ti l à i l 1- uxpo' wheas thé u -ean&4 the mia. the sbel rue 'of 4ie chn-, sý in lIER ~"BEST FIlE t)." A. WomaR Thun'$peaks et Pestm. W. usually oensidem our beetý fiendu 'thosýé 'who"trë4t e'ie-t. -.z&- enesons think te& and qof- tee aire neal frienÀda,1but watch themi rénfully aw1ýülo sd -observe that tlieý' are two etf the meaneat cf aul nelsothèy stais one while p prc fmuaig 1reu~1i~>.- -- ' - -oua' drug-oageine-which Mijure# ise ýdelîcate nervous sysbem -and. trequeé,nýly sets ;,up disease la oneî or more org'çns -o tuïe body, if its use is persistèd in.- "I had heant palpitâtioni sud nervousiless for four years and. the* doctor told me the trouble was caused by eo'cffee' . Rewdvised me te leavîe it off, 'but I thought I could not," writeu a Western lady. "On the adi-ice of a, irisnÃd I tnied <Postum and Àt se satisffed me I did not cars for coffeeafdtem a few day.'ý trial -çf Postuni.- " As weeks went by sud I con- tinued th use Postum mny, weight lncneased fi-rn 98 ta 118 pounds, sud the-. hearti -trouble leite me. -I have used it 'a year now and arn stronger than I ever -waa. I eau, hustie upstains with.out any heurt palpitation, sud I arn free tnom nenrvousness.- "My children are very fond oft Pastuni sud iV agrees wlth them. My, sister liked 1V when she dnank I4 at my houa.; no-W she has Postùm at home sud heu become veryMfnd etof1h. You msy use my name if yeti wish as I amn not ashamed et prais- 4Ing - my, best fiend-Postum." Name given _ by-, Canadien Postuni Co., Windsor, Ont. P-oatum now cornes lu new concent- tnated formi called Instant Postuni. It is regufar Postum, -s<ou processed st the factory -that only thse soluble portions aýe retain'ed. .4 spoonful 0o.! instant Postum with hot -water, sud iugar asud ereani te tante, prdu.ce instantly a deliclous beverage. Write for the. littie book, "'The Raad ta Welli'ille." "'There's- a -reason" for Postuni. Wh len a young man.thinku a girl's piano practice , is music-that - la love. Minards Liniment C5w-s Olpithsrlo. In Doubt. "la your daugister musical 1"- "Well," ieplied Mn. Cumnox; "eshe Beems soe in conversation, but- when she singe opinosdfe. 'ini." a piece distunbeci myý peascf "'By gi-ring. me go'NIê TEE l&vy.ý Révelaions Wileh Stà rtli.E$if A. great -ou-tory 'hm îarimn thr'eug4iout Fac vr4.nv1 ten. Iiade b'ytie114; kowt *riter and du2lliet :llO(zýeoe Dom ciere, ooncer5iing :4he lId tha. Opiumemkiç a.obain&t ou, -0e prench, na.vy in sOutuern ei, ota aooeré ett ftinwho hiet[ inse at M»V. ~ 1ifnvlport, thn. ek n same town ho. ba" ee ofieel eéesý soknga un.uip elty o "I have "le y,"th4- drug, w i~t~u ei~iaei Iah'n' fluenoe estCtho eh, having al-redy poleoudthmsve in -tihe cooile, o tisu hg esen, procese in France; âand theie are, officers in oçFmind, with pow4r fo lead COhen h1"&,n beings Wmuu2 Menace-to Nat1o»u41 Lits. -Ail along tii, Medierrsnean -on boti s id", h. raye,)aMtMreil, Nice ui illaranca, st Ajaoio sudAlgreas wt>lnsaet Toulon and gléo Ma- Ale nonthernporte, fleuriabing oqpium demi are found- with victime wiioe numb-ers aae lu- creasiug with a rapîdityr that Dieu cee the national life. Tii.. police sud civic authorities, it in stated, eau do nothing. Under the. prcet laws enly denfing =lu ,opium le a penai offence. To -emolie it, te -induce othere- te unioke pnÃŽ- vately or for nioney, or to posasseý a laýrge stock of tii. drug, le lega~l. "When oe thinks," says M. Don- cierie, "thak, the Chinee. republie,- by -a new I-aw," puts téo deabii any Pe-rsan smoking opilumiu that coun.- try, and we' Frenchmen, 4%te r,1e- gard enrevesa stihe mont intelli- gent and hast polioed nation e thle we«t, Uilow çrithfolded arms French s brme to b. ruined by this, drug, onels speeehlews. SOI& Under -State Guamantee. -hoee for a hoittIeoof spirits thst le undeelared, or fo>r'as'ugle o- cen-t box et niatches,-but tiie French o&ie e i mpotent btr hino tâtion et narootiés. -Ag4aià st opium, ether, mu.rphine, -haeiisli, and co-j câea, mniÃufaotured and oonsu-med indoors nothiug:oaa b.. donc. Al' 4ue police are able té deis t6 areat, sanie waMier or -memenger bey who îe ealwt ,Selling th&sltiff"-' -At Touloxn, he; says, a towin whieh 'Was fOorry. bright aud hsppy, se- ciel- lite id riCidly coà i-ng Vo 'a Etaudstili. Tfle.whole out*ar& Iite of the tôwNmsos ete b. 'dying. -M. Dorcienes points Out -as a-n extraerdklany paradox -that -th4 terfrible wscourge 'le'aotualy oeo. 4h. pnAicpieaezs atrel *iI&tcSatIsTîy You ? If Tour Çolpr le Ifd Ton uf fer From pjupleq, ffers e Fine Resut. Un 1WeekaW knewn youu'lady iMdltu wniteas flI'e: Iwà îa-,afSected for 'tw y nswth a ruais,and ûgly 9-okugp=Wpls h ipread/ ove-r mpy :bLoodîevieu t~ op.~l ut vasieus ,ÃŽestment4did -but 11h1. e me. A f riend' Of mine l iTo- rinte,-Ot, sdvle.d me t6 ,geL Dr.ý Haemuten'. Pi1,e Iuat* oc foir five &uoeiýan luMw-erel, Ifel 11h. n.wlck& *m4 .d Ili* time,- and uewwud'tevtht If yeu are in ailinm hplhhar 11004 diiuerder,'s, teracistrube or beadaches, D.Hiitn.Pille. il help yen qui y-.,iM.rugginte and eteorèkeepenssel Dr;. Haçai- ten'ýs PlUt o! Maundrak. nd Bu-t- ternut. 269.per boxý., five fo>r *1.00. Sent postpaxd by the Catârrhozone Ce>., BuilaWo N.Y., and Kinègston, What -She Wanted. "These are ail genuins antiques, madamn," said the - dealer. " 1W. guarantes that."1 "! haven't--nny doubt et it," said Mn.. Nocash, "but isaint ye geV - auj-tuan' ne'wer'u themi Týhey look like a lot.o'* hand-me-downs."I FILES CLIRFISNOTO 14 DAYS. Tour druglmt vilI retund maney -if PAZI> ON T- fefls te cdure any case e! Ici-. ftg, »1n ledixir or Pretruding Pilse i. tto-44 days 60c. Ready knswen. * "le mine, I can net live-wlithout you. 1 "Bah-t"* said the heiress. "You have 'lived without me ton years." "True," retorted thé duke, "but the',ost et livîng has- getten to me at last."% thep.dclan l'rof- tor m s thé- p dedeèi doel - b a bi aSace ,Wà a t5l5tOn $ S6ldé. urinii Lit 1 ever fliett g huorun nds fliten ollar a en dle it -ellin-- kud*iwhï*tit th e'Ê1thtu are e7 israëei, e says; serv&ut and Ilia' iof 'wi. rer but ci m whielf Willcau arrangeîiente: "Ver *Yeu can go titis e 1 on ebiall have an mat'. up tye- for ti tint lhe went lut d by the man that J. and fiae- that da Crlspped e'eo eithi .ither." My- money ~an eneloeand ýti n.Woidë tae titec reference tae tusw treasure that l r *k the dust ii 0 oo liter Fther i1i W expres.an oceeMOU )t afterwadUbt M tas hinI *tat tbey 1 maun say thiset a' surprise mne. Ih ikand 64T I ssid. t inaw. Ive taull Y [ 1bavexi a awoT îdraw. I*m muckle' Matitsw- Clglk fà r writin' 'for -mie. a. id wlsb tae- speer I-m wsll kenLned- ýleeban. and Ikasrti e, -wl-gt,3wn.ua lie bouL Lr#ng 'given the. in-u iiexteneor. tort Inerno-audiim vr practising ai -Sun %tbse doctor was ao Ui~ C«roanxbe ii Benelet Piomaine Diseeveredi~ii WToronto IPeî» in, tli. potitte" 15BD Banena al.arniing -ampton,,but eÈanurners of :th i"uirphyý," aY'st ue - i v Mt reot. Ao-l 030ing. t6D 0,wri&in iSrarptoPasud ol ;The Ioedou<Lanoet 4th. Po -mn -m quetion bas are -of a Ibe-nfic-iai Bïaumpto.7t thin a male&,ent action. .H..DWON Tho.ugh -4he. p>isc>noue, alkaloid Iite6'rature tae, b>furninh',any tisi- Western. Eeà l ZE Ma.d .Y W1desread Or eeriog-' MALÉ - 1P:sym.Ptom~~e -Mpy: trdeng r* s»ointhsb. traoed > f<food inretlee;t)ols ti whofor sanie' myqeriet s eas n fo berb' the poisons known "as ptoma-n&1 -. T- havye eIabo>raà i thenmeves, it lîI just as well whén -seaing fo>r th.&1i.Q ~TAIP COLîl ionse on*9gomali nfot te ferget ti ~.oua fgaofr undfer cortain codi tGonnn, Tr ti% W soanine !ney ..!und lun- ù'umIqatik.ty,-' and- tuLýej 1ao inystUp the u unà l di6uilbn L/ C Internai-si whc ré "Jreterisifi'e rr.ot an ~o tant poieon. .lu 4"h. omLptto Ët~ thêý eamonint SOI&dom elbn 0.1p * j L mvoýi-Ë cent., but thib may 4eýSiiy b4 e,- -4-, etdn ceeded in tii, diaee >> una: nî It -epaoe t Ccur euxtge r-"~f0. PisS -'~~ p~l, g ier 14>for Dlibstes-Meil may- b. réeaonisfor!a, i n-thbe drgvggisti, ordl "ckt"Tbozigh,.,ïa er oblew, t &. in ~ it lepriobablo'that EI-iusn ____ airad sttdhowev.r, there is ainounts tte a.etrious ,indietmet agn.nstthepotatcs, And the urnail doeSht our are - takte4 by L so»a4thritie# 1» b. an excellent IalArt sedatiVe, monoefiaou lig stanmdin ler-alil, eapeially when - Wh1y taise c] neuritiSJa epnesant, thaxieither auti- ofgoewr pyninle or antifebvin. urst, The English'savanit addâ that Of- argest glove fg tentimés a j udiciône diet of potatees would b.e t greater benÀefjjt t e 6J.I1 .god m.n- sef-pYecking People sxna& f ram Sj t.ama dése cf sonie antipyretic aub- hide. Guarà m- stance WMhoh they regard as a.da-pt- -' 1ý- ed t releve 11 fproof, Steani ever their orjginý. - for Illustration Bre.ker Arranges blarriages. -Iu Italy marriage broees are a regular Inijtutýion. Tley have: pookeît-beecka ftliod-witht-h.e-naines et> marriageabie maiden lu -varios ranks oçf lle, aneýgo abýout trying to arrange -mateheâ.' When th-ey are euceestul they receive a coin- minnion sud very hukely emethiug .CXtra aS a Volunta.ry gif-t f rom their customer. HOW TO POPý CO1R.- It is doue lu different ways,, but tié moet approved msthod is- te pop >j our corna wlit Putuame Corn Extriieton - cornus pop eut for fair, !tud %tay eut, tee, wheu removed ,y "Putuiarns." TÉy ibis. pailise remedy yerumSeI, .k5. at, au dealeré. q, 0d- Advle. -,'you are stsnrtiug outùoaru your ýýiving as a uie à eember that sBons vpeople wvill want ta? se-beà r, ivhle othems wil-want, te ses -bear "'If tisey're atia-fieci -witli tr aeka,- don't Vry Vo show 'Iem bear."î - TO 1XE A CoI., I-N ONE -DAY Take LAX&IV& EROM Quihie -TsibltI- A platonic-kover lu s ualiy-a 3quiet chp who neyes bus'money. - - .Wilie's -Ma-ma-"In -James- ni-e boy ifôn . yojx te oplay .Manblei *ith V, Wig.i-"Sure.- I eau beà .t hiý ery tiure." -- Man's Inconisistimey.-- Men-li,-ke t&o lugh at woMen clothes --and then *ear those greei bhats with tise bows 'behind._ Xiuards m.Lintýrent' Co., Limintd Oentiemen"-InÃœJuluary lasr,-1 Lee.lare, eune ot the i=en employed1 ~win aii uubi oiha'd f al1 on him. crnaig-bui- fearfri waýs, When Ildulid.-DlRlcOd on a' s! taken b-lore,,viiere grave feare we terled Z»r bie recovery, hbis' upu tadly bruised aild bis body -turnm« flroni bisTibe t hia-feset. Weueed ÂRDS - - IMENqT on him frooly to -thiin -and fwith the. use of thre. Ie8 wa.s 'ooplètely cured- and, able -un' t e sWork. SBÂVVERDU Elgin 'Road, -L'Ilet- Co., - Que. Esectped the. nabt. >r.O'Brle-Sure a dhroi 'an, thin le- a comfort ; butare] afraid, Mrs. flennessy, ye'lIj habit I - - Mm. Heniieasy-NXiv-eka ýer of!the . Year neror Ianote frern ME lobe all, -desfri rofemoini eilu pen saltiisaid, badý nd o!e'te'staxg e ied, eo tual I1s4a t tuis opportUiiit'Y -e ýer cusaintSflCO.-ant omplylug wt ber u ho HRailu inte eldd le original PreOpiietO 'bcd -,n' arrivlng '- )berve thie, chnges lacé.- Tiei. gate ilsi 1w* barred suO lch ?n feue Wlhnalls U ho wbie grun efseWiand.uI oct .&.d decay. k I, bsd ,te beac t* üWad openeà .-be dÀ Oouh-adingy bat =be stan elderiS.. nutroduced herse!! gi Wîth ber pale face. Ëad. oieériesa eyes inas he was ilu-perd neéncol uirround "YOu Id us ini m vbe ýsaldlluSaquiet worry bm. sud bis lng time Ia. been Ne came te tii1p1 the itope -ihat tbe ýquiet I-son1Itbave-a in -k e! ofimprovi ,,eernite gnow we axi hi ei igh miec-If yen-wil jeu te lte*geiterà l' doato ube -echei 'suiwas situa-ted, - ~the- iulding.' - ;blaakk1ooking rOcIS vth ta seiùitruck] -eCbLi. su ad s plain were Scattered ni books. i# tbn ceni pttoeà alAi4teobjec wblch was /eried Corners wern erraD varusd collectien iswords, eMe0orneoWitf pattern-l in 2u army. abus ama taz84 tuiwars. oac -otberi sp-eiflO e! yMany. o! thosws Lived - 40, Days on potatoee.. - U r. Hiudhpd, ltii. Da ilés oo sciptut, a-sjt~t pbliehed su siw requt t i epsmuu .citw e. se crede4iclMati oè, a g&rdeiuer, who fer oiltydayè ' Tivei lai~ly on, petaite, a-a 0 v0 e'eab.-r-eilud uncligest iaga-una 4 ,miJk. IÃI"ft, lie waa iu every1vy quit4,r-pmn.aed tôo gon iing ony adi: ----alla C 6#,u v5