Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 May 1913, p. 7

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y but clroummstance4 ig a Lw ll ause me tae change, ents, -Very guid, sir,- eaym go thi. ,evennnir, sya. he, 11 bave an extra month'm pay týye foýr thg short .7ntiçe." vient lut".e the.' homee, -fol- ý-en that hoic a'Oethe-or- ae- that day tg.l thi. I'bqve, d e'en. eltier on uhe."ane,or &y money - waa m-ent, oct tae elope.. anti lâiai' mld a -eW a tae the cook andtleý wench tao the wrath tae corne anti tliatIol rieher,-tha.n rubleoi, lai e' Oeombex1 as my fe0t, tIhergii ,west lava I Mann- n ,oDeSnion a«, ae what cnnx ird, but madix confine mysel' av -mrl. Na tct he ha, for this-anti la' be it -frae t.hat, - tiy -are ne, guli .sue-- say tht.. that what 'happeneti e me. 1t, aB jut -su I ex- 0 1 baiti tae Maister lýieaalti Fe ,LU1d-àye a' -aboot sIl'1eo nýa word t'ae' ae 4 or >tae un muckleobleeged tae. Mae Mlark '1er putti' t aI, doun 'or mne. and il içere's ony tae aspeer o'hything uxair'i I kenned , anud rempedkit lu -a4 K]âs er oeil, tha lac- »IL ýu,1.ee 1 aT tueir laves in îthe WVPau. 'Ve8luD lue ant- arsenic we $hiall' very sOocu over cornethe ,attack anti reetôre hlm liealt.h2' 'Nodgnger. ýeb?" leli."Tiere,,nev or is'aiiyr danger for me. 1 amn as har4 le. kili as the. Watidering -Jew. 'I ïarnquiU cloar Inbthe ixeati uow. Mry; go yen mai lev""me w'ith the ýdoctor.P lire. Heaierstqne lef t te room-"Pa ther unwitgly, as I tiought-and I'sal down -by thée bedsldis te liéten tWanything which My Patient ,might have b-ito u muflicate. "I want ')o t examine my'liver," hc ltaid, wheu te4o wam closeti. "I uset to have an suecea. there. ad Brette, tii çtýff surgeon, ai that it ram eto Wont liatIt Ïv ould iMrr ie ýoff . -1have n'bi flt nuncli ci il ince I Ieft the East. Thii .to, At er. -, useti ,to b., jut under th4 angle o! the rusv." ni klng a careful efamination; *'but ai happy ttelloit yn latthe abscen lia *eter beesu.- entlrely. abeorbeti, or lisà turueti caicareooxiaas1eeii.001itaryai moslas rUt. Thero' lu ne bear otjtsdclx iyen any.' h osmuel." ne Seemet te be by neé-eaus eovérJoi éd at the intelligence. *'Thinigealaa happen 8,0 with mp.'_ ha saiti' otii "Now, if auot'her feilo* ras leverlmli -an4 delirlous- lie voulti- snureiy b. ln,,som dnger;, anti 701 you wl tel me 'itaI Tnr ý_-t. hia vI El i B' t' t i. m arT k e d'.a nt h u a rteris e a t .n.iýO aâIt ign lilis o nitution *ras uxaleao rycnitoanita a saud- EÂT NESTrS OF«SWALLOWS. 2emarkable Iadm.try I~Sans -. Provinces. Ot The SiameSe Govrment derives La a Considerable a.uuiueli-'revenue froi Le the'.rentaW of the isiàndon whjiàÎ T -breed th& oasailw.;wh Ù ests' r fedible nàtureý. Therear Sbetween, 400 and ý- 6500 ' theso La- iesnds, tlue xnajorty"o'f whidâ- Ue off flue"- eatteoast o! te Saae ~ !nof .y Uer.. i- the ba*r tha-t id take -sit- a i rntl!e p r'Dviuoe, â~ànd ,botýesnthe "lu ia.d- ud t 0e. k.,IrÉ -o iSa.xae ÈsTrè iW~n*rtn ar Sfoýr -I'mi es or 9so, ar e leW l ilàî rem re rck-ed;" ~'~~" , ras en o~iu. ~ ~~"have an -exkpàe ofs . etMaiiy s thieï.A-ol~r as c once, 0fl0 rthnA è-ever yen hearo~f euch a thlngt?'1" walli bf conber dirine Ilte naucy bc'"Tou re ncertalnly, boru under- a Ne'rly aàl ribo ahoor- eut o! tii. lu-, sosie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ uýk ccimazcucnettrti t, "h.'amaercopo. .a nà M9--- - y bine'se*.Inu irtfr@qnent ~ -eteral- Healieretonle.but hr e' ul tar."i? 1observed th wbî mhea '1j5&y ne eb 1' vii i' ,mÙ8e Il valutbie, capeclatir ereet, elaktng hits heati. "Deti lias 'ne case lbee. la -' a UarrýOW -~r.'- %*Wlmç oc1oiitireiae a suppiernettt te ton-oersr .for i e, "If It- ru lbut'cre ubti.hbten t.he ra;ter n th *r~tauceM w'leli Jave mste gumittetimeu f Jntar brin; -but 1, centesa iaI .- ' ej .-Tedoctor h.fonite,. antioepationu or àeietramoecf-oe --- a bit'?-cenIa- i-e- ~ 9Ma4-frUr c1 deatt le ý*r>'Y r ii olring o! the alnsl ur Pme te jet :dora isreecolectlefls. ai rblaaadu er 1g. T lesttht ~anOt tc boter isu iub~iu "on -meap," saîi 1, rallier: puzlasita usLtaasypçyo!.enss thein exactl.y as'tie>' etand. hîî. remüaik, "liat yen weld prefer a ns- uuubers, sepias, och, piks, pwr- _ ~turai doatihoea, etissuby vlQle:i semlthrou t hgt -'I have ver>' ifuci. pleaure'i1n lurai eh- .N'o ; 1do' mean tiat exactîîy."-d o ipiesoro_ au 1119 -Mr. 'V!thergnl Wrmt with i an aOeOun t eereti "I arn tien famuiar rt cîibeîug bythefelvid h et of tiiv-_; - cf =y'aciarrvette Coomber -Rail.,, telantileadttebeafrai' cMf ether. Do.'eanic actitIbSai rgxal itd net out>' on acôctint cýf tie eiteemwricit yen kmer aYyt>uiug -about odytie force, ti oksfrmthe segall'ly e i- t'l l. havé f et frliat gentisututu ever tedoèsfrm tefer?".Th-IIt tucs uis' reuidence at Branltsemoni< < et," reiie. ganclng sh arp- vd re ftoia vgtila~ aime beosuhe It's le m i viction thatthe. c o nt"Irpie a reno.-hxpia tbé fact« liencme cof Génrat Heatiterstofle l u t mte ee if theme rere any finte ltu sally creste the iuiet, empha-siz-b -are-cçaucdi ablngulqr nature.Ihat i î leof his delirium ret'urung- .Hie erein h~m.ycooe us d of tbte hlgleutiImportance tliaI lie iouii ras inteilieul, horover, anüdt e eyr-i thïmayk>rdhusA b.' piacati belote the public lu a trut- liehflusht hat iifdetifront hi. chooku- t6 o.llthis the sapp1hire et the Bis-O rertli> mauie.~e ' Âhyoeerni uclentilSe meut arèýe 1*7 ese Sesa and sky i COerer ad it wasabot t& btiniusof eptzn-mucli behindth ie, day in- somate iigé. n býýo Ilbe 'rash aut beginuing cf Sepl rèeili.ho rentarbUetd. "In mxi tuaI ie matrll tii. atèady anid refreshu raho et a 1 'nte trozu Igrs. Hîea.erte l a niud üilte te rthi encÃ"rî of the bodth ie -south-west monsocu, anud the 010;er deI. ieriug -,M e 'te ,malte a ù,yen am-epre-eminent, but la rhat conc«e e ~ealhmepal 'honlxier,inubaud, wnouee q uWIe force cf nature at i a- rn ae uie '!Ii heihsesali. 'lat hebèn for gmorne Une u prs fliumnoprt .or o wiridixug chaunels that lea<l through t] lu -. e u InatfacterY ttg %I had Mnen are cenluries beitin4the lt nbîeost -thewitcshery o! -Ws-ry iaiaxida. hear4emehn o i Hahoeele colies Ipf lutta. (Jounttesseu ee~tol ent cf lioetulmnge'o ýeôieîuiiir&telt tes cf ioef.attng. co!rnforl-l'vtng auceutoi's andvefthe '50 angIeI vas ver12muh" piesehave givýu oui- animal instincts te cent at hite opportunlt -e -mlin er i.maut o'r, r usairitual, eues, ,.The.-body>, Plague Vitim's Clothes. Ber a.«quaittauee. andt1i nst e unueluwiic i sfieult have been a mner. beol fer cecipiiiriith blir rêquet. '1 i ad kuoru lie use of theo seul, lias uer beconte a In the- days cf Ring Charles Il. il -h al u n féo.adI a so-TéOiental seul andi bcdy'are net go uews trvelled alowiy i Englaxtd, 4h.e oigal lieoit a.c m.Mvtl dgaiai'e uruii icndst 1mbed'ou arrvit gat lie avenus gate tq eddear tegether as ours- are., dler. sud before the pele o!- Cruwali observe the. Changes.nilci :hadt alen lafarlesewrench rien lie>' part ilu kne.w about the terrible plagne in t VU~lce. n'li.te al Itseif, nhici use teo yawp- . hcupituly upen the roa. at s T y do net appear te tierive muchl ondon there came to 13odmixu itin- I ue l~pti~.d~eltt.ania- igiWod-benofit fr0111 tie -poculiairty in iror o1 ra.nt tradors niti paek --mules i uen ce in ual.upen h tepe ridgume. e':l nrleruo- .laden with -silk anud -satin gownsl, i the- ritole -ground8. Tii. drive itoesf ras - Il .geea leaf-trerilantiunucaroti fer, andtiho -letge,'te eerlanseree. "If yenumich robes, plurned haltsansd experi- c - ree ' e-wr te go te India, tuobabti' lhe ver>'. aivehc wr fere e ptse #aud'a&teeres5ig air of no- iret thing yen rouit eeo lu lie ra>'of f. s iehnr efrd o Ic -an.d'e ck rcy bfoea evatamusemienlt rouît be a native <bing riat saaleast ridionlus 1prices. Tii. couru- 1 h peont i ccx fanti serrt i lethe mange triclt. 0f coure-Yen trysude rusahed te purcbase, sud the »lid. pee 'te tr n eodm have hegrti or réagi of IL. The fetiew ithi-ougli 'a din'gi hall ftb a mmii reonu, pat ag , e anti maltes pasea- uere utihaig' dispoeed of al iWlieat -an eldeni>', carewrrulady,>' rier ti t srotsan bar-l ve ha tsc, dhai d To wt 'ittr-oduceti hersef as r. eslieoone. anVOit-à1 roithespa e avc hersec dpatdaTonnti 'Wtli hem po&, face, lier gray' liI, lierjhu ri-all i pcoef af a aday or two the pîtrhasers -were 1 'ad, ctlrle'ms oyem ant iher fadet ellk b - .Ilt. snol reati>' a trtclt-ib a drasmie ras lu perfect keeping wit hon eroer. These men kuer inore than yeur sittackeid by a strauge sicknese, and ianch.oty andinge. Tyndalijs or Huxlera do about nature's. de y ers T n ady clothes - "en ud s Ii mci rouledoce?"procees, andt bey eau accelerate Or ne- bentipd sie sîit uta. quiet. refinet icviée.'"*y trdlier rrWmb"ulomas fhdfen I.bde poor husiauSi ha. hai a grea eal te w hici ne have n noerHDÉtien-. Theae 10w.o! those who had died -of plague iu wriTy hiXo,aud hi. nerveseytem fer a caste cocjurrs-as lte> are carie bondo long tintelias. been lu a -veny rosi elate. mere-vutgar dabiens. but the min h lispar cfliecouctr'tnhave trot ite -higier pali. lie inetiren 4 W.e caIn tha h ba , aradthec ieEgizged'an mre th ue C are for Ageit Convicts. l qiet hope liav e aclflg aifr aupntim eors inlu morlcîe lin oare cfli ui aet non ihav ag, o effet ieupen n- Holentols or Patagoniane." - A special building fer aiged cou- bmedtO çftîirovie, rver he mina 'yen epealtase if yen wreeWeil ase- viols La beiug ceustructed Lunoon,- ise eet inate gror eler antià lite menu- aited n ionuhe," I. reinanketi 1 ine -Cbe itellnioum. The .chilltuen isud - in>' oeil. 1do,"' hoanwree. '11neeton with ile prison at Park- , 1Wçe P, ri;4ene tiýt w Entfqr youhave hoon irougit lu contact wlth tient hunat, Ile of Wught. In tis-"soc- - once Yogîuei liaI ne e 1wlnt aj u <i l I tdiIIuit ne cher poor flnamhisau edta.wi toes. f enenlgeUrSun I - devil ever nil be. But,, resu>', as -ne-inanchisadbdsed i- Tg'etili 'ai' .torua erioe of corrid hgWarde odytto -force -yen cugit te kuno e-ptaed -Lu thle colis,-sud eading .L le olb.echantber ofli,,te iclt. mman* omeliing ofIt, for It has a greal futuremte iib uple etepi ;, wdeh asmtutet lunî.lue exererno wng1 beforo itltut your profession. Yen sheuiti 'rlct asti__réagd Retcheu'bach's 'Researches on Mag- 8sener. *- fl ca-e4_.pnuslaeerbacs diff I etçb. ~~dtng - It as care ~nelexuant i Vtal rorce.L anti Gregçry'e CUlty Luchewing beoaue o p ,.omâÏtlgà outm'sautl u~iue ieitraon Animai MImgnetim.' Thés, y - ttl -tae ral îcle li et, ba camp aîguîugn Ahor - nd' a plain deal table, oun wieieipeetdb'te wnysvnAie- htitema idbc e WO~ âdttetOd nuterus apoe' udisme effilsmer, andtihle wrks cf Dr. viii be'includeýd Lu bL dietarY. bookts. tntiieoepter'cf tlits table lièe Juatinus Kornen,-cf Woîiberg, roulti en- e tood a lkajected of Irreguiltr ouline, large your ideas." . - .ý.1_ i;L wich ras ceveeti ven nihh hoot <lee ofI titinet particulari>' neisitbavtng a line. Al rond ite ail sud »iIhecourse cf readlng preecrtbei for nue on a cone. ' U rouarng tewàs e>'chi n tie ujecl cennoctet i rth nu>y-own prefes- o'arme, '-pnincipal> eu-en, se I matie ne commeul, -bud rose te varted icdeleiloU- take rny departure. .Befoee ting go. I 12-erJrds, seoÈl iihrinof the etraig t, feit île pulse once mono, anti feundttat - pabttern lu cou e,,ins. lthle British thle foyer hat entirol> loft inlm.nluthe airmy, s-hlle aunong lie cîhoee rein dent nunaecounaite faahien wnieitla - haý1 tuinan.. cuchurrles, anti a cre o e ulit6to s iaiustpBo ds eothb eettuens of-Ointl i orkiiauihi.pelit'lteemaaontyscfd- - Han' c thserermfcir iouttot rli esse. I lui-net n>'face twdoat lm te, congraîniato hlm upen' hi. imprevemènt. - ' . - -anti etrotcheti eut uy hau t athie arne' M >.,tinte te pIck mi' gleves- front lie _tab1be lk f' mihlie result tat I raiet net euly- nty *MW~ ~ ownu prepentt>' l aisethe linon t1-oti n1icit searranged oven soe te bjeet lu lie centon. I migit net have ucticed, niaI I hati doue liiti I net seon an angry - Is LEA1,and jloek upoen.i nvalida face anti heard - hmuhler an'; impatient exclamation.,I1 as SIMPL ~ I aIonce htùuetianti pacthte, dot. h .sa- rempl>' liaI ý-1 , siould hav' ben beyed)lh*Iùt -asgeuteral impression liat NO- l ki ltd#it ý #ddtre Calte. NAior dli, tiQtr' lii.general s*'d - chance o!f - buloOti pn0itg iw enti' ' - !en a,-u ncdn as Jb resni>' yo;:uehoulti net Bée-h±>t sttclt u n tli aud lie pili it"ani if ou u he lilnen codverlng fer ltlie oouz4-t4e.. 1- Y ten enolvtibitI hat 1I ba4 tlaitn fer .1 -a bride calte Wra0 reale gkn jitiinJrabLV yIT tain$, wbmssu. kieh '40, ei"r M-E 1 k ~ ~~~mnare~ts. -- -drIuethv "Thesa &té the EuItiaLans, orat leas :»t have-f? thle Surinami brandit cf thei," he relnurk, a -aiàà W0 utùon.- - me "ONt ~~Yt for ,i'irng"lh i ncttipe le-esbelsen - ' U- KI'I'o lUu" Iuedel., This rund h hemùsieWline. ôàis 'i '5s rd.lt lest fer me. beoiiF t't bï 11ôseaseftýi' êtidEh"best 1s'n- - Boe, - ii-S 051!flAtti- r'~tI f55O1 ]y ' '1 o e b.'b eved aàlthotkh stiirrixig, énstantly. - C~I j Strawberry , Morë84-one tea n hk eup flour,,-.one heaping,tabiespoontUl*l lUtteirt nuix tàgetjier- iýith a !ciIk; s4me time cne, easpofl bàkin. jidé%3er t taloe. eueé egg and ue tiVO'blçp .on 1Never kt of it; with -ene-haif tieaipoon Salt. ered reCep, This, maksoe4ayer :and morves iloxW fourtepe pi h ayr ped~sfrt wi'th butter'and eri while bOt. When n Tliis is a tsted.recipe, 80 Easy- ei, ve ni eand nice for. any sotc .s potiquiol GrahamNut Breajl.Fouv-C P - w ith grahim four, ,two , and 6a haif cups' Elckc w.heateflouri one .cup bo vnsug&r, apperan< twoeggs, one, teasp on sait', to iotn e.ven teaspoon 7S soda, thre'e'cupÃŽ -droPi'O! s' beur milk, one-haif, cup- .oh>pped .'.Stied' waInuts, one-haif cups raisins. Bàke miiedical va olowly one houjr. plexiop; b Grc'én Tomato Ple-Lino a pie * tin valuabie fi ,with a, rather..ricli pie cruet. Wash,-ýWhen. i ýand rémove stem.i, but ,do no9t -peel, Paint Stei ,four green tomatoes. .,Sucto1 a-ita e toeadhIin- into,*p-le, add o,,ne-haif oup- it is rubi granulated sugr,pie o cinna- A' littie mo anLsd- alspi.ce, dot eseveral -elaz- the rinsin *~dee Whbite fibr 1Ci vei 6 fl à~ê~~ê 'emnely deliciou$pi aPie'ia~ iat a n ct.~ »ft, broad deugh, heàPing cupc ïwo cupa uifted cuuÇ'm e erai- I tu x aud 1eV' t'andhall an jour, thitu pouz' into larte- flàt pansI und let - stanid- titil- lIht; spreâd nelted- butter on to~.derni ýwo-thirds cup of sugi*ý"'and on. -tes- ;peen cf cinnamofl over'the top and-11 aàke in a slow oven. Canned llhubgrbï-PItk eut atalks âf about the sanie qdeýre o! rxite- es. Cûlean and wash tiexd. Put inch thick. -Pack ip, a glass jar,_ thon filu'p with ,ceki water (e thing xi"ore required), and seal same as any-,other fruit. Wlien.-you oen the can next wixiter yenu wiil 'fxud an article in shape -'of! e plant as ncar thi. taste oi. nature as youn eVer used. Nut, Bread.ý-Two sud eue-half mupm of flour, two sud eue-bal! lexci teaspoons cf baking pokvder, eue- ual! teaispoon of saity eue-hli!cup ÃŽf sugar, eue cup ef milk, eue egg beaten lightly., three-ciuartcrs o! a cup o! nut meats. Iake miowiy oe Lour. Spluaoh Recipes. Sphnach Cream Sôup'-Pound oee cup ooked spinsch te a puip, and .rb Lt, thiough a fine ieve to' free from fibres. Have tliree cups o! miik, - thickeued wLth twe table- spous eiidh -cf butter and fleur, cookixig for fufteen mniintes in a double houler. ' Add the splnach graduaiiy and let mixtu 're corne te' a boLl. Sait sud pepper te Vaste, anid juagt before serviig put Ln four tabiespeous' ricli creaix. Spittaeh Salvid.-Draiu sud chop eeoked ýspinach and fmix with it a Froench d.ressin , rg-mad'e'f four tabie- .spoons 'olive oit, ;,oue-half .teaespoon sait, eue tabléspýoon o!-vînegarsud a tittie pepper. Moid in I tfle cupe,- set ou ice te, chiii, thent serve on lettuce leavea 'with mayonnaise or- 1Frenchi dressing. Can be garnislied with nuts or bits'e! cream cheese', 'or green.peas scaittaed over it sud the lettuce "leavei. The moth La Of a Paie yeiiowish cooabout a quertèi' cf au ncii long; sud ite lanva on caterpilan at- taeks noollous, fure sud feathers. The oggs are, deposited in _furs, noollen goode, etc., s coirespon- dent w ito s. u Remedies. - Wooleçns sud fr miay bekept Ifreininiyduning the snue'by eêndesing the. - same lu ajr-tigiit reoeptac6les, -,-préeeably tiii ptip)5 ISd ,piaciiig-in,5 ebtiior- dish -O'ý the* top oe!-the goodâ: somi - isu Iphide ,.of!.,Carb-on, -at ixtervali - o!1 tliree n'e*Peke, t' Weorilirce ,times' ,a cçdar ceaanadf nitballa i t hb e r e jb u I iv e 't o t h î -i s e t , ' u t côes net kilt.- It L uial isf tô lQ wýoIir-?i fumï e romain Lx trïkm Ià?î n&t iiotbi-pro7of. - siueL -stlôrage firme i i eurcities d4ixrg the-" innmer ýsou, -since,-th-e pest W e i l . V u _ A t I U A U Z~W41 M a V it w m P P 4 l e acL Vm m.i U j m U . Au tJ clean them, -and' at the ' for îýng' Sà rnîù.ee !e'riI e -will , remevo*- all the rabbits'n 'Thad i sCaEstb;' eep paraffn n ý.n uncer-- sheiha n; xinar- M id Ie.ton, -' A lft d tacle. It gathers-duat.'A 'Hï,ixes lied hisleft, bad' Sbattered s tli a ti b -i t n -c v r - l wh eh fow ling piece exploded. t - --e1 1 1u r o -e'. L a d y ' P o -à e t o n t e f t iu i d ,t lu slu ilk, soup- or- other Ioods'dirs' wivee f.àI -iithe.rsariou reg t othI-.. tovecovcr ýth e uts ettà:d-L Dui i the x dy ~ ~ ,ihsIt t -w~ oOak Ha.ll of the Roya l' Hospitai, s ay.wip1asàtî I o do Dulsel hp ,bats that ha vo a gray'l a- gh ur a ni I ou il have 1d 1 éë, may be->made to looýk cieatestik aà rate'of 6'. 4d; in wîb wiingwith, a few 'the £»'çr the enuig'ya.,b ig a weé~'ol. reiictixx o!4d.initbe-, ounh rliubat'blissa w el-kn-Wà previus 1yèeir S lue-; besidei.biig ta Scern - A'femer na mnd 1R. W. Noble 'was auàtifler- Lt ' a Uaid t e l na t liy killed' when drivixig over, for:,nheumaiic troubles. a' cr<o.sixg near Pomeray StafiOn. iing, vinegar 'te renuove His' bor -se rskilled, and the .oart nsè fromn white- go>ods, have sxiuslied.- Il as- the cloth with which The de'ath is amnouuced of Tire.-, cdoas bot as possible. oai-anrhn f Grangemock-, i muiiatic aci added te 1er, at the âadsnced ageof,. 102 g, watcr after a blue-and- years. 'She enjoyed remarkabie 'e La scrubbed witli soal? he6aJth ttii ti.last. ii ËR help .sto're thenv!5i a tsCa o , (aid n £ned 20s. adcels e &trnagh a aïéO' o wilfu]iy -beiug in - â- h ý, and put away n the au ~ '!l'~« &il riçi ýj . W >«rn -à> , g ro r d x k n ýui iatl . " Didr t gé~'te"bc13r ft '5Jfl5 ume, a f!arxneu, wL -drivixig a he> ÉrSeand oart ait tIor- cinnmonLa roppd o 'aeagh, ner' berné, - iny jte 'the 0orthree timeg a daý' t , w~euhe ee h w _tholt siîtitiOS bt- -Durîig the pam'. fortmight tbeite "., *n - ax ne iI- w th bu - a been a e r.ieoff iotbrea"k f t s- te irtiuie ls urnedwroxig di4Mnghuprdo'to andth bitt~isJad féhudre hildruu bemigaff~eL a -uris. cuel fodeinAbd &en hae ucourbed. f'u .hckeex thwel'bat- The War -Of fice have writtei' te I ja utc themorelindEuiu illen urban council ziating' vilipa.s oyer hemeasly. rtaowig te t1be .present' amryl s 'cheme they caneot tee theii, way BeteorLeft ANyes. Â_ Fresuel strolilmidlal paperý pýublisheO a pietuïàof !a very e. nuankabie xeteer thait as obsaOrvd Luludi sm mont-hs a-go. This meteor rae visible fortwo funl sec onda as t anwept acrese, thesky, -sud4 ti. trail of reeanl se ~t~ i-lu- as L passed. throngh the. eaxrth's- atmeeplpcre r'as ,Doe"plain that it' ceuld; bho-ph4toýgraphed and lasted for twnuty minutes. Exira'vagaflt. "cPa muet bave bail a raise iu sal- amy. Y gtMaIs started te fry thifga in increae the Ei-ijkillen ~r~ The dee>h haa occured mVMa9id ýon of Co>lie T. H. pit i e 11oai Atilly, çw40--tO p? thé rmancnipaw. e rÈved.ýOqi the staff a.t Sndbursli id Puiblin. Somethlng T iie ?&dePn't, You thmýk a girl hquid' ma rrian economic maxi IDoiiyý-I suppose 50o, but.it's jif6t wfibeixg ehgaeged teoz QuallBte Tbats usklndyou ÀMPavortte1 Churn- cftheMld-itàeit nedStateI.ept Ïzh ietbutt-maoer ln tii. world.L MVD-ReWELl BN Wo rk Was Made Easy Ftàr You NTILa fw yarsmgo awira-conidered concrete -a radhi Il uyteious matons1, duat could bo used successfu-ly-n4yby U' experts. They knew tIsa upen the quaiy cf dte cornent depended 1much cf the succescf concrete wcrki Trh d no men of testinig cernent. sncb as big, contratons eumpley, sud se cenld pet be sure cf its quaity. 7 Yet -the farmer ueeded concrete. H-e was kept frornuigtlus best and most ecenornial cf materialsby, 1. Lack of knowledge of how te mix and, place coucrete. - 2. Lack of a bnszd cf cernent supcn' the quaity cf which hoe could absolutelY rely. - Caada Çemenit- - hassuppliecfhotlu these requirereùt 1 We employed' mon te make a thorongh investigation of the farinuer' requirements; te find out where and how ho could 'use. con-tretc7,wih profit to e ief; to disever allprefems ho migh cerne as-asd' to .olve theut.' This huvestigation wam exPensîve. But e-, Lvsa tompleted we hacl the matons' fer oucampaign te Show the f'amer' how md .here'ýP use couçrete,'2dweprinted a bock, "Whii :-'te Farner Can do Witlu Concrete,"* for freâ ditribution. That-bàok maltes every farmer who reada il -a concrete expert, as far as-his needs- are concerned. He finds that there is nothing'mysterious about con-" àIee-tual a fW simple mule3sl;uPPlY'aI-tue kiowledge requirced> ,te-saequalty o! ermet-eby p#roduc.ieçn, -deeS Det need tobe et4ë TIl. Canda Cernent duai yenbuy'bYtIse1 -Cernent taiis scid by tiiý.t'iuload for p Xf>ou aveno!aie i TMgabÈi,)s,.*Strance of stfdi7cffoi wr. - adaCemen iarateed ln buylgea pair un gel a poliitie 1 byCanadas la te. taned hcrse- et Proof, s-lut t'proof. Sent! IJTTING. CO. md Ièllllhaler,, -CIS13JtflIs a play 'marbles cnbeat hLim hat womeîî's ixi those green behind. tmlted, ' ciun-uth, N.' S. >' lst, Fr'ancis ombyet b>' me, - Ieood liati a Ire. o a sîcti and. ofeare rore en- utiy turneti ilaelt ýWe usoi 'MIN. t frecly te deaden thee botte, ani able te me- VEUR DIUVAL. - a adhopeow bt aron't ye ;y, ye'ii git the. v e rs bit 1 rMe ii'n' ut- mdy, past, an' he's'ý lia - - butter again. 'Q', 1 1

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