Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 May 1913, p. 8

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-hospital_ asi, lis recoverlng 11ok11 11l"~u * eiaus Illneàs. - 4T Oio Miss - Jean Johuston, 0 C tb àe JAl ý sang à solo in the.Preo*loinlaa rb v« c'Sbuday aIterorfnc. Mîr. W. M. LïrneU from' a few A aysnit ------~4. ~ lu the oty .i w- -ioise ie lt whkt Mads êiy f.~.,IS!*R - tappearnneo. r..TYo'l* reuto, -have boom vilt4ng wP! thse IW~~ II TY former's parents,. Mn. and Mn.. iTios.rODa&m <t.ý'14 Ie . -Ceskwéll. ba01E f!01'bld ou -lm' 2IIjÉ4ifd n- Miss Vera, Vipous and à" %Isabel [1- - , - - IlC ,à1 .11 1 I1fl--'-.PORT FERRIY. '1 Walker vislted Port 'Ponry thsweait.Por aIe by Wada1ers,.-ý-4 *Mr. A. C. Elliottisj'- laviag hlm Mis., - warkBruce died, imoxpeet- bouses *<on Rallroad streetpinted. -dYPkwuhvi otiio but 9aWe dayâ. - 2- rs- rat diy mddaghr, o of ' Garnet W. McKinley- bas beom ai- * Denver, Col., arrived in town--u t -st Miss-E. HO! iewood , Cf R< IN '.I~Polted'h0 nlcr~ lgstn week nd willl visit.for soeel.wmo ièî~rtfag h s* ta, rn. R £og.-s onyluwis. ,.wlth Mn. and Mi~s. Chas, tinss, -Mn. Arîhur ofw elTmüoito, spei A yunewsgllâman named- Morris, Miss Sings, -who lias-heen ini- M -Sudyat 1 -o 1- 1,asnfu gsho b rnh baovisi'ing relatIves for thé hstTheie ver vas a tImêwhenupgol à 1m li1a"oia ~rah few .Meuts, inrer 1sxion F-ldaY approclated theo roui -menue ofCham-, log lbc>ar &-runtilmg saw. Imst Mis Sngereprtea vry u- bnlan'mCoigi ~ui4y ton li n oWedaeeday, May 71k, ett -e - joyable time whhle away. no0w. TMàI la sbown by,th. e -M leuoe n.adlrs. H. Robents, Mr. Gléo. Jones'bas hast linisbed in sales m a- YOIuaItay ltimeiii of iia-own, tiiein youngetdà4ug>i vcry successlul seasou'm work -as tnav- jrom pe±sïâoemiWho hkve beencured by Ite r ue1eVoawauledl -er t he Froot Wlre pence 0. l !ym or y@ur- clIIDr u arem Mrnlage tô MÉ iôJsepb IH. G<ldthiig, and- le at 'present asistig, his-brothl- jlebe wll egon eoid-give Il PITiRce Albert,Seu.MX. Gold- en i Vil stre hro. ià triai -and -become acpiaated wlth mgeias nefônntery leadëï of lthe bibd- Miss Snyder, a déteennesa- rom 1ils zgeod-wqUaits. For m aie by aml' 1re a sa ow oi4çlr etht the National Tralnhig .-SchÃ"olTôroae- delrs.-4.7. -'cty bea and, nPrine A~rSms tQ, whe hus bees spendmg -a. montih - wi'th Mrs., Unluh Joa%,. lef wlh - - -lrs. - Jones on Mondai fr aviiit - 7.PICKE1tING..ef f with relatives ucar HaMilton. - Miss DoliY XeXr, whe bas 'comýplet-, C ldei u& î The twilight musicale gSIVen b ouber- 9'osl-gradumt, ouse a lr w St. Themas churchclohoer on _Sun<ay prooeeus l ànurse ueu-oe o! lise. la.ngo KEEP IT CLEAN AND FREE th OYOlargewas ony muctio n ecla#d - by rew York beies rtne1homel'FOMbSEASE BY USING tholagecegrgaion L l hp. 1ai Wednesday tôr a çek' v8 a - PARISIAN SAOE.- bY some that this is but..1he bigtn- lion. W. congr atulato honer ou bdr Din o!man mre njoabl on- ud~smai honrchoien poèso.' If you- watt your ohildrea -to-gro Jere0àIp bQ! won oa Y-4u kv il lJ Thse Rev. Dr. M-eTavsh, Secroexy ty iesdene on bis lot,-Seuth cf -thse 159 re srn g, ssrem t ue,-FItfISI.%No ~of ireDomtie 'rmpe êceAllianoeRe.. cburch. '1liecottagewbi, 1 mir5- oie euePRSA - Segê,Of aeyveow retomied. Ua r Toi- * îpeke lu thse Prembyterln l MmiIelis. stands onu> fflalot,- sud wlaieh XMn- culist.churches on Sunday lut.- Ji O'CceMrn o*ocoupies, viiwî etenu ie 1É S &ar y pressatlng thse caims e meAliance di>WIl'- 1.Alat aeddufsds ho urged.bis hea rers tb be caretl in ev GL.Jolie, .wbo lUg bin la twiÏo diadmrul nsj - electifig mon le ,office :wbe 'Wonm eonfiuod te -hm iedW w1tlta anttiseiscf no bainquîld . cses.whr is - trong on, tise'tèmperaioS.,queetim. sciatice, vas minabe le tako hbri n-i s ta DW& hnimgoui." - -Peo apetîe l a ureaig -e ha -vcsson undy lsi. Be 1 J- E.Iit ïpoeitively thse1meat de1iijitful, Palodý digestion. A few dome <1 of itutàp , o!tbe Mthodst .Aur1 lnvlgoratàng baI--'drming on the. Chmirlln's .Stemech sud LUver kdly eousoe te ïhave lu"nieo- market. Itl a inot, aticky or groasy-, VUbl1swhl treiiitscu yeur dget- vicu. Bot& c0I4eptloEs unlted for and wfil meke the coareet hei sot, lion sud improvo voha* apIte. -Service la the- eàk'ieanu chuncl inl uu u-asnd luxuriant. Geota 5SOn. ahunds have boom ïbemefited by tak-ls ean, m ts eholubottla and watcbliow rapid ias se- in la l«ee Tablets. Sold bhy all demi- Icisurch lint&o eviig. tlon. Thle RIT.1 Boo th Ce., LUId, Ca-. ors.-47. Il wtýWd Surprise yen to, kuow ain aos Fn ront. thée great goed that fa bolng doue b -- ChamLbefrlain'm Tab)ets. Darius Dow- MYRTLE STATION. hey, of Newberg .Jumelles, N B., OSHAWA. Borft-On May _4t o Mr. and ira. <wl My viTe ba" bea Ugung The Mer 1913 "promâises to bo Clarence Harrison, a girl. Chamberli5m: Tablets, fnd Sd busiest year là buléking inu Cehawa s TheS.OT. ol ocal on Friday If ii e y fectaiaaddolg on Mtory. Already oven fifty-dwellings oeulnng last was a grand ucces The > go. f o ae117tObaare under conauton, wlth netilve 'boxes wcre small lin number, howçvon Wthyour stomachon k veS, ementhe :of the yea Sene. -Thse total Thle temperaîlce sermon preechod by them e 'triai. 'Fer sale b>y ali-dealers i h ld4mnder ccastructlen or -Mn. Geo. Hazzard, o! Toroute,. in 47 ý- mleady erected this yean vili run * - veil up lb the, $200,000 mark. -- ------------The tovu vwaten supplyiy l goila- -S«in. Tise dlsappearace, o! surface T EBROOKLIN HARDiWARE STORE water, or ils filtration by -soil and ULMetatiron le mrgel>v nemonlblpe o A 'Are teit waa held hareonc Wed- piesdaY of isat week. The pressure Iwas 50 high that a imaIl water main burst, givIig a good deal of trouble. lir. FP. Bull reulgned his position as Water Commlisaloner. Chas. Guenton, a Young mans abëut 18 years o! age,- worklng coù the ntglft shift at the. Pediar factory,- got IIià hand caught in a machine, whl le at work Wednesday nlght, and had to bave i't amputated. et the- wrlst. He Ladiles, Wliat About That Waslig machine Tlhat you have been waitinrg so long for?Îý If yoli have flot already gnade up your mind what lind YOU weuld like te buy, just let me place one in yoxir hoen 3o days' frec trial. No 5igned order; no money-dewn. A post card wiWl bring oue to your door, an&~ af ter 3ô ,days' use, if you decide tliat the 1900 Gravity Washer is the best Washer you ever saw, keep it; or If you do net want it I will take it away agaiu. 'I have aold 36 Of these machines areund Brooklju and if yeu want any oeeof those 36 names for reference, I will cheerfullysend them to you.- Be wise, try one * ~no* and save your poor old baek. , IN.ÀXIAW BEL ONECIO ID Deep Cushioiasinake- this Car ctremely comfortable. ht of 1750 pounds tise 95 bas extraordinany power. For idability vo do nelt believe it is surpassed by auy Car-at ortmento! BUGGliESat-nigistprices. LJK. IMPLEME14'TStÏIkey' ul intercgî yeu. RNESSO, LA'WN. MOWERS, FERTILiZERS, -e. Microbeà Ihi VourScalp Auaholtls aythmà amicrobe cause.bulduem. l!you are lesng han rY Our rMeedysIourrs.- Protemor Unna, of Germany, aud Dr., Sabouraud, the gnot Pientl-. Dorniatologiat4, aim that a ni.- - crbe causes baldues-ansd tiseir theony lise becu verified by -eminent- tise hein follicles, iu limeauitth slppres te -cloaê sudisescp't beone*iny. 'Plis, il le believod othin WIflrevive thse growth.. If talbefere QIbis cce, baldues iuay be ovonceme, Il.. -- 1-4 We know e!1irething tsai lim üvtèA U IlC universul satisfaction in treating tise scalp and heins Rexei "9311 Huir Teni,, Ithabs been de- Bigmed aftenilong study to overc-oma the cause o1 fuliing bain u, dlSovred bYProf. Unnu Dr. Sabeuraud and other Scalp and &àum .tilts uand - we believe it wiil de more thun any- thing cîne van te remove daudruif and stop fnlling bain; and-if anY human- = ,arr çý ew grewýth- We antYou o*rakeus provo it. We wMllrsyfor a month's treatnn of Remi "3" HinTeteus ur Mng a trial, ifyou s tn oordiug to'eretions, snd are flot tboroughly stsid When we wiJl- do thi,you srl huld net hstt te at least try tii. Stent thé -tregiment Ioly.Yu mmers eus Ut oa. back ifrouen -l- yDur xoney >as yeuù-want- it. Two sizes, SOc - lu tNs coniaiàüt., oulv fut < rsr5re* -A. . LLf,- --- TbU» -7.-s abw 'Tasls eniS1- l "v~â~ lsoased tromi tise bIood _belag tuiek. oued vwIl uri c id' Poison curcu- isWu 1 ise' head. 'Antl-Uric Pills » cure ail fornis o! kldney #touble. They arese geedsnld so sure.-- 'J.E. Mle-i guarantees thean. Be's'ure ,jeYu 1get Anti-Unie Pillrî. ÉB.Mariou on ev- Tery .1tttie. -Sold omly at J.E. - Ils' drug stere.--ý4B. A SUCCESSFUL YEAR. 'Ple annuel report efthtie Horticul-ý tUai Soclelies O- --Ontrarlo- for tie yean -1912 le belng cincuiated -by'tho Deëpartmint of Agriculture. Tise re-ý pot ii, W Itbylevery .favýorable.ý 'Ph.týi --lwn l ntre:"- cremalgineelzsJ l ieowvuluI àfs weu ii bis -toym. --Tite foer so ndt-Spenezwas amt 'crettýa9e spiiy -the asters sud eSwbet-peas exi4ited by cblldrs toimeedonaitedto llem.- Wiutor bmiles were --glven to a numibee,-o! ildren, ,et. ý,thc Souti Outaii Pair tise dlsp -lay o!f fowers occupied 200 fot o! space AiSclver modal-and cash ~ ~ l" prse vr g a- b member asË priss fo avn a md -gardcns, sud_ tis -oclety o iff6ed,,addltlouai prince. ,Bulbe from ,Holland verqdls- trlbuted b tis&ernbe ý'r he um* o! members repo-tod' for 19812va 04. Thse Legislattve graul amoSmted - b $67. ro nt uI ff meekig rlief 'froià i lisellnesses cuebdefective action cf tise or- gaEo!d igestion. Most selnieussics- ussses get their etart iui trouibles cf tise'slmach,-llven, bevels--troubles quieklyssfely, sureiy relieved by PILLS - DEATH AT OSHAWA. Tise deats eccurred lu Osisawà Hos- Piai on Sunday, May 18, otf Jiznctby LouIs O'Donneil, a7 raiway contract- Dri-.living on thse Kiugston- -P...ud east of hors. Mr. O'Dcncli and 11(j brVtis. ens hve been egaged on thse radial ralaybleen WhlVby and Oshawa. e vas takm fil vits appoiidloitis and taken le Oshawa hospital, viscre an operatlon vas penfonmaed. ,Blecd- xdepunag -set ini, however, ndtMr. )'Donnell passed avay ou Sunday. T'ho tuneral vas hérd >on Tuesday nernlag. to the Rojman Cauholle *surcis, WbItby, wheore Fisîhen Cim couducted mass; thence Ici- tise 1ï.5 niain visics conveyod the body to Uptorgrovs, tise homeofo!thse de- easd. Thse pal bearers ver.: Mes- Irs. ýJ. J. King, F. Mclntyro, J. piâ F. O'Connor, W. O'Coalon ariA me cf lise brothens. ci ci p - ESCAPE 0F PRISONERS. - i Ou Sàturday_ alternoon lest two pnisouere from - the Central Prison, eunged finveiicet tise Asylum farm, -succeeded la making thoîn escape. Tise hdir for quitt!ngvork -on Salurda-y aflèrnoon li tree'c'lock, and -ai tht me-vison tise mou caniè in tw Of thonieu wene miss > ng. .Under tise farm colouy systom: tise men are put cm,. thelhoisnor b a.lar'e extent, saR- ,ft [s notable Iat ,,in .most cases they' recognize thse trust placedin l Ithem,-, and do noV, betray il. Tise bye, vio yiled te a desire te change thséIr bop.rd.lng house- vere cei ig alqng lise baselinlaÙ Ita r in-tise after!- 310cm., -adseareis vwa s-_ùËtituted fer 1tem .-r By SaturdayeveDllg they ia flot boom iound. They,,were doubl eo mus p1wien l- timpir attompt :by thse, suc- o058 cf -tbe.tWô pnsoinèrs vho-escaped sorne wmaeks- eàrlir., - It lu usualy- MereiY e matter oft 111 iti tise -men, are- apprehënded,--. aad an addI- - -or -wé years tg ihelror- Me - -ýR' Agent, 4hbu e o obberlini. - I aroshve,boon lssuedbyisOnao DepanMt ofEducati . Tise en-S e d -tram,.e exaninatlons vifi-,be held fromSed Jure 1-81k b 01h, and théÉis. table le as, fo4o6ws :-Juue iSis 130te 3-.30 :im.composition;- 3.40) b 4.25, apelling Juae 191k, 9 te 11-30 -aâ.. Dly .. ani±miteIoÇl30 te 3.30 p.m, rend <usDia 'lg une 20th, 9 te 1,Emliis W 'tmail te 12 a.m. .wri'g1 0 Oas iborli t e 3 . 3 ) p . m . g e o g r p h y . ' P ie " ., E a I SALE L N.. 2 lune N. DOWNEY & 00. This aitth, tylpe of mm*ho,- spelis hoes-witL ee ltes C-O-M- F-- R-T.- - -sund bheml is-a étisat heoviii Ilke This Panama mode! is a Soeswisat extreme ,stye-with is higli, broad jee, short forepart, Idgb arcis and blgh boni. But it eutaiuly is ene cf the. mont cern- fortabie sapes ever designed. 'Ph. Panama appeale. to tbeu- sanda cf our yeunger cuatemn- ors -viso liii. Ils brezy, Western style. Panamna Un Russa or Blac King Caif Blucher Oxford - Ja._PEEL, WHITBY, PHONE 151 The Ceat of a Buainesa or Shorthaud. Edecation i(he torontej Ont ]DO you know juat how hliitleit Costa-te secure a thorough busins education thât willnot oniy moérose yonïr e&aungcaas lt y but wienable you to e ta pato whsre yen will core lu edtatc -Yl ii finentiai people who coin asesi tiïoto-jý further adrancement? ucaogeiI gir.youfuJl~arinIri. A Post car&-ý one ':ot-ede b oi cor. Yongc sud Wi . JEIlott, STALLII ROYAL RÈOIJ REGISTR.-. - mr.I wo J* sud I eu. gaz Ifvo. TRY-SOLÂCEATOUR.EXPF.NSB Monme klotaey-oaaeof . 'Rheanitis , ?euragia or - ileto Remove- er ohSre lierman SolsedthStistdaovaTl -Aclid Vraead .ipnrfl5estisebloc&,. xêises ta It la gnênanteedinuder, tise .Par.Fodýn Drua Lw o-b arsontly re-frinopi ates or -IO e. ftor ibioÂcd Trobles knwuito a, b ustter bh logstnin.1 nove tero ftisetrouble (Urie lea theblood. selm. of Battis Oreek,>are tie Ls sud gae thoneenia of olnntsry tors whicb hae'. bee rvd-from B Solme. ba reatorsd to hemth. ftera,lieausadF.Ex s, Preaidet of thseFInrat Naioue 1'Lwautyon to aend a box of solae. tomylath- erk lU emyhis, Tenum., for which-I enclose 1.- on4l reinedy has been uaed by nome'frienda of mîýMe. ber.e-ad 17must say Us -actIon 'was, wouderfl. (Sigued) ILR. L Irda." pat.up ný2c,.t a"d$1 00boxe.., 'au zeom berne- by taitlug SOLIAUR.I No Speclal Treatment Scheines or. peesa-,juga Soisce. uone dos thrework. Write, to" theor 1 j froc box, etc. SOLACE REMEOY C0 -OBaffl cro. lc .hI J AÀluike lovéri par bum. .1LOO te .à0 -h~l L.. . . . .... 008 Whmgesse.... . ... ..... 490. gWheal, sjmnlng.- ...0.0te 0.85 'ci Wheat, lau... .,..... le85te Ma Ds!i>'.......... 0,55 teo .00 J4 0.àto 0.76 > Bokwhee... . ..... Ou <a m -Coreta............ S t0.6ô po B.d 01e.. ..... .... .. 5.» SMi BR FT L OULT-RYND» lPRD - wéle > 550 t 6,5- 5.9G Copp #ed el ci., ,.. 1.8110103, I rangi, mpin ton.. &mi.01 j ar Sisents pin io.... . .....J70 .3.0 I Boit ded, per ib. L '.. ..18 0 1.18 mm Tur0gw, dresed ..per...ib o 11.5 J N Butter,- 'per lb.......28 te 6.80 7. Ur _(1 pndo. -new 1 laid -0.f22-o 0.25 -AIl Idper lb ... .......... _.18 t.0b.90 HN,,EIADslvy m 1 - for .t*ou _,,ê-rtge Of flx, 4b p imy. -et. WMfTByJNf and, a..ai7.W6pra. ut-aisstop at -Whlt ai 8.15 and 9.M5. oa.4az 1UP-TOWN .STArI Golug potn.mt .m. - STAGES. IauWiMtby, for O aMi. aMd 4 p.aM6,Jo.. Baa zpopiéS By_' -od - at 'On Mir. .1 iday'- * Barri dat.t1 Teme Carpeni *Plans dri Repuar Agent Box C-7 Mar 511» clou, pro.- 1O ~ UR lIý,DOWNET-k9O.

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