Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 May 1913, p. 2

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RhiinWpo'e'reader& "w111" doubtJuW tOdd hasten tà> 5fiEow t.' ad~vie.. egi started decidd Twýélve' precepti-oDprise ailt hestio 1 wisdom of, the iet-or. "Est meat ---.ll ôJy -once & day.'> »T a th-àà-right li* as you can bear t verydy" obliging, "Wear ci,ýtes made of coarse wBYS r plé. cleoth."l "Obuerve on. day cf rest Mt iu every week, on which ycu. rnust lehe' bat neithet' read uç ie" 4"Avoid minute.- every oýuthenut oÇ' -Passion, sud Toddyo every iccea "cftrain e.work.1' Te the' ten- p "Marry; -widcweis 96nd widews pîayin«g znarry again imuediateîy." fihke - glad to S'A furtber rule of."the Japanese: editer cuight w Il b. taken, o heat ble the weste>n>reaer.Aodey h., the. de*idly stean ipei' ii r ~eftect cf this impiortation fio'the -'cietis et 1l*eut as banetul as that et the M'atienal ti pp-ta iu the. Médica R eoUrd Dr. Richi- ard! Ellig givés ug'thie taie cf-oee bald heâd and the'd'edueiens drawu frem if. The baàM.e'ad- was .not Dr. Ellis'; t belonged te' an -ob- servicig riend .net ot, the medîil -profession.. This trieud lbac!no- ticed -that wfien cold 'inds toyed toc f reely with his' uxtbatched doms lie otten felt a chill clown bis opine-, a cod was appreacbing. Ne there- upnrubbed. bis hesd -briskly, ne- stored the circu1gtion,ý_and.,As otten rAs- net escaped tiie cold.- Interesting, thouglit -Dr. Ellis,' glit ,adj ea game 1togétner, ang -<titi s,'es' Teddy"ýig upstairsB. 'Pretty- soon'- down 'çare the tle bey.. is eyes -were',sparkling sud'bis cheeks were-red. "Graudpa,"he 'cried, " fun 'ycur .kuife-'anud ten cents,' toc. Ain't yo'u glad that I fqund therni They were ,both -onthe floor.", Grandpa smiled sud :d auswered- "les, xny beoy, -1 rnamgd te'have my kuife, becaùsee '1 want to. use t, and'I arn glad 'te hv e i l-ér piece, -because I, want te give lit te the littIe felle'w who"'wes ,soe willing tdo seinetbing fgr grandpa. Grandpa's Teddy I thiuk w. will, havé te caîl hl:m." When the chiidren beard this tliy were &orry they bad lest the. chance te ge-t-that silver piece. Biesicles, gràndpa's -words' madle them feel mean. As for Teddy, ycuMay hé lig feit veny' hsppy. sure1 À PERSISTENT PEST. Travellers Ia CLkntral Affnica Rave* aLlvely Tiie. anuc!" b. began Vo wewnder wlietber-r Tiie buifalo-bean, a humble creep- 'sneeziiug ,asn't juat nature's cun- 1er witii a rusuet-ooled, woojfiy niug device Vo do he samei lth.pd L s5ng-sgo.thc \to restor. the' circulation. InorCen~tral Af ies.! ~Te wooliy spe- peasauce is due t a ccsting ofal don te assist nature, the doctor de- tacet invisible bains. AM a, touci viued the. folowiug -simple expedi- they become detaehed, -Mid if' aMY sut: alight on your peren they -cause -,Wlieh Vs t he Iuooeumembrane the most exquisite torture. ')eàssns. i r4firto<dngete4, suc!ô efedf sole h.i.'Mell'and 'a.nic 0holmley,, wiio jour- r ' ~takugcod,'~ethL bendiioneYed on bicyc>s anud op foot frein pin fnrn Vile floeor) aud "strain" >thein -book, "Througii tii. Hert cf ,-gs'ntly tîii d Jlu the facàe, then (iu Atica," 'bew.oeeof theux ge'well- the erect' position) 'ry, te breatheepninkhsd wità " tu palpebis fuz Vlrougli thé partiilly obstnuctsd fRe tins descnubes the, exp.nienoe: nostnils; repeatthis pnocess ilthe I lied walked seversi steps befere nostnila are':f reely open. Of course I bac! any notion cf wiiat bac! isp- one shoul, d- -xtrcise and talce hot pened, and #,hen the funbgn peans, b;ut, ilat dose net drive away anothen sit the. Jack'ý'of the. ueck, the nuaýaJ, 'cegestio 1n'whicii seotten tiien ah over. Tii,. spreadiung Ver- Luçluces-; a' sévene cold. ' une left me quit. bewildened. I did Dr. EUllicees. net sa tat tuis From seven e'<lock iii eveniýng wiî te intense irritation centiniÏd, wilcure a coid, but he. doessa y- a! altitougli- I tried overythingI that lie bas mac!. u.se et iL for tbree couic! tiin-k cf toi alieviateî-t, netb- years witii >.excellent r.s'ults. Reie ng -'bac! more than the 'sightàt Piu . lishès bis ciscovery Lu oncler Vo temporanry efect. givie t a wider test, aud since t Lu Iu deapeir, I onke eu femy zpa- simpler th an , uost beie r emedies tives what- tiiv' u6d; and hli recom- mendec! bot aubes. Even biters - 'ujd'liarxuless, Lt seema wonth pa5s- sesdpefrmet m rsn iug ont. euifentg, and I ordetied hlm tei rob athe; @narest fine without delay. H1ORNETS AS PIETS. Fortunately, censideratien. ion bis ewn 'ifgers p meveuted the.'boy ftreo IlGentie, lInosie Crcatures" aipp13i 9 0sa ste o~ u y That Rll Stluging Files. the time ho, bac!finieiied I ýwas abot asmuch like a c!.usu as I --ever 'The public bas heard cf w5SJ)5 a shail be. pts but iL hais been nesenved for Tii. ounte-iritanmt bac! a uiigb-t.- Major Huni BLeue Hardy, et Eng- 'ly diMtneetinë effeot, but even tint land!, te- tell us that tbe 'bonnet is wma net permanient, 1sud I reahized "j neule,-ineffeniive creature venY t-a àeionJe tiing te de wuss Vo sit suitable as a pet." -Witing Lu a s tili as possible and leVtbe-inri- KRýlowIedge he states that wiien atinwa'of heiL fn.l i 'wahking clown C'iiswick hans many be'Lwen' touY'ant five o'cloek, 'leav- yeaZs 'agc lie disçov:sred bonnets ing me am exhausted aud ceusiden- busy *arouud four etraw itives Lu theaby'ie uan front garden et a cottSge., aEyiruthen I ad m.h'd i. "I-entered," le says, "aud asked Evl'a-sha nt e t.Wy rle Vi.they r - the 'preprietor, te let me observse ar ixicue i rubedsp tiien. 'I fouud tat he kept thesepars at a uso ete the o inerely ' r -hornets-4er pets aud that h. liad hoe ttirpisnuspw rerIyd nobes e lifted up a bive aud lne thew; butIsolie an un Ilasdu 1eV' me observe the quesu at-work. nemiknlen cft Iuu . ed a ys late H ~~ e~ said that h. feit ne danger wenderutof theaie.gu>inentr wjatever." Major Hardy adds giatrah -that ie personaîîy bas "ne tsar aauoate ' tirougii'W aW"iig cf these innocent aud use-anibsng I uïdtatbfe fui cea ures,. b' ee qhe îî ains were tell préenst,and'tii". e ofni d dse" wt lu ot-hes wese inot fit Le wear. Ir'will' bô"î uMixred that Ir.- Rates ip hi s account_,ef.is expéri- kways Thoughtmul. r n b à the 'AIUatefl states tmat St Tii. young physician Vhnew bim". finsti lis kil.led'hornets -wbich flçw self 'iuL e iasy-chair aud drew -ýlbfià..Uhs face., BilVbaviug oôbservec! s sigh ef relieI that the day's *oi-k opse ~4ely sund -noted, tiat they was oven. "'And has ýpylittie Wife- blI 1'iiinefies, pcuuciug upon 'been at ahh lonely te-day 1' h. iu- Îeias th i fliLes attempted te bite quined et bis newlv-wedded part>_ r ' himi hë léýfItiiern. alous sud ws. er. "Oh, -ne," sbs repiied; 'at rah~ngl:d 'cf their company. least net veny. You sesI'éfe u ,~y~e ôe ldwben seetbing te occcupy my .inie.4, r - "'~ b'ciéhod wlI"Andl Wbàt lhbve'yeu, ound te oc- ~e ,ish'utt d>lwtifLs cupy your ime, my sweet ""h kee'it"do toguad îM',àrganizing s ceek class.'Tiiene Vo share ieail -,wb.n li nHnn - t are a lot* of jyouug gils sud young mannîcd momen Lu t, sud wme ane eacbxng eue another ho*w V o ck." Gpdids., sud irbat do you do wtheh.thingB yen coe kV'. "We seud Ihem Tround Vo Liie neigiiboro," Dean lttîe mwoman; nuit75ý ,tbougiitfulcf yeur ius'baud's pnac- ice -2'ýAud is meut over te lier sud' kissed ber- tendenly. Ncter Theïe. SII*he-,Yhw, yen mustadmit hé is a-"'wëîlI brnd.màn, Did yeu noý- tut. bis k6*ledge 6f Aiistotle 'J "'di~~~l, nu fe'sst myl Leson IX. FITNE 1. Gelden Text, James à- le. Joseph's br:tlureu upon -iea'viug. Egyp thesecod 'ime hâve their. rncuey-agaiu returued te-tliemo- ep' up beig ' the saine tima placed 'iu Benjami.ïn' s sack. T"hurj does' Joseph -plan. a 'final test cf-thi: sincenity cf bis brothers. This test constitutes -the subjeot cof min pre- âeut lesson passage-. "Verse 4.. Were . gene eut cf the city-Takïng' Benjamin with th'em. ReW'arded -evil.fer ,gciod-At- ternpted te steal wbeu ycu had ne- ceivcd the most liberal ot treat- ment. 5. Whereby.he iudeéd divinetlÊ- There were rnsny methods of di- vin atien amoug -the aucients,* sucli as watching the,. fliglit of birds, ex. arniig Vhs entrails. sud vital or- gans cf animal. alain for sacerifice, and tii. methed of'-iiydrorncy, lier., aîludédtote 'This latter metliod censisted i'Upouring 'water jute 'a goblet or other vessel aud of then tbrowiug into' Vhs vessel pieces' cf gold. orP*ireciôeua atones. Duriug Vhe process Vhs mevemeutu cf tlb. water sud the figures which Lb... umove- ments caused te "apj'ear tiierein were caretully .stcdied sud permit- ted- 'te suggeat the unknowu snd the future. Simiiàr meaus cf di- vination are1 still practiced in' Egypt sud elsewhere. 9. How thon -sliould we steal 1J-. Thefr reascuiug Lu itsit is convin- cing. Their' faith 'Lu tbein ability te derneuÏstr-ate -their innocence leada them te sa ràsb' unconscicus pro- nrQuncement o f the. judgnut of] leskii upon 'Benjamini, wliose lite, tiiey were meut auxieus te preteet. 9. Let him die-Their' willingness' te stake their lives ou thein inte- grity was Vhe strongest evidence in iLs favor. Bondmen-Slaves» 10. Hie with wborn it is tound shall be iny boudman-The steward accepti less than tiiey offen, askiug ouly that the. eue found guilty be surnendered, net te sufer the pen- alty of deatb, but Vo remain Lu ser- vivitude in Josepb's lieuse. Iu fix- ing these termus-'Vhs steward was obviously undeï instructions frem bis master.- 7 IL. Hasted-Made hasts.. Teck down-From the. backs ef the pack-animais te Vhe gnouud. 12. And hle, scancbed-Tlie stew- ard who bac! eventaken tbem sud chail'euged their honesty. Tii.eldest-Reuben. The. youngest-Benjan. 13. Reut their cicoes-But aic! notiig. Thein silence sud their actions wene mors eloqùeut thani wonds. Returned te tii. city-Fnorn wenetliey bac! just corne, andj wbenre tliey, immediately attenward! find Josephi stili at home- 14. Fell before hlm on Vhs ground --$till mute witb disappeiutmsnt aud humiliation. U'. 'Wliat deed i. this ?-Joseph 'uddressee tbem witb aifected indig- nation. Hie reproaclies.tliem, hhow- eenet for -theit dislionesty and idgratitude; 'but for their tolly in imaginiug tliey ouIc! escape dete- tien. Sucb a' mnuas I-A 'man et my rank sud 'pewen, sund 'hitiatsd iu air the W'sdom et' -Egypt, iucluc!iiig ifs myitical aud- sacerdotal rites.l, 'Tbe'ùuiplication La that t Waï»'utter lly ouftheir' part to,?attempt te rob-or' rucesve sucli a oôn. as be, "16., What ' shaîl we say 1-Tii. facts in*,'the.case 'seem' te show u T h e r e m a i n i n g - v me r s , iD f l b . c l a p ý Vferý are pArt'ef 'the'ussigned lesso piane are i iiiituiy iian.IuA fore; tiers rare> certfin~i gfltjust you should oareLuiIy look iute. 'uIn1 'i.casée o'a. pu arrés4rt, 'ti not \'diffiçùlt' 'to<find "out-'wii*at 'its- typiî7d_,r>«co4_ has 'been 'Lu -théý paut. BSut'the prospenity of, a re- £ert nueés or f.p1l'ls' with t. bealtlý- fumes., aud 'the. 'lotel-,keepers 'eau usuaily -be rusted Vo' ,make i'ne- cessary eifoýt te maintain>prper conditions. Tliee is mor-ru-danger in these innocent sylvan retreàts that, tired people drern enLuthe gprmng as neces»ary te, their summer happi- ness. Quaintuess is ne guarantee o-f aca water-supply, ',aud a caneiigvine- furnishes ne aii- surane of-germss milk. Tii. sum- mer ývil pass more- bappily with ýcu if you bave macle sa creful ex- amination of the sources frern which water Lu got for drinking pur-' pýoses, and for 'w'ashing vegetaubles 'and tbe 'dishes in whicb milki kept, aud know that' then-e- is ne reasouable cause for appreheusion. -Youth's çempanion. Bed flores. Wlien a patient has been confined, Vo b.d for a considérable time,-aud bas bac! te keep'- Voa borizontal position frorn weakness, t fLs very common for a sors Vo appean aItii.e bottom-,of the back, sud if this is, flot attended te t will upread 'aud icause Viie sufferer.-mucli' disôoot. This wili. only happen, liowever;, wlen Vhs nureeÈ:-has been negleet- ful.'-Th Ti.utj -ee'eLn c te -bkùdy irritats-ýý'ekin *heu souud,,ý, but doub>ly szo-wlien -the skia han been bruisec!. nevery case oft hs1 long confinement.te bcd, especially « wien the. patient, eitiier fro - oIc! age or seme spýMzial cissas. is un- -consec 'us oet he calis et nature, preveutive measures mua-tb. taken Vo avoid bec! sores. As. ionx as -t is possible the paient m'uet-be ne- moved f nom eue bec! te anotiien, on Lb. position altýred Lu sucli s way that the. patient must 'b. wasbed with wsnm wsten, aud atterward -s canefully driecj witb sott linsu. If t La quite impossible te inove the patient trom onxe bec! te another then the bed must b. kepL as cern- fortable as pcssiible. If tiiene is tiie sligbtest appearance cf bec! pores over tii. lowen part cof tiie spine a mater pilleow ahould be used, suffi- dient mater being employed te keep the. sutteren f nom contact mitl te bec!, but noV stiougb te, make Vhs pilloir bard. Tii. parte atter beiug wasiieci siould be dusted weli witb powdered bcracic acid. Wlien a bed soes as formed t sb-ouîd b. wasbed Vmo or' th;ee Vuees s day with a meait carb-olic acid lotion, aud dressed witb eucalyptus oint- 1meut. A circular mater or air pil- loir must be used, se that there Lu ne pressure oven the bec! soes t- self. A OMANITIC LEGACY. A Yroung Womanaî Reives a, Fer-, "tune' Ferý Her Bonesty. A wieàltby' nsu 'kidin' LuBttxssehs, Inelgiumi, - leaviug -nearly -the wirlde et is .fortune te a .youns moman who was entirely unatquainted with - Re wn.s a very eccentrie man, aud '-set eut,;"like' Diogenes,,' Lu -seancli etf an houest"man. His tub was an omnibus- aund hi. 1diterà aasnuall coin-.' là-,theôiiÏui.b"ushe took'- hLs "geat near the conductor. and alwaoys, siiemed -hiruelifveny -obli94gingpasu5- Lug up Vths money.ot pasie eruau 'ïý r igtièWàlgè$ýbLttàtht lat- ter bh' a-ays"-niau'aged Vo- 'sdd a hlf a franc. Then h. wculd waIdi those te N'hm iL an.Tisy mould 'count it'citrefully'- notice the 'extïa,. coin, sud învariably slip Lt into1 their peckets.' Ne one 'thougbt et Lb. peer -coniductorn 'wice8é--'n'ager' 'salany cf 'Vbneé'francs s--dat-couIc! ilispare'sucii a Is.- But atA'aut a, yçung woumn., -assed' bers back with: '1-ed- Ver, ,you bave given-.me hlait à 4ýranc tee muc."' 'DLogebie," deU liVd, o'llwed erhome, Ëmac!. Luquinies, asduds th Auswer-> w 1ene- ý- satistaetony, mcd fbs mii'ini ber taverý,-thoqgb aeaný mflinr" - My- declared. theii. s liyô4el' thé risder 'courael- thêl voiscQ -f' 'wb.l ',n.- '..« April windh to nmeit th"'ia$b 'Luruenéd' tothéir mW*ueoholy tak. Ti. idno. hope ïcf .finding any hn a*n ig-alive. Ouof îth ern ,W« 'beneâu,h -the aealanche,w was Most 'c iveLuthe ue"mh; By Apri1 ' 24th lie Ladgot se far that, after breaking 1 ýhro gh zix f cet 'cf icy Snow', b. cOU oul >ocbthe ground witb -a len 'oi.Three f -riende worked' »witli hlm,- -j Tbe four worked vigorouaty, and, macle theât'way.at lengtli intô Roc-, cia's hour>.,. but no one, dead or-liv- Lug was there. , As ît w. proba.b'le that the. vicotimns lied sougàt shelter inuthe etablie, about a hunfrcd ftest from the bomse, 'RceLàad'dhi cOmpa&nions 'bega.n to-,dis in that- direction. Afrer tey lied' burrow- ed for seme tixue, they rýeaelied the 'Stable. -On. ouf thle -nen tubruet a pole tixrough a hole in thbe we.l-l, and on withdirawixig it, he&rd a hoarse, faire cry for help. 1 The worke.rs 'now toildW vtb '-re.- d-oub1ed 1activity, a.nd soou they h-ad macle a large opening And there, Vo hi. joy, Reea fond 'bie wife., bis clauglitor, -and bssse-nl The tire. Sumffencreoula noV mov6,; aud were ehrunke.ainwe.t te skeleii tons. The &nen carefuy carri*ed- thern te à nçar-by bouse, a.xd teck neasures for reviviùg ticin. In w, fe-w days- they head pretUy weii rý. ôovered.1 The owed'their lives- te these ci'rcumatàea«es Theyr a.d taken ne.- 'fuge in ti , m2anger, wbich, -beiug stropg, lied wthst<,od:.the weight et the. enow, aitixough thee rof fell ifL Fortanstely,' two goatmu were near' theun, and these animais suppiLed th-em witb rnlk elucugli Vokee.p -theux alive. Tbey lied, of conree 'to feed thie ete. Ove 'tihe manger wau '-a bol. inte tthe bay-loft. Through this. h(46 one -cf tie wbrnen wa abale to pull cow.n fodde>r into the rack; and' wbIeuthe could no longer reewh sthe. hay, tii, sagaci<ou.s animal, clim'bed upDon -'ber shouider, and b'elpe.d themseies. -Tbrougi the whole ettheir -fixve weeivu' Lrpnonnent t-bey ,were Lu total darlines,. Atter the. finaL fit>. or sx' cisys, they -tuifeied litti. f rm hunger, aithough a quart ot goat's miik haci te suffice1,or the th.ree. They suifered tfar more frcan the ch'1 ii-b ttledted snow-waiten that tricklecl ever theux, snd trom the. cramped Positions ini wbieh tbey bac! te uit aud lue. CURIOUS OLD' BEQUESTS Guides -for TraveIers-Rushes for SChurch Floori5. ý- ý 1_ -ý -1 iIslBU4,as UVp±Iira to a gpuup or :Ad~~et:tbe~ caeful~ening f1Irae1ifes, .though for, a, clear be,ý tlte,-OldýTçatamnxt 2akes it- 4vident aie- l ta ple o'niiul also that in. turning- fro-m Lt te the le ni sapidt niiul New'- Testament w. are, tufinng to VOD-must look to thie apocrypha; if-, a new-.rei1inf ftit 8ly'lsfina113r 'we., rememlier bis Iimmety USW gio .n ap ritio n cf .Jesus f fthe moral-'law and his -refusai' tc revelin tepe he mràlo~xda-séparate the love .ofA;Go f romlh tioa 'n wic li bult, ~~ lve f au, we discover, aný unue- allows us to-appreend~ t~ ~ -ially close ,'parallel i jrma' .urna.roetso.-h'us'If ididli viua c nttion' dfe it. ,cdressed, to- Joàiah's fsoffing. son: Jewih rligon tat acl it "Did netthy fatheir eat and drinh Theitelgion et Iý ankbnd. and do ju~stice Il Then it- was WëH~ "It ýshoxîd'be, said ,imrnediàtely]with ,hLm-. Was -dnt'this >'te 'kxo* that it Ls liard to prove that 'Jesué Jme, ;saith-the,'Lord 1" IV is.no won- introduced 'any &bsolûtely' new re- der that he said: "I"'Tam corne zno ligîous, conception. > Re- himself fel1t.tedeStrOy but -te fulfih." that: lie wasnot'reveolutionizing, "but, -Ther Old' Testament 'i'ipres-es- us conipleting. Wa ~as conscious cýf ,as, a bock of -righteousness and ns- breaking at-seriotis points with .theltional faith,'. Ntew as a book of religien, of his ýtiqesi but he, was individual men, -Set. face > o' face inisàtent thiat.the- religion'-cf bis "with God by an individual man;-h times ýwas'a degeÏierate form cf the l Tsaet«,ahY oa-rt religion'bf-the ,Old Testament. T&old inb tamïýt'ent 'as a bok f -a1 the teèchers of his- day lie 's&id, [greaît sacrifice. -.,But iii -the last "'Ye have macle- the word et Qed- analysisf the- difference lies Lun th ef ne effeot ,'throug-h your' 'tradi-t char4r ýof <-hritlufitis this Char- tion. "le ThletOld Testament was bs acter -winch -the faie ouf' theOld refuge in temptati.on and the keep-1 Testament te, red.eem the world. m iig' cf- its ,,Comrnandmnenti was theý phasizesj,, a charactér, ,bowever .malthod.'- he ' retonirnended to obtain" deepjy' reveent_ tow'ard ,thÇ -b-00 eternal l'ife. In' Lt we .Ind the cen- which. it alene madle- "old.-lDr. tral tr uths cf his gospel either Ambroe.Veiron White.. 3iautelets. Tii. littis mrap .-kuomu as Vhe' "'mantshV" bas bissu acopted by Pari'i witli an -enthusiasxune t sur- pnising_ mien Vih. beauty etftthe moclels àisiss. They -nre conibiu- ations. et Iovely lins aud cohen sud Lu Vhs supple moire, - beugaline, silk tapstries- aud brocades tuhey give a decided' decorative note 'te au atternucu or evenîng costume. The short. bolero witb a postil- ion back is oeeof Vie -favorites, aitheougit longer mantelets - give moe protection and for' that rea- son siiould' appeal Vo womsn wiio des4ne utiiity as well as beauty. Tii. kimono sîseve séems te be favoned e-boys -aIl otiiers, comuzxg ix ei-bow; three-quarter and- full lengths. IV is fisheci mitli adeep suif Lu most instance-S. Tie. dnop-4 ped aruxhoee L used iftVhs' matenial1 Lu net wLc!e encugb. tord outlines this seani aud gives a firnesu aL Vhs lin.etofmean. ' 1 Revers rnay be usscl, centtasting -1 icolors being good. Collans that, show a svariety-cf cut sud drapiug: are. important teatunes.- Que coi-I lar et seft silk Lu draped oven Vthe- 'sheuùldens -sud caugitt Lu - under calbouoa on cruaments .- A.ofrd. Another oollar -at te bacIi co m- -Aucient bequess s1fr bavingiielis pletely.corvers the 'backitheufoex rung aud, heacons fo fVh -eta drape! hood! of soft- mc purpose etfor the'that iLa meigbted clown> by bhea pupoe f*guLiLungtravelens btases niglit arè quit. numenous uin zg- ases Iàn~ sd ts L no tob. on- Citsaway lhues Lu front ans ust dered at irben eue- considersi-VThies give nd a; od fraeeoni'L apologies for roads suc! thxe -ab-ig su aîom ,a ateaate- 'seuce cf 'feuces Lu Vhse !e4"cýI Otdh'bak.Lhns tumes."front.- Auuong the curlous--legacdes, i-ýa f~Butue,-ga u'ri" 'whicb provides for lb. bolding et a_ erhos nê'hshdsii.L plot cf: 'and, rejoicing Ln the naine oe.-i'ee00roie wt of HPettieoat-Hale " t ~ cln -na~onbeueatb .and -;, ot~VbeFonsLLa 7rk _-r, <' eneraU-Ijàýbonmng te ýthe ýavew' 'edùd-ition -etf previding a, Ppr oor m-~~ mýnan' wiLh-a eùièoat once a 'ycar.-neev f lu' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ nch, 'L, i!- dy- ube",hé Uiio<>n-', glkry.-' TI Iný *'ahe'- olnivaiaay 1 -hie ot:irù ' thes mens streiru' cii -the'lLOorA U e *e iII neye'Lr b6 4scatdé4Uemsp carpetse,.says Vhs' London Telegnapli -tnauy persona. lett beiquest son c___ ey'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ht an--ad d ~éiig uie " -~ Footwear. for Vhi-forscf'eiKe. niir- - use, et 'course-, -lias gog-b--ss-:Dý ~ c inî~umer w doiiiue!, "but in c plac: isesfoermai ~mn fhicu t';eèh'xirdh audens'-flttsnd te i ian - sve'r; an4d' Vhse'ebzprntiol prservation cf their nrights ,by cuL- shoeié' fèr'ôVVdoocr beeàkLoÜA;'mihi ting a littîs 'grai' seaob -yeir and *meil eumit icpbýbota -.mi'ý. utriui*g Lt on tbe cburch .fibo. buekikini,, witb a rneûdwîate. eut Bue> penhs.ps, on.e f-"'he, mosî eeWni #5nfrci h'ner cenîtÉi-be liqtests,.was that cdeta ceir- lin. ýnom -cousiderec! patnician, a -tain Jobu RÙdge, f ryulStaL. dstï gushed.';-Que,'bandiorme:i fo~ehneo~~tsj~î1cla-year el-hâsuthe higk top' ,41ih 14- butti Çi~i~'4e _ge?ýrkon ý vas1màxg oet broý ein-g,. L - i~ SI 'i 1: thm ires tre hre fiower b roccli. Tley- .ansm2ac!. i varions 0 clo.nsud desigus':ýand cc. ist, et a delioste spra'y 'or-1bouque4 ef emalflowers - sud --leaves. T1el irbolething' Lu Lu beada, -sud some- -tirnes there, are -as m iauy, au 20 -dit- fersut colons, on,- raLlier,ý shades cf-'.- colon, Lu the oee pray. " 6à te -lu- up a' lace -scanrDr té-1Ia .tduciü fclr &a hfté -they look altogètereurig"~ Summer Wrams. - - Most oetVhe summen wraps bave, sheeves cut Lu éne- with-thLbbv eitVhs ga rueut. Such -mrapS.ft usuaily colanheas sunddeic-r their'* cbarM Ou-thé beauty of -hé -mate, ' al. The, uew brocacled d n-r stedh- sud cottenùs -are' utlli'zed ,te sncb' irrapu. Nun Li'ved for Filfty 'Years Strappel te.sa: Wall. .An'cec'jeunnian'nun lye]mpaii of Maria'-'Benedetti.' Frey hlis"s disc! a'Viterb, Italý-, irom.,paraly sis cf Vhs .iowee-Ispine. - Fty tyyears agcli.ner-death - as tors mers coûuvinced'-thtlitt-ias Lim- 'possible- for. ber te' 'bear thé excru-- ciating pain er te nernain motio*n- iss, as mas necsssary; more than- a couple'oet.days, but the.y strap-_ pec! ber-h.ead' ,-t~he,- alf sud Lu tii unustunai "positioà Vhse nn iived forbai-f a céntuny' neyer ccm- "Tii.people- çonaideredb;er- case s miracle, - .thêé?-=Ufrsh-owed'-a pro- phetic isii', ip:dcig many events, such as -VhsecnýicLien, of- the "Camorists:',thés asassination et iKiug-Humbstaidfor tiis.year tlhi7 de'atb-of-"' té-Poe. ;Pope- sent- Cardinal CasettL?, miti aII,-a àt'giah- il .sng, - sud. Lun- ;'~iuicL'r worr $eghOf the bcd t4à -the deimands TO 1 gu&rd agýain 'be kept pure'anc moicine eau do thi Williams, Pink-Pi both On ýthe 'blood »Lore' the appetit, organ 1 toned Up. flot reàt whenever blis stregthenjug 2m"-_e OrY woain's, kefp thein in the -e' hoeal±h. --And Lt is 'tat jthat -in every 'iethe bloo-d.aup anud rioli. "The irai liania' Pinik i sL b.7 the casýe Of 'IM "ir8dm.eyeara goi Very pale.adtl 4ràedicùith]out g lit, and at last dj hieard highly uot long, bef or;(- I be perhiaps a couple helhwas f ully' re tou S&me-year& faVe oentinued stroi end I'-tmnk roweît William5' Pi nk-Pilf, tlhen about twelv. y been working v"Y 0,4d her health gavî weak and listless.. and faeý were badi -we. feared drop.y Dr. Williams, pirnk was soon ùquit8. Weil Pink"'iîs.to auly -ikoig th-e ber reoeived froin them. 4- Dr.- ilims in by raIlmeicinee sent by mail, postp abox or six. boxes writing Th- r WI 'eo., -_rDr. led Cerrecting a- A colred woman compliin et-di-.the "band, 'who, ýshes clown, Worthless thé delinquencie ful' spcuse and the reect -them, >thé. _Y911 ever coI loffre upex douer -trieid -li-t wate ' You can'tst u-p 'q -ter after Il o'eleck." y Mind telling b-er. hat .been trying te getL h uix innta."l When Your Eps L. TrY Murine Eye Re mecly. ,Nx Fine-Acte Quickly. Try il Watery Eyes and Graniùat4 trated Book in each pack eoanponded by onr Oeulist-, léïue"- but used la Sucesful tice for Oany !M. . Now de Me 3and La1d by ggi"sta26j e U Àseptic' 'MurIne Eye Remedr I,,v.c--af first Siglit hL on itesinitial tnp t-ot MI1narifs LUniment *Curs mmndcng wfth my 1egS_ graduaiiy uutil It rcd2 body. plmoles onu sud the kidn 1$ched au'Db~ that 1Iscra~ rrs. much pai, 'Allter Jiaviugfre Se vithu success I used.ti (Mutinent and froink the firË -fft a great rslef. I contInuoe taking*a= nb4thi 'wfhCul io*ect'by the SppUcaUu-n iof mient, mm.d at the end cf n trouble lad dlsapDearsd co un unà ' (Si gned) N. C 27, 1912.' Fer red. rougli' ehaDped lhands. ltcblng, burningp& * 3511- and-pifi fgeec Caticura treatraeùt 'wok' soup. iky, aucin Ctiti anud weaod; »m 4govw di utcr'opandi tcurý uod tbroaghout the woedL -of each rnaied free. with AddretslPeSt Card Putter 1 * 6 Corp., Popt. 42D Bostn,'U uuna no rô -fJ- sei né,ýkhér uis et pal- I lrying &,:, *ithLi"Arine- jno. 'white bi.ckskinI Th Ti arra-nge- ' , OÛ*a-eratiig.k ,xtra,., be bueëkekin, -sand J-me en- us a nei helble -- ,r-;-'~ 1 f 1

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