id ns- xc>l oft~ ý ac n ; the ide ini - Thse s011e- - 2u dit- . ,dies-of- sMd to Rivue, ng. à have ýýbody ps are nld for orfthe 1 wçQr- e4 for name- Js jUSt - laraly- vas- lk clo- otio.u- than >pro- leu ,with din---- tl bej Popè usa1ge The near h ùteh rater. 1i. e- > Ixtfc "- 515 uavm- umM ~.i*m £ri au 4xn«e~pel[nnny C h ûr nudpand. ~>,~n~o pt,1 Q , L~ths way large anms o! mioney " a#O 1; suff6red gretây à blfhulà ted in théè..hands of thî e sel4b.oMx. -.1-wae wôbmen, ndas 'akiesult they o:e «7 PS al lha and had, no> lent,money, to.tei usa'a eùgti. Ito~ao ~ high rëOeus of interpst. .Thin, tio<, ïdltiffl u~etingay ýbà '-tihusbasià s often beesme business .,and ',t lastidecided to try--Dýr menOf who didnothing. but look after, litan ie> nk Pi3, whioWh d'<jtheir iives' es1fateis.-.- ÃMd '1h1hy Tecsmended. It waw Agaln, in educa.tion,there wae fno t1ong before I began ijofeel Jb,. cdià cr=iantibïi. When: &aI, boys ti and alter taking the Pilles for and girls were .educated together IrhaiPe -a couple of pmenthe ý,my'sud- later . thei. gils, of prosperous %i Waasf Ully reatcredg, nd*- ai-,parenits werê provided 'with tutors. îh monF.alh~x ane rom,ail thsitcan ho learne.tii. e, eoltainued -etrong sund liea.lVhy, eO<ùthugiaism of the - Roman--women. tthink I Owe, t entirelyk>Drfoý learning *was1 gréati thoug«h, îlI", -~Pink plî.there. are proofs wte ôwthat the '$Omeitimie later iyda *-r omn -Man did not etrl u ut t1~u$we. y egahm the ,eduoate4 - iworking very bard at .eh<Ȕ Mrally. à iso wmiian 'seemed in - gave-way. 8h. ,wascommand,I h iuton,-f or the anr&fd listJej5sg dbr inaSingle stanà rd wà s in force... Ifaeo were badly ewolen.. and A oertaLn judge said to a husbani<I fesieddro. saaetig~ suhé'issue.d -adecre. saanst the. weyerf , *~ iie:, 'Trcvidedawy .tL s Williame' Pink Puis leand she tabuished tlat. by your life -you gave a<xon 9uite 'wëj.îagain.* ýI &,_. her an example of -fideity. ýIt Lu ý,w recoen4 -,Dr. wn5 ' unjuit for a JIusband'te exact fr om k pille toauy s'hiae h~wffe'& a Melity -that b. himeel knoawiugëtaie -enefit our fainily _- dont a-ià ot koep/', iveci !rim-them." 1WÃŽllia.mai Pink PilUs are.seldBrilght, or Lazy. uà nedinte dealer&or »will b. <oneIdnt eiv .u býy UIni, pont piid, at 50cents 'studied yeur getegrphy 1, vi (m or six boxes, for $2.5() bY. t"Ne omu;iregardPs sy i Lng The Dr.,'Mediciemp !"teNorld w hém a cyhain ,_Brockvle, Ont. aoftewrd ascai'g ________every dayan' Lithought I 'd wai a f ew yoans tili thîi g geVettlei." Th -tat4 55151Vt -ri>nce-'i1--thêi:- m]alter of. sôcks,lsowever; deýligiL the, heart cI thb'eyoutb cf - ashien, for,-he f ranly C'oifêsseste- at -fot gailY palterned sockl .Thés,- sockses re. madle î-,Vo order (rom de- s*-na tlitaï,5 submitled -tte.i Prince, wiio bas- two7 or three paire. mraç, te go 'with each .o! bis -nuits. Tii. drees bilîs-.o! the Princ, are naturally beginuing te rise, but, nee oilse, ,ho. cees flot hhrow menley sway on clotiies. * o ýgener- ally orders- hal! a dozen'suits eat s time-'sud -does Ibis at mestthre, limes s year. Though -th. Prince Ls "fllted" at bis taieor's when ne- ceseary hie - tailera3 have an Aoeur- ate mnodel o! lis figure and- eue At- tingirzs.'he meet- that *is -necessary. i!Ëio lein appalrent - as s great liking fer soit shirts anid weara ,Ã"r- dinary whiite shirts as soldoin as possible. .- Hi. favorite day attire-is-b kick-- oer iuit and se! t shirt sud collar, sud-directly he gets eut of Lonidon bo geta mbt sucii a suit as early as p.ossible. Iu the - malter. o! wahkiug sticks the. Prince bide. fairn le exeeed hie grandfatiierl'sfamnous collection Lu nun-cher 'sud interest, but of the. thirly walking sticks ho possesses 'he Prince rarely carnies, sny but a large crooked gold meunted stick given him by the, Kaiser yviien h. camne -over* te attend Ring Ed- wad'e ueraI. - Uorreetlng a8ltsband. knowii as'tiie "Princé's Crcoek," fi edemn wntVolii ps-WELL SATISFJEJ) WITH 'a e:ination tht when ïtreachéd, to )i o ! r hht thoir1 ie oh t.Nrihoa oc gv t tistick.' ban, hosh sad,'Wa alew Mrs. Jh Keainy, S.Nret cwn, wrhes rfig fellow. M&n sys: -J tiive uètiM iys LRE.AI !After- listâýà inaà te a long 'ýecita1 ci, Own Tab-fëtg and arn 'Wehl etieffed Ne> erKasWodfu the delinquencies o! her neg1ect- with themi. 1 #Th*ùeandÃ,A- other,. e od iksWodru f~ul: pouee and the efforts to, cor- motlienesay thé. eam>Dthing isnpy * hiiIE% réciit them, the minïister 'sà id- beause .théet no iedicin- for When 'an u.nla suffe-red f es "Hai'tre yetýeer teied' hêaping. ittle ones toeeqi te .TaéAb.dyà pepsia 80 msuy years that ho cosîsTof '4rè upon bis -he4d V, sa eileIxaiv, !g-c.' remeauber when h. b.d a naît- qo," i - the ;" bu u Tm oLrcilaappetite, and. thien bite on a. clon Ileci iot~ter" *cojeî.l.Éepel ýwo tsami make way eut «f trouble bho say be ex- teetbung easy. Thê TafrIete are sold csd for saying "Lt acte like ma- -"Ycsu can'î sit UP with my daugh-- by m~edjeine dealerSI Or by- mail- St ,,ter atter il o'clock." 91Wo;u1d ,yoU et >& lx from .The Dr. Wik WJie t Le a simple, wholesome- mind &telling lier tb.sî,, sir 1_ I haWe hianas Medicine tcele- 6oo yon ialrg been;,rig o e hm a lfrnumber! so-called remedies in the: six onthi." t-orm cf darug», lie is more thau v. likely k> feel as thourgi a sort o4 Whin Yo«r Eyes. od- Oare LtEAVE EARLS TO NATURE. miracle Lua been Perfornaed. '~~ AWesternsÉan, in the-deiigt of .Wt~yhisi rnaeLNit Eids D or Explains How TheyAN rstedigton puts t in tii > trteS B6ilc e Packagýe.. Iturtue la Kept - lean PrIom Inside. way: mé l»'"leu t teu l'd. The upper passage ef the ear "Like magie, flttingly describes d t,,, a o ees o y m"anner in wbicl1 Grape-Nut Urln y emedy 09.1, Chicago âs owner. Nature understanda rehievemeopordgsincot the taule andin a, healthy ear dees ed tongue snd loue of appetite, of ,o~-Lve at firat ig i Leapt k> fade t erfectly. mnyyeicisanin. - n tà initialtnp tO the wash. Nature's means fer clearing lhe Itidaoteeymdcn - -f'.-- .ear is the wax, which dnies up mb ht TrenItrded'-t rpe,it lrws Ltnlmmi OmneS DIlpthîrI., hibmscabes snd peels off sud falîs out relief. TenItio drae ~'I~ la toseeyou hub~n awy iperep In.l health the Nuts on the suggestion o! a, friend. * £te~smy erucnreuianî, asag mpe ofté arlu oerdrt By the im I had ftnished the aýtý--ds y semonsreguarly MY.-but n atempttomyeantomacl in-wu ~«?o% w t'Y . ar. 'H. s f'ailhibly make t se.Wiu i. ail right, snd for the past two, thley're-hheý'kest thiig lhè'5 ni.ed- ear with seap sud water Jsu h o!;mnths, I have been et8g"i " a yet for- bis in' keeps the. wux moistwe5 t reliis, anythiug set before me. oughit.te become dry sud makes it That is something I had b-cen un-t n 111 urnuarn aburb-dust. able, Vo do previou.sly for years.., l ~KI1[ j(jjjj -But-tbe mout iiurtfu-l tiiing i5 the -«I I am styouger than ever and I IUI-introduction o! & cerner «f a tewel, Cânsid r thse effecIts e! Grape-Nuts S I 11 Uscrewved up sud twisted- arcund. ounsa (eWk s9mc u eehn Thisa proceeding irritates -tii. pas- reslly wonderflil. It builds up the- xid Presses clown tii. wax and entite body as well a-s the. brain9 prokescing pain, Canadian Postum Co., -Windsor, ip#tnLegsandArms. Scratched inflammation and, deà fucas. The. 0 là V. 9a ed--anitsex --ýâdMad, Sores, Keptfrm lee S'Ill souc olyèx.d tie "hères eeeanc tL * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ct enter sunýftcê, au.far: as the fingers ýp1aLi l ii tlbc, T ing isApplication o Cdtcura ah-Auo dctrued oRad Vo e ii l, upkgs --than ycur thumbm in your ear."- oe 1 vitti niQ- - ec- May-he1ostaniyway. ,yaduiy nulS ti ne au liparte Of niy body. ,Tiers 'wene mmml phupiéson my legaantarnm 1.~andithes4duvwas edainl- '~Itebeit sudburu o eb"dy. -Ir bhi I cthsd nin aito - - mon lé Ieausod me OW r - inUcb pois Ot$it boyS me fi or about tvo yars. - ArMtW- having" trieS serai remeis.- lu.8 LbOUVr * littlq. bad bWrd4n raOtéut.t Wers asrnilé ,skis Book, TORTURE IN OALCUTPA. Poiee , Mske No' Âtteýpt te Stop Faafsie Dolng enanee. Au extraordinary sceue waë wit- neesed Lu Calcutta neoently, - hen a smail'trolley,, studded with -rowe :o! i'ron asp-ke. à ýon,'wiicii a Hindu wasa Iying a- hful -loxIetii, was Iièingpull- ed turongh the streets. A 4 lrge, crowd -,wssfoIýlowiug, Iùui> e ,elicite.d h "inormation tumsithoI n Ia ws dei n anoe s>u_ wa li -Ber Diploma. -,- ,Lne ys ube -#enl -abroad te dinish her educaiion. - 2d6r if she heatnued michiV', "Sbe-bod me -she had -six nov -wavsafn fie -hex- -e" pai. pk1p,1 ~aa !h I Ac nails. Neilthei- tise pameer-by ,me anY the. sef-inip ose t aie, .etler diâsiel c.Of- à 6h or-are caused b" "'~dre failing 1<> do Lucy---o-pR -A 'I work. kidu Government- Giveïs SplcinMb Cart teIDe Destitute ChId I'e.. There are few fendinge Lu ja. pan, il i.s ad. ,ouaio2&a.à £ 8ba.ndOn-ed babY Mzsy.,b. !onnd ir tse str-eeta of alre city liki Toleio, but neyer -ï -i mle tôwne. Forho iebJes who rosai the, aylum 'thon. iswha.t Laeahlec the, Plaeing-out dQpa.rtsent, anc tiey go imedià tely l<e". home in - s om e v I a ? - a I n h y e u h v !reshair ani- a usoter'.s cane. For tus, the. mbier, twbo tale.. the strange baby, z Pald, four yen a Ments. Thtisa.Menta k -$2 «f-oui monee, _ but- bas ;bepurch&ing power c! $4 inu Japan., The baby-is .suPPliOd- with cloth 1es by theasy- lum autioities. ýA second âerbmnt ià the Su. gaine or achool visée.thse asyluan ehi-Idrea- are insitructed f rom 'tii tiny lot. whogo ktii. ..kiIndergar-, tous t te ielemnetary - studýets, and lf<tn wbich- t " ey go k> omesin tound !or\them as fas peSiible Lu the vUils. There they become memberé of tie fasiythe girl learulag household.nties, ae -we]I as -sente fmiii tPatioii, bain- ,s, tye, and needlework. Tise boye learu Vo be fisiermen, farmeus, ca;rpenters, maucu&and dyermx ýPhere is a six- year cemapulsery «educatien. law in Japan, aud the. dsildren muet at- tend day or evening sehool up ho the tlisrteents y«'ri The. asyluni -boldé the position oi gna.rdiaei k> aIl th&oiildren. ousing nUder ils Cane until, bhey are 2o, ,rec.iving reportsmaii te eweffaro -0f thbe children ivisb go jute homes ,aud' visiting then ocaaional-ly. Frnequfiny a cbild will ho Ilegally adoited'by thse 1faily Lu wbicii it bas been plaéed, and thse ssylum n e- sponaibility ends.' Day nurseries Lu Japan are ail erivate inztitutions under -he care Of Japanese wonae-n. There la oe .t, Tokio , eue at QUeýka, sd-Ieur at, onu the coast. .Que advams- tage which the JaPanese day nur- series have Le that bhey have grounuds, and the cidren spend bheir itite lout cf doors sin good reatiser. Mr. Taleakas nmade a& study cf natituteà fýr thse feeble-minded Lu his country, but liseré iss arnmaîl ProPoýrtion o! such children iu bie :ountry, bei asys.- Th1oee Laoee pri- iate institution fer tiens, acceus- ioda-ting front 60 ho 100 in Tolejo, ind ex-periments are being ma-de, in le. treatmeut ofcf hMdrec oniy a ite belew normal. a! AD o nk nusualL phok o grDe yofumthner hie uiew hto- ;ahof msedte ldleulie er, Ebe "Noasledonlie daugflier.h father. "What de yeuzsuppose is the umat- ter wihi i?" 1"Whj- I suppose thse man -tohd your mother t-e hock /Pleasant sud PILES CURRENS8tý TO t4 Aa letdr git iii refua mýnouewIfrAO 01 TMENurtalle toe ue anycase ef Itch. to Le. a cendition in our- sel-ves, - tbiý outceme oe.devolion 1ta Minarnfe Llinimt Cuves Distempu-. "Whsh- smagifîcent batuquet -of fewers! For your wi!e,' I pro- YeIamn a little ou thse. out iii hlûa lrler just now, aud ope etxady io~l~ers are oer ticf, n o u dnn and. su d i ave .s1ia ig boûùqu ét ' in'th é eir e z alé gvs n -ah somethinfrjlaat eloea iii1 -areea. $I'e va't . e mesu I~~~~a csut ee me G ' ani" - -O - hellrééten,y 77 nu ]J-%Y non nae 138 W 0 f s nx aetor; lVe mfe, paneu>s 7 ~ e j o o u nD bry ,t pd liv e rtà hoiU t c r . Aut s u s'onc. e a t5 1 o Di a al, de aliers. L m bago an d , k i ed * ù nlg > e »ie.Wonn Miay now pnb--.grd" ltýhi wumaIlrpt wtout >The withthe loudest voie d 1~ier h éan e e n e i hoiWA ag m n. hsa sl*~~ b, forb id d en - un d èr th -o re i i~ , d esn t I a lw ay s -win -the'*f as 'and ýbï3,ý ~~trinq, ôý4y-cr ~' nd b ot w ivea-and uabian s ia. y *i Larus Liniment . wi~, . n l10w s8 ethird- parties in the courts 'd ,withoùut eahobgpermm.oj. eaJth is the -greatenI ! gUfts, Thé 1%9UI @f"a P& l e omn çcber howeefor- enetd s ti et riches. 4@tI@f, rlt î I ~ rnrfyhabe t dimiesI.upon nier- Truth is.tle bestof relatives. in th er P if ibut a&re ,gra atedPI n ù o j # , 'One siDnthia I"sve w itih full pasy lb.- Pan.< fo6re -tii prospective , birth ýo<fa ohul .sn tw mon1tlW lDae aite1r Sthe event. 71iigusu. ' ~ r - oYou Feel Moody, e taem m~Ior lritaWjeflcpressed--? _Is arrIL y The Y eag r ' Wheî That Languld, Laggy.9 E48ily u Werînggiovs or infus evr turned '~J'ir~<j Feeli g ,Come~, Yourout of s factory.:a r d si e Tlle r e QUI. Tcse gloves aire spcclally taxxued TilaI o t u; Qlkly. -for bard service sd-wtI saye you DR- DANIELS' 1bit horse, beoleI lu4 nonyind rdc orgieve vben i vas young i ias net , a tres.tse of 20 chaptero, -expenso bythyar evfrou and e alty i107he grl. a et ela Igestite fudrSOur ~ b~.. .,.'k... UI g es ogn te d ri s u the horse, sliord .~ su bd srtot Wen ,Ciiad Abrasions, Blmi5ches, HDO A trn~ CO). b l u e f e e l i n g s t h a t d e p r i v e d m e o fe t 1 h . - S e l u s a d u a g u e t a p a i sC n d " x e g C u euBg ~ JoYfu i spirite a d Pleasures o h r il Curb and Rigb ne, km pisease, Hok a e seemed te gelt. A ter i married ipfund aud Peot fIule, trains auq Spjrais, Dis- .ase ofîlie Eyc, Head and Mouth. How 1 eeuid net threw wrries off lie eter ta tell the Rge, Petit and Diet. How te vman d -those, fulfeelings' 1 es-locatet-ameuis etc 'This book, cou- D Ond etalusan d w ecûtse, ,li t o rap li cu s, 125 Dendeuy su 8woaiues ade me very tvo.cb1ouirplates. If yeu bave eue or Ullhax>PY. There as no cause to eI ~ mgehrsesÉgethIiis'book Sent by * n y d e t r s a id m y liv e r _W .a s uu g - i l a e e p e 1 0 .T h e U u a l w a y 5, g»an ti acutdferM r ?WhIO a man, - -doeésn'It know jusi gI Mrtiud bi aeuht nd my per s wiOo..Av. what to sy ý,hà -generally sà s' ii LThe pille lbthedecter gave Me vers topjeean hnrert b PurgI u èmsade. ne ealker bec usoè t by ~i a Y i w a d t o e r t voe tee açýtive tfer my ceusttution 1)eao.. es etr my fIondreemmsnded Dr.Hau nfoYeu'HUv-aTw or heipûl. eU; neyr usd. apilthat seteit se0q tirlyas Dr.flsrnjltn'. They Vers se cefrtale te use, I Vas -afraid oe tbUey wouX inet bl,h).' But lu a S.e 1 kuew thcý;->ad benu sctivoly eugaged Iu cIeauint !ýUI >Muy sytetu. They did thé werk et a toren d bleed medicine ern. it will pay you to use the bi e . -I iI o at sm arveloleus de re . -1 ith Dr. R3flteus lU, ud I u-SITANDARD CREAM SEPAR ATO R. maitain the met perfect kind, ef hél th by uoig, tii£m justknce or. tie eek" hstead of sftmming crejm GIt aM.E .Binevi iez the, old method. By using the at Gl ceter, ýh<, relates th. RIe e x- perienoe. She poeit what yen. ud1ai ethel;s, mou sud woeno, eau prove-that Dr. Hamiiteu'sPin, are bout for rester. Ig healh e d b ot for keejing the ays. tm. Iu perfect runuuror<ter. Dolu'be roise itout siug suythiug but *Dr. am.-- iiteu's Pll, 25. s box, ie fer 1.00. ait al druggists suad> strehep"r,, or- peto:4 paid by tho (atarrbezoue Ce., Buiffale, N.Y., sud Kingsten, Canada. That Coming Stîttn. you will get $15 more Profit from each e per year-and Ibs is a lev Hlewitt-What are you-doing these, figure. Mot dairymen de munch iboîter tExan tbis with the Standard. dayal Yen eau thus readily ses that it'tâkes but a short time fer th. Stand- ard croani soparator te psy for itseif. And by akin -advauîage ef Jewett-Resting uJI 50 as te get our EASY PAYMENT PLAN, yen eau psy for your Standard eut et the stronDg eneLugh to go -on a va.catiun. extra profits it earns fer you. You've hoard a lot about tihe Standard. IVs tbe sparator that has made nov venlds recordi fr close kix. OnlyOne BROO QUNINE --Ming at experimentai farme. chee and butter factrIsansd on- the,, Ongyon@-BRM0 QINIE',farm. Write for- felder, entitleit "Skimrning Resulîs."It givés th. 1hat a LAXATIVE BROMo QuIýNNE' prefs. Ase asie for our cataog. Look fr the signature of E. W. URO V. M e f k n Cures a Codi n luOne Day. Cures Unriv Sa .n f i Two D a s. 25o. ~.~G i I O The d fi fos and ork EFREWC, ANADA. "'I saw your mother geing toe Ba eueadWore RNRW CK1A of the neighbors just as I crossd BRANCHESs SUSSEX, N.B.; SASKATOON, SASK.; CALARY, ALTA. the street," sdi;d the lady caller toI GNISEEyVE~ IN CANADA.- h- - fLc ri li'. 1;f so. -.,yo k n o w w h e n s e w i l l b e b a c ? " j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "Yes'm," answered the truthful1 Jimmy ;* "she said she'd bo bacle jus-t au seor as you left." Minard'l Liniment Co.. Limited. -Yarmouth, N. E;. GÇutleuM e h.-n Jauuary last. r es Leciare, eue of the. men emplayed by me, worhing li the luxuber vends, had a Ires fslli on him., cruhiug hLm feartuiiy. lis D sa s , v be u f e un d , p isc e it o n a sisit a d tahen brne. -wee grave fears vere. on-T-l ertained for his nsrcovery, bis his being badly bniilse& sud lits Iod.y turneit black rm h1 -bi ba te is eet. We ueed MIN . rh , N ev ARD.S LINIMlENT on him fréely te deaden Perfèctîinc ho pain snd vitb lie uèe oft tre. bottiesf he vas Cempl eteiy-,cured and. able ta ne Everything ura to bis sýont. SAUVEUR DUVAL. It bakes, Elgin Rosit, L'Isiot*Ca.. Que. toadi Made wii A Sunday acehool teaciier had jugt carried at ail LoId the stolry of Dives and Lazarus, bô his chass- and at the. cose cf -the THE 1A tessen jie asked-"Now, beys, whicli would you prefer »te 'bel1"f O e a an t lad replieci quic &ly -W n i e , M n 'Id like to e h t ici man wÈil! 1liTd, ansd Lazarus \W nI amj -I -1 t t I v lai Break Yur Bc ~Perfection Stove -ith teN~ ,oven is just the cofin int hih4i rabout this new stove is just rlight. roaSts, broils and toasts to pei-fec-. does flot heat up the'ki tCheéà ith- 1, 2 and .3-burners, "Sockis 11chief points. M<PERIAL.OILC MP y tJmite ReIOrà o aiovr aiaS.J! 111 - 1 1