Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 May 1913, p. 6

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for the crop Di m PSéU Pt fuODK - .. as - joeséibies O. . ato frUglda& >'siélg cplpoir tOj PW.i ioa.4 ôeii. Siteloves -Of 1 le*swn feldéc~no o# PC ' diii- IfoireaaI 27.-Primé bl $7.U ~ ~~If n , th it% acédg lant* .O - il 1cat etvl sato $7.40; mèdiu, *056tU 71pi .cu*rscs84P ountry. -Shei-e loe et îli wlêh bg4Iy cm ether $prlim 9. 4' 0.,t ý$; býe ch .m7 *J<' a sb ë é .' of',te- nrf léiýinjuny the su al fromse sctal . .p ul~'suuOU,e W ___ I m9,.75'.WesMinster, and isaiasoié~ %romlt, May 27.-4Jftit ai,. oene ,w-efd it h ok ai,,te *readtiiff. *6.5 te 726' ide. ehe $&60 8ta $7; he> Btepniother , Kathesý 5D>d-Ti -Toronto, May' .-P19 f-fl l ~ ooimetl0,65 to 486MI éofllon #5 ta eeis' Duchr-gina, flur 9 pr en. ~a.90 ~~ ~~~ iXul toe6s'WWestminster, andi G'eo - or Trouo felgta.Mantab7, ; e anners, $2 te $1&0; cutters, 83S6 ta ounes -4Leicester, being & t- ca 01 f iret patente- ln jute, bas. $L30. second C- aOch;' *,.a 7 bhle, ters Th~e Duc)aess tËtLr Ighl patents,. t, lu ý$4.0;atmcng bli 0amp ý3tsm,"t <>**~ Olero'5 and nfr00t'055'rzlç ors', lu juté T4 en, .ééé'edm s,éuU, 400 l'e . l be,,-$4.5q, to ed. to the Royal, Family y ie a- iel Mcnloba hea2WNo., 1 6.25; yyrhlge'*jo16 1.0; al'nchec ing.theer Il~ on tracit, lBay'porta;-':Ne. 2-at961&4ë; No. heavy feédera, 900 Ibs.. $SM85 Ic$6.-M lergof esnthAue 5 3. 94 1.2e. Bay' liortoC.-andi springeut-From ** te $75. siiaap Argll, vwîth _'Princes. -Leuisel Ontario, wbéal-No. 2 iwhite andi id, anti iamlia-*4ht11 ewea. 5.50 ta *-$&Z Kfig George.' ualnt. In 1894 iete men, 9 ta97e eital., andInfrlo aIbéav'>, $4.50 le *5; Iamibe, .yearli . 750 about 75e.,- te _45î. 4,3 0 prInÉTlan%-,. u _- tay ueldeit bro- thé' Oati-Ont#xý arl .2 to350t *.0 sc._d 9.s 1 andi ther, thenPirice -Adoiphu. o! Teck. Prenif andti I37e, on tracli, -Toronto. -estern - m&~*.6t 90;4bjit 1.0Te !Te ea slirbina'B Canada acta. 391I-2e for No. 2, 'end àat no< off bars. T-iuke ieki a keen' odè thé for- NI. 3 Bayports, prompt sb<plàent.- and-a Well-kniown apor.ts"ian.- H. ]Ee rei p Pess-lhe market la purel>' nominal, REAR)A",LE -TRIAI. W'Iva.ln Soûth 1 rià'wt telt ,, Cornle-PN. sna 2 a. .~Life Gu!rds, oci whichl'e wa then- aller, anti-at 69c, c.l.f., Midiauti. Euglish - , q4 I, an "who e Rye-'Pricés nominal, Buckwheat-Na. 2-aÏ- 52 ta 53c, ontalde. JIEMd Ils Brother. - " ' ' Dan-Manitoba bran, $17 ta *17.50, in, aucun~OI '&y baga, Toronto frieghl., shorts,.'$19 t A i m ralleLnn sà:,. naturea $19.50, Toronto. tr 11 nis,àua-adi - CutyPeué.and notale for the application of!1îùr - uttér-Dalry printé, choice. 23ta h "nrvtalw nanEgs Inferlor, 17 ta 19e: creamlryg 26ta 28o for court,% e ide n the ScqUit*.&l et meý rails, anti 25 la 27e for solide.. tié, Wil»hire Amaizes efa, Man 'who Eugs-C elots 20 la 21o> hère, and tiÀ I l8c aulside. a- t e ihooing and killing hisbe Oliece-Il 1.4 te 13 1.2e for lima, and,. aI brother. The prisoner who às a la.. 13e for lance; olti chéésa, 14 la 141-2c. - borer naamedý Price, commniitdth 1,ceus-Hcnd-picked 0230 per buoél;,= 4'tePIc prImesa, $Z ta $2.25, -in a jebblng ira>. muderin -"the' agony o! desgpsir" enter Honey-Exlrccted, In lins, 12 3-4 ta 13o over- hie brotherài inlsobrietiý hia pei' lb., for No. 1, wbolesale-, combe,. $2.60dut owad i ta .$3 ver dsen for No. 1, anti*240 fr i cnil tw' Idberidý-Th No. 5 den father, hi$ aged mother'au4 an Poultry--Ch tau. 9 e20o per 1b.; icer foin 16 te IZc; lumkéys, 20 ta tic. tive , oL'p4h. 'with th poultr>', about 2o loirer Ihan'thé aboyé.prlSoflbr was 80 etilrg that the de- - s Potlalcea--Ontanlo stcck, 55 ta 60o Par fonce was provided bi public a u-b:cf TIW bagr. on tmacit, aund Delairares- at -70 ta vera:i 721-2 per- bag, ou tracit. 8senîption and a burst -cf heeryotr Provalom.Dheering greeted bis aeuittal. Do- nt n< tiveq Inàaoý long dlean, 151.2 to 15 3.4 'pan l, ATT&c KED BYËRIGHWAhotobi luë»lots. Pork-Short cut, d*28;t7h morne, $22. Hams-Mcdium ta llgbt, -9tatînuali » ho, ; vy, 17 t&- 18c,;-rol@. 16 ta 16 3.4c; 'Nei York Bank >esiieMa acut breakfast bacon; 20e; bacits. 23 ta cM. eenabRd-acuit Lard-TIerces, 141-2c; tubs. 143-4c; pais., Fight for Ris Life. Ibe>')y 150e,'he BagadHày nd Sraw.A deapatch heom New -York sayâ: BaudHayandStrw. -aies T. Wintmas, a, baril mepsse"n- D nchese o! Teck* on jiea u' y i c 1 at 1 0 12.50, on 1 ger, av at.tle in the. street"ffon tract, Taronto; Ne. 2. *11. Miled ha> y Tnrdaid ourhiThame .h quotet et *10. -- Baied f3lram-*8 ta *8.50. on tract. To. - ùtsh- aw a Mad -at- roua. -tempted te wre-fro ûm 1iîtiri- ay- Montrial Markets. -roi cf te Nathan Manufacturing Mintrent, May' 27-'om-Amircau Ne. Co)mpauy. Repoisting their efforts 2 >'elltaw. 64 ta 66c. Ot-Canadian West- t e u-bdie-hirn withi a rifle, & revol-i ern, No. 2.4 to 41.1-2c; COnadianuWest- ému, No. 3. 40 ta 401-2e; éxîma No. 1 fééti, ver, and clubs, h., foughit'te, suait 41c. Bnly-Manitclia feéti, 49 to 60à;f good purpose th&t h. saved tii. Smalllng, 61 h(> 64c. Buckwhent-No. 2-684 ta 60e. Flaur-Manftoba Sprlug - ih éat Mceey. - palnt,fIneta, $5.40; eecands, *4.90; atroug - ' aer*4.70; Wlntér patents. choice. *5-25; straight raflons, 04.75 ta *486. straîit i A EN TO THE ASYLUX. rollons, baga, $2.15 ta $230.-Rolléd ots- liarreis, $4.35-; bage, of 901lb@-. *2 06- ml*i. ung Lad etVoe yIsn - feed-Btu, $17.50 ta *18; shorts, *21; nidý on d etVoetyIsn tilinga, $22 ta $23; nioullie, $27 t<o $33. on a Train. Hay-No. 2, per ton, car lots, *13.60 ta $14. Cheese-Pincrni westerns, il te il1i-Se; A de-epatci f rom Winnipeg says:t fineRt énsteni, 103-4 ta 107-8c.- -Butter- Mis& Emil F tofYrkM ls -Choiccat creamer>', 261-4 ta 261.2,e<>l~F-loo Yr is ode, 25 la 251-Se, Egts-Fresh, 21 la 22e; eni -route tc> Edmoniton, became vio- -i teeteti, 25c. Potataca-Per bag, car icts, lently insane on tii. train and wac -i 0- t 62 12c.. taken Le the csyluni. Site wa6 al - Wlnnlpeg Whaat. - Toronto sterographer, and was. Winnipeg, Ma>' 7.-Ceash:-Whcat--Na. 1 travelling witli hem grandînother, Xorthemn. 941-le; No. 2, do., 911-4c; No. 3, who returned home. do.- 8714c; No. 4, 831I-te; No, " 6, 74 1-2c; No. 6. 70,1-Se; feed, 58e; No, 1 ejected, Seh, 871-5e; No. 2, do., 841.2e; No. 3, do.. ED31ONTON LOTS. 8l 1-4c;; No. 1 tough, 85c; No. 2. do., 84c;; No. 3. do.,,8ic; No. 4, do., 75 1-Se; Na, 1 mcd Wlnter, 951-4c., No. 2, do.. 921-4e; No.a, î. al a Million Dollars Paid for Site do., 881-4c; No. 4, do.,, 8334e; Ots-No. 2 C.W.,, 34c;;- No. 3, do., 31 1-Se; extra No. 1 for a Ilfotel. fccd, 34i-e4c; No. i feicd, 331-4c. No, 2, do. 31 I-/c. lharley--No. à 47e;_No. 4, 46c, re. A despatch f-om Edmonton says: jetd, 42c; feet, 42. Fiez--No. 1 N-WC, Two losa iecre !Js e 01:06. Na. , doavenue and FumaI street, bought by D-k.L ~n- a major, duiig tit&South Afni War. One, day,, witit neyerai otiten youing office>'., after a lo'ng day'i work, - ho came upon a. wan corre- spondent, wtem he -acked how hé liked being unde L-te Boer, fire% '"Ne t a al," relied lteielder o! te peu ; 1"anycoiie, may\ have >myj share of sucit adventures 'who eares for tem." The offleer, in mueth- worn khaki cloîhes, said, "Well, we have to go- under lire Whethen we like il on not, yenu know." "£Yes,"l retonted te correspondent, "but tht's what you'rc paid for, isn't iL?" The cthers-in the gnoup al laugited, and -the correspdnident'was much taken abnck to fiud that- ho had thus been m-a'king free with a prince of noyai blood. TIRREE SOLDIERS KLLLED. rThe Breacit of a Thrce-inch Gun Bici Off.' A despalch freom Charleston, South CA-zelina, says: Three séoidi- esweaie killed and niïe' or, more seriousl; injureci late--on ¶ursda.y UIlit0d Stastes- Markets. J4'-Fen J vnacu, twenty-two years n"gn" at r-ort LLJUrey, wiieiithe Minn eavoiha,Ma>' t7-Wlmat-mny, "e go for e75, mere eold by himno brehb-wffate-nhgu Jul>', 9014eC.eptember, 90 7-&. Cois jhnca for haif a million,. The whicit waebeing used for nigitt tan- cash, No. li ard, 2 34e No, i Norhernu site e L e ocupied by a hot-el. gtprci...-s-ifcutL.l-r when the fragmente cf the cannon. ftatlened ninong te sol&-ers close by.- j ESTABLISHED 1901 IHEAD OFFICE-:26ssIse STRIEEAS r£4> TORONTrO f MONTiREAL LON DON, .O.. £No. I/N ONO OFFERUvGS WR shalt send *pon request a copy of Our. lune List of Bond Offerings:i -Uovernmfent Bonds- - Munkipal Pebetures -'f R4hQ ad ubfrVtit, Bonds to _e0t5~% MIlS, MARY PETURS 18 DEAD. Was One of the Late. P. T. Bar- - numqS Attraetions, A despatoli f f romu Ciiago - gays: -Mrs. Mary ' Petera, icigit 600. pounds, 'Who for twenty years was exhibited as a f reak, died on Wed- nesday night ahtte ounty HoS- l- 'tai' f.0llowing an ipenation for the rein-val o! a growvh ihicli itoi;ef weigted 150 pounds, Thte lat. P.. T. Barnum gave Mr». Peters lier flr'St eugagecmeut, and for several yeare site -wa an attraction in his aide Éhow. Site 4. sunvived by thirýe <hlcren Wiore"ide -Philadelpitia. Al are-o!fndrrnai sze, - P~STM LT VKILIEù. Struek by Lightnlng -Whin Stani. igà arnDoor. -aew 40j e- oaêcaé-Uermer oi O'Leaàry, wai1jntantlY-,killed- by _'ýe&wlieon- stand - y nôTB barla 4&Màms-and- he:r yoûÜg s n, aiejt tl e barn, ewcaped. rth- ê -u .'J4 us l= 49AiJs. ,_The FîauMni B.d'Parfer. other feature-mai ho facl'- m'a hoeatinarteu s for <1a Do meeou's Botl.t, lnludiug-Ihe Tier. Tua mois r!ocntfa fii'sler colooking P hé. SrdetL Il bas-iatib>'r a acmé é., nom >0, ina taon, ~ ~ ~ " adm Pti.Malama and. thoêuen trby. Ttéc al lenlnimoIi té RyaI-llite o tb ad tcr .'ieb lt- op"écill>'for th >ms- Leuise ilu rdcer,. & stii the diung srooni Buobserve&i Son., mla,già ha L. [.Lucis, nave noulyeeof th popular mémbrs f thé Leglaturt Luens bal founti' itlna sar' .ta edé tint hm initiale L B. do net aetani sanc BrocX.,but for the, familj na» [liceà senseui.- Apart fron itis laci c il> h %0a~ objection, ta lié Brou unce', slewhMn. Lucas la himoéi oe wl fÃ" ,gt Ùiluâcncx s-aor eomlft4 hunei B 0PB , t. Quit. thé rorprom ha iaunot;oe-ief haéwirbo re con 1>' to)[ine for troul., Il iapuai eue--cf 4lié piessântéal moen ,,n miels-t ta iet. ThaViche a"turaï ry lt>a frliei canfidenly esart. n( havé llttje ob it hé mln mcl4 3é5 0 i&.ucr ostion. Lucar itiaorigincil'.'a Lanibtox ty boy. - wbeu hé euetered, lié Légis ein lu19 wéias CIescibéti ce' lii anvatar," bt, ftftéauyeii-é!hava jhI hlm ulp* '1te miuddle cge stand U.,-E. Loy*lùàtse t Lunbheon. n yenr lie, Empire Loyalisi Âss4 M o! Torento gatbéta tagethar'foi cheon part'. --Theé-ocealon la ai- au éxcéctiuigi>' pléasauit oue, Wlitt géné er11y lun'Lthé axajoril>' Ménu- p 0 - li soétation Is conâflu cL Wha - au.,trace daent frani Ibm la LY . Wh mi iiatd tao aa- duriuganti follomiug lieémcmai é eau doep uéce. -*At the lunc]. ~)yéar oeeof tlb gucts iras Bis thé Bieiop o! Tornuto. île lié& ad the tact liaI mil e hé ae ns hé thoucht, as 1h maspassible for le ta lié, héinas net able ta tracé noostr>' te a U1. E. Loyalat source vas théeréfaledeprîvet fremli te pos- ,y of membership iu thé Associa. tunent lu 1he.-organiratlon anc re- ltatives o! snacb familiés ns the us,. Nevilýes, Ryérsons. Mernitte. @, Straîhys anti Dicions. Tue mast ,ent fignre of ait is probà-lly Col. lenison, mia 'limita, anti la not 1la a>, tiat ait tint mac béat lu 1States cltizcnsiip leftitIl men lthe Layaliosamnade ticir tneck la Ou- aud lte Maritime Provinces«.Oui>' Ltingé, hé maya, more lefI for 'Unclé ng tié guéaIs et the tuncheon Ihta was' colonel Hugli MeLecu of St. uic described hici miole counlies It poince mers sethieti solid> b>' Iso Iheir desccndants shill tilllng )Il. One charch congregation had hodu>' from Nieu York cit>' ta St. Thé Cathadral Undar Way. a n thé construction cf a reni Lu Cathedral for Torontoa la d lal iden mc>. i:As lias béeauprevioual>' i ont St. James la oroneonal>' dés- as a catiedmat, tice reni enthedral diacese belugr thal of St. Aiban'. arlyr, lie, aile for mich mas- pur. aqat of a century cgc tamard 'tru eti- t o u olant Avé. Oui>' ,Oir, boyever, hbasaucénconitructed Li urions, unfluitiedifice 1gb enieàoniés have liecu car- hewever, tbé mcci eshthedrai la be- astrncled. Thce «cavatiioii:j - have 'm0 llet andýtihfe mort af iuying udaltans ,o! lié nave anti transept [nu. -Wbheu the catiétilal lias bean cdl il mli have cosl hait a millian exclusive cf the landi ulieli un cd-, lu 188. To the amounl ré. $155,00O0lias alrenti>'been securoti, alloue ta mate ub thé balancé are receivct b! -Bey'. Canou Merle>', as boen piaAçed lu charge of the -It is, lbe iiipéof. the Bishop anti xpler Ilint fie cathemal miiili e lu i-1915,, se tint it miiili e rend> g rcait Anglican Oburcli Cougrema wiU. b. ,lild lu Toronto lu thal .An tmprmes.ulding. cltid, fie'cathedral miii prababli moat imprémal ve building l in h ipesvo lils tmaeive design, thée dignly sd. béaut>' cf - ils poer wI hi qeémble, on -'the iiole* -d ' (Iatfiédràt - In - nglàuti. Th lature ..boy Once ccioi a litn iray6 ladies adI à Amenî Lardi layai, anyon4 his ai and w siblipt lion. Prom presen Deniso Kecien promiu onel 1 afralid Unititi U. E. Inria i thé sif Sam. Amor yenri John, Loyaliî ite se moveti John. 'Wark Anglic.u pointed crîbeti ofthe a ibaseti' Lie' -no] thé cbc ant inl the rai Lied on béén c( the fou Weil bel oomptt purcbai suliscnil bing i wia haý the Ci finiaheti 'or lhe ycar. il, lue tions. Réa p ~CaigainDlrectôr,'AMatia s a c i. Présden 1llamRééty' Co..'Limitéti, John pintilny, Pdýéildéul, plndgny Hwaltd ' Llnitted./-, ~hs Wrahip 0.-: Lavalée, K.C., >Mayor af thé-City, . . Royal Bi!u o-Canada."s s .- l VALUATOIS. A, O Htohuna, c! utchfaon, Wood and Miller;- . Pindi M AWAG JERS TUE ÈýsT. 'LAWRgNCE INVESTUENT &TRUST iCOMPANY. - -- wua inca>' hmatid"-by cet cf thé Québée LgIsÃŽlature, 5 Eti.'VII.,Char. 75; ui-905 laving for Sts objeet. lb. teftduxgntn,-i absorption of lhé St. Lawmence -Inveetuent Soolét; .Tbu Socioty', fornietinlu1895ý eîrrlcd a gucemnfn1 busInes_'on a amail s8cle, paylng reguýar annual dividonidE >'5>yng from i5-Per'cent. te 15- cent. anti-thé,arneot. ýga7ey lb. aï haes c0 f, theo ciety' a vaiue of about $1s0,àaitË eabsorption. - Thé Charter un wbt.fh the noir Oeupn7,y lôa ognlzéclî5 a ver>' valuabi, one, il belnË tiffileilta oobtalna aCharteir-ef 11ke'cli -aotetý TIiôpoers coufereib>' il areinde and gite..an oppantuulty fol té maétion of. n profitable 'bi lu :rFUTREOFTHSE :MPAN:Yi. c a iieauj Thre -ng C pany illoIneses ypon a-ly ongagerslu uTa à _teWinl opeg ay>, lVoeacour . i làther Citis. Of. bvarbànd slcf' a r elofl lias n ra sta n'teuùt liée carrenton- iiif. Ieit- Isn ta lt ndis 'h.it a Compaby'j1lln'P!prîua teto atsBac hc h'séetbt portun ie fpift I alro'magnc ae>,fa oeo b ot nsuta i éusc FIELD 0OF OPERATîopq. - Thé opérationDs 4o!the CampaunÉmli li e confined coued>' ta the Cty- aud District cf, NMont real, andt be teZne City' mcI ch ore lb. sanie atvantages ta ,Investoreseeking saàfet>' mitli large rétuins. ,Mont]rci commercilt uprémc>'iluthé Dominion la uni-rersaîl>' kuaru. Thé e pplation lu 1901 iras 266,826, and 11,611-W9. The assessecivaluation of Réai Estalé lu 1912 sabeetian iluoreasé cf $W.5000,9lO0 overlte'. p vioe yepar. Montreal -la an Isiand thlerefore its crea la tlxei. Rosi,- Estale- values, thougl'i icreaslug.. a atlllowc anti lenvé eo for great -epamsion., The Cilty proper cavers au-*créa -cf 18 square milci, thé sin lest créa o! cny citl' mi thelb.anme population lu cihlen Canada on thé Unitéd Stale. - MANACEMENT. Thé Company' have appointet i FncUay.& Homard, Linuitcd, Managers. *(r. Fîndla>' le r1ecagnized as co of the fonemoat jutigeo f Real Estate ilu Montreal, anti the Plnm'ss andcas la s Bairpu I'bo résulta cf I palltidinda o anis fflms. dbyté. hhi dilion ta iligsulicînutic amounus ta eserve ha fcidiieneCamais mncédb> hcm wic l ai -Appiémaunt LaudCninnLmÇm,. inoorporatedi 1909 -paiti 55 per- cent. . - - runici±4 éa.~Linttédj1912 " 31-3 Der cent. - Kauo~ .~mnny -Liille. - I90 "871-2 Ver -cent. - - eors- a uuay'htd 90 15 Der cent. - BRo p3nhe$,L. ~1912 96, per.cent. 190p8>'cent. ,Weutmct Coampany, Liuited, UO 110 1p er cent. s 'a i s a- E a a, a a w g - a a g a 5 St. Lawrenoë Investmeit* & Tru-ft -ComDany, « 211-213 Notre,.-Dame Street West, 1 19;eby, appiT .vfor........hares (or suchi less number as Miay be' allotted to nid) ot $100 aac aIî a in thé abeC (JMI>any, and agree to pay for sanie as followtg. 10 per cent. on' application. 10 per' cent, on 9tli Juné, 1«1J/ 20 Der cent on allotuent.- 10 per -cent, oin Stl July, l9L3_ and the balquoe when rcqulred by thé Directors in calse of 10 per cent ,wlth at leaut 30 daye',,notice prier to cadi cuit. (State whcther -Mr., Kir. or Miss.) Subscrlptlons niay be pald tb auy.Bank for the Credit of the Conp cnyle Amcount witi h cf Canada, Montreal, or maîîed- direct te the Oompany who will be glad ta ftnrnish furthdér pari S.Lwrenlce Ivetmnt ant rustCor 211213 Notre Dame St. West,~ MONTREÂLP.Q. Té1E Il ÀNPARmuRpil , (IAPPENMNOS FR05ALit OTE1 271E GL0fBl iq Aà Canàda. Tomonto his. eue o t word'is Len beet libraries. A ee hiotel lice s.msbe issued aL Coohie. '- Mr-s. Matilda B n ndied atI Dut- ten in em u4d fhyeâr. -- The firast as 1turntid atl Brigbton, on - ork O! inshaliing' a waterorssten BoInarbera have ýboos't4d Lte' prs aàr-ôuts .fir--.-20 - te'25 à aVan V'alkenbiig u xj se o o hê Ë.arnao ,féeUovrJ bQrd n.r Peue Il adW"a ?rlw ef -fi tat 70U are not more col eBnacit.. Wben. I wu, you envcrsé not cul>' In fiat ua6 but -asii tl thé amullc. La holi, Taté, agd-,Maaida.lt &4 - cfshoots from thé Turaii regret éatremely. i, 4tt1 have nol inlieriteé: -W ltalentla sa. pelyglot?'" w*ihlch if it coulé ouàly bec génération ta généeration u- I,until Ilitwu combiLetd.] naué od West immiortalý "'hbing lésa than tan puhil 1 - , IveanO!flb.e 1té -and ti a Suté iier clma ot Canadian P giv g the icteat- avaliable informaj étý6 ka, uhici are tialtiel èther on ÃœsThé -preÉcut- leisregartiot .psàn t, ie genemati>' mc> ie -procuiýéa ou ta 8 Der cent. 5UAu.DÃŽNS, »À in Naniè .- mail, ar.- -we-@ - - 1 tuce c , k bce Tii. Fi leettonc rapit ç and thé. 6,900d, 4 t l ungles ,o-U laugh at tbeZnI~ .Who sought the io nt'e liowdab? -lYon the Victoria -Cross, wh Streeéts cf DciM, ny èrsg with tr~ra 7asýoiSe. in the most-p ~the- worid. Oh, the ]pit -ember what I have air atit isno fancinul. --,eý but one whicli we tl u spp éto -be o f smclia na"--' n~,tker b. averted nor, eau wýexpTesSed ini words. If 'Wili oee n at Br W ith on>' londeit la .1*am never, my .des>' ledi$ondaunt.:' lette>' was a gTept "l wnt usknkow that the. b 1-1 are under no-Physical -O1WAtDwerlessness- and Ina l-In'éhend. wlat -théean 1airesten ed thosé lomw êbetter-tian ourselves of matiening. Pif t>'ti.med e¶,ouréé]Nvéé ad asiced WhSkcesbiequarter -tkis hoe .épected; ýbut the moi ýô It th. more h*oelese di -uapcar. lu vain we combin *eaces and pieced tagetie which had fallen fromýthe iflste. of Cloomber whieli pasdta bear direcflyor- en the Subjet.- At lalî frnitlesseépeculation, wew anxd drive thic mattei tram Cboloiîg onrimelfes - li thbat in a f ew more -days woulti b. removed, and 'we- t6 learn front our friend' w nterveni1ig dan, lie feare&i be dreary loueg - ' iin d , b a d 'Iît u a l b pkd Incet unexpectd ncid etd: ou>' innds froni ad gave them omethi wih to occupy thjseivýe rbrhdhoken. auspiý briglit.-sun and a -clouiess had in thé marieRé been a 'da fi* littie whitie wre drifted lier, and-there 11h, foathere of some -g-gantic the day worc, on, - .uch_ >vin came coseané stagnant. down -with a dcgrec Qçf lie renmarkable so laIe in 1 asàhummering Iaze la> n coors and onùcea]ed- th. oun the other side-a!flice eea >it4f ~rose and fel1inlu -colly ron swééplng ellowy1y brcaking sullenlith a tia eus boûmng upon the rock .thej9nezperlenced al e pée-fulbutý-tothose -wli t a e itnatureu warnings dark mnenace in air and '---My aiter:and I walked eo noon, sanntering slow]>' -gin cf tii. great sandy-spi «Omt -the-Irish, Béa, a side the magnifcnt 7ay0 the cther the more dbscr -malden. on thé- eésires Bxakoepropert>' la si toc -gultry to go f ar; fse ocyërgr4wn wîth f aded gra eÊteuded alora the coast , natureý,S dykes al e<almnt cf lte e -aL. auoninterrupteé b>' te ltavy boots upon ithenhins sn. the. old> man.oe-wa hiave lcayhd éa ýUiade lis appcaanoe, it blilar net, upon hus baek for abrini» catchling. Us o _nDon soeeng us, and said kindly ay liaI he hopeti tgoe il aàmies-if ?he sent ni alirimps for on>' tea et -1 aye pak"e àgoad catch tha "You think -there le going thén?" 1 asked. -Wby. éven a :marine Coa 5 he answeredt atickinùg *a -g tbacco juta bis check. "TI near Cloonber- are jusl ýeWts kittiewakcs. Whab d'yc 'tht ailiers for -ezeept ta -eSCa.z thé -feathers blown out o' t a day like Ibis i*ben 1I -wa Najpier off 'Cronstadt. It ns, under thle guns _û thé our en gin.. ané ProPdflcrs- -iHave you ove>' known a w p 1ts" Iasked. -Lor& love ye, air. it's 7a for wreck& WhY, ln that-ve there two -o' Xlng Philip's --UT -dered wi' aU ban2déin thé .,bWish, war. :If tiat sheet" t)it Day-e' Luce round the 1.11 their anc talc tbcy'd hu <ta épeak of. When xl. eà cmes round liat water lic coming up frace baIn _-j1 trust Ihat there wi while -we are hére," salA lEs q.-Tiieold man abook ig sgriz IookeédILstuall>' at-thé] If l ows frm m Iewesl,"es I- mý CATI ON S FO R 8 HARES.

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