$ t- t- t; BEL -CN;ECTON R.lc oe lu eeta rybo dy. 'clock a lie Ipreoon, un the Cos- - BEL CN~ETIO R. . lowbaysessmoulRoll for said Municipallty, -- :: ::p s: sI W hat Beau îifuî H aiî o! D.ch given. nrà % 1Cierk, Whit.by Tovnship. Broeklinlnay 140 191v. -48 MUE O IE iHov O!lten dotve0hMar liaI excla-_____ OFFER, mabion about a certain vomanps or the- followirig for 10 D&ys Only: A prominent scientist andi bain spe- Mn aESIEN m Prices quoted frCahto . .Pi oven, lat any 'anor w mnLëa i. em sd huhl , aidt ler- g frah Clr. This add *will ot appeae again. bave luxuriant, lustrous ain berl n l eièt ikr uslng Ihe rs ocription cale f. nd, aidIter o! Uxrndge tn~Tn PARIIAN ag* onto, bas passeti awa'. lHe vas the' Gri rne,7mi it, Regula Sale price PR IN.Sg snw- d ù'tatier'o! 'Police Constable Churchill, Daisy $35.oo $25 oo sold An Canad.A . &la ofo Ossington. Av. station, Torionlo, Wortman Walrd rhan -Pump, 7.o 120druggist, is thlientinwhiltby ~Dr..B.P. - Churcihi, o! Mlvaukee, Spike. T-00th Scuffleir thIenreadens o! lie Gazelte aid W CM.hJ.Curon-Aîin Spice ooh Suffer 9.00 7.00 i*le eau buy frorn hlm foron ni> ff Sa Kemineter andi lins. Dr,- Phair, Peri tubl k>-wih hel, 18.00 12.00 cents a'large botblo. 0 n-ad Steel Wheeibarrow, 5.50 450A. H. Alun, knovs liaI PARISI&N I_____ FUTr owBugyTopo 13:00 Sae-vii-bally 50bancure ,W00dandruif, and stopfainhfr d HEDC . _ Wh* SwngMchn,45.00 35.00) for liaI neason be sels it.ui<ýd, a non ~~ S~~~a , ~8.00 6&.50 garanf1e ure or rosy~ causeçtrm Abobeu Zi-md ipwegO centsotll . Tic R.T. BQootIi.0ý oued _lb ith e -id",-poison .cure"- çwi~ Maçune u, er bttie JO .05 Iti. Fot Ene, Ot.,Canadian mailatfg f héeadAnti-Unie llsen am Rogood sadsosuae. J.R ,o BOMATLE uaalee ia.Be. sure.,you - ti ~I~ey p~Puckrin~ , Whitby, Otit. Bovrnanvlllc weterwok e.trs: n v î 1ndcéqdtýMefl hOMM 702 4eim'=eâ'botl .Pléà I -aenow i e 7minet Miss Uesslê cott spent bet we& druk sud îUiber PaeuE br Miss Marion Rid., of OsiawÇ, apsut yetiliki- -1- o wats the hholidny with- Miss Over.' htanýec lia ond, of Utic'a visi JWo".sjgl*t'- T. r i.i lzït Yuýià ter, Mrs. Stephens, over Sunday. amgeadoi-±$ -Mtes Clark, of Toronto speotthe LM akl' éueý 4h en,'ià dwth Irieuids ln .the, village.c-'h à çà Clara* ývq,- Qý Toronto, v loir'_ s#eaLthe ,week à dat otr ci berd*à ,* nier..luba bere. Ii bpas i'al leu4. Miss Belle I'owlle loft on Wedneq- ___ da t day for a lengthy- trip with ber s&W ONdmu Aibo -8Itm1i__ ters. BASE ýtLq}E WEST. -ore usÃŽIlumi a sd ' o i Mita Beatrice Mowat, o! Toronto, T-41.dtcbIng machine la worklniâ oSxý -c4. ~i iisbéW ivislting with lir. and li 4h. CaMeroAtarm. aebtiUW 0 Mir.and lira. A. Ketoben speut tbé ian4ly to Bowmanvllle. EX A1 -n wensd çÉth thefi/son in New Lo*- Mn. John Gale bas> sold ma h ouse" AAI8<.,,4 e1n,t. ýand lot and movod Up towâ. 1f.Fred Skinner, of Toronto,' was Me'. Norin= W<Od-paîd- * bortý W0ty .4a la to"w wtl iMs parents over tii. vist t'Oau.E. t £'stem1w boliday. M : lT' ecnty.b.--5Sm 5WY5U III'I n Uhatmt.. ula r. Jas. Skinner, gardueer -d --R.Bralevyuo atha trtcrop o! early Pots4toe« destroyed Clii.! uianil Yrrez md f ihve ',b, * 'êou1 Asméd-a-. <1rreg by fro f ot settled'llabhe>:Cé er é0cttae. Mr. Wm: Browft *as l btyon .Big crowdo vlsitud the. Marlion MlsLMalo Tot, Sunday attending the. luerai of ie victoria .Day. Some ba odl lui o e prntli.ad is.E Mri, i. iln !ti atnorsa brother. faig n ee hï Mn; . E.liatliew Ofo!Toronto. lins. Walter. Jenkins, of lgku iaDrs se4g !Trxo ie aglgaedw~bn wa, calliug on frlonds Ini the village bas been vlsitlng ber unce, Mn. RT speuit SUIdy aI iii. Bfimi OM.-, dl on Monder. -Puip. . ir W. ousto,,o' 'o nonto Bwavle clbWatud Vioon Mr. Kelith LawneuiceOf1the Staud- Mrs. Nortlicote, of Toronto, b uepnt the. holiday 'at Mi. J.10. B'71 Day with *-proprara f -sports et th ard Bank, -Torontor, spent the holiday been vfittngber fatiier, r .T. Agculua gond.ksobil a 'th bis parents. >hlp Miss M. Lanimian,,o! Oshawa, spent baIl, ffotor eycle,raSà ,' e., entei Reèv. W.!!. Halâg occuPied the. pul- Some workmen incnS oa i tiboldmy with ber cousin, Mis0. talned 4bç large crowd durng'.th pitln ti he Presbyterlâui c4uroh, Coi- the Asyîum are t« moyveintolhe .. ,VanNest.- attiiooa., umbua, on Suhday. - lia houstis ýè&c. Mr. Russell Gnamm and famlly Mnà . J,~ J. Molarlty,tormirly Suq Mir. Bert Grillseid frienda, of Toi Mn. (Chas. Brydges, left for port spent the. hOiday w1tblMr. Wlllnld pni tthelb Goodyear Rut>i toato, vislted tb. formeras parente Perry to work for Mn. Jackson bud- Grahamn. Co.,, bas, tendered bis resigniation ber. over the holiday. n o.. Mt.'Ãad Umn. 0.0. Beaoock cli u llmk bshxen1.UI Mr. Jack Hortop and Mièsa aa Mr. Lomaz, assistait bookkeepera. lit'. .Beookuoulonday id Statue. M.' nant i 'Hortop, qf Toronto, were wlth tlieir thie Aayium, -bas moved , i to 11 1. grfttly 'nMld as h ., wu a membei 0arelts over -the.week ound. -brck ottae wst o T.ndge. Mr. Arthiur Wilson and faznly, @tof!mthe Town Cul, Prsdt !l Mr.- Wm. Maynard 1.11 on Tuesday Mr. Grat basm«edlato -W. Bkeo, spent Saturday andi $un- Board o! Ti- ade, a emen oti for Timagami, viiere h. expects tb Kemp's rough -out.bou se, and 13 day with Obed. Wilson. Executive -Cormlttce o! the Genera "emali for séveral montbs. worktng for. Peter Go6dwln. Me. and -Mrs. e. Houston sud, Hospiltal.- Mr. aid lira. John Vlpond, o! To. 'Tie uurvey-toïtIoi along thc ahoreson, Edmund, spent tii. holidà ay ai ronto, were witilthe former's par- îooîclng mter the signa Put- up - lait Mr. J.E. Beacock's. ene'eeover thc holiday. summer. -As lbth. vater is eprtï Mis. Clara Chsolm lfi peding a A g00d milci cSw, due tb cal. uew depths Ms.R ClslmIJ.au Near Brooklia uIstio. Win. A"mo. Thei. coleail b. AmyIsu, viere Misses Hazel and Marjory Binie, o! orIvs UIUI lins. Nsblît a&M ehuidru, et Tt* oMytig la mougolmg cM, ib. bteaesdMisa Reeson, speal oebo, were visitora wltb Mr. sd ftY y hd.ltiy teét, and, vii i>o large spent Sunday at tii Bidue House. a e uj h s.M aa lira. Geo. -Franklshý'over the. iiolday. enougb for If Iy pa.tiet. Sevenal trom ber. allendedtile Ux-- oesufrg aty ttie -Mn. Jas, Armstrong, o! lb. .P.R. Tiie roof on 1the 'Smith bouseun bridge upnlng tain.,Mn. Frank Ve iubO fl~ ferun-downà t î4 . office staffi Torontô, visited bliaunt, Bayalde tam bas hem ne-abngied and brought home the ned prise card for crjg Mmt. W.M. Lawrence, over tbh ecek pitedr:Ied. The aidinga are dtoue bis driver.-YPMeït* end.. witb stucco, makig il look liii, Our-Ioîbail team journeyedl téOh- shwliea*hsI- Mr. ýndlira. Latimer, o! Toronto, niOw white bouse. Evidently î it en- aw&a-on Saturday luit tý piay7 the 'were'bere tbis week igooiing atter'tended for permanent work. St. 'George's teamm o! that bown, 1111 _ tferIY Ummier borne. This la the bouse Things are-. busy on th1e Wills !arm vere defuated by the. score -o! 2-0. owlied by thre late Misa Chapman. weel.carsraat pioOr~Ou osneda111 oePractice MW. and lira. John Couiter, wbô bui5Y building the i..spoO. A sta togetIh.r sud thenthbey wil- bu able -for tiieir bore ne aOakes, N. IDakota, mucb o! the eartb .bas 10 o .hiated iii b.playel"at Myrtleior: ., lait eck.on accoulit of, 11. bard çbaracter. Tiiere neyer vas a tiM"-VI= en pee The Misses Elliott, o! Whltby Mrgs Car loads o! cernent block and lura. appreclatedthelb. nem merils -o! Cham- t'Ttt idMaser~i. ~ber are arniving daily. The. -eteam ce- berlain's Cougb -RemSdy mors i tag MIthe ~a lin. Go. orrso! shaa, ment mixer le workn contlnually, now. This la sbown by thé incase . flY -t4ad-,iost economi.. - b oia wt i.ad ia ..but lt viii taire considerable lime in sales andvoulyletmnasC1 -- Theyiila h Elllo.tt. .yt tb coinple.be thie vonks. fromà pensons vito bave beni cured liy B @tposos, urif thre 145 lirtn atida~btr, ld Poor. appetite la a amsur msgao!f<Imt. Il--you or youn hlr e areb rehve -sUifering and lira. WMartineand Sagr , ad .palned digestion. A -feu dosem >d-troubked vithi a cougii or cold give lb e 'chgodhelh n sud irs Brai! o! pen Chmbelains Stomath andi Liver a trial and become acquminteti vitb stren i- that anf bdil lb. bol day wi h W lll gto , able: s mli treng hen yolur de- It s gooM i qu lities. For sale by al O ' f S O i a aIa , pb p.. th blda it . aid Mrs. 'Jas' tien_-aid Improve vm.' awetite. dealmn.-47. --el'g ciol, enardp Teewl bComnoin>teThousasd have heem bçneited by bak-- 108tOSfdof women have Then wil b. ommulouiun I ng tbese Tablets. Sold by ail deal- PCEIG fVêua~ejs9 il Prehyerian churcli, Columibus, On ers.-47. Ugsre a ecie e at.Bew-htms pil Sunday xnorning, and coisWently pavementro! ton, basrci souliae - K* the service in the churcli here wilU h. MYRTLE STATION. Paento oewihsoudmle held Uit seven -o'ciock in the.-evening t excelent, for smre lime t corne. blsteai! of tbe afternoon as sal, Mmr Chas. Boddy.sment -the holiday- The membors o! the local lotige of T "--Oison guOO PneParatory servioe-wlll be îeî<i on la Tononto. - the. I.O.O.F. attendeti divine service 5uWvovwso. ibzm25.. Saturdiy afternoon ln 1the Presbybor- Sorne o! Our Young people spent tb. on Sunday afternoon last. Rev, D.E. mwu & a.- drg~,~ lnn church, and aI this service thj holiday _plcficîitg -at Chah kLake. Joinstn preahed 1h.sermon Wm. Dickie As necovering !nom a -------------------- Êevere altack o! appendicitis, vhici -------- necesstateti an openation.OSA . THE BROOKLIN HARDWARE STORE The adjourned inquiest on lie deali Mn. 1E. (J Scythes: has'ben ap- o! mtnarp kileii bytrai iv oin ted Qoenial lManager. o! lhe Wil- Dunb*rtS rand Rosebank, vas_ ne- îfarns piano Co.., tetake the Place o! Just Six inutes t Wash a ubfuI! smedbreiuswek hoknw ! !"1.eati1M. ul ie gI- Cle er1 madeý r The lOus f Bol j IFabr.icsý are gu teed all -Wool, de horouhysrnk before b-eihng -.made Up. Wo Ak You to Cor6 nnandIn8o -tThe8F, W. M LAWENCIE ,AgntThe House of Hobberlin. - Brldi Death cf-W..Patkil, Proni- ùent O9rangemxen.ý Mdland, M-]y 26-At ai icarl>'heur this monng Iidia4d i bai b>' death One O!fi«s -moolvalueti and bfgbly es- teemeti citlieus lahbe -eron, o! Mi. wý,J. Pankrhtil, aller over f our Imonths' hsa; Mr., Parkhii ba" beea ateà ~mb o! Midian!for twes- ty.ýelgbl Years, and dung-th tintlme heldth le position o! Collector o! dus- toms. Prier b oernoing tb MIidiauti ho vas engaged la the lumber business in lie 'tovnship o! Mulmur -aid ai Parle. In politica ho vas a staunch Con- seri 'ative and represoet the consti. tuenèof oXDuffern ina le local legis. lature for a nuniber of years. Hie wa a -dlstinguisbed figure la lie- -Orange4 SoCiet>', bavung beelLa 111-longmem bea . in orty-seven y an . , gmise t- 1 oPni>-'Ãœ 01e !tle Grand Orangke.Lodge meetings,- sud had been given the ighest honora obtainable. At bis deati -he vas Preident o!tithe Triéki- niaI Orange Coud, and Treasurer aid PasI Master o! the Gra nd Orange Lodge o! British Amrneica. Hi-e atti- tude o ithe ~temperaice question vwas a ltover o! atrengbi 10 lie bempen- ance fonces o! bia count>'. -He is aurvivet b>' bis vifo, Ivo sons and one daugiter, lira., (Rev. R. A.) Scariebt, o! iWinnipeg. The f uner- ,alwill take place on Thursda>' at 3 o'clock, aid vill b. in charge o!flthe Onangemen «and Black Kuigihts,. He vas a memben aid manager o! Knox COUNTY COUNCIL-COUNrTY 0F ONTARIO. - The adjournd melng cf the Coun- cilo etheCorporation o! the Couaby O! Ontario viIlI h. held Pursuant tb adlournment at the-.Counejl Ciauher- la 1h. court 1Houa., Tovn o! Whibby, on Tuesia>', lie Bnd day o! June, 1913, at lie bour o! bye o'clock in lhe a!fterncoon.- Ail accouaIs 'bbe piaceti befote lie Counel aoulti ho forwarde toluth. Coul>'y Clenk at ionst liree daja be- fore the meeting o! saiti Council. JNO., E. FAREWELL, Couaty mCenk. TeduCtc 7r f a Business or Shorthand Toronto, Ont. Do you know JusI 110w litie it casta secure a thlorough business education that wf on ly Increase tour ea.rning à calc. ty but vii enable you t a get a siton ,viere you vil comn Iicontâct wlth in,- fiuentia people wbo can assisit on ta furiher advanement? Ourcaitaogue vii givo yau fulil particulars. A post card- one foft-we do the rest. Ccr. Vonge and - W.J.. Uiet,- Usdsutaksrs ud i Impos Whitby, Phono g9. Raglan, W .Brnagent. Osliaa bný 7 143 WE. GRIND Ior! -eLEý,ÇS On, Our premises, that <means Cfa i wbea yen cossait. us about your eyes,weeau yn j th Ohm prétauIa exactly the Jeases YOD à sb@urni Wlim a have. tvsudu ii à v 15 ou'te.St.. TOROTO Ail oedm IESSI m re Pu'tagcnples ofmat of business. IT BRIN& DOU ?A ,bun Ortiopedic Boots, rnokidck 0 ui GUSTOIER8 E tters anti carda airai-.- lowing: TeM4aii cis giving perfect Each Tues<, 51ve0 Name on request. QUIN TONProportion :)nly Re*Pair Shop cSt. South a ré ap FL04:- WHJTZ-SATis T£At-BUNS BREAD AND' CAKE MAKERS FRE FEED-.... SPECIAL PRJCEB'ý ON CORN Feeti Wholesal. lu Ton Lots. Ck<ppng vey ayI OALWELL'8- MIOLAIRFI g-mm wufoetoeu mutag. o! frei ~su, ele~ i s#enllom. - Ivoey la e 'Phono No. E . iIl.. lavender - is a teliabie disi --odorizer for ces [ are usefÃ4for MEDICA Brock St. D.W. WiI OHIROP Thç Cause of Dise Adj umîment à - consultation Fret __ At LWhitby Mondsy phone LE JNO. LE FAR Barrister,.County County Office south wigC A. E c Barrister. Soiliciter. «.fce, Brock St., 0 Money -JAMES RIJTLEDG Moneyt-tLoan -,,Uce mmediatey- rG. VÃ"UNGS - ~ Barnistori Etc. Me of Marriag -_Office. SrithlsB DE W. ADlAMS, lion - tresI.;Ruudunoe JAS. dates apply te self' by- LICENSED 4 AU kinds o! .-mes 40.Arangnt Terms reasonabl Bell-aid Independô CQNTRA J.HOWEL îege wiîhfor Ci L rami JulY 3rd té yeu. Stud,,nts mayelîteFI oral tourBes No ac ]EL Shaw, -PresideuL ~o M lo>' Ilio',or îper m ~which, uaw -by purcbaiiflg A Cti %..ai8. Dy u.ylor attendecd to.y.- -Ch StAL arug "Viau" IOu rd e' le et be every CILs09 FR010]u We reçeive le lar to the folIc Dear Sir,- -Your wor< satisfaclion. Rif. Whitbys 0 Broci -I fis QATS L