ZIL ~~qq1golden Fou, whcb O 4 iot put up wJtkh iii». Re rsx>re- terluben nolouambg the h.wild sente the - Iird 'h au lIt le 1h. iafrd-i ,t b'pn iuhn at- lunaultuOul.- tsoea et 1h. uight belors pnivilegfe, acrin eoun.Scottieh eue- ,_O tsg emarked, )tupî'- ý oMueto etenms al eoaugeuf >est a d ea kit an~a'niydeyr !» ; s iXPens. o o Lte, tl iagain." YdrMn- It Wds bard te bbelleve that the; psnisii6Y- il4d r 0 ~ is ~pitaiy roepted'me ,te deliver tlil. tle d-yute Bsr," sid 1,>alùnfthe IvYY. leaves arôundvitation, ûug iiuil te, b.mate, riut our misfotuns.14Vu suedb 1. am Isen blhtcingat xny uleeve *as' if teyarDn mis .I "on " ebp aO 0auffedfey ývae emforee me-t cs, ar bi yen at th. ad- ho,»r l>fore . yt,wg &a jf.natufë " ebjec1> eeu.Hl s r es, boy. Ur ftdar? he ased. pE9]ted -ef ber memdpitany ý 0ser, unnSecayfe sstuenmni was ndeoris t mae aend t, afte bya haks of A1h thiat'.f a . llue'yrd yildan iai i lSn~sbetnhmt accepti t. va On ahie/ A Àchorus of birds i tegarden vy I insud- I 'are " Ye17 Mucb "*~s Men Orthat Iid béjoe.jlUe4 b ves t7llhelr vn. e<bîged te you,h. .ai4, shv b.e sai, f tsii. adr- ý'C gratulaîjenue. Our-Theb mu6iinô e, but vs heretnii ~< ethe devili, looks 'Dw IitehlI found à a uzben far ýTethut 'I*hîch wvs occuDy Iodeosrt- 4.-iever 00e bueW stand. thé ÈhID-.Wftkoded alons .looking à ailthe e "IiaV.raiei\ruiemde uteuPatèmont noln Og? tte tbetten tfol- Iheir. ulght's' reff hvemeaik 6,vhe ilOtwihot.moi ta>ieiizzeu vwas camied -ç bu 9fplaeï. nd ýt et po fthee thînge wvhicb are ieoked. uponi ae unstr boil te 'That eel4gme. -Arrangements h bnmadeu mpies l. . opeIbal mnetichrl, nt r0 0e. P. unot - uriUpe5d t,-drive thsrn -te Witown' vhuee u uope, bealevnlag inîy . - ien not. b.ing aW4 . te b were to'pnoeed to WiS-O'ý, wheby t hé:upoprinbwbteb bu upo Oe-wastAiih bei *fth' e bêiilgtan sd- ate al rPortion b vbwat *h. San dispense vi.' b&~~~~~~~~ vaIl egt tte ~ ~ ~ ~Aw fisherman supjhiesnu with bread t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e of -n~b bsUneIa ,os e andwiches su ad-hard.Jbolîed aud with herbe.- velhave dèean dn>r etraw. p!Ies are lb. wornt 0cirgo egge te usstà inhm h . wy.Oa 'fn onror couchées, wbaloould man "ih ton, Chltlaunlesrt«t 18 eRdo*e hhank.d nus varmiylibe ut x more?" - -.î 1. ~' Ielaros ~aan ue l ethie.eflplysns fe h.maner u v l"!But you muet teel 'the celd at ulght, wýioatos-Dgnbue ii neof *baiemleél cohe axie i me*1 ltr i hî from the tropîCà ,- ne. --4 , te it " Ir. teti bm u i aleil .,temark t oëlptain. le aenld n-1hI e cheer? frein bis. oreïr. vhieh v«ers "Peniiapg -O6Ur bodiee ame oold soznetlrne. ot xigh-(sery. bea;rtliy -given. ilo-iud the'mate, W. have not noticeil IL. Wehave ail thre. splior's very- uù v alked dikwhz ith us aften wo bad bn!k- Prolaiin u hi ntho n.qrfs.o'aéo atIo .ttesDent- many yearè lu -th. per Rima- inoc*imiig <1nhodxy.su- qurlas b ave mut .00kat h layas On the boersrOithé reégien efeter-. wvl, as evldently lileuéd. meense et bts disasterý. 'e Iroceeds eeSehu Tegtbsmet l. ua nez~ se *are net very enetlvetr,-o cthe ifférent pointe beaving cn suey.ad, fts vaves we nevnience'of the sont." couvulsivelyges Of &tà 10ft reaking in -yFu muet ashow .ms n rel Sgenset is lt beakig ito cobg agaînsi tbe rocks, but 10seud you ever soins Ssiiansud easmeat tiiere wase'nonsetofthat wIld -turmoiI, trona cn'léde: erach.., directly site? Ibheywhi<,h vs hqcl een lu theea y 1 in Ou"r, nsnlI bnst.s. u aevre w*nued y." ho e il, ?5r Tii. long eMeraldd nldges- vlth th"i ,utEddi't tlhihr coo.W lb. captain. "Thêre w4W mant litth o ckaà " ofIoaa,- rouid 46 net reogunise -hat uman biea menai, Lascars ilu my, vat*,,*aud slOWty sf4 majesticallîy lu, te break wlb ith t esa a xo Sitn1i gos do when 'theni chape cerne a regulan nhythm-tbe pantig0 et ed u~e i ody. le ie snet put lifètejt ie dovu on' thi.item' moneten. A cable lengtb trena the shore ,su hmasedyu maat id teheir- noues on, the 'dec) vs co'Mid a"se" i atifnst' e thle' baU fem'tiAm lgd hIyt e. 1.mna-h they did. They,-wpu14n'I floating upen -the waves, diuappearilng ' ae-iue etpressing ]see&. W. ~anadmnaYet bmlipes lu he Ioh-io!th. ses, sud thon eoid not, liereoee, tSe >Our gifI 'if yen »ýowd Js' siiielid misobiet Javelinà , as theê relr ons 15d it îb5. 1 ~It1, i." remoustratedIlitl e O& the=n:oùn hem 00s -tr mlirpim<'so'wagËîotd hngeiie, ad nou lbe ciIit5je tténwazrd la yeus presence, th waterze vile Innumerable sparesud- reuoes linonîsMiug o unrvlla ty »eY habd doue Isdl. achkgs- vers ,littered "ver 1he., caudo. vii all ,you"-:Oeu vfi 'lie.9" the paossegenr . hOl ýy ose ers belu'g dravu up- .sud collecte4 "W.hialdie lheu," he anuvereil vith il'ens yourseif." laplace ef safly by gangs et peassnte o rgtmtl."Ad'o.C 51 ~o hrw~-lu iaI.Havi. ~nettied - that- a, couple' tE brond-*Iuged Méao, Ime l e dela11 lin MiadOwmraglis vers hoesnug 'and oIimm :ro'vr en r lduesm durnug lie voyage,. Wthpt,, tbeo.. te udt hen' 1 f->ýXw k, thdugh F #roFor od-'ýýbMe-yù ien e tembIeè' b totl Ifl*the - ee f'Ucmhpvee , and' ouien, e _vi rlsttn.itie auy sruethînga.were visible toe himaà d.a sh@ig et yorv, bln ts Gi~. it Ie beettistii- ¶4'vsu.'At - lméS vs cOuld 'is out., I trst, Mnr, Wemt st t 7 7r7eopi4ipn, thé oas tiat' hr eantsir taucoesvOim- su, they-,oke FOUgalu. betôre I iesvê - - 4«o9 Tigwn hé -OU wev yon; t e sant er eof httisfi ouy.Yrv.,' suove 'boytJic~v-a» u "r'ffl ' oqrtt, aid -ithesmo age, teadiné'booe tat çpanio g oai ut te sea; "but «___t ep61e,', sudtbere:e alvsyus à feeling. f etsrrée vheii It rg" e~~ ~t _#hhe nl:cîl ovwe îse ls it of. -a iD, we hgr0 on theqnýèr onk lu.p lu any ca sbe wsdmed uie' wrked out -th, U Z s axmzlU 5'xe- ozbU X5pIY. vweu le, aud uankeil eut;tie mats 'burssi lute a heuil guftav, uip- ma ciis't tisat vas ipi is thigh sud choking vibi inmri. rtable.' Iamv l -hn et If iyen vaut to buny them," h. te.stéwgrd trens bis eaigb "rou isil beet- look sharp, or tiey mray ear ent o' lie country. Yenr.- 'bat'rou prove frem member vbsî, I s.id hast nigit. IuéI eularked, "Ithougph I look tthi e o etisaI 'ere bihock, sud te tîîing." tell me viietiser I vsienlutle rlgbt or lier strange thhig, t ?" *fi' ahih,-d1duem lte rëesivelyr. DO yen - Thei'e-vas,' ahssddn oreuIe is bay lu vhich vs dISance ahoug lthe coast,. sud upon lb. surnIhit efthlbs lhefigure vas standing ni our, kindiel lds viicb bail attracteil the rnate's attention. nu thé Wigtowasbire Tic captalu tiirev Sp hish ande iu seten- svez'od, "'but 1. bars, ishinent as iiesye nesteil -upen Il. "BSy q-i. bay." the etennal," hébelshoulsil. "it'm Ram1 Singis ,rard- vîth a -grave lmiioîlt IL't 'ne ovenhaul hlm T" Tsking e-o Klrkmaide,',hs ho bis beehs lu bis exciternent. be raceil 1 ý ý1,sloug the beach, telved by lie mate atuigh Caplan ud myseif, sie»--Ilase by eue or -tvo et ducedi, for lihaI the Uihermen vbo bal obureil the pre. of sp eucce etftise slranger. IThe-latter. ver- "yetiitl rah celviug our approacli, came ilovu tram hie after -aS ime, buru- peut et observation sud -vaikeil quieîiy pasgengers- et ours lu oun direction, vith bls isead suuk uzou sy llevoaehie bresit, ike eue vie lu absorbedIn l a bay e vohatguethoughh. ulailf kt uvhe*s 1coulil net hehp contnasting our' inn- à it ilal inchudel lun ied sud tumultuone ailvance withb -'he al we sîouîî *ereut- gravity aud digufty of Ibis lonely Oien- t' anSd,.etreyod s tal, non v as the matter mendeil vien lie cideuce."ralseil a pair ot-'uteady, thouittul ilsrk s becoinhdene."eyesud luclueilbils head lu a graceful, 1 msv, thoni durnug mveePiug salutation. 1h seerneilte.,nie Lorulng,, polnting to liaI vo vers ike s pack of s.hoohboys lu tarboard quarter. the presence et a mauter. T!,e stranger'e gis liaI liat vas breail, unrutiiel hrow, bis clear, searci. akiug fr." Ing gaze, lrm sel. yet sensitive menti, e et, it aillieu, sud cdean cnt, reÉolute exproselouaall cern. ceaptais vils blueil te -orm thi ee t lrnpoiug sud eyour evu lbeory noble Presençe vbigi 4 have ôéreni--knowu. 1 coul d noe haveo linsglned Ibat 'mucis on," the mâle an- impertur.able cuis sund aI-thie smre lie ,rabe bave ne more mci a beuncescse - ~ n tegl sa, ' In tanceulilid e c XpreeseId by auy hurnan ,gale o'thaw i n for à tssuc.,- -W a m inuak b ro w n:e v e1e inn kgm thla her 30 dl3aLlad éôhadYhenghbewn: 1s dlvt mileunpn s'm4auy tace;, (Te .Satn& Tise Preienât-ELeot Ofcf n. TuuAbone .IsTair -Play.- 'ie gootse had bee>n 'car-ved. sud sverybôdy 'had ta»4d,_it. -Lt was ~xceient Thenegre ministeor, wh vas the guett f heouer-, could- 'nôt resttinhieentliusisn. ~'s> sfh2 ëea geodse s-sj I;evïh 'hlè hast, "Whà arye' gît au l'afin te ver ci thse goose exhlb, *n great ý.iSnity -ai' eiene"hp -mon Me, ýýqlyou -Wha 'o got âi.I iope.vu viih6w and a frai!'heurs 'n a pà elined pani _. frawbeh7r Puffs.-ýIalf a cuplul ef- s trgwberrie's, and ý eason them with sugat, Crèam *7a cupft sugar and14il teapojn Af, 'utter' Add' one o wë lf- beaten ,cgs Sittocups -f1our W& t- oehep ing- teiopoen,,baking powder.Stir ail ,mà terià Iu togetherwçt" a oup- fu fmil and a littie--saItj_ Bke like -m-umns and serve -with dr with- eut saÉue:. -Cherry Ceea Tea Cakes.-.ýJreapi 0n "élp 'aune gar _With one-halfz up. df -butter, -or à suibstitutefer butter oes-.half cup milk, twd smiail cups 01 sifted flou ùr,, with tfwoteaspocus haI>lcing pow4er, twe tà 1blespoons ecoa .lastly two be4tet eggs,- bake inu muMn tins. Iding-Cream a 'large cup 01 powd4 cd sugar -with teaspooÃ"n'butter and thin with milk. les the cakâes 'when celd and place a cherIIy ilu conte;r cl' -acdh. 8tra.be~y.~am.-lireecupe c ,berries, 'twm*vp rnltdsg /Place.in layer. lu ýa stéo jar. Let' s3tanid-al 'nig..titnu coplaoce. .P0ur'iinto. a siève te ,drai and-picek put carefuily bernes, iu- sugar that Aid flot dissolve. oeek'syrup un- bui thick, measure in sanie propor- tion,' cook until bernies are cooked tIir.ýugh.ý Put in wiindow while cooliig and utir' varefisîljy, uo thatý giasues will lie ail thÃý6uËh -.yrup. Put ii glaises or cana. Do n7ot uvash bernes. Lemon- Crean i Pe.-Line, a pie ,with a- rioli cruast and',bake to a light b'rown. One oUp ,Water, one- PennÉ isto 'omet. Bothe.'i vtableeggs te stfÈ roth, aà ld alittie leuou extrâct - pren.dover pie, tissu sprinkle pov4edi'ed sugan on -top and set in ' t1ý .oven te : Candied- Orange Pe.el.-Lut tise stnipe, put it lu a pan, cover with celd 'water, bring te a boil sud drain. This ehould remeve the bit- ter taste. To thse peel of six or- anges sllow a cup _aud a hall cf granuiated sugar aiid a cupiul of water,Kput these lu a.granite shuce- pan sud bring quiciy te 40 bell. 'Add the. orange. peel and' boil dowu quickiy, taing carse the sugar" dos net scorch. When the iiquid 18 almeest cooked a way re- move 'tlie sduce froin the stove, atmr lu a cup.ful cf dry sugar, keep stir- ring untli the peel is aimost coid, pick it spart witis a fork and th~e fingere, sud- lay on a -plate te dry. -Custard Tapioca Puddlng.-Soak twe tableapeenfuis of granuiated. enr one-fourth cupful peami tapioca' lu enough hot* waten te cover î't until it absorbs the --ator, then' add two cupfuls miik and cook-in a double boilerr until the tapioca beconee perfeotiy soit aud trans-, pairent. Beat yolks î)f two eggsý liglt, mix-itis them one-third cup. lisugan, clsOe-fotirth' teaspeoufulý sait, -sud add thé hot In-i1l aud, taýp leca, retun ' tedouble houler anIdý ýcoek until .tise egg thickens," stii- xns conu'stantly. Theu.tun lte aù eèaisheýn'bakng',dishcuer witli a meringue made of beaten-egg-white'k sudA " 'twc -* "tahIes pocsful sugar.> Bnown nlu.moderateoeven. Serve.4 be senved wanm for lunch if spouge is set at.1 o'cIqèk lfl the -^oruiu 1g. Prom ordinany'bmçad- pue'tk 'pue' plut*. ~ald eon. Piiu't"niik 'sud -gether'vitis es eegg bqatenzliglit, tw.o 'ta:blespon» us &rîug 7 oeetes- è~il'-à ul~,- cue fueir, oeeOf ~rd,~o~u toma~e.ejktkuis.Let: rpje twcitsbhwèrk down, aud set - te ase -4gin-.-Tuxn. on- ga, drv. hard, sponge- on te neniove spots. Asible int lan seti~ner aille& dto.eommanding efficens, but. hydrant- whel itbgets pieuty f .Ise W itii- avieiw te devîiing, modre moistür liiereeatsaisac <atiO1al punishnen'ts than- those flu upl sggaruishes for. the neW lir-genera1, use. table. -The. Most 1preyaient .."summary If the e pauùtry'eelves -"have-,-neiuihmnent" in the, tn-ayvî doors pt a Window e@ s na"iA"wiiih carmes w ihi the relier ilu',front cIa'th ni-andpull necessity, -anîà à thr hingfer down ths shade W'hen not- in ùse, standing- for some, heurs everyý day,; lt wili _make a, neal protectioQ "fH.cing paiut-.iônk." It is srdpiy againz duet.thel uengarten idea ef putting naugïhty ch.ld lu a corner, and..it1 NOPAT IN »iATER DnIVINEUS is net'to e londened at that -the ekilied . 'mechanios who fora -thot Authoritles Werc Skéepieal, Mfade greater- part -cf ý the personnel of ' Te@ts--Diviners Failed. thse fleet, te-day ebject te it. i Foiibwing up the watei diviuing Tie--firet- code cf«naval punish.' expeniments - tkeceutiy Made inl,îcd t f'hih ýw- wi iha ard Lo _ Frne similar trials wene- heid réne- ge Wae a c--Rcar ratl nc.G üdfé- ýeng 4 -Te re : up fOr the govçruaneS.cf bu tests a p i e t y w e re , t ake n s' r fleét on ' Thîe e u a n s d gi e iously nthe, othen side cf' v't enghi H uts voyages. -hy cliaunel, 'but the" -aui7henitiee ergan- versas Milio',W: it n g t e n ii it i is ere skept- . C"T htr. _ihoso k iled any pe s enc. ical, and their deubte of the value 'en shipbloard sheuid, be-tled With f waten divinig vere renived by- him tht W'as' laiii, and _threwn the nesuIt., Timeeslsites Wvere select- -into tlie' ses.andilo ildhlm cd fer expenimeuts, The- fret jB on -the laiid.he slinl like mat- crossed by la- sever sund consigseof uer lietled -Wlth the party siain, > .a bcd of gravel whichýniust contalu. and be buried ' with him in the,- water,-siu'e-Loudon dlay lieu unden earth. it. Thse econd ferme the top cof a ' u lzýbethhsTn. amal! covened. reservolir, the water nu Elizabeth!sstimieathe s freni whch waa intenticually ru n ae b d c e t r e t hies, tov off. Iu tiie third 'thene Is a severalr.atsetrufabosu land aise a;spring,' vhich, wheu dis-, mlaronc teista. lofa cfbread and' oencda ÃŽew yeans age, -vas yield- marcnof edn. Mutoa -iv va sun Thé London. Chren-1 ryould, perbaa,. b say that it-is th-e laoýk t iiot.only cof curtail-J formation tie.ygâve ikbout thse large-,' epring, if t 'hey' re oognizcdthe,'exiet-ý' suce cf auyting cfthe -'kind, 'as. to saY thse leait net precids. eTise couclUdrtns tif thse' comïmiftee are, that, viateven seneitivenes te un- .dergrounà d vater may, exiet in cer- tain pensons it la net*-aumcien'tly' truetwontisy te be of practicaY valie and tisat the lack cf agreement' among! the expeniments -shows tisat it- is mnore a matter of personal mentality tissu any -direct influence- cf tIse vaten. À eee.tak "What's the matter, spring lever 2"- "Yes, and got it bad this time, toc."y "Hate to work,- eh?" "Worle than that. Net enly' do I hate work, but I've started- to thinik that. 1 ught to-get Imarried iron bit bétween ist,heI- tongue.raigf i Ail sorts of ed, 'and frequenty - ,hiideous punishmients, are to ;bê: fouud describéd ini eld, manusèripts. In,, 11-1 1 el an frnd drunk-îb6ard:, or.a<hre was taken cars f uùtili the, fellowIng mrnzing, when, in: the preésence-of-the-,sihps Company'! liewas, presented with a pint, -efl sait water, 'which le hadto,- drink. 1 The dreaded "'cat', is prbaby; the best kncwn pf these- old nÛaval ~unisarnnts. Whlping was '; pro- Ivided for-iat least as long- age -as the :fifteenth - oentury, -and Jln.-Drake's tim'e the regular trouncing of "the: shxp's -beys by the- boatswain-o' Mo-nday:morning -was regarde& as, the ýonly meaus of insýxring a fair7- wind for -the reat of ýthwe. There -are men who'think the din-.t uer hom -maînkes bette -music than. Ouly vmsierwoked vlh crauk bsnlaiasvowlas topbersr-and !hii . alye lor. th. i"o o Asis.3c doer toi sow y&th - Chazifplan" Wser. - FarSolt"Ch=rula the void's bot" .W ite "lieaded"' withW a bucket of.«-water. on the 'next .ccdasion he was tq ber strung up by bis wrists and te have two bueket.eof water pQ-ured into hie a1eevex;'the thirdrtime*-he,-would, _ue loâded wlth weightï -and bound to the mast'; and 'ýfoir the -fourth ifineli was ter be iangetâ'the WELL SII INIEoSHOEs EAsY TO t iSE OD FOR TSIEB ABROAD- *«ts-..Yet '&emJIWise. nie &Wsof asIçdi upseaspoeist h -etIabereire t q çytoeled hias toiue re atue u~iuo;'ieoi inà mshe ever Wodan' ytge.Lke most buiding matmsial ha cm in e 'ILs' foi *t"ei is decm lué fothtie mad o f.1 ither ser- 0. osj~ *m s-bs bo nng ateea Ciied~ tÉe~'* umgue ccrOe mpWpsbOl oe. DUDILls Wlsy? 'urti 7lgh, and, bah a à .delià tif Good t4t!e, uspkins tysuie 4pay prme Cas Do W-4& Lhsmoj"- ~LI Ian -'4.:. don't see nae a oeýtran rnManan h vs arê,e 'uc ie-à red foi is the Bar- 1 peid te Lq <ertaluiy wss faiJl: uter cr bje said s xstence oet ere auS iii eu thse Abà s t matuc. ' i over our m - eI eiot yenmsmi mekeil lihe arn tires mv 1raiolne a !are lu, 1we 'hati'risses tis Oed-feri r-tbim Qeod es isql.otl runabr 4 -7,