Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Jun 1913, p. 7

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meet~ ~eave~ 3utr-fAnÀ ap iedhemiýof the materialý ~~ala acqtiaà a. ho'. are, ntnof thýe waist can-'be-'puE on for the, 3j1blin .,over .w"th~tic. j -~jbuttonholes and "a facin o uder- 3~hmsiand maintain searaite es- Te can be ade i the b£6rtàùs *Wiuhments 'and' make qît 'of hmcibena.ntefcr Il Z e their' anofa narrow, etitched hox pleat. 00 ,J'nl- fingo. An applied heàh eau also lbe made e s<eet is people ofteà istéàke of'otrstngmaterial. Il the ~them -fr unmarrie àpeso:.. -y t is s tam»ed. and embroidered a1ow o mueh interejat iùii< each on~ white voile, plaiaeçl,, triped or_ * ~ ~ ~ fiured voile vnh 5 efrthe - hem and' for tuirnovers on collar cas o an - and- ouffe,, if long- sleeves and high,, jTWhIcse of r. adMrs. Hat.e- eollar are used, or l'ills.about'the 'i 0ek-]Ellis ie not quite thi e, ageat, turn-buek collar-and at the-ends -~of -thée sleeves.. ~ perhps: YThey are bo>th Wriit 1.fln ugsà'tefa .fr persons a.nd *ritingperenir fcvn frtb-etn lc -ntoflfro nrd t s, wih- thëy 01-the'embroiderywhenthe patern kt1Js etain thattoomuh r.-lae:adfowr b1iy' aawreedmany promis- ]'aste eunder- ar' o.la igma rria.ge»- .which ,a littie <âa tin openînjg anci tuinawy'rmt -11(1 h'av e,$&Yed, and though M r. ruffling. of ,any widthv7icn >be used. WeclI, t 1 ued on-the ,front -of the. Murs ,-- Ne'wýly 4May IVt peal- wis i.formea a ,good 1ýish -meio ursociaIllCeàiefor:,the, leevez. or~~izedfort4,e expresspurpo-eThereiasnome 'diffiulty » mkin .<ý kc epîng them ,trom seein.g -t«) long :leeyes which'd ook really -wel1 injih, 0 e Ch ýotjj>f.Thos 'indeby. tii. beet dre sSmeJr'ý *z~çh~f eachotixer , 6 cftê» emwhatbS9agySAII *- the wriats, so tihé home sewer need- inot try -to make, hers.- wrinkÈelezs. - E.gland 1 ,r jLtnwby-a They can nii ie renin. esiuof gosSip=Villajego Ssip littie - shirred - f.fle whch b ut &~sun~tonb.ig, pparn- w th6 healeeve anid shlàirred, ilut h~fleflw- thé-wrist - with' n 'arrow -smzoc&ing giD.uiopreaý-o iBett.if the aleeve fipai nd a.ea lhighesb development eoly la ctmes 1,wn t<>tthe haid t canbe, villages. Klon-lvm lr~ et ended o-ff With, piéot edge -Cf ih-A all the tongues -ajin he l c. e' ,Ved.,on-uhwdTheot i1nSerte<I th llow lng Idvrt"a- only iô5 cents a yrd ithe coïrect1 ment in th tondon'ýTmeà,:, »..and. half, a-yard wil easily- -met i te Lndn Tme: 'o wo eleeves. If it la use.i on tii.1 Viliage &andal-If théeeis a "fil- *leeves it can be, ueed -to 1ecge the1 1àée Egadwhè.ee-zne n=&ycoar ýW Mdiy,ï i3(t &Qthç' fl5w' waiîti are mèd~e t p ,and qqcvîeft~.Iee, rom- th4 wth a -suggs o f Color i~ scKn4daIouB. gosDip.cfi neiglboreths hn.TscQ a .iV&ue~ ad,,ertiser would be glad Vo hear with eail glaa rcia utn of O f3 Teand used as t r4mn ils , -Iaï, i1 W ., .1 -3,T mes Office, E.C. *orthe.closing. 'They can- be api'f Insa »tly' other.hôoms-toving Brit- plied to. the cuf eo in a row from top f y ~~t bdttom"and at the corners, cfs ons.j(oined *.. G. in hie attack on the flatcol]ar. Il Villge -goseip ;- it has become one Since- the new waists. are eup-' 04 ibe ,bürnh-ng issusof the lhour. POsed Vo 4eworn blousing slightly fl -Whye ia vilgprcce over thé beIt- it 4sW*eI1 not, to, beit * them permanenily, for no bnea goassdpas a thitieë spines, and what iinows how soon-an -edjgt ill go 1 Cain b. <dous about Who-s re- forth -saying, that they mnut be worn eponsîle? ec. - mooth and taut about the waisti S perbaps even before the embroid- u Apparently no one hma- aword to ery 's fInished. Yery eatiafactory rY rubber belti can-be'bbught- for -frorn 0 By iidefene oGf the village,, and 10'to 25 cents,'*wl-lih. -after-th ' e I -it sh'uda't b. hard to ma.ke are once 'fastened about the, waist, 1 out- some sori.of,,ca8e. Gosip l sesldom fslip from their place, and' d by' eant oonfed t'O villages, sîo-hold tlfe'l ules, wherever I it ter 9041lé do, thi-t dweJlers lnu amali 'twsar'é mcinile-loend mnors. -curpous than lother folk. Pçrhaps 't-h. nultit leà. -with Vhç vilagers Vlhan with ' the, villages,- for the- acb-tie prope rtieso£ the village are sud h-tIhat 'wIatever gossip les going is carried straigtit L- every leau. Coùurtï 1» V-he good od- time - imply- buzzed wiVI . gossip andt ascauxetal, ancl yet theCO"urticrs were tie mest polished -me» ci their ime. -But coudat, t-oc, Were email and thVe & ndcarriecj easily. No, if emal towas are tVo lbeaccueed of'tee mcuci 90os9ipte fs-uIt is pr&bably physi- _,e7aleràtlier than moral or psycho- logical. And-for thnt therejis no, - cure-us long as -the. o'Wn lu maîl. - .... ... ... .. WOIMEN NEEID>NO TOBAUCO -~-pky*fmIean Tells- Wly They Shoucld, emî that at hast' a, pur-èly Women seûotld ,noV aoe froi-'- Vie .very general pue- whieii existe inuhs country. niokiug," *ays Du. ',Ifrgraîvei don ý Y-ýpysician ', 'does-not laye' llie effect ciwiimef that it nP men. Anj mperio'us rnces- .tt by mogt eniokre eeaif ical'ly 'explained by tii.e-, nf cfthVe- iaivary glandçs seoretion8, so uFefulîn di- h" tha- o'nalû,- e 'aJmeniu. VIt woinen 1vis a'seriots reacbed f rom mauycx thatt-,ewcf Vem needà While the propoton * aIivary secre ions were sud 2te'iized by- snuek- ýr-y large, tI. proportion on thie other hanud' was 1.Eve» in wînxep ywho habituai emùkers -for action -of thua freeci-wag ,es~"is-iéd litct Fashionable Bloff.és. The satin blouse is still very smart, especially in white and but- toned in the front with large bai-11 shaped' buttons j»- satin or ivory, and eitiier very apparent button- holes or else thick satin loope. A littlseni'broidered pocket breaks the simplicity of the corsage on one side, and the littie silk handker- cqhief placed there givea a pretty touch of.color. Lace and embroidery blouses will be always pretty. Fine all-over Valenciennes -lace, which docu not crush and which gives such fllmv effecti mnakes -exquisite -blouses- mingl ed; with, Irish lace, dotted net, éte. A narrow atiný collar, makes a pretty funiqh. A delierhtful chem-j isette of 'India lawn wzs seen. in one of the big lingerie house5. -' was embroidered with dots in high. relief, -after the- old fashion, and slightly yellowed, with- a wide sailor collar' ekry long iii theiac1rl-i-ol'a, ieppint; a l'aiule"Atybu qutet -ù£:roéoco ro'sesaclosed the ci- 13?r 'opening. USES FEET .FOR Hl~ AmesChicago Git;rl mlake Ail A remarkable demostr&tlion o f the -control t V i urdh9sover thé b ody la provideel by 314,4s KitV-ie"M. Stnith, an armless Çhièak' girl who-2 avtrage peruo n e compllahe- iVit the. lands, enays Pç4plar Mecîauice. Seo adept h"guM!es.Smith,,becSiie, lhixatuiezxnake--oabineiie, bGoee*,- deeku, -and- - ile fiu'uit're, usxng with- ekili al;b eesr tosi siùch'-ags-iv;sliiet Fns t JIn nailinz. -ho'we eï';'s1xù '- a shape - of aLdàpteci fo Vhe t-oes. witl peni le» 'needle- writèr for daily tak chuding b h b. Dr.. Vto au a un in ust a se. 3d 3, te e -of fe ci cI ir 'y paigu.. _à Troubled. at his' presence-ý Well' they mnight- b.,their -'col sciences accus -ing 'them îstrongly fo the upastgreat injury <Ions -th~ broher in- 'whose pôwer :they p -5. God diçl send me, before -you- As in hie carlier ,'le nd 'during th time- cf uhs humiliation -i» prisoxl eo. now 'in the day, of -11s ,-triump, and-glory Joseph gives Ood 'eredi for every good turn -in. events, ani pointe eut the providential purp'oe and -direction -in the events -whic] 'bave' transpired. - 6. 'Yst fiveyears ,-.neithe: plowing nor 'harveest-The »famin whicèh hadl ,lIr.ady brought then twics ito Eypt was thue resîlk "only weIi begun.- The years o greiatQ0t' prj:atIon were still t( corne.- 7. 'Preserve, you a remnant-Des .cenclnts-sufficient i». number ai leaist to ,reei-ve ,thelnîflllment co Godl>e proxnîesto their- Vrefathersi Âýbraham, ieaac,an'ecb a'B a nat ,,deliireranoe--Or, t< boa gýîear tôpa trheu tieexpeain fr eflceht viser. anI d àdniàtràtor.,- In .thÏ Tirkish- langua;ge the expresaloxi "chief father" la' aVili used' as '"s tite- 'lortii.he-principal minuoter o:0 ..Go up' Vo MY fatherýt-ThusfAi' h." had said only 'ýycur father"y epow the. lonaging cf us heart leadi biuîto Mpl-à,"iamize hie morepeýrs3onïl 1-. cTëIn f Goshen-Fo ,te-Egyptian Ksr"o A; nome, or administrative:distflct, inldrEgt betweÎn the Niue River and the Bitter Lakeela low- -ai rei made marvelouslyfut fuiý- be ýmeana cfo canais leading from th-e. ,Thia district le still -con- sidered to have the beet pasture and -in Egypt.I il. I will nourieh« thee-Similar favoritigm show» by a Hebrewi in high-- posibion i» a foreign ,land Vo, a fellqw-countrymap is givenin Esther 8, 1-, which compare. Lest thou corne te poverty-The inevitable fate whlch* muat --Core Ipon thecm 1» Palestine' before Vhsi rernweining years offamine etill Vo ciné ýàppast. ,-The.,bitter, cbjectý 1' P y. wlch cam'ùe'Upu ÙVh, [ciélèribed?'îù the-u èring nra tive. 12. Youir eyes ee . . . iVt i my rnouth-He' appeals Vo the evi- dence, o9ered by thoir own-*ensesi bcala -any lngeringdouùbt which îay Ib. in their mindsaias o, sither bie identity or hie kindly disposi- ýion-toward them. 14. And lie feil upon his brother Benjamins neck-Now that Joseph iad succssded i» making' hie ,reth- .e understand the situation and octual greeting takes place, Be»- &min receiving thie firet and warm- ut ýwelcoms. 15. Kisedl l hie brethren- ýhowing Vo- each indiikidual t-bis ark of personal attacliment. Practical Dairy Records. Almoet every dairy farmer 'who orimences to weigh and'- sample es cows' milk individually 'ays at he en&4. cf a fcw monthis "I flnd ome in my herci were kept, at a as." Somé me» flnd only one or io cowe, others state that they_ ,àve found too, ma'ny-i» the herd 1ehat ' 18, Me rnan '1- JuLet tis: atUý danlp t. a1 teexlfec to. love enit'. and ý There areEeverl-ýËways îiii whi4 yco nfinement to -a 'eicktroom ecau fmsde ýmore- ndurable i um Lo In» the cPuntry -tVhsecifficulties-" -ie -combiatè-ure nèv;er 'éô patj in the. Vown, where in congeett 1, areas pure fresh air is almost f thing unknown. Good ventibati< 'must -always e .almed for ; and i thia ws ný,st bring good sens. -au ;o insenuiyr te bear Vo mak-.the beý of Vthe poai bilities of each parti, ular case. If tIeS:-ilinesaa le ou -whicfr -alloûws. tVe,-patient Vo -1 ýe moved Vîo ýanotîer, room even for, * ghort' p.riod- each -day, at vanta@ *sljould be taken ot thst intérvaýl t E trow open allhetii. i s dooru, andl ficod the roni- wit ireii- arAUti rearr'angemènt ;h. room and.cleaning ahould ai, be clone la thit l1àeryal if possiblî ,j0s tînttVhe patient. may noé sffe any 'dieturbance.,'Wien 9t i tleut1iu-confinèd-W othe ;bèdroom Viat wihole c Vi.f-i %1 -,r èr-'mas hoürs' at once, ~o Veintilatic meu b.inuredfpr the !wholeý ýthat period. In meet »ilînesses it ie quit. saf iVo leave the windoW~ partly open on warm <Inys iV mie be open Vo il fcblest extent. But$eare shoubd h Vaken Vo place V-hs .b.d so that i r e noV in a draught, fle it je sure f àbe if -directly ;between the. windoN and a deori Most. sick people ari ksusceptible Vo chilIs, especialby oh people. I» a Vow» nwhere ,smc&keant duet 6.11 tue air. as in parte of ou: manufacturing centres. the air mai 'be * siftecl by straining a piece c thin muali» acroua the opening o ,,th. -'wind.ow and daily ýrspb'açingz -Pcau -piCU.-Api o edw 1_cdl Vsro and refilkî' nig9ht and morn"ing -will omc Vo ice.p down VIe Vemperature ol the roorn, anid te iree it from ob' jectionable odbrs. In cases, et off e» rive or contagieus--disease a secon< vessel 'of cold water shoulc bE placed uider Vhe - bedstead, and refibled at fréquent intervals. -Loose mate are better tha» carpets -leo Vhe sick ro'om, as tîsy may -mxore eaeily.'b. kept quite clea»n flIav1 hangings and elaborate draper-ieE ebhould be avoided. Soileci linen, dirty glasses and plates, and' odds and end i of food ubouki noV "be allowed tcoemain i» the room; anc while - glaring biglits ehould be avoided a feeling, ef hrightness shoulci as far as porssible, dispél the gleom u nsepara-ble liom suffering. --A Physîcian. - Charn efor Wlidoping.cough. -Many andi varied are 'the charnu that. man haa used fer Vhs curé ci diaeases. For instance, whooping co-ugh ise suabject of nl.any ii çarm, cures." In Northampton- suire, Englani, -ie-w haire frojp a slc 'hîks-hel ae rolcin »a pîccecf m afadiveté a'.dog un.. ~ -t *I-hhi ta t VIediseau3e le- therensî tr..ansferrd te VtIle "In'Côuwl-t.cii jis !hd -With Vhe'brei'd àbd butau'i' - Jo~~ 4n, '<or, -as'an ider_&tve ïpasaà14: thr. uider'ithe belly ol a pjibaid hors. Gypriee ewear bY . r9ast dormeuoise as a cure for wIoopiftg cough, 9sn m' Lancashire it-is ibeiieved tthat, nl ch\ldwiIl ontac tat diease who las ridden uipon a bear. SnakIe n. Ne(-k for Coiter. -A s»ake slu»g round' the - »eck fôr. goiter was a» eld Sussei(n- t h ri a ii ni hi ti Bc Io ti 4, ai cei a yeý Pt, pa Pr pe A ne-pieee ivalkbui-n b,#L. croik, Paris. A. 6ùe-'pieoe walldu suf !opper-,col-orcýd ýcha-rmcuse wihnar>row lace cl>olar'.. Wllbý q M-W WW w MWquo n -O - MePreeiin-o liquor liceuise - vr~will be -'granteci t'O;hotels' at -Ne- r-There's a flag tIat wavese eo' .r - d sea, port. ' No matter wixe» or wîeee' - Atn-csxxd PeatreBsC.,b C And tVo tuent thnt flag nu auglit but Wpienteel 1 DerPakB..,by tiieire - suoneuAt. Missin.City ehipnents -of r Je -moue tVlan Vhe sro cstdars. barn are being 1e-ae o ak o SFor the lien spirite Vint treaciVi.delyec frneo d e c i, - -c a r s . ' Hae cari, I £Ve M ouatai» shecp are repcu ted Vo brHave ,c rie h palm of h be plentif l lin the viciiiy cf Okan- r And thnt flag may sin'k with a shot aa als 0 trn wreck; Fcur, tetting drunk in Ka-elo, Bced But neveu flont o'er a slave; McLeod is Eervi-ng six menthu in Its lonor, is stainlese, deny jail s-V Nelsion. it who can,. lI Meruitt Alexander Marieu was- The fiag cf a truc-ber» Eng- fineel $10 for depositing rub.bis.h e isîman.- upon pruvate puope 'rty. This sjnme-r atC a ýsalmon ca-nnery eThc Briton -nay traverse -thc pole on the Fraser River, 25 Scotch girls- a or Vhs zone will be employeci. And boldh' dlaim its riglit, A Feunie, B.C., syndicate is sub- For le calîs sucli a vaut domain hi. dividing 400 ' acres into 2ô-acre -owntcsu neeseso bi- tract-s in the Rocevil-le Valley. Tin h unvrsts nhs All the rail'wav camps are con- mi-ght;necteci by telephone for a distance Let Vhe -haujhty stuangeu seek Voocfý 200 miles f rom Ne-w Ilazelton. c know - - Andy Murphy h-as 12 men davel- E The- place cf home and birti, oping the Corinti Mine lunVhe, SIc- çAnd a fluehl wilb pour from cheek can. The tunnel lui-cin1,000 fe-et. to brow, ' For a post-office site of thuce lots As i. telle of bis native sarth; li Prince. Itup-ert- the Dominion t Its lonor ie stainlees, deny Governme-nt le pnving V. W. Smith it Who can\- 9,00 Tlat's breatîed-inj»tic words F.* C: MeKinnon lu buildincga - -Im an ]i-Engl'isîman. - 2,00htlin Neý- Hazelton, it - ~ "'----.~-----wi-l b. three storey~s high, a-nd coni- - -- LOE ETJiR tin 60u'om. O~DSTA ne-. $650,0070,el-vating and milling plant is Vo be built a-t Ci3- Jes at ,C.eastmsgJOffl and Dat(e--quitàlm by the Winnipeg firm' cf - -~ - -- -- -- - t 'Àbaleâu. - Davidson &Suth Th -fù»ùwinff -eVisfig boni-a .l1ove- Joh-n Russ asddIJaac J'ames, Jfor-t utrile~~wan tethe-ebee~ of hizrneb of Rosufla.'have Èold their t aftriki 1ion É1 te,_eeiçtofh 160-acre farni 5at l&1Ç Ielind, AI-. patuiaxtch Abrahiau,- tu - -bèprt &,vo-irng1,000 adi. -fa large -collection 'Of -pm4v &te lt-15 àýv ebeen»-t-u'ned lo Éc-xW&aeonu -'ers. andt commercial - documenta 1 lt ètn ak Hthr- s founci in the ru inu4f the BabI n- ' -h ê"jýk l:cë"O inn -City of Sippas anet'now cieposit- Jt-~ 1500 ere sigsle ea Constaitinople,: sud the reinainder Ni'e sckeyces.. 4Ihrb nk nw oBb- James Fieldinmgw-ho- died las4 c Ëerbyink.ekn wnto w-ek in R oslaî<1. wa-, a-i-e i ji- vwhat iollows,: As re.gaÉds jnyself, diu'r c Gimili Mardukrnay -Icgods .Sa- t thcugn im e ugO veiaioe mas (the s-un>an Mrdk-(t e aVCtm hecsgt-ith Merodaciciti.of Bbl)fQr My H. F. Page, of Matsqul,. giving nanxe'é fak6 (1-. tct < OveV me) granit you e»bong ie. iiiere &iec eos ii-B .Arcl -w'The - t mnqireas-te . urab Commission, charged-that ti.. V&,4£U e iue . a oyour we uxilk from tubercular cow-s -was be- 'fa-re' se nd min 'tid in gsif s-Il u Wi igax petut-Va-ncouver. -- ,kiVl yIOu.- m-m at presentin Baby- F~.rT I~iw 'Ion anet have net seen youl, twiich twhh-sîfadniee&r ix akes m e-1feeî ve uy -ànx i îu: D o exirp w t l ii n t n n - e r -'- ld da-ughtér, coôvereet- Vhe. long trail si aend nie word how Zgu -are getti*ig- frcinWhiVe: River t-o, Whitehorse, a-g, on;6 Voýhs-t-I-may rejoice; come i ' - 1260miles, in 64 ait-- the- moin, fA ei,$,uR ' & -;' ;ist»o-i ,20 dv1 ~wW -e e- re in" aayýwhere ooystere ,,grow.' - - Go4e"saiÜ May. """I liee oystérs. -May Itake Some houlie Vo moýther I -- h. loves Vhern toe." "'Keep ,quiet -and 'loo'k." .May o beyed and shc - sawlu»'-' -dredu if.oting o» Vhs iiottom. ShI. peepeOdinto. a sheli te eAY,howdy" -Vo t'h. oy ýtr. - 8h. - aw animai,. thnt b ooked l1ke. -siar'go -vreepi-ng aloü9; some were swimming. There were. -crabe and lobsteis, andl-y' moutl- waterecl forthe goo. -oobked<I lëind thatVbey b.d at horne. SÈhe saw atiranùe loking flweýrs" and ýwee4s growiug ýthereand Ie goldfleh -told hrttat hey'YWere' cm osed -of iny animale.- Ti.»they swam ' Voward- the ocean and May saw. such large llishý that 'abs almost, pulled,.,goldfish's- fine- euf, ehé lield on Vo lber es cort- g o ti g lt lY . -' F i : "Piease take me home-, I'm a4fraîi-of those big fieli," e cried.ý Juat -tIen goldifi:ssaw fli fiel paseing 50 h. and May-.settled 'thsliiselVýes où Ité back and in" 'twi6 ehakes of a -lamb'e 'tail" Vhey blaud- el d -» 7 Msye4ý ý bn.Y whevýe lier imthe'r, -,; Uýd ber ýnext iù'rning. -Gýàldfish was in - bis'-globe emibing a "o omrning" at'May àand-Ma-y thouglit- se.sa* hlm 'wink at lier, as muchl as.te say "Do't tell any- oie where - we were last niglit," and se.did»'t.- Tic Ecuglishecean. There's a baud that bears a welb- k»o)w» name, 1- -Thougi 'Vis but a ittie spot.; 'Tis first onVIe- blazing ser,61ll of lame And who can aver it is net; 0f --he ;deathbesu ones who -shine and live. la arme, in art anxd song; Thé brightest VIe whole wide -world ciangive, -To that little la»d frbong; - 'Tis VIe star l~the earth, deuyiy t wiio can, The, islauid home of an 'Eng- -v,,"ts SýnOnce--artf-t-Close, O-cils caree: 'I40iqnet seek -to know 1n7"order that -I may "believe, butf beIiiSTe in order tIht IlnaY ku w.ý" - I-M » M etBe COvic. -BuV doulbtafter aih,1il;'eh - pression, ,_,f weakneee rather than- strength. >Henry-Clay Trumbuil upon --ths .abiet wità h is, tne-"Amas has more, power, Vth rough believ îng on e tbing. than i» disbel-vi'g te» thuac Rlig. e aise adds: "No man te capable -of-disbelievi»-g orkdoubtz lng intelligently and e uuil u- 1eise firet, bias etro.ng anidpoÊitie -niany. jIV ls as naturair flor -Some 'Men. toi doulitas te breathe.'- Tlxey 'int bua l. on v nced, b - wihen c on vced their faithluethiat Insteadef fearing doet and irun- ining fronit we-cud- a àpac It prayèrfully . c urageop Yu Instead ci critici~ing -It we shouid -- NEW~ RM~~$~I 00, G J WHAT TUE WESTER-N PEOPLE, ARE DOING.- Pro-greas of the Great West TONd la a-Few. Pornted Paragrapb]W Hilcret lasa nw MsonicHall. The. park at Cobeman is lieing ifl- Abor ,rdwMvpo ad. pw der factory., Lillooet will have elect-ric lights before Christmais.i In 1» Vi Skeena distric *tthere are. 3,775 regitereëd votera. -The. Roy-l' Ba.nk Is putt-i'zcg up a building' in: Fort Gec-rge. Oroville has a factory that makes 35 gallons cf bce cream ain fhur. - A runeway in Penticton last week]- severely injured Vhree me» and a ýh'er leir orV sen-sible. ' It leO e asy o di5 nies t uis e 1as sirécni ý 7rI thought w tlva Ijx'im patient '-r r t-, _gble criticism%, but'bliis iéà te ,ý9ë 'às isla enGselss. Wliat xxiedld. me» to-dayclu-bt Jfrom necëes-ýIty' rather tha» irchn choice. How rma- sonable they aliéandhow -frequeut- ly w.- fnd thex* ager Vo àverco 1me this conclditionl '-Kindly and _TaIr' l-eaderehip, 'with 1 patience, -wiIl clear Vfieir- viEion, and': Win theiir coinfi-. klece The kpen word -of- God, 'bakc y a -on s-i tnt dicaracteir a d a cle r bm in, w il tansfe'rni - -onition. - Gurte'ous and ciscreet 'approach Ëflu ieiadyreâpouse. Tii. msse-rs vicewas filled, wiýfth love- when Thodmaâoulci nt beieve,- but -when, *a t ast, -that 'voice wae-- heard-, again, nc bi hmreach -ladnet only Ost-, hia-,,doubt, but ga ne.i hie l'île Iand nspiration asý -be -replied: 'j"My- lord, -and mjy God."-Dr; John- Timothy Stone: .,- - up mcc cf tii mlpts ioucth ý- The, oId 'hî' H!ope-Popcurn ' .Mil I rOmT -itu, deattoyci byfi r lived ther etheýr. -The guu ,coulet not -h. p drowiuect sfl-y cedn 40-ya hearid at th ii-i water as-sthe. sno.- est of the S-un. - tohd$, abc-ut a Itwa sid to be 173- -two:- 0hi- - -n nd onle..kui-ed the- 1V oth ti.murderer after.-1»es-- There je Nothii g Frivolous lu Vhe, teremonyiin 'Cermany. Areturned travebler -who spent mcclof is time in Germany, d'ift.- ed into the obsErvation' of rýailioad- jing in the EmPire. He- rode the most o» ocal trains, though not Iaving set' purpose, and' proced- ing only for short distances.- On' onef thI.se vagrant trips h. had surrender. lis ticket and hadl nothiug on -hismincibut hie destin-, a ion w hvii.» th se conductor aum e , n7-> a n dt ba e - 44Why '1demunded .,Vheexper-ý' ienced.voyager. "Becaus," answered VIe con-_ ductor,,"w. iia-4 eut out fiver stops and- tIe Vrai» la 1 now an express." The recollect 0 f Ve writerý runs ba'ek -to th ý time wbe» as a, smaîl boy lie*fit beleld-t-he start of a Gcrman ra.1road train. Tii. im-pression iluseý,f-evidently-iie - to la v e aste et s é lo n g . - 11 Fluet there *as a - prodigiotca, powwow betweeÙ -the heàd 'bag: gageman anà thb porteri -who ar- gued exv-itedly oýer 'the disposa] of. trunkis. - Everyt- ini awaîted thei conclùson of th ir jab-bering -and. the loading cf .àh car. Nubddy else seemed animateel or even rouicer»- -ed..- The conductc r looked on sto-_ ically anI thi.e 4gine-er phlegmati- cally takeci to a bystander- on the The. last trunlenj, baggnge smash- eus retireet, still. uguing.- The c6on- ductor went to ti e end of the train and the - guards staticned tln-- selves alongside _ý t 'nter-als. AIl eyet were on t h engineer. H elirinbed jiVi e i ab.' zsposed-hum- self. e» hii -seat i - a leisù-rel-y i and pretrudei- h-s Ixaene f r6 -the, indow.È "Feu'tig Y le nqir f t-h. firsit gua:'d, who }ýrneto the sec-, ond also Io ask '<fértîg?" ýThiSwas repeteci along Io'tic mult car, - wiiere the signaI systein düible'd on its truil. Ith ving been ascer- tained i- t e ve, hu i Wt~'r tig,.'Ythe to. the engizneer;,' - od ~ i u x n u ly a n d Vu r n e i i - ~ < Ž -hell 4inkr~1d- fhm i ~ cxeîiLde> -ar se -, O utV lU th 'V I ,e à et.-erîzes ever- isit-Ol 'buit it' [Lllt TIc -t. o tavs V dis m '~1 V {

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