Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Jun 1913, p. 2

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miat everywhere, wheat is not nOr high, and smre0 "aànd it will take able, weather hon fal tionake . wbeat."p $8,250,êOO FQB STORE. Ilusoi's ay oupaay te BulId il Winipeg. A despat -rd m.hnîeBy A departmental etore, ten etoreyq in heght and oosting with.i4ite $3,. 250,000, je te be: built lu ;Portàge iAvenue by -the HudsoWs a Bay Cin. pany, ooeràing to an amn9nne nient r1àd-b letb E. Bur- bidge, Étorà commisinoner, whc bas- just. returned., from ý England. The blildîig, wikih will, ho ereeted on the eompan2y's nWI 'ion-do4àr isie between Coiony a.nd Y Vàtghi * Streets,' will b. 5fo h*,en provision wilI be Madle for ad~n later.. Work la te b.e o nnned at once. There willi b. 24.aëres cf flcoor, space,, and the byuilding will house 100 différent dépar4,ments. -FRUIT PROSPECTS. Are Ezedllent, -Notwithstandlng Reeeiat Pros-ta. - A despatch !rcm London, Ont.,' Baya: > rotwithstanding the recent mouere. f ote".thé fruit prospects are exce14l' nt, A for --the prcbahil- -itycof a-, hriok d4mand for aipplés thia -_seasýon, Mt. J. H4, Fleming, i leading aple' buyer ,.and ~aker, ha.had aasery goodpropsni on f rox a Scàttish firm, James Lind- say & Sonj -cf Glasgow and Sdin- burgh, who say: "We are glad to hbear you sayý that there are 16 orchards oucltivated, pruned, and sprayed, and il i. these orchards 5 you want Wosecure if you buy for us, 45. unsprayed ajpplea are n6w almost unsaleable, and you w&nt te give tinem thes go-by.'> - )fNarrle. Requit Of- Plaeing Card lhl Banana 8kim. A deqpateh from New York says: When Misa Evelyn Bayley - evçral -weeks ago watched the men on her fathcr'à plantation in jamaica car- iryig fruit on board a& teamer, ah. *pusahed e visitinge ard benea.th the skin of a banana. It eventually rea-ahed J. E. Powell, a broker, of the West Indies on busines.. At a dance in Jamaica h. was intro- duced to the owner of thie'c&rd. -On >Wednesday lie returned te -New Yôrk with, "Mr&. Powell.,, TRE 3 IRGlRAF LÂUNCHED. -Cerrnan Wan'shlp Dieplace. Approx. Iniately 27,000 Tons. ,'Ajespatch fronBremen aya: ~-~'? ~hiiG~nnanDreadnought. battie- r shul -which i. Vo replace théoloh ¶ . - Weisnburg waa launched ber. and chriàtened the Markgraf . The-inew warship ditplacs &5atproximately r 97,00ô -tome. BinSe-'is deigned for. à -peed o 1kotadher arnent fto, bè"véryg>*kërfu, enss of ten fourteeù-ineh qune 'and thir- -y -- yuns ofamuallir ~c.î.she ils f1tbed with tea s4ubmetged-torpedo tubes. - ÂEXIOPLANE FELLI Freneh AIYIIBAU--»dmiPassenger Adupatch -fo Bue, France, -ý.ys heýFrenein airmean,, Auguste arand a paseener, Mme. Co Guntry PreIuce., Butter-l)alry prints, choice, 22 te 24c; inferié r. 17"9b 19c; creamery, 26 te 2-M for relis, sud 25,te 27e for oi._- 11. Efts-Oms. lots,»mlu t 10e te 210 bore, aud st 18eotmf.. Cheee-1441<>14 14. for fw4as, sud at 13 1-20 for large.#, Britis -Wilo oreigl BcrthteDmn ASIATIC TRIPLE AIÂIUJE;I -_ Y- JUW" cimld Cons1st1e Chn, -Jap-u-a.1 i primes, $2 te in0.lua jobbiu wy - Ili . - Hno-Etrsté, a ins; ,zî 1 3-4 to 1Me-, in - m1 - 1wioiesaio; coin, *2.50, tôj T ha in-glnLveraua ora, Pbefo o. n;for- Ne 1, sud 12.40 for No2.-vrauar~unl PdultrY--Wèlefë.fs C ean, dzrl'-piéôkOd -tie Min Chuab Pao, eéommentin g on o took-Hýene, 17à o lb; turkeym, 18,to 80e. V#-ine dsraàbilit:y ofa-n, alliance of aoiv. PUty bu e oe a teAiatie indepeindent States, remarks -.Petsto ea-otarlo .toex, 80 hý,o 9%. per hat aince. thé beginning of'tine -gon traek, andDIelÏwsres ai *$LOD ho twentietince#'tury, the European \ i - powèÈra have t4ernned their attention Provision*. - o Ad&-- for côlonizatioji, and S a ]Bacn. lont clear, 15 1-2 teý 15 3-4 o per ih, resuit seveiral siail Asiatic couft- lu cwa o lots. Pork--Biort out, *2ô8v' do.,tre nercetybaaued- meais,$22. Isms-,Medium te lighet, 1j9 ho tishv r -tyben nix 200; IieavY, 1t to 18c. rolle, 16 teoý716 14e; TlÃŽ only 'nations in Asim whicin have- breakfast baeon. boohacs, ri to 94o. Stijl i nendn extnc ar Lard-Tierces, -14 1-20, tubs, 14 340. Psu!, Jépnt eistncear îta. Chiniwas anand Sam, and â Baed HYad tatine Enropean po.wers are trying te- Bae ja-Ho-1sy Jnto onget f ro>m tiiescountries somaething tîaek, Toronto; No. , 2. 11.Mixed bsy jesin tier i hewaysrf -i.o o qnoted'at $le.'inohrws LBai.d, straw--Gocd stock $8 tcl *8.50. on Thius, pot only China and fSiam,, tratkeaii3orouto.s- whih are two weaic nations- in Asia, - Metrea Uarsts.are iu great, dangrbutevn Je- otraJune 0-O--ati--4ianadîis pain, knowu -as &a tiong Asiatie iWestern, No. 2L 411.2o; . àÏia NO. - 1 wii mon e'teretee> it 41o. Bsrley-ilsultoba feed, 5No; matigpow3ver, ilsc eÃŽraee ih >61 te 64c. Buokwheat-No. 2, 58 te ..<0 foreigu aggrcssion. Tinerefore, in 1 Plour-Xanitab, s prlug wheat patent., view -of tise prose ut situation iii - nrts, *6-40; do., seconds, $4.90; troncbai- ers',.*4.70; Wlnter patents,. oioe,,#sm Asia, the oonc1ueicn of *'an alliance stralgit rollors, *4.75 te 44.85; do., lu -baga, betwe hn,'aa udSaii *2.15t $LX *2J0 Boed osto--Barreli, 8435- eà Cia Jpnad imi bsg o! 90 Lhb, *2,05. Millfed-Bran, 317; imperativo for self preservation. shorts, $19; mldgllngs,*22M.. Illa.$to e Wearevery,41ad, tino Min Chuan 813-5. chay-7 lpa o, aot«'.$3 t Pao aysg, Vohear that aeveral Siam- *1350 Chem-Pnest westerns, 1214,t 123-8e; do.; casterus, 113-4- ho V£. Butter ese statcsmen-have -beep seeking an' -cioreest creamery, -261-2 te -2634c., soc- alliance with China àanan, and onde, ffl 1-2 ho 26e. Eggs--Preih . 22 te 23e; --. ei solected, 26c. Potatoees--Per,,bag, cariota, th e o countries have wl 60 ho 50e. . -comedVihe proîpoSal- iu-a11 friendli- United eï" Ua-hOU. - nées,. - and have- expressed, a hope 1înaoi, ue 1.Wset.Jlfor ae suceesful issue to the prp- 993-8e; September, 907-oSe. - Oh-N i psai. hard, 9174ë; No. 1, Nortiieru , 9038 te Union i. strengri, continues Vine 9 34é: Po. ï, do-/15û3&0 te 89 3-; Cana- -r No. a yofow, 66 te 61.20. Oso-No. 2,- rnaular journal, and if, these wiIte, 371-2 te 18.. Rye-!-No.- 2.6& te712c. to1 tinree countries stand todgetiser they Flour sud hran-Uncisnged. will exist; ainould eàcis-o! them - Duuti,- June- 10-TW1est,-No. 1 -bard, 9174ge; No. 1 Nortieru, 9014c; july, 9014<o; woric for her own ends, tiney will September, 91"4 ho 91 1-4e.r - fali. For 'Vine self-preservaticii o! Live Sel u armts Chine, Japan and Siam w. hae Montresl Jane M0-prime beeves, i te tiet: an alliance will soon ho made. 7 3; edim,à O 634ccmmou, 4 teS5; At c0os *$0 te 865 eeh. calves, 3 te 6;,B p A rosent thore in in existence 61-2 ho6; vspring lsnbs. *4.00 te *2,50 o aci; friendly feeling.,betw,ýeen China and bogs, about 10 12, a loi o! young ,,pige, Japan, asisedeedbth $5.50 ach.sevdnedb h Toroute,, Jne I.-Cattio-Ciioe export; hearty we1coýhe given Vo Dr. Sun'in *6.76' ho 47.25; choie. -butchers, 86.60 to tine i&laud.empire. ,Dr. Sun'. visit 872;good medine, 1*6.&0 ho 86.75;-0ommonasb k% $e 6.2k: cannera, 82 te *2.5o. Cutter«,s bouglit thMsotwo nations $3.25 ho *3.75. CaIyeOm-Good veal, 85 -te *$7; doser togetiner Vian ever. Tii, in- Btockem sudfeedee-Stefs, -700 of!smrai societies recently pouuds, $4.50 te 86.25, yearliugs, *2.10to -formed for the. promotion of f riend- 03.60; extra .Cihbi eayfeedern, - 9 l0r0 a pounda. *6.85t 61.2i Ik4lr@snsuping rlaions between Chine and Je- ero-rone840 oI7. 'bheep sud lamb-. pan will b. exerted in théd directioný Llght Owen, -*5-50 te #6.-0; hoavy, $4.50 thocf Vthe propoaed Asatie - alline 896 -lambi yearlinge, *760 o ,8860; -buckeslinc scud'abc e a *4.50 ho b; eprhug 1amlis, *3.60 t ekIf thealinc éS.dbeo osch. Hcogu-*10 te $10.10»,W d dwaterod; , fact, then, will, ithon. bepecend- 89-65 to 19-75, .o..anld *10M25te 81035 can -on Cam. prosperity in Aie. TRAMIPS ARRESTED, -AÂ$40im00DROP. 250 Appnlehended at 1prontier Points Succession Duties for, May-ShoiW ii lu six Moâtha. I - -B1g8lLoos.- I' 0u hihle thônit Wbc tbe~ lnto expnsedevot'e -t'o any de .speru et thi.scne o!fashionxdfrmxnt * cotumea. altogother, for the- mOYen days. -On.eof' the. meatintrestiig cpi ,ters ilu -81is'-to arlirn nt -and, Afler,'1 able Bik George W. Rose» a , eslb i imPressions o h omo! ii oue !omodIIiIa a h. remombers 1; when ho w« va flteid te itrwltb 1ke'ý-advent of tIse- MckaqnsI Adm$xnetraticn in 173. Rd deecribee lie happy fànully of members who took a, suite of roomu with a private parlor and din ing roorn lu one or theOttawa hotels. Tieswore twe1ve of thens. At tho heàa msat Jomeph layms1, ""s geocarver' an*i-- generous-one."- At tii foot Davld BUirton, juut as good. At the centre 'on, on., aide mat Adam Gordon -of Norteh*Ontario,' and iDPzposite him John Chariton.., Tii others lncluded James Trow ofziBouth Perth; Thon. Bain - ofNorthi Wenitworth. DYavld Tihon' son of Haldimand. Thion., Olier of -North ýOxfor4 Johnu Gifles of- Erue. -W=. -Mag- ggor, cf South Esox, - albraltà of North Lanýark,, aud Thon. MeKay of -Col- chetter. , or tbrge sessions. .they, roomed together and parted wlth regret. Bevoel ef thom. grew 19P te dimtingulshed csrom but oeetan imagine that George'Ro"a, though tii. youngemt of thons ail. waa ose. i1v one of the Jeadeiiw cflthe littie baud. Partclarly ieteres@tinÈ, are Sir George's impressions o! the -chjFziged attitude o! ýmini.etf members whon they ait on tii. Goverffln o t at wiien they are iu the. cold tbadès of Oppomiition. Ho.sa»: '11 had Ê:ct bê Me tous en ithe unny, aide o th.Hoeo~fss4 earned that 'Ire., e uýni*od tes sdta oue cforthe ft#tm_ duties of ,a. snpporték, 0 the. Q? rm~4wàs 'te nrserve a dis creet ine uail Public q uemîlôno f l aàfter. nme zr»siblo nuember of the Goverament iaA el-«poben. 1 i ght 'have opnostat » sas i lht and, qulte haruiles, wheier tiiey worê rigii- -or 4wrong, eo long as 1 dld net turu them IoSe 'on tihe HoUse. OfourseIif my -opinions were ln hammouy wlti the Gov- erument ail was well, provldlug'tiè Gov- erument wautéd- to har them. If* not, it wam purely a 'work of supererogaflon' to glive-them and, mc I.ad botter govern'my- - Theo M.i'm A.aak of Indust . At another point ho refera to the Iack of industry o! uiemberm of Parîlament. *I thought h myduty te romain, coueautly -ir 'te Houmo--would I tako Parliarnentary 11f. ies serlously later on? Even when i wams46worklug day how few attoended tdÃ"h tii.W'ork in hand. Borne would, la readlng thie ovening papers. otiiers busy with- their cerrespondenco or carrylug ou a mubduod conversation with their domk- mates, wile tan or,:Qfteen zuembero noar tiie front would beosettling the. terme of an important Mill or vctlug million. for the public service. In tint the. proper way te 'troat. do, set and oonclude/' s wèro commanded on comlng to "our City of Ottawa"?P Ro recails the, diMeiulty of dealiug *jit the Parliamentsry- bore. Perhaps no liet- ter metiiod was ever in practice o!fmqtuamh- lng tuis partidinlar genus than that, put mIet efioci by on. Mr.,Jo.. Cauchon, who aft.rwards became Lieutenant.Ooveruor of Maniitoba, and whose namer appears at one or two criticai, pointe lu Canadian 'histori. Sir George .recaîll that - Mr,. Causchon owned a Jowmiiarp of geuerous proportions sud soecreting btmself-b0ind thle back rcw of seaits wien somne speech ~was becomlng, particularly long winded, would produce the mont distractiugsouds from. #tthat ever ilod tho Houao. Pointira te Speakées. Sir ikeorge discribes tihe Houe of 0cm- mono .as. tho. Inomt peculiar'. audience lu the world -to addrems s -d. iveur this ad- vice te younlgmobes: Th jongmem- ber o! Parliame4tt should almc remember Itt a'gbp~so, style,- la a eb»Ai Par- laanentsry style' This mai be ratiier an extremie way-, c-f -)ut4ting ýthe case,'-but It la lu thoernaii true; A platform Admit. of exhortation, grf tlsa-*» . n$ioitot know- ecge super or te ycùur aàz='MS, o! a lîttie shpiaterlng, but >P*arllamsnt neyer. tg .~plloma4mitq .tiiê drm.matic. the emoind îi)leven allg*,sa ittle En ~~~~~~~~ Parlia.et~4ekrxut-oc i tierU 9hnu-esamv.-H 'b. as ssrnstaqh*» boo, ýbut __1-,Àuit -z tore he st -b. e"tous, onaie jdîcil is ve0iéoe ut :prepn 1'bs h il ndse aV 1, gooe çmtaiY. idt-Ioeed npù ti1 ouge- . To dogneptize sa teproIe pftofo t e ture e louse-tq . osdrd mprle; to @Peak scften -and ive o p4b;a bore. Th4éWnoe pius-Ïlmt, t blmelf te, sunonu ofdê'bte, or- itd-uflirtten rWilo CI- porou#Wp4rEçr4ttdz7.,IPl,-iI-md on- -au 'old id-dle; - ow-' arlamen. tarlsns are.- ïolyna-iimeves fer i -I i cc 01 cu B I A deapatei f rota Toronte mgaya During %Viie monti cf May, oignVýv. elgini "hboem" ýwore rreated atý froutier -pointe" byVine ,2Provincig8l police, the itineranta ovldently cn sBidenngtinat Vinhe "open - s)eqoo- for traipsinl on Wu Ontario. -Fo Vine half yoar Vine totaIl number ep-1 preheuded is two huudred and_ twenty-flue,- RLUSSIAN- WORElN'S CONGRtESS. Prolblted by ise liaister e.fthte l nterlor. AdespAtýiif ronmMoscew sys: Tin, .MinJeter o! Vine Interior -has proibited tihe second eannual-Wo- znon's Ccu res c&nized 1hy tine laela a ýi rhbited a projeet-- ed coup«os ! iglier and elemen- t -haTé Dop, plan.io ,opgtting.- nid o! duns. Gre -Ahil atsol Brown-!'bey.. yen mut Jetme into0, the -I A. dspetin feinTore nte mya After .keoping -ainesc !i at y'm figures for ýsix xnhetklis sea.ièn" Vine- Martuiniswith a dec-e.so total f roui succession. dutie. for Vine even mentbs te date amounted.tct $456,6f1.69, connparod, :witli $467, 292-98 for the corremponding period Iast yeear. Tino ýMay "dutiem -were *0, 717,39, conPared -wh ii,1. 78 iiiMy 31. II;ILI-TANT. UF-FR£Glv'pI,8, -Set Prt.- M siN «er Trow- bidge, Wltehlre. Militant 'Sa~ n a t o t - J , - b u t u o e upà ~ mnôas -M-W...4.- ---- - 17 -Mir. Lloyd George will not attend~ th"Wlsh oelebràtions in Pitts- burh, Pa., this auun 1,ýA Jgnpin negro-,rving-.twox years in jthe penitentiary at Jeferr&nn CitY,. stole the goverinor's clothes and escaped during.-the night, hA .ecqud ,scho>oner, Mh.aWska' ha be- pr-e for theSeas snart expedition, _Capt. Bart,. let n? demin ýthe Kar1uf fit for _tihe trp. 3âýk onoi ro ea'vy- wegh hsloni was. s __p e t la year- and' one day i:,n the s4ate penjitëntiary . at -Jouet -and frned $1,000.-for viclatioun'%f -h'Man Generâl. Theo Frenchn Chaminer of DepnutieE proposes te proteet wor'king womeri about to become motiiers f res dis- missal by tineir employers. Iu tise cisorder tinat marked the reaignation cfii. Cabinet o! Hue- gary, the. former Premier 'wa-s etfrucIý tiree. tfiesby a sabrç iin.tthe handEý'cf .Captain Gebrce1 Vine eom- 'mander of th§, guard. FAUX IWOOJ)L0TS. Bapfg Inereaise.,1nValne Througl Wltli tii. ncreasing, iiiaccessibil- ity cf6tVin. foreets and tno couse- queut bign price cf wocd, Vine omail wocded areas comimon ou tino farina o! easteru Canada are: alseicreas-ý ing lu economie valpe. *Tii.y fre.' quently 0cèUpy sela unfetted for agriculture, end witn a littie care cen ho, ma-de Vo furnisis Vie fariner, with a continuous revenue lu ' fuel, fence-posa, rails, pelIezsuad etru- tural timber. -Uufortunately the, woodbcts are, frèquently- allowed - Vo deteriorate Vinrougn crelessnesî- or -Iaek .o! knoyledge. n Vise paefs isîe fer- nier,. Re H.akeigreet car- tý>farm bis. agricultu-ral landsa te nehest aduantage, but'often fails to rea- lize Vinat by farnning ii wood-1-at wiVh Vine saine.cane, lie coul- d get Vin. ,saine inorease in produotiveneas. Cettie -sud wceds are noV ipermittell lu e wheat-fleld, yet in Vie wood-loV Vine caVtle range et will,- anad insteani o! remov-ing tVei. weed-t'res Vinhe far- mer sllows tinèse Vo inbrease, lu n'am-ber, renioviug enly the trocs beat suited, Vo his purpose. To saue Vine farmer f rom. in-innsef, Vine Dominion, Goverumeat -lie sp- pointed a t&hnical forester,- wit'h inoadquartpbrs at Vine 'Forestry Braniie, Ottawa, -wiose principal duty is te anawer ell inqu-iries and give free ad-vice ounVinemé mette. If ueesraragmet eh ,made for.e personal.-Inspection o! wooland properties b? this expert. No conditions are imnpooed en tWne, owuer o! Vin. wcodlend, iV heing as-' sumed tinat he wlio is -anxious for anivice will ae Vwhngvn Tino. expert Iôokà Vo this oilenniitýo Vine local mar>&ket, liows how 'ireim-- prouo ,theo éliaracter -o!f-the, -crcip 4vpd its rat0ef growtis by prGpe,î annnnnw d,-, -if deoired, 1e ode au4 tise nnost rofrlValsiz7s't ho grown. Further-mufc ' ,1ia lion o in su-b-i' ject.esa-be obtaned by writing ie. Vine Forestry, Brai(ch, (Ottaw».-i -BEliGALE SE ARRE STEJ. -- luerlmlnatlag D60ornts-fina-by tCONPFERATION L E BL~O., NEWS OF IBEMIDIE WEST 1BETWEEN O?~TARIO AXD Items Pom Provine" Wbrc Ians 'UP $100,000 àùheu-il, wit] n - - "I<iklngo! 600 barreil per day. April uilding. permit. for Cal- enbach, cýf Red -Wing,, --gary w ere $1,56e,430.be Vn pr r et . - If presnt plans materialize, Cal- egary iil have a Lutiseran coleège. Regina. will have a, bttery o fle MRYS B'AIP ;notor fire.rige for use in the;Cen- tre "-e 1a1lof tiat city,. E gish princce GIV4 Il i' themontin -o! April, 89 lodu B9uekingham -Pu of decorposed fruit waa disposibd .lg cf at the -Calgary incinerator..- y a, P i c s a y-i For selling- cocaineon tine street iarir thouMh notq-ha of Edmornton, Barney Diamond was oclox sense.» It is n"~ci fne$10Orf u-rno nthin nJa¶il. -and tied -up .-with > a ,Work ias ubç,en ôomnned o n e 'lack- rilhon 'on lier ei,éetiion cftwo -new, publie scinools. very- charmfing ainhe lbe lan Re aW'gina, ich -tri11 coat $350,000. style givimglier Vthe irs Winnipe'g Y. M. C. A. added le- of Vine youn& ý lady' Vo I 000 nnemhers Vo it&-, roUae by a great Loudon correspondent. !-Éally on -'the lest day o!f a memiber- -According Vo al ace sli canpign eess Mary.:was uery, " Megistrate' Banders, o! Calgary, tino fresh arrangZement4 said. enployment ageucies in Vinatti ti.ul tresses, iofr putti clVy re carrying "ounVine daylîgnt inair is a gréat eventý, lu- robhery of Workingmen. It îs uearly as impertan Calgary - ratpayers carried . ive on ir fr-V aln % ny b-aisroiig for tiseex ceiving lirflrst lovéelei penditure cf $676,000 on municil l.0f alYtise royal fanýj13 improvennents. a oehe'arty intereüe Grading- on 'thiéC..- P. IL.track: sud air-lieroes- tinaliFr1) west of'Suowflake, Man., le proceed- whese ge 6 siibio -'- ing apa-e, onor orne ad -& haîf miles 18 Vo fly Bie made$e beinng uow comnpleted. oDwu o!f, e airsh.dm2ý_ a Four inundred aud seve'nty-iresdwsfsiaeb permnita were issued by theo build- Princes' Mary - ha' lie] iag inspecte>r lu Ednnontou --duriug e rooms now at Buckii April, a-ggregating ,$2,080,380.ace. Tliey are Vho-wi Wilkie, Besk., bas rio~w a splen- ly were occupled Èhy lier df-d wate'r supply, reçent . tests show- cees Vctoria, nd issue mng that there is a flow sufficient '0 view up Constitution1 supply -a City of 50,000 people.. have been cooùsiderably Tiie. R.N. W. M_ P. detachaint, 'r, -a=de ail pi-nk and wisich, ham been stat-pned at Wind7ý-,white walls -and Wdodw( tinorast, Sask., for -tVie pautt irie isascinoolrOOn-where si ye*rs, lias heen. removeéd -Vo KIpliug; li er studieg, sud does h( Bask. . 1. ,sud a de]ightful room i> Thievea en&ered a Medcin Haîf chuntz covered-,cisairs' jewelryq-stoe and tcle $5,ooô wbrth ,cases _lled -,#tlï volurnee of cliannoncts Wlile a band was giv-7lui rose leatiner -wVh -h i119-e concert in frontc>! Vie place, own book 'plate witin. -By the énd o! julyl cOhmtructnn' Rus~kin i. eue of tlhe; work on-the C.,N.: R. Will he oien-quoen-4,6rcuea 1Tfer- pleted te, the um m it -b6f -Toto Juan. pruaal. 4_er Cache, 350 miles weat O! Ed4mento.ýn -fid9'À Place tosl i - Mdieue at i e spnearly e Princés -maryj is as 1< million, dollars .inn ùmunicipal -ami it-tfllieÉ,r, provements Vhis yéar, but will neot 88Idsho4&ÏB ntýKulà build ' am unicip al street- ca r -siem lir p e ur s i rh l at sroe ut. -In .. -' ic- --regaPdÇ-i tie0lLt l -Farmere, - in ýihé» rystaF Cnty fuan ;- 2 M aü ., d istrict a ir e a ny ar eV T h.e' I r neeo n~,n6tui~arer $2ooo -, mk4t Ung. Ï MO'inO a5bl ~ 4b h o r~ tise. have beokui1D ihoniàcaen4- 'htie lk trie&. --Thïs iiumbèr i seese hetizI. :P) ah.de~,e'nth4t or tie nAqui4Y ' P e r a a- - e o u » . ô i l uit The neilw, own-hall at Etwsll AJ#,~nthoe -G. TP .,wàit oý  'i,.,inntü » itosia f7 ein 'the, Pembisina, quàrriea VT<, ot iùi. f vhiis aveben_ _ .,11 ee ope on Ie - roi kwaa arrestectjin >New Yý 4~ brouglit tc, Oanadï soon -as extraditioir -can li -âeged.- dollars are iivblved in Saskatoon -wl acon lu big- industries. One '0 $200,000 fa.rm iniplemend 'tOmc value. Eve] , ichIlrecb r.Foley,At Sy."Folowng aia -pl~z lever, I was le iweak and disiieartenec Bh mallest e xertion 1 tae out-, and I te o getarouïneh& Içt4epndent Id i Wîliamal Pinlk Pij 2GVedof the.greitest 'ne. aa nOw as wel] as;aeeVciç, and can do. wok and as w- ve 9goes 4without -ea3ipg ti - much to do. I fe.el, t -h SI canjiot Beay t43o much~ Dr.Wiliao'Pink Pi] If yen.resffrn after effects, of fey&,1 any;acute disease, yoiu -gin to get ne w strex -through theïtoncte Dr 1Wljas'Pink Fil il ned1ineý,dalers o cents -à bo _eor sx nl eCO., Brockville, O S Gcncrosity, Cousiderationfor. Beforea &Young junn makes- what we call a.. there BhUuid --W ou thOuglit on this, point. aer, it Ù ioft-en. ass 'n its Very nature Enog fw tcmanto, d1Utrested -use 01lo Iefishmess6-o our W-01 Many people lbave, aba noion Coftaking a, left d in s ; lif. " B u i were the- last--word o! there i.. nothing more ~ut.henthi tbsines just beginning we nobier- and more- whboi Let 'Us fix it fSIrmly in tt- usiessis ser.% TItris, roon in every for chàeracter for-istal Gsihuimanfty, cons; etohers Gethé persp Se. tht~ here aLro firs be kepOm the first plàc i8 no neèd jtô) thru.st-idî baek ground., BABY'IS TEETHhi 4Mothers On4 bahy's su-O f sreat anmietq * -. n. becomnes ra'_ s, . he-bevonne&cr<ssand ca and Sometiàes eonstipo rhoea, colie or coônvuh- him. Baby-s Own Tablei ventall. this. They Te otomach and howels;âai erishness, and baby _W, teeth without-paîn or w, fr -Tableta are, sold-bvmc ers or by mal -25' _ from The -Dr. W'Illiamsi Nailiag a lie wonV ai Vdow n. A Tip. If a girl worked ha]! a please a mnan alter marrii citez efoe arriage, ID yeswould star-vo te dea 4autyo_ f Bcatf~ &rsrvc euticra s Assisted hb, -an &a!n Çuticinra Ointment. No ot ;W, eats dosemucli for p plexioris, recliTOugh hands, snct dry, -tia and faillng h Cutkmcu and c it-ii-are 8n cmOou-en.eà1tBflUt ci ms-vm-flOs. A6d "pumar] or-OR 1

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