b0 OT Put--off fr-Qi day 10 iday oomig to-onr in lgrdto your eyes., -T4e«,wilI tiever .bo l, aboter lime Ia the -pre&Oenî8 and, the - simple defect-now mnay ,be oom.-. plioated by -and by.ý Thin 1k more of your eyes. !Think bt. Werofypur eyes than b iieglect thein. Our optical deparbuient ig oompletie in evr oan d ourr~osife liyysre«.onable. Let US he your Optic ian. - - -ço of the rrngusn suigreg;r W201tfrowipg oôff the. box l w'blh the bavlng 'direct steamer,-, oDlee14Ou S.S. iI4 r~ajI~î8eeiifiW__at_ 1- ieyes -that ch Io l a womau's 'two Mo e resae. - Ilee aiI n-'laM e1t. mo4eaIf ~11~a4ura." {trut hnà rbtmrec bes- TeJdgn~Ii~~favored tbhoifull particular,, reser 8oso ~~xcursii>~~~ ~complished -to-obtain qquaijrajichise plaiptif, üdant« ate tshort abass taùro rh a.eoWe I t éPmi Jiipb ducation and, by ge .tle'ersuai n-h uyrtre .ti erdict Of Iapplication t Grad Tru-ikAgets I9~by~ ~bf1~ thu ibal verbonccmpisb4 by1.OOandi lullcoats. or wleCE.Hrlg, District Plas- loges] Shape & ook, fX riga-senger, Agent- Union Station, Toron-, O K NEE M rs. Lea±thes hasa mot attractive pearéd for the pjInhtiff, jaýd I31Z T.té O0 t.-wt TRE.Preaenee, and à al wbowere peetH enr !Torn oi i&dé- Thtrsday eeig -~ eed ep y interesteti and , carin4fne AE-~ITR WIlon, -of the Royal Iote], had 4he- ith -fier, me sage. M uch. énthusi's C U T E F H il*ng ù thé hallwa i, id was abouÈt eono! r-ca ats ' yew n- ei o i, - - brde cm- fMs Mr lUAb tet.Sl ablicehe annllv HduaOTth f iO En 3 l a , o, 0- o wtu s t nd hlat , fv< _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ fot liptiorwa a.Hs akotu eue terdmud Wt oesraott -ei as t Rn e AèI Lo ETe-aT w as givon a suddys'ctw ist athet es bei ct due a u- a i n or h rm l C o alt a o ù s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ boa abve he-anke ws facCrei. l, told ado pherepland !war- Dr C F M G llv ay p t h in u e i k a e in g cid a rrin eng 4d ,- ff by r. bta nd.,e t ou it o m adF AK-. JO E ' I T 1: . . -eathesi . th .& WnrldwnnA h. sen he& Oher ninr\1î - 1s< irioý na iaur as anua,'rurî---------ise. !tr eggthe ei~~buses.-- dýtlý."inoniiigWil .te hear. them, for their cause, .. à s-"Atrwihn8o - 1 t a y m r u î î W i s o n w ~ a s : e m v e jq r a n d g iv e s o m e c o n É d e r a t4 en t-h i 1 0 ~ a m t e d a - h r v o s t i l Z s t o r e s . piai wher-e ho te aking splid arguments. 1n 'htbïo-uht* eut on Tuesday, 1-2 lots on Unry Street. en-bcablne- eteOhw -- Ju cGilvd à tqlted J~j2 lots on Byrbn street. Y. B OBF T -prerea. Iinh&lÃe tat li liaI t1 eard witlw everal fà rms for sale lu Whi bh I I nwreffýgW - Pro a n er'î e . 1 -s scon . Wiae, and Pickering Townships. J~W4E1 ad OTIIAN Ge ou pIse 01 wre euiu». ej Y.Jt -_U tht iý-fstwifo was alive. I Farms wa'ntdd.- * v~Ãrwy. an .You- the. stretchers i'-Pu tlbI- - up. Geo M. lUe. * -Miss Vida Perriu is Visitiug her pr WANT'S $ FOR NURSING. ITAKEJNS - - enteere. - Mrs. raà .kLawvlon- was plaintif fl WnB MR. LCK T-VRT. ey. A-ID. and Mrs. MeIznyre'were a suit on- Wednesd-a'.ay aga=ntJh REALI, STrATIZ E ln r Lj u ln toi7ii la t W O~ Le#à k f rL$1 Z95 *..lf çe cler smee an P ifu aciet f T rilb, hor- î-' -ý ' doroéb t h tL1Preperty fr si Mi: El er Lic sU ta qie ~a naty P M iss W harton, o - T r î l , -las ho duý or l&u-s*p - a.6e' si' .ln 0," U9Ie r the tôwnsof W bi tby or Osa aW, fou . - ~l s t p a i f le a c i e . o % S t u r a y b e e n v s i t i g f r iè n d s in , t o w n . B o t h p a r t i e l a r r oî1e7 p ind I t bm . o de r a t o û x n m ission t a ne o n Ii .. pettO oiune awi .e Whitby several wagon, wh ispaens. eela ays eaeheweek after the first of Aprll.- write podmi ahoenidMr-Lck- 55Miss Dora Herron, of Toronto, is toi: Paralysis, and had beon at the. 0. W. STEVENqSO, o isher si., Toronto Shr w istn - a op a boor - te t îst i n'g W ith lier naunt, M rs. C. A . os pital, but -w ith n e beneficial e . AutÃ"on10biIe for -hure at Luke algou nd, disueoabot !etIGoneîow. -suit. The plaintif?, Mrs. Lawton, WITBY JUNCTION. aahig ugiaradgue-ll phoene 1Touar frmry ! h D-teStified thai she had- nursed Mrs. .loigWm...ir1ofn i8st --b, gar ?g . P on 10 p ote te i ims lf as ee ho co ld -m en Bank h re, w as in tew u for a , L7eask for nine weels at the Law to11 .. 9 wfth bils baudsand arme, but, ho !Ow days tis wek. -jhoume, glUp.: I - : .Pm Rev G.A- acLan as 't touf- truk 'he roud o hi foýhed, . Ms. tgigher massage breaimeut - ....7.s6P. ..930m Ue . .A ac ea as ~ t u struck tha e ve rou i on I is fo euea i, r. (Rev.) G . A . M eLean a d o ! fr ein 8 to. 12 h urs a day. M rs. unday tra lus lav@ for Toronto ville', n,' Tueday and edilesdy at- chl4ren aeLeaskngwbo lhathy'te bt Lcarrieti ainto bçcarr 4.25o the..25 dâ7.56 p.m.6 FreinromTTo- -»idsay attending jhe meéting of ie shoulders, handis'anti arms were- bad.-' withrelatives near Seaforth, Huron house, waisOmcbterateeadoio-ransopaWibyJaio -Whi!tby aid Liindsay Association <of ly injured, anti were Tory palfuful 2011jCeuufy. o te io mha et e ale o.Malk aI &15mci .55- *.stod 9.80 p.m. -io - - »apldab clipobes. -day. lb l a cause for gratibudethatj Mrs. Chas.- ,Afgufre, of Toronto, la eut te the vehicle, wluih took irajJ'(, SAON Mr. Lfck's injuries were. not mr twnriu e mteras-. wy , - - - T L T B r l ia si M a asli n sL awat onrs . Ja i L é a s k - a i l - Mserfous, -as e sucb s fa t u a w Y F o r es e r, -W hb -is c ofin eil te l er be il guaranteed t e p y he m w eIl, an d t h ie G o ng iN orth. ..30 Aim . poing South ... ,58 a -ApplY te F. HQward Aunes. mgtelhaepefta. with nheuiiatism. promise bad b«çu touewed wben the - 1564oP - EcusonboGelh i. sud Mrs. E. Garreit, of Wat- maasaglng hati preveti se benleflclJal... ~asieai ~'os on earth er mon sud oue, Snsk.i andMr. and IrMrs. Chas. She claimede$25 awe~fr*>-ejq-TGS -, hurtiY, JulY 19, by C.N.Ry. Par- ',Jackson, of- Hanley, Sasfç,, palil a but $30 had' .lre9dY becu aai. Iavoe Wbiby for Ohw I1 ~ oe.--D.Re' uh nSls iu r o ek(liy prie8, siX-dollars; our prise, fi --iiti' ae. brie! visit te Mr. aid Mrt. C. A. jas. Leask, Ã"u -ho witness stand, a.m* snd 4 i>.m.Jo.. Holden, po casdfetorwibis week. said Mrs. Lawten lad suggested that P OO-, dolar. he~ah sor, .W C?- POLICE COURT. Miss fi. Sleep o! the Ba'-Lino; -she coul d cure Mme. Leask. TÉhi.mis. Lssvu for Brougham .1 10 &.m. Uns. -Thursday afterneon seenis to bc tue'- rl and kirs. Samuel Mewat,- Mr. Lawtou hail prevlous]y' denied. Leask Mr. 4lwardB, prorieor. - -4'b& officiais t-ino that Oshawa young mue,. ,~ John Mowat, Miss Mny Aleximnfer, said that Mme. Lawtmx liad si h - ~ tendidineore 'the Tabrncl c- ten some -hlarity. floubtiese olTeronintown lstweek would charge - uotiig,. hnaskecl -~ ~ f ,-bctse !oui: sistor churches, as- bese in our nceigh-boning îevnfo --..- li hd xpctd e .y- Lhe wsle TES:E ' well, as ibose of, our own, for se en- the a!ternoon ou Thumsday )1f eacb we cnîe n i wday EI érous werecureil, but net otliervise. He nuembers eoetConference. Wo appre- mon a hdny. Lan fdnotcosidr hatfi ,wd nn ci-b yurkidus vrymuh.- o, nWho gave as their names, Win- - md paid oui o! good wi!. M ýn ,A IlA -Jordan and~ HenrySmith, orf Ccdar, FIVE CASES ON DOCKET. - Th ~en$ lIiititute wifl hold a daf e, were arrested in town bv Chiot____-D TON R g..ardS. - à )rty on riuayafiernoocc Mrtti~ruiy, when ,âiey reusèd t i e The dune Sessions 0o!the County THE -MERRIAM WEBSTER JunO-13, On Mr&. J.H. Perrv's lawî. hlm their namnes. Trhey were- druiýk Court occupied Tuesdny afiernoon and- The 0111Y New unabridge di.ÃŽc -Tserved frein 5 o'clock ti? eigîrîncareo vhce adwe Wednesday, wiiii s night session on - U TD Imn tionary inl many yoars. Got rgramme. 34th Regimien- Vened by the. Chieff re!used te be - Tuesday. ITRECOIflUin h it ni see tlBaud In atiendance. Adirnssin venu communicative. They rsis- The chie! intorest o! the Court con--- of an authoritativelbay Itru ôa nupive lz--.Uin- Covers every fleld« of knowl- - i~mumfOrcosupile hutien. cool off. A fine of 82 andi $5.35 esiswhich W. J. Watson, e! bhe Vmdi " al * OTedge. An Encyolopedîi. a e ach, complOted, the coollng proceas. jtom. Oshawa, is tie defendani. . -' ThYsie-Z tonaywh h --- -WC have painteti six bouses in teva The case did «net proceed, oee, Th__________ e wnlDl.We Parye. wt h wlbb -Sherwln-Wflilinms p-aint airoaciy We havé 123 -Paire mén's, women'i, as the Crowh desireti an adiournment. . - 400,000 WdsP.270 ags ibis season, and timey are ail a.tand- beys' sud girls' boots - and s.Ies Crown Attorney Farewell reati SM Cen'-fer70000Paistes.ns fig advertisements. for bho quality cy worth Si te $3.010, to. be sol! théieday-us from D.A.J. Swansou, te thé Cr Flakes 5 Otnsl th6 painit. - Solti by -Geo. 1g. Rico,. bargain tables for 8Mc. vIile V hey lass effeci t- Amie Letitia Wason e hl ilinoln ....... -ai M.W. Coîl-fs' great barguin stre. j ow1iout nthofu d gar, Le n bllYen about th&. imost fln Fldayiflot ie Hoer, Sr - -Dra. cICayaid armichael, ,te 21 lb. for $1.()6 ~ aikbe ige oie 'Jo-,is' Leunamit-G vernor of CANADIAth1Ue ofetthai Chie! HInds, suotiier - UaI - JO11n aîteoi _. Iui PACIFIO RAILWAY4ti'ç*ns u6 nï Cmorga fr2e On4» le'abi s academle c - .CONSTRUCiTION. - ~ bi~. ~ n ea. Cnfr op,.8 for 25e seni-temuiai, by giving a dmnner at Contracter Stewarf is, meving bluhm etc Gqenf. HiRe, e n a ar sta n iev1t tecuiig J.a -W.'Curry, K. C., Toronto, ap- C Tea efor 25e lbai aùimber .qflkW %llow grad t<es of-TO'- o oDnis iretsba, peare .f oi 'ho de! once, and argueil w vi n roâoUnversity ver-fr 1f50t. Hi, worko! filuig in htrestil >tweez gts ay oionmn.leargued - ht Ban,5 b.fr 5ev Eoo l -onbme!ii&c~h.O!te-ste -Ã"0-lie- tatioi on Brock Stha a te prouor- as ealy 8 - 50e Tes for 40e lb '- aSof 1888. Mr.J~as. lUutleio aid Col. J. to the Grand Trunlo havingbeei com-1 Riéhp.tyutRedtesant ne Th Faeelof Whi-tby, -vere among- pletet.,The 80uPd.-o! Aeelrails fafl- 1 ,th ase sheuli-net be delay- Rc.RdSme 8 be nvt e bpreenf. hesinf g>fiom cams là îow-dietinctiy heard o.aeelIumbt ht h r- FnPn amn- gentlemen are cIassm&tes o! 18q64. lItewetenp&to!hOtWiîTsca'iuj>oosêted-ain $.T.C. -- Oc', in SInô -~ - - -i dueo le prgree o!he finaI.Robinettet&prosecute, aid lAie- At, <Jr-eam Cern, o 5 7Ile guostgataI"Mhe Maples" durlngStage o! _constructlon rom GreembumameyGo3rl afocrsulet5oMr ~V~ierno wekwe~ Rev., Dr. OCbZM eastwartistoWatti Wiby. Ti1%18 . .. ,r l~- - bu",, 'résli oft he' ouerai 'Coule- - euce Bey. Dr.-Grifu, -jev, Dr.- -Workman, . ey.. Dr. Shorey,'j. T. W. Joîliffe, Bey.'W.11. ms1~ 1 --RA.. Peve, Wzn. ts Re.ant»idM. BaMfortb, -Roa; A.- Sanderso>n, Bevy. J-D-P. KlI'ex, vl½ W. loney, Rev. W.W. -Jone, BReiË. J. J. Mallor, Mrs., Jackson, -W.KLS; organizer, -and otieme. jpïepare te, taIre ln the excutlin. te --Petemberd oion LWdedsyt Jly 9, -uni- der tbe cemâbineti auspices of tlb. Sons e! Englmanad the Workmen.. -Fare frem Wlby $1.015, returp, tickets - *good t w datv à sy. tige. -mcG.fllvry sa1d-myr sam- des are. entireiy againat apos- hun.If I fuid thaà t .L'bave "tol 2Unuo fo 1r 25e Phono:-4, -WHITBY ' lI-ave e quiPPetif * ~ jant"d day Pi recent1y atide<. i;4ý JIORSBFOR SALE. Tom - h.boseb course' o!-ereo-î -brAfI1yrEBox 69, - .eïî IPORSALE. the -Gazette' officé, Whitbyl Cone: ! yrn.and oozIto 0ýeSts., A UJTOMOBflEi " oith ck1 redho, pincl - CaI ant i te the new -Po ,Ing bathroomp -ir lae~ hot -water Ieatinalmde mrv-garage. We received a*,ci monsj areo! ai, nube o!wekand only one car let 4 -~ f r ui, t tre é. - La re b ic ut u ld tr ati o n ,g iv en a t a ny tim e iJg o p e ies. w sj iî ôniftereýsted-.W -J. Luke &-,Ç Quaatity o!fint ",4tor- in. larger qi Wiowbrook Farir At -Port Whitby, 1oÃŽ *sstory ad a bal!f rm rooma: kitchen and wo )Iock 1, us, 7i ;good gooti DS. ards at our arloati last efý. Demon. te to those Searchingfor un-dri es H:owiever- high grade and satîsflactory a bicyele may, be, it is- net whelly cen-, -Som e too lsaire nees Sary. ( ~to*tUne iV up-a lamp to" fi iht the vay-a ~ -_'- mater to keep a record or à yepair kit- fè eil-ergen- e s.-This le the sêâsil oeuu vvemeuneu gooda at very amati -prices. W. Je LUNE &SON flUndaà Street. Phoe 10. WhbyOn We have the new seed in, which is of -a good quality. Bangholm Skervings Halls Magnum Bouum -Try ns for good, pure seed- Champion flazzards Wesiberry A lew left at cut prices. - - Jo.I~.WATIERIOUI WHITBYelvrry Phckon"s - romp li.1 y Et MODAY, MAY 2Oth, store wilI bep..tliC"lokpm.- iYS fi'om, I-.ntili I sonally coniduct .a o - - -No- reasor ning- ORD Mr. Jackson wiil Per. i. te my wel- -the next-,,,I'w weeêks, a beavy testa effort is beingmace t( :4. c4rtage anti be please &-to E veryth -ing' will b -- I have prompt Our leaseexpires si 46 We have lie large 1tiMOI - 1Qdate stock - ln Whtty.Price owet. Largo cash discoisI - ;,ent de. <1 h high is- sent hîngeà , ine nd 7 sT r- aLlu we otfer thp silinwa -Phone 11 BEDDING PLý-AN-T-Sý