-. them that'l Was aI0onê_$hat IoudetI ' - fdil e s og jteritùb d.ce - ai UÃ"nAhm oapreca. cea- 10 b.ipoken W any Siroà peail nation." - (JPUEXI. -surWI O f =Y- identlty the general ran "If yoU, Wii1--CODUmut the purname Ion tùo hu4 Vlo I entu4 ZWPlYtOwsTd me'sudgrs0ted, -me,,w1t1h wili £und;." sai! Ram -Binth, -"that ,tble. V* ing I m>tione d ej- utmc0t edlallty, - 6ery, thôugl ooMrnonIy. reeeive. e n-v as-fouhd. au .I had ex. -"This in trily kins! of Yen, West,,, h* tiêYiitial 4ýqbsbe wallvezy much lulereutea 01."Il Ià enly at inuhti sthese &udIf N 0w i omltthe R5t»s7atft, un fthenu. Wheu. ]uowever, W 1WO3-1ug aho M, a, friénd ans! and! more larti4llar#thl uoic bok km, 'o the alkak< '< Dot.It' would sot b or a on Buddhiat dluipiine,- cies! n yfather, lhdpoSition whi o h&da.Mmbt mnouse the tysh imamons, phlloiiç, t e O.' teli-é- Va tha it ijw&1eijted Ibae baIan Tbl ent hlm tr<im settine off thoin 1 sais; I"for W . lorne abot, Vonlime "in, 'or to make 10bisM ltIe ibaveie a2d 1 Wer« relleved and! glad when lHaw bave Yau-al been keeplugp," 1atsueceeded In à atrss!tlnt'hi. Wy.-. el scould e epectes! atz ma.nvrln hl tahlmbes- Bt w. wili b, 'better tko-mgrraw-we wtlFour FlSt-ýClaee HoSteilsWU . ,oteexi otint -eente o!thlieit be different mento.MOrrow, eh, carpeal P"1 4P-four ha<f &«been .toc mach fo "Y air," salit thé corporal, raislng pni Soty *X frani».and. dulicate nerves. -,, hlm hans! te hia forehead iu a militara ht slcll ecibda Is sttine at he opentp6rcli In the salnte. ,eý'We'11 ho' right athe bank te. "gut" à irtclas hotlydsciel s ah WWê evnt wlkh -ha&Sooui-i,.so - .,The couporal and! I are aà 11111e-dis hltndi odo.Wihn-h $-the- 'gele, the wreck, tae rescue, lunes! lIn our mindo >mat now." the wn eé teiteen ondh our Wite 16 strange obaracter 'ot*the "at era. explainos!, -but ýhave. ne doubitntut liee etefornwbg wheui mv- -uster ý came quîeîîy overal will corne 'rlght. After ail, théo1re le hotels on the liues ofthtei Savoy ,,ud put -ier hiud In mine. - i.iotiirig hier than Providence, and! we sudthe,*Ceeu, are-te be opeued, 't you think, ýJack,' ahe,,eaid Ln are ail W, ite baude. And! bey have yau V swoet veto., <tiat vo: are forget- been, eh?" . and those who -can -afford te apen4e wfrlsrnda over . t loomber? "We- have boo sn very busy fer one- from $5, to $100 a. day for theix ail ,tbig eziemenf tiiven .thefr tliing," ald I. !'I aupp>ose yau haveboran us! their danger eut cf cm Ieade?" hebard' nahhinê cf thé, great aipwreck'bad n ldgueyl ne longer of our heide, bot nevex' ont c m -"e '-od" i e a nwr run- thé. 1isk of flndiùýg themselves2 'f11 ,laughiug. " ooweve, ! llsteslî. - 'a il j o. er nouïrattention lias "I thhengt-the .noise cf lia wlud wonld 4mr~ely hue"çurng thee ly beau d.lshtract»4 trom them. i lirevont-your. hearng the signal'-guns.bu ,estwe eke cf "the S'e4sqn -- ak, up in t-he iuorunntand »e.,if She camne ahore lu the bey the, ulgit Tii.sites of these ne-w hotels are r wee anything of them. ny Ftahe- way, bêforo Iast-a. treat bai-k from Zûdia." as follows: (1) lu Eliccadîlly, over-- ow latho aeu O~oe - "From India " oJaculates! tie georal.loiu'GenPradnarak 'ne day sund à laYýIl viibo velà j it "Yem. Her crew -were saves!, lfontunaAe- o _ - - - IF, ans! have. ail been sent ou la Glas- Lau., the lf assre o ilo- t IV l,"sis-miuster, gloomly.. ou trOWo mllo fvhat a 11111ie croaker yen are "'Ail sent ount" ties! the. roerai, vith aire, aftter whi'ht htlwillb ue"I cries!. "What la ti, vans! a fjace as bleodsos as à coi>me, named. -,Séven storey#s high, thi. d In 'over yen?" " Ail excopt tiree ratier sîtrange char. uldn will-coutain 310 bedroomas,b xl ,pqrngssudlowapirlted," aie eors who cdaim te b Bnddhist prsats. grciec ero 4,drwn dioser te my aide sud Teraede e! e rmain for a few sudeitt, UJft sil mane great peril deys uen taxe céegi" hvig ý& bathreom of' its own.. (2>). "uda over-ýthe hIxedof- thçs w- Il Tue tyrds vers hardly -n fmy meth A site behiud Regent street, under N Ool haasue mou wlsib bu .liera Uoped » onhie knew r'reç.slî t i.cmes~ araexl.n'ded-,tote pore. po,.te6n 6thé ~Budlhiste?" ZIais! lightly. hieix. "Th1' viii- ho douel" h.e r'ied -lu of tii. existing - 'Sraud Palace Ho-a hae entd<~ toast besd111letthn -whichi it w'ill be tour tms MOv sîodieay tiat- Corperal Rufus Smit¶'s -face bad, greater in size. (3) A site.closé to-s y be aue.11 turned te a ickly yolIow'shade- .d tha»t Oxford' street and Castle street. - -yon po; think, mai!tier, Iu an h a iigleDrprtafehm(4) Over the uewBaker street rail-t -ck vhloer, " it,la very hi-ev.- that- thie prieeta ehonis! arrive '"Itl like, my lnck 1" he malid. !'Â!ler ail road -depot. This will contain 668 the w~ay fi-cm Indîas mmetai thee-tiesa. yenre, ta coee mt vies 1 have bedrooms.- moiui'Iae yen pot gatieres!go asNè lil" - - h fti Iyolî have heard thataith o- Nver miss!, mn lai!." thi enera sas!, manager'oth Savoy Mte Baa' are fiii nmre ay connectes!riainc. and quqzing i shbulders îike .&es stintthle prepnietors of>the c dia ans! -lie ludians?" - a Man whe braçes -himieof for au effort, exitn odnbt1 ae n mark =&de nue thoulthtful- "Whj. "Be Il wht t Q iMay. we'il face It'as PBrît- I.aetLnonhî ae n at yoUx mention jIt" I aneveres!, -li se ldiers èhould. D'ye remember- ai qualme ,rekardiug the threatenede 00w -vague l les iaI tha th hlliauvallah, vien non bas! to mn ii-aur competition. "The influx ot mou- t il caixuoctes! vii amérn Incident yenr garue te' our squarfe, and the SikhiYdpol noLno -ese xou'eê lu 'îbaî counntry. 1 arn horse came thundein«s do'wu on our- bay-eydpoe to on n grae Kwever,hthaî onntonne would van- onets We0 did't -fliluci thon, ans! e vastly grenIer every aumr,-" iie vou sa 55 -Rarn ingb. HoIsjethewon'tî lunch nov. Ih seems la methat'- Iremarked. I confidently exxpect that 9g roniIcg.tion cf wledom atdn.i f oc botter tian i have doue fo years.ths seneon we Wiii have ten tjiou- dl i. Ho vu - moches! aI lb.eidea cf W waa tie uuýiètanty liat wvskilliug sn oevstn hnmtya in~ ehoep, -on even a 11mb fer ails Bn me.vstra -nlstya WV4 wouid ratier dle han- Ans!lhe. infernal JinglewJanile," sais! o London from Europe, America ~had l -hkig le iteoVs le o-aai."me onsolai go ge- - nd the Overseas Domzinions. The !er ,foolîi et me t b go, n - -"Geec-by West," sais! lie gênerai.'"Be quieation 25 whether Cr net tiie uew is mad y i-smen,, bavoiy. - "But yen a rocs! humbans! te Gabriel, ans! give myn hotels wiilb. able te ýstaud the ie mnlè eé ne ehilur. Jack. Yen poon vite a home. I don't limai mie viii uV lao locobr lu tihemorulur, trouble rau long. Good-by! 'Gos! îîs. strain oi eleven compara.tively quiet el rou can ne any ofthlemux yn mutlyoul --month.'p n cf thèe s trange neighborm etf "Look bore. general," I sais!, penemp- h detc i bt neeyl amn Utier able te Judge tans toriliybreaklgoff a ieplce e of d te h deto h bt neeyt thiwreec _a Wnyra communication more a te bedroom" la a much heralded ad- g mice srnt ueee! ot oet ing ha@s been golung ou tee long. vetisement of -the exteut te which c« Igîht. -11-hile ose" nw as What are tiese iuts ans! allusions ans! Sidoors.-*"Yen have been over- innuendoes? It le tlme--we haci a 11111e Landes ha stfll 'behind the limes. , th xy ult lie. vls! doinge, ans! yexiplain _opoakiug. Whal le it yan tean l th ouns!- liha t osItecomnpose ou.Ouitvihi l Ai-o yen lu dreas! of lies. whsi yen eliggeet, iowever, ans! Hisu*ioca If -yen are I- arnable, on rny HÂRIY WATER BEST. s ones -ha als udgo for themselves ftralin authority, te have them ai-restes!v hies. poor devils hould b. sent as rogues snd vâgabonde." f sAyn1igo o rnn-ota à sir businxess-or not."1 "No, ne, tint wonld nover do," bo an. RsAvnae o rnhgSf th rmmt alym aoe' e d hkn heha.'o i lanfri i~~~ th rms.t aiym ltnmsed hitgheia.'a iibr Water'for Wasldng. aolons, but' tu taie blinIt sunlight aEut lie wi-etched business seau enougi. h ig lt appeared i tIle leu taxas M Iidauui ainove viere te lay hie baud Hard vater for driniring sud soft du ta imagine, taxat-urpee vogre- uson the papenoe bearing ou tie matter. water for waahing and eookiugla eelavaym coutllhav-any sinîxter Yen eau consuthmabt'to'r he-,men Un.19 i », r tcî their as!; -couldrow.» uthh aottt-ne- h-ecm e«toof-Dr. H. 'e tyefetuonte ean&of 'Busnrely," I ree"f h ei eRée' f'ein fe ninvesti- r. . as uxou-, yoll be. o mmien nmrntilng Ma-iy hodoue ta ot ti vh wethei- I cutls eanythlug avent iti Il yen vouls! but tell me vînî gation o te effects of the bar'dnesopl teathenetonea. se after breakfast yen feat, I ahonid know boy ta set-' -cf vater. Dentition eapecialiy ia 1 into taie Hfall. lIn-their me- '"M 1dean trions!." ho als!, "theole a 51ean neaaiaino it. vas îmDosuible for tier n t uînxur te hodose, se daim yoursef ans!d f ead-a xmnto tin wnned suayting cf the, recent lot Ihinge lake them- course. îî mbas several thousand scirool chldreu J toIt, tberotone. Ihal even If I folly os My part te ahelter mymeif be- ba s howvn a pereentagae cf sound-c eoi liee genenat ie ceuls! iardly hind!moi-e bai-riens- et voos! ans!atone. teeth var'ing o nte2.2th eý- -au asintrudon vileI lias!The'faci e. ha. lnacUo; vas toi-rible -to y.gt m13 e2.,tebu nea o communicate. l» ans! I feuli ait t do -anythhng, boy. variation- -for 'the. different locali-_n La te ii,- ae rer n even futile, lu lie nature cf a precantien, tie agreeiug with lhe degrée. cfý'n lyapene wx ~c -a~ aysva btterA-las passive nesfintias. My 'lse - t;uuauag tirongli, - ho- humble ,frlend beie -e u.Ibvepne!hardu.., et ,the drinking wtr Le tick-i-On bans cf lhe main oureelve.iu apoitios lu ixîhci, I trust, Beth 1h. lime and magnesia se4ft tëere vau xxtling Ico esesu of ne cor ellow whlee fu hhmselt te hÀvo 'nfluie é- 'ie- att' ar4- ri had Ueîi bÃ"Wn' own -luths: Âèimight, :'a!- goone"s cf the *ihg the" enamel, i. ieand' tt'lii uddy tÃÙnul 87ia ghLt mU9t -n' t lat wat w. amge si asost avral tle- gi a venue nie m-ay'-ndrlease o- Ibsg'veialdalsnlema.n oui-t- .as! been, made. teremcve îî. 'atonement lunlthe, vendto-cerne. î1inuitbed n i rwie hîrn lie prciurîy-jms! h e à vycu 'nov, ltn1I ave- msnly papene atimulated - nsei sUcesûl-ans!- uÃxee wItlL -tw:d.sitrby' ùs -Us! ehmucarrange.-- ghenet la - e ii bthle' ùý"fvê Ans!by.". -Xe ushes!-isbans! tirouïi tbe hm--- ~aI2i~ubeh1e' xuin'ed s olewhichl Ihad and ss! raopes!misse In'- bard'vater legiu antal' 'ad fôrli:bo u bs tacle as lu a solemu fs:e'all after vhici heo lrge bmerae $-ofc bd round - 1h14 tssr-ior, aefenrus secisled, tep, s.1111 folleves! by the sxiip. fer '14 e,~ nit ,tr wa-e t iaksm inhii dv 5 Ibr wtrotinué: th f.. or'* oýg#-1X uredbrthi: bIterview, sud etroesy-±ld uu ýb0ie, ý- *,ý >r1 1e uaéiry. butter,--ai14,whkh is pr-pa.-_ seft1y~atod ft ,tetio i yaill but -the aticalC expert bae. pper Je .prinlt;ed u:po":n * _#,bfftitut»., *ood p'u1p being empjoyedj.2ed' <:, rage; and. now, ,.owing to th. eé-. Életiop eoftthe foreats,-there -je ýstrenUone searclW for a substitulte, as- wood pulp ls e cooig expen-' sive. Cotton has -en-tered no n- MIney into our coinp1ex, Sial -and indu-strial lifé that W has ceased to be regarded aia. sýubstitUte, 8ai- thôugh it ia euch. >We'no longer de- pend UPOn the -silk-worm for siflk, but obtain it,-by âa. mechanical- chmciPromesil froin cellulose; \-' While the- DeIice Tnt *mp,rted to cur wearîng nd deco- rative, fabrics are obtain by re- zourse'to dyeà , eztraitd nrMta MyneoiaýwW ' ~ b~n cie*tas. from thé. gron -o ~h Y9e, Ji,,ut with thon. fromthe aoois.Ti aie~no *longeÉ,1 Ie4pes 1i -3ontherefùsüe heajp o! th,ý >arnyar, to iourifsh hu.-but bea1 cofe l eoin4e n cle, becase t e ee ous con- tents present, inithe !aatuir& -pro_- duct-e are eliminated. In Gerrnany! aloue over 200,OOU ten-Sf artificial. 2ffÇe are consumed every year. Champagne is no longer- derived DIýtirÇlY from the grVPpes a.nd 'dis- neit' of thMai nam*e in' France; while yenU Cognac cornes from other- 3ountries and grapes than those enerally associated with its pro- tiction. -So far as foodastuffa thenm. 'elves are concerned, The. Category of 'SubstItutes- aftar more oomprehenuive aud var- ed than the list of thle genuine arti-j les. Jams are mysterjous eom- )ounds made f rom vegetablesg.-&ud ieated with synthetic; preduots to ;ve theni the proper flavors and elorB. Milk is being madle froni ie soya bean. The juicy steak or he tender OhOP is no longer noesff- i.rily a prime eut from the~ animal; inegar is a- concoction of oolo0red IeticO acid; edible oiîs emanate- rom the greases coutained, in'the tterogeneous refuse filliug the1 îst bini; 'and evenw bread hità been iade frof» sawdust. The"&nucient mployed stone for btiildiug pur- oses, buithe, moderni man' em- loyez' brfick, cernt, sand, lime nd concrete, with objects m<Lulded' 1 l oncrete to tair e i.placeoOf t Detly atone carvine., Buttons, are. s ot mnade nece&sarilyý froz' bone, t ut from, milk; rnother of pearlis at olonger derived exclusively f rom Ë le oyster, but from the factory, s deed, there. je no limit ta.the in- s B.nuity of the. producers of substi- in tes.a Enormous Beard. C Louis Cou»&o of- Bourbon Coun- t reFrance, on *hle '8ôth. birthday ii 3dhie photo6graph taken for the p casion standing beside- hia grand- -rý ice, Ml1le.- Franicoise, who held s1 Le end of his beard in her hands. ýa r., Coulon's beard JMeazures 1il n I . !"-LhndÃ"~ LIE.5 -'i -. - - - - - 1uiotrvth - baking-powder t w!ipVed vhtçes .and the restofI fl 1 olinté a sheet as qiartE ùÎ! 6i1c thuiekeûtith cund anbake in a good-,oven. - ri~ -bîicuit doui uig Ivo cul flufouir.teaspee_,sebakhng pexi der, -one.-hei esonsait, tbré' ansd, one-haIf tablespoons -buttr-,d laM' and enougii mulk te make very se!it dougi. Shape into tw> 'Cake s, ---butter esch eue and'.pu them togethier, then- bake lu a -E ca-en for fitteen- minutes. Splii tii cakes and 6.11 viti- a nich, hicý 'nrhubarb sauce.; cover- with thi 'iaume -and whipped creani and serv lat, once,. Sweet Salad Dressing,-Halt cul stigar, oe e e.;poon- cornstarel eue teaspoqon sait, haîf teaspooi ,,mustard. - "Mhx together, add tire4 eggs beaten ligil -a haItý tablespooi itft' one cup mildvinegar, ha] oCup eteam. oCok ~iz a sdouble -bei] A...ssmg and pui ,a pnfu 9ethesaà 4ui- Don mixIt-. tice "sa4",-o pstwit -these le a e1ioe '-f' 1pdze. appie with as mal baill eofpimeubt cheese'ihu the center snd a. speonfu et dressing ou il. Raspberry Fritters.-Make a bat ter -by mixing oeeasd one-thrc 'Clips et- fleur, tive tepeons-baký in# povder,. one-third -cup et sugai -and Cene-tourth tèà spoon sait, auxC adding to-lhese dry ingredientsà wéWbýeaten - egg zmixed viti two. t:Êlrds-s ;cup cet milr; -beat veli au< add' -le' tis_ batler euoe - and ee hait cups of red raspberrhea, Take the mixture up by spoontuls an cook in hot, deep fat uti pa à nd 'bre-wn. Drain on brown paper, dredge viti powdered sugar and serve vlhh fresi red raspberries -crushed and sveeteued. Tomate Catsnp.-Slice a peck -of unpeeled. tomatoe,and six good sized white oniaus sud, cocir lieu together nil lhey are, seft enougu te 'tub. through a colauder or put througi a vegetable press. Alter straining thir returu toe cke'ttle wili a tablespoon each otf'ground mlace, cloves, pepper, the sâme aufount caci et .au-gan, salI, aud celery seed-tiis last lied up ln a small bng-ialf lenspoonful et aprika, and tii-ce bay leaves. Bail fur uearly six heuris over a slow fire, laking cane il cees net scorcl, and stirring frequently. Taire eut the bag ot eelery seed. put iu a pinI et good vinega-, bell up again, take tram tic fine, 1.1 it cool a- little, but *ile still warm'put il snte bolîles 'witi stout corks, lie -hese clown, aud seai viti sealing wax. Strawlierry -Bava-l'au Creai.-. One Gup et Mashed stra.wberriea, using bath the. pulp and.the juice,, threeç,teurths et a cup ot - powclered ugar, eue cup et heavy cream: stiflly xeaten aud three-teunths of a level sîiepon granuiated . gelatin. laak le gelinu iu toPur table- Bpeous oold,- ater. Wiien it je atft, -inelt il over hot vý4tar. Add nelted gelalin te strawberry juiice nd ic til pautilly cool or " e,- Bleat the. su-gar in the. whippe rearn, fôld t-hie into lii. partly (set" gel,,atin 'and asow e » i'tlgle ýo stiffen .tiorouügily betore--serv- ug il. Serve alone or vitli a little mlin creai n dsugar on maab tixo rest o et he .box et stnawberries, ;weeten te laste, and pour' hem krou'nd -it. Bnvanhun cream rnay be nolded iu fanicy moldo crýin plqiu rà ïWs-basket,- achair à at good- ~h lu il.-- 7 if~~~i rpn1n-a xb1ed.on 84. etheau ainf ajsx on - isiheý Mur vsotueprlns- in wnere -ne wlnot 1eaVeý a markr ShirtwIsIl should be hu'ng f rom the bQttom , anskirts, from, thebeit.' A tiny emergency - oVen; may. be m ade et a-Iarge. ez , bi c t i tom to .prevent- burning. ---set 'the tin, Over a iary ou stove., People who, d<ý théfr own butoh- erinq Wzll find-ti--~the. fawn-col oedl kin-Of -a, cal, -preperly, tan- ified, wiil make a veryý pretty- rug -with a strong. rese mblance t$ doe- ' Country housekeepers, cani aye articles-- in beautiful, ehades of, fast brown by dryiug' and. using the green and brown Iiche'ns from rocks, trees aud fences. .- fluthe'.mess iu iwater to more than cover it. Strain.and put in the goods. f-I An excellent te& punch je macl of a quart ,of freshly madle tea and,, a cupful o! ýlemon juice, sweetened. Put this in a- punch bowl with craeked- ice and add tiny bits of pineappl'e, strà *wberriee and slices et -bananas, and serve. &uÙuva aa -andti.mé Shateo.s t er show 'an neuse>O! -Jý 63 00 ,0 0 bù îs els ôver . -yo a à go -to dai , ad- 'wiiepr~-fs 000,000 bushls hhe-Argeiitine m- 1hncresscd her &ipniiens by--43,Oo,- 000 buhel, WNrld's -shi-pmeits hava lucreased .l1'7o0ow - busiales -durnsg lis last ten Mon'ths, sud Most oe t lhas jgene, to-Europe. Siice- Euroýpe has rendily -.ab- sorbed alY lie arplu-s venord' pro- duction, viat are ,conditiona-therel I Theconntrjes et Rurope h&re ne - greal surplus stores.. Fr.ance sund le United Kiugdcmn arc urgen t in their demanda for moesWheitt-sud have beenfbllowiig aur rapidy- a'dvaucing markets ontus -ideoto lihe vaer. Itly, Portugal ansd S9pain r- .ailso demandink, it . - The tact -is that Europe has calen ions viient Ibis ýaà t year, sud t-ie la *be- cause wheat has bes cheaper. The.- wonld's markect balance-desnet é9 te extfemes. -Co6nsumption varies largciy as thepodcon Wea 'ilias been % rom 10c t-14ceper bùsheý cheaper this year han last,vil the, result liat lesseeonemy' has been praçtised.- This, applies te both flur for peojple 'and -feed for, aniânali. ýThis preveasPr ce- xei ,wG1g -disatroug1yik* During a ieaur à er ict ec&uuýomy i5 pnn-, tioed,;-and lu $ht vymarket val- rues; de niot ear te 1 ils 'ruinons te consumera. Auhhonities are- unanimedis liat vian tifi new cropa are neady :f<rý mar'ket the old crop, huge as il vas, viii have becu prettyv:eli exhaust- ed. - Consumiug countnies'.will be bidding for t-ho fiev vieaî neasil ,cornes..- ])ubtless Europe'shneds vwiii be evea greater tha-n befonTe. This ha be-cause very, litté wheat vas plan-ted in t-he ýalkans -sud Turkey, those - countrtlýs having been iu a st-at.etofvar. The e"op iu France promiss to b. hight sud- t~he oxitlook in contrai sud nortien Russ'a Is net bnigit, aecording to Broonniail. lTh.eacreage -lu vihent in both Canada sund tie United Sttes ai ncreasà ed t-hieyear, and thero is godlreason for optimim 'egnrding t-ho markts et botali te near sud distant future. The ReordHungr Sti-e. -t 18- -a. S VO Xo o ri o f- e 1iet S e Bej iuiate fe - - - t h e f l a u a , u Ss l t e s e . . - il -W s O u r , mo »t a ua 1 food , sud there ha ne- tarin- et iel vikich b- exerti so marked a protective lu- d -flueà ce n-pou *our ergans as tint c - murk,- because --it contains so lutIle r mat-oriaL cf an .innitat-ing nature. d Miik cas, iowover,,ohly be. acepted a as nsaily goed wheu il je taken as it )- cornes tim thé eov; thnt is, naw, d and vien'there ha certainty thathit r lis cornetrom a healthy animal. I vinh to add here tint certain Ib"~illi are- alvsys -present in rav -mir, -sud tiat t-hey preveut lhe formation et large fumbens aotthon Ibnetenia,, such as hhose oet typioid B tever, vnites a mnedical mas,. The latter caunot devcelop isn aw murk. fWlieu hie mllk bhas been boiled or 1 eterilized, hevever, t-ypioid, baei]li 1Which'have gotten lute i-t vili ne- -main -in it for monýthe, as vief as cher fo>rma et poisenene, - bacte ra vwhioi are Injurions 1o cidren. Wheu ra.w milk fiesetiail ob3eéct-ions -caznue be obtained-it la best te use bulterxuilk. Sanie pensons posées,% an anti- pntiy ta nxiik, wlýîch, in ils ordi- nary term, ha net veli toleratecl by lhemr shouis. This ha especiaily naticeableie lu 'men asud yeung -girls. Inlu schcases the. miik may be diluted one-ti-i-cl with seme ai- kalin. mineral vater,- such as Vichy celestinsa. The addition ot some fine fleur may aise nender t-le milr more digestible, aud, hence, bettor borne. Smail cildhlen, tee, some- limes prefer miik given l'o hein lu tuhs form. Fer thos. whe casuiot toierate ardiuary milk -the more easily digested buttermilk may b. used. 'Milk slieuld bc taken rav, but circumstaucei may pre-seut liem-- selves, hevever, when a -glass et hot milk viil exènt *a beneficiai influ- ence upon 1h. system. This lethbe case,- for instance,,viiere eue lins been ont où a, damp, cold day sud ceues lu L-,eeiing eiilled, as by drnking lie 'lir v.g-reatly atimu- late thé'.achlvlty cet1w .-skis-. -In' Iod, fe4ry inýtie mrnngâo a isng bol -Whey or hot silkie -taken, il viii exert a faveorablo in,.- flune -upon lihe inflameýd aucÃ"u$' membranes.- -To warm tii body up on a eoed, f osy day, tea s' je taused', bt« fioui the1 tad.point ot ealth milr is better. Tic yoks cf ee or tivoi eggs make -.t milk a ver y st-enétii ening dink. - Detor-You mutnt- give hp.Some yeana age I had actly the" same illness. Patient (gleomily)-Ah, - but hie anme docter. - .up e- The longeet hunger istrike oh nre- cord vas carried eut some ycnrn ýgo byý a Frenchen ns amed Gi-suie, wvho vas ari-estcd for murder 'in cir- cumstances vhieh left no. doubl as te bis guill. H. determiued te starve hixus-elf t de-ah in order to escape the gillhotine, sud tram the day of bis a"-est rot used toeaot in apite of every effort os 1h. part of the priso'n anthonitlea, wvie fret tried temptiung him tleaot by plat,- ini the mont dainty meals in hie cell, and wheu tuat taiTed, atteipt- ed fercibie teediug. Granie Ixeld ont- for sixty-hhreo days, ai1thes d et whicli lime lie died. Final. "Wbnt's tue malIen 2" "Sue han rejece.d me again. Si.says Ibis is final." l4<t(IDlcl sho aay how finaI2" ou.equir-- èd ti eider nd"'m'ore ýexperccd age the bodily j-- funÃŽctions bécme su - - Na-Dru-Co LaxatiWi -ive gntle, timelyand effective -aid, ib b -diSComlfà rt or - c.a box, t v61iP 'I of ~ :iSeil, h.iuv 0 VIe r-. the. lias Sin- th&' 1Lis ut e aisir iir- ne Jes le, an lie ýor bu ie le. ta - LU - in le' 4; 41' s!- m lucli bnIl