Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Jun 1913, p. 3

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-'u-unTeYi DueVVWaahittfl w4ka- eore* -th-hundredyorLpue LtEqJualIonoue Doue o 1 n ýoti id, -of the Atlantic to -bom who pieeerved it as» wos Y' xe;oile, would Ibe first récalled, là bYu-Any minous , chanoe notnOwý_ to be torea.on- the.friendship. -ýo! Britoju and, Aneria -thould -,,b. qt~edn scnemad moment.o! the future-' It la proposed that .a dtatue, oQùeên Victorias, euld be raiaed iu Waahngtoni by the women _ci! Amnerica,. Wiiat is te bé our an- - *w~tetg=. lu. or-oinnthere eau~1~ olySneadequate-a.nswer. We oùght to rais. 'astatue lMLen- don te one of! the, Xry greatot of ait Enghlah.apeaking meus, sud on6 w1ose w<>îd»andý temper are more iaprant,.for the . democraoies of ~e WP_»ckud the Empire thaf -uttr4eo!w .au , xmple of any. wima bxaam Liscm. W poilted out with hie own hipçpy in- Oih îgit thet .living realitieà ,cf ehing.&. riattastatue, toLincoln wvouldbe,&a humin u trokio going home to tbue. »eneral -hbeurt of' the eu~appeoleina manner witii avhchnotbang else of the. kind could -"We.-agree,- ao- ntirely with this FiGW that we uWI.a,llreturn te it' ~ gainu as ie shal retura to 0r tihiti bcLm.ntionod. -Two other plans mist, be notioed before we 4eave theimnumental clas.o! pro- 4eeigned to, throw over *ah rapide of.thie Niagara River a Meznorial 'reBdgas ab-daily. link between ~be4aiy f.?o! ti. Republic and that o! Casd a; andna aymnbol of The i>eP!*etua1 Aiiity th ut ougit ever to exist between T~iush1y, wO 'core b ack -to theo la c!- agteM, obnneotîbnwtha *schèe, e whibh. ought to b. carried thr4>ugh, with *a swing of enthusiasm wletever' else h , pna. W. -màn, o! c0ur;he Fti.adiable suggestion to purchias a ad endow Suigrav M&nor, 1lu- Northamptonshire, the ancestral homle cf the Waeiiingtons. Everyneý, knpwe tiiat over the. main doorw4yo! tuaquýiet old country- house there are stili t,eb.e eeii the armorial béaringe from wiich the Stàïs aiid Stripes of thse American giag are derived. Morally Suigravie wou1li then become, as it were, a littie bit '0f America in -Engiand, and would b, &,place o! pilgri11g2 lilcé Stratiord-on-Avo 1fr ilpil- grima on thia aoide. '1iiheplriting -ae'es tue s pro- gri~In~ wehiae s dthat there is Hairr ~dLfles, Almoat Ail IIr Out on One Side of tIead. .Mpd CuticumaSoap mad- 'Cuticura, Ointment. Hair Coniing in Nficely 117e. Adede St., film.Tohn, N. -" siped mi1e boy ora- 44as c dn fcrmsd onise vas dry ~u ie OUl cu$Ion, one - ' lde ofhIahead. XWahed tthe Ut'. tIJ~ b-. tihem twicoa upon tiiley .might Sees- e e i e e s "Tii. Frencéh-.race jisýe onlg eblîterabed;- alcoholimi, tubercule- ais andmitise absence o! adequate hy- giene deoixnate bise country," is. the opno !Alexandre Ribot,' a for-ý mer. 'premier, - a. expresaed beforel tii.Hygiene Social Allance. 1..',Our PéOPlemuat' be intructemi sus tie perils that menale u , lite- tpeaker o6utlnued '<'lb' -llWrequ ire alith. reecea axi-,àd etreWsghï of 'théi gosvernment'aucoessuly e oma thdangers. Tha pem*imistie vîew waseahared by, an>tiier prominent Frêeiinan,, Léon Bourgeois, wiio aise bas been 'premier. M. Bourgeois dec]ared tisat ai- thoug It -tue death, .rat.'of,,.ubercu- bals had!fallen .lu ýExiÏland-au Gefrmsny -te 'il for 10 I0poua tion tie l in.l rapce wa.a 22.5. Tii. geuseral modaïty l ~ao, -nitwithstauding tue progre&a o! Mýdicin< ~i aurgery, waa stili 18 l.nd- and theii, cdnavian ceun- trie.s the mortality did net exceed 14 tothe tieisand. "I mufoece te these conditions, and national inertia, imperil the. very exlýtnce.o! the. Frenchi peo- pie, "'was the, closing declerabion e! Mi. - Bourgeois. CHIDLHOI.COLIC - COMPLETELY--CURED Noohr'indicîneë will qickiy cure colie as i Baby's'Own Tais- let&. Tiiey iregulate tiie bowei-s, sweeten-tue-as'toiacs and drive eut -every trace o!. tis- trotible. Con-, cerning bisen Mra. Wm. A. Smith, Rookisaven, Saeli., wrltes: "I lke Babys Own Tablets andi a.ways keep thein in tiie heu-se. Whenever my baby hia& colie I give her a couple of Ta.blcts andse is moon well I aga . I-know o! uo ether medieie fr little- eues te equal tiien." Tii.-,Tablete are se-Id by medicinei dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box freinTii. Dr- Williams' Medicine, Co., Bi"ockvilie, Ont._ OWL CAUSES TERROR. Attacke and Wounds Two Men in - -Souths Wales. For three days ib was a. mystaxy. It was believeti a usatman had es- capeti and was iuniiding in thse woods near tIse little village e! Carleton, Penritis uetii Wales. Tii.n It waa learneti that an-owl was responsible.-- George Lamb, iiead gardener at- Canleto6n Hall, w as' returning te tth. village oee igiib about 10 o'clôr-k wliseu süddenly' sometuing struck hlm on the ie.ad, knockink off hia Isat ai cutbing a goas wo incii. long 'on thé aiàde o!f - i Y. Tiinking sense one had'tisrewssa atone at u h. searched,i eIid tise lietge, but, coulti nei.tiier see ue nr .searanytiig.- lie wenit hom2e n- IIsforeed-tii. police-. -ONxt night about the Dame isour Thema.' 'Pattinsen e! Penrith -wps Ittaqçkd at t-é.very' s>e. spot,- reoeiving a deeèp gasb -on thes ide e!i the. heai.' 0 8reant ,Armstropg cf -tii. Peu- rith polie was direéctemi te investi- gate-. As he . ês rakjug thé usual inspection;- 10Irciig for !ootiprints or fing ri teon the.- mom- anti graus, h a.utiti uyS éard.,au angry buanti belS)re bohad tiinsto re- Sce gnizo hie aesàai1ait "' he wa s, atruck 1-o at, Md'20 tei &-f.eliug ofiSaavaea. ÂIthe, ter-. aaoIb.r iu tii. hpe»! etng: e~lebut oihahêto &Val. ia i'-ea- o ti, asof a idmiar su!- lereï- cured'ithough the. u8e of Dç. 'Wllaa'Pnk Pille.ansd I decided te-try thein. I tock the&Pille ateadi-. ly for ubout six iveeka with resuit -,that I -wa fully. eured,-and oould eat ,ýanytbing.I eared for. ýI may -add- 'thia-V have -nôt ainS. 1ud any returus of z the.troubl."- If you are suffering from indiges- tien do not waste tume experiment- îng,1but begin te cure yourseléf te- -day wituh Dr. William. Pin-k Pille, which,,go right te 'the root, of the tzouble througii the . bk>od.. S-Md by ailmeiei. ealraor by jnaai et 50 cntsa bo orsix boxeg for. $2 ; !iTie. Dr. Williaam.' Mdcn Âitop&e. trefues toqzWear hela .On ola f Spain :tai, &peouliarý averiontegloesandh0,reuses, 14o wý.r thiem, evyen..on great atate strict .tiquette"Of ti.Court o $Wein waà liqkd,'bt io ih-à youn kin'a i iduepeie ta, as ant!,.re 'Alfeisso haa aiJse &keen and -quick eyet and h. zeJhtes, thia eto ry of! n. incident ii fi ~e P'YeSe& Pasinki txgh.a littievillge tii. royal automobile1 misbehaved, and the. royal traveller alighted, te direct the. royal chauffeurs inii aking r.- pairs. The. mayikr of the, village atruggied into a white ol-&a nd hie 'beàt oiçte and -c4ie. forward . te ofe- sjtance. Thie - king asked 'uni tQ h hl around thse village, anld t.he twe nn, loft tiie.car.in tii road and waikeèd through the town. - Inu eh. Qfice cf the. mayor, wAs a pictuie of Al-fenso,«. bût',3v-ariug topkappýoachand sx&mine.the print -çlpsely. "-Neyer hv.e-I wern white glovea," ' nwttered Alfonso. Tiien thie mayor cam-e forward, cevered witii. confusion, and explained. The. pictu<re.waes originally of Alfon- se XII., tiie king'e father. Wiien aon felwed faeher to tiie threnea the, thrilty mayor d-ecafpitaite-d ' AI- fouso XII. ' and had the head of Alfonso XIII. painted on th-6 origi- nal canvas.- -H.e'had net, hiowever, knoiwn about tiie gloves. .PIzzled.' Ii'bwedd-Did you spend so muue money as this before I married you i Mrs. Newedd-Wiiy, yels. Newedd-Then I can't' underatand wiiy jour father went on se when I toe c enaway Irons hum. iP1ça;selheI Home Folks »By, servingI Post < They arc amnong »~ey xeequire..ne.cQoki Toaaties arç always- and a,, ppetizinr=readj oge. 'Yuavehea, trne and avoid -ho tl in,,the lkitchen. Sçgne, -rjch em, ifyou want lt-or fruitjuc>wtz~hs ny meal »Me out Po deede ae na4.-1 ý_' çt bi-e, granls sad "iuv~iie'a -1 o tii. eR094, id~ iim awful money, t6 e nin iiiïdpaidhésere- ceipt- wiiereef I- hereby aecknow-, ledge," or seme, equivaIent formu-! la. - Thi.ide& that adeed -muat ex- press a obniideýrati>n i. ineradi- able and equaly ixe- pears te be thie superstition taaconaider-ý ation o! $1 ia quit. -à» effective as. a consideration cemmenaurate wlth tise value of-, thie state , rated. Lawyers ea -l uthe awo ru prçper-ty kuow 1bebter, o!. coures, but sucli fa tisepopular noti on--lb se- elmuéy ïd s ewe tiity â- Parties à d è .perfeçtyri orw Ue nher e.isdbo= sui thing na, oisean by wy o gift. Wiy. do we begin, rilif with au invocaton to tise.Deity apa a reci- btaàt that: the. bostaber is '<o!f.eou-nd - d'and disposing nsemory ' Does. the. former aid.-tii,,testtor spirituallyA-nddocS,,tise latter. fur- àish.any evidenoe of' ia .testarnen- tary- capaciby I And whydo we- se ofnisiü;t -on - na~ig-êsaeal op - peit., thie-1,sets'aý a(uro 7 Our -tatuts do not rqaeawlte be -seaed, lserfor th-'eea lawliolly superfieus as is e là* 8os ve ilong amivisemi us, Theu tiiere la tthe invariable cus- thm of'writing "as" afber the venue o! an affidavit or ,an- acknowledg- ment.' What lega efflcacy do these two letters posseas i Hew snany la-wyers- even kno* wisat- they meaul lb la only lately,'- we'-b.- ieve, tiiat The Painstaking Author of a very useful' littie, bo-k aucceed- cd,, -àfè a!ermues antiquarian re- searcl amoesg tue pipe rolîs, Iand octiser intereating 1er., in ascerta.in- lng, tIi. original significance eoftthe &bbreviation, whis*ehLa "sciicet,"1 or "'te wit." Tiih eiseu0 'o!tihe t- ters le uew quit. sinsterial. Many generatieus -e! hawyere learned in equity plead-lug have fol- iewedtii. ancient practice o!f at- cluding a bill-of cemplaint witii thi. selemu assurance, "And- thue, your erator will ever pray, etc." Ap- paren-tly neousodern lawyer kuew what the. deeaudated. formula inçant, until rece«tly a wvell-kuown autiior ran tiie tiiing te uts la.ir ameng tii. ancient rolîs o! tiie court o! chancery, and fonm that (befere it loat its bail) it w-as a prayer for the. heal-ti and longevity of the. king!1 -Theee are only a few of tii. super- stitions tisat -have survived tihe miys when the. trial by battie__îýnd tise criîsnality o! wit.cicraf-t were fin-_ alIy eliinated fror tjiat law whîcii la our'pre>um heritage . and wieih las bJoen se !ondly p raised as "thie per'- fýctleu o! isuman rýM0oL" - Pearla oet Tmuth. - Leisure ia a very pleasant gar- ment te look, at, but a very bad one Neitiier day-s, uer lives, eau be mades noble oriioly by doing notii. ing te them.-Ruakin. " thse- Tise comfort wiiicii po human it net. beinga want in aucis a worhd as.tiis - snet tii. ccusort of eae, but the - é omfort of strengt. -Kingsle. ing.. The only isappinesse a brave man meucii about was happineaes enougis [y te , t get his work dene.- Carlyle. ~c- -Pehitenesa bas indeeti about it somethiing mysâtical; like religion, it pof 'ia everywiiere understood, anti ne- work wiiere deflned.-.-Ciesterton. e W.May kuow' a "n thtie coin pany he kËeopa, ;we' Maýy know -lzim îugar %til-better by bise-books Lie love.; C,0 - ocnsd if Ise loves- noue lilenet worth- Sknwig-BSishop 8p» diug -Tise letiger e! tise Alniigity is -O SyU 'trWIoy kept, sd very oue o! us wcn'lis tue -balance o! 'hla -operatilona p ~-~aid ier,-te -hu-m at-tise' end, .- o! - eey minute"o! ishi existnce - l a- gond for -us te. have some-ý 1 :y tîine -lbroublea and ativeraitîia o --' tley urtake ama ne nohlm- self>-- tliat' ho.*May know that - he, ï L& an.,exile, 'anti may net, place 'ls - ~ ~ i - hps uaytha-Lthis, 'world.-. T-hoaIsKen'- i t~~4Iiee tny:rài,4own ticoru- o~~stU 'o~ hyare -,ailso the' 8ymptoan. cof kidney diseaqpe. Dod's.K; neM'a a.gir. ýnew lite te ui*o~su.-womn.by ouring' tbeirdosen SaGttn Source, One Good Tro Tii. hlgh ceet o! Cireasianwa.1- nut me duetthe s&src fth !te -cdr fofrniture;,-aud juterior fin- ah orthe tree Ibself 2*6 more wid4- iy dsstributed than, almtauy ether- of comnùerclil importance. Tii. demaud- for tii..best -wood, -h<w- eyer , hasal1ways- outrun tii.s-,-U ply.- Even lu ti. îelghteeutii cen- tI1rY,, when wars were _frequeunt, se muesCiraasaaswanutwaa-4à e for gi~oocw tatth.'Supply 'as seýrïluel.*deploted. -Eryl h nineteenth century, 4h. ' wood o 1, 000, trees wasuaed for this purpoee ekyne. Single trees, contain-iug fine burin -or chiioce bird'o'-eye, figures, bave isold for mn ore than $3,000o. Thie treeis native te tth. eastern elopses P'ithe. Caucasua and r&g eatýwad te tiie foothilis of ts Hlrn1aly niuntaîns, f roin whieh 1t extende southward -te - nortiieruî_I- dia, sd tise mountains o! tii, upper: Burma. - It has been widely plaautéd in Amerios under- thse namue -of English waluut. Tii. wood Igrown -berè,îilowever1-ýha, no2:4le qualite dema.uded- by th.' cabinet and fur- nitu re maker. Much o! thes Circa.- San walnu-t uei,,Wued ceuses f rom tb.eB'ack Sea difnd froanether parts o! Asia.- Peter TaNedBeardà. - Bearýde-Tii1ese were regarded--a.* a 1 8 red - possesion - by ancient racesa. -ThseJe*& w.re -proud..of- tiieïr be&rde, &sud wore tho6n througii-the,' daye o! their - gyptian bsosdage, aithougii tiih F2' ptan laVe.d. Tii. Greeke and Romns of the. ancient days mostiy oiiaved, aud the. terni "barbarous" -(beard- weariug) wae, applied for a long period te people who, wes'e consid- ered eut o! tii. jaIeof polit. se- ciety. Beards have been taxed ccaaionally, as lunllussiaby Peter tiie Great, and at an earlier date in Engla.nd. BUNIONS NM JOKE._ N4t to the man who bas to move about, but a elight application eor ,pLtuamsl, softenfi the thlckeat tissu. and cures the. bunion ciuickly. Just as good for warte, lumips, and callouse la Pntnar'Painleos Corn Extractor. Use no ciber. 25c. at ail dealers. Iii Loidon. Tii. doorbeil rings. Thi. miatresa o! the hiouse anawers it. A anal ciud, the ciiild o! a near neigii- ber, ia discovered on itie dooratep. The: Mitreés-Wliat ia it, Cissy? The Çhuid-Please, -ma'am, moti-, er wants te know if yocu'1l b. se_ kiud as eledhr your recipe f'r -makin' bombg- Tii. hast One she made -oniy' amehiemi bami and ;twouldn't buet. ainard'à Liniment cures cargos in cou& Pat Atain. On a certain Saturday two Irishl- men were arrangiug te attend a meeting tegetiier on tlie following day, but sncb was at a bass te kuow how, on arrivaI, hli ebutid teliY wisebher tise other iiad gonè-jus. Tiiey biiougit about the. matter for.-oome ine, and tiseus Pat aaid, "'Well, if I get tbere irat lVII. put a cMblk mark en tii. Wal' anti if -you'get there firat-you rub it eut."y dma.will ccur imsndi&tely te tii. mmd ! pbli a.h~I a~duniver-. alty rnen. - ýGreat ekamters, are O!ten ciever nmen-, îand it la pdOisable that the. fac- u l t y o ! » ' b 8 a a n c e , ? m c t n e o e - à l gee àad mione developa both in f'de- ve1pig eue.-- Any -- iledaçceCured, Tire dSystems ,Re-Toned WHEN YOURE -PULL, TIRES0,,,.E$T-ý LESS iDAY APN icHT 5omETHNC 18 WRONC IN THE STOMACal. A- Prominent Publlshlng Man Says th. Quiekeet Cure le Or. Ham- - litotespilla.* Ileadaches noliver cornetoteswo e Dr., inhmitone P'ile. and tËÏie--- act is vonched' for by-thse, Assistant Manag-er ef taïe Pouitry Succes magazine,--of Springsfieid, 0., Mr. J. H. Callander, wbo - writes: "No better medicine than Dr. Hamiltonea Pilla, W. use them regular- h7 and know cf marvelous cures that re- sated everything else. ý They cleanee thse ,whole eystem, aci. as a tonie on the blood,- enliven digestion, help the storn. acis and make you feel strongsud well. For headacbes, lnd4geeti'o4n and stomac~ diaorders - I arn conifident that thse one prescription lu Dr. Hamiltone sPIla. Being compoeed of natural vegetable rernedies, Dr. Hasuitons Pile possesa great power, yet they are barmilese.-T&fy. aid aIl organs connected with» the e torn acis. liver, and bowels. -l corssetjuence, food le prop)erly dlgested, thse b,<>od- A pure and- nouriehing, thse body fi kept strong and resiete direase, aldugt sud etorekeepers sel! Dr. Hamilton's Pilla, 25o per box, 5 for $1.00, or by mail frorn the. Jatarisozone (Go., Buffalo;, N 'Y.and XnsoCanada. «'Are you,,tue saine'man -- "N, mum. lil, nover Mlinards Liniment cures. Siphtherla. -The. Five Great- Race. Chines. students, like -other for- elguera seeking te master the. Eng- lias language, spusetime a make luti- icrous mistakes. Bishsop Montgom- ery, at a. recent auniveraary o! tii. ýSociety for thse Propagation of tii. Gospel-, gave somse exampies of an- 1awers given by students te exain- ination questions. - - When asked, "What are tlie five 'great races of mankind?" a Chun- Paoe &s.udent,-gave t-he follewiug au- 'swer: .'The. lpndred- yards, tiie hurtiles, tise quarter-mile, the mile 'anti the tiiree miles."' STry Murine -Eye Brnoedy V u r T r t 1fo r R d , « , W t an A ranulated Eyelldm. Illuistrzte Eook Mfll'ut nsed lusueeesul PhTl ' N d 5 ans' Practie for m n em O USdedleated te the -ftbllo sud sold by Diraggtitteause-Sac par bottle. muet V*re y Salve In Aseptlc Tubes, ae-e. Marine"Ene ResiedaC.," CbUce 'I have a message fo r the. world," said thie gloemy, individual on the L platform. "Bef-ore you go any furtiser,"_ spoke up a man in the L rear of the. hall, "please tell us' wiietiser or net your message is prepaiti." miN4&ED'5- LINIMENT la tise ouly Lifi. ment àsked fer at my store anmd thse only: 4àne we keep fer sale. Ail the peuple -eC it. wiie ate Pleasant Ba.y,-C.B. HÂRLIN FULTON.. and 3lti gterris$aa or iti; VLe?;héÃ",J$at2içIi DIV. - Onrn,,Dr'. TIROruro - C4Lrtd.Colflnitwood Ont, THOMAS FLYER * For Bai. Tbla, car was -talon ln exchange -for à roadster mod el ýas' It was too' large for the owner. &ope.yeupe RUSSELL IAOTOR CAR-COD., Limited, - 100Rlchmond SiWut. Toronïto. phone M. 2-3.4. Thé fashion- ln Xiangsu. P . viuce, China, la whatet'er.. e-eu--*àati&.- Ever ai- veas-~hat iii zighs is his ewn eyes. A panama goee jasu- bily dowvn tue atreet !ollo'),ed by a f ur'-Covýereti binmcap. "-FeIt' li-of - scarlet anti verdigris green follow aleng wîthý -greyas »ud browns that really do tii.ý amateur habbre cre- dit.- Eskimo -top capes, a few derby bats, and the iemart imlitary. uni- ferm gave the streéts à piquaucy, that was .nlsedfiormerly ilu-thsé China blueê crowds. O! -ail the noé. tic e abseti ounthé city gate -tue Oni. tiat attreta tise m<wt attention ÃŽs, thse faefiien- plate that has. bee-i ex- hibiteti fer weeks. It dliplaya two- or turee o! the typicail "western"i suits. TIser. a&re tiie sw'aile'w tifled" an dtite low front f-rock' for - eveniug functiona. Tiier-eue, finda tise plaitemi skirts recommended for tIse wOmeu. TIse siik or "steve- -pipe" k hat- has its c-ruer with- th' Riflpards Liniment Cureà 7soternn.r, "Go away !riom- me," saidte's !asiiionably-dressed-, woman4Qti -tramp, "I wouldu't have yu t6ueli'. me ~ ~ fo'- olr. twas only gem', te o dihyou7for a copper, df the boweis is an.abSlute neces. sity ýfort"good, heèlh; ýVxes,,the waste- matter, prm.h of hc îco11cts,there-iý.got .rici cf at, IeasC. once a da, ,it decays ani oisnsth whole bY, causiig bi iousneaa iMdi- gestion an&dsick'%headaches. Saits and; other harsh m'ineràI, purgatives irritate -the, delicate liningt of.,,the -boweis. Dr. Mor,,e'm! indliaus -Roo 'Pills-cntireIy- vçgetabIe -ý,ieguIte ,the bowels effevtivelywîii1t 'eeak cssing, airkening org! pîpng.-, use For Sale. 30 h.p. engine. 5-paspengrer touring car. Thie car ilaiBsplendid-running order, fuly equipped and 'wortli much more than the. PrIe. ýý RUSSELL MOTOR CAR Cô.iïLlmlted,, 100 Richmond'At -West. Torento. Pjsne M 023 --VacatinT Band - Ilands, ' St. -lAwrenoe -Jiapide,,IXontrea1, iQuebeb, and the, Saguenay - Riverý-one -of M'a t1re's mnt Imprmeiye -seenle Wonder,* Low rates for tickets ineiudsgmeis- - - m..A -h. For ln'....&t -Wouhin't Dure to Il WIde Awake. M-s Ã"&a.Gbbleýigii <uudging lier hua- band, who je aioring)-Willialn jou'd iusake lesa «noise if, you,-kept- yeur moutii shut. - -Huiband (only half awake)--8c'd yo U. si' set ork i'd iss s wte St as idta Shi. -tlie'y oërmls, - gentir ily ho of-itll

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