111E> GAZETT E AND el-IRONICL T1TTPDVtlT4.TARiti- CANADlA.THITRSDAY, TUNE -26 1913 C.A4 -No 5L~ TfTn~ hrough îLIV wi§dom o-.f retaining itS ee- à a doubt willbe. the tirst to be unidertakni scrCi 'tikliltad ke faci.s htb st -yin Ȉ plan. .Leavxing out'alt.ogetlwer the pIcasuretah thefortunaté position to offùr to mianufiacturers the of autotiLobilists and the,.money. a tineý rodwl jgreat boon of cfà lectrie _powèr. Coupled' with thus dAis tribute throug iout its, coui-s(,acros h X the ~~~~~prov-,ision of free sites1 for. indu-,tries,, the town's country, tecia rihsmtrtuk p~aigTI 'poliCYis- to bid ýor worth-,whiIè en1terp riscs of this ioVér it between \Vhitby and 'To'lonlto will poie kiidby.ferngchappower and liberal cocs hould be one'of the m"ost valtlalA uses t so sions for assessi?, t P* es.this great national, highwvay - he- Not the Ieas ipraf ala rojetin. re -The -st,,publication -of the miap 1prinm lation to W)hitb\' is the- pioneer hý.dro-elèètric radial ~th iS 'opportune:fas it rap)ically ,lluts'trtshehe iit y's 1V nd rfu 1? an por ati'fom Toronto ei- ads Ihrough Yoýrk anld Ontgrie reallv mÈlefl alwy i*tby s W d' 1-ý_T at.o0nil ounties, %with t e mini at Uxtb r i dgePort Pry, thjs,,part o f Canada.-1 twa S *Iarted by teFn ' andWhtby A~ ing~ndr uthriy iven b.h ance ,Coihmîttee of the Councif, to whonîi po inca egis iatuire at its recent session,. -applic a . 1r eried:the .'pl anning of a campain of puliet tionha been nWdto the- HydroEeti o the town of Whîtby. It is drawn stricly ~acr-{Nr .Written for the To -n (3uuucil hy È: How t.a» A N u, C airnian FinanceCommîttee. -A à His Worship, Mayor Wis scifmg stic, aimed at-by the then budding conirnunity, is cet of the coutnty town, prese ted the siveriupported bv' a i1dd On ~h are piCiUrcd -a lb- - o Major Rutledge, the respected Chairmnân comotive and a ship, representative of the txvo 10Ci oard-of Educationi, at the layig' of the cor- gruà t' divisions of transportation-travel ùy rail N'tro ~ o WI re pblic library,, the oth rXnd .water. aýnUver ocCtlrrud to ùit her of them Thqy realized that the'f uture of thé town, iii the - ee ýrc a-n association bctween tli C atibi 1suèC ùssfl sabihment 'of commercial and indus! te iml hni-ngoc- of a suc by Con-_ trial, enterprises. depended upoli ailte u -twat to the latest arri\aIainoigst tli transporthaitoerdo atlit- IRtt! afits alnust dail ugnc1i ig bis wvorking natural harbor and expecnsive okuo l ii-un the contrction uof tihc ('aadian l>acîflc's pirovement that had.been the la ' tw hi nt>yW~ e rn -n hough t hc towýn, 'yet both i'i- was founded; vas.at that time 'upl*mcned by the Iai aretrcebl b neofth w rl's-ot-bui1Wing of -thc GrandTuk dwa.Telosinc - f cfdlv\\.rd,,o4-i Tuk ~ î>c:on )to to day, M r --ndrcw Car- +fight foi-teseodraiw\ ,1)u enl.kcOtario and (Cuor-gin iay, wilc îc Mi1 hiev ibd 1313o RAil U -otitig on1 ýy-law, granti Perry Rail, --place On Fý lite followin -h WVard .. re War(d Lh Ward ... esÈsy p : tý soon ne the cined tuera 'w ng in-the ;Band turne< ailgh the -stre>_ ing boutfres ost ethuisias -'Sces ac la1-re mneet 1d- -of tue ailso-4l(d a wwere iiti. I anl(1, Ofi acd b1 lwo (>ic neillo-, - a li\ etcl Ili -, r- M -hn14 - - fo-ntri L au ete lécsà yheim eS loi;a tio -toaacûs cxccal. flc o tiu u ar d- , bipotsuo-astt Sone .shiuat liiniary unes hiavé already been run «by tUic enginý, suits incident to.it S publication is 1o r 7 nrJX O N A l. ers. Of the Com mîissiun, \\-itby nîay thus secure parison oft thu -î -a iiio:1lucd wîti 1the i pu ix 4 - * - ~~the long desired benefits ut an elcectric ri-t intsu aluîilbi u ïhr sidc, liT( t 1'ay between the, upr -portions uf the towxn and OshaW a, wîth that uf Wtby twili \11be cf ht 1h trt Cat Mth iiin frhi thy Lourd nof t eat t W aitd say-licly, tdo tur thme or-ntfy etldsaesteOtroGvr-o h ixt ahr alxin n uectnttwnIino u forr LI pacesnhavigithe Ca ~ae ricpl fWitfsfanu dua aiwy, o ha h tv ate yteî recm xiithsotin t ineasal danaeo o. yfu iles fatrin helufkc iLsour tîcrnhoa e whou thek pat ins t h cercmo.; anotif i t 'xiiibetonytdn wi-ilthintuburbanoreafof ht-drHn dmBe' bceeuiena in~u odt e l-a u ~as oc1tei beng for the coensfr aommcal drga Toroto to ors.c-s ail .theeetranD)-scîtinentral11bev- heagement promise ctoigrtdirsnc y proine Witby li a nueetedy apl rxxbi ttrsutuhte x dfu of te adstùmgtîishe--donorce the fnacalI Vysan vaersipen s vel- hoi afodanadiabe oatonfr arsup Irx luinayforornètsatthset nd:rwy h o w S L aChimI iiisaw tien 0C if wichhavemad hii SOeîîrmosiy ich Whtby esev~s hisdisincton asa ralwa tplapce, te cqepmnt f stcita Pstrmk, i-o j l isie'ta.oe te utiqu rcatioslî \\itbye age ding thatshorýIy ý'i1l bv hebringhoeoon catonhof nextasessieoiî uf ptces, )ataritheLea t À scientfie tests that eau e aandlilattoethe fst cna'brngr t(} u throvince, nvvo g nÂitlr.eioùs f el cniur,* makit*s illsu fthe cuntr teL tegets nnfcu esfmh - - antherotranpotae-itio ablantageactaatofco-.yfoorring ity oin n ta h ie eaculkenrsof t'wte 0t i Whitby As part of of Wsctby.eoffa national bigh-atwwatownnare Luttfour M-ilcataeartsiiumea-irc thev di{sbt Ime xx - - xvay or CatiaanttheiongsdoneRad, whichis 4he -are glmOS onesconmiiiiitvgrowiitgrapidnsttuechionae these e whomainlstraet easthanderxvestithrouandWiftby,'beyo deereandlboundwb hecorittheosteugreatacîty.of- -h--onic1 , --a l n- K n u-1(Ig o-v i«ýt0 -- - 7-ark1h-omio theprvqnehM!>hil7 l f a ui.é-i) te e f½Clree ~<;n6 --GR.AND TRUNIK RAtLWAY STATION, WHITBY JUNCTI{u& ýced so profoundly in our very. midst at the pre- ,, secures to Whitby -to-day) the shortest route'between t moment, might not have been made possible. a lake port on the Canadian fronitier and, the grea t It is in fact due to Mr. Carnegie's contrihution northwestern empire, that foryear.s to corne will bc the solving of the > ransportation problem the- chiefest consumer 'of products which for ltlany ch cheap steel for rails, bridges,' ships and, struc- - reasons must bemaufactured in eastern Canada. ai purposes are proving, that Whitbyr owes its The advent of the two raiiways 110W building i thousand, dollar library and, the reùawak'èning9, tiiro.ugh Whitby more than, doubles the transporta- esome sixty years' sleep, to, become a modem tion jacîlities of the. town. Within the-corporate 1way centre - - limits of Whitby there will be more than -twenty- -How wise our forefathers were in this respect five miles of. trackae of-these thre rnsotfen clearly shown by thé seat which they. desigýned at. tai. systems. More ceaeofecellent sites on efoundation of the town, and which is printed at Iwhich to buifd factories possibly cannot be fotd head f ths aricle Thenatinal- emn, the wi-thin the corpo'rate limits of a.single municait aver typîfying industry as the leading character- IeisewNhere in this country. - 4miles po l inCh thSoIafy à v a n a ieýs) e T'WIN *TON.* TO SAA JL & &-J JLý A-&