two THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1913. The MeMbers of the. Firm .F m OI e- Growth o! the GaetteChronicle.JbPitn'. sfi~AGOELLWî~ n( Fi c,-snirpartne f c ttue icrn luarlied b rul "l 1ensd f te,, ingti\Cyas WinIu 5f til ii a l to otthes, dtring s (À ual of hhyas"Jut t\l1 Xiivn uin ortaîit 1).ôst, l'av ing in uhar-guflic pilil 'i t _WMACLIINERY INSTALLD T NRAEOUTPUT. ni *' i <bPress..___ 1 .the, ii mnd IrueI-rUss \vas puriasd o IWteBsns as Grown T[huinturior of theý old building lias buun great-!through the coliînns of the ýGa/Ut te a iid roliclc tutd fox 1w \vars. l'y irnperov-ed'jin appearance- by piastcring, kalsomý- 1thaxi heretoforu. and, that o.ppo)rttunit\x wtilbu atA i 190 .A. \1t hd rc fu n iln 'du ce the- acquisition of tile bsnesofte ining, pitg p aprn, ec tray noxb siforded for astili furthuL epansioniad gro -thi ut îng tl0'\V b tl art cd -a;LiIu \ vuuk1 ,îp ~~nd CI ihrnîce î1906 bv the present own- withou ur f otradictionand withboft boast- 1the: printing a'idpublishing dup)artrnetits of tt eson lu.srggufruittfC ig( ,aim bias;U\. ever be to go forard, to imprwve fi ,tat hr i omoecnenient rata-business. thiliiWpliîatio a nuî-ilou aity and to eilarguu output of thu of- olfice in the towns of -Eastern Ontario j.It ip propised. sinitltaineotusly - \ith t1ew on against a- détui-nii*në.( and srnî:uîrntu p- anid none it etofrbi 1 'UY1 tettei equipped. itt efet fts partiier si.01 y1 ,-ô to ig lposetion. Attua, liftifur bu 'ast< at was not long aftvr tkn o$esOl T he'buenlar gement of the- prenîises la aepsil rtucm nne ntuninur ut t.oll(Lic* x Nvoik thu.faut bhuua1 .niuapa-nc a11i -~o1 achitîg ~ r ou mfjwas rwre yscrn h ntroduStion of stijli- furthe .r impt'oven 1cts to îig tiTe-bus-ilà ss. The ir b tle siçyluic d A . t 4 to \vn n httuSolu i c Totû law book phFepte rntngo là t Abrnfnw yinerpes o atsiGodelo. o vii olut i otsadig upe dŽ apecfu dqh hubttr iani lx1o oks, lid for over four years now. this wo'diesign hlas, bten purchascd, and lias been in. use. for ýcoutsanday ail ýoutstanding m11ils aans1 t ts publishier. rimcd no inconsider-able part 0f the output of tw~o months, also. aà xiew Mextges fle.Ifie.. ilesallybursosbefrala h iituand Chronielu biad buen fi'oît 'tee. aiakdln onso .pýa In the heating .6f t.he building., mre xi oxt fapivte'or personai uarctr.ure on tlîi ak-t and iii .(itola-ur, 190 ii_________ _______________________________________________ Itispro o rentier on uiu 01 tly. Ist gain \Vas strncik 01L.,n he tu owit. -'t fà -du junée30, andi on and afte-r1i uly \exx ton, an&.A. Goulo )vbywiliubt.latI t.iii n t t 4AwIt rei er ecunt ontlly 1 firnis for whoni teqilired pustsin zanCcou t i artied. : I buKuvstonu-xmas- n rgt m the(iîttt. &Sa lli <FFICE 0P GAYEI'TE AND CliJIONICLE carly Stul)to xurl xs huie iîtrodtictiouî ot ne exîgiuie to.dispiace theold stuani cengilie use' -IS mutîx c pox:c'. bis xv-as 'fotnd tu calt ti sater-, anîd xas a mîarked iîn1provc.- <-r forîxir condilitins, \vhen the snxioke froîî.i tcoA llnadeC lUaCIiiitItss"an-iiipussitulity. cc.fitract -lui:prîing iithe-iu i )om un 1ental, la nîolithly oi 100 pages, was soon .S'eCU17 tii adu ncccssary the rUp)kciiig of thet ylinidur iruss tliin'iiuse by une Capable- ut' wor. Tis'- iig gune Ibis far, il xvas touund practicable )LthIe' coxtract for priîîtiîîg txvo other j. uumnais. 'Tbis involveti the purcbiasê of of dollars worîh ut nexv type; anti -the in- ni of a mioline tylpe-stti' rmachîine at a th.out $1,200. essixig equipnicnt for a better cIass'ut priut- mucli of il, a considlerable volume ut wo0,rk ared trum uýtit-uf-luxvn sourices, ,chie frort e. addlitionis lu, lie voumne utfx-oxmuant 'get staiff uf ClmpluyeéJ,-and lufup oi S ls xas a iinýlluetixe Cý(It c iestîli l:M(I s for pîîblicati>u printîng, -antinii 19 L ru ~ ~ ~ SCI1A n'uthmsxeuserd ilakiingfivu in prinitei in this oill.*ý - ixiCreVIîSe in plant nd- enuipioyuu-s vilbin the ýrainpud uriginal premisus m-n-atie a 'oîdiîiori estîun - whicli wxas any\tinWbît tconducive 'te îvorh- iinti\xhicli- exiaileti the.frequeul unîue iandiling utfxxork xvhilu utl rogruss - sthronl Tfhe PreýiiSeS Enlarged An unlargueme(nt of the premnises -becaine more more a nucussity, but it-wéts flot. until -thefallý as-t yuar that it was' found'practicale.toen- -C thle building. -Ani addition was then bit to. south of.-the old building,_ thus pratical ly b)hng the space of the wO'rkroqrns. The 'addition is, of whittý*"brick, one story, -30 x [ct, with ctŽrent flooix 'This, is used as a press i, and is a bright, airy, comm J)diOis and- con- ent roOm. The remnoval of the presses to this room va- ,.d thL, space f ormerly-occupied' by. the presses ch has been, converted into.a composing room t 3U fuet in size. This is also a well4fighted- VIEW 0F PRESS, ROOM :r yinder presses and a corner of the paper fol%r. An( 1o the'right.o! the folder.. M) anti aflortis a convenient arrangemnent of thie e cases, cabinets, composing stoxies, etc., an ar- pement which ,co'nduces to'the expeditious, execu- iof work. -- The enlargement sets f re a roomn 10* x 20 ted. ,h lias beexi converteti mb 'a stoéckroom, - The business office las aise beenelargeti, by addition of la private office 10'x 12, feet.' Whiie some young Mcxi were.outaita'v toin in the Bay, just south of WIIYLIISHM1 o. --lîuvh th online, a _monster fi g UNVi~R measuring from fifteen to twenty -l feet in liîgh and, about -a foot- A mtti f tut. ladeIis ~ ~ ~ ~ i~ -' '-' st iti an lahft cross the head, roi the0owio \hti iusiu up suddenlin luîb.cmmater and,'wrutaken ta- 's'Ix1\the volu-F made at the boat. The boat was lteurs - at the. fi-ont Nvil h flani.ncllt pmrsued Ito' t hé' shore -by, the fisti , 1shir-ts and soditsNI o-da W cded when shot.gtins weru proc.ured, ntsdav) 100)uonîtortablu fianli and, the niolister fil- d at but wý.itb h - tsand _i IO pairs of socks mùt effeut. It rnainul in !sightC wuvre forardud w <u t -epuive until dark. M.Richard 1olisstations 7of thu \ îitby .InýtantrY and others wure oh the, shore ut and Whtbv Rifles. Th(e ladiest-(t i.tJ the tline anti saw the -fish.' ter a short cnxasuolt.utud the c tilîl'lt Chroniulu 2,17.~m of S'-1). Tuv are aliü igel- ting rcady bamkeîcs utfprovisions .ttt t u provement ha-, takexiplace since t he, oid das june7, 183.-[1WME"lSJLIII 1., x1,î~tî steani power The premis,ýes wuu thun heated by' S'- 0b îîî stan Io wxo yeais a ot Nw 1er svstem '1 -7 bu-enin u se and xith -the construction of a f u rna11,1 This iii, 1. beliexu; work out more saî,isf actor-Crneu and-\Iu mbiî ialf h<h(\t. sI.t îMc-[a cliar inthé' pCuwb1uilding' a ducided impovurnunt îly for ail concernu-d. tcncntî'tdlvtl rslto\fuX ll ,~î ini thu hcating plant w iii bu 'Made po 1ssible. The reuts is theruforu miade, that ail persons ' 't \cl Further, gasoline power lias had it< -dayý-ý, and having acuounls againsi nysuf xiirenîdur lm RYIQ .(()ttE4),bui~ tt wasvur hadyandserieabl'< ut hi, îo, assainieat onue îi -ilxhoare induitu'd 10 t suIf abointîecyo!orti 11,ai ,tn.lOI was ery dsiazd, ndclctiit),rvs t hna,, u n ceu~, and. ai.tu'm, 1P. ""'"' tiruouîim t cit\SLX71111I ' ot uhinery. Tvo 'eiectric inotors are I n tise. -A.haîf h. ni P. motor drives the' moxnline. typesettingmnaubiîî cl anda fi-vu h.p. motor ftrnisbus enerry to the prs,~ 1,00M. SECTION -0FCOMPOSINQ ROOMý T[le -résulof al Ihuse changes. ant i i)o munIs is thal, very ilittle ufthfli machinery. - ï-hat xvas. in tlie. premnises six yu.ars a r is liere to-day, anti the buildixig, ixiside and out, bas beexi 50 Irans.- formced as: 10 be almfost lik e nw structure. Announcement of- Partne rshî p SIl- is wilh a good deal of pleasiure thal I arn alè tb make the axinounicement Ilial my son, (-,ray- don -M. .Gootifellow, wili .on July i becomea.parI- ner wif h me iniîhe. publishing anti prinling busines s- ixi Whl~. The business here:lias growxi 10 sucli %lextenl as b require -more lime anti altenlioxi in IMPROVEMENTS IN WH1TBY. -- Whi-lby us tiestined tb become fainous for the magnificence uf tis, privale f anily resitiexices. At pre- Sent, Ilie resitience of.iMr: ,John -Ham Perry, Esq., Mayor of the Town of Whilby, is <xiththe .ex- ception of 1 Dundurn Casîle, the - seal of Sir Allan: McN ah),i repu- led -the largest - anti most.costly f amîly m,île Pr ovince. But Ibis ,will ie.f ar surpasseti by à asplendid edifice. whîicli SlsohiÇ Reyniolds,,,Esquire, thrifbfîe, Coùxily,: proposes 10 have erecteti 'for a residUence. We ha-ve .been favoreti witli a glaxice aI îleé 'plans andi specifications of the -contemplateti builtiing,-of .-te grandeur, -size- and caslliess. ocf, - >hich. our rentiers nay formi some lother prema sstanlds.~ e rmIi io n.Cioi icle, Aprii 12,-4859. - the èditing of the paper and the managixig of tle, large job priutixig trade, buili up with-ix the last- fcwýV years, than, one mani caxi properly -give là il. .With île assistance of tlie new parîner, wlio, as said eisc where, i s,' a graduate, in Arts of MMs~ Tiniversity,.-and a 'specialist in Malhematics. and Political .Economy, il is- confidentiy anlticipated that. a fà r better- service.-wilU be given 1îte public ient, -so that the nuxv i.m. mai; sxxnW f xib.m eu1,- atlli uîir5 ienui--' leaxi sheet. - ' b' haso11iti a,'I ýla he.m(xits of the, art ut Iîï'Iiaig aI anl UaniyaU,-ndsiusît 1i.t îs w ith kucîî aticpationts of tbe 1ossi bilitî-us sht hnbs~e. nac heun -nl r ok \e Mufore' t-île nu-%\tirm <batt annolue this partir- suing% bis stuc '. 1île bad, tIeUforIlU, Soînu knoI .oîîtlit t REMARKABEi-.E :1A[HER. Midiaîîd to Vi tiby tt.n uais. a . omhttlti uu'nmtîud ail suniiner vctinIndi tion t mmo pîo mitIi.x<i .Trluewant ut snôw is thulie hnie ot uvur a vuai on ailsies. 'Silice the menoryte a, îa'ebunsuttihaiîîgîiit. tt ut the oldesti îbtaIsucti ex- msttusoth.atpsratv' t.> v traort.iniarv xV mtîîr xvs -nexur Gadn atnut libCleiat îsît ________ r kno\x n. t-day, 1 oicr mîîî iîa o 1866, the dus-t is fling Ionthu c O ni-Ilnî ia'-uia tîî i 4~ tt srlsof \\-1 hty. Ant. tins noti ilr'îîi uî cig stll iiýit I - - w'î-sîii iîig \tt,,-o igtlits agu 1Ing otîC.. Af tvur anotilit.-r xcii'iim tt. ( l îIii. ,tl t the temlpefltture. xxas tix untii bu ilter(utI NIN astevr -I'îxt-s i h.hl i t~ loxv zero. - oday t ht.e wc itî& iwherc-u b u Iîusucd a'ufse îuai \t tîlit. ilt1I i. < 1 - ~.. as genial as'a sprîng 'înornuiig- adI ltî.i tonuix .lie t.. at.dlit Mh.y ui i) Chroîièle outjian. 1j, '.this uaî xx îh thu egî e u- I]\. ati mm tLa 11 t he nmoll -appain n Ihu xi n î clereu nie i sît 't 1bu x'ltalins îX< front pge ut hu' uary Chroices in tt.îintlng 'tit.Mol tîthchsnoxagi v pronntetif tw'c i'n nltduu lctîth hdasui - xas "With calmpnrie words, MOk'c -ovLg ftId<I(I;, - grual iioughits and* unliring. - -nsuttod.aiin irà )Illiîcs îtic ri - dîîstry, w â dxvocate peacu, pro- N cai tu yxearie ,: M .tnxt a tilh uI'.nt iiti gress, knowýledg,brotburhood." bsns-as xveii. - - slip. 'l'le fture hoids ouI a beck-oning- barî to h. x~i i t-i f~~uujI o au i utl b t t.le îsliîîtS.-s -I thuse xvho have enturfiriseý and wLnurgyi, coupied w iii- a fair -measure out.ablity in tht.ýir lune 'ot work. eahnr n le [bhure seems to bu jusl abead ou t us Nîbe aèiossil.iiitvll of a very.substantial in&rease ii th .voltune ut - PRý'N EIRPRIN'lING PRE SS. business 10 be secured.l.if our bupes 'and expeucta- hcnwclnu7 rs ecil îi lt i tions,, arc, realizuti, Whitby mvwiii profitheIlextuxit othu is callt -'irîîu,'tn xt îauh'li of that..increase. - Whiîluck 1>iîiîîg' Press Mfg Co., ut ury Conuî respecttuuiy soIiîcît front lue f riends and pal-: is vlaei"1> îi'futr il s-atisuttie - roxis of this itice, -whô have in past ycars bu-en Su beatiof, fiat-bcdpitn rse.-I - 111tailt. _____ loyal and ' tru c-, a continuance of îbuirpatu nage.- 1 -impv'mnslaIebstrsesifhirnk.s îik trust- thc citizlens of, the îuwn anticomrmunity gu- psscss, ebesities'm any convîineanspiat. utr- erally may, )verlooking faulîs of the past in thc turcs peculiarly ils coxvn. ,e rSs is a lkauty , 3 paper or ilýs 'ditor, and forgettingiprix-ate 'grutgsadùok ssdll îîiacrti t yîi rally- bo te support of' tlic ne-wfirm, ýwhi'hwil l.ýik6 ýal modem rinnting presses, tihc trcirit-las 1,tax S 1, evèr anti ahx ysa seek 10 serve thie 10w-n anid com j natmti one ttacheti wbîcb Lout thutli Potla 1lu, -uxity 1tuer umôsl of tieir poxvers. I liets as * tbuy- ai-e prinletl '<'< lien tb&rUýS1,i-snl Otnx Th azeute antid woicexill gladly co-op-Ir- pinling, rtînini-ng lgia l xxkhhi co 1t- I s L1titi lU alé xith the- citize-ns.,of Wbithîy-in' sin.ging- tht. ulxvrk,. The press rës-.s sOlifdiv'on' the 1 ý int OnîttîtS 1lraiseS of -our ideal loxyn, a nd-in, has'tenunc hie. fluor, anti thure is nul -the slgtntst vibiration xx'bîýU Cl consutmmâtion of our dusirus iii tbe increase of our runnin, a iîigb spued. Thhu pius"'ýý w iii t 12,()0 00 fîtl population anti the enhancement- -ut our materia. sheels, .28 x 42 Iin -sue., -pur h nur The ord(inixi- prosperity.. lspeeti; oxvvr, at' whicl iut is rttn is froini1,500 b Ai, - C. ~A. GOODFElLOW. h1800 per homî. ('otitttu <mv '-« IA fine Ji Im uîîd fie tha t liel titue-tt 11S66 6UR NEW PREMIER ýCYL INDER FRESS. 77 1