WITKTH1ý FORCE. A Writtcn Reeord . of , mR'res_ ila Arabltt at 111-g 25 YearaB1. V. -Tt wua thefaahionsa, tew ears -agtb claim that the, Amisor did net exise ,exoeptiing a.e îs mentb ôf thé lmýa.ntkn . Saeiutîii later were copeIIed te a.know-, 1jgthat tiser. was- sucb a horse,, edthat hé d-iffered from,&"llothere .ven in his, enatomy, aya -Our 1jumb Anîmalê.ý Thçn a cdaim WaS put fôjward' that Wh" ~waa called &à . A rab wam, rea.lly un Af nicaûi horme, criginatngl in ILybia, the coun*try IyinÈ hètweenýi lEgypt, arýd Tripoli,, on the. shorei.cf4 -thse Mediterrantan. These -wist people- e er-ed J~hatdis here ohave Alwaye câ.U-t çd Arabiane.wére neyer iin ,Arubia qucitil efter'tht boginin"g-. ofth Christianera.,- mrne goiing -rc>m IEgypt, others sent from Capadecla, ýý -,nort>h of thse Taurus mountains, cnx' tise Black Sea. .The'f act tha.t Uc *5uch bhrme. remaîn-either Ini Lybia1 or in OapadQCia,,ai-thougli they are1 numerous in Arabip, a s,ed i em- barrasument tt tises. pundits, Had aucis eP"ecia1 leadr got 4heir Xenophon or' Herodotus. f rom ihe upper shelve, f their book- qUëe, certain . .nùbari-asslng facta rnight have cauqed them -to 19odlfy Their Contention. They would have lear-ned that SeÉairamis, who suceeeded lier hus- ba.na, Nimrcôd-ýbuilder,o! Ni neveh * ~had ý n erfny in, -whièh were 300,- 000 cavalry, with which she invadea India, befon. she started to bliiId - labylon. 1Nipeveh is eperpetuâted b y-tise preeenbtcwn d, Mpsul, built -onsits site, iii the . norih-ea.etern part cf Arabia, oùi thé Tigrie Rliver, a.nd tiseruina oôf Bab'ln rene. Bagdad, en the- Euphrates, both thele poinimbeing in the heart cf Arabie,. 1 W. are fcrced te believe, there- fore, that there were home herses in Arabiaa t Ieasb 3,5oo years B. -Not>_cnly là this certain f nom thé' -Wtitteën'record, -but their repreLsen- tation-is preserved by basg-relies in z toe uncovored by Layard when h. explored the ruina cf Ninevehin tise middle cf thse nineteenth cen- tury. These -show herses of thse Arabian horme aize and type, riddeu by neininaking use cf ,tsem in a. inasnner suds aa ne hors. but anj Arais w4L5 ever known te staasd up te. The. ridei. are' hunting liens, with sPaeanad arrews. I s no-j *oicus te this day that no hoe bu n - a te cuage efc If ,tise.wguld-be scientiats still dlaim the. -profa insulficient -to es- ta bli.h our contention we turn te the hiistory of Cyrus the Great az written by Xencphon. 'Wh.n Cyrusi Fought Croeus, King ofLydi, it je lainly'etated * tisat part of hi.e valry 'were Ara- bians. Imi arrenging his force te ýe~et*e .efiemy, Harpagus suggeet- 'ed that h. jue.thtecamela he used Jor ',t&ns'poit m iinalm ,iii front -of his .'ivalry.' And when i-they came ~p e ~xeootet-h~Lydian herses, $sml4ly t 'figit and smell of t'4ýD4rs the Youbeg -* 1~~ire,~ iroug.I-lïes-outy -Iiiwt i4 a r pear-.!.toclamj. thefo.re, 'that tliere --were horêes lu, _Âabla. beiûre t4ey -Were sent- theme' troni. Lyýi&.. lalit net more proba- bl ttte los.o-L awore ore iefth iat country by Cam- 'be, onc CyrusWho oiqgei'ed" Egypt ..Are'Lybia' sud- Ethiepl'a.te add tO"tise peesions left hlm, by 'Cyrus 1 Tise,,.Egyptiaus ,isadno,,avalrY., any more than, had the Persi&mà s un- tai th" tuime' of! JyruG. -Uosz i Egypt ca-me alter the tins. when the isepherd- kinge werel.,,diver eut. Four hindred'yearma after thse da;yi of Joeph when'PharaÂ>h'pursued .tise, Hebrewa Whe went, çuIt ,witis Moseptirough t»e Red ee,' eat'e teld-thst he foll!owed wtb60 hr- îots-'ý, 11-tise, cha.niol0 . etEgyt"- aeêrîdirsg to t-eBible s ittet. Hess-were se searcee-ven. then that enos Egyptian èchariot, had eisly two herisès; nd -ail tiieso were de-; stroyed. in -ie IdSes,. ;- 'And n oiur day a outy, certain 'progressve -peopime .uggest tiat tho<ugh tiser. nlay have béi Arab herses, and they Msy have- been good enougis a long time- agel, tbey are 'net aucis as 'weuld be suited 'te cur moeden coxiditiemnsud cli- mate. Tise greater. p&rt -of such people proliably neyer S&W an &rab- herse. NEW CANNONN-0F WOOD. Used ilu ReceatIRe-Volntlcns ln Haiti - antU Cuba. Ausyone famliar with tise con- structf>n cf modern 'weapenfi& warfare and tise higis exp~ ueed li tiem weuld natura.lly sup- pose a cannon ma« cf Wood would be ýc! little or no ý#s.ue a&s;a, wea- pois. 1 Wooden cannon ixave beeën u'sed- with oorssderabJç'; succe»s, never- thlsin 'îek8ûW' revolutieýns "in' Cuba, in Haii amuiintise Dnsa cais Repu-blile , Thse Wood used" is the construc- tien et the"e crude, wepon s EPa very ton 1gl variety, having a twiet- cd grain tisat curis about thse log in sucli a way thM t te çplt tise timber, with* tise erdissary meana la alinet imposible.' Tise boet trees are oeiectdand a piece cf tise log five or eix leet, in lengthis an about,,ene foot in dia- mieter je cnt. -After th. ba.nk bas beesi resnoved, and tise log isade per!eetly round, it las wung- up ors a crude trus, - and a isole is bumned into lt froni cnte e* d. The log is wound with 4tripe cf -rawlide cut f rem tiese kin of &a teer. When the cannon la covered with tise atrips cf iide, anoýther layer ie weund con, andi tlhis lcontinsied until tise wea- pers has increased several incises li AIter tise Iog le covered, and tise bore i. finlshed, the -weapon le trea±ed te, a hsot draught, which tends te contract tise hide bînding, which becomes simca-t "as trng a wire. Tise crude casnon have been used., with sisceese iu a isumber of instances, and it i. a.tonis-hixig tise nusuber of tînmes th-ey maay be fired bfere they burat or become other- Wiao disabled. Wltehcraft la ltaily. 'We hear litti. nowadays of witch-' I-grve.*gg r e raeat ninght I~ ~L lhbgeJ~ ie pa61h 1 - Irck Som tfaaçte 'wZhoi uicames- ofrte ietldien-, were sfo>uis> bexiatis a bed,- *hierethey h4d-evi-1 'dently' eeugist -refuge - lrom -tbw Bussies. - Tar e ieoequpyi1groni crsh ý-tiotp floi, of the building were emcu.byfirMen. '- THEM«ALL BOY AGAIN. StartsRulway' Englue and- causest N" -Lon of Two Llvés. A deâpateis lrom Iluffal masys a: smal - boy aent iitetise New-York' Central . Ralread' reundiseuse hére on "Temday nigist and' climbed in' tise, cmi -of -au engine. ýuH. 'puli18 ffp.n-,tise throttle md-" as tise, engine b "atd, forwand>' he, [jliped.-T-'.The locomotthve ri.'vdtsroughY.tise yard~~ at _ apeed, cf -4 ie as 'her :ýan4d; d oviied trequaqC ters cfï, mile, belon. -jit'Cr&" y. hieaÃŽd -n ia. Jreight -tirain" mmn-' rigng inthé ,O~Posit6 dm n" *The . twc englunes met v-ith terrlifofrcé.- Efigineer Fred,:Lndeke was-alà n! ' instaxitly kIl d 'thse.,firemai, William Freelici, avas se ldly- isume tisat, liedied- a ýshort 'ime ,t Ben emgles wreb dly mage rand many cr wr -weke LIVINGPROS-OMY. - ing-t4 é ed91MO4M8-ý A despa±ch fiein Ottawa - Thée Laber J)èartient 1 i ,e t number 4wI6lsleprce tocd ît 137.0' fer144y,. as lcomnpared witb- i36.3 in April, &Ù& 126e3 à iMaky, 192'Tise nuibersgare- perceutages, cf lie pniçe lvel, during the'decade.- 1890-1899. 1Tht chie!-îaaan< f thé; pamt mentis occured in animis an41ý mesats, fi4h, Imiteb, assdve~ea -witis eonsiderable eeaa- l grain-.was,.upar,-:ut paînts end cis vesier. lu retail pniom;s1 'dir p&uts fis, mugar, potato..0 and ceai -were*'lower, wbije et a.nd dentale tende6d upward. -INLÂND REVENUE REPORTÉ. t Use of Cigarettes sud Liquor Showsa Great Inctease. A despatol f rom Ottawa aya; Tise people -of Canada 1.4t yesr smecked 975,325;WO1 cigarettes, an in- crease of neariy two hundred mil- lion over tise figures of tise previous year, aceerding te figures' oompilcdd by tise Depaitnsent cf Inland Rev-1 enue. TIn fa-ct tise ensumption of ' tosa-cee aud wet. goods mas inoreas-c cd e~ round. Tise. per capita aver-c ages are. Spirite, 1.112 gallonsà , compsred with* 1.030 last year;t beer, 7,005 again-et 6.598; Wine, .131c aga n1 44; teba-eo,3.818, peundss 1 l againsj 3.879 pounde. Tii. figuresi fer tobaSco include cigarettes. TERRIBLE TIIAGEDY. t On -a Sugar Estate là à Province of 'A despatels f rom, St. Petersburg ays: Elihty girla -were' burned to death by vllgsê nrage&-ath importation o!. ciesp glnl labor'to werk 0i1 a sugar ettat in tise dis- trict of Piriatin, lu tise Province, cf Poltva, Seuthern.,uesia., aeeoxd-E ing, te the Kiev ewéêpaperA.,Kse'v Liamin. Thséxte ilgee~s leeunely fa*teised e.l fthe meêsss of exit f nons a weedcn 'baru lunahicis the girls wene isoused. 1Thty Jhenc w« tjo Potatoes--ontanio eks, 86 to 90o 'per --S IiOn tak n epwraat siso0 -iu tô -~5per, baË, -ors tdà ck;' deatOlj -- hoIIoa ý8t e-ý:Bacon, long <sisAr IU-to 16. rer lb; t- case iota. Perk--5bort et, , do,,ùea b eavy, 17 to lie, relli,- 16 to-161-4e; break-! ---- aut bacon. JM ta 21c, backu,.£4,,to 25c. i en--Las'L-Tsereeu, 141-E20;ubs,14"1 eSPane, M as ay and straw. - itred trak.'Toréito, arid Ne, X i106 o'1. mrnc n-eI a1ed a1#aw-Oood stock sa $8 tOe485' on .. Itréack, Torento -- s that t ly' few - W(unnpeg, .ueI..(ahWef-N.I lsad Northeru-'98 1-2c;.No. 2lortlwrn96.;%a o *1 r . -NortIhern.-91172o- No.-4_86e- Noi. Sq 7604 mloue- feed. 69c, Ne. 1-rejeted semd 901-2*'-No do- w do m 4é 'boelà ia-7çÂ*eln -Trdhtô elilé n. used for-'the purpose oetucuk]ig recruits for -thisa-trï&o., -- - A,- -Mà nIw -&r I"ubi , 01y. =& PO.mye Le 415ô, té express &u~ al 1te 4-theboduteXsith upon '*hùthei- --1JO55déid Q to-hé wflai o_ 'je ne artsé ibu-1 - I&ti- t teFl#ý xe l tflbq c--Pms1ý_tepsAre ne-p eear w [otW any 'fur»rnordamuagu ef rie'bt,,iitw htoiu-egnlhausemd lmbqed .CarApaulign fnpub bbh.g<t',Yerà Is adbours en. e bY eto- ilcue s'- lybc simpe ,b j fer'wo >iystel in u 0 '#Vei'wt 'sa->pTacu dicussio Iotheabet n-t o b1 a maia, eAn h. f, -'- OtaIeB..atEà Mo s- Unistheuaijuéast' la engsaan 1uDlnne bS-altlonBuelchn retah otlt lai plte -i Naval rMeand NluthSoueyis Blu-e i-bs ternies- e eluolCai-"teprdene of ivs- toiaëngco Le iiauf Wrelse Bonrable ta. the de- lu te1osuMr.- os-Msoa- wieaued bln-b a uluation- -;à geater o nei>' forces Druest le lnesheng t otan bandiaete-reTemprleaiv gisi-m a prehan -Nva Ie-!muS Nos-ith Brs-ue la lu bein restldng aue l i.ouh. saeethin- tai -Ou &1u ç i CsoLiériae afrid tha the dos- ituse h M ea. wlll reauf lu am convetnsièeaente-iejsOetaii- taecave that lng Tie tc hbiatibons candidtesmore Tempe s-a ecalrpiteu Mie presantothe -Amboihte Ba isetramn vhuschionv eAnin synceuttheOstano l dist Contes-once, audithe Oongsegatiossi Unlôs aIl demanded*-tir s-share et pub. luct>'. sud for a time the spenting page isad to look fer ita isurela as the cents-e ot ats-action. An Englis visiter who attended smre of thse sesnions of the Presbytes-ian Aaser- bly and morne etf the Xethgdiet Conter- onces tld sue 'hat lie wà s aotaunded at the uueomps-omielsg attitude eft hese chus-chas. which ho consides-ed tais-S> yp- bcal et vhat vossid b. 'ecsibed lu Eug- land aunnReosms aolntol.K was patisulmsrly imps-eoasd wlth the i-igid. i-y efthi-e vlewu expressed towas-S thse liquon traffie. H. was almost hors-ifed te Sund tisai- lise pinian 'w-us exps-essed anS appla-uded that' not, merely the manufac-, tures-a nd the dispenmseofetiquos - wes-e alune-m of the -blaiksat ulye, but thadt the' modes-ate drinker vaïq aise donuo(led& It was setarded au ianpossibie-fan a mas t6 beaa Chnstian. and- induise lu liqués- -lu an>' degres. -To Ibis 'Xngitas visites- ihie -was a noeaipoint ct vis*.'- A- b Sie'silg be-szaiS h« t-oued ~ mdmaha - dfts-teùip.-' Theai-me.- pleahr a ie=nt qulte se uure 1enting. lui tact. dIgts ad- u léSrical 'vas-e trequentir t e bs0<eGilppiug eut etfmtss meeting toenjsie>a quiet emokes at lbe back-o! tie'ebus-ch. Tise great autsatasdit figura in i-be local Sysod 'ýi ou. &8. H. Dike. H. apeaku ch ever>' subiacet that comea 'up. always ae- quasiS>. alw7ay lu thse ümeut precisg Eeg- 11bst an lwà a-jthé elt..Itissg ha added'that ho le.alwayuà partisan. Hé laier- ose side et a question anS as-gue it often lu -in exts-enr6 man*rse. , Bécanes i6f this partisaashlp ut la difficuit te think et hlm- as a Ji$o. and t.hat rnay ha oe et the. remeoflm wby b. sèî-quiciIy stepped dowu tram lbe hasch, mauyyr sas-go. ta reaurne th. psRatice -of Iw MsIIowei tissYsar.- This yean, bowever, fIt vs motieable i-bat, 1Çr. Blake. wbe ha. btîntrecentil' s-s eovss-ed tram a oaewviatses-r.illnetos." bmd'lest-a great,dpal eot tie' bittes-sema which eoutetimes, on pseviea occasione. cs-epped omt. - Repotterg bavq gesies-aL .i tilsoug-illong yearos 1Vuit u» a. èe-U' on5 et saî'iugt f.Ègthoit maie -' ' oP7- - diiininte -hlph and 1 lisichreli-parties. 'Ms-'Blk Nii l-ne a-laiim;- theise f low Oisurehpas-ty-. -nH.ijthse main via o! 13t,. rPaul', -of,- wbfé"- Ao5i.-OPd thouui Ladoubteu1-if;Is ee. e xtse-1 lau 1 bits-patron. --'dii the bigla lsimi'cb aide the loader ia- Pvst MakeMi. - tise bead ot Tniist> Côiege. Despita rumb linge. bo*ev.ýi,. the oconfl1ýà wea.t-ilgh aud iôwv;Vku.eii w"0this, ir'e 95ýGpAr- ativoly taMa'- : - - - 't' SPr1tndiitc î~-.j ~'-- des i'n lia. ,41 -s;do, "No. ai 39tcE39 1.20 extra I-ebd, 41",BnXky-I2an.teed, Jie naingi -61 .-W- 64e. BuckwhWt "No. 1't-58 t- 0 ;-PonM sr prsgrhet stn1gbrclers~ag,-,8.*4o 22. Bolled bà ns,-21to 2 moilgs.9- -Ibnt- $11 IaN. ,peer- ton -e"r lots ý*1.340 .*13.50. "ea- t-tWelues-në, lE2te 2-s;ln nommae e~-L- - '13-4C. Ygrtter-- Chotqss.r-omèe, 2M1-4, te-25 lSneod ?A,-4 to 6-4. guFeh 3;seleted. E2$o. Potatees, ver bag,-car IZt, 65 tou e.: - tnlsaJur 4. Wbet-July 9~~~~~~~~~~ -e;epebr 78c a-o.5bard, 941.4,; e; O I'46te 92 3-4 te 93 34ae-,NO. cern, 59 to 691-Es.' No. ý3 'wbftq oaWi-i9 14 t6 40o. No.! 1-vo, 4 to- 551E. Flous ps-i9es -Wchanged. - Bran. *$17M00te *17.. bard, 95 1-4; - No. 1 Nés'tberû. - 94 1-4c;No. E Nosthern. 919-4 to,.92 1-k. ;, 2uSy,, 91-4e asked 'Setembe, 94 ù,te95o- auked. meult cf thse sale were made Iat from -4 te -5 'cta ';ouind. Mileh eiowu, *30 te $65 u eae. alvez.3e to-6e; aheep, 41.2a te Se; spring iaýmbo, 44 to *6. eaeh; hogop about 101-40. - Toronto, Jun. 24.-Cattl.--Choie. ex. port, $6S6-, ehoice butchere, $*650 té * 6.65; grood tnedinmh. *6 to $6.40; common, *4.76 to $5: ;enea 82 te 42.50; eutters. » 3te *03.5. (ral#esa-Good' vomI, -5 - te *7, choies., *0-t& 8850-, comilon.- *3. to -*3.50. 81dékerà and Ftederu-Steer, 700 te 1,000 pouni0*450 te 86-.25; yearlings, *2.10 10 83.50; extra choice. havy feeders, 300 pounds. 85.85 te $8 25. ilkers and apringere-From $40 te #70- 8heep and Iamba-Light ewee, *5.75 to $6.26: heavy. 84.50 te $5; iamnbo. yearlings, $7 te 88: buce, . 4.60te *5; anlu iabe. 89 te $10-50. Ho-*9.85 ite $9.90, ted and watered; $9.50 te *9.60 f.o.b.; and *10.15 off 'cars; heavy hoge, oves- M40bo5,, e. Ses&. AGAINST TIÊE AUTOMOBILE. Famiss of Prince Edward Islandf IVili Net IHave Tisem, _' A deapateis frm Charlottetown, P.E.I., saym: A plebiwqite on 'bise automobile question- was taken tisrougisout tise isâand on Tueaday by mca-ns of the. a-snus! district sehool meçtings. Rctumns e ar show -that tise fatners were veny strongly cppeeed toeallewingUutem te s-un under any conditions.- About, 90 per,-1-cent. of 'tise districts voted- hast 6ssi4n ef the Legielature, but was held mp pýýendin tjise 'lebîscite. At mauny meetings. evény ma-veted againat it.-Tise Goverument-is not likehy now te put thse measune sutoj effect., ELECTIRICAL STRMI., Coffi'g Island, Llghthomlse - Strueis sud Detroyed, A deepateis Irons Liverpool, N.B.-" aya:Aehreetrcl4exem up on-,tht teavu on Thursday ior- îng, tise fourtisthis -"weekr.,CofuÃ" -iml4li"gistiiouSe avas truck,'and' will be a totailloss.---Tise 'ýelinçc André Car'negie; hae,-g xi $25,'. o00 t. be Âsee--i-the împrcvemlent- - TiseBritià h'VMùiotere were- vi"di-, 'cted lu the l-Hà oe et mà sons lin mentG. - - acy t d mallcioug, a amag te pro- Tavo -big -Mexiçan - laris waere -ha-r d* irons-- thse 'Gr.mia- rneneoüy -market": - 'Medicial Socety' bitter ôPpostio t Dr.- 'Fri &u~n -avaexpresséd., 20,.M NE I OUT. a Lochout.' A despastos-frons Chiflo sys: Tise, Iôckot ol 20,000,ÃMrsengsged in tht building'tradelier., -méeently tisreà tened by cents-actera 'who are puttin -g'up- buildIngs la ise doWÃŽis te>wu distnict, -became effective 'en tise~~~~~ peusi-" 5,ltikn ,st e- ma5nà te tnâ i orkxiu -bi bamsk bïdldin.-O hI f i BuýIlding Trdes-,Counai dtclaed tiat'teywoul etlite'b èlln af, ank a.nd< stoppn 'u l&lnj on- struction thrèu'gýn heu; tcty:- -SAD, FÂTA"l ~KIG8TON. Three Boysà Ia-ylug avth- Loge on A despà tchs fs-cm - Klnga'ton ays: -Tisree beyê Lawrence Jackson, Ba- getz-trpet -gd1;-Ihr uen NortStret, aed 10, sd - Jick waà ced'agec ff sn e! SChbol Truteé fiWge, aven,6 t do*ned. .&bout 6 o'clock on Wednesday even- ind near Ca-traqui 'Bridge., They hbadCe tacd f their clet.hes ad were, ponigcr a nu mber of legs flcating lu tise 'watcr. --Wien they'* did net return home at tes-tme s searcis avec 'nade, assd tise cotiu~g of tie lads was lkund on tise sisere. r PROMINENT DOCTOR DIES. Dr. Severin Lacisapelle,'o! Mont- meal, Psaseà AÂwa-y Suddenly. irons tetanus as tise result;, ing cnut i hand a,ýinst tà ht cof s cart.- :--- -Sir George, Abercromnby-'sA loesle-irsjured whelil-- a ro-.heheréa-t Groee Ce*UPtyj>Dublin.- -- Tisent la evtry expecta-tic'o S'goo ceai .w111. itou be rai _quântity- nepr thse railwaý from , b;ôstlown toe tewart&i Damà age te tise extent of was-de by fi-e .'wbh -cr4 su thse,- fi.'-mill eflj"ohn-ý - A. vosunsseer ire nnsgà d s 81-e- orgamle' f r scmnon.A-xe.- peresentativecommittee- mbas :tO Ms.W.'F. 14et- lect&ier in ew>- isoni hlstory in QueenasUniver- sity, IBeLfaat) ha.beeu appointed to a asmnlas position lun dinburik 'University.*., An aspect- cf housing preblenv 42 Dublin, -i. which a&il -clasgeéaxe, directly irstereoted, le lie abmr- anlly isigis rent oethtiebetter. chas "Tht Poet o!. B&ahisnglas" .Jack Wisel'a-u, hampaased' . à Wy in - the weorkhoufie, cf- hlm-naive 'town--.He avisa clese oni a isundre& yes.seld. David Ncolqaged 28 .,eare,. au electnician, was- knotked deavir sud ine&tsnt-ly killed'by a - trw ,r. betaveen Bald6yle -anud Kilà à a Church,-Dufluli. -- - A young, man uiamed W. G ê Martln, ýagèd 1wa4afa,ýij-., jýured by.big auh jaj facètony 1aït--Pc rtd WnX Urt 22- - -th A sn Ti fa [Cr li bi ef hi A o nt te Cuberculosis Act c A fiec ilte kbout 300 peopilb: &m at Portcil ýrwd ol ip, ice macle a.batoa" Tisse sam been )resk o! tieid f 1 tave, beèrsir.& si srycf th'e-,a-rff ralpe of a-enn ihlng wmIa E nmu,,eytwle A despateis froni Monts-cal eays: M While on hie way te a meeting o! Synspatisizera o6f tise "Fret and Pure- >va Milk, Mevemeut," Dr. Sevenin La- fi$ chiapelle,- avis 'elite avork haà been dr idenûtified avitff, tise-cause cf bettes-of hislecndition-s lu Mentrea-l' si shuni dis-Ioti, drebpped dead On; Wediuemday. Dr. _Lach4apehle7mà à 1d"e b a specialty o! hygleie and pi l' questions, sud h. lewa>éeï§q»xpeopu-k -Ian wenkm mnuciapprfciýte, a,,-mesg r wvhich ma.à y b. ers tîened ."Woman hif and Nurse". sud "èa !ÀJ& AL"- I ML A TAE B SY. 'th -- 000ThierYear. - - déopatois " froni -Lendon, aays: La-té,ech i -W ueday ':nightt-ht pax, lish ehures- éf - Rowvlip 'Regle5 ita-r' Dudleyý,, wa-s -destroyed bs.&,,, fBre, attrlb-uted r-to;-fhe rn*ff reettea, -The -çhus-ch dates ,foem.-tie yeýr- -n:2o. o It,, wae rebuilt ten yearsagea-a, O £*,..4n È~--Anwn_ !tP-q- .M, .A... udtii 'g or othe 'tes- - '-r' r- ,jr_ ies» ein- -ous. The only quesition eiety ought to feel to i bility în the case ~aire. H. haîs leisu e nd every opportu liimsolf as te, what i& ILhejfails t&à vail hi pDrtuýnity, le May f Ei Neitzsehe's-definit-ion Le., a person who -drawn to what is b vegetarian is attrac bage. Wehr -na ~out process ouglit -coureged rather th 3uchi cases is. stili a 8serlously, howeve *+,ô be said for thefl rich. It caxi be ar follies keep the anis èévery age, and ônly put'aside as too tr -.the aristocraà cy decl' knight kept- himself alance in,.the jous -înitely flue>r sport. be had. Thé Mill --Zhis son,at ail ev self, up to theinar Aifne by risking his aeroplanes, sixtyh -tors, and racing-yac tion theý maiket -p least as delightfuily apoËleeetic persoar bulring. 1V is a -1 ing risked,-noth -there islit.tie evid thse iillienaire is gladly' bis share of The sorn of-the Scarlet Letter" -wr - ical pu.blishéd ,lnu where lie is now s '-tise misuse of the m ing "modifications -ment o! the neW ens' ' These are caten. gné br 'intelligence" 'sufe for> "cifexices whi" manner created s .crupies 'e! law subtie dîstýiictioxis ,Pr,6babl- the -me - are- out cf pockett * tleman's offeic~e i tisis appeal. -A co *;ests tfat- "a consc' lIege educatidn» 15 than any o-ther -ce aiso f air teo addts cation, gentie bre~ ýintdllgence" do ne hand 'ut cf otherp it is late to use th -tentiary as grotinds 119eration. lI fa.ct -this.generation'ext~ readiy te the maxi the support o! edue and intelligence$ t, NIPOLEON'S S Iad Enîer4il an&l plate, ~But Dj In. recalling-_the p6leon presented -Grand Duke Ce-o b~n the casien ~.eween N aO ýth-opgh Napoleox TareIy -used them. Hsservice. Swe -wae eo rusted ini the battîtcof Ai lie had teoealla -help hlm draw it. .--he figure in lflll io adme 10,e