* ToroutO.- Mfr. Keith i e - sp Snt sdy WH Mr. Bake Bo d ,4 puroessss 4 moto! cycle f¶fr r. 4p-j. Flûm.- MfrTh B04Of Mr% Js4ck aortop -retux2md -te ron.ta t"iweek alter hoidAylDg W,' bis pitents.- -The comnlstinershavem iraeu veliing airepairing lte, odsu- lnig ts week; Reienbr lte.a~syrls lthe MethodlistCh - Yon , SQedaý Rad Monda, July 29 BO 8. Qulte à aumber Yroà bore attendOds ~'the, Aà lburu auuivexi8Xy aud tee om Y ody. Al report mn ist toà s"dagd tgfil4 M.Richartd- Moore, wlo bau bw'i la n iw York-ler some lme wittbisb dau*htr, à gr. Dr. Ro14wà rd bau been ealliRw on f;" ts u lteYMIae 4dur-- jo L,~f bg. tb pas$week.A. drivaer oaýgné to. JI. ,Coni Mr. W., J. Haicrütt arrivas! home, MYRTLE. - as utoea recesntly. -An employeof froin lIe West, lasI voak, and! return- Aa a r e& - r.Cnoa pèrà ate as! again on Tuesday lantcharge ofa, .Anmbrfoi, hre atteds ie1r oars a 00 speae!aIti car of cattle for W. A. Dryden. à KIt'ry 75~vcee iu Aulibum lon sa~Ome , Tito' Work o! renovbllpgamdremo- -SUÉY ai odt_ A nbtealitg out uD. hro' delliag lte Presbyteiian Ohurch la 1Mls5, Lulu Moffat, o!,Raan spealbcyadase! oo d!.!a- under v&y. Whitehu wok is being Sunday -witit friosidi lera. citeeteulfer- a viie me day- recentliy dofie srvca vi -hai! ldite Meli- Mstr fli Kèero! Osh"aa, jLittle- dainage -vas don&, howevet, a&- odit Curci t ~o'ceok ~ ope ag lWSmet 'wîlh Lorne Dui .i. w di9covere<d l in te tbpreveul 1f.Ja.Stcs,.o!Mté, n or ab. Biri h a idayfag lu any serions eiflagratioin. la apendiig a feweéeks à I bs ôd o r "The thut,:-'rstorM on Suxuday lat 'hmepast !Booklin. M is znothier'Ms Goèr !Columbus,. spent WB<ut iay là titis vicitt. Mr. bas~~~~~~ -begul 1 o on in ansd stweek, vitit Miss "Lana. ý . Favc.t'shua u h lkebr has -been quté ivas utr ck ans! sou e d haags ore at tie o1, wrlling vas not imy batw- 'Wbea Your -obus! hasï 'wlooping wsFtort , WW' lreso age du. ter. Site las teh ~ er tOu our, coglu le carafulla -keep lte 'do ugb1 F ý fY- a -ewa o tat score mark, ans!-hauce lier recavery lu 1008à and epcoaInes ygir-I v;ery slow. Ing CabrlilusCoiig rentady as AN 0QLD) ÀtQlMITp Brooklilawiil uCvr grov ta -be a ra arqle.Thszney vi place of any coasequeeas long as aise llquly -te tugliiucous- and cows and logs are allô*ed te rua, lte ake lb casier l pcoat.lbbs sîreats aI vii. -la.- ihete ao'.-by-iaw bin uses! sUccessfuly iun- -aiy - pi- to put in force? If tere a, -laetUs dçmics am id1 asie ue,.-:For sale have it.o If thare is no. sudh by'AIav by ail dealers.-52. by ail means lt us. have eneianmid gel rid 0o! this-nuisauoe. - Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Empringham andOSAA - cildren, of Ellesmete,, Ont., were vis- A goos! flo! n datural gà s liasî iýtiing friands in thte village hast veek. been stnuck lu-Ositawa. The auniversary of ltae BrookIin _ W. J. Watson resunied, bis duties as biaethodist Sunday Sochool wiiil e hoi- Police Magistrt on Mondnyf' June on Sunday and Monday- Juno 29 ans! 16:- 30. On Sunday Rev. M.!E. Sexsmitit, ' The annuaI parade, field day alïi, o! WÉitby, viii preadi lotit norning picaic of lte lIauglilin Carniage and ,adeveaing. lu the aflernoon Rav. Motor Car. Co. vas held ofi Saturday, RaM lligi o! Columbus, viii speak. June 14. Tlie parade vas, tle finoal: A epeciai prograin- wiii bc given in aver seen lin Oshawa. îl od ! ie hrc u 1 ta er- The Sevontà i' Day Adventlsts are...... nUoon bylte puplls o! lh. scho , c, Ih ioding ltaeit annutaicamp minlg" sisting et soane, tecilallons aid dia-~ Alexandra Park, Jun 19 bo 29. logues. - Colection la aid o!fluî ds o! n -he sohool. On Moaday tesn w. 1 be Albert Cranili, an eiavsrn-year-old served frozn.tfour o'clock onvards. bbsbifotcute!tyatrn . ote-'v mela Alt1er;,teà a aprogrant vil le _ giveg, o SMaput 1,an! antîahoeq itose ýloolcahave clafui seIk We -eosllln o mslcbylie Ohaa as foind, necessary aI the Hospital'brdyka. Oem S nIok ti Orchestra; raadi-ags by Miss Alice Eacii age o! aur lives bau Ils joys. ami some loek >ols! ns!utcar S-tory A.T.C.M., o! Markitant; ravi- Ols! people shouls! b. happy,, sud tOtey for. We lway' fel lidly b oaa a" tallons,. dialogues, songe, etc., ly viii e if Cbambetlain'ls Talais are friens! going dovu k11il' appoeaoa,- - aduit iembers etf the schooi.- Admis- lakea ta strosugîlienlte dlgesi fj for looks couat for'mooinuch .*ie sien tota- or cçoncert, 25c.; ta tankeap tAta novaIs ragular. siee 13-dy; ans! vo enjey mealng t-o* . aS! concert, 85C. lats are mils! ad geatîe In Iheir -80- son vho keepa yeunï. ,Bd[ng uuréi - for is the sec.,ret ,of kifr..wou an, =à --SEE OUR LARSGE STOCK 0F- Cockshutt, Fleury, Wilkinson and John Deere Plows, Corn Cultivatoris and Scuifflers. -Frost& Wood Binders, Mowers, Rakes,, -Hay Loaders, Etc., Etc. A large stock on hand. of Carnlages - and kiarness -Our prises on WIRE FENCE are rlght- -Whitby, ont. - Independeut and Bell Phoncs. - - - - - - THE BROOKLIN HARDWARE STORE i [lêve' Ytù,ý urcha5ed Youi Wire for this Season - -amr handling great quantities of wire fance, and cati give- 'ou1 prices atnd4-qulity aqual to anything on the market. Wlty lâ away ftrom home for goode vhan you aa purchase the amem ih at -your do0or? --No delaya. No mà ncy down until you get 'your goods. -al 01 and investigate. for yoursell. -a Bar Fonce, 27 Cents par Rode. 9 BS Fonce, ý29 Cents per Rod. lêa oceo, Stayýs16 Inches apart, 35-Cents. -G(ated- at the,'!wet prices. Sageine le the secret of cStlRg fWr l4 hait. Sagaina cura dandrulf, brinsa life - snd bemu ntaI courte, dry andi fades! hait udmaires the lir luxuriant à ns!altracilVa, Sagolue keape men 1ans! veete- youag looklitgi and! vty shouis! snyone ailov titèn-, salves ta-4became ols! appearing 'eleu Iliey- can gel Sageine ans! a guarantee ta lins!salisfactory tesulte. Sageina la sols! aI J. E. Wiliis' drug store, sud if it don't do ail thnt le clalmes! for it, your money la refuades!. Be sure to go l&» J.E. Willîs' fer Sageimie as ollier stores cannol suipply you. Don't- negleet your hait -auuther day. Sageine la onîy 50v- a large botle, CANÂDIAN, PACIFIC GREAT LAKES EXPRESS STEAM- - SHIP SERVICE. Fev people tealize vlth vîntase and speeda tbip fron thb East ta Fort William ans! Winnipeg eau le made.via t1k Canadien Pacifie Grat .L"i Express Steantahipa. Stop for a montent sud censider ltai yen can ke Torontso at 12.45 noon on Tules- day or Saturday snd arrive lWin Wni- peg at ,0.40 'p.n. Tituraday or Mon- day. I'ity-en lieuts froin Toronto te Winnipeg ; ivelve hours fauler titan-any, othet service. For those -L-wievsh la leave on ifferont days, lulAite veai,,-ans! bavesa 11111e more tIme on the wvale<, th trip, can bo made leavlng Torputoata 12.45 noon on Mondays, Wedpesdays ans!Titurs- -days, arrivlng la Winnipeg at 11.40 a.nt. on Tuirsdays, Saturdays ans! Sundays. Tlln-k o! a. steamsltlp service lra siays oach -veek actoss the Great Lakes. The steantships are built ans! furnsbd tagive the vary beslcoin- fort ltat marine ardiutaclure van de- ivise and lIe cuisina lethe. resut of yenrs -of eludies! effort ans! experienW, ans! la,needîess bo say, ltae lest. ,- The Tuesday and Saiurday bote an aine do dans! outeida stataroonts an aiede Luxe. Large veillyen-. lilate! dining safon and! test roont stogat'het vith spaclous decks for Jpromeading. AI-i stateroonts on tle MOndaY, Wet11aesday and! Thursday 'boaIs are outeide and! in addition tiare are ParorRoonis. If you are contemplating a trip, doc>ajtt 1 l ' natlIalusliP your nieiory, Ca- nainPacifie Steamsbips make- lb. Jfastest lime, have the lest accommo- idation, and the tabla le unexcaile!.ý Pull particulats and! reservations on trains ands! sips, at avery Canadian Pacifie Ticket Office. Taronto City Office, tentporariiy locale! a- 16King st., EasI, lý a,afew daye viii be' in- 6the nov - -big buildinîg $outh Ensi,, corner o Klgand!YnoSs-1 lin. Harold! Heard bas!"the tlsfr, -tu'no lasi Week la falinof cfod th.4e H1ospital -for 11e Insane -and~ -fracture is uleft arm, - - mitk4~~ Parents li11A2fÃe*r.lM Dîûpx eançoe and De--ath of sqll1ed-,1u Wlily, -where, site niaried- V liait" Ge MJ0à WtsiweIkýobourg grain,' -- HnyOaT.mercha t-r.Vsou died thfrtyl- , two.;years,,ago Mrs.18~13~~ Osrhawa Wtso weI-inwugran Ositwa u l t tate of excite- Wa lso.wtU aigo ly env4* ert ai lakweean sd hie -f riends Toronto,, where, 4Me las g-ilice resled. nerl isrcl&over, tueisapýpear- ýSix obidreni' w --t4ounr 1grand- anc.ite bi boneo! arry Gar, h de nsd tlvelve greatm~granddi- RO I. -agd weny-igiv, a esden O den survive. Tbe c- bildreu -1. re- O~Sundy à Tiie utg ilsbey-nHeroolt à meDprmet a- Rev. E. Ttrpiunyton, of ~uoa ofuthea m Xo~ l barek ~ ~ l~~~1r~W.D e n, vv,,asvisiting friendsin tAxe vil- e lietaineY là tAiat, t;in, .cleared 1Toronlo;-Mrs. y-hompson, Pittsbur; aM - s wek 4p a- mYstory Ibat W dballed searcIéh. WH akonMle 1r. W 14gtIYîdMuroNi*ea sisy kug parties for nearly a 'week- - Jackson, Dean -and. Vice-Piinipail le %viÈtling aI 1Mr.A.Kden. j Ieie, andmi ef-bis work on -MSe- 1Beà tielî, -and -Elizabethi Douglas Watfsai -'etake a xeddrs rr ~ monin abut .80 vlok, ernta on, wÈblived witli ber mother.it, bis eteriary prace, -and will.leave- plSiflDg o~be - lcaudsaid . ,heWastéO 6k"a very active intereetIl n Broc>kin for that purpose early In mngoing lu b- is borne Eln St. Pcxlieis. She was-a. Conserývà ;t4ve, July. eà s-' ,Whuibn dî ntreturn te, dis- ani lad the. speeches D! botli the setbisiBmly nnde eq4irks, #nd Provincial and Dominion Houses rad -F .w< normes! li.ý#t ibp lad leit b- 0"t eru --T e v*ork te o X bom'e, -becaume of!îliluess,-- esr-yiy lu l nK>tnlng. À searcliwns lwùtgïteà l but-noe taceof hmutwas NOTICE oetly o~ Iebd tabà u along ..You make ano risky èxpeijme bïc S rdet6 iagt ové-erbols , On Counil o! ett t he - Wb3 *hen iyou use oçcaionaly- It Ãd-5-UUppoeeg t'-otYl ete d, ndlui i O té CorParicsa d tte whenever tbere l.s; need-the bécme1-OW o W-ty inbeads ti> colstruçt _mostuôe niyersaflypopular homef ý-tmrnaClrr'y liYdaranged andas a I ocal-improvement uïpon" lie fol-yknw,-echi' wss anderln "abtoad, ortiat bis lowing streets, cernant'Walis, -îiý. PiP' -,whiV hav-soarte s -Wnes&sii -igfi-t, ave e ntkdludeath. Green street, ù-at side, frota CO -'à iéwihaslt u-èr - sy was a respectabre yeung Ma1n, borna ta JDunda Çob ourfe test à m it bout u-k YI(goo !mtl, ws nmarie, ud tde -ces and théir workt-wide fâme v' 1iadbo l¶n thon lt Dundas Street, s. b-sid(. from r"est ecurýelyn: proveéd erit. *ruta, .Ha"ý W*as of exeinplary habis Doinii1of Bank, ta Port Pecny sta-- w ' as -noul uspecled tInt lie lad tenAfetU1e .>leberalely ,teken Wbiovleues Perry Street, -West side, frola DDiii- in a- moment- of ~ das 10 Mary streets, 4 set w'de. p jffl e '-ac contIaued alwek Byron street, cast side, front Joli:ev 'Èlood houids-"and a- 4etective çe1 streelt to1Mr.^Flotclier's gate, 4 feet :e. the, ytrac. 1W as ýstreet, forth side, from.Pnt S Our00 Sid 4*ronorepeoplo ,9Enixd d tl t 0 Or"~tûn sîret,. -4 reliç,ee the- numeqgous ilmezits V* In-s > ÃŽnôe ctek uear lte el vide. - anseýd by defective action o f J 1.1., 'amia- sd-was'ýdlsoove-redf 5atýfBrook street, vesl aide, itemVic- te om hier kdny Ing u l. vaer.Il as qulckly Ita atreet to Front -Steet, 4 fr<et an bwls Cenigth ilGtfed as being ltaI tof thxe miss-i vide.. n'bwk Ceni l M"s, andcle easonsredISt- John -streetsui ie ~-.sysîtem, they ýpunify the bWood "oer lhe lova. Harbormaster Heuz yBrook Street te Byron Street, 4 f -aneoe oyban nt 'bad the body turiicd over ta Coroiner j ide-. nerves. Beecbam's Pillsacnt, Hoig, wbo dëc1de tMian inquest iMary Street, South sidafrntPery qickly; they are always was uuaemmeary. Owing to tere- 'Street tla Fine Street, -3 fbat vide. afe anld reliabl,!, and, you idoir-o! citemkias lu the water coin- Mary Street, nOrtli Rida, from Brook -,may depe4d UP.ou it they lug rom- 'b. earytnery, the Stireet te E. M. eeUshm 4- body wua iu a, bad uVale of decont- feet vide. -BflB n itYou position, anud vas identi.led oniy by Eudlid Street, easa side, frontimlary W lté clotes. strel&t-to Citestitut'streat, 4 feet vide. :soudi tyL:. bo'xus,2SAIOes The fà neralU vas heM on Suadav oleresret roul ide, fromdo evening, Rev. É.C. Moore, pastor of Centre to Kmgsîreets, 4 feet wide. th_____ ____bon. [Kmg Street Mthodist church, GMe-, Dunlop street, south aida, froïu Cen.. lating. A larg .e concoursé o! people tra street lu Klng Street, 4 feet vide. gatheedat thie service, Whlch wa And, inteuds ta specially assees aý beld under lte auspices efthlie Odd- Paltofte cosl upon- te land abut- fellove -' aud many follovad the -t~ilg dlrectly enu thxe ork. dU begae;ote e oeaerv, vitere inter- 2.-i. estirnated cost of ttework ment t" rplace shortly beoeaton i 8M8, o! vhicli160 Th e tlpaad O'clock. Il le nid ltaI lte -fuaeraî Iy e l~Corporatio.--h shae cotage vas ene o!flte largeet ever sedl paetPe foot routage la 0.9 LE.rC U-R SiONS seen in Oshava, ..wbicî lea alesthmon. cents. The speclal ý assesemeut isla________ tli M lb. bîgitesteem n w hici.th ie le iaid in lventy anfuali nstaimoats. Young an wae held. S. A petition agalual lthe verk w111 The !amlly le well-known la Whit j flot avil to -prevent is construction,. sud miany- citIzens of tAhe lovn e.vre Dated 24th June, 1913. fqumwIM0h acquainted wiit Geaaty himseif. HiDI JOSEPH WHITE,W I 4E Sad. euding vas a great ghob~k te thosa -52. - Town Clçrk U8 N~* U mite kaew hlm, and lIefamily bas__________ - te epetsynipatby o! a muli- _______________- tude o! friends la lIait sortow. u -.1 m -flouI~ A RemarkahIe Reiaedya Thea most afflicles people an enrlli ana those vho -sufer front ritauntat ootOt ans! about one-fourtli o! our peopleTonont areafficts! lti Iis errble tite Strictly First-Ciass iu ail Depart realc dig, boeciplnhisnserril So me meats. NeDe Boîter ln the rkinny peoene ig iesees, as Dominion. Enjoys extensive riman fol elva hlu es arnds!patronage ans! graduntes readiiy- -piee! ie trtues ruti nullmn. y ar. Entera w atigfe Rbeunto lias aines! 1. gretesi t p r. onýe a n W* .Blat rhuatism tiurouglin one ag a -and gAteadlpsios. i Opnincipa permanent cure fiZr.theumallsm, . ln ils- many forms., Dou't put off galllng a_______________ bIltle o! Rhaumo to-day, i-t means your health ans! lapplaess. -- ?hauitta W a-4 la sols! in Wlitby only at oe drug- sr -.E-. Wilil'. $1 a. fuil. Slzô-D Front Farns- SIN OLE FANE' - - . - Oong June -3ptlt; Juiloat. The mention la last issue 'o! a vieil -RoturE Lintit July 20d. ltae vrler paid le lite site o! thxe- nev Hospital for lthe Insani, touches! a teudrjtlhord la -he heart o!fMSSB Fare andOne-tlilrd M. J. Smtithi, vldcontribulas corne, uoîngJuins 28th.29th-SO3th,;-Juily lis tacts about lb. eariy 9 à mpnts -o!f.uu.mtJl rl .tsse lake-front- firme.. ReuntmtJ-. j The laIe John '5mitls fam former- - ly vas,-o*ues!-4y lte -Gordon ixanly,. l3et*raa allietatièhsii 'Canadan-eas -of -ýbh, lives on fi -for -seveuty yets, Pl -iebdges à nd-Irees,-ans! lenu- t#!ylag Iin a ntasy -vys.M. nlh continues ilegos work ltus beguin. The latter ovu",thlit ain for. about Misa Smi l ,-d ie m 'vn ov as Roundvoosl Paria lt tebgi est land,Ju lie -Wb- Wý 40acéres pur- E. LUKE. 159 Tongo caraue -and Teaat ta purcbaung tihe bmu4.Iimo fie rotes vill a -ver>'large pa-t ad voba!e te gýiv!g , -~ z-in ostageoflfreiglit'_vis i lmrerties, etc., vii roeivec qr et attentiomn, Irt-eams- ivery in connastonà . ýYea, w, FOUR 'LýEAERS i "Youghboglieny -Sleam Cpal." pw . "BineGrassCazinel CoL "G'eore rek Mlthng Coa.s NeCeai te eqûaI tbesa. -Scranton for rnges, ifgaters nus! f uta. aces.- Tite itaut-clean, briglit anct dr,ý 'Cabub foi fire -paces ahi gi-ite.. Youghioghia for- steain. Nonoy George. Crackfori A i knds o! Iî. ing work. Fresit mi!nes!. We lEas!i laqalityi jatt.~~ THE BE& SURE'«DEý TO BUG Ke-eps the Fi the Cbw Offlea ans! Wa sppoults Standard Esn~ I iumflhlfll 01111 Pà I 'Ont - 0FONTAI Disnuey. & Puckrin, 4.. _ MEDICAL H ------------- 'Prfes -oai MEIIO The Causa o! Disease Rf Adjustrneni of th, Consultation Fre,-. -2o Simc At W.bitlýy Mpnday, Welun from ga.m. to 11.3 Phone34, Osba LIEGAL - LNO.. FARIEWEl Barnister, County Crowl County Soliêi Office south wiag Court 1 - Barrlster.-Solcitor. Notr Office, Breck St., Opp. meney to Lc, JAMES-BU TLEDGE, Money t0 Lean oh el Office imrmedinteiy sout]h Whituy, O0 G. YOUNG Sim Bà rrister, Etc. Mot2y t, o! Marriage-Lit W. AU, eTION JAS... IBI Mr on UL irhbanks. F data. appiy, ta maIlor G. LICENSED AUCT ANI) VALUAT «AUl inds of maes prm te. Arrangeme n ai &dler, aI th@Gazette OMMlu Bell suif Indfpefideat. P£ WIIITBY, OM CONTRÂACTC J OWELL Carpenter !Builcier and' Plahs dtnwn ans! estimnat Repairs, A;teratioas am Agent forBanor --Box 467 WIIITtSY JL H.ALLIU lamÃœer of lMtrrlagr THE RIONT KINI For yonr Baye sud- Girl eonnidieration jnst now- a copy. of ont CfrflCe1Ta présent nmre'factey know. A Terni ta c rosi.