Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Jul 1913, p. 2

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in the camBigS1WU Wwq>v-utUl -'-white'pI.gue, read, the report. i Dr. Adamicf Montreal, Presid- ent of the *SS0iatiOn, &a60o'ad- dressd the meeti.ù-, stating t3iat thre.was no doubt s e thee 1.11- ure of Dr. Friodmauýn. The.,metlii- -odi' cf Dr. Friedmanu - had been criiizd he sadbt tough 'Dr.- ethica cftire' profo*s1n, stll ievery opruty ws given hlm to prove hi ase, The menm>ers 'cfthe com- mittee' bad- approaoli.d the study cf the ren2edy with opin dsand absolutély unprejudîe, 1 i a made ever effort to dimoover bon,- Ifcial results -from the inoculation of .pai nts - Thre. yas no 4igçuuuion upon thie -subject1, thre:report eing eeie witir acec'iamatien, tire applause ap- paeentl , signlfying ,nott1h, asseca- tion's peasûr isI-Frie&nnn "cure" was ,not a cure, but tfiat thse committe. iràd thuspui 1cl ex POse8 the alleîçed remuedy and eto - aI resi thre -publiq mmd. The Officai Report. Dr-. Porter of' Ottawa read thre following- report on ' Dr. - Fried- mann's treatrment for tuberculosis: -"Ina order te .aUay publie excite-- DOW§ DY THE ýSOQROING SEA BITS OP 'NEWS FUIIX TIE MARITIME PROVINCES., Items l of 1.tejet Prom Plaesf - - -Lgijed by Wavei of tire Atlantic. 'Anev 'wbanf, 11709 feot lopg, la t "be buil aI $t.'John, N.B ire tir moSI expclenced angler lun Now *Bjuinswiik, diecidn ïk, Jon GeoôrgeHe.a a prWsnen in lic- tbu, N.B., jail, Domxnitted suicide, b higng huxuse-If linis cell. Fredy ox,~a,7-yea.-old-boy of -86t. John, N.B., was ahct iu tire lun'g whibe playlng ludîan vitirmre otIrer lad&. ]Keitit Davi-deou, 'of Windsor, '.N.- 8.,,-wiile'wonking in a oawmÎlbl,fel lu front cf a aaw and had bothiriris feet cul oft.' 'Tire lobster msaan àla iroever ikround" tire Maritimes, and -thre ca!tcijelaonly about Ivo-thmrds cf Svi a a slaMI sea-son. .* Threff fSt. Jcirn's, Nfid, Men ven&rt'fiahiag foi tiree da.ya at Sa- meuler. Tirey eecuned 40 dozen fine trout between thein. Ma-ny cases of cruel and inhuma-n treatment of chikiren 'have la-teby been dra-va ote rattention cf the -St. John, N.B., palice. - St; John, N.B., wiii. appoint a miedical practitiouer, who 'vil ok atter tire medcal inspeebion ina ecliocîs, begi-nning next f ail. Tirere is sa-d toe b oiliy oe squa.rê rigger nov ow-ued lu New - Brù nswick, ýtire b*,rketiue Edna mi' Smith, - viici hais just sailied, lunier ladeni,_for tire River Pa-bma plate. Two police consta.bles cf Steilar- -'--ton, N.S., captured five aleged -robbcre 'a-fIer chè.aing thire- ove-r -tirree ou'ntiee. The chase lasted " The Drfuminod iron are-a, near Batirurat, N.B., «'a1i hi-p -150,000 taxis cf iron ore trias ummer.- Ti ,cia-in t-o have 30,000,000 Ions lu ~ali abor îla-te'have .a-ucthe nw-fort 'buibt for its protection. 1 -will bhon onue 'cf tire mille ucar P-0011 oveirave tirree guns, B. , airan proposes te lb. ..:enic and, caims )ae*ens wv ie ind hlm ~M puchasea mahine iîfax Dredgng oiia LEI., aI $700,000. Nov wit.hdrae~n fiýem thsee oun- e» paying a- fonfýuitdeiseit, Mcsxsh, 2*- meai viso wu ly Dor'even zrequentlytapu psPI& in th "ire ime during - wlxih tises. cases Iave been un4nr observation. '()îTirus , upon investigation,' thre coommittee find traItihe resuits bave been. dismppoiting, and tisaI tire laimis, mode for trie. remedy have flot been provexd; sud i. nothingirhas"been fbwnd to juutify any cnMednce inH-tise'remedy. "(Signed) Prof. J. George Adami, Prof. J. J. .Msoeczie, 'Dr. A. Dru.fJohn, D. EB. M" ;Ing , Dr. Jon . . M Cs9lug Dr.Wm.H. ois, 'Dr. J. à$ -Elli.ott Dr. Porter.'l Dr. Ciras. A. Hodgettm, a member of tire' ommitîe, beinïg averse from maklng any 1repo rt mratever,' dî8 ne sgn tire abeve. Dr. Eodgtp la DIrector cf- tireHealtir Depart- ment 'of tire Conservations Oomàmis- mion. A 3-yea-eld boy -li n ewca&toý, N.B.,h an&rrobw escape -fr<t deatb. H aspayn'nIe street vitirateqy-eai-t, vires a & -& gon loeded--'1" wood knocked hlmù d4own a ii paiedo-ver ins, but th'e loy cart fou over' -tire bey and ssved hlm frosu ail but'iligirî Injuries. John D. Robertson, o. reti,ed to- ba-eco manufacturer cf B. Joirn, N. B., died thore in hie 851h yeair. Ho tock tire - total aàbstinence pledge wiren 7 yearb, old; and kepl lit, being tireoldol"xiembr-"f tireIeNew Brunswi'ck "'emperate Lea4gýe.' .Tire L&oyaliata- -oclety -of -'8st John, N.B., are taklng stops' teI stop- thé deoratien of tire olsi graveyard in tha.t e3*ty.« The oldý geaveyaerd Wa-s'ical kedo ,May'l, 1848, and theLo'ajistYS'So' ciety now wants ib pr-teted f rom enerloacliméni and proleeled 'for an-' histeric value. -Atter being e.dmtiraity pilotfor H. M. a-hip" for tire ' pe 60 yeara, Filet Hagart, cf - St.John, Nfid., vas dn board H.M.S. Sinius, pre- sent-ed with a suitably inscribed ail- ver cup, valued ast 50 guineas, the saume being te, e i5<f tire Lards of tire Admrêlty. Pilot Haggarty vl, emie-lim eii aummer, retire' -ou a pension-. A FIERCE -BATTLE. Strong Fore of Bulgarians Attaek Servians. A deapatair from Belgrade,' Ser- via, says: A ptrong force of Buigar- Ian troops attacired tire Servi-an peaition at Zietovo and Rabirovatz in Macedonia at 1 o'clock on Wed- uesday morning. 'Tire attacir, se- cordling b official informationIne- ceiveui iere, v as unprcvcked, and figiting-vas aillinl' progresviren tire despittch left. LaVer reports fren tire 'sene cf tire figiting say Vira tire Serviàn artiibery irad gene 'juto action, snd a. flerce battie vas ia prqgress l inihbotir ides irad - auffered causudera-ble bosses. Tire Bulganian attacir on tire Senviana iras created a dangerous s'tate of excitemeut here. Tire nevapapers pubisir special editions, declaning, la large type, "War iras begun.l' Tire ereets.and cafes a-rufilbed vitir excit'ed crovds. LOW RkTES ON THE N. T. R. HXait Rate for Setliers Going Into Hearit sud Cochranse. Adespateir-froi Toronto says: ,,&rAra-ni tI ae,-been ma-de by Mn. . i MadonbiDireator cf Colonizatiàon, witir Messrs. O'Brien, àfIcDougal and o'Go1:an - iuugPPra ipiatT-o Transcontinental Railway, for a half-lare ratefor setlers gcing int- Heanst frei Cocrne.. Tis rneans tirat -ail ne-w settlers going 'in Vo tire Hearst agency wibi Iravel at ozre-iralf tire'ontractor's 'rate, vina islafive -cents.-per mile. are teA'FAO S8H11>. -capt.SSt, Vessel il"e ce moal Taken to London. A o,%'i,ý Àdespatcir from . London Sas "'5 thi'Tire Scott Autarctic ý-«expedils idio.nd vesse], lie Terta Nova, viilnqt, * orary te, expecta;tiots,- Iý âe > ughte - London i-for, exhibition nurnoea. -6he. ras b e-reu- tsi a2&er &.waoinÈ mse wr"infl ink. " A. st,6mnsh wpump m ued,' and ho la out cfiser abillin tie EBr-flùoue<f Cen- mons> te anend thir noucance Act. SÎr AiekiWd d Huuter, GOVIernor of. Gibraitar, i te resigù and ire &uocý ddby Sir Herbert Miles. Fer- purpeesof- entertainment for 111e King a.ndQuëen'wýh ie>y vatLord Derby's sen in Lanca- surîýe, tire ooneervatory haalbeen turned into a pl&yhoiu9e for a mumé ieh'.lperformance.- - United $tâtes. The ..cr>* cf Vire I.perator, in port a.I Hoboken, NJ., hàvo de- manded- better food, btter iléping aooozodasen~andi anine-ýiru AMten the -adoption of tire overn- ment billIntrôducing trree yeôa' service iFrance'. standing army' -WMi numaber Y27,000 men. TUBERCULOSIS 'CUIÊE. Freuscir FiysIclais Sa-ys Pearil a thse Oysten's Wcapon. A aovét tresitinent for tuberculo- sis la 'being atudied by Prof. IRa- pirael'-Dubois cf Lyone,- France, For tire preeent ire refrains f rei drawinug a-ny conclusions or ,naki-ng aay predictious f rom tire experi- meut-e r ias made. Prof.. Dubois, ira -made a apecal study cf lire na- ture and formation cf.pearba, and iV vas on irissuggestion tir4t tire ue cof X-ra-ys to discover viricir cysters coxtained pearbe vas adopted. Tire' pea-n iel, accordmng te iris tre-ory, a caca-reous socrelion ma-de--by Vire cyster tio protect ittelf frein au lu- vading'- parasite. Tis parasite ia fnequently cf a vermincus nature, so tirat Vire peanlisl but tire bniliant coffin cf a worm, but lu many othirr cases tire parasite is a zicrecoacus, whicir Prd. Dubois ira8succeeded ia cul ivatiag in an appropria-te me- diuin. But an cyster is ual tire nly be-- ing viricir react.s lu tris manner against a- me-uaeung patirogenic agent. A consumýptive cures hlm- self cf iris iii wireu the microbes iicirare destrçyiug iris iungs have been isola-ted, eucl-ose'd in a calcare- oua product. For hins reason ithlas been argued tirat itiV l y neee.- sa-ny Vo enricir a tuberculous body in chalk te aloew tire calcareana se- cretions Vo tair eie'place*cf Vire de- ortuçive le-iens due Vo tire Koch IV iras be,-en fcund, irowever, tiraI certain consumptives migirit dd chair Vo. their organisun witirut tire slgitest hefnefit, and could even ad<ipt tire cld-time reanedy cof pow- dered,,boues, wiie Prof. Roabin iras býrought bacir into fashhmn, vitircut 'mproviug tireir-cos.ditiou. -Ho analyzed 'tire -oncretiona formed around Vire -uberculous parti of Vire lungs cf tlwo-ox-en and around tire liver cf a pig, "-iicir vere 'recovening f reintuberculpsi, and vas astouLsired V o fiud a mier- coccus identical wvith, -tira-V wiiçhr ie h- Jou pd in >Jue cetrç cf -the. pearle cf certain oysters. Re incula-ted Iveive,,guinea pigs w itir tubere-uloeis bac-ciiand tiren inocula-ted hem vith tuts micro - coccus. Te-n mn~sla4er oe u oly -vas. ea;tire.-ties d-vro Vire d s a e :Îte.NTTED STATES! TA.liIF. Sugar and ,,Wo lWII-Be Puît o Ar' 'dspl ir.fen ü si iys Free. sugarl.,n 1916 ;d f raw v ot - e nov estabi ipied tir 'tariff - reuiss»i ibi,'b*vng, aàTovea 'la Ie on W'e4 .ss4 -W-, -- -- --, 44$bs- 3m;uýî boe ý eý4pjw 5oý4p u th4 .27,o tuikëIo Mrampgarno' sdN. . 150 to1.la Bed straw-$ 86 ntak T.wi w Cure& meats'.are Suoted as 1tollOW-i Bâton, long. clear, es1", 4 te160 eOT b,- in ctue ioto. -Pr-br u, d. mness, ý822. ams-xedlumtaiIh.'95 20e;, heavy,-17 to 28c, roUe. 16" s. 1614c; breakfast*bacon. 2c; bac"e. 24 e' 250.- Montreai. JuIy ...Corn-ÂmoriCall No. 12> y.ilow, 67 1.2 to 68c.- . a&a-Caad1an:,west- ern., No. Z, 4112e to '42; do CanadiâÏi western,, No. Mi, 40o te 401-te; do'.ztra No. i f aed, -41c to 4112a. aiyMntb feed, 60ete Si1c; do maitinïg, 62e te _65e.i BZÏk;hat-No. 2 8e te 600 . FIcqie-Mafl- . toba .sprint-wheat. patent*a.rua.- 80,60;« doi, seona. 'o10'-e. srSgbaer $4»0- -do.,wlnter patente cho1e". 5601, do.,i straight roIlera, 8.1; geo. tai bt roi.î leo. ban,. $L40. Rlied eatu "Il!reà, $.6 do., baga,.90 lbs. .92.10. Ba-1 hrs Ha-o. 2er ton, c l ota. 14W50 1 $1.OeeeFneet weternsi t 3.e;1 dé.. fineatst àarnos. 12 12à, 12 $4e. But- ter-Ch 0 t oreMiOr.26.4e to -26e; do., seconds, 25 1.4e- te 20. Egs-rresb. 2&e to 26e; d4 .seiected. 26e. Potatoas-Per .bat; car, lots;,Octe 76e. Wlnnlpes Market. No, 4 NIrheru à . 4;o. .1iejected 'seede, 893.e ' 9 td.0, 6 .4c'o3 do., 821.4e-, NO. i- oughl-'8914e;No tdo.. 8814c; Nc, - 3 do.. 414e o. 4 do.. 771-4c, No. 1 red Wnter, o7.e;N. Z do., 94 34c; o.3do.. 90 1.No. 4 -do. 86c. Osti- No. 2 .W.. 4 .4;Nc. 5C.W.. 321-le;- extra No. 1 ted, 3314e;'iNo. i teed. 32 1-4c; No.' 2 eed. 29 -2e.' Barley-No. 3.,48c: No. 4 47c; rejected,, 47c; bcd 44c, Fiax-No. '1 ?i.W. $16 14 No. 2 (.*., $1.13U3. No. à Unltid States Mar-kets. Minneapolis, July i.-Wheat-July, 91c-, Septmber. 9314e; Iecember 95 te 9618e; N.1 bard, 94e1; No. 1I NOrtlern, 9ZI-4 to 931-2c; No. 2' Northera, 901-4 'to 911-2e. lZa. 3 Yeflmw'eorn.ý 5612 to 57c. No. 3 white cats. 3 34 10 38 1-k. No. 2 rye, 541-4 te 5Me. Fleur unchanged. ,Bran un. ehanged.- Duluth, Juiy 1.-Wheat--No. - ibard. 93 7-8c; No. 1 Northern, 92 78c; No. 2 Nor- theru, 903"8te 937-8c; JuIy, 9174o aaked; September, 94 to, 941-W8eaked. Close- Lnseed. 8.65;Juiy.$1.34 18;Septein. ber, $1.35 64bld; Octeber, $1.36 1-4. Livs Stock Markets. Toronto. Jnly 2-Calves--Goo0d veal, $5 te $7; choice. $8 te 88.50; common, 83 te $3.50. Stockera and feeders-Steers, 700 te 1,000 ponnds. 84.50 te $625; Yearlings, 82.10 te 82.5Q; extra choice beavy' feedera. 9N Pounde, 85.85,te $8Z25. Mlkereanad sprint- ens-Prom 840. te $70. -Sheep and lamb- Light ewe, $5.75 te 86.25; beavy, $4.E0 te $5; Iamba. yearlinge, $7 te $8; hucks. 84.50 to $5; sprntnglamba. 88.60 te $9.00. Hogs - 9.59, ted and ilatered; 89.15 t.o.b.,- and 89.80 off carse-heavy hqge. over 240 Ibo, 50e. les.. Montreai. 3nil' 2.-Mileh eows, 830 te $65 each. Calvse, 3 ta 6 cents; - sheep. 4 te 4 1-2 cents; iambe. $4 te $5 each; hoge, 10 te l'O1.4 conta.- FOR TUE, LOSS OF HIS SON. Father Fails in Action Against thre Wirite Star Company. . A despatech from London, Eng- 1land, saya luIn a test cas e brought' in tire-King's fle-acir Division by Tiromas Ryan, a fàrmier cf 'Ccrk-, 'Ireland, against tire White, Star, 1 teamahip Coô. Vo recovçr damnages for 'tire, bscf iis ,son -iiitire:Ti-. 'anic disaster 'cf April', 10,12, Vire juy hauded down -tie « fo'llownlg veict cn, Wedne-6day': "Tirere îwas'ne negigence regarding the lookout on tire siip, >but tirere was neglige nce fan nt reducingspeed, There, is net sufficient evidensce bo 1show if tire ïmessage fromn-tVie steam- shrjp Meýaba,-re 9rt-1 iqe re-.q'e respohslb . ý * 'i i an- 1ic. i As,thée" jùdge fiad lef' tireý ,court ju-dgipent-irasnet been en- 1-Ier'ed.- aoncftis. -Uited- tat« contre"s wili A VersatileaRuler. Canadlans 'do net- know much about tise polies ef- rance,- but the risIt. 'cf Pré- aident,-Polacare t'te inlg -ofEngland Caus attention tlO one-efthlie rnot-r.nark. -abiermea -la' tbe worl4 to-day. -Poinearo' le thse firt man' wirc )éis~1en ibôth"Premife anS- Preétdeul 0of Franee. -Il la' ra$her dlfioiit-6 'udeuta i by 'snr conUy de i r:o aémlad- 'wliat -the respective e'tl~ f- the, t1re are. Ia- a broad es iepdwers - cf tise Presîdent are sîmîlar te -thé ose of -tisePreeldent ef the United 8tatse. ,witix the exception thlà theoffie 1. aupplosed te be net -a paru ene, but'dietached- sud'Judiclal, somet.hin like -'tbia-of' thse oro-eea fCa- ada. ,Thé PreMilerhlp ,- ý,on tbse'otiser- band,' hid by a pat ledrm sl tis-oe 'cacfour owa Preaalerah$p. -'F:oIl. sidered su8iclently impartial-abisb>34 enaicent populaity and llity sto se-, ce eey&tlop briou the Premiera poal- tn' tothat-"éf: Yreeldent. -W Hs ervces te FPrance',have beén s». markable, and llu undersood that la bis short tern of office -ho 'basu already eo. vertéd a osisaIyRepubi>c laie one cf con- ulderable strelsth, and eablllty. Hie pop- uiarity wfth a&Il camés. of- peoptele inatr. nenidons. And la addition te bis mark8d sensas a statesmain he lu kae6wnu a mneal - generous and, -dimcimiaating pat-ý ron ot arts and letteiu. There are thoae who eay that thsehief exeentîve cf the eld world's aolltary Be- publie ef size is lthe ucet- emanka4le publie fgure ta the word to-day. Hotels BiIng. HIgh Prlep,, The profits whicb are yet te b. made lu the hotel business la thie country May' be lndîcAted hy -the tact that transer .ha& Just been made.cf a Toronto. hotel license au. a pnice -saiS te exceed. eonsiderablftlie sum of $100,000. It w.ae thé highesttlgre that ha. ever been-palS la Canada for a hotel lcense. The property la question i. oentnally ituated dowa town. its main business being in the bar wbxcb, Ihougis almost eue huadred b.de long, do.. net by, aay means boiS the record for T<- -route, therd- belug two or tbree others with greater dimensions.-. It le uudereteod that the property whleh haisbeen lu th. posBsession oft eefamLt- îfor upwarde of forty y'egrs, now pas.., inte -the bande cf -interesto whblc'h ire coatrolled by oae or other cf the brew- eries. Brewery ownerohlp la* anderstood te apply 'te xnany >botela. And lu other cases individuals own, more than oe hostlry. Thi. eystem'of'lied bousse' is. however. frowned upoui hi 'lterLiceume Commissioners, who demi-ne as far, se pos- sible te auppres. trafficking or, speculat- ing la batel licenses aud it eau therefore euh' be put into effeot ander caver. nBeurassa ln tle west. leurt -Bourassa, the Natioaaist leader, bas been taàunlg We.ternCanada.. The party leaders, exhansted by thein ParUsa- meutary '*duties, 'have been content te re- tire for a penicof et anI'sd quiet, but flot se with the irnepréssible' Bouraàsma. -lu the West lie. has' been expoundiug the doc- trine of lNationalim' ai -he' expresses - humngelf as' eutfrely satimtied with the ne- ception eh. basbeezi recé!Nving Bo tameeloquence- and'bbi ngbtnas away haand attenao. Hie peece iitter' witb' sparkllng 'biita wbhiche break forth with, ap g~ent apontafieity. zFor ee- "ample. at 'W l ç g .masreferene 1 ta «*our rsilway --aguattewbo V4a' gnowu su fat. O, isuernnsud, -e-ioyai.!, Ândagain te "Sm Th ornas 'SBhagÉÏieuBy; -Who lase o pcerneéd *lth b'ulyd thè 'Bitls"' Empine, -,0 ht ftret -te ,ask >teBritimit Governmeà É omtteinsane y whlcit he canbemea.Bisi'aIt bfrh.tescitm esons ol.-j-pàtrilQtiam.", ShsugitneEsy beixig -"u It mrki 'b Canadianaturalitio o not-, malte hlmn'a Britisit eltizeb or' eai ,n; m of our patriote get,' 1b. bro1d-chestt- wbL4, theéy taiS -about lte ,Brltish. - Sun "ha you wwould- tin.tlne,"lh:'ailsaldf b y ie 10 1 e' n duke's study. [ouse cf DeteThec. iiboy, ,W wa under tèe, c<i tire romý' wa raà.ndDr. eFox,'wiro child, witb. kt an eî-raÉy phto- Prelmaurelyi bOy'É had,bé tken. ieis atirer'aa ,. &iid a ,porticin ,f.Ehl11 by joiin ing, tire b ra&iýnwua dues in .te- nl operation'waa tire a 1Pet.L M deeîdcld upen. A e >neo < f -th e f ore p a t c - th e akul -twoe a3d one-ha.lf' bya ee lufch'es w4s rerncved and 'ýevidencecf*' a compreselen:waa disecvered. TirePremaré-- relieved, thre, scalp wae - attcire.' N«t3inag -w"a pla.ce cf lirebohe . Il ie bàlievedtirat, Owmng te lho e gcoîf tuoelild the boue wiii grbw and, Clce* thé ,pace. * me ontais iradin imre -man- uer' wiressan infaý. GuiId Hall Banquet., A idespatcir from 'London, Eng- laud, says: '"To-day tiefrieudsip belveen tire Iwo nati-ons.becomes, if -possible, trengtirened .-and re- o~me o-Pertio'n -continues between tirem whiii rôdes -noe cx-' 'clude tire_ co-opeeratiouiocf any-otirer peebut viricirtendis, ou tire, con- trary, te tire maintenance cf Eur- opean peace and establisirez i e- tween Britain 'and France traternai- confidence and içommon -good-will." Tis vas tire keynote of the elo- quent _speech wiich -President Pela. I care -delivered at Guild HIâall. on Wednesday. It furtrer emphàaiz.ed tire stirn ing message whiah Fo-in- care iras given te tire Britishrna- tion.' Tire President's visit Vo tire city vas a personal triumtph. e rcceived a great ovation as ire drove thrrough tire deasely crowded streeti. Wednesday nigih.tieenter- tained tire King at tire Frencir Em- baissy, thes banquet being i n every' rýespect Frenchr, tire valuableplate, decorations, and even tire' chefs- coming froin acrosis tire channeL * FIVE YIRmuS FOR SPY Veri of tin; hi& ~ ire' worked vgiM down treir È.oJdierz- could set thern n.p.à q«uarrel -'wasimmnes tle arcrd-uke.- wero porel-liug tiroir i were restrained by ti fatirer,-aompam -ed grand 'duke. "FRà; but -your yX gumnug iWol, Mens pare"ho said, lu ira..- been out=i Soma while wé-7ll&ve ,yc:u WilI have notro hlm int> tiseest ,Brîenne., -' .-' IV >was -indeed - yo whcal, with tire' w-oQdi a-lo caioniragi tire great -milltary - hmm. Môns - our de ~ call-ed withhiis -son grand dulre's 'porso datieïn, -which le-hozôR service te. binalue 'mit-ed --t tire ' niili Ail tis-lime therl Cirarles 'was lookrin beeonug a. great so ,defee.t at t'reý-ha»dé hurt hlm deeply., 1 in later years lie loi ted-againet hi;- form sh«wed that-ho isad-l les-son -oftire woodex *ýôowa ce received ýySir Jiohn Do, oi fllni m thre yoýuth Ilpelessly up the . OPiiJ rfem beadnutted that 'disclQseg some m 4cf the lasting po ilid Jùstice Ph ýe thatour energiesA .V'ed rather than 'conditions- of mode 'aging if not widei: 'supp)Orted. It is aditted t maie ertinpeop -'To revive? thre I maire thee manya enjoy poetry and ~ /been urged,.we m -spirit of youth,"- on cljdren of teý one writer seema does no t fe us -Muüsc and -danci« tîvals and natur~ theatricals and doubt àesra be 'we can -and shoul lier.- JWhren tire.-crad.l from nursery and -toid, witir' iVwent 'bér-song.' -Now,'i hushed - to sleep 1 'fot the next genei and poetic 1" - A. givez pause. But a urses and dom&~ Say nothing of moi musica.l-p oetic hue -Afteir ail, we may tefdirm 'witir the- S tire coming genera osoPirer o-unce sugs - ' WOOD4BLOtC -Under Improvei VerySat Thre paving of --Wod la again. oo new methods of ments maJing thi -satisfaètoryicf pi thre, sme mate;wa, iront.of. the now p -and q4her Western thre wood-block Pa - Best results an iectangàlar-6h&ped Southern or Norwa -'Thii latter prices ens the ie of the -Y -its absorptive.,-capj thus -preventing tI tire wood-flbres a -tendency toi buckl4 proved. method of ment Used i'h Loi and other large < < make 'a concrete, fa iix'inches thick enS thin lpyer of-sand, of MoisitPortiaz _which îhe blockrs a The bliocks- are, j inches ini dept>h aý asked 'a 'iropmnai German Dentist Gets Stiff Sentence in Engiaisd. A despalcir from Winchbeslen, , Engband, says: William 'Kirre, a y Genmnan denlisl residlng'at"-Po--tË-' mautir, vas fauad guiiiy a-Vtirhe-As- sizes irere, on 'Wedn6a4y on thrI-I charge oûf espiçuage-t Pprtsmouth i 'Engiand'scirief. naval station. :He waa"'ëçnteied ta five - yoèars',-penail uînes, itdevelopéd -t'tihe trÏd'l, ere, Viré '- apciaisubjècîs of 'Kbare'ier è 1' SteWai The Gel t1c HInft.cf- xms.BôremAn had dnppin "juatlfor- niu~,~a nditi mn- It.- Thoilias " ton boîlm ,e ipnasl inu-pleaân a -dreadfiii had a - and iras a-certain ing in aspirait, w casie>r on horses' -ber is nBot requir and tire cost of m&~ t"iely i o thâLi favorably wùàtaiti &éMand bricnc ".- Ënaintwia You ci' Chances, and TORONTO

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