Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Jul 1913, p. 4

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seed in, which is of a good,-qîîality. Hlazzard'SI We.stberry Magnum Bonum -.Try us for good, pure sed- BEDDING PLANTS A ew left at cnt prices. iJno.1-E. WATF3RIIOUSE WH ITBY Women's Cohumn.I S Irle Wemen's Institute meeting he~d aitirhe home of tire local President, -Mirs.- Ross, rccently, was tireoccasion - of 'tire-visit o! tire Provincial delegate, Mliss Grhy, o! Toronto, wbo gave tireN address o! tire- a! ternoon. Sire de-. * lig4ted ber bearcas by glving. a Salkil en- "Woman's p4rt -lu primitive 4ndt present day culture," rcculling tire wark o! women, wro in, tire early q>were farinera, tannera, weavers, medical women (usiug irerbs and * plants), leadiug. inarts aud industry, and yet woman- only -began to corne iriSe ber own lu Victoria's reigil. To- -day women are e ngaged holding up the maraIs of car coustry-improving conditions gcnerally-by urging mned-- ical Inspection lu aur scirools.. Our Ontario Province is divided into seven districts,- '111h airealtir officer -over snch district. Attention is giveu to tire eyes, cars and tirroats o! Vire cilidren, tirat if possible ahl may be-. come normal, and have a fair chance lu lufe ta maie gool.,Tire higher -pirysîcal, mental and moral standard is tire work o! Women-%~ Institu tes. -Miss Gray urged culture intire home as a means of raisîng tire standard o itizensip-as the- home prepares tihe Clti en for '11e. ;'ery womaî's first duty is tire honte,_ then tbe interests of country. SciroolS, their condition. Let us banisir tirecommon drinkieg cup. Sec ta It tint flic bmackboards aresucir as wil not cause eye strain. Seuts ef- -tes, cause irysical discornfort,> and slud oe inade to ~suit tire pupils. *SCirool gardens should be èncouraged. Cilîdren Want heautiful surroundings. Instlttiioýsý are interested in dlean-up *&É A.Keeping grass cut ulong tire public streets, and- secing that lanes are tldy. Special effort is heing made- to prevefli tire "'eite plague."1 Insti- futseruembers wvere urged So sirop târly on Friday, nQt lufe on Satur- 'day,' tutus saving late dliver-y of gooda ànS belplng tire trudesmen and tire - d.ivery boys. Miss Gray's int.eresting and helpful talik iwas foibowcd by a social tea eANADP1'S MAIUR *G!enn -Charle, Prompt Deliverye hour, daiety refrehmnuts being serv- cd by tire hostesu, TIrs. Ross. Tire Ontario Couniy Old Girls' meetiaïg ,,wns well atteuded. Ways aird moans of-work was tire subject o1 operatieus. werc comnwlrveu:andailire body retovered a short-turne later. -.Jow's This .Wk eoffet One Hundrel Dollars ecward-for aycame ai <Start that camuntbt~e curedby Balla Catamh sCure. F.1 e uderXgseî tCO., Toledo, O.Ï WC te unefflned hakow KP. Jchenley, fortiselau15smyeri, and believe hlm perfttiy' honorable fu.ilbuuteca.'transactions and iii-u au~~ja* to arry out suy obigatlonSamade Hall'& - atrh fOtié te saieeltersally atu direetly spotsthse blood aui àilm tsaur'aces ao th* satem. TestMunanIais nent ieY. ria76 cens7perbattis. SiolS bysîtdruggua Tak. KiWPainkliy elaficoareln RAMSÂY-MANDERSON. On lioaday, ,dune 30tir, thre irrr-- riage wuz solemnlzed of Miss AûmY Isabel, daugirter of TMr. nd Trs. Jas. 1faderoao!Terenio, nd nmcc o! 1fr.Tira. - aniersoný , o! Myrtie, t6. oh Wrght Ramssy,,o!cire Ramnsay. ýPiïro Ca., of, Toronto. Tire ecre- mony was performed by thre 11ev. Dr. Turabuil. Tie bride warc lier travelling suit of navy blue, wiritg milan brat and bouqpet o! hules. -MT. nu Mrs; Renrýay leit for au cxtefd ed houreymoon 'trip ta Detroit, ana laSer *111, spend several wceks in Muskoka. Tlrcy wiil reside iu Toron- ta. TIrs. Ramsay is wcll-known lu Wiritby, beisrg a niece ai Mr. and Mrs. Aler, Wiritelaw. BRAND NEW MIDWAY. I t 'c tire afternqén. In discussion o! And tire Spieler Sings n New Sang IlCivie Improvemets," tire. need ai Dowr tire Pike. Irnviug tire grass eut nioug the a ide- -A Brand New Midway with braurd walks was takecu up. Tire officers were srew shiows is wbaitirhe Canadian Na- tire irtètesses during -tire social hallI tional allers ibis year ta tirose wbo iraur, anu tiroir boelfttliiy was, a fea- ilie to wander down tire "-Pike." The turc o! tireafternaan. removal of tire cattie 'barns iras ne. June 22514, wns Auti-Narcotie Su-cessitatol lire new rnidwny, wirile tire day iu tire Sundny Scirools. Tire engagement of tire Con. T. IRennedy Metiradis1t Tabernacle S. - S. Stok-ip shows gliaruittees everytiring entirely tire lesson preparel by tire Domnioni ew in tis h-ne of amusement. -W.C.T.U., flUowed by- nu ddresrs 1y Tire Kennedy Shows are a wirale Mir. Hollidny. an ircus lu theurselves. They curry a Thé Almonds S. S.-irait ['jr hheir baud of -fil 1y pieces, a wiId animal speaker tire Counity W.C.Ti.. eié-show, with representatives o! ail tihs dent. - denizeirs of tire forest and jungle, a Our owuseopi~ ma ratbit j i nu vestnt ow, illusions, curiositIies Or tir OuturlI y o tAcb" eferrt ret1 etc., etc. It will ho a dean Mid- ofelh "Ogtbaco t" inre rnk oiway. Tirese monstrosities tiraS dis- Chapter 52, cOtarmiorSaues 89 ust have been eliminated;, but tirere She. 5Q A nytrsoio Setter 1892,rs everytiriug to-amuse, and tire weci Sec.1 :Any ersn wo, etilr ývoice o! thre spieler ta Sel-I you al ectly or indireetiy sells .r gives or il about it. It will - be a -monster Mid- furisies 0 amior nde iS 3-ersway, uni if you are out for fue it Jof age, cigarettes , cigars--or tobacco is thcre for thre findin-g. ru any fort, shahl, on summary con-i viction thereof, before a Justice o! tirhe Pence, ire subject te a penalty o! Entet tained at the Grange. neot less tran $10 or mare than $50, - ____ ivitir or wif-hout cost o! prosecution, Tire office staff o! tire Norwich Un- or te impriseeneht, witir or wit-hout ion Fire Insumance Company was en,- bard labor, for. any' lime not exceed- tertained ut "'Tie Grange, " thre Whit- mng tirirty days. hy home o! tire Presi-dent, Mr. J. B. Miss M. V. Powell, Provincial Wo- Laidlaw, on Saturday af ternoon. A nten"s Institute lecturer, spent Sun, spedial car, atfacbed te tire ai ternoon day ut home lat week, an-d is no, train, irrougirt doivu about seveety in Middlesex County in tire interestýs., guesîs front Toronto. Tbcy were drîv- of tire Departntent. e about town for a short - tne, anul Tire Dominion W.C.T.U. Superin- werc tiren taken te 'Tire Grange,"' tendent o! Militia,- servel iced drinks whviere the Party bcat-tered te enjoy ta tire 34tb Battalianon ut tire tire varieus gaines or wunder over armouries on Mond-uy, June lftir. Tirejtire splendid fart. appreciation o! officers und men was jTire large-, well-kept luwns provided warntly expressed. Tire effort e!tire, ample room for tennis, croquet und Hon. Minister o! Miltia toranise tire1 otier gantes. Those w-ra carel only standard is showing a marked im- to be spectators were entertuinied provement in tiere anis.. with mtusic front a Victrola. Tire -guests were aise invited te fi up DEAHS.fronthtie large Patchr o! struwberry DEATHS.vines, and tire way in wb'ich tire in- ROSS-In Raglan, on Wednesday, vitation was ucceptel showed tlhat June 25th, 1913, Mary -Stephenson, they uppreciated tire deiicious fruit. beloved Wvife o! tire late «John Ross, Af Ser a test delî-ghtful afternoon's aged 77 years. enjayment, fie company were enter- tuured ut lunch on tire luwn. Tic __________________________ -tables wcrc very prettiiy decorated, and ut sncb sut four aftie guests. As the retumu trip'-was toire made ut elgirt o'ciock it was necessary te break up tire gatirering aîl f00 sean. = Tire membeas o! tire staff expressed téirl deepesi apprediation of tireires- pitality of tire hast and bostess, and before departing rousing cheers were THE MOST POPULAR AND ONLY DIRECT-LINE REACHING ALL SUMMER RESORTS IN THE HIGHLANDS 0F ONTA.RIO. Indluding musiroka Lýakes, Lake of BaYÉ, Alganquin'Park, Maganueiwau and Frenchr River, Georgius Bay, Timagami and Kawartira Lakes. Ex- cellent train service vin Grand Trunk Railway ta and Iront above rosorts. Tauriat tickets -at aeduced rate, g0o to returu until Nov. 3Oth, are -now on sale. ta aboya resorto.' Write for illustrated toilera and turne tabrles telliag yau how ta gel ihore, anul conialing liai of hotels, rates, etc., to C.E. Horning, D.P.A., G. T. Ry., Union Station, Toronto, ont. S.* S. NO. 1, PICKERING. Report of S. S. No. 1 Whitby. -and Pickeafug. "Primer ta Book I.- Ida Brown, Clarence -Hoppa.- Jr. II. to Sr. II.-Clarence Hallett, IMiguret Mackey, Alexander Mackey. Jr. III.'- ta Sa. 11.-Leslie Alliman, Willie lialleti. - Sa. III. ta Jr. IV.-Margare't O,- Conuor,-, Milon Balsdcu, Clarence .Atkirison, Vernon Rowe. - 1 Jr;ý IV.-ta Sr. IV.-Lizzie Gulhiver, MaiaeHappa, Marloui Richrardson. c:M. FRASER, Teadirer f ~\f4 Il -4 -4 -'4 -f - 'I * I - --.4 Our.Miss Glenn will be lu .Whitby on Monir jty l t, at the WiidsorL Hotel, with a full MnRo air Goods, Sitches , PInucurls, Ponlpadours, Transformations, Etc.; men"s- WIgs -and Toupe,.et, We'are. pleaséd t-o demon-strate our goods. .HNN-2lLIARLI3S St. W. "TORON~TO of having Miss Glenn caU at ve address at hotel. We havi Mn. anI Mrs. Laurence Keun, o! Perdue, Suslr., arrived in Sown on Saturday and remainel over Suîrday. Tiey have 'gene itOw to Lunark te tire home of lira. Kean's motirer, Mas. W-m. MffCurdy. They expect ta ne- tuan So Sounagain on their mwav home ta Perdue. Board of' Educatione The matter of engagln'g new teateh- crs for thre com-îng sehool year requir- ed a special meeting of the Board of Educa.tion on *Wedzesday evening of this weck. Communications were read frour Miss Anderson, asking for increase in salary to $500, and from Miss Burns for increase to $550'. The 111gh For Dyspepsia If you suifer Stomaci Trouble, àmd yon try our reinedy, It won'It COSt yosa a cent « It balls. To prove to you that indigesion and dy *a cana eau thoroughly re- livd and that Rerai >yspepaia Tableta wrl do it, we wi furnish tise medicineabaolutely free if 15 fanlata give you satisaction. Thre remarkable aucoes of Roxaif Dysesia Tablets i. due ta thre hijh Vissng their formula as well es ta thre mamseecised iu thefr mnnufaeture, whereby thre weli-down proete of Bismuth.ubntrateOnsud Fpuin .have been propoly combitLed with Carininatives and o ther aget.. Biemuth-ubnitrate and Pepein ar" conatantly omployed sud- recog- mised by the eatire medical profes-. sion as invaluable in tire treatinent of indigestion sud dyspfoia. Their prop.er combination makes.a rcmedy mnvaiuable for stomacir relief. Ws are so crtain tiraSt tere lan nothing so good f6r stomachir 111.as LzaliDyspepsiaTabletathatweurg y:ou to try thcmn at our risk. =he Ëzes, 25 oenta, 50étts uad 81.00.- You can buy RexallDyspepsia-Tablets in tis community only aS our storb: A., H.- ALUIN. - Whltby ?ek .I Ota 1Tleeis aa ie8tori iunealà&* , lv snd city in tire United 9ZaeuG udd Great Britaln. There s là,adufereut fljUxi Rsedfonaiyeeyodayhua 5 lineqz - m itor a i Mded thre a' a of ia na.> It Wý Cl.. tireý ,O roa4E Mse,5 lAZZie ririep, e -05W¶Hltg, a6M-L3#88 Davelfle, o! Poit Dover,' for 'tihe Pub-, llcSohool. The seoretary- and chair- maàn of tiscoiitte were aui>hor- izèdý to ctfo t Board should a.n) 'hi,". occur l tn eua st of any t acnr id ancrtier ýappllcart requlre, taie edgê. Thre Watériman-Watertiury Co., of New Laundy We wish ta acquiaint. th 1e people' o! Whitby and surrounding country wivtb the fact that we have opened up a flrst-: class laundry on Brock St., Whitby, il' Hewis Bras.' aid store.ý We are prepared ta do'ail hinds of Iaundiy- work.. Family orders given speciaf attention. Ail -work guaranteed. Parcels cailed for and- delivered. Charles War- Whitb-y, O-nt. WANTED, .k rvings. D)erby Mrsad~ Mas~Snll, f.Toronto, spast -thre week e" and holldey. wfth fried i1p town. "" l M Greta Boâid cOf Toraitto, vis.1- ited wlth lr Mia Piie Padgett obver, the *eek -cen. Mt.vi i.Trs. Hriiron Mré Toron-toi' vlsited f riends nlu town >ver thre we Galr. suid Sriffeneaxoa ton over tire boiigay. Mrg. -EB. U. ;w a ! Slby, btn tire holiday vitit ber daugirter, , Mrs; flreley G. Aýuguste., lie. J. J. G'Connor, daugluters and son, Frank,_ have becs,- vlait4ng relatives in Owen Sound. Mfr. nudirai L- E. DeHavt ndl daugbter, of Toronto,,spont.,tie hol- day witb. Mr.t and ,Mr$., W.E.ý Rice. Mr. 4l ,Mrs. Gée aK psqu ,nu 'Mise ArmIne Paquctte, a! Toronto,- wvitr i. and lira. IsaacPsqpette.. Mir. Ernest Cormack, who.iras bas witir bis motrer liere for scene turne, ret.urned last week ta South A-mer-Ia. Mrs. John Ray, tire Misses Violetý aud Verna Riay' of Toronto, spent ,Sunday with Mr.. -and M-rs. Jas. Kean. Tire Misses Florence arnd Violet Mil- ler, of Toronto, were gucats of Mrs. Ard nud lra. Jennings over tire holi- day. Mrs. Cormack, Mrs. D. Wilson, Miss liarcia Ross, and Mir. and TIrs. Wm. Pringle mctored to Owen Sound for tire holiday. Mrs. Dudley Woodbouse, son and daugirter, of Niag-ara Falls, ,salled on Sa-turday at to spend thre summer iu Englaud.. Mr. Blnckiock and Mir. Parnaby, o! Oakville, and Mr. Bartram, of thre Base Litre, visited with lra. Emurett enl thre holiday. -Miss Gladys Johnston lait on Mon- day for a visit ta tire States. Sire will visit Utica, N. Y., and Frank- fort, N.Y., hefore ber return. Messrs. Gordon Shepherd, James Lowens, Miss Ka 'thleen Lowens and Miss Gertrude Flight, with Mr. and lirs. James Smithi, Port Wlribby. Miss Irene West, of Ottawa, and Miss Florence Perclvai, of Brockviolle, bhave been visiting wit 'tire Misses Davey before going honme f rom Col- loge. bits. Chrarles Tod and 'daughter, Eunice, have returned to town a! fer a six mon Vhs' vIsit with iriends thTough thre Stateýs, and inu-tie Ca- nadian West. Mr. .Jack . King, of thre Gazette- Chrouicie staff, le! t on Mondav for a two weeks' holiday at' his home in Allisto-, and will also attend the Barrie Old Boys' Rke-union ireld tis week. Miss Margaret Stark, who has heen clerkieg linlRoss Bros.' store for tire past year, le t, tIils week for Rock- wood, whiere sire will remain in f u- turc. IMiss Flossie Toms bas taken ber place in tVie store. Messrs. Leonard Ruttanof Geiert, and Wesley Ruttan, of Donald, were home for thre holiday. Tiey le! t on Tucsday evening for Braceirridge, wbere they'wiIl attend a five wceks' session of a summer scirool for teacr- ers. TRAIN SCHEDULE. WHITBY JUNCTION ;Oing WCSt..4.s.'a.mn. Going F-ast..-.Saoits', ...î.o8srn. ...6.îgp.m ....207p.Il. I ....6-53 P 7-56P--.....3 . Sunday trains bave fur Toronto 4.52 a..and 7.56 p.m. From Tor- onto-trains stop at Whitby Junction at 8.15 and 9.55 a.rn., and 9.30 p.m. UP4,uWN STATION. Going North ... 8-30 a.M. Going South...8 as. * .4:15 p.m. I ..1.15 p:M ...6.40 p:..Pi. =..5px STAGES. Leaves Whitby for Oshawa ai. 10 a.ni. and 4 p.m. JO.Hoiden, pro-. prietor. Laves for Brougham ai. 10 arn. Mr. Edwards, proprier. GUARANTEEO ABVANTAGES. The advantages guaranteed to its policyhoiders, man for man, througbout its entire business by The Equity Life Assurance Company -are much greater for the premiums paid than they are in any other Company- doing business in Canada. This is stated as a fact which cannot be successfully disputed. ExAMPLE-At age of twenty..tbree next birtbday The Equity Life charges $43.,20 for $2,000.oo insurance or> the Twenty Payment Life Plan with every- thing definitely guaranteed. Most other Canadian Companies charge exactly the same amnount and similar terms for a Twenty-five Payrrient Life Policy. At the ed of twcnty ycars the Equity policy is fully paid for and has a Cash va'ue of $898.oo, while the usual cash value for the other policy at the saine time is $720. - The man who studies hlm own intercas wilI pl ronize The Equity LIfe asserance company wht n he wants Life Insurance. L. W. DUDLEY, H. LUTHERLAND, Afent. Prealdent & oeneral Manager, Whiiiby, Ont. Toronto. ONLY LINEZEACRI19 AL SUMNiER RESORTS IN HIGHLANDS 0F 'ONTARIO MuakokaLakaa flagunetawaa River Lake et Baya Francti River (loorstIan Bey, Timagami Algoaquia Parit Kawatba Ltku .Full Summer Service nowin effeet to ail of above resortab Write for fni par.ý ticulara and illustiateW folders îoany Grand Trunk Aet each Tueiiday unt Oct. 28 inclusive. WINNIPEG AND, RETURN..3..W00 EDMONTON AND) RETURN.ý-.43.0 low rates to aéther poinitsi. - Returu limiit two mnh~PlmnToirrisî Slcepert leive Toronàto. 1135 p.in. on aboye dates ,-rnnng thxogh to WINNî PEa viatCiàgo and AS'.'airiwithout change. - Tickets are -aiso on sale via 8aTpià anfd Northerir Navigation tCo. The Grand Trunk -Pacifie Railwsav it .~W-htDyï GUUL Tel WATOES ARE OUI for it. If you h'Y 11k.d ma.de up into n .wilbe<pioased to -i mate, and gnsranteo iyonr> aid.gold viii hb Re N.BAAI OPPOSITE NEW ýPQST OFFICE race,ý tunegrea s amiuy j»t vtn.a juet as heartly asu-i' lacs ;wl anc'-as ta finauclng luc huild reee lire - o! j DastaI at Wi&~ N O F SCREEI OOU TO-CLEAR AT BARG-AIN 4PÉI - We have--a ýdozea- signo to chobse- from, -s _ k1 Rogular $2.25 9cm. 'Domis roie., 2.00- i / , *~1.80 * i S 1.70 -d 1. 60 l l 1.40-" I il- 1,00- sl, il These doors are made of thor- _Oughly seasoned wood, ..- w constr-uç.ted anid wired with high grade wire. Every door- is sent- out complete with spring hinges, pull, hook and eye, at the above nmd. 64. Bargain prices. J. McIINTYRI3 The Hardware next thre Post Office Sprin Footwei We cýarry only the Latest Styles Men's, Womeén's, Glirls', Boys' 'and -little Tots' Foot- weëar, in the Jlnest. leathers, Pâtent M&d Pateni Colt, Tan, Valour and Gun Metal-Caif also th finest of Vici Kid., Water Proof B'oots-- Men's, Boys' and Youths' Boots in -heavryoi grains-, -Kips and Elk Leathers. SchÏool Boo'- specialty. A calisôlicited.- JOHý-N PEEL Irock St.. Souvth, WlitbyOt Pj~i@ie. Bell 60.- --i lie- BEYE GL SHOULD S WITHOUTP pinch- in ordert stny on. Our nei Glass mountings fit and neat ie Modern ideas arel fort We-aim in i work to do'O the IN you in every' vaïg Glasses, thre rig~ We are sure,.if YO youw Wi bo'ped4 Let us rvlhs BASI jJEWELER u nd -WHITI NOT FOR1 -ta;-Meeting h>Id iu thre Dominion ;S churcr at Moet-eah. eris, tre Alliance -Se in scatr.ng te-rms hiquor dealers bad f0 refrain fromn niakill guinst tirent. He sali_ "A marilii mry Irosit to sell bmsehi could prieé frein-th~e liquor or tivo bundred doft1c ago 1 iras offer'd _I,( auteel for. uýn years, i tre-services oftle Dot tiren, -as told, I coul to heure tire counfrv, iras told that if 1 Wv year and stny on- my j it. What a fool, tien, ire t.o rdIl hmmsè'hf for traffic cann'oS purciasi cause -tie monment th" man there are- thous step-forwar-d to I hi :Lea~lil a- - Tire.public siools I Automobile !ga ri sou's garage. Plione - Mr. W.J.H. Riciari - tiful new body for .makes it looki1iklÙè Iii y- -4-sa J c. Garden Purt-- Tire Pavillon at l ooks mucir brighter - Remetuber the dr £j -soli tf- PeterbOrO, J Wlritby $1.05. Ticki lays. --Get ypuî Paris G - hardware. Ih gives e-1 A full atendanc linyLalge, No0- F ngland, la reçuS tilur ntetiag, Jiuile - business is to t -h - - - ---- --- we endeavor not tol'e, and that we cm siocceed. caýn be: demonstrated by ýan inspection of -Our stock of SATJêEIY Ail the newest things in- Papes,, Pens and Inks, Books and Magazinesi Rubbers and ýeverything else that goes to mak-ýe hemoSt complete stock of- statiolnery, in town. J. l. iclihardson B-oak8eIIerand Stat-ionr WiTay Our litre o! scie dow sereens lsd- are tire owest a s-tyles o! doors bc M.i Rice. Mr. J.. J. Biel spend fi-ce ieeka stitiction camp,~ Ire spent gt Ni inontil ut Torot4 'School sliouldsu TORONTO GOOD LOCAL &Gt,4T-At once ta represout tire Oîd and Rellable Fonthili Nurserles. Splendid -ist ai fruit and orna-mental 'stock for Fal delivery, 19 13, and Spriug deiivery, 1914. Start at once and secure exclusive territory. We supply irandsome fre outfit and puy irigbest commissions. Write for l- particulars. STONE &WELLINGTON TORONTO, Plhnne 11 - ~s~.*ssqeT~ -. -1~' *e j) ,g;s ~**e** ~:ss~*s s. z -J ONTARIO.1 À

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