Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Jul 1913, p. 5

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tolyèyour h ia order te- have them Son., - Ã"ur new Style- à! Eye ýiKountings are 'perfct-in aU4 neat in a*ppemraaoe. - on ideeà are those et com- NeW aim Ilia ilour optical c t do Visevery bieat-for. ii every way Tise rigit' Se, --the, niight Mounting. Are sure ifjeu corne te ýus yiil b. perfectly eatisfied. us prove this te you. j BASSEIT ýEWELER and OPTICIAN- WHRITBY. NOT FOR SALE. At a meeting beld a few days ago tui the, Dominion- Square Methodist echurch at Montreal, Mr. J.H1. Ro>b- erts ' the'Alliance Secretar-y, re!erred in scathlng jerms to a rumor' that liquor dealers - a" given hîm money t1 retratu, from,ýniaking complaints a- gainet them, lie ,said: - 4"jA man, inmy position who wanW~ to Ae1I hiMmself Coufld -get a bigler .prico -from the liquor traffic, Vlan one or two hundred",doj-ýlars, TPwo years ago I was oeffred $19,000, to te guar- s'anteed for ten easil 1 would lbave fthe serviôes of thes Dominion Alliance thon1 w as told I coulti have $100,00 to leave the countr, and af ter that I was told tiat il I wanted $5ffi0 a yemr and stay on my jobIx could 'have Itý What a fool, _then, a man woul'd be to seu' hîmselt. for $200. 'Meh.liquor j ~tramei canaot purchase immunity, be- cue hsmome -they levepaïd one mean there are, thousànds ready Vo ~jstepforward to fil his place. Thse-PÙb eic shools losed1 Automobile for hi.re -at SoWS garage. Phoneo -0. la-aV 'weeo Luke & Mr, . J.H.'Rlehrdsaa las a beau-c tMlul uew body -for --iis auto, whioh malins itlook MW e nw. Keep Thureday, July 10, for tise R. Tiepavillon at HeydesIhotO Park Sbas boom-newly' painted, -Bld 10W, looks' muülfbrigh'toi and clanet; Rememnber -hs -date et I-eclt gion te Peter-boro,,July - S. -Ft fei Whtby $1.05. Tickets- goed for tw» days.- - GeV -.your parts Greea at MeIftyrep8 hardware. IV gives l est resuts. Afull atton-danceofo ieriC~ May Ledge, No. 20, Da-ughers' 01 Rngland, la reqfuetedaV t]'next«rOg- ilar mttlilg, July- 4tb, as iunPOrtumt business Is Vo ho tralsested. Our lino of scrçoa docrsanti wlin- dow bereens Iscomplote, aur priceg are thse lowest and youi have elfght - styles ot doars Vo cisoase trom. Geo. M-Ries. - ~s-'wenmwAUL. IThe other -two xiks. wore Skippod -by iF'rank ýBryàDi*nd -j. J. Bell? Seven HOUSE AND LOT FOR BALB LOST. rluuha verienetered !rom 0bawa-,, and, At Port Whltaiy,-' lot1 , tu bloék 1 .' Beýtwoeu Eluuer :LieW sres4dence and'11aîog 'here were a number cf out- '-toreyand a£ h* am'eràiseuiO, 1; Qehwa <i an ltl, bot Oa..,~s4eettres tieOshawa rnk UO ooma; kltohen and woc'4shed; good a haîd g atchel, -eÃ"ntý1iing letters ad- ,<jetj An 1eepinlalil-the.prizes 'a'su ts ,b,,; Whai afof land, goo dreseed to J, M. Dales, TorOfto and home. -* d ruit tiê: - hy'W.W Drayton, Ontario. Suitabre tOwad ~ PRSBx9PcO1g ra fb6r the tèturu of!saute ta- Elmoer Lick. AOt fie hty--* --BOA!RD 0F HEALTH NOTICE -TO OOMNG TE PBLC.TENDERS FOR --CEMENT SIDE- COMI-NG.WALCSi. E-. -,Luke, OPt. D4, éne o! Toron- TeBar !Hat ersta èaiW Tendrs wilI be revd a I tOs àb1è opticlans,wilb at A, -. 1tise attention of thse publie to the fol- 1Tewn' Olerk's officeý-:tt July -. 21sV, Alliâ'a. drug store, Whltby, Tueeday, 1owIng.Wetions* et thie" I4îbÉ1liflaltlk '1913, for thie construction, of about Jul lth."A1y oi hvlg touleAct, rogardlng Vh8eotn !css 5,0 oo t o! cérnent àldewalks ta the wlth- théfr syes,' should.coassat him.'0f. infections --or communicable dis-tiovu of Whitby. Teliderer te farnieh Consultation. tree-1. - eaaes. UnIffl al cases are reportod, 1uuterial- aid werk.- Specificational. thVIe local Boa-rd of," Health wlIhocn ho seen at Townû Clérk's office--, DeIegÏtstéjteSum~ ho at forced teýbing iol4tioiis e!fAhe Act W. J. HALLETT, thé College' yti . aris1 e W>;r- ite thse-attention eofVIe- Pr'ovinc I-2 Chairman on ,Streote. day.ý The âcbool wIll 1t foa w*k BoAud oft laltI, which Beard would- ci1w 1- - . y eeng es evtry,. mortiag at on. preceo o nlpùse -tise penal- TENDERS WANTED. and eveing. 7An- open 'neétin& . .wil ty providd by the. Act for very 111h Tendrs will be reefved b h n be held, as tsens-Idu thVe lake on Sun- drogndffense.wdy Jly9 Let- t be oted thte nmlmmUm for the. painting sud kalsomk.lng re- - -4-.- -~ - fine la $25., iid hs, maimum $100.1Iq.uired ln -Vhe HigttShol oe TieLaise!VsR., -churcb u Vill, Amaigst -thée diseases whilh are rcheol, Henry Street Sohool and Dut-î hold helranuÙalî gaden party, ln thecommunicable-and slsould-bo quaran- 'ferla Street Seool. u1P-tawn Park boà Th.rsa,'Jly- ti&l1 mase, sae i-c as Tenders wi l be givea sopa'a'tély for - '~ latoy apparod -lu Whibaby, and a case, painting Inside and out, and kalsorn- BASEBÀLL. of which was not reperted toe i ning of sa-oh sehoolj. On T &a . tea-701<>f y boysBoard of Health. Tenders will aise le receivod. for Tuesay yboyi Clause 53 et the Act reèads: "When- ,repairs Ve brick workiou Dufferin St. played in Vte - basebal to-rranieet at Verayhueodrkiw rh. co Pickering., -The 'Whitbyites -were . evi--er ny ho seloMorkriows r lsnSJON ol. -O dently sur'.on 'pract1ce, since, eI-nrao ossetta n esnJH EGSN - nwithin his family or houseisold, or Chairmen Praperty ('ar. siti o Ve'god it3lg fad 111boarding or lodgitig wlth -hlm, las___ nidGITII,1VV>tly were ba'y,, hotun. -'any 'communicable d1seaso, ho- shall, - DAX E AT THE LAKE. ý- tl - hor, iv nUe-EA ST T Shaw- &'E liottUwi 4Qlll- he - ~duoe teeq e tis e soca O! Vee loal AKE. -E1LIT at Vise pyl àt HeydenshoreBou or.o.Ve-edc'ofie f RÂKEJO E LT, Park on Monday and ThWursday o ve n- 5.Waeeran ea lihfied Several houssa an«buHdîng lots for 1n8 '~ 9:~~I' gMou- inidical practitiuner knows, or las 8s1le iu WhltbY.- - day, July 7. »acl - t- 8&30.' - .411 reason to suspect, Vînt an-y person Farms for' sale ia thc Tn-wnshlp of weldome. Aiso boats 'for bhite aÃŽt -he whem le is calledl upon te visit is Whitby aid PickerInge 'paviligu. Band wagons blave town iniected with any communicable dis- FRANK E. JONES, at elgît andId ne o'clock.-2. 1ease he shall within twelve heurs gîve WHITBY. - +- !notice thereof t-o the nedicai officer__ Doni't fail VO 500 the speclal ffdati-re of heatl of Vhs municipaiity in which R A S A E show at tise Royal Theatre eovery such diseased person is. RE y A L Ea aioSth Te pryfrmi Wedaesday and Saturday. Admission 109.-Any person who centravenes Ifn orn ahevue r ot WhityoprtSyaor a 10c., other nigîts 5c.-tf. any ef thle-provisions et sections 53 may Sud 15 to b. greatly to yotq advantage to limt ILtbh me. Moerate commission charged on -4-te 72 for whlch ne- other penalty is completion of sale. I vil b. in Wbtby everai The A:Y.P.A.-oQf Al' Saints? church provided, shal licur a penalty of net days eaeh week afier the flrst of April. Write heI thir icnc a Hedenlor les Van 25 et oreVla $10, me. Address, heldther Pinic at Hydeishoe lss tan 25 nr mre tan 100 G. W. sTEvENIIoN-W Fisher St., Toronto- Park on Domi nion - Day. The mnl- __ bers turned o ut iu geodly numiiers an'd a -most etCloYabie time was spent. Mr. Piercy and son, Raymond, of Gnmes-were piayed in the ten Toronto, spent the holiday wMANmIE D and a fIance was heid in the paviiPn friends hets. withED- in the evening. à ~'the American lest. It is und Experienced men te PRIZE COMPETITION. y s sov.d thaît hi&h speed eteel con rogue Fancy Peas. Write Tise- following have entereti gaixlen hkiug cobalt bad been prod'uod or phono iinmediately,atat- in hecones fo te piz oferd b eSheffield but that its possibilit' pg wages wanted. Would hs Horticultural Society : joseph 1- we enoV reeized. lk n a ihdul 'Fletcher, Vhe MiSses T'hOmpson, Mark A Shpffie1d manufacturer like n eamnwtdul Mauett, B. Baker, H.W'. Wllcox. AI-x th&t teested agninet Boule of . rgan om theugh the weather has been hot and 41QL ! C. M. WILLCOXI, the giound- dry, the garde-ns are pro-__ Whitby. gressing splendidiy. ý- U S E1 - casion for Whitby. A number of townspeople were nway for Vie holi- day, others enjoyed Vhe lake 'breezes at Heyedenshore Park, a nuniber were ina Pickering_ at the Basebail tourna- ment or Oshawa attse bowling com- pebition. Stili other.5 rernained -at. h-ome, gsuce the heat seerned too in- týense te permit of muol acVivity. C. P. R. PROGREESINO-. - The new - abu-Vment, replacing Vhe one that -feil orer, casting the r-ail- way ~ ~ D cepn AnUasale Ve =en bave worked day a-ad nigltt for weeké, been fisheà at the .u*est crossing e! Lynde's creek by 'the Ca" naian Pacific. Steel wlll at once be laid 'tatise. east crossing, and li' a very' short t4me trains' will be tutu- 'i'WitlyTHE TA BERNACLE. - f, s.Sua.day, .July.-e. is' Ir hetai rebt rla- uni eda wi1hsla iste liraste oi nion SeT- -tfr thie smmer. -The.,nuorning service wtiIi be fi thse Prsebyitelan churcis at 11 O'clook# and h. evenlng.- service ila quSat 7'clack. Dr. Âhbraisamnhav-_ iebarge o! both serviesf. itçré will ie uniou prayermeetinga 1ý7zîe Prebyterian S.S. -room duriug Julyt ;- TII. -S. :S. ansd Adult classees wil1 be hold la 'eut church as usual at Pm.' -Almonds willl ae supplied on July Stisý frem,<the Summor School, -and toer the ýreÉt o! tisé-raoeth -by Mr, West. -BQWLING. 1'.w rinki fr. J. J. Bell, principal o!' Ve-D#, Hîlgh s 1chool, ,Iaves u' eÉt "week toe Par spE!xsd fve woks at.,agý cadet drill ln-1 Àé struction camgp. Tise, lst.week will-hýad be; speist ait Nieaara, a-ndtise next 'for innli at 'roronto>. -ThleWhlVby ugi 'na-te choolD shouid"suroly have - a cadet sisol corps neat year, - dc urataeùt'held SThe.'rlnk 'iROYALITE' GOAL OIL" Specially Adapted for NEW PERFECTION .01L STOYL$ 20Cents EIARD ,WARE GROCERI ES Our efforts to reduoe table ex- penses, having met with mach Marked approval, we are encouir agod te offer, another money- maviiig 11mb. Try our wonderful Teas, 25 and.35c 7 cana tasty sardines, 25 10 cakes fragrant toilet soap, 25 3 Corn Flakes, - 25 Horse Shoe Salmon, 25 Choice Red Salmon, 18 Choice Pink Salmon, 10 ,3Corn, - - 25- Imported French Peau, 10 Rich Old Cheeae, 20 Goode delivered net with the- Bearly. Phone 94j WHITBY atwe sii is giod11 STUESIIAY d INE$DAY iuIy ISîth aiàd 1l611RU, 1 $2.OOO2OIN PIES PRO GRAMMES WLLL BE OUT MN A FEW DAYS. Whitby's. Horse Show bids fair to be the ,Biggest- Event in the History oelhe County. -- Entries coming in from al parts of the FRED HATCH, 1President. Vice President. Sear( we offer the Provinice. ALBERT W, JAC'KSON, Secretary. .hig for-,S7undfrie However highigrad ?satisfa-ctory a bicycle be, it is noV' whelly Splete in iVueif. Seme tools are neceq ta. tunàe it -1p--a lai a r' j Cl' way-a ' keep. a.-rec above n~ j - imay. Com- q8sary- np- te .eyclo- ord or' ergen- r, and 4 es. rent' de- 1.to $1.98 -~1-19 " 1.69 of thôr- d, weil ýithý high ir is sent ghinges, the above- Bel l 6 0. ceed, our, -nks, hing' tock- Jackson's Bargain Store AFiER MONDAY, MAY 26th, store will be open orily from 4 p.m. il o o'clock p.m. ON SATURDAYS from 1 p.ni. tili l 1n.m. Mr. Jackson * I~l personally conduct a special sale for the next few weeks, durin-g these hours. A special- effort is being made to clear out-the stock. Everything will be offered at prices lower than ever. Our lease expires shortIy,, and ail our goods must-be sacrificed to wvind up the business. -- Nb reasonable offer refused. ALBERT',,W. JACKSON Wy notgive uoyl *'When 1 w»m a growlnt lad, maid came £upon man word. in mw rmding that ~Me.d ofeing me thie defiaition whea 1 mppie& te lier, unuformly eàt me te the dietiouary t. leara t. ainlaud way 1 iraiualiy' learuei manythinga beuilies the meailng of the lildvidual word la queation"-among other thiagE, bow te use a uictlonary.aid the reat plemaure aid ^datage there miglt b. in the usumi of the dlctlonary. Âftermrdm, wheui I vent te .village mehool, mw chii.diversion, mter lus- bons M e re earui aid b.or. tiier vers rmItei, vws laturnig overth page. of the * Unabriged ' of thoe days. Nov the. ment mioder UOua- brdgi-iiNE INTENATIONAL-- rivs mea plmmure of the smre ort. S0 i aunamy wlimeextenda, k lin àt prmet the. but Of thi.eufe-volume dletionarleo. mai quite Mufiemt for ,011 eriaaryuns.L Ev..thome Who pomu.the. aplendil dletlonarlu la .eveMal Volumusvil yet S"d It a great coiivenlence te bave tkIi, whieh la me compact,e ftuiai me trustvorthy M-tl Imve lamceut cae, littie te b. de*L"-Ab.t IL Cook.D..LllD., rofommor o! the EisiLah gage and G. & (JCMRRAN COMPANY, Pm OniSaTuas PobDubm et The Gemwe Webuoe'u Dhtiomdre, LiveryCartag and Teaming. I have recently added te My weil- ~,equîpped iivery stable a heavy teain -and drayLýr al. kinda ef cartage ind Iteaming work,ý and will be pleased to rýceivo. orders, which. wiil have prompt nd-carefult attention. I . PHON E 65. ------------------------ - -------- X% 1

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