Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Jul 1913, p. 2

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tm The new proceduxe requirçi' dureîi ix old1ýS1O tU ,each of tiieme odfcers to, subilt to ter'&?ýa-nr .the Provincial Departmeiit a de-i Thém ro-îýn-'îl-. 'tailed sanitary survey of .11 the Za lpeHm1ë tw Ï iýM- îîrban minieipÈalities within liii 4is- htgniicpte, *s *- trict. This ianitary pixvey covers -dto9m-8 sbîwn to oist l. i v'r4 T ,&Il Metters ci interest, and eoncerflw nrIwlb ~~ grail- In c9nnectioR with public, heaIth,' pied -witii. E rom .,present indfc- -watr ëeupply,; sewerage' sstttiens t 1ooke a th*iiglia'whole-- g4rbage - tireatmeflt, gag supPlye, icl tale camjiaign -<of puerai .ué- IiJs, tii.handling a e!- imk sup-- leaping, wil 'have bt&e b gd pland- aIl data which'may affect' thro ughoùt -urban'. Ontarfo, and the . healith e! tAie -commuiiity. The more -rikid amendcieiits made. to reCe4ý-f o! 'many ýo! these sainitary, the -public health- act. 'RIESOF f ARI OUÎ ý. 0., 1 RBEPORTS FR011 THERILEÀADliNStl for the Rails. cEttrus OF tMiEAICj6 ý A dspatch' !roqI>iToronto aays:- lheTimiskaming .and No>thern gruses uget ,crau%,-Cbeue &e OMM Ontario'ailway'is bra»ndi f rom Ire-. quels Juncetion t' Iroquois Falls isf 9~4u ethlm BCdnow baliasted and ready fo6r"-the SNaltufS.laying of thé -rails.. It 'will be a ~ j11 5.-)~u~tbA ~ B~ valuable addition Vo the. Ontarlo. 3, 9o. i o -hea, »e4'. ' ' Gerne road .In that i il Ont*rio Wheat-Ito. s, 97e to 95e for «ar ru» te the. confluence e!f the Abitîibi lOU ýtai& UIrankig Aowii te 75e lor poor -. and Black 'Rivers, where are sit- pntatio asN.'2.wbite, 35t 36e at «,un y, point# ; e37é to u îrack. To- cf ed three, water powers, capable rute of. deveioping 50,000 horse-,power e! Màitbr oàt b o . C . ctw 3c o-electrie energy, and, wh.re ,Will b. nec; No.1 feed. 37o te 3Me. ' lcated a Pulp aud paper plant witii UonA'0UNo. - yell ow. 646,' CîL a capacity of, 150- tous a day. The < Ri". 'SI' ,6m. -te 6e.nolifiSi. otid.mii is expected to be.-comnpleted by -Pean7-lik. 2;9me te .5e'Car lots a. e.Februay next. The. industry 11 uuaêwlieat-.2 , M cte w53c Barlëy- Md ating barley, outside. be cf service te the, settiers, as i Ro1~dOga-.rbas of 90 pounds. 82.15; will previde a, market for their $e ~r1 4.6g wholeale, Windsor te PuýIpwood. lilfe-MaiUgilteba -brau, 81.oo, lu base. ttxaoc,-_Tornto; ehorti, $2100; Ontario bran, $19.00, lu' bage; ,shorts. $21-00; mid- diieg. 1$.00 10 $26.00. Mfanitoba 2flour-fll'st Patente, $5.50 in Jute baga; .tronw bakers». $4.80 ln Jute baga. Iu cotoil 'baga teu cents more per ,barrel. -- Ontarlq Fiour-Winter wheat flur. 90 pr cent. patente tg quoted at $4.10 to 815 , seaboaird,> lubuUl. Country Produos. Eteg-New-lsid, lu cas3e lotasic10te 2Me. chersa-Twlna, naw. 14 1-2c te 15c, sud large, new, et 141-4o te 14 34c; oid cheese. twins, 15e te 151-2e; large, 15c. - Butter-Lateet butter quotatiolis are: -Criaiei'y prnuts, 26c, to 27c; Creamerr sIlo'a 2e to 251-2e; Dairy printa, 20a te 24; luferlor (bakers') 18e te 19. HRony-Batckwh4at. 9ea ýPound lnU tns, sud lie inbarrais; straliffad elovér hoisey. il ljo a poünud ln 60-poun4 ins;-,12 34e in e0pouuid, tli in 6lu in tins: comb liony N. -De26 pr 'dozen ; saIns..83 pet, 4slil; No. t.85'puP496 Beanm-Prlmfu, bushel. $1.75 te 82; band- pieied. 8225 te $2.40.- -Pouiry-rresh-kUled yeariinà lhans. 19e te 25' par pound; to-wl, 15e to 17e; liva ý:ealilnga liens, 15e te 16e;, ilve fowle, 14o :10 16e; <iiesoed apring ehieltens. 28e te oce; Ilve. 2Un te 25c; tnrkeys, 20e to 28e. -Petatoeo-Ontario potatees.76c var bag:. ear lots,'6Me-;:New Brunswick». 90e lpar bag; out et store, 60e lu car lots; vir- glula, ue*, $3 liar barrel. 1Egyptan Oniona--Pel' aack. 82.35 ta .250. Samon, long clear. 153-4 to 16o Der lb, lu emwc-s lots. Pork-short. eut, $28; do., mess, $22. liams-medium 10 liglit, 19 to 20e; basin. '17 te 18e; relis, 16 to 1614c; break- fast bacon. , le aks, 24 te :.2erc@ Làrd-Tihe - market '-is fitm. Tecs 141-2c; tubs, 144-4; paile. 15c. -. 5ud -Hay and Straw. Baled Hay-No. i at 812.50 'te $13650. on trseb, Toronto, snd No. 2 ai $11 to $11.50. Baied Straw-Oood stock at $88 te$825, Winnipeg Crain- Winnipeg. Juiy 15ah-We.-N 1 Northaru. 98e:- No. 2 do. 95,; Ne. 3 do., -90c; No. 4. 82.1-4ë; No.-5, 7k,-, No. 6, 70e; feed, 6fte; No. i reJeeted sqeedm, 90ý; No. 2ý do.. 87c: No. 3 do.. 83c; No. 1 teugli. 89e;- No. 2 do.. 881-4c: No. 3 do., 841-4e; No. 4 do.. 761.2a; No. 5 do, 67; No. 6 do., 63c; feed, toua-b. 54c. -Oata"No. 2 C.W., 341-2e-; No. 3 O.W., 33c; extra No.-1 tpad. 34; 'No. 1 fasd, Me; No. 2 fees 3c. Barley-No. 3, 49e; No. 4. 48e: rejected. 43 1-e; fead. 43 12. Slax-No. 1 N.W.C., 81.201-2; No. 2 W., - 11;No. 3 <1W.. 81.06. FOR )IEBITORîOUS SERVICE. Imperial Medal Awarded to Many -- Canadians.t A despatch f rom London4 saya: Tii. Impeniai Service Medai' for long sud menitor- ous service has beeu awarded te Michael Bernigan, Bedford, P.E.I.; Joseph Henry Berry, Halifax; Wil- liami Bunrowu, Winnipeg; George Cameron, Halifax; Hazel Carter, Moncton;- James Rosa Cummiug, Trure; J ames Curie, Aiberton, P. E.I.;. Frederick Gagnon,, St.Sm- on; Chiarles. Grant, Patnicki Hep- Alex1 McDougallh Autigouis1h; Hec- b or ifMcKinntu, Pietou; George Xoiles, P* teu; MarttnOBrien, Halifax; Charles Reqves, Toronto; Sainuel Watson', Mouctou-; John Yerxa, Fredericton. A $p,250,0O HOlIEL. To Be Ereeted on, costtâtio'î Bill, London, Englan. A despateh !rom Loudon says: A colossal hotel,,.the eost cf which, together wth the va-lue o!tiihe site, will approximate $6,2500, le 1%te be erectedýon the grcund Dow ocu- pied by St. Geqrge's Hospital on Constitution Hill1, opposite the en- trance te Hyde Park. The inagnifi- cent site lias been purchaaed by ie syndicate, thie Governors o! the hospital at a meetingu Thursd-ay afternoon agreeing to the sale,- whieh has been the. subjeet o! ne- gotiations for years.- À BAIN OF PIRE. Terrible Meteorologic'al -Ano lu lgèfLn- Distutrb-1 loer aimed D ne' on a ia tee abolit th "auw te .ftl ,tie, fit - ýLoürd-Lieutenaont o!fre laud under home ýrule. The WeIah disestiblishn»int bill 1 pase its third readins in- the- Bn'-1 tiali Commeus." A proposai te nationalize- Britishj ceai -mines was inti5bduced iu thie British Conisons. An s.ttempt te blow up the &que- duot supplying Mauchester with wa- ter la ascribed te, suffragettes. Two proefaionai coachmen were senteuced -tq- six weeks in prison for ',doping" horses at the Olympie show. Rev. Dr. Ga. Campbell Morgan, pater of Westminster - Congrega- tional Chapel, Buckingham Gate, London, bhas deelined a eall te tii. Madieon Avebui'e Reforne-d Church, New -ok -Fifteen moniths ago 240 militant suff rag ettes w-ere unde rgoiug or dodgiug prison sentences for vani- eus ountrages. At ,-the pre-senkt tume t 'here are eniy 21 cf these cases and 12 o! tAies., are womeu w-ho are eut' -on licenase until tiiey recover f rom the. efects o! hunger strikes. They are ucw payiug fines, iwhen that alternative la given. - United Statea, Thrc muen were killed and pro- perty damage esti-mated, at $50,0w0 wae-,dçine -by-'a-à electtic sto6rmn srouud Elgin, .Iii,, Friday. Fi1re at Independeuce, 'La., reu- dered a thousand people horneleas, while there were two deaths and six. persons are mi5sing. Hazel Warner, a wayward cousin of Hetty Green, the world's weal- thiest woman. eounuitted suicide -lu s South Bend, Iud.,_roadhouse. - r General. Count Tadasu Hayashi of Japan la dead. After a fortnight's desperate figiitiug the Bulgarians appealed to the' powera te arrange peace. General Riva, the Cuiban--Nation- ai Police Chief, was înortally wounded by Gevernor Asbert of Rlavana. FATAL FIRE IN CALIYORNIA. F Fm Mostroal Markets. au.'.lit .lu-s -. w Monîneui, July , 15-Os - Canadîsu - A despatci !rom Madrid says: i Western. Ne. 2.42*e;, du.. No. 3 40 te 401.2c; extra No. i feed. 41 te 41 1-e. Bar- Desàatcires f rom Valencia report f ley--Msuîtoba fead. 60 te lte: maltina-. 62 tie occurrence cf a piienomenon in t to 65e. Bùinbwbeat--No 2. 58 te 60c. Flour n -Maltea tpria-wbeat ]patente, inos, tire feu-m o! sain of fine tiraI ne- $5.60; do.. eceondu. $5.10; atrena- bakerK, duced te ci ders «tic district outaide - $4.". Wlnter patents, ebolcea 8150; strala-bI roliers. $510; do.in- bats. $Z40.' Aheocer, tise inhabitants o!ftihici Eeled oata--Birels. 84.55. bat- of 91»h1, teck refuge in n. ciricl. Thr.. -$1.15. Mtllleed-Brsn, $19; - shorts4, 821;e xaldhingt. $24, mouillile. $26 te 832. Hay- terrifie detonations were ireard Ne. 2, per ton. 'ur lota. 813 te 814. - heae aoth ai imsdete -fneet westerne, 13 1-i te-13 1-4c - do., a-bottesietmadoto ataenas, I11-8 te 130e. Butter--(boiceet dlean sky a violent tempeat broke 'ereaMeny, Z513-4 te 26e; seconda, 2511-4 teose, eaie u unism 25 1-2 E a---ureoh. 22 te 23e-,soee-td, 25 oe eaie n urism te 26e. - Po6ttoed-es-P bat. car iota. 50 to miles away, accompanied bjy aC 16ie. Dresâed boa---Abattoir-ktled, 14 te' 14 1-4.. sicter e! Stones, tie lau-gest i o - Mankls. - whiçh weigied two pounda. - tnltedBItaiesarkets.-' 1M1infespeîIs. Jchy 15- Whas-t -.ly, THE MINT TO BE EýNLARGED.t M -e; Sptambanr. 911i-8 te 114ce: De;, - oemben, 937-8 te 94C. CIoiena-caeh No. i bard, 921.4e;, No. t Northerni. 903-4 te Bti'i*ling_.and Plant W*iIi b. h>oîbled f 913Je;c No. 2. do.. 8693-4 to 8934e, Con-i -No. -3 'aIiow. 57 1-2 te SiC. Os- Nu. 3 n t Ottawao wb te 371- bo373-4c. Rye-No. e. 56 to 58c. Flour-Unehana-ed. Bran -Unlaîîged. A despat-ci f om Ottawa says: 1 Dlulli. ûly 15.-Wheat-No. i1liard, 921-5e; No. I N othern, 911-Se-; No. 2. do.. ecaus-e lie amouint o! Canadian -885-8 te 891-8r; Juty. 901-Se; Septexuber. igold beiug $submitted tu lie refin- - 9214 te 921-4e 4; d-,Decaabar, 9414c nut 'Llsaa'-1.3l-4~-tii.$1.34 1-2 -id; naon" Il ngpu-cceas ah tire Olttaahuanci -tamben., 8.381-4 bld; Octoher. $1.381-4 bld : o!flthe Royal Mint ia incraasing yesr LiveStee -Kaket&by yean, lie Govemumnent la taiig >Ioulraal, JulY' 5--Prime stock, #635 t tp t iul tecpctyo h 8703m $I~s 4.76 to 865S0; comaien $3, building sud jPlant. Tenders will te49.~èw,50- 870 ach; caties. $3 1ha csclled for t-ie work lu a f.WN te ~ ~ ~ t M- siep8 425 lambs, 84 te 86 rweekk5 The. valua cf - geidrefuned iý_oï tûi 5-Ctl---ioeeprt, j ast yean a-as <688-2 -t7; ch=oie.' bgstbers. 86.50,,te 8? - a-ed med- - ~ ,_ lin. 8,7 "t 86#;cotumon, 84.7j te 85;, q2si9»s~ lo 82.0;euîtene. 83 te 8325;-[ Wlîeu Do09s Drew C art. - t 'fat ooa-l. - 5.2'Ote'45.50: eomnuçil -co-a- -1 - '.-E 4#.I6 t 84.Z5. Csiiea-<logd neal, là te Theii.employuîent qojdogs t du-utw 47;-ta c, os le 88.5ë ,flauon. $3 t $3.0.s-laiitons up tihe .Jungrau rerinds usç '4t a-e, and, 1stdera-?4teers, 70 i - 404 -«-4*ê ttU, ua éh eavy ltaItien.reare pnobabiy people sillI ro xu0s t, a-als, $42 #65' ý h$460. - horecollect when doga 04 y, 5 ir' 85.1; buelge, f lto8$.50, -duet-cents lu Engleud. These oni- cpM4pu 1awhe~, U o l . 40-9,6 las- enuay wretaegeyese ; WOUL D fEl.1SOASS-X.- niemibans o! the, fancy for- Sïiuday - outinga. Tire -dog enîpoyed -wene.f R Imlg of Spahit'uAaslilant. Sent.- hlangge animais, cfir9ougrel bueed, i~'-o#~f t'Dat.with a iatrairu of'the o-id -Eul>risi agtif. twüty; t hirhy-lnul 'h ê#1hfrom 'Madrid*: sy rulmn lu sdeutw-as nothing te tii.m, jgtw ol ý ew-as sentenced te an4ltiey kept up 'tieir-strengthe nièinsday for his ut- thejourney withh ý canty , llow- to, iuste' King Aifan- anc'e cf bresd sosked lu ber.-Uu1-", ISr "~don Chrossicle. -- 'ive M~en Loe .Tbeir Lives in Dis- astrous Blaze. -A desjVateh f nom' San Francisco sys: Five scidiers are reported bumned to death, sud a hal! dozen ittie hamiets sud towns at tiie foot ùf Mount Tamalpais await their &alvation -or destruetion, whule Vie ire wiioh ha&s wept Vemeuntius for lh.ree days la reaohing towardý th. plainesuad vineyards te the north sud Vi. Muir Woods National Park -ou the sou-th. REMA.RIiAtBLE OPERATION. Müc With Splced Baek la Improv- Iag Wonderfully. A despatci f nom Kingsaiu aya: Oliver Lataud, cf-Madoc, wlio wss brougit t te h HtaiDieu about six weeks agg with a broken baek, has improved- wonderful. D-c- tors have apliced the - back, sud nowth le patient is ahI. Vo ait up for a sient lime.'- GrasI hopes are held eut for complet. recovgny. IiIURDI)eRD HI,8Wl-FE. Thin Fireci -at Hinsset!- sud Rade A dgapatcb- f nom Sasaetoon eays: Tii.- Mounled _ Police. at Wilkie are otut ou a case iii Vie back euuutny whicii lies .botiweeeu Wilkie. sud Macklin, sea:ci;ug : fer .Alex. An- derson, Who ane bsî'lesd tien atternpled' te cémni-t suIlicide. W-heun the iiot ha firéd.at huisel! iad ne affect be made husassp. mbt the North Country. EpiI)EMIO 0'F SIMALLPOX. Sydney,- New Seuth Wales, Ras SeriousOutbr.- A despateir f rocitdney, N.S. W.,* says : Snalîp-ox, whioi iras beeu- prevalamut hene fou- some time, la otpneadiug. -Fift«ythoîusand- peîrsonan bave beew-%acinated,x'asud, tiene au-e 61 ctslu -qu.anautine. Fox farma iuamy: -beconie -pular - in Nqnîberu Ontanie. -A mnu wan te- C'redit for 'a lot, o! t'hïlgam'he.-dan t--pay for; 'aise fo6r a 1Ià f thicta lie da't- do. - FOugt_2L11. ýUrneli4iiil bIUmIo Agalnst -the YFrench. An iter~t~~ a>oorntof hèe pweecthe ýDàhomY Mn&àýna, ; t,4 fml.furieý who -fought 'the FrMý -- during theireýtrugglW - wieii bhe '4~tory Ki gfdnaie givn b. M.~Frederie Martynin bi3s book,,"f.in teUic egicn." -The autdier - -S l"fr E ubhoér slseiûieFrwig Legi'n 01 Frane, nd 'aw hàrp. 'fighting bith iii 1Pcikin and iii D-àhoàiàë. The turn of tAie Senegalese Tir- eilleurs-ceme next.> A ba*tfalion of Amarns ttakedthen, zidgave th.m y' *hry rouh time indee , but thei Taleura eto-",ier grou:dý uinti1ree,trce 'by <tome marine i,.niantry. Any one jvho is inclined to sympathize withtii. Amazonson acSunt of fheir eex ca.un be asured that their%.gympathy 15 xnisplaced. Thoee,,Yogung, women were fer and away ÎtIi best men. in the Daho-i meyan arniy, and wosnan te man were quite & imatch for any cf us. They were. armed- with Sp encer ré- peatingriies, and nmade much bet- -ter use of theni thaii the mnen made of their carbines. For work at close quarters, theyv liad a ernali,' heavy-baèked oheopping-sword, or knife. very mu"' like a South Ainerican inaelete. The feught liii. unciiained de- mons, aund if driven jute a corner, did net diedain tope .theiýr-teeth and nails. A mari-ýe infantryxnan seizecL angi diearmed o-ne, of then i-n this ftght., but she wag Eo far f rom heý'ng beaten th-at ah. tirned on her mapter and bege# te bite us tlbeatlie, thein ,- w lien' weilt theii da 6~~fetttbeâ e tby -a iàt càV errnîcd the cant- x4i hy, iere litt.le on s~fnv*h 'watbut ou rVTYL$-',ea coquetti or t& b.sl, orumunented 'e 4 iýl wélied C'la-~te- a4aisqo! them w-ena lin tiý *wwn way. leLglon hd OeP- were qnucir i nmpresd wlth :h sud l gahiautry. IÙFI î«E¶vE CONFESSES. sayW, -s IBurned Down gir Wil- 1 a¶. Lever'is.Residee. A désjàteh !rom Liverpool says: A dramasi confession Jo! incendiar- i8m was made by a well-knowu 'Mili- tant suiff tagette, Mrs. Edith Rlgby, wife o! i physician at -Preston. Vo #he Magl'Atrate sitting in the -Police Court here on Thuraday. Mrs. Rigby d&la&red ît was ah. who had on Tu.sday bunned dowu Vthe cotîn- try reidence at Rivingtou, near Honewich,' Lancashine, o! Sir Wil- lla-m H.' Lever, eauaiug daxuage estimate4 at $100000. She furtiier con'fesaed to beiug t-he perpetrator- o! tie octrage at Vhe Liverpool Stock'Eiehauge on Jîîly 5, W hen a ho-mb exploded, but cau-sed little dama.ge. FIRST STE? ;N BIG SCHEME. M. P. Davis; & Sen -Get LiwTeviuê Dry-Doek Ceuti-set. A despatchIi rosuOttawasasys; Tic contrset for the new Gvovern- ment dry-do)ck at Leviu was award- id -on Thursdsy by thre- Cabinet Couneil te M. P. Dàvi« K, Son. ýTii coat i.q app:roximnatoly $*2,60,000. The. dry-doek will b.e ue of ,t-be largest in thew.orid., aud will pro--, vide acco-rmodtion for tie repsa;r o! th-e angeet ocean Ihuera, thua me eting a l<rg-fek' W ant lu coli- naction with the st . Lawrence route. Construction' will begin ut once, snd il la hoped te have'tii, -dock in cperation -for the. seaeeo! f Parents TIÏ@iîht lier- ut Il onje Q A despa&c.îh-froni Wiu ;à.g s: The. murdgred-,body 'cf'Dora-EVè1' Innian,bte' 15- e~odda-ugh utf AiIred-Iumtng ýwi* foiùi'.at Q ton, blau., a iilla4è on the C.P.R., 35 iileu ori fheW é 1 on day nîgit. Tie ir tl ' esa y on the- farm o!' W. 0. Leè~don- 'L>omitioiDay; went te 'vit i1er- pprut.' Te*aridè ,iiej. t of hm-!heïrjaréli '.i,- and -baoes eicierÇiueaaItie e ar- ly; age et ffH' hbas lreadY beau fIe years ln Panlamset. aimost îahlng à recot4 for 7outhfuliuess iu that- -augUBt assemublage, Tii.-irkuostanoe was no0 doubt a g-reat adîgutaga,. as it -enabl.d, hlm te catch the Parliameutary - style ln a mnune which early >nabled hlm te sé- cureti.-aofw tlesI te be the. oa8t dlffionit audience -lu the country. Refèaee u aaiready 'beau made to' th. cliap,,ttr- u8f aege' rEe-oeut4y pub laed -book,.'-Gettlng Tale Parnameut and Atter.-"ilu whIeh lie deald wlth 'the dlffcult;&Ss cf teHoa Ge ommuonsao an ýaudience. ,Forma- ào! oratory- whiéh rouse au ordlnarypublie'audienoe te bîgli enthuslssm -may "flu' as - ffaie a apan- cake lu -the Houoe -ef Gommons. -Aeont.m porary .of 1r. * Mat-heun, a àn- other yong'wetn -itnmber-lu -the yen- nq of-Mn.,R.B. Beundît, bas perliaps ex- peina hfi - simopere. Whest '3Mr. Bepnnet- akes -aspéech ho ineire -lua' perfect whliwiud et oruatory- His fluency. chboie6oetvoeabulary, aud faclllty cf' ex- ,resle marenottbina short . marvellço ou r cano ut l'a 1te impreas uosfi au- diences. But lu î-thie Honse et 'Commýos Xir. 'Bennit uudeubtedly hie more Ihan' once fait that -ha wasý wastîig hie breath. Once he recognîée 1b5 stutio nsd'-he probably liaff doue e 2 aad h, ee undoubted]y wii emuiste the Paîliamuen- tary style. As ha bas reat abililly ha 'a-ii catch Il aud- wtfl probably becomne- à leadIna- parliameatary flgure._ A Youns C. E. Foster.- - «A vouna- Ocorge E. FdateË.i"le the way Mr. Meighen a.s adbate. la sdeserlbed. This la high piraise ilu flUa country. -e cuete smliifinesseansd fore et the s ag tarum are' wée li eu.Hw everi base spaudlng. most fo!Iii.time -ouit'e the couutrýY. for, Whl eso th ccs ion, et Mr. Melghen te lb. rank of front debstens lu Palilamant wili be - particu- larly' welcome.. -1 1 - tiun1ng lbe, vacant session Mn. >- Meig'hen displayed a rasourceful sud îeraatility lu debate wblch tmmédlïtely marked hlm s. a man fon adîsucament. Bge ,ýcaunot but fiud gatWsaettdn iu thýa tat that aluce the formation et the Brdep Cabinet he, le' the finit te bave beau, chosan fon- freali honore. ,l ,,lu worthy et -commàent- thal a, 7oung *.etarner - with 11111e'expartano. -bas se soon ofl d-ay tthe eider iusm- bers et Parliament who, untîl a year ago eujoyied greater reputationa. In lu is, iraI .Ierm ipPanliameul. ->1 r. 1$eia-hen niade «seautr .a, an adcate of lýrîlatfn. ovr ar M e.gMen wil procaed ou the pithway et-.famewill.de- pend larïely on.hi. incerity sud -deptb et character. Ha is tiow 'off te a geod etal!t. WiiI Uic Progresives Livs? lu United States politica the question which contInues te offer fodt for cou- troveruy iiae te towhethan the-uaw ,-Proý grreesîve Party, unden the leadership of Theodore Roosevelt, is. te swasow the Re- public». Parti on whéther the Rapubli- eau Party wilhl a-sow i.- Aoccrdina - ta tbe-eaders et the Progressives Iher leu n room tor cotroversy. lu thelr minde the RepublitésuParty le dead sud the tun- ers] oeremony la meeLv haine- deiayed. The tact la that aceordtna te Ameiran hitory tbe Republicau Party ha. out-lived ils sllottèd span et lite. Parties au à ruie haie net beau long lived ln the United - States. The unusual penilofo auprauuaeY euJoyed hi the Repubhuca Party la ths reauit betlîe unusual condi- tions ereated by tb. Civil Wan. mince wbleb avent the e xite ha. beau aiment cou- tinualiy eontbied by the party a-bldh utilites thaeiélphant for, an eubiam Woodrow WIlson aud Grever Cieîeland haie beau tb. oniy Dameenstie Preai. dents lu ai t hatltas@. - Whether the tîma for sdlainu.tagraîl on- of the Republican Iparty baà -no*,a- aiveia a-iil be seen'dunlt te 'cext ,ta-'oron bee yeurs. The Progmealios sjay, tbat.,'sny wevuld -be.,u tbey si. ay e enëasse' thelu cne f-wlnulug ,ai tbe naît, élection, ana ,tbay- a$, the Pragresolic Party w au fonu ou certain principles sud net tor the Poelte h~è trttilut- cýontro] cf the "perk. bare«;"Had ,Ihai ýdÉ«tped oufix ta wlrs'u elaction et any coulthanhe would haie, beaune- 'put. OId Parties sntf-thg Intpeèsfsî Generslv isppakfia-the prýolirsa4iw accusa boilu - the id iie 5snties 'b? beilg contrefled-;by - speelai - isneatA4, -ahIle -t1ho ernlimi o't h, eopiaby 1 b'p e, tor the people. ;-- r Evidence.that il woll halmossihle t6 muera-e; wlth lbe' Relubiang laxn~upa hy the fa-t. thats~g numbe*A, for. mer Deancrate, pem>a'oaor -t-o' bâIL lIons; aee w meabou'f the PIograsi ugive Part-v. Mani etf- thesae mone. oi he promînaut ci4luena. l4i 'ciawnnv thesi over - te >the, Repulbl)eaw, toM a-oulidbe at imupf>sibhe -test. MXofflvii, tîhePmere slvéo nWx cii1w a s»nlt ad elIuan lssîl'oega "iln laevery, tut.,ls. the Ilthe pFexsnt eçe,1pM't fthe ,Whtë, ouoë -'Io sawïàlg wod. 'Tha ua:j' alnioui u he tiniteS t,.a rom jtc ha1O: ' fue et-'; Somi tèrestit in,-,h, hletol-y ' e ï *country." '- ney. ' - Jehn (lerke, of ' - -. -1a STwýOwubutJer, COUxitý Ferni &'hi, Ite received afi întimiat heir tu- $(O,00 feé m yeam-s o! age. Th Tïi Bi_ Urbau 'Couine.i hâs, fused'pimnission te tii. eos1' i ciety for the preventien ,o! tcrue t6lhiast re a. drnla t'roughi for ani"nale <.1 Bm. t- th ViDublin.City'- C.omu* si Patrck -Jeeph-Kirwan,- an ex-me b er e! tàii.Dublin Stock Excshan- wits sentenoced te thr.eyears'pei servitude foe fra;ud, . While ,.a ztor car diaspliy union Jacks,'wa low1y prc.eed aoloug îthe ýNatio.nli»t quarter Belfa.t & 'erowd,-**urro>uuded it à destreye t.fifagas.1 -'Tii. death-ha. ceurr.d o-f Cý tain Geo"rge Anthony, o! the wba Catadpeyr, 'Kikeny, - who took- activepart, luneffeoting'th, e e of #eii Feýnian -p'risners In 187& Wmi. eRednod,"ýa. blind iie muécan, e ntonccd at Dul to isx- menthe' impriaonment haning thr<>WuI vitriol over bia w disfiguri.nglier fao,. A* seusational discovery ha. bi made lu T.arbert, COunt~y Ker Peter Orousberry and his wife 191 Viha, botà, >d-age pension ers, b ing been fouud dead, lutheir h-i At Limerick the. police madt raid ou. the premifsaof -M-r. Jai Clarke,. William Street, and arr ofic T4 f t1-ie urposes-fo!beëttin r heanui moter outiug,,org [iZed for the benefit e! the cripî chU.d-ren lu Befat, teok place eet-Iy. wheu 250- children stai fronu Exhibition Hall te Mi <Stewart. ~Captain Cri.ck aud two abli men- were dmQwned iu Bel Lougm during the pregnets. o! boa-t races o! the Royal VJI "Yàcit Club by thc capsîiîg Lt ls ette4 in Newny, Vhs: 'crois-chanel r aiiway'..-'com, have at present in.cntemplatij soheene for the construction oi electrie tramway teo ôuuecet ireupoint with Newcaatle. A number o! oattle drives fr£ rfarm et Clooubullig, near D jhannis, bclouging te Mr. A. B] have betu 'reoovened, tiie h besring cardbeards iuscribed,9 I' 'laud for;the people sud the romi the. bulloeks." - I il Il s- r- s s i -i s TRUE fORSE -MARINES.- lIew Tiey Clapttrred Some Spanish Gunhoats. The Llaneno o! South Amerlo- lives ou honaeback;_ trsdes, buys, aud selîs on hQrseback; and dunîng tie- war wituh Sp'ain, trie bla-eros cot.ributed much -towardseahîeving the ludepende.nc o! botir 'Venezue- la aud New Gra-nada. I-n "Up the Ornnan d »own tireMagriale- -,"Mn. H. 3. Mo-auntelà ', au cocin 'wieu 1* w-as- uecessary for Bovaramy te renost tie Apure. î ô or t iiae-Moii But, Bolivar.1usd 'no - -batnsd- Vhe Apure -at Ftus -poin was wide sud The ý,panith--ilhla was guarding té- river &aI the,-'point -oppom-te, to 'thé pâtrit-.,fo*ce.- Bolivar as ini despair..-,.TîirninÎ -tc Psar';,h. sld. -"I would .give ie w -iWrd t'Oh'ave Vié 'Span ih' 'floti 1a;-1w itiro t if -I eau nei-em- roas ticher" bLt sha ube in uau -h6ur'e 1re,p 1ié'd -Pa-ez.- _41lectî»g thnéee iindied - o! bis- Llhai-ro lanýe, &Wldietlnguished' fr- *trength' d b nve iy, lihe said , -poýintin g ýtii.he gunb6à$, e.e mus'lt hlieme'-' eê6brý-ord e, ah~ilo h'lae'A - ua o! thSja'eera se,0se&R the 'y- %0 Ti diecovery has b.eexý a7Dr.. 3ôbert Roessier , a * - graduate, o! the. Universi>':àcf- Slin and a dentist by-profsso>m'- - ion las drawn up ýan lbrU 16ment iu support oî hielt in&, ba4k te' ciassie tiiuos re- oiidatiou cfifris argume nt g- -4'It lias been pîov.L_' y "tat any -people-or àW- ngefforts te impreve, isd a-,gencral "pourîIp io 'an in-gredient. Tot mi- Theofrast, wvho &boxW3'S, g. written a boli abou -à >ý t's'ys .uale d dstinetiy that sugair: M uas 1 -usi d:for. medical- purposes.. 1w. ,ig Je néitier mentioned l in .fe~<f i'- ings or diet of Greek athleieS, ~r~ in -by the - Spartansi,, altli-ough l ýÏ - aud Greeks knew the, sugar already. iciskrides, -a Greek physiem&4; -'l ap- living in tiie year -SO, meutioned'the;-'- dêr7 sugar as inedicine iu his Miteria an Medica. Iu the ninth eentury .Arab- ~ ape ian physici-ans -used' sugar (Arabie' e- sukhar) as medicine. su. t "Lt is tiierefore clear finit a, for- bin- mer mediea\ remedy has been-w-ith- for lu a century adopted as a food, sud ife', las become a great faetor in the_ -malnutrition, cf the people."' - cen rrVegetables Littie.-Better. [ar: Comng dwu imecenturies, Dr. IYRcessier traces the ésteadily-inerea-s- us.1 _ <11 n consumption o! sugarand with ifes *tthe increasxing. mmbrof diz- oaIy ~ te go~odoid public - opinion advised - aganstiÂts consumptionJ' rted Vegetariauism,, take- ià from' Dr. ý>unt Roessler, is ouly alifttIèbetteri'han sa1"lf certain vegees5ies'," ha goas [fast1 on, '"realIy'have a higli perýcentage: teo! n.utrition; *Wemust not overlook - ster the. faet that tiie, re only --a- fewx.. o! a snd the reat .cf the 'vegetable.s'have only a use as a fuel. Primarily, for tathis reason, the impor tance e.! su- 3any gar-as a food has really been -crim- ou, a iually booted" ,f an. Theu-,ext step to prove, tha t su- Var- gar is realIy coumposed ' o! a lông row - cf acids. aIl- crystallized. To Dm a do this the doctor;analyzes a sugar Wly-beet and finds onlv nýater, aeids,- lake, soîne saîts,. cellulose, suid nitregen Omrs composition BlHeue, he declares, "The the sugar juice can be uothiu-g but di for acid, and tliis '4is ve-ry dangerous to tihe generai welarc'" -Eîtirely -New Disea"e "(It la hherefore ne wvonder,"'ie saas, "that lie mcder'm anufae- turiiig cf augan has brouglit about entinely -neti diseases sud that mun. cif the se cati diseases have beau cauîsed b1» the daily -use cf auganr. Tire bas of ene rgytirough'tice -cou- sumption cf.sugar in the. hast cen- tury an&lie firet decade cf this century - c"a' neyer ba made go,6d, as il has le4t -ils marks on lihe di!- feraut îraceý sud nations.. T-heu-c siý tidIves i-ié,, field; tiat Dr. Rokssler bas fouîîiweëÎèd-7 men whro pýey upon tii.weakneas-ý- 'o litQa eclîiJIýren for the awfîui su- gar and'for jhuir p rofit. themrein. "NeW-on4er," ire e sys bitterlyj, >iat a eerl n in any manuIfacturerý has'spenl 8ji,OOOOO for thçs cause of temperan4e.. aince ie ekpectad- an increase'Iiii the osuptO . candjy. .I ",Tihel)iglSst civilization-l'tready hears tliel.1 4euls of degener&t.loil. Over-civiliza,.;Ou nadtopted lie -stiar for -h ti.sigîi]lfteafce - o! good liste, sud il has à e l work. Realth, enr&V --sud [power ceau ouly be ac- quiu-ad by pajrtakig (A propei fooqi- eStîgar la srio food whatever; tiae- fore.ë stîgari an enaluy te civiliz&' heonest citizn' sud fur 'the eft- t6 the u-ec sud' fur zhhe prgre;6- lie coîîutry usstc o jin te gltItiï, lic that t g rje beneficli »' Viere A. fariner n grealt tî a<iadà tIhayiug lime ,'&dSi &arrnu le sa ,kg on latn foc1, if li e i their "Whs'Ih é- y- à%4 rit of pay what yoxure woiit ota-thé farmeèr".,Siî'scrs tUjoý-rtli to brave -theè . unh$' Yeu wouild sup à araidi o! catchîng cold a-ieavy WOeien éoat aswell-a. tai 7-5t starçli eau maàei A:ýe7st, until it begîns, îeùn it becomes a visecu13 ipedng thc movement Of h ifhé -pivot cf is neck. au- le suif ers- like 3asI e. -a slave Consents te haS îherea wome-but e-Y nows hew airy-are; the g jen, now wear. XHowever,-it ;May be tha t .verers o-f man are at ha luiýtthey are already at- >ermany, where there is eftierm league fer uis- ni, iniDresdemx ii-Benn-, blen arewearing net C, blouses c ut after the f. *ç>ioeiboys' unîfernis,a Uav-ediscarded hats ini f avý Iiantly etored -sunsliad &e~~~~l deedu h usfo' ~rssan ivkýing other o'~-b~ saver efcent --dress sen5ihly in summer men ha&Ve jbeen sslo1w ýýbefore it 13 net -easy vte- have fthc weather ç>f -the, the-summe-r, why not.tii While we, areý tryingt wýho -geb the Uic oney it' -aging te r-aI that la Ge tist'hi-, diFacétered that. -belt r.ed4çes the appeti Wiien-tiie. c raing fer ai is f cijt take the >beit Up -the stomacli i:, miean en -mand . a-Pc tehuse, ste empliatie ierk ro th -beyend. - L send~easy, bu -scentist WJul not be -*i 'ls Wn Prescription- cases it îs the otlAer. that ihe 'Stardýng Ins - iv1h Pa-nge e!i nn ing a liffle curry pow< ,F'Or hîmsif thei- w-a - beef of 0111 Ene-and, ,in and ail thes.3tapl es of board, but lie meant wi -crypoWder anfd wate ae would seern io b tain;llw than a beit on, LJ ïR TO TII Miost or'U sAe SleWW --Part Of Our -AI A anit w -hMost w-e never learu ta thmn] of men, lacking a -go praetiiêlr -throw" ai heurs b ecause they un4 tink. Systeaiatip lii thre youtii thàt has for habit --of self-inprove, always -tryinog--te ma litie 'botter preparet4 ortuiuity'ivien it-e hew a Young man 1 ragged edges e lm wbrk is doue. - and - -vcýjving in Us immd a tnt-, d -I wil tel1 young man'e future thir-spare imomnents tenlatie course.s e! study f îui2hed by splendid Corr1espeni have- W:any tiat havc college. Thelloithie with y -not thaï; they do not -qualities. but that r the (IUalitica ire l -There is nwanud th gets thoroughl-y are veiop 041F sal eut--elves-i"list cneu. bread'Sand butter qi ' ie bestlcxut woukt net M10oYe a --'ï,or t-lie electrici -1-"ltic% They mueit Eb i ty la wo rii enly w sund the. finea hl 'ai1neyer achieve tiraI does thiga %4celi niudtegrasp"t tieju, to drawlu ter'heir phuoo dUeatO umas - MW. ai ADMTIVFC flM flIJADI -f 'e i-I. r' go AFI 1

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