voue sud' mn-, red hunad fDr. el<iMdat 411 druggim petpa.id, et po cents _]Çp boxes f-r02.W,-.by ÂASew ,Smteh8 tery. -*h'Iowing g.od tomy in told fif~en~ ler of wo-*ol eeeinlua traiu -w u'ere dis- Ciussie the domeptic unhappiness of. a: rutual' friand. Ay, &y"', ad oni"Jamie Thomson hal'lai tji 'wi' that vifé 0' bis. They smay ýraW' ae eclt! " 1What élis ea.& ye e ipct 1'> aid lthe ether mxç~p!u1l, Tlie puir feco esuca- ~,artaf ter 0oooitin' fIor only. ~f~n 'ear.Man, -he -had -a 44nce té, ken tbe -weran in,- suci .,u*rtii~ie.When I vas' coti ~ orbed for twen1ty yeam.", 'An ~~sJiotentr te tus -dialo)gue nov ~i -to sBk if tis i"-lc" rt 4 wi» e~ nsured -' onbisl-bi, -wgrsupon tie. old Scotsma"n ,r.- tA,ünM4.11i tell, ye. I-ooerted -fef Aluèty-Year, andl iýithat time- I ként ma*ran van and sù I didna Couse Pown Pat. ,o-Ijshrnen going to their wonk ~ijI~e~rug av a wild cet up a liree. ,Pst Vent up 'te uhake hum off, 7-le', Mike remaizied, below te catch M~~lish, teU. ' Botli were suc- icep4,lni-bt Miii. and Vthe viid ast woeemoon î4-sarough-aind-tumble _eorsp bel4v. Pst called eut:.'-Shall 1, corne down andl help ye to bold kim, Mike V' "No, but corne down, Pst, aiid help me to-lot hini go." Ulears17,p On CUMuge te Preper - bFod. Thé br;in- cannot vork vit-h cleamnesesand accuraey, if- thbe foed tejc'ein e 't, fufly digeuted, but i. rs.tained in thé stoinacl tefermetnt nd form'poieonous game, etc. A 4aI,-relatezod rni-iel'e-o ,Changi'ne er' food 'habitm«Md e l'ïts,arevey ùiteéretig: M~~' teady d41u of ihges -fod ucli a.s auisage, buekwh.at, cake. and euon", fiallv brôke down & .tewach andu- erv em 1 that, hy iin- -heritanco, wer* sopid- and strong,_ .ýsd-meii1te J&,no a*PPaenit goo Thon has pasoed A yeir'at Red River, *ud flanallr wntfi te region of tii. OolUM2biàs whorê lisosta0nd tre ~DMarch 80th.,iAk'q"rbmer, fflre x in ýh. evernsg 'lie left Van-couver ât tihe a< of anex pire Pa Yrti T ort Yk .Witb eiomaqny vore Tae Zperaous vol kuovu nu Oegon-hbiaem.y. Dr. MeLouglilin, viii> as thon,-chie! chiotlate o!- the - hoiopoiy, vwag 'tii.ý 'meut distnguiahed1 but Pierre Chrysologue lPm br rn, -w om Bon - irai 1832 vasa thév i ii -xpedi- Bô'-t4e botana--,p4~' Douglas, Who-w'rote an inter"ta4g acceunt' i i ieutif nd othli 'experiene-es ii tii.Canexdian Wilder- -As Far as ýw&Ua WaUa -t= -gatlemen -of the part>' mode h ea-ck mâet o! til Ipm -911nikî sorry beaste sthy6oald obtsùr f rom the ineerable savage. alo-ni the. river.t.. Isdiamisasauvo es theun in ErTIbiner'. "joumusiýPrér- sent~ ~ ~ ea v>'lte.t oole tLé, ad- mirer's eltVhe noble ýdm,-n e! ,ffic- tien. On e!ftioir ot vmnWho liedohanced te dis at au. inconven- ient moment waa feutnd by thé Vms.- vellets tiirumt inte a pit beside -the trail snd l.t ttheme, vithout a rag, o! coveriug, for tbre coyotes to de- veur, On. another occaion smre of the travellere torget a'gurn at the. mornng cempfire. R.eturning lori' it, they found it in the- possessioni o! a red-iced scanp, vir e ve up the booty only under- thresta e! death. Ermatinger' found the Iu- diana Saouth o1 the Columbia hope- le.sly fil hy aud depr&ved. Efforts te couvert th«m were total failures, and they usually repaid kindnesa id treachety. Ermutinger'a psrty £folloved the courue eoftthe Colunubia te Atha- baska Pas., in t-le Rocky Moun- tains. Rer. tiie greât river flowm f rom the. south-east, niaking a sud- den-bend in ite coUrse, suad the nieuntai 'ne form the. -wter partbing beétw.eu tubePacifie -Oceà iand Rud-; laon's, By. - lu orosing MA"bi"o Psçss, vieh th.1ey ,readlie,' on' M'y, lut, the r. ave!lqrÎ.-ers, oblièet ta, une, - uowah<s. In !act, -tie >trail- rwam obê-1t ietd 4 :j"v up~uti1 tbey lititidesceudeti fà r down the-Atha- wrth-tii. Sekatehuva&n, deteërmined- On the -Âtiibask&s' their daily -advance vas hindered Ûot only b>'. dsep -eno&w, but aise b>' 0a he"vy gr4vtb of! Urnber.-- The. mil Dis,' splied Mike; ,"«but whei I-tlight 1 I us ye. onl Irishhumôr in thp_ ions thiis u th yP>e of h is of ten told te illi- emor o e! he 1mpeople, rings hollow "in e ars the <>und -of the real 3hfun a.xli feoci14 Tfheý ire -ited s« resl earn- "aut humer: r who fell off a; building red bis irib, waa awarded Ucitor kept £lorp-P > ierveès - ii.laborer h8 ten sovereigata tyolokng ',a si ,ed tmae.-à onc-'r. - plied the, wo*'-kn», "I'- as., justZ wonderin' uih'o s' it wasthat feU1 off -the buldïn' -. sud broke bis1 During the. greaît railway 'urike,' pulling up at 'a country .tïtionia,' teck thé train.& long way put-Vha -platférin,. aid -then, baee#ng, tbe train, w.e»4 as -far again- beyond the platform at tii, Otbe1ý e d -"Stop vhem ci-,ye- me," eboutis aa Dujlin~alyhy . mong the. piciiets;ý "we'l sMt he tatdu or,_ye" Iu smre notas -on fih'>1l h szamo writer seys:"1Via-ucui effeeof.o an Irial 'bul> that, bow- evin a;ytu-mn a thing thé wroug way rond -it always tendi te -ite coploter and -moire pefect' ulder- istanfding." Simple. sud tV1mos ýte Iris nature waa tbe deeçription-me;- èenVlj~giien - .tionali-tfmema -oe-lv6, 'on it,"sIdli,"are the Hapy, again, aa an eianaple of tue fà ndauentîl ineongmuit>' b.- tween -*Vhs idema aeociated in. a 'bull> is the r trt ef a thirsty car driver to' bis Englâhli are, who lied jnat refmeshed him at a roadmide public -lieuse. "Woll, lias tlimt made auother man of -you 1" maid the traveller. "Faîthi it hbas, orr," meplied the, jarvey; "an' he's dry, tee." A. memuber e!ftthe Royal Iriali Gonatsbulamy, takring the agrieul- tural Msati-stica o! a rural distiict,, called at* a. 'armer's boume viien the. occýupier vas eut, and- waedirectod b>' ene of Vhe family-a. yeung lad -viiome ho woul find hîm. "Re'& eut in the paddock wid the aga,"said the boy. "You'll know father;by hie straw hat." As a n exaniple of. unconsclous humer this et<ry may be told: "Mlew- .dées this-daa. weather -agree. ,with yeu,Mr.iaee? "Badly, thin. Pm juat.,Icntrivin' te keeout oftVhe banda of the. un- Fai,- an' I'mn sorrr-té hear that samnen'uù" - Natter et' Reeord. - The lemon in history ws in pro- gresu, and in vain tii. teadiercoax- ed lier- CI"a* Bte anavuýr. - At lait ase -brighteued up. -",5he lied re*ched -the star pupiLef lier little clama. "Now, Tniiy," she saide "Mary folloed Jldward V,-and who fol- Y l. Tomany lknew 'that, and'hia green -W re wasa- iremu e >out NEWB B~f LÂN 2 mie .1 ldre-j ~cord. ailow icidéd b oth. mif~ th,~ lu Iruls.nd "OuI>' ýthome liv"à glutVhe.parish -uidin huis --- Quarter.- Session, tliî' ithé osu ooll&étor- had 7aot 's4dIniba Islaà d -for meîn yearsg. - - A «Solmuix wicl turned tihe stis ait -60 isbs 3een -Caght iun .vé- port River, COeunty âlaye,,. by Mr. Wright, -atefivé hou'-' kilIful- the -béet knovuW-. unbr o i- <Jeunt>' Kidame Police o6res, oshot- bà mmeIlf b>' placiug a, rifle between là lgs* 1.- À yeung sman rrsmêýd oelly e! WeoJ..nd, Strabane, bas been the vinner of '$2,500, the firat- prias in. ,a competition in an Exiglitb piper. Terroriai isrampant'iu CounVy Oavan. A McGlougl4in ha. ecei- cd vamning 1etteur an' etier houfsa have been fired jute t ù4ght. The policé barmak: t Omezadon- ey lias nov been do;iie ava>' itl and &Il the. enst-ables eent te other stat.ens. - The barracks *oe, esVsb- lished in 1867. A freeii outrage, in the.Holmpa.t- rick graveyerd, -Skerriez, hae bhoua brought te Vthe notice et tii. polite, aI-I thie wremtis on a large tern hb- ing found broken. É Wiieu ti. postmýan amrived: witii Vhe mail. at tire Dnffy'u '-Cross peut oà ffice near, Arde., . Lyncli, Vhse postrnastorfel ainong :Vhs mal bags sud exîpired almiost imiedi&te- A fire ccurred iu the back preni- ies eofttheFamn-hà dii-Hotel, *Milin StretCayu, ud esulta m, the- ttldsruction W.f",h aelî u electric ' h h btter-'y roorn. iies~1 'ost V.an-t Pêmt .wn"a,!re 40 ycas' ervce, ii oie h Michael Kely-, Densiirek, ,vaut out siiooting wviera ne'eotr br rels e1 bis gun* r utétir pan !hï rbgd nti int1the terrible- iujumiýs -httVhe, !omear tù b.d to b. smptated. iiere are alwayatimes v'hen we wimh w. cou-ila~ oatin b th aiceuhieLurns pit soise allthse-~îimsores' !oie -da k .di'1ct.s eud ith~- -vqd~ te sdd malqutr Waterz bubhiing aud frothing at fhel bw where the keen-éyed native in- ttlywstc,êhed-the tightened . rope. Suddeùlly ii sle.ùned, and the -diver went ocver.tke. aide like a flash, s t akeife in hieba'ud. ýA. uinute later-tbe'surlace e! the -watermwas -- '- one,"' he 881<1, ina sympnatnetie tone. -"I arn," Ws th'ti.reprly. :eeuainc 'yoti %ee, dear, I ,Ileard, yib ay ' of young oroid. - Gi that you liked rabbit, se early this candy, sugar on p rnerning I:jwent te the iiiarket to rdl<> zl get ypu one. I IneBnt t9 surprise, you with s, rabbit for dinner, bu- ySt rne I'm.afraidyou will hzà vete d<o with- ba ndeae -& l , pue chesga-Xiii soramlingb.ckintotiiCMK> jeitall day, and I- 'have»'t-get it more We towed -Vite sharir Vo the. beamh,- than bal! pickýd 1" -and meaaured him, HoRewaas uaxten- ret on. ASEPÂRÂITION GRANTE.D Aiigous. -Ntb'pesoe abtb'teset ~he-ut on' ' orkieof! ,'Putniams" are- ores meparat; he-ý td'tyou think -that c'fô clg'os Armr rvl evemybocly eh"ud-leamu to,,ËW-im 1 tat Peeam -"Wet cure, hset been e-et ilnt! WIât iould di9hcéyere&: yet.-,,mlson Pütnam!aocre, youý , think o! a-'fiashthat inuisted -on EFxtractor oni>', Ic. au ,ildeglero. trying te le A 'ite whk on dry landi Settng hePace, Ninrd LIImpt ur Ceti, le. The iprtan eof!unScoius <'Did yoen ever teill that younjgma per«ona. influence is, be:tter en- tha !at bumevee. 1 o 'ci Ma fred -by il-luetreiiouthan :byarg- i askèd t4 .fathef 'at' the -breakfast meü>t., A profeserwae once w-ak-- tal.' "Well, fatiier," r eplied-the win hrhi, irayi eS 'st nigl Wise. idaùht-ér, "laâte 'heursmay bewhn ie uad &ho 'u on ack-ll bad for eke, but the>' are al riglit dIrmnn.ug. . ,tuaiy .-fo thytphio f oi tep,,u for t." . sn.ohI dun thie -biH ta t. hillimt5e if yen have .Red, . -eak, -Wa tery"Bm or branuilatde&yolid.. DeeçsU't mart ý-Soothes Bye Pain. - 'Dmnggits: 'SeU! MinWe Bye R.medy, liqifid;, 2Sc, SOC. Muiné ByeiSaWëins Aseptic Tu1bes, 25v,~ ~ ~ Mp SO.BeBé r.by -Mail. - c'nee thiug te love -your enemn- lesg, but another thing, te -get- your Minardme Liniment Cures- Distemperi - Everythiug sho Wants. -Moue>' isn't sverything in tis venld." "Osee, I Irish you'd convince My w ife of that."- f ello'w' drum- beat. Then'1the1 4hOUS4 csxcto i .AH oepu't, know -wha.t i an oigy.fIarn keeping.to e is..musie.", Your lfe awn4l e nia.y b.e V the -pace" tùelives we -know litti, à aà ut. My mare, a very valuabi. one, -was, badly brui=- n4d4ct by ,,beg ,,caeght je wlrefee<e. or th Ie vunewokSd. alot emathough I tried mny.different =*mUdioe.. - Dr. Bell' advieed' me -Lo us-e 3ULNAXD'W- IIMNdiluted -au: fret, -then stronger ai-tie ores began to look be.e.until -afleýr tbreeeea, the mnores hbeaied, - and, best o ithe. Ixair Io zrowiuc wel. and -la ' NTUWITE É- se nazI -always the caseine- borne woundr,. P. M. ýDOUOET.- weymouth. Hard to Flnd. f-roisfct& or ye Bago zooelbs.2b FUIJL WWIG T -'G I&. W. -DAWSON. minal IfEront Foreign Ptairip. - Catalogue. Albumé. cnlv Raven Centa Uers tatue al,; times. Dougal. L. Graham, -Btratliroy, CInterni ed Oeat.tnal *i witb- ont mmiii by olr- bore e tmW,Wrie . beforteeJte - - - - HALE HELP WA*TSO. - - MEN WANTD you <aulekir. cha lirdu9hly, ae&i farneh toola fres.' W. give -you aictual Whpee1erieeoe. Write for fre. cata- ol« cýjjïe,2"Qusen st. 'E>, Toronto. MEN-WANTED "Net going te- a summer cottage _______________ tis year 7" "gNo. Fa and Ma couldn!t find a à ee j oronH Il nâd place te suit ,'em.")y dL".aguOnly2sSento "What'a the trouble V'IPSP .o.UIaIiaouiOà *"Ma wanited te go sornewhere where she wouldn't have to cook al the Urne for Pa's relatives, and Fa r @~bY~9 OVPtAn însisted on a place .where he rttorhau9 n wouldn't have to spend every Sun- - day rowing Ma'& folks around the O T lI~ bignard'à Liniment Cures Diphtheria. PtfoA to kBiiscr'Porta--blcTn Fr-.Salc,.Chéap WILMAKE nýIONI3V POR YOU GARÂGZ owNERS sudetiiers vie hýrequi.ge-hemp anticuorsi ehould. invutitÂM;,tis té-ik -th b Wbd a sciis ftis 'hem -been ne~d ieotknd. ur rsourm alreî&Kl eu ppdv sUd e- ek in ur owh OII.I, vlogu tirA rfooed,4 pi-y te the mubassador it preioga- race-lead- 'ery P resi.ý i had been r' Séettiali hning mua, vs e! Con- ducational ore names b -descent. 1 Land for itmy. ýy, Alber- -' eflcol!age ths West Silles.n ;4lf .lity wilî acres o! mi-tm and a, ,of te. rT-el t, 1Iaudah ou To.- te says: ôccurred- Street, ho -vas