Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Jul 1913, p. 4

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tiemo!ulng - INSPEMTR, WAiZ$ .SA -hieaper-imd sha The- factJ that evî Connection- wîihthe tended te b7 expert s _give yen thebest obtj -.Considerfng the" quaIity and service, Our exclusive product Prisingly mederate. $ Prime are gladly _ request R.Ne BA-~ -OPPOSITE 1NEW L OIOFC PRTN Ai I4 N ~~.N(C ArrnVZà0ý& biuu LWSM the I.-: l kçOl fiel ý,Lssoc1at1onli. TEMPQRAY ~ ~<> 10!of' .cussloé. Ris vast expse"ceIMs Eui Gprbg!Tot; HENRY ST. SCIH<OL. 'wlth -lioremen readered it ativisablé lah iai4ge'.witý ier, parentu, gr. 1» »have 1hlm perform dutiu awhkus and Mrs&. ich. Goeidriîg,, port 1_Whlt- 1cudu ot havèe o.0el' doueby A, letiter recelved from ln9pcto 1 others', adII teIllih ii ui M..Mtel , u~â ir Walke, by Dr, MoGilHlvray, -as- Secîe-. vas very laigely takea UP withi t4it Oe< uTJeip l nad, lhvs- tary of the Board k<4 ,EducatiatýislaShow. Hia optImu9m- at alilrnes i lerda1 9er Ms. rak not veuy, encçuiaglng to the Polley of! resPQuhllble aise for muçhof o!the en- Eîe rs-peln Hnr Stee Shoi by tJius um o! ýothers. This ia spica-, Mii. R, IHanilyn, OfeïOshaa, b fasý the -makldng of tempoîary repalvu, as d'd, ezmpleore! hat great advata.91 beoiz in the Oliawa HorpI W hre suggested by.the Property- Comnattüe f wo,üld accrue to oui towu if very sbe tm4erweiit au- operatAi for aji- of thie Board. - citizen pushiedthgsaededo edits ai Wlk' sBug'eslow. erectiag g olding back la four and .t'mblila'I I. te *ldigad fin, public sehol building. ln 'thie mutheru A h sneîD tiuInot M r BaileWaram, "ofTorontoyis, 'Portion o! th towa wouid, vs t.hlnk, ?torgottea that ether OMoer8 i-ad dir' I fld wvitRi tRieforme'r's parents, :Mr. czeateas great a dllflculty as it *as 1ectoîs ivere busy, day inanad day 0out., i.F'ak fldlg 'deulgaed to meet. The Dundas 'street 'PisMdent Hatoh, Secretary A. - W.i Mu. sud Mis. Authuz' Chrlst1lun re- sçh0oo i -se lau tooeiudé tRait te- Jackson, -and Treasurer S. Trees gave turned tuis week frein their weddiug- SChigrden frein the sitrerne eit vould ýustîntlugiy o! thelu urne and energy, trip, and-,have taken up ter ei have tee fi te £0o.. elther, to. thie'aid".Citrlbuteditd l 1o t the_,efflo- tdieenlaMu.-Wm. Ayer's cottage., DUndas içhilo-or -the seuthein, one. lency -wlth, vhich thie event vas c8aS Mis. Alfr ed..'Luke a .nd -daughteý, Beeldes tii the ratepayru do, net ried throu4gh.,TRie 4lretora- to0o,. d fdIns who. havé -been vlslting with the- wa te o e h peuse o! anew 'relishare cýf wr, ~dte ties!unrsparenas, îMu. and, Ms._ Isaa -scilool jusi' now. Inlu-'gnertl, îalledileildyte -their 'Warnsr, at' Leïskdale, Ont., retuu nedl 'We' e hord Ã"o n more reson>- supPort, home on Tue6day. able, solàtiqu o! the sclool 'prebleni Theris 'aouid b. bsolutely"a-o doubt 'i n i.W.. ueaddul. tRii hat o c~el~Itlg tie..up aou ti suoçes 0eTtheeecond an- ter, Veda, m6ored te Brantford o teva sChobls lan the pressai' 14g, uai showî, ,andl ïf i léso ' ,tiure te PriayasadpéteeSua' sce6ol building, ad eofonvrtilg the, staît the-talk abeut lt, " vitilasie nd hrel ,s6Ver da r- Dunidaï 9treet ..School lnie a 111g] Let'i ail begin te ,beoi t'the show .mnng ther-fou a short tisse. Schol. Rie ~' rèseit flgi Sctoo toinex suiins. 'Mr. W.D. Dykes, thie Toronto rçal, building Io csntially situated, a"d t> estate brok6r,, was in town dùrin& chudun rom sat ~4 eat'wuIc . DEATHS. 'thiepastweek a ReWnsr ncn l>nave. a sImularý dIstsn to7 e comne..- BICILE-At Oshawa Hospital, on, nectien with thie Qicater Canada Im- One thlig Io -,certak-..,whatever lis Satuuday, JUIF 19, Mary Ànn Hier-,puevement and. Land Ce. dons, tliereAs neotuse was-tlug rnney ton, belo'ved vifé of Heziry Blckle, Mr. Wn. Gibson, o! Port'Hope, ti n tI~o'ar r~aIg '~ ihe'Hery aged 82 years and 10 menths. well'4<uewn uailway çontracter, was- street. building. .* PLATTEN-In Wh-tby, on Suuday, here this week looIlng,;ifter the let- 'Ni, u Waht etheî ha?ý n t ysbren JUIF 20,' 1913,' Sarnuel Platten, sr.i ting -o!fthe Sigcnit.deake- brouLgt 'efoe '~ie~3oz4~'aniheuce tiged 77 years, 9 Inîlis Iiid 28trac.t by thrTown Counicil. vs- cannot publi1sh t. - - dasT-~he Mess'lyad? !the flyland ______________________________________________________ Contruction, Co.. BellevlIle. sons of S r. re Yia.nd, a nd formerly of 'lh:tb, weue amongst the tenderers f1rom Out of tewn for thie.cernent Side- The[3asy Laxative 'ialking Mrs. M. J. Denaghy and daughter, IjstlU t*O'yurse<olývuýshoûld try Rexâli OrderfieaR,,-yo,1. Miss Mlargaret, of -'Mentreal, are monleY'baçk IU you -don'î t .lke them.- Thcyara spending thie summer with Mus. Frankr fecun tiat roflydo-ilv cay rlie frnt onsi G. Erskiue. Miss Jennie Skininer, ef,. focton hatrealy o gve esy elif from Co .tiation. * - Jet same City, is thie guest ef Mus.' o0a ouli a arey epndn.' pesns as wel as for the mnt robuat. Erskine. - .si>e tebôei. Wberthe è rio- hey*s&c t tward relieving censtîpf Ms .J ailo Fu ilim uzglhthe waste unatriaithat lu tien,-and-nalso teo vercome its ldause r.AJMailoFrtWlam tbonoff by. thes gytteniaccutnu- and to inake unnecesa the fe'- is in tevu fer àafew, dayýs wftb ju.TM&s condition 5èneatea qentuse -of laiatives. 'hey serve, friends. Mrw., MadilI has been lu. Tb- e>los'hh crculate throjjhoit" te tone: and strengthen thie nerves -reneo on oe<aokfrteEu - ~> bat'0 ceatcoatd md msles of theobogelsds.ndase. Cation DÇpartmen t, and may speud a bf1oounervousness ýbiousuesauvdy u'hty aid oher'nnoynces - .Make Us Prove it Avoid harsh catharticnansd physfcs. Weurteteefudvry P TY .?- The wgve btete-oûb1 elef penny paid ussfor Rexall Orderie. if . U~LAJ'"TBA> Theyamparticui.arl bsd (or, ile teyWdo as iee trmcsue i ione ' ' - cheerfully refond the inoney.0 eptie, dl* I ' ~~~~~Doesn't that prove that Rerail the' InontRi, wsolbae kfu Cointe intablet<. AtO Orderlies ut erihYo1ua 'clc, ouJur'4t -, h o know waneo wo - udt b are-t Ym uât s0ob ' o i..aérdeyknEs Sa~ candy. ond are noted for their easy, a pomieuls we w odaeue posiveîy - othinga ation upen the bewels. ic e ta n xa exal Orerliesivll o1 ustee,.t.e2 r.11.' eâ f e Theydontpurg, grpecause 'ail wo clsim for them. There js neo ~ ai~ hanse, loosoues., ne? tRiepintC<nvdf. ieoMis Foreuoe Bràde luiiçss attendant upon the useof mouey risk, attached to' a tria of ber "purgatives, Teiaction is se -le l Odrle, aud lu justice amnietRie vifs o! Mu. JGIIh -Q. Fus ant thit the tskiug ef RexalI 5dr ousol e hstI ser, 0e<,. thi îy Ti oi Uie almoat becomes a deu er-a test themn. battiy.eoae îR.sri cio a dU1ýy.. Rexaîl Ordferlies corne lu sonven- feras and ~t-l.yr,;iiti xr ient vest-pocket size un. boxes. 12 riage Çse. *4 puadthreê'lld1- Chuldren liko ezalOrderlies. tablets, 100; 3ô tableté, 2»-,au 80,s 94 -udrôss.'Mis'ar Itey areldesl"for agod*or délcate tablets, 5oc. jeie uadey'itio h bie i 111 TION: leae b eaU l m tRx Orderliosôi ttee s are ntsold by ael drur . Mr. William PFaser, -brother ef tRie glt.Yen cnbuy Rezail orerlfes nly at tReRStores. Youoa by exilOrdrlesluIb osmUnItY only aI oui tore: groom, veis iths attendants., - A.H. ALiiN ~ '~'.~o ~ H lSott o! lwlht, piay: dicng ùrc hasbe- bridal.i pty a - Whib~ 'is ~ StreSumed iheir place, vile Dr. W. P., Th¶sa~1ltoriwaory everY town* and ity l ReUitdSae.Ciaa.A IacVeY, pastor" 7of théeFlui Mtho'- mah p"wwA-.c . *dilateit Rezail Remedy for nearly eerdinazy huryorz-gr dtht cRourcintheaUnthe States.sCve ilnan ~ ssealy d4ndfor b.paxtfoujs iii for which itj» hireeo"ni invie Tie rid ôke e ycam - Te R~ut Sore me Asuerlca'a Oreatest Ding Stores lgla ov f daizryiehvoile, - trimmêd 'I )'la hdev' lace, sand earried ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ - o-q-e o! u eetpes.,& er steter > .. I -I iwoesPale gicen silk, Thie bilde's I going avay suit vas o! champagne, llbv serge vitha i kg Paiamai at. 0lie egrtstitouî Rad beel ex- 1STÂTIO AR1~ ~ eu<lema.'daliuRcaeon waw ~abedeontrte b ~ o1o tendePopuai on g Couple.srve h Mis., .Mar WOUL YODLIKE TO lHAVEIS 1lmI ew i - issue.,' acle 'certificates JVOTE fbr éachONE 1-CENT of urh with every >.Purchli uàe -and the - nier NUMXBER- 0F VOTES, at the erid bf c ontest'iII ABSQLLTELY 'FREE 0 or -Che certificates are transferablei' and îf- you a assist a friend. O0urobýject 19 to interest you inour store W4 than elscwhcre.' We ïdo not ckpect to reùover the hea profit, but through ýthe difference in volume<> businé future we, shàlhendeavor to gieyu -E VEN MORE f Wesolitit your ýPafrouae solélý,throùgh. the, mt ýWE ýCAN SAVE YOU MONEY A Dealçr in Sheif & ýHeavy Hardware, aints, OUs,GI For New receiveI ire. hot ~iis f u-god nd Lower Prices. OND> WB ARE RBA DY TO- PROVe- [T.1 as Artists"-Mat'erial tvs rntwrýli ae r Subserihur GAZEF.TTE ANDCti1RONLE »; seurd yacadiateiidieove Conte, w lisea'opng -one thoufîa.nd (;O)votesý to apyply on jithe piao. ibis-should prove a bon aîîza to the candidates, and at-tbe same tini usein mau)y new subtscribers PeterIl , Chicago';- Miss Hazel Scott, Dwi t; and Eail Bradley, of La Salle. The bride, Who is well known bere, hisa daughter of -Mr. 1R*J. Bradley, Who, until'about.two years ago, was a resident o! 4he townline.- MARRIAGES. ELLIOTT-JONESý- At . Lethbridge, Alta., on July 9,. Jessie May Jones formerly of!'Jrookiin. to Frank A. NOVELTiES IN Y-IREWORKS. Motion Pictures of Plame Latest Thing at Cpadian National Exhibitipn.- Moving pietures in ljreRorks are surcly. the- newest thing in pyrotecfr nies. And the iýeweî1t things in.a ail uines. are .served at the Canadian. Na- tional Exhibitl>n. - Âmong the me- tiqu pictures frazned ia ire that are on thie bill are.a threshlng., machine,> wlth wheein runn>g and grain pour-' ing lrom the spbut, au,.auto flue en- gine 'oat ruas sý <ast A~ crashes into ýan 1automobilel, ,andflyilg Màchnçs.'l Add to t tIie c*a-nRglg llumin- t4on, 'the -colord-d balonus, tbe ex- plodini bombe, 'the uoarî;îg rockete, thie ma"se9goitten, -fountmains. anad ds- persiu g îaiatine batteries, .and you a' tçwrrbill mors varled amd more wdnderful -1b*n îmyPIas e'er before presetedl-st the Caniadian Na- tiioîal. 'rhe nlath Cobburg Morse Show VIII be heid, for frvdAi, Augùst 12 to' Notice tçp-treâtotse o! Rievilageol h.rrywoodr, lu .of-, Iaso veut. f Ntie, C bery given th1a t tii< -e, bove:named bvmd 5 slmei ticý mie oQI1tei stt-adeSo Buildin.g Contract Tenders.. IF Y U W N -Tenders viii Rie ueceived by thie un- designeci fou thie work and mater- ils, fou au addition te R ouite o! -rO D'U DE S Refuge at Whitby. e . completed on 1913.-I Fou pauticulaus 'as te wouk teRieNVEAR i0 I donc, appiy t E RSH É -b Superintendent o! thie House o! Refuge, or' J. E. FAREWELL, Solcl'orWhiby.County Clerk and Tenders wIllU received up te the 2nd day of. Âugust,' 1913,. and' must Rie accompanled. by a marked check for $150. .. - WANTEDs GOOD LOCAL .AGENT-At once S tîr represent the - Old end ,,-eUable 'Fonthili Nui'series. Splendid lut, of fruit 'and 'ornamentai stock for-Fil delivery, zgî3, and SpringdeliverY, 914. Start at, once and, secure. excl4ùsivel- tcrritory. We supply handsome froc- outfit and- pay highest commissions. Write for full particulars. STN1 &WLLNO TORONTO, - ONT-ARIO. Otheie diatages. policyholders, mai IE its xtr bs i b Assurance 'Cço fo :tep PEEL'S SHOE ST- A Pieasure to Show' od JlOHN A roç~ St.,.So~th, W Cail So7Tcited. - ORAN RASPBE ;, and- -'J '- - y TUURSD.AY APTERNO)NS. Comafortable ai 'mtach morelcujoya have geed eyesiî Sextra straluin Qwi your eyes-for life.' ~-Uet Us-Be Vour0 .&ny lime BASSE J-EWELE1L andO I --WHITB [ Iasa ctien (ou DINKDI1D I ford's jury -eniquiring- I o! James, Bruce- whose~ Thursda'r taken -_freni doutes by brinuging in zan. 'Foreman J.- Spooner. rel ln tRieopinion o! thie j-if ed James, Bruce came !rom-a severe bien, or head, and .how producedl Sevidence te show., We oeuspure thie partid z lic "' thie river bank." Elven Gaurard, WlI<) U ly Chiel German with 1, iu his posseêsion, wa-s t ness. Rils story wýLq t! ~' day aigRit, J une 7, he stop off a Guelph, Berlinz- -car. inianinitoxicatcd- c-« with another man carre 1htRe river bank se as to..- lire. Thuree ,othel -mei them, and drinks w~~ 1 rom fl1asks. ' It was agi1 Bruce o! Ris vatr -se 1 net be stoltz, and as ii Bruce best Rie was giçeA witRi the understaiding Ré -returned .when Bruc After-_goig 7wn town, '---Reretnrncd te 'where 1 -found hmsleing on o! tRie-river. Hie d 1s msu hum .-again.r-Press - hoi Sa DL -Sisson's' dental P Coud front August lait WIU tRie peuson vite t oui et Ail Saluts' chu ou Ju-ly 6th please rel~ titis office. Get your Paris fl hardware. ih gîves-be: Thes ladrs o!.,the1 Ufli koid 5an alterne- paronags onPriday a -it Fauxu ome Lake

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