Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Jul 1913, p. 5

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jI1ditg ù i J- mipleted. >1 --IS FROM- ellw&- Son,-I omfrtal, o~I sg ~ - RPTjf CURO. color of votes 1iIIbe .hanged, and 'foat Al Oraorte enoda. *1you Jno 1yel _w -votes can be- accepted. " ppo i good oysight. Â CorInrc-iecL ."i ean wido sfor piano contest announce- verY-wel S-f4n nof# may Rffect A ieCucW*hPlgesHrwr tore prt1en *yos f n 11f..EvOniPig Subet-"Â fl1ni1gB. be peue P0_ pi . ad.. -esl ,trip frein 0 tis Bd Vour Opticli! 31fr. E.W. and Miss Laura- Et I- INQUTEST ON J.E. COOPER'8 t1eSg Inyrline ai wU~~sng a duet- during thze evexingj A'rnrsDETL iïttoeb-_ _ Evctorybody -welcônje. - er on Monday afterncon toj Inquire lu- BA SET i-to the death of 13. E. Coopertu For Bergêr'a-pure ýParis Green -and! tralnman. on, the G..T-.,. iho was WEILER ud OPTICIAN -Arsenate Lead go -to 6o. -M. .IiJe* kied b~etween Pickering and, Whitby Wl WHTB. , COTRC FI~»WAK I.on '. Monday,ý. -JuIy 14, Pive othex nZ trainmen gave evIdence,bu '-wau - eIlatattIom (lArat.ed- A speclal 'rneêtlng of Ceuncil was'- lniosle. bleru -te izn -veryi hèld on Tuesday.eyenîng 'at w ieftûte1a.a o 'swT hema1 k i ténderà-were> opened f or the - ont edc. H a e isdb.bstan i _____ onu: of 35Q6Ofëet otof efent aide-. ;i itlatrth nx rI o- them lad ichet! hum, up. - ~~~~walk 1 There were five tnee~ ~4rn N .C. T.- U-.-,, local ýmen and,. three outslderç. Th nquest w.asad!Ourned until tbue tre contract' wa,rded te, Mr, T. G .cveéning, -when, th6> ,cgineer o! the , you, 'wa'.train, on,,whichCooper was iing, DRINK DIT.Deveren iat11 èntg pr 00quae fotwas present. - e gave *evidence that -bej The ýhigheat teidèrer' was 14"cns -baniid en n lu ngnefe June 19.-Coroner, Ji..Ra&!-The, teni1.rers were _T.. Deveel,'R. cnesn ihladbt ary, enqüirinàg into the death UnderWoDd,' Hylant! ConetructiOnlý ater gene' 'baèk. 14p 1aàldidcsed -thO -sBrýUce, whoýse bddy was last, Co; Belleville r rToroto; sômni nttérs relating -to a hot box ne, ~take fro the Grand1W.« Gibon, Iort Hope. It1 'on nfXe asn t»Is e,,4èlng comùpleted -lei ibe hat. there naonh n onse- le jr oui !gn eth'eevi-s.a, 1T iïg1ng in ýan, opeft-ver n l le ouract, as tieére is a ýproposô c s t fuern e n, Ã" whicCo- flw î.,, Spdôeerrepottdd,' 1that iai to, censtruct- a walk' ont o the CdÇçastte mnr ow *pli of o!the Jury, the. 4eceas- P.R. sa!on nNorth Brolc. . pr ne i,È4atu"Mtiserba1 me ' 0tht ewasjleaniig- 'out; soüf'-dis- p.Bruce cnete hs deàth 't qr failUn te Rs~ve- ~ -- ance- from the'side of'a-car îookiig fdx ?,ce .ý Reere-Auguet 4thF 93 for flie -at the hot journal, axid that -bis heat! ý Sc ji 4bwËpoduçe4 :we -had -no 'big -day elf-sporýts at the lIake, IHeyden- erashet! againsoet eeof. the wooden bee -~-9 - as tngy otebige, under -whic rac 11*0 fi4a 1I ed him to shpraki riby tetrain 'passed. There was a large c kard,,.,iuO was aiM ic DEATE O0F SAMUEL PLATTEN. scalp wound, and blood flowekl pro- ilS fuSely froni the eairs and mouth.dee 4,%ibxmau', with Bruces watch- There passet! away on Sunday aEt The jury 'was cemposed o!f red te0ii F~eslo, yas uech1!w on-ee of! Whitby's. aid and well-known Regers, Thos.- Rice, Jos. Bakcer, Wm. là-atory w.s itAt ioi Satur- residents, lu the perspn of Samucl Hopper, Pal.Rt ,Js.GaGo 1 in 7-le_& w e 1d latten, sr., at -the age of!'77 years. Robb, L.F. Richardson. ~fr-iP, Brli am Hepelu~Two weeks ago X~r. Platten suffQred -- 1uxca, d ituol, aila paralytie stroke, ant! since-then hat! 1B1g day ut Heydenshore Park on exr man carled hmln f0t1;e been graduaîîy siuuking, until ou Sun- Ags t,11.Rnig upn, Pe sen eiVade tlic P- day le passed away peacefully. Ho boating, bicycle races, basebaîl, and rË,è,other men -alsa îolnad 'as a well-knowu figure iu towu, and football, Goverumeut speakers wl >~l-driik WeJ à'~ed r.indwas leved by ail who had the priv- tallc- on ýWhibysfurndthi- 51,. litswa gee oueiý ilege O! his neguaintance. A widow proveMents to the harbor. ç ia euse thal. it wJtlld and family survive. The funeral a itoleux-sud ns wltness ItIew heit! on 11'esday-afternoou, interment eéî'hewasgivj cnrë n Il taingplae t Uioncemter, Rv.Columbia Records and GrafonelasT ex~~lndlg batil ~odGA. MeLean, officiatilng. BOWLING.s rýd-wheï YBruce is-e,;ered up. ýBWIG olhg'down- town, Gerrard said Try one o! our Mark Cross Safety FoIlowing is the. -séhedule of -the miet! to -wlie Bruce-was eidRao. $5 value for 25e. Guairan- Lake Shore -Lawn Bowling Associa- ým sleeping; on the . highlh ai* teed for .30f days. J;Melntyre. tien: Ivèr. 1-e'bat! left"hlm asud net .n... July 17-Oshawa ah Bowinanvi ile[e ~ i aaln-Prss isptch; ANTHIER ATTEUPTED ESCAPE. 23-Port Hope at Cobourg.Li 23-Bo wav jl1 W h ltby . - onera front the Central rison-,ý, at -Whtya Bemnile th ,Aylumy irn# made- an attemp1)t, :<r, i O 0 w.Ez~î h'o escape, -Soue tistnxlgte C « 0Xort ope alrowranvll Exhibiti teno t lm ia"t!inotiSdet liat thé 3- 8l-WhitWra f«OI> aa Riw .-. *..t Prt ioe rat -at ô-e 'Oe ofL jAug 8 'Il ope ah Okhawa, Iru*-at nes ins> field. nofte --obourîg at Bowmanvllle. narda exesong1fied, a "7-08hiawa ah ICobourg. airh anes dtron freIna fo" ,< "ituhltb m saa.' rx1sh~, àmt! o esmIond 1" l-Bowinanvle- ah Ceourg. bht thie iwQ men«o een p -atii: fi o à- i, dt -oe ev'i1ymfeaa~ "14-Oshawe ah BewmanvIlle. DalUoIme*h unhil evuatug, an!d eapm4-jhibea ?rà,pe ajIe, 206--f -ahePqTRr woHope ah ()ehawam. $~uawere.-takej backte Torent- -ot at3hiy s *-~~ung~xaIn.. TRi. fi ptL7 a Cobourg. UV,>t iawOî aitemptat! eeape .-44: miPo>lfp IM' b.mpooeul,: asiÉ tRiem,whea 2- fret Jor . , " 27-, -vexe mot ut thert Hope. i iscroi iï%ia reSu61êIthe -e ier Liii! the me mber a cy- Two Dm eihave o cý-ollect the manll ls isa gconvenuce -of, Whftby --mIgïht iýtQwm n.Ga, fiowerï ohr; ,ben'd.and isay.Tla cerne agaun;' Tlien I firat copened for :eas 2 musrýt eQfesisil with tfimidness 'aisIeL futuu-e,l>ut-,your lkind- in words of, approval continuai pâtrenage, I'ike- tho ýhowets&to- ur-aud shrub, inspired with ho6pes and con- 2ce for the future. _. darcely couid. we have ýved il possible te have, ,hdse great à sucess s hort a lime. We are Smined nmere -anKrnore onrt your confidence.- oun busin.ess friend, le 94 -WHITBY- 'iadi.an Exhibhition11 PANSION EAR Westock Depa.r*ment lun inAgdigsiture- t bythe Provinces tahy DoJ3%luio oermnt" ts by Foreigna Countries. IIGENT AT EH BifT,ý. ta froîu Germmny; Britili td States ma iudW lonal Exhlbltç Le'view me Plreworh a'si-i-eatstCai ShoW, ANMO'T ý,WANTEDD Experienced -men to, rogue. Fanoy Peais. Write or phone immediatelystat- ýig wages wanted.. Would like one -man with double' rig and team. C. -M. WILL'COX, Whitby. TRAIN SCHEDULE. - - WHITBY JUNCTION .iciJng Wdut ..4.5sa.m. 1on-at....o. - ..io.oa.m ....6.53gp.m Sudytrain.leavt for- Toronto 4.52 a.m. and! 7.56 p.m. From T'or- onto.-trainw ap ah .Whihby Junotion at, 8.15,ami 9.55 arn., and 9.30 pm. UP-TiOWN STATION. Going NOrth ... 5.30 rn. 1Golng Soutbh.y.x5 8-n ..4-15 pi.. t1.15 p.m ~.64o an.t -...L05pan - fl ta Whtbyfor Oshawaa11 s.m.auJ4 pm Jeu. olden, pro- L.avu. for Brougham ai le'0&M SOINGAOIT _0F, Yes, we are. puttinig ipples of every cdaiont of business.> Il- IIT BRI101 K UE By wearing our Orth4pedic Boots,,' 4i4YOU .ear no k-ick PIOil OUI CIJSTOERS Werecewe letterm and àuardSsim- arwthe floig - orwork is gving perfect -Nam nrequest -I Advets. OUSE AND LOT, FOR SA Miscellancous A -'ý- Séven-xoomed bouse wlth nia char4& ef apple treeos sud small H OUS EPOR SALE., £ Siuted- n Byron -street. 'Apply Six xeo ed bou e u c urs o cr c- G l mblet'à lIIveri -$ P lon e 65 . -_ tl [o.Apyte J.H aeboIr- PARI! TORENT. Jb 7 acres on. lot gg8,tconecinlH-a ihi owabip; orard w. Fashi011 LU- -,--wifk- ce tbrough faruthe . L.-.--j~~-- p oi> nit fal. -c. W. a. MTei: tWwn Park'during lhe Box98 Wllty.-!.Show,! -Wednesday,-, July !is WANTEb. chain.ý Finder please leave!at Gi Conifortable 1-!urntshed blonse or offioe. Sultable reward. apartuients b'y famlly o! three grown iieôple for .twoor- thee weeks iwýAug- ust. Box 12, Gazette office. REAL ESTATrE. FRANK E. JOYNES', LIST. -Several lionnes and! building lots for saleéiWib.--- - Farnis for sale 1n'the- To shp ! Whltbygad -Pickeriuug. - FRANK Ë. JONEI., If yomn-bave a farm or otfier prapïtifoz <aieà fn'or near -the -towns 0of Vhtbya rO01 awa, yqn Mayan Iît ta be'greattuy taynr4anae liat It wfth me. Moderate caunmission cii don completion of sal1 IwU b i b y serae days eaci week after t h e lrut of April. Write me. Aridress,. G.* w.-STOVEDSNN8 Fiher SLToronto. RHOMESEEK-RT EXCU'RSw.-ON Puzre6 1 1 w - D?2C.. 7a ~là JaCkson ' Bargi Store A FIR UGDAYUAY OthStore will be.open only fo 4 P.m. tili. io o'clock pffm. ON SATUROAYS from I P. M. MI 11- p;m Mr. acksoni will personally. conduct a'special sale for theli next few wçeks- durn hshu~ special ffort is being made to. clear out'the stock. Everythiiqg.wUl be 'offéred a rcsIower, than.ever. Out 1eaiâe e'-pfre- hott ly, and allour.godsmuste sat:-rifi éed, to wind up -the business. 14o reasonable,_,ffer refnsed. ALBýERT_ Ww-JACKSON Searcl:ing o se' h, 9 "tise MAIL Y NG

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