~in the. wordsof a re- Moreover,tii. m-agie Wability. This -is ,hig gress, but the futurs chase h-as been- a suc- and-. "le-been "ne- in& beneficent sense.. &oning andi leck- dieti in the, Geri- ~14-year-old bey w as drovned ho lite cf- a boy ovning. -Yo.uug idson et Rlobent efamouýs Paris Nov Brunî*Nvick ýt a nev sawmnill -ý-opeato'ù ini , in the. nean fu- 3 0; eapaeity. of v iii ç'ut 6,000,- ,and viii he oe 'w -mills ha Riast- -urug-or mecuÇAiL.. a 1 believe ii ÃŽhe use whenever necesuary, 1 mit that-I.cannot see doping. an inflamed, stornacli with drugs i ting- rid of the acid- ail thes trouble. Get ated magnezia frm sat lZhat you wqrnt meal, take some of magnesi a as directed a if I'm lot right." Le isurateai ove, and se' ê It Po1ha& nygraye prablemi., UE O A DJT Te bitter 'denunci aihn f tb neare all but forgotten. ,Nov Former Waste Prodnet 1-owExa., t Ii. -Eagih land probleni --- iey mlyei for tMahlent, i à to-eb.hoped Net -go very ln g ~ottr -'ilmtInisin priècedeni vili net ire OniY - reolun ue-anyone, iad for sav- dan4 Mý -neitled in tire various dusi .was for packfag Les. Tirat vaný - hiin.mll local,,saw-mills ve - ~ sthat are, to be prcposed. moe en. mmeaitnamuto ~i4~ di.s are ai time& the saf-'thit form cf Wst- wood vas, or at- -,est l nd -ost -ecpanomical. Radical- any rate -appeared, oomp4rativej ma~y h a Iibtm cnsevaive -amal.Nov, nvient the teadsnéy is IL -- - - t conisolidais these fie olangé mills mtiaca'paci ty cf several iiundre<I xtieus 1 tpt i-lunrr-er dzy? -aiuOCEN. -tihe dgily vaste hai- sawduat i-a- een TeSkiAI of the Sank . Ied Fer te bé en-rmous and' mucin experiï- -kark. menting hà being doue te discover lUauy Purposes. - nêw zuethode 'of utiliziug i. A good many-'khnds- o! leatirer are Perhaps the. most-promising yen- got frcm; sea- creatùrea, èà me cf ture lu sawdust utilization in ibis, winich- are v'srycqi.oxi. and beauti- countiy is tire manufacture cf etiryl fn-The7jmh- -i ~shanks haaa beautfi- (rgai)aoioL The-sawduat la nbuishied gray or bluisb celor. treated viii snulphnric ascid.- under -The axi ae e sembe -finely -graineduiabie-condthens, rsilting Lu ntirs lealier, inaasmuci as il shows many 1oratin f sugar, wihi is tien tiny -prickles.set ali esway. Tirey fienèùied te produce 'alceirel. 8ev- -a 1 -,quite invisible téo-thes naked 5375 oral plants_ have -been. - erected ta -.bt, tiexç,are 6o many and they are produce alcoiel*- foïu vooi in this uê ü iely et lhà t -e itntyfs anuer, and; tiouir thereare some the M»grs 'fthe4'surface if you difficulties ulili ta bs4 i-'etceme, tire - ~o4f- &ndovr tnsskia hantire ultÙnate sîuccëdss cf tii. process on dhireothen opposite îtiet iii in icin a commercial scale is assured. thétpîickesi point. - .i Sawdust bas been succeesfuliy Thub'-property f eiank sinren- manufacturer Tie obriquets for fuelj -8 t tIe;tspecaly valuabls te tie for a cousiderable tâme in Europe bys munufaturer .6f "siagreu." ines a very simple process. is sirhav-j the, skfin s -at once- t ougi aur!easy ings andI eavdust are firsir steam-1 t tonor, zit eau -be'used for many dnied, ths vater container! in tire- purposée wviere decorative effecis vood being thua evaporated.aad thes are desired. resin almoît iijuifted. Tins savdlust9 n. usphte : oýf, ii lumpy armer, tâ is tien compresaed under heat inte -E - turgeon furushes a valuable andI briquets of tire desired size, ths con- attractive. leatirer. îv has been tained resin acting as a binder. A -foun-d tiraiwhent'hs-bony- plaies are fl.rm in Vancouver is engaged in -a t , rëmoved, tire patterns remain on Similar Uine of manufacture, tinst thesie , just aitih. patteras cf alli- sawdust benng compressed into a0 gator sceaîes_-n&zýain --on' alligator cylindnical tube wbere it is cnt ]MOie Isatier. , a-à i1enistance. hat addts short lengths by a revolving Enife, ti * greâtly tote value of tirs produci .. emienging la tire !orm of small round t From- theSsturgeoris tirai abound on briquets. Tisse briquets are dlean optr. Pacifie Coast and %in tire Great to bandle, easy to, kindîs, andI leave C Laýsw e get a teôugli. iatirn at very 1utle ssii. InEnglaur! sugar t is used, for, the-. makinà r ef laces to hs- manufactured on a commercial- i oin1 leatheï belting k ahnry. ecle by treating sawdust in closed i t i5 ýsaid tiat tire. Iacingfrequeniiy retentti vitir veak. suiphunrous acidd -4>1stWears -tie beltiË -it t. under -higir pressure. -Ia Austin, t, -'Tirsre is found in -Tuksi vWatens Texas, aisé a planit4hi beizig buitt i a st riki ugly u nattracliv -e sirncaled to manuùfacture stock foord from sav- the angei.fish, claeted .-smong tire dust, by a seme-what sgimilar ,-pro- t] - ittorifsharks... 'Tisfiah- rîld_ap ýce Es. The -tat-, pthc-and turpen fi sXtm'emdly iigl:q148lityyot- grer in rl ene4 f rom. tire savdnst, h isatirer, rnucii- esteed-i-n thes ue- leavhag only:' sugar- aiid - fibre, 84 jl man domigions..-. .-- icicl ,s addd fart,-per ent.-cf -si é. mixture -la mtils. cI as'ben used in--a S'iila mp tO*hfO Ferfor fanirygone days, a gown 05i uhoe O an I geshavebe en, mulein 4~w G (loucester froni i kaotis 004 gibs o ays a New, York pi- to i -' Eelskinlý h ýunefll for riny pur Ing, ir poses, among ther tire manufacture vautage - $Jealirer biding for bocks antI for harmiin iidingit Sinp.- - by.the a -The garfl'sh, a fisin founa soPg ur tn'v ý,Qâsti; iras a sk-na taic-an bh o la- T e htdtiii il rsemlibles fvrY..-Altis WOG41 is -Used in making -pictune-fraanemMud l -titi,, hbi ýewel-o&à skets. Thes sia o! ui fish lyh 'w ià user! iy certain'o! our Inidian for mûl kéi4Iei *a nake a sont of! armer. - It-om<î * Le soO Jugli add irafd-tI iat, .acobd- and 'Pu' iug tO one accoua-ts, a breast-plate eèleaniug muade -o! t il vii tura a kaife ora and jrugià .pear.dùst, lig - qe unes .are matIe tiftihte i-cheap i- Uns wf i alrus andthei sea-lion. Theo E&skirpes make tire former hie Butter eailo for- thirir boatg,, and tir, latter during t] 1,ýÈdy lit ami stitei tegether, tofo rm -'fn'a a - ýQoded ecats thatu ane" far sný'perior latter inà ýà ubbër -as i4ierp6f garmeuti. Ieý --- otch'ar. munications hn the Soutir Afnican W4r, -Lord- .w as cown -thes me fitting ct-zEmoemouniied fa- fauty elunie.A large number cof 4etaii har! been -dusnpsd dovn at 'VrsdefortEcRad, Station_. lor< K. -_ deémned -'toeequhp -and -Oen:i tn intOýýtbée'Ald , tonce. - H. vent o<tIýv."-tng-rooem ta loo for - 'fficers ad 1fonn a single, man iiin ocupation'. -Re Wae amarttand well-dresae4 - and pleaeëd Lôrd X'a crit4fai ey. ( Yoi i vii coznnaand a corps -of. mçun -tedinzfantiy I've jui #raised/' dutes b? "Dnîyou mo-w youà r -duties*?"* "MY on-eair." "Then don',t argue. _Wbat ia your rs-giment?'y 'fliankshires, sir." "What rankV" "Master taller, sir!" Kitchener left hurrhediy. Tir Bltlh es ceîsAre Becom. !nt AuEMêlen, tForce. In quantens, unfamilfar vith Brut- Ãh naval Épohcy asiouishment Lu ex- pressed ai tiremeunting o!î gu'ns on .some.cf tire principal merirant ves-' Sels flying tire British. fiag. But tire factis ha tie.vè'r mIince,-tir.37Wer» buili- tic biggeat andi faiesi sirips have besin an auxiiiary force, liabl.e Vo ire calioti by tire, Admirà Iaity m active service for th. nation ha any emergency. -For rny years it has;. been the practice o! tire goverunenuta cýon- tributs toward th eic fbuilding thre great-passenger -sieamships, on Conldition ef their baing builtinacer'n- pliance vitir requirernents tirati ti tiem"fer tire canrying cf guns, 80 brai tire country may have tire very svifiesi vesasîs te act as scouting cruisers in time e! van. And, fur- ther, a negular retaining fee la paid eo keep tiem under contract.- Borne timie- ago tire geverument lecided tirai ai convenieni oppon- tunities tire guns siouid. be -put jla tireir places on the dec-thakv ere' oenmtructed for the purpose,. andI hiai iy acIvantage ilaev owbeia>g iaken ùf4tirs time r Lusit&naa - havh"ngiher engiwnes - overhaxiéed-té lt i ber ha"ve- tire 4.7guns ,for ,*hîch isfittsd tbe Vhs t)aiitic but tire P- e,üfi> -linens 8a8ô are'behng *siaiilanly 'Ãœui 'shed.', the,.Thiremfmocles, cf tire 'Aberdeen - lins, -nov -oýn-ber 'way ';om LendonI-eAtùr 'alfa, as heing equippsd vitir the powerful 4.7'5, and-La l siu,21Uruguajie andI La-'Negro, of ths - British sud An- gentine -lin-e, sud EiI>ariuayà andI La-_ Oébr4eaatina, d -ýtire Hulden grothers bneae in g armed viii guns - of.ti-est ype. l istire Iriti~i&ea-scutsarebecoming a 'eady- a%<id-efficient forceç. - à tRt!mDowit." Pat 'andMike, Vreré ..orking on-a ,ýwbuildin -ÃŽaying bricks _ýr gthe ,hod. inà r:son-4ero t." I I t I I h I I h I r Ãœarrà tive:4"5 noterecotd theees& part ofJehovair'.specifis instri -liions. -- 23. 3'shovah ' -wiil-paes hrough1 smite thre -Egyptians-1n reAIityý destroying asigel, --referredd ta -taif e-n- tliés'same sent ence aa-.t destroyer, eems -te--have -acted Jeiiiovai's ,agent -in executing th 25. The' land whiéh JoovhWi give you-ýWhich hé had repeateI ýproanised initurt t - their.'forefal] ers, ýAbrahf, Isaac 'and -Jacob. unto you, -Wb mený, an y. by th Dmeo -Another .,njunçtion -fu 'Iowa" not ipem4calI!y menitioned' the. oon and of J3'èhoaah to Mosi Mosea ssù - est-, -i therguilar'n ýpètition f1 the iaehà l - erémou wi rci iii aeb"successive Sei eration natu'ral côti'ioüty'ai-to tI .înea ning andén. o the i.ceri 27. Ii. thé,. isf-.To bà 4 ferediha tia aictuýà iy (en.16. Tir-.-people -boed the-iiesd a:n ,wMorship 'e-I4ndfcatinj 'a reverer tial attitude towaïd, and-a willing neiss te obey,; the command cf J hovi giron t trm tirougli lose 2& SeBo did theyr-Bpuh the. mit aclem -iperforme*d- by Moues,- ani Aaron, and ths sarhegtneus aofi'he exhortation hâd profoundly influ enced tire-peopie, ccnvincing- thi :of -.tIi. trutr'of ail that .they hii ïuet been tald oocerning Jehçvai béià eçfcent intentions .to, delive, t'hem from tire ,iands of their op pressors; wherefore they- weri ieady ta render inaplicit obedienci in a1* thingae commanded tiem. 29.'Au midnigii -"'About- mid nigbt wiii' I -go-cut into the -midi of Egypt" (Eixod. 11. 4). -, Frcm tire -flrst-bqrna cf- Phiraol unie the tirsi-brorcf the captive tiat was in the dungeon- "lFrom tire fini-bora' of Pharaol . . . unie the f-ra-bora of tir cnaid-servant tint i. behhnd tir null" (Exod. il- 5). Botir expres. sions meain Ãus ame .thing, namely ;irat tire- firsi-born cf-all permons, iromtih iigiiesitabtire- lowest in ranký as veli as aIl the flrst-boru of èattle siould ire siain. 30. ]Net a bousevirer. tiers vas not oe dead=In. reality thene would b. -znany famihies having ao cihdreni, and inwicn, at tire same tis,-,;neitier hiusband, uer vifs va-i à 1firît-bor» iul;fr.alof--vinici ass-uealoanamust be made. 31.ý eei. yen -forth-Tre .,urgency implied in tirhe wods indicates.that Pharaoih'a' auxhous to-e gsirid -of irepeole.wios polqgedpres-, 'h~: bs bougt s.quil -d4itres n 'is la nd. -- Among- my ppié-At'hugh the feraëîites dwelt in&Goshen, on -the aufskfrts, of Egypi ;popnr, yetiiheir services Vo Piarabh cami to - tire igyptian people migif t veil justify Lise use, cf tirs 4zprs ssien as irere recorded: . -AShort -C ut.- -Very aick =man (to-lavyer-1 I aut te provide for:, tirs disposai o! My Property. - Lawyer-Tut, tut;.- leave that te nie. BEick- man-!.ý migiri as vell-yIOU'l Sèt fit nyway. - "I cpder inScomonvwai con- sid4ied - -tie i. vise i theti "PeaiMY dean, -becanuse ins nad e mny ives tc Ëgive bm gooti .d Iaais- *nid do't'nnind iË. - Poilee e reiv. thiroi iiknans s wif With iîstrate selln icniths. ýf. N&'w E ches cf rail ýof July. Il .ainralt' for XNova Scoti âni . saldQ beneCa' Oi b' die weIl ociWaïoùId count t , y ized the dairy lunch had iised ini."One tasicas huinans, ini otho hos n yhek -b instrumients 7OL sufflient rcilo wrds, . is ,not t~-mùlipy ers e otlive. to maire ther 'bservati, a tare Iegth, of da-ys. Ourask iz- rather -WhIo tliinks most, feeIs the noble-st, ~ bi4 made izow we miibat the ta know, the truth, to do, thie rijéhtf acts ýhe best.> Spresent-time, be ahie to.maké use of t ove egood'-"'tO live pure, -2Rpev. John Haynes Holmes. thJe sun'as vaiâtion iii forsiiasting tothe 7sateïr. -_ uà foîtunately,.-.the. ~ obervtion hae ben ging o n ; only-,à boutý a decade and it is only hawithin -the llest- year or s6o- that -the a I Hits i u~ :unlui -deti:ed tsa ýria-ey f' hi str.,Chrle a s.bbiI;,!Sarg ~o i . trehysicaL abortlryParOb- th -servationa werbsgnhrein 1903, Senh ars hops.- Teddy"oRéward'. and in' 19M05were carried ta iMouit ~y Wsôs, Cl.,whe.- he tdslié - andalV eýtrappëd she'continue 'Cide,~said grandpa, .1've- bii id conditions are _much better. ite .môhwr.loe<t mypenirnifs; When I-,,'S up-, 0j.wstogi ttrtta hr a Brigb.t coloréd girdli often match -sairs - in- my room a wlule agoI- t a cnt raýdiatizs f heat f rom the sunuhades. picked up -ycn and 'I îhought es. nasdtiitthetélnpdrâture Long gleevez with plaited or- ftuted nimeîhing fell oui" of- one -cf ti 'b fths -r -retfavorites. pociét. 1 ookd around, but could Câ:local tmoophe W*conditions. 'It wa rà s htue repeer D oe etlesanytbn.Now ,I- find my ~- f it, h o w v er a t th e r a d ati n o th é . ste e l t au 'p e sh a d e s. m_ ite'uivvred-wthin -atouttnde --ofkr arsthtsrt openkûiffs mishg, and Ii thinir per-. e- grees- And the. astro-physical abor-thpaiwilb h1.rhas;iwsta.Wiloefyu atryther euj n establihd a - The demand fQCr «harmeus edress- -Teddy -was Playing w'th bisiiutle Di- ton in northern-Aigeria rée - esegt eio~sxg. - nis tiabe~o pand 5, =rutanebùq- observatijns were 'd Tbcc ronisfvoe b tatdfor London, buit the boy -de- withý.th eat Mount Wiisà n. - i thsmnuatre.fr i. cided tatit couid stop ab away was found that the variation in ra- Ail black hats' are mucli preferred station- for a few minutes. id diation- was practically by the smartly owned woman. lil go, grandpa," he anawered %- ~~Dresses of lace and net often have right aýway.- Téddy was -sueh an, - " Identlsal at the Two Places.. -bine and whute ..yele£ tunici bign iti eio.He'a i SIt was found that sun spots in- The surpies une for the neck con- ways, ready to- doý things for people. ecreaseti the amount of heat given off tinues to be mucli in fashion'. ptywsrain ok n s. Mtywsraigabo," rfroxuthe sun. This was rathér sur-' Fail Lats wiil b. axuali and med- she hated te leave it even for a id prising at firet because when the ium shapes, witb soft dra'ed crown minute. Se esha- vas glaci that. Sr un la Most spott>ed it might be as- effeets. sumeti that uts heat -would b.,,meet The new long jackets have gird- ýTddy ofered treo o. nobscure. -It. n explained, however, les, iihich give.them the effect of theê ten-year-old- twins.- They were kd that sun. spots probably, like pok- sRhort jackets. playing -agmotgeerandi ing fire, merely tend to bring mors Paitings cf net, tulle, -and malins n lk a stop, 50 hey, toc, were ~heat to thes surface. to be used on suxu'mer lats 'are three giad'et > edygi ptira., Another thing that bas been die- ta fîve micii,. wide.t- Prettiy soon down carnetihé littie rcovered is that volcanic disturb- The frilly fichu of net continues to boy. Ris eyèËes re sparliù and ances on the earth tend ta lower thoe b. the most charming finish for tiie bis cheeks were -red. Mamount'of radiation rëceiý,sd f rom simple linen frocks. "«Girandpa,"ie crie -d$ "I .found Stire sun. There have been a num- On somm-of tire new white voile you r knife -anda ten cent-piece, st ber of iieavy volcanic onibreaki dresses for afternoon printeti voile- too. Ai't you glad that I found since tire observations have been in is-used oddly-jike a-bolero. them 1 They wereboth on the ficor.'-? h progress and tis ha. always been Blue and green plaids bid fair ta Grandpa amileti and'answered:- te accompanied by a. re'duction in beat. be great favorites. -Velour chrecks, "yeýs, my boy, i arn glad ta-ý have: -The explanation, given for ibis is are another novelty for f aIl. mkifbëecause - I nt aus t jthat thre cloud- of volcanic.dust re- Most of tbî slashed ikirts worn and -Il arn glad te have ths silver- e'flectiý the radiation and prevents its by American women have the. slaul piece, because I want to givei te Le reaching the earth. buttoned over i-nstead of open. the littie f ellow -wiio w8s so-willing An attempt bas been jade ta frnd Summner nightgowns whichT do not teO do smtigfrgada [whetber weatirer bureau observa- need irening are of crinkly crpGadpa's TeèddyI think we will 5tiôâs over-4 long period oi years pink or blue striped, or ahl white-. have to eaiau m.-" " would tirrow any ligiri on tire ohang- ___Wben tire children heard tbis -they " ing itemperaturs that. is derived wr or te a ot hhné from#tie sun itsclf. These observa- ROT WEATHER QUESTIONS. twere sorry us3i e t us ch -Bane-, Stionsi have been compiled, giving tir he lLnWaDe ~tTikM grantipu'. - words madle tire- feel Saverage cf the world for 30 years, mean. 0 and bo the surprise of everyone in- About the Heat.A o edyumyb ueh ~ teestd i wa foud tat he ar- A few years ago one of thre trials felt very happy. Saons uaerg emeaur a of the ieated 8eason. was that fear- twe the brl!a egres Fgabrnhe 'it 1ke- f dl old'bromidie question, "Weli, DISTRESS IN JEHUSALEM twee tie bgining~ndend Of is it hot enougir fer you V' The thsse observations,- -altirougir in the. pest who u-sed te ask that witb faith- Great Sufferiùg Prevails -as Jiesuit- , interval tiers had- been marke.d ful regularity is almost extinct and of heWar. 1 ~changes iii, temperature ewing to the- few specimens left are- -seidom 'spon ts and yolcanic disturbances. ireard f rom. Jrslm wÃ1&ouaino Changes 'n Earth'&sTemperture.- But in hi, place tire.bias arisen f rom 50,000te 66,000 Jews, 13,000 -One hn htidcts- ther another and more insidious boÉ Christians and 12,00 MoaEm,1 f- r irvs ben sericus -changes -ain* tie-weather foe. Tis. ish creature soesris nrcrig to.ýnsul P. Bearti-'s ,temperature ulirougin a rong wio looka at you witir ill-concealed J. McGir-ril a report tet tirse rseries cf years, was unearthed by superiority, and simpers, "Hot British Foreign Office.'- As a remuit- 3'Profegsser untington of-.Yale, who weather never botiers me.I don't cf thre war adtire cçniequent fail- e athe a ml ingscpis tiatonoftink about it at ail." The remark- ing off in the pilg rit ntors - te nnairigson -Oeecfi h ig.would ho lovely and wenll elievesi trafflc, on Which Jerusalemn-mainly &Squeia trocs. on, th-eiPacifie coffat. dhd not'ths foe betray hixuseilf in ad- 6s-ubsists, businees- hà e. b&.nt unus- Tiers was someuiiing like 3,600 of vance. Attempting to Jlurs - us to ually siack'and grtat distreis pre- tiss anual rigs ai tnsy di-our destruction, he begis sdou-ai. - cated tithù, 1,OO0 or- 80 ,years g ~b nurn as toe itate of Tire enormous increase -inithe'cosi- therg-muai have- been a serious-anid cur healtb, how we are "cstanding 0f ivng remarns .if .. ' odô and long-rotracteddroughtadfî ftr ete, t. tu .ingtireeare ýno signe>cf imprdvement tèmërauýein.that-xregion,,'. xmthat h-sthinking o teWeatirer).. in thaemiectheii-manrodutrvý inatons, geclo-gie 4sud ohrish Then wiien we have repli84 in al cf-Jerusaeun h rdcinc other parts. ofti ol sove imlc- ht edntcaefrisouvenirs and articles, de ploee in tiret-at-ý the. same - trne tiers - ,must _iak yu and irew is he, lie ceores oiewo n e~e-I)éparl.Tii. have been - 'a ,simi!à r Aogb 'du.kwtht ersh g Ilyaov ast named industfy 'ha Ixherto Iorn-o epraue i o-reodr.-si fiw i been a -specialty eof thé inhabitants eis-kye ýagre,ý aso'thathu -mevT e - Tl- piit f i g sagrs fBtihmhti-snwcrn -mn o ire gatLi..a à .cthr iel 'l'tcbt ia isno rea P-?"tsmexei- l-ethhmnt