Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Aug 1913, p. 4

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lecision. )ù-gh an, dc îatioas-of BASSE '! -WHIT CHE1 otest taom or 96m» une. 1As-. &01J-rbsmuWat u, J1*vy Cent, M. hey saw the, robbery co- BO sureA te9goto J.e Wiils' d ug l ie-ave t1be- alar33 to- CblIf store for other stores-don't bave Sa î *hlle the other mouznied gIin* tur e and kept tbe boys la slglt, -- on the 'way the help of ' a GRADUATI$G - EERCISES-I,. AT PMI ire- boysc ThnellfoeI4g 'cul- THE OSHAWA HOSPITAL. t& atracked -_.to a - MI1<1aiong .-The first graduiting ,eorcises of lb. Vr rLi I a nksd Chioef- -1(Shaw, Q eneral IýPeital , tran > àced theinu' eus tOïdF.- 11-fchool for n urfes vere, oRd l in. e h Sce dseve >Ma c- Aemmbly PROorn0 -th-Il- IýhSch&o, OO foriber.sbIfly ad. e-Wednesday, Augusi latii, whioh Je i. I'< go tRie, LMr* annversary of tg rested'Kylé'aid ean-had a ing! &fthe Oshàaa iospita l i2rlw' riment of, arices on tRie-»,- tiens w«ee1 'Opteth je o te , b about- fl!ty cartrldgeoi ian 'ýownaud It Was'a briliuati evnt; 4 talight, pipe, tobacce, 0mb- br. - Starr, o! Toronto, waa presentte a deniied notii ânad m- - The cLama o! '19183,belug tb irtri 1to iconciled te Lieir fate. KXe= graduate f rom -the tinstitution, have ad not iiteided to steal the Sometwng lu specialiy remind- theuso! sometblng made him do it their' adveat Into the epretessional I tant when he sawfýt inh 'aws thie ltitle girl.. The twe o - .-1- IniV wn4 oA 4*d-the at kmnA d ona fer -a rd- LIaUseoteimg à! yug L teutly supposed tRiat-hu ai iées atiuta te breugit on y cold and àamnp eecmta on the sufacéetof the led< -thrin body, but this tlieory la wvreng; Cold atime wiil and damp. only excites 1h. -dlaeaSe e! decid- %btRilis sdI-led in the blood. Rheuma- done with tem is a blooti disease and, Rheîume - - t guarateed tle remeve tRie cause charge -et and enric lite biood'seltaI uie aoid- c hance to anotexistr Rheumu la -a wendertul us inP-lu a un ,R -HARVESTNG IN WESTERN CANADA WE'ST.' -1 et 1RITURN1UItP AST.00I INIPE $180 FRM INIPEG GOINO DATES Otatomns ltma te Renrew Induuive'and,, ut tiierepf la rout n West on Grand Truuk Maninen to sua na"u resto sud North-Weutemn Ontarlu. INorth of but net luddlng unk làns Toronto to-earnia and Eut cf Torontoe tKngten, Lake aud Reafrew. lncludlug thes onm route and ail atat ion l ntaa-Iovest cfbut set Includlng un i.Toronto te North Bay. -.. tationa ou ndIlTruuk LUne Toronto te Noriib Bayilusive. in L Ontýrlo, incudlsg C.P.R. Line Sudbury to-Sault Ste. ti*,u n- è -l nciuding Asilda sud Wet. - am 58a iic u ia u 80w 10" 1571180NL OtU te Wluuipeg o01Y wlll ta mId.' b sclWMIndd ,extension coupon. Whes -e=1t = beauIign dos 1e baengaged the holder-te wok IÏ fau=nlaborer, tihe 0, é-Pmber âfth for t[cket rate- e.half cent per mlle Otto etofWlnslpegonlhe CanadienPacifie. Cawsadan, Me Ralways in loa akthwn, leta u lot Mqac4flt d, M. 1ttl-eàunotoa seconddsI* -te retura mm u8" roMutam taelleonf lu-o Iorbod m Ltiz cettCr meie tcsauto. SadWoWatIeattbl'ath S-TRjAW WANTED!j Dn'fothave zyour nachine threshed,- V Ryel Straw vVrite -us for-- fiait threshed straw., Ilam for TIN 11 . 'in p- th rezse 0 TBKS"ne0*for âau ans- r.And, moréo!er, they 'are.brlug- ~ e iures Ibat promiie -t mnaie mmoepopülar tRiai e-ver. Must- You i gài? what bavjo'doueto stop your kwwftým =Ig? MHavc OU tra:î Remo 6 llaimiToi*c2tflutt-qo waut yon t. loy t At oar rieLr 't" sfordwi -the resuits bad wilt th tu su, we will V diately band bac-' ,yourmney e went'fask you fnl quesion ou.We wili take mer -wr~ udroturil your jnOfe. Doop't it stand te reason that P-e"U'3" Harelnie must be n miglt.#' geod re.nedy and have given great satiifaction lu oar atomers if we endorse itl cik-tis? W V know of ns bcause oft vhiat ý(exail '»'.3"lair Tome hb" dine idôr- o;i;e,i- 'wa. bnck 'if with Wcm, 0oa L.1 , 1Wbysàlfér acntp uud hztir trouble or bç,.bald, when :Wcgatl -3- 11a2z Tonim wiIIremOv- d4adm-f, Màkee -your scalp oonfortab!e and heith),, pratoe shaiz gro..th ad tu.±d Ï0 prepvent baiduese - when a~ wl psy for the reaimcnt should -it fai to piease youp Weý don't, obimte you te any- thing. Youi simply biuy the treýr.- ruent; use it, andi- if flot pleaced, corne back te us ernpty-hnnded - aud -we will band back whnt you t pzd u. Two aises, 60e andi $1.00 a bu; 'lc. Yen cau buy Rexall "93" IL;ir FOI thi cormMunitv ontv a ut-.,- sFtcr- S - A. H. ALLIN. Wbitby lne .SfOre ontuki Thare ina a ezli Btoré in nesryeetown Wxnedy for eeory ordînary hulmae n oh î eaeiveslgne4 -for the particular Mi * wftbieoene"ded. me Rail S Orsae AmSsimo Orestet AUTOMOBILE ACCIDEuT. on Sunday, a collision eoccurred on Starr's Hill, -cast e! 1he tewn, be tween t*O automnobies. One. auto was proccedfng eat, and the ollier weslt. The driver ef thé eaatbound car turned eut ente thie norlt side toe pass, but -the wlieels skidded e-ver gravel and threw tRie car ia front e! the e ther. *l'The rcitwas tbat -eue - e!tRie autos was . badly daunaged aind On Oie o!the eccupaits, -alady, wliose @ IlM apeCould - net - h. legrnedt was ,tlirewn ont - andd-snstalned a fractue leg. _ __ îrd thsuniversally- PoPula home remedy-ati-imes, when there isneed-arespared ýmanlyhours, of llflfecessary Buffer1ing- Soit! ovoev (n v CORNER H*RDWAItEÇ w 'm. LOng, iH. ~ og~Li upe lon, - .O.L mcIleit-,EteI.Rb- son.- Entrance te Facutyl o- Ediucoý Part I-John-- Müleêllan , Harold Stin>n -art -I1.-L. Baker,.- K. Devitt, Amy -Praser (. The'studente sud affae eerq l ng et c r e d i f f er l > e c ll n regste eg 'MissAmy Fraxer muït b 'sei1ymaimd as'É ish lane etfvery, !ew ln thie*prôv, lac 'e Who received lieno rs la Part .IL. e! the Entrance te thé Faculty Ex. amnation, takiag the Science Option. Matricuiattôn resuits _w'Il be. pub- Ilshed in next issue. OSHAWA IPAIR. - Mie Prite LîsI fer 1913 show e!fttie Seulli Ã"utarle -Xkicjftrâe iËýcféty , lias been maileti. If yen have'net re- ceived a.copy ert1he booR;k#* tiI'dy drop a card te W.E.N. Sinclair, Secretary, and yen -wIUl receive euÃ"e by retura mail. Toc prizes offered -this ya ar larger than ever, aninluthe poultry clase alone tRie sum oet $350 laofeiredý 'for prizes. Ia ether departuients tue mnoney offered is'increaséci over that ef former Yearà, se tbat exibitors have an opportuuity o! securing bet- ter prizes titan !ermerly. - Thte werk (cf'getting the Fair lin liape la weil nder waY, and give promise e! a more snccessfui show than ever lie- foe. The advertWsng materil wll soon bc, distribÉutei. The dates 'this year are September Stk, 9tli, loth. LOOK TIIEM VElR. The -livestock departinent -.prcwides opportunity for vlewlng the cattiet, herses, sheep an& piga'tn cleanliness and comfort. It will pay you to look thein over. They're -tlec finest in - the world. They've doue their share-anê more towards maiking, the Canadian' National Exhibition wocïrld-famous.* la _the mater e! thé estate -ef .Cath- erine Marie Collites, ate -o!the, Town of Whlt1y,,in thè Counity of Notice ls bereby given' pursuanltet sec., 55, chap. 26, e! 1h. éstatutes o! Onlarlo, I., GeorgeV' ,tRal aU c- s ors and others ha'vlng daims againat the es;t4te o!, the -aald- Catherine Marie Col-lins, Whý,ded on .tire 23rd dap' of 1uy 913,. are reqàlred te -Usad Ri pet, êalýor*Uelver to Proderleki, J. ýRchrdi , WhyOtb.e- -WIIItBVp "ONTARIO )~<Ã"iceto dIOr~ -~ Notice ito Créditors. t " no'ueagra l u R ie m a t e r ! o m t a i o ! E I a a - l b b . J W ils o , o r ! ;E . F a r e w e ll , o f! hotu Ana rancs, 1 et lu.hemalter ;o!-thie estats of hty àfctr 4et ý Aný Fanisy -lât -f -he Tomas -Hall Wilso,latseoft tRàis estate, on or before- lb Towmtbljp-of! Whltb, 'lntir.' Coii- Tuhhe-o!Wht, i heC i.day o! A»guui, 1913,~orn ty ! n.trl, sinter d~,oael. ty and Provfneo!1 0tario, sBout, addrossos, and_ ile -pa rticll N'otice taRirbyg'iyoýw prsato 1 decea ed. itU O! ach lW imeIL A tuesecllt.If av',. Qcrgpt V.'hp ~905,til~ N~c ahebyg',.usat - -- czdtru and otihens havngcàIa eo . ia. 6,Sec. 55, ttal 1eIIl tpna he estate-o! tRi. aboýve named proa, lg~c~~b~ R.JAdtiefurther nottoe til E.zbt m rne,Pwo e- On sald ThoÈmsHall Wison,*ho dled medl5tciy alt1er the 21st day 0 or'about-tue 251h day of Jffl, 13 on or about-tie12h ayo!)fy,11t he assoe of the sald esti aI to ni Tewshlp-o! hitb, 4! 191 , tRio Towumbp of hitb)y, -inj Rie dlatributed.- required te aendby post, prepald, 'ôr th said Cou.ty of Ontare arp re-'- f J)d ita- Whitby, tRio 2 nd, delivr e Jme Mor, Beeil ~quiredti t send ýby -post, -prepail, to Auguat, 1913.- ,.. Ont., 1h.- adminuistrater witlithe Ueo. I.Wilofo!the.Town o RIt .E AEEL wilannexed of the 4state e! the de-1 hy,- *an -executôr o the ýlasI will and Sltr fe- Exec ceased o6nor before th. 1st day ýo! ________________________ SePtember, 19t3, their naines, d'F'- d resses,- description - and a funl atatew ~,N T I TT ment of the particulars of their clam .em- thé 'nature e!- tlLO seuiêties , (If --. ±. a"Y) held by them, diiuy oerified. -And that allter .the s"id IsI-day o!f _ ,I FbI h ter wdllproceed te diatribute the salai"'.& * U estate ameong -,h.i parties eatitled thereto, iaving regard only to sncb claimeas lie shallthe-s have had no-W Af Ho s',F R M '. tice, and the said adminiatrater will nOt b. hiable te any persen'e! -whose dlaim lie shal .net then have, received N E - T -Ãœ notice.. PEELS sHOTR Dated Otli August, 191.3... JAMES. MOORE, -Adiinistrator with A Pleasure to- -Show Goods th. will anaexed e!o the- estate of Elizabeth Ana Francis, deceased, by A. E. CHRISTIAN, Whitby,' Ont., lits solicitor. __ I __ WANTED. GOOD LOCAL AGENT-At once ta represent the OId and" RelIable FYonthinNuosereg. Splendid lEst of fruit and ornamental stock for Fai deIîvery, 1913, and Spring deliverY,1914.- terriory.We spplyhandsome frée onîifit aid pay h!ghest commissi8ons. Write for fuli particulars. STORE & WELLINOTON TORONTO, -'ONTARIO. A CaJi-Sc Brock s o. -ith' Whiiby il 1- 'I Sp aoc :.Op - , :è would 1ke togive yen a quo &ico, if yen are nteresWt.d. -W. carry CtRi rgeati stock -c rateumin Ibis part of thecoant.ry îU ng lapriefrom $1 t. -$100 Sfleçldiaïoun aon a&H preutn on ýarticles, et whieh We show- Lrge v&riety. - MEWELER sud-OPTICIAN Batlsfugulo, Guaranteed- ýLocal -Happe iiigs -pianlovotes in W.-M- P 9i e coebt eust be recordet Ii Lesday. rk Was onmended on, they-lay Le cemieat- sidewalks -for 'the toi 'Fiday morning. This v Uls be a welcomne -aipounc'e e cilizenso! the le wn.ý imbia phonograýphe ,ad don] records- at Ba.ssett's. 7 and Mrs. S. J,. Jackmun -s e lte murriage, of their st nughler, Greta Victoria,-_ai ibert- G. Jennings, o!fPores ýfrmcrly of %Whitby, thiema tetale place September 3rd. flte see tRe speclal f eaftý :t the. Royal Théatre evei .day aid Satnrday. - Âdinst ~heï-nlghts 5c.-tf. -gnarantee le gie'yeu Mc ýare for a dollar, than yon uewhere. deo. M. -Riee, Bro sr. ýW. A. Brongbten &S adoeted th-lenaine IBreoksi Paria" for the -Howmlen m OWey"iýponpducting. Last w hipped Iheir first caîioadof p t498 bushels gruwn on 4--acre ier curlond is belngý preparEd Il Cpt Ibis week. -oung People's -Sociely, t i$diaus, and. 1h.choir eoft ýj churcit helid a picniç at He )r ou -Satigday aflernloon lai 5e' the -hrealeninig weather, 'number'at-teded, and a mo, hIle lime wus spent in Vardol bne Minute Wasber -makes wa We, would b. epleased .'I me 'on appro-;al., Geo. M.- Rie J., -Sullivan has rented 1 f ru Ld plimbing 'business, and 4epaTei'toletaireordersf Mgr S 'ullivai, who la a WhiIl as hat! uai y years oîf"the le nce in' bis tjrâde; ana will- O- gi-ve entire satisfaction. dit s indeb-ted te r" le» 'a beautifur bouquet o!fi jýiýkd irctyf rom thée spien aèi f Mr.-and rs. Staz ý-Wçek thie-wriler liaâd t: çq of a isit tke IRis -beauý "ndà adescription of the- hea dIL will appear in ne:1 jýrIaim Laborers' EFxcursioý -~%i - bA IlIADIl% r. '-RYEý 1

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