Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Aug 1913, p. 5

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71 46v- 1,13uc zut,."W.. WWSA.uïit M s3r. 1,Will Pff.,-SLE - - -)edfig a holiday- F'ls WieýORù SALE. -. - THE VAGABOND, AR1TISTS. liere.. ; Ahr os ôd aea UTO th' su1é-*ék Ms.-Cad 16 Plymouth - Re&k clekens.,Aiso Q~~TT q aa~ok 3r . Frazer, of Vilucouve, B. , ie new eolonv ._4en hous-WI ou-thefr wtyito knkû Kr ,; ýA i si%$ tY, the ;1w'oi . d 1taom laai Ofl * cvrdb b-et M ot. Tifroey Baunof Torontô, la u im& u~u~i Il 100ee b-hmonfo Taybvsting 'wlth Miss Ethel Breughton i FOR- SALE. oay zwn asalîo wol bI el.1 cebeinfg part eWlot '10, and Cton t . ides oet vh iwors, Mfr, and Mfr. A.E.. Luke a iï daugli- Il , concession 1. Resýeli.-halt a nf - aIOdti ords - 'The Vagabond ter. Ieéz.,areendludig a-couple -eof fror - C.P.. su adoemile from the Artiste, walkl, - from Ka"ia City okluRuan.--1g*es; n go citr;ed te Montroal>' TheyW""'-apparent.- JMr. C.A., Brenmno!Adia, id. aden of sp1n1frM! 15 -acres cf or- theaklg tri tp fori be lun sud ex-,spent Civlc EHoliday Wltli 3f.-T. . brdonve eegephl -f-prte. u omdt o ul.bs OSu. 11 . .ay arouind orchard; -bush sud mýapie cfsiit. Miss Edith ilson basre'turud, and becch ,trees.- .Oie good trame 'fnom a nontÈh' viait with- f riendà-ià l o se eu-reoimed, $004 summer ST. ýJOHN'S CUURCH RE-OPENED < ltau- klhe,<ae acfîi ô aid Th e -opentug services- 1of t s. 13Mr. and Mrs. Oco. Nevitis,>of Walk- l on-4 John's Churcli, 1Port -Wbitbhy, ~erville, -Ont.. are-istlg l ira pS Qn uday lutI. The moinlng Bath. MIdrBOEaident etW ib assed servi(e vas conducted by Dr.. eBi.j M W. .Brougiton'aid lier iWotli-1 An' e ÉbietoREHAM ýPas Of Triultq College,-who adminlsierej er- Mrs. iRlcliaÏdson ae diuga wyon Monday lu the, person c Roily Comnmunion à ,IIts concluson. week thi inlaOakville. Emnma -Webb, reliciof lte a'Js l-te> Venuig Mr. Glover, of Wyclffe ' 3fr. aid- Mrs. Bcnj. Brya, o! Nov B6reIlàm, agcd 80 yeàrs: lU-i. Bore- CÇollege, -preached. A large attenLd,.,York, Islted wlth the fonmorts-motli- ham 1nvai a natvo!Elid bu suc WS pesnt t acisevic. r, rs Myor, lIg week-. carSe te Canada -when Young,. sudnlias Woid b. -tô gv.yona que. Secal rmusic was rendered.- Intuheb Miss *Clara Colwvil' netuËaed ou S;at-, llved lu Iis liyee ue h fuinulng Missa Eva Bell sang, and nunday laet .trom a lcnglh ii ihws~nle ehebueol LW4 l. Jrgu~m~ok f ti~ eenlg issBel id is Lura tizd uBowmanille.-shortý%me. liaving been out, Wlkg 11dmpet oflb.ooutyy Evus .ookpar. lns.R. lcck and snHarold, etreenly Se 'lmaa member oet-l1M F *i ,frm 1to#iS. JawMW+-k. son A , 4 Mélose Jare àk. vlsitlng theMotliodlst -churci. lMr&. Pen"cw> ler et,:f w1éli wet --i' RAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE. former's (.utcle sdauna, . A. aiddaugier0a0be ie onyuîuf dgeaity. Ise BYP..of the Baptist. church ir. ootolcw.1mimy y ears., ýThe lune ral..~~e * he a eut n lyabl mctfu on~Mis MulnodWlll~ms cfBowms..on Weduesd4y aflenoon aI î.î0è- Mfonday evenng . For the first huri~llIe,- W speî,dlug'a fo'w days,'at -the dck*, unkunt laking laoe at Un- Il games Wore fadidged lu at the Hu h home of3fr.. andlins. T.G. Coiii.ý, ion Cemeteny. "o JICWBLER avndOPTICIÂN Sciol. Qrouads, Ithe tb>yesides o e is' nud Mrq. W,ýJ. Luk aid 3r.1 ,1.1d wHITBY: ýýSociety compethl% latnns.]ad KM lr. Gec.LWlo ooe t p o N ICS SàtUuîmton, aaa td bowling. The galàos arolised i-c. Llndsay on, -unday, -and speut the, nRUS enthusuasu. Adjournu#ent vasmade day -villi ).4n.ancti j". W W hi .. iThe- hippodrome and circus aI Uicth - aI 8.15 to the Sunday Scool roomtM.m .Mac i aiy CndinNtoa zb~l a ofetIhe church, vlierc a splend d tur e feoiat on Tuesday it *continental neputatlon. Wll1k monoe çtertalument -vas ,gimûcb- t - Ib iattr: vii.t n.TJ ean:IOPO ale bravéllngý; #s.;5 'Ions, unden .the leadersip oetýMis Bnock strçeo. -.e ssnation o!tise Nej&&.;Ïr lI&ppaiats Myntie Dent. Aotoeaude nsd M . acoWlon, Ippodrome, won dentuli y raine4e- Low ere in altendance, and ail proneuno- -Grimsby, speal part of Ihein honey- pliants, 1-fons, herses, dags, aliop and a ed lise evening's program ufaui moon wlth tihe Iatter's 15retsMrsivine, sundlthe stars efthtis vaudeville, ,i~ fied sdcess. lce cream and'eake weré and Mrg.Jos. Agven. ord, a bihllias been pnepaned for I il1 piano votes lu W. Mý Prnle's served aItishe conclusion. -A sîlven 1Mn.. Bain Perrin, vho lias been il 1913 that, is thorou.ghly lu kepng 6no contest imuet be recorded - caeh colection resulted in a subsîantiai fon seme lime, was laken te the Gon- _______________ contribution loe ie hnds eflise S.o- eral Hospital on MÎonday visere she Cuefr'ai * co. -Winiundergo Iroalment. Aa rér -ae muendd ù te aylgosdelars . endron and. .A. Lous of appetite or distresir oi~ iascomenedonlielain *WILL TR * YGoeAIila.arespending a vacation "dtm-& sYsn onthMa bould t4w cemnt sidewalks for lise Iowù tHii 4 br eoga ntb ig 'fe. bFýr4a orin. ti wTlMyo iY aG sudAIN. tatHne aro, iorn Bay. iob l menniag. enhl5 c ayom iisia udanoliWser . ise lll le joined at tise end o! tise Iinoisyuebuwsyu i" ea *ààea Mcem e i% ?caliing for -a meetingoIf by.W Evnsn ~nwatuestbt at ou S Muut1t, a il.3o» Rmangvs ulPensons s-rýe modeteaters. Tueday Auusl191s, I 730p.m. in attendance for sIx 'weeks aI the Natlanwill cnemr rul ia pisimbla phsonographes aid double tb noxnate' a candidate for tise of um- Mdl _iho I raebldcauasusr e moe toasudle man records ah Bssell'a. fie et Sisisel Trustce fr tise Seul Ibreugli eregard or abuse a fdtIse r ecrd a WardV. ic o l iiberseembor'teStisaIs 5spending a few weeks lu own le zcple coufracI serions malaie Wad1 tw-lb elebrd htafore returnlng t lis Scsooin dute- I thomac is. ad ra oft meeting was caliod fôr Tuesday, Juiy Gelert in September. Wis t toac. g i iamiq rmm r ndlra ..J Jcka a-12.but ne nominations werc receiv- me.w uc b Gmrae [ V ictr e , 1 This is a malter tisat should le çr yes wtotheyiemjl daughýerGe Viora and of interest to every ralepaLyer. Tise I)î,s antb mrdsading tisat ovi eudts Hubert G. Jo>nuin&ge, o f Féresl, iproertiine te ite a question of bvîomapplication, asche c mou =e> Psid ns vitisout question on teninletWiîy, e m1 oiyi t iemeig yeîcigadsaeprtin ofthe ear. There l ul one~ omlli te s o r a P*1c Y wstemetngyy lctn ta cire deafueMs.asd thlat js by constftu. perusUty 5tecl is rosuite. ;ç t Iaace place .Septesaber 3rd.- representaîlve who will carry out thtis ual riluedjea. Deafucas la cauga d7y aAu erecmedRxalDppi 11. "_'-will of tise people wiso elecî hlm. If flamied c'>ndtlo of thsemuSus llnnxof the Tablets ta Yandrsev >n' tal~ e eo the speclal feattre onei'nteresî .is taken in thse appoint- Y:q havesa rum!blinf, ouud or lmg c erig enbeeie.Weblee tieI r-'at- tiheRoyal Theatre every ment, il la quite inconsistent to nuise sdwben itlu eut rey CIo e l f nsMlWsîbe beevihhouteua bl. Tegvepop mmeda sitSaurdy.Adisio a trngVoceluOPPOSition if tise Out au 1 his tube restoIred to its normal conditioen , rlifad ta neutralise acidity, - ailier nigbte 5c.-tt. nw rste trse acore h b-j earlng will be destroyed forever; ulue cases a wogstijuc puruesa <>U,,,0*a! astiemie o01o ten are es îmed by tatarrit, whlch la noth. streuglisen tise digestive arçans, auJ * nal approvcd by bis fellov citizeus. lng bS.ailiamd conditio.l of thse mucous hspaoonefe urta n egaate.it veyumrMa issîsurfce. unlus atis petnutiandise s saase egv o oeMytssscond altempî be more V.e figve aone Hundred Dollars for au> cret'nelnYsmtms he Ivare ton a dollar tissu yeu cmi sucçesstul. cae i nre caued b' catari b) usat cuot mises, 25 Cents, 50 cents, sud 81.00. eisehen. {eo. . Re, rec Hall 9 5ar cure. Seud fornfroc Yeu eau buy Rezail Dyspepsia Tabieta elseher- Qoý . Rce, roc ciculrs.lu Ibis oammunetyoniy at our store: et 'COBOURG HORsE.SHOW. P. J.CiltEy & do.. Toliedo, 0. Tise annual Cobourg Hqrse Shoisev al'uglml Pil for constipation. àsirs. W. A. Breugisten Sons opoiied on Tuesday oft iis weck, wilsWdb -e3 »N otr adopted ltsename "Brookeide a splendid ilst of entnies. Tise ShsowDEATHS. M a s~ti & M l ealom , -k Fars for tise Hovdea tarm w - vii, lait tlii aturday. -Old exbit- 'PARNELL-At Colunmbus, on mon- Getritalu. Tiser.lu a lerenliReun à#tË"'y-ré-ouducting. LaaI veek orse t paI years are comingý back; day, August il, Elizabeth. Groae, . Orl"l M 55 shlpped iisein<-Aret carload -et po-,. and vils Ilienia a iuben'ot nov ones. bleoved vite etf Jeu. Panell, l ion llr ommend. se, ~ ~ ~ ~ h 49 uhl rv u -ars S~I iftén: strng -! Iventy .heres ,801h year.al e%48 u llen c es. , Toeno 0bt M "m.W, or ,lien carload la eugprepaned for are agmiti comiug., Some otson veli- BOREHAM-Ii Whltby, on Monday, met hs ee.kovu exIsitors are: ,L.N. Bates, August 11, Emma Webb, ellet or o ta all lisp V ia, M otrea;i Mn Use la""I s ê Jaà. . Borehaiu, agd:807 te.-Young Peop1c'g Sociey, tié se - roto--r-'-, *.1ya9 ea Class. ,anti, tisechoir 1 h D . CeacMs~A Llvlujsloue M AN«Y bol a leno a Hy- Ins Dolad'-Smith, Coliourg;. Miss. SOPO on tirch édaattorÉsoatHY Grè Bell, MontrelAuse Stc îlti hreat"algeur,, St a seni, -1 ,I KARUE numbr altndo, ad a eut . -W. H81ll, Mrsi, 'J.F.-L. MliiLrn * rain îhui, v as peuralnd a M o ust à A n liu - J r is o m u ' . . v LG TW %l rg r f t n y Elai ast tfi1 gargen uL wlittappear su next 1MIss . ertrude 1 IgIt, 'ef Torojuto, ~k's -lssue * - s viziting relativles iu lovi.- - * -~-~ - - jCol.J.E. Fareveill- spendbig -a llè for Parus Laborers' Éxcursions fev days lu. Beilevulli Ibis.,week. Western!,Candvia ail .- rattes., J Misa Carr* P is aspondlug - ~~a-sldeé eurlnHome Séekerà -few weeks h in t. orest., cursions. lulanil, Teuit andi R&[ MIsi s y ione. of-the', W -Itlyitea nIt pelaIs, via ail bise roufie. A ise vse- te k Is theC ibô r . R?.-h l bu~inesu fniend, - -and4 son Wrt nè:ÇU - 'orA.Howde Wrte oroa f r oo lp sgiving full i f r~ a in, or hav oil a d gve , .mate o0f the ý.bato Yom, -* INTALED ND VAANTrEED 8Dy: A.HoIe lfIsses Richardson F. iRich4dsSn joseph Heaïd C. -Soldon Geoge Whitelaw' mm. C. Smith Miss DeHart L. Ricbardson., jobti Ftzpatritk Jas. Nicholson [md. Ph... SI -. NEXI INE F081 OFFICE i ezplio ear'l-.-blggeranbe er~ ~ ~~~~yo nue&aailg aUC a sor Unr tbtowns of WhItb7 or oàmawla,7o !!&y "d. ft-to b. gtr&ly to 7087 a4vantffl t . ItmpIh;râim.a.iii b.oz 00 . & P l£ . ., - -REAL EýTATME ýfRANK 0. JOXES' LIST., Several bussmd "buutding lots foi "i la Whftby. ý FarMafor s"leinuth& ownshlp of RM.tby sud Pickering. FRANK El. JONES, WMITBY. En Wu. EVAIS Pump manufacturer ao'p end Ri<eld.moe. Dudas Str..t WIIITBY hmu dooeâ vmof .1WMby.RB.. re &» propmu" i. Im4mi m od M, hm "mmm on hot mii, i» atend b mu hdi .of s ammi tor *9. imado iind Mill,ah uoins mghum amdi Un qumr..gsmm K1g-". Csmm Ssep<rmbo. AN INVITAI Is extendeci to our Cust and others interested to in and see the NEW PROORESSIV Repairing Boots by Electric Power I4f interested corne iii aud. ueo t -Repairzng- nea.ter and botter tbau« h as been dene heretofor R. f QUN ,Brock Stteet,- South -WHITBY -Whitby's qnIy Repair Sbop ;tmera 0corne ive ryl,art g ha e rcent l é, dde b m y w el- dpped livery- stable ,a 'hieavy teavn Ldraly-for aillkinds of vartagc sid, ing work, andi- yl*bejiý" ôv rders,, which wil1 havepo t 1careful atte-heion. PHONE' YOU an -esti- AN7 TUK AL WÀY SYSTEM e- $Io.Oo;To WIN1NIPEG s VIvuOHICAGO AwD DULUTH Pl-M rf.et per mile froun W nnipg t deatinatloss.bet not beyond Maclod, Cagary or tS.-*- to Winnipeg, plus hafcent per mile froin pointa ceast of Maéisodt Calgary or lgdmonton, All. aS- Mlistations osas 0f Kingaten Us entario, A10 s-sm sU stations Toronto te garni& Tunnel Inclusive, via Stratiord, and Souts, tisreof lu tairlo. A.35z-rovm valstation Norths of, ut nualludnain ioToronto to, garni& Tumol, -ia Stratford, iaalu orneadNrhAnd Esatof Toronto 4o ]Kingston- Sept. à-Prom alimtationaTorontoeandd E5Uland Kastof (rlia iud Scella Jet. Àjom a l.um T rno te o ti W esltisereot u nutarso ~~rnTaluk Pacifie Railwgy is thse short est and'quickest route bet*useenWiu* e SahtoEdmonton. Pýupartienlara at ais GrandTrull1ck.î Offices,"or 1rlte . . HOaNINO D.P.A,. 0 T. Ry., Torouto, Ont. 4 S 01~DE EXCURSIONS Ilouleseekers' Excursions 2 2us 159 16,'17, 18 and 19 .'a"h Tu esday until Reua Tp Ratfe re, cbtober, iBtit inclusive_ Nw WHITDY, b - Winnlpe ad reun $35.00 'NwLouden, Cous.; Portlandl, Me.;Pga eu $50 Old Orchard, Me.; - mnuebunkpont, EdDoUton >and Return $43.00. Me.; Murray Bmy, Que.; Caceuna, Low rates ta other pointa. isturi.Lrnit, Que.; ISt. John, N. B.; Halifax N.SI;- tva mOnths. Pullman Tourist Bleeperuîleayv Chaleteev, id -y Toronto IL. m~i. on aboe dte,. ruuuing C h a l ot e t o n , P . E .I L ; S d e , N . S ,. I ro a gis te W N N P E G v ia b c g , S . Piu and Dult inîh iLo ne -Tickets am Preportionate Low Rates to Other Pointé. aloan sale via StraruiuNértisern Nari. Posnrn Limit. September 4tis, 3913 MaIo anpany. - Pul Paliesar frin ny rau Trnk gen, ad aelaly E.fllipenson,,Tavu Agent four Ex re., ickt* SdTelep"M*"1t OfI, opstStaard B= ltY. Ont. TelephuneBS. Jackso-'s-Brgain -Store FTRMONDAV, MAY 26th, store will be opgen ouly from 4p.m. tl o o'clock p.m. ON SATURDAIS from 1 p.m. titi il p.m.- -Mr. Jackson wiIl personally conduct 'a special sale for the-next few weeks, during these hQurs. A special effort is being rnade to clear out the stock.- * Everything will be offered at prices Iower than ever. Our lease expires shortly, and ail our goods must be, sacrificed to wind up the business. No reasonable offer-refused. ALBERT 'Wu JACKSON, SSéarching for Sudries Hlowever high grade and satisfactory a bicycle may 5 be, it is, 'hot wholly eôm- 5 ( plete ini itself.' Sorna bolg re necseary te ltune -il ligbt .h' - ieter. b b Sa repair là, cies. This v hen -we - Up- vay we off'er the above men Aug- - led. Pbm,- 64 ;, 1 -NEXT

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