been- d1:oover.G cw'b'Ilby or point5 ~" cuLf înches in ]ongth. On teVii. ca1Mznurdere~ir iiithe, aýnWO)i ' JeW~.J65 ~ ' han4 ithe foot waa 9.7 nho u Tediousand ingwere Ééfr '- 1",1 Oer ryw>., '& "w" earoesand~~ ' baii~os aleuuon-, in, the, art et mi- cl.thoroughly etdigiieiâe Ing- SIwad, thr.t iV --ikeOp mi f The, ýemans, ,a 1ev centurie& hezr pos0tiOtioflê &ýro .,hm61iiwy a. pstrefr t l Plt a Un atzpted teo sècur a b ettor, >nd that -ahe ,on»ents Vo diyuîg8 weekVo corne. P u=t by ntaking tiié average of! a et gi u d r rsa dVery o rnià ortablë on e to a, foreigner : siwhcenturyPro beat irti"PCs ti onoswhen he la iravéling,ýthroug i hé,' rule: "stand à atheii.door o! a é"Traitj c f viojuaneSs sud orimi- routr.Ti.inesrsheO e church on ASunday and bid l"six y ..e slicw iin tiié feot he~lde as&e~ra8tcr~~hn teen mou Vo 5i~~Of>~ uew4»rn baby; unreaal,1 "ihl iel udr their - oofi, laB Talf Ones sud sinaU.-ones, turally, Vo all.but &an expert liiViiy b aldVotà ort o n 5ViidYiiury dofl. ttc h =-or i lýiroprty. s they liaipen Vop u >bwei~ have, nôtbeen ableo'VO flow on. eeoccasion a~<e$nBni! c the oerybes is fini.hed; th4n nmlak eae-oach-d8 akin,-use aËeer-int them put -the rlaafe n i aror!as MY d su maed, ' urue,îwiclet ary the other, ia44 tii. leme iithus.oh- pactich 'e ORI &Prim f 'e expt h oncing, foreinee ralon 1 Vie tained "hil b. Vii. rlght and iawful r &1-o1yapre ! oÃŽodÈlt m rileta i a .rod ~~yar. Vomauoudero h ad~ but whnver theae <>s f leftbin adii. hingukîeeer Il roit, sureVi, sixeth to t orîimII61 tOlideIl iahvq showfl IJ patiganpespir:fg hnh shal . ieri itan l.sfi hthormieoL tv ees, h V bb s 1 .I P gl w ith e ýÉétraveler, and th andl-p asset e r0gvt an ded i n n crel , r. tw it"g a p leazo d an d .v ir-. ý ne. to thas eseed th4agh an match j .ý-bo uDd6ubtodly capable of coneie ra- t s-tas ite ib. !orfeited at his ucus _lookïý, iindod hlm anePV wa-e»elatiethan th mli o ou.el.8lC5Oi8. * :- very7 foot-o! land init,an.Vr ______ k waarcvion nylawLua f4 duing" er that lias gene tVo 4h. eig ç!Edward IL> that the LU &nd toeiiatdV~ nii. ~s . [a4ftuwr mcli shou]4, hâve -tohe rah-T> uV~ id L-4- oIe& if e ,eare P.oo w ! V-ho u'w~ nt further tant, I SU4 *gea -I~ito~yrl -61 thtie> won.Nýjaoliv a 0 ",Ithr.e brleYcrm,.rou'id amdh à >ù1 bi< » ha' arlo 1cnrnzt&on, ým)s 'j Von iewai, alvys 1Uté iiuou&,lity dlaid enà té end.!'Barley box& uiteen6 prso-,l8 who a corneie±mucl iniilenth, oven'C a *e nao ported to iiatel#r.Vto thç piriU inurble-bbltwÃŽih ,COStii round ï&d dry; uherefore, t untbc iorMuo -r-aiust hpea6orhoba e, Inii a !-Ii xze~a Jaobeén ossible Vo vallrytheinch S T<"'nod !te silmnt ioe lxcuy ieie u at vii. 'ýStrM1aoy - Tbwsprisonors thero -e-a&ère asoa ooheÃtrnda cici v -cangsoa thm onogh hv-bar»-ote vbügon>~ ilt md a.îtaî4n.a by hs e OM' reby.a»rtle ovr ~iod' unît brouon the fut, noV hamt>eretéby ba., aet iprle Q3lp&it V 415dY 'pauny, here the ,oildrén o! thé George,, 4u. f-vaheiaeV ae oy aret thir o!a bn-tuIat"Forae wdrea' okmnae dcse.b.-arbd uAdue course, h the nue ri o uo -la"er t"F a o, ur ai mu de by r yfi ge he ? postinaster ' o! Jaek oubo ro w dding-4 &ay a ve But, al a 1 eis e b*. r d'ooac ViO. ï,a -gtirr eleci .ie appoi ent tfrom V e ue narriage waq arrauged oV k -inhthone btr tho elwij re n,4h. irardo --n podDomino Ovonmentbutlie also place ,from,.hbd re.-who v, ndbo.wts<me tiiir.> ty nônmules the b re te wa isro l storekeeper -for tewvOnt-o apee oui' yard represoute anotherunu-tic!Uy i5 IOi.t Oooiato opn' n eevsfo 4.j9ic ocneed- WAI VI» iiltffùtg 'OVo. &t.hM W!itond VebsslayfeùtÈein.'Th e st>7- la 'le«- j;Ger 'Roneda h fact6ry unit 'Innature. lIVù ~ - 'h erneli caseintanas Vwelf ti century Henry I 1ie hort 'and blùnt,.-uudersized as IoV o mp uneany 1s thor tr te .Ãà 'TVCLroutV pti a p iha th yad -houd b th ditanë' omppao " te ô marnDer o!Vie udson Bay com-. P icture tie unhappy bride-eloot thtti.yadshud e ditnc engtliman hecomparison Voe Vi. <for,.thorrd rom he end -cf01hie nos.Vtii.heend tors. ts ustnSe&Tae wbiga >ecucifrle a o!hethamb; We are not certai, "n i. nsg ainsdtey any i mlysetVeoma lover. O! course, aseknew. about the hoevrluviA>poition ho held V-eucy o e hink à V viiipro- vtfVi.exepin ! ew stray lattter's little !aillng. Stiiasp i isarm mdliee4 when the .meA- vn rieî Vi te ooun1*5 vas Idas hobbg and. nminutes païîed, and no George ar- 5rente vore-Vaken. Ho vont! 90asked. fsh ud-Vi moo-Ve r-rived, aie Xîapidymn ueacn far as.Vo aveameal ar o Vi. ~ ~ V ~ x civo u~~r geceiesanadition bordering on nervous COl p r é p e r n a d e , u d - t h e -on < » e n t . N a t u r a .l y , w i oh i eina O f o! î s pr i h ff i n s a d m T e a m. . e l g a h -îes wereprepared' stampod and de- the crirnaI aparo e foo !<<teierfsiu ie hncreaV1gan cIsrd o . ol me.ur-. Vi p ay in e < nuxition at> the stor. "So sonry; unavoidably missed Tlid . Esie si Yardstick bo gi o rn baS1108 V8y. gre(1 A SC ND LVIG TO . early train. Will. lie vitiyeu à V thus toa ieasre ontera-t- he2.3. ]ont gV arriedtill I a- nov lu e ii e s pr arted flOS.? - r George."3o. Dont et no nýeis-n-ews nerpossible fate o!, the térrbl eercSpeat Twentî Tséars In theItel' ' Liesudcf thi!VeiitOurY " hair." ! aAfTlcL.Intrô -iuliumn ffIDT ATMTÇ. tho e liro! HEenry Vil. Tis stick, maeo! bronze, ueasure 36.924 o! - -our no iar lches lu lengti, aud vas ueed as Vie Engliah standard - The novEBii standard o!f]1588 asCaJlld Vie Winhester- yrd. -IV vý-made of brasa and rema-bned tho e I standrd unutl. 1826. The ii, in l existence to-day and of- gorsý ample evidence cof Vhe truti O! - the. report made by a eommiaiouer - ' ý vio,examlped IV In 1742:.-"A kit- _ hon poker, fled &t - both ends, woýuld male, 8s good a. standard, It h"u boa b-oken sud r«palned so e lumai1y .the4tie jéint I& ueanrly, as looe .-as Viat o! paie! -of Ã"g&." the, isiniple not agre. iu â'Tihoue eihteent 'ishablo tii was thongi Smigt'lue 1 Therefore,. -aclbpted, fo aIn ilyji 18h4theid' lega80 ta k ad lide Ielp from Simple Food. C0ivilizatiôtru bninga- hiessinge sud' alzc reoponsihltis Theii.aore higily 1nized - v becoino Vie morée od - toro la fer regulaxit7 and natural suplicity bu the food -voest. Theisas o!body nutrition shou-ld be carefully obhoyed, sud the fluner, mnore i*ily developed brain AMd nervo>us éystem net ia-npered, hy s cmuplicated, unviobesomc dietany. A, lay o! highi nervoue tension ÀuxÈ *ItI until 1826, for' asya rea8on that hey oquld. "For. fiteen yeara, I voa a.ouf apon s nov stsndard. - forer fnom dysmpsia. I 0ènieas f hecame c Innn- thé e Vat>au ?inpnojperly negulâted 'diet centiry that ouci per- wae h cis! suffening. tgha Ve king's arm 'Finslly, ntixg Via-I I a- t seied titiblo' eanià rds-i but. 4> Vo agres *ith mny stema sd:lIte,, hi tint -aà unit bun - atù'noa-ttimes, di& nôtV sent vonti tliving. ouud in, the peedûuiiu I began Vo ake a pemai-bstiu .a. cemabtee' cf u ya4 W,--ylof;o- everyh -gand .ses -life- ..70ý, hadJh id'pe iogi ai Iegas oV in .more ,t'han 60 ye4irs. axdK c d-parlês i12 Vwa-sprovided "'ap1aile!V ohartcau«ed ÃŽ yard eiould hecomo the leMO fear 4that I'mighit dl- ude dared on tbe' fiat day of ly, Tvwo y cane ego, re~ing 1826, ' -Nuls e hl'y s ofe!by sooe thie estimable f iends e! mine, 1 deter- Cae ati mined;Vo try IV. ýti&h, iiad noV jet>learné -d "Thé change iu mny condition vas Vint -4ccratq eda'da'liteloi Van miraculous, jn.a- Vo. ma-h., sn4 that <)»Ceshort - tino :the. palpitatIon, :'bad ~ ae wrthosnfutatten- feoling lu iead asud bédy. êgan Vie g-et ~ ~ <~dtiieradVsiprovemeu la now l dote tandard 1contiuued until at Vie -present ime adlydeia-gèd that. t.koe>I fiud uxysell i- better boalth Vian rIe.. Lore#e, u -son1 have evý enoled, n til 1891. ho Year' -ad -h! e looks ~ j~4 ~ ~ ~ b~igiia a unuy Vq pieastdd Il a49en vhn1eeall1,i-viot - ah accimt N-a &eny1 Qa-dle budlet -;ite esiuï fo en- re >.) winlt~ <o 'i if e-ýa ý ver Ù> _ ré- gali 4- , a~IItt awineVodiaV$Oi-5pro- ~ ~ --- Eugland Vo b hei uccesser Vo Liv- ingatons, beuà ayoung .mnan -o! tveuty vas tiretened vith lung trouble sn udia ondereid Vo Af rics. iV vas bu 1889 that he first eav Vie ýctxaat e! Afr" aelbpping part unden Vie port -rabiè o! a big steamer as aie, nolled VO Vie long combens of the Atlantic. Re landed, believing that ho iad conte for 'a brie! se- jourun. As a' matten o! fa-ct ho vas noV VO retunfor tVveny yoars., Bi's finat expeditueli vas 200 mi-les iula-nd, After IV, vhst hlierennstVe boring bu Vo- Lie 'intenior began. Tirty4vo memntis' - -after leaving Grea.t Britaixi le rsached Vie, mv- a-go towu of Benguella,- 1,000 miles f pom Vie oast. Tiee. ho lbved vbth Vie ý great King Mushidi, viose nise VO power n ad Vieeaubuse of that power ho graphbcally gdescrbbes. He 1ielped Vo establw'hlitVes mission sta- tion et Luauza, huilt on"a Cif ove-r- hanging Vie Great White Lake. Hèeo, with unfabllng- succeslie pre~hedthe O<~pelth-x'tho 'uttor- moVur5- Africa,- dnÂvln -the 1emnething entirely nov lui sodia discovenies. BelmasmucliVo sayor: the subject o! tho tondoncy Vo do. grédation lu thewite nman vil finda -iumssf tspla-ted bdejungle ug ueýs, tii. q ee u o! a-nAfrom oreïtI Society- -vhh. l lUýshea I LCentral Africa, IV le a sred'lu - triîton.Iehs.ido:--nt.?< KIL ITEO¶S lespnailîs'fon.Ille It ;uulW4J» VAL 61Mba -by ce aiiand, itçcouse- que jnt innpotrtià ù n i rligiouaYs'be- le£. The . MiddI'e pèriod -là "ted f nom- B. 0. -ý0 VtgB. Q. 22; and bt.-bs bu- tho eanly' Mercâitc (B.'0. - 650-3w)- orne catastrophe' ovewhelmed tie City, wii-,sPÃof. Garstaag Baya, May- ha"kve r'èmaiued deserited for' é- Aneibtion o! a ntiquitbes ,re- ~eutlydls~ôvredat, Merce lias juat ee-opened -at -Bunliiigtou HRoua.,- -Londnu.ý, Hère tiier, are te baI seen ,plana'nbetnvti'efecor ~esasV1 '-srou s changs5foè i thçe.. aticceel!e.p'ériod d-tfs-royal, t~gh Ij, -ypiA k à i'à ter. carvoed statut., on -the- wa*lst-,belt of vhoILh 1 o.o! ---bg -N'èteg&- Aen is preseryed. This work ns- calla is hrcteitc ofYE'Volema- -lé at'e thaft o! Vtis king May ho -placeid earlyiu h scn centur-y B.O.- Anothern sîgicant diiscevery la Vie fragment o!fi. good' style red figure vase (cinca400-B. C.), which- vws fouud togethor with piecea o!ô - T te Middle period aIse beloUnga acup pý aiuted wvith.'ounbous scenes of torture. On. ihdvs a figure garrot. Vixig, anotier somehit mu Vief W ishion o! the'coup du Pore Francoba, tie -second represouits a figure Vny- Ing Vo force on. bts body -what Sp. peurs Vo ho a apiked instrument, or it niay be a. druni held lu' front of the body-the artist may have hber a primitive *cubist. Non are Vie ear- Slier sud laVer peniods vithornt-feal evidence.- i Live Wires, Barbeýr.,HooKsp ors, write or Bc-k1o "bliad as a, É"siness/'Oleanly exýpIin coet, eay ternis, and hov Vo tar -Vhe best-paying business on earti.l le acid unlesthe customer preS8'r-'j7 _iAeaem__I:uut ed -a octor's ,prescription, Bl- . UsP'~O éhloride 'di merc î l tr lesa ms .blé to-nidts in abollo acid; .~ HM 10. U Qn oran e 0 relaictng.te ese sn ieit prlOs of Vhilsbichliide except -upon i je ail t1mee. »~LL. ' Grah order o! a ph-ysician vudne utRrN. ,Oigorts teilere wbth' leimate -hoie m i- j atczi. - ord ,zéia cation. Alcohol, -peroxide «of- hy- ou ai'ber ot me s't1â drà gen, borie acid r mpeati imisd -rtnhvra*M soptica'r_ Vi-te lay mjredical- cheat -- To guard again t. 'the ubtakngot G dt £enl",t wf dangerous -antiseptica,_wien -p-rý)- Lumùbago -au nd e -i 'Curèd .-On a.à physlan' a on er r i ~t tl~4 :j aspirin . or uny"other -o7mmca ding for,,Diabetes ei5ftB.BR tho wrappingýcai ndrILdU i - A.b-'.V"jý as la on l. Suropean countriel, ' - ïnight» well be made a 'Lzgal leqUIlrO- - ýMALEHLPW 'flIE LDESTMANi Ll?i: If' saed âbout bigrcam"wouk Saythey-yb u.1' di4in't bot.her h1m eca-ileS lwi as useciunlbtol rieeO Putnar'.Oort Extrac tai',Forf±fy ye- oum n "Puii1ai'"hî4îbèeen the favorite -beciSO Toronto. - painica an sd isure. 019Yon "Ftu-'i 250. &taU dealers. -- M I IN VYAI - Archie-In!_s serjous a. matter asz- matrix-pioiy, Arabella, , you h'adt, éf !The. Duke o! We course, a per!ect. riit Vo Vie, most Prinice o! Waterloo,' V dlbat-com siideratîon ; but You- er ealled buse1! 0e,a nored nQV have ma--o uit sch. a at-her iisfr'hc ~,ere~t'58 o' m~ ~-rb 1a-.Hi)Wj Vo i's dean. o't cruel V1 Say »,s e. -uJknov I vas order.,dinner for hun -onl- asîtng the nat'ural course ular -hotel, aïnd the o!n tue à rche! mreitio:ing all Vhe 1 Preaently the Duke es Gentlemn-lu Jue. 98., lied m aude-wrist bitten aud badly manigled by vicions boie I uffered greatly fan eev- enal dayB sud the toolli cuta relusedti ta bheal until your, avent gave me. a.bottle- of MINÂRDS LINIMIENT. whjiQh I beasu us- ln.The effeot ras magical; in Afve boure t-aiiha4 ceaaed sud lire reâhéa the h ïï& ba opeeibae and, myý i'aud -'ud a r gene e efas eo. Carriage. Kaker.. - ro ILJaL 1581 7lU5fLPh rere flot eeios The tome, the m dreeaed ber, rero ~would bave spoke Are spea1dug.,jé-' rirlseeemedta ree ev la torise to the nolôn mii 'e aud ben bosoxm sil -andacetha- 'aIVhkyou. %î clive dreCufq * 4â - orhen to neum, hoewould haus* doni o! .hie owu clza. - veu't er 5h. m'lad in r net f£l;it11a ç .,ibby a-w ta t-' foadoctar.- S r' "~am-quite - of la-ut niglit. Iti 00 frighteà ned andi n at the( -*vaitiug,?' nePlied Vhe va; ithe nestý of the 'party.-' prpaed dinrr for abo' peope w UMMFl OUs;BR Speeslow1r -ate ound,.trll> al6,,Ç At unres s4gnunes&u a,.urmg- - - -n7»--Ontanl-, - îot~~~~ "eu"ngieVh *tiecesvery tovu oven Que Itundrecl pop- Babys OWIx Ta-blets, or bu s fow- ulation sbiould have ts Billiard kBiBIWtC'Soes Tii Rule _ hours ho unay be beyoud Cure.- Boom, Social or Churcli diub, and of !ThIIV Country. Some .fllovs1 anéver propose b.- !hee T-bltsviLpreeut ~ very homets Brnswick Table.. Ths fTalegiaLreon oocsnIy o rit et -A nnswick-Ba-lke- A -note e! alarm unden Vhs titlée cau e Ve irl doesn't stop long il tiuploioutO poline o,80, York Street, "The 0Ooming Catastrophe ibuIn- eno'igh tQ,,give tliem a chance. h7e vel chil- d u Wmin Poupty Tonuto. Larget ma-kers ini the dia"'ila aounked bu Landauî Eveny- cue he robls ftiey - mn. ie rtice sowsthat Bnit- Uloard'. Liniment Curas Colds. Ete. iun Ves touleni cierne o n.manulsbu'euarticle nayshows etr suddeulyT B.aby's Own shDablen:tedi___________eti s-iould alvays be- kept lu every 1e- onanid unjuat, hari su ad.tyrnnical "-6Havlung. a'7place -for- everything. home viere thon. are Young calb- The voman vho dosIlie politically* ruinoÙs'eouamidally, le a good Ides," said -Uncle Na-t, dren. Tiýers lasne othen medicine houBs vonk has Vie servant girl a Yd.ta,-iL ba oe I itvs"ss ve-yuvntV adc as g;od, and Vie rmotionlia-atiie pnoblem solved. ' possible teo rnai Indian ini*tia'Vie, thiin9'yeu kiow, just wh1ere you uoedý guarantee V oenetaes o deatnoy Indian culture, Vo stunt -not wa-ste- tim6-laIokiig, £or lu.Y"' tia tey- are abaolutely -sas!.. The - Minai-de Liniment Cures DIpItbela.IB. a giutr -aý îýf Ta-bletsaare sold by medicine deal- -' ure, sud La drive tie veath 16f -tue ens on hyinail at 25 cents a box Mr.. Justived- "Robent, juat pnnuaV ra ntu;--- frei Tho -Dr. WiUiams' Medi-cîn ir i- i niuoa i1 sy The article cihanges Viat the,,Brt- - . Co., Brockvll-e, Ont. - vien Viisy hear Viat 1-I'my. ovulia- aio hc 67hvebi - ---- onk." Mi. Ju'tved-" W4opo vonk d dow uon t heta eo ptes and - - UNIE~UE )iOVEUENT. do you van- tVodo 1 $;-- - ,iae hn s ueirmnat UNIUE NOENEio.- I Financier -Says Work Ta ,Better Try - -E oVreoil races that iudunve nl'ai- When Laborers Sig. - - -If yen -have Rd, WÂk.W.tery Y -S thé wvend -in iany, departmientt'ef--of~-* - é moelenltt'o -ooixsBy F11.,e, r cpa w. -b ~gi n ad indus r. ;an' -ar aal ciency _yinducing.Viom .MBxe sRemdd Liquîd , 55c, vegeaeaheomn5n Voli w g ile woiugh'sbe VMuieEye Salve ë AetcTbs umi"ll"_sAusgys-, tiie- nVE huownFre»c finncier ~ ~ een led, ezid WbsblecUoda b M. Venues argues - tiiaV Fnance's induit delipe,t -as compared smersi Ovtutvi-dan ODDl1SpndOcisy ' vit oliensiOu, a lngly tti-had been more, economica l , meG r ât - ri-;. FronchmeA -hlave'. neglected' Vie arts Vi os atn oacunts ul o!~ ~ ~ ~T aogsu ace u teryis Miid'a Liniment Cures Distemper. for Vie: f-m-ghtful impoverishmlent,ý aroused lively dsus tnhuVe an- -for the pauq adfor Vie-duseasO Viste asveU s Vh indstril ~ Wyler-Leud me a dollar, old o! poveryTeoeç-fie3* clos o! " Paria'- clap.K! Ilive until Saturday 11 'rai in -India is'-- o- ebribe,-asBxpaaiy I -T - "ha l -hiflyuede l ti. u-ps yn.Smyer-Oouldi' o iicpa uiana ai-they cad i. y T e B s ditîa uruts"essif ene, e cuduVluenio au d y u tt-sucbapaebie.o Vof1kt "ils ~ kof Par' h t ytçimo e Sd llr'-1, î9 U Xli ment it cein fclleow n n- AY - f1 .1 ie111,- - dlwtril pursi 8, BioOouin1ulMa*Iin0t ýwe'a gea- Ys M. Veynes y e9aij théirbis footOsud said l'Bv sua tiou. icul tory eru Ieni o!' erg And Tibby. 'Tibby t1e E - ber dark grey pathy and.a" ulster, but I 'Ne love ezeli -3s roaà d,aoh, 'Lieba.- she à etues.suad C fon dolug 6a. found me un4 wheu I a sa- cf me even Hiù cafl'it? Re- t -creat mInieiiaa hd, doosut Ipla hé e dom, -at-i -beautifu-rhe qute quiet. JE f,60; t.hongh r "Yee he ts Clive. *"I hue' to in ast ni pleasure. sud, aiud uodded E farnaa-word-' goa txxe, i aud W r a fretted aboi atrain. I 'W Olivre W-al ber usive r eavered tlb -foun;i luî ,;And- wbu lqs ujhe a-lu The cir]. a gaad la-n inunocent, me viie ndtU5p *n TRË BRITISH--lX -INDIA. Beni h 1 1