5te'- 35c. Si Suits in Scotc asuït. Sale' price price, I lSîzes 13 to î& SPECIAL LOT PURE:LINE TOWELLING.' SPECIAL-500 Yar4 o ly Puùre'Li'nnToW 18$ incheside.Reua esw gla ",Reg-.75éc tc Sale rince..- 6 'Value llç. Men's iNavy',Blue-W Rég~Iiar và u~ Sale Prite,7. .lNO. EeFA ar-rister, County Count >ffice south wing le Date of hsRmmag G. s Gathered. 0181101 NE.,w3 by our Bs -IROOKLlN. tirdwith itereoptican. ,teéW, Hé,i lira.Kirhý- Is vWing-'ber son -k beOhwed -Iffe a svr o~ a~h T0lOîitOi. eIW1c1ls, and Itc pyo4lema tIi. <Mrg. Wi.i. BIowi, -"bô bas. buen i liUI church 4iito.sol"s j-I ryhit i t forai!ralweem, a n.povlg -lcey.aid care for the downtrodden nd. 'Mr. George 'C lark., with, bs trlend, oitcaathumanîty. Tii. ocia lelogue, îs visiting -with 1Mr, and lira. Adam.i i la ýSgo 0 ,4work, tIïougW_.the tido of iMa seM a lmost over- HawleJ. 1iýe-.8whelm ýtbe good woýrk belng dn. >lr Js.Sknnr l ofe'0 bs wbeu it wiuli e reniemerdttfo property for sale.Se I aterth uipdfodin-e where in Ibis paper. -1a o'erl i lesiadms Mr. Fred - Ward, of the Standard cueo eryilh i n wà Banir,_ Witby, l18 in charge of the ery wasB over one -m'illion dollars,, Bank erswhul Mr.L.M.Swal j h ile tor thb. upilit i . tumaalty' onlyy onk bis hlys . ý..Sa sa lIle over ftwo.llqDnaidollars -was' on Is-hoidJs spe 106odcolWetions iwere 't"le Mrs. Balls, acconipaaled by 1Mr., and'ai althieservices. lira Jobiston Leader, of Toronto, A aoettlibat 1du *isited friends here last week. A-vtaflne.iihat 8 u Mr. uieRoino ai ia.Ja.to impalred digestion. - Wben1 the Woodward .vlsited friends la Green stomachI mils 1t erform qiïls functions banir ~ ~ prop8rly - >the- .w-iole,,sya.beôje deranged, -A, few dSoses f Oambor- The estate of the lat sà ssE.' A. .lai'atableUaIsl ailyou need. Te - Fa.4ce will be sold by publie auo I trili strengte ou ie tio, nvg ioonFriday, August 22nd. ,Seeorate . your. liver and regult Posters for particulars. I u bwel, entirely dolng awayp The .re-openlng of the Presbyteriai 'wIth liat miserahie feeling due. b churcli was atlended wlth great ISUO- 'fauity digestion. Tryi.Mai h eces Thewealer big aIl tters bave been p.rnià aneýjïiy cured-7wby could be desired, people came from not you? For sl ynldaes- fa&r and near to attend the. serycms. F~ioia1Ganie, ! ioxCoieePICKERING."' Preacie* two very telrestlng and po'werful sermons te' very, largeý con- The football matchi betwee Ple grçatione. He is a clear, t orcetui boro and Pickermig, -Wlll 'tiel c maerwitb a pleaning aid rnngnetic thus <Tiursday) alternoon. persoiiaity, sud was 11810ud ho wlLh Robt. Raninid Donald Munro, 'wr!ap-t attention. Tii. choir, which bas lisatoranzd, acquÃtted themu3el-wr.lolivcim ! al-g cidents vo ey rdtably. On Moid éy evn laI week whicb laid. hem off duty ing, Rtv D.C. 'MeGregor, wbo. la fýor a short lime. TheIifomre»o conete w t ScalSricthtikei-ecimlgovMer afoeiOà toh0fle Ptesb"lrtsn 'Clurci., lac5- aid,1h. latter was thbro'çl' the i W. have jusî received Oujr, car of, Plyieuufl harn floor whule unloadig b4y. Both 1 are now bacir aI work. A, Young lad, -Gordon Ferguson of: about ten-,years oid e apiga the, labo wlit t hl.e oy'M uhual ., n- piÈovenmt, Club, of Toronto, ý»ot Iwith a seriow saccident a> ircor. He. raai- froO Sëfs a mower on 1ie farmý o I 1fr.LçqùÎïxfes. TheIi. aesoui> through coie boas aboya 1h.e nable and -broie a'noîber, lbesides lficlg sevee <ts.Tii.boy, was gjvoXpd- held ouItiththe foot can be savcdi. O n- -Tirsday -laI- emarrage was elbrated ýah tii bride's homne herà of M-s =-rrlet Greenwood I)ecker, to Mr., Francis N. Marcellus, B.S. A ,o! Gýuelphý-e ceeony was peilorm- ed - by R1e*' W.B. Tigie, of Hamilton,. iormnily o!ýWhitby. 0Oof' lhe uicast commun aIlmenta thaîhard wonklng people are-affitod' wif& le. lame back. App4Iy Obamjber.- laur,:Linient 'lWlce.n day -ahd mase- sag 1thè,Parts tboroughly at oaci a>-. plilction, and you-wlll get quick ne- itef.P'or sýale ly al dealérs.-8. -MYRTLE STATION. »n ert -Dupf vlafled -In Oshawa on Sat!rdaY',laest. Mr. - .Kent hmda. new -piano ahi>- feC.P.R. elevator i. eigover9q lhauled this week. Mr. agd -lira. Ritt. ChIlsiolrn are taà kmne- atrip 'to .he Coas- ITii -Ladiest Aid of, law_wk was well aitteded, ad i eolapes en venln. roeeds 17.50." Miss- ,Olve VanNet la -sPencding a fewdays wlti friends taSolina and Csiiwa. Our- village- blackémiti, -Mr. E. Earr,. wears a emhile that Won't corne off. -'A' baby boy bas rocently corne Miss Ethel Bradley, Elora, bhasa re- burned home aller spending* some tira. il the' home o!f1fr. and -lirâ. James Beacock.- 1The Priýdeal , of'the BaCllr Club:, had n' very severe attacir-cfauto çacng lust week, leeoe~orpr of tIi. lt est zne.g Èbeeé rcic ~rrà . i1tmIved the achl a ne1w furnace, :npitbeylecltY (rom iTrenton wblch. sup. are ais laytnig cernent walks. aroundIple the lown. Stoer was woricing h.yard , wih wilI add much tue ,on lthe -pole, altédg oQobewrs ,coîsappeaà ce, 'and Id lth. com- ý wheii s uh, h. s!à jiped fort. Of the stideïls. _, b-is banda toncbed a -wire and ,ie. fel lira. Jas. Tarvis and cbild, et De- across it, baving abl- unlars troit, have been .hol4daying ai> Mr. bis cheet. ' n Stoer wasmaro a Wrn. Tgrv - - yenir ao iswidowa- an nan Mis Fanis o. ornt, a ii che ldsurvivlHe lived on Simcoe] guelt of Miss -Katbleen Hodgson. "St. north,- and was ,-kifled- about a 1f.Wm. Tarvis -has- mOyed in the mile -,aid -a bail-f r6m -bis' borne. j bhouse. -Wlth e toe ,-y: ca"-jurya- Empaao0dunder CGoroer-,j trmMia~ lta..: - --i).D. .. llw e'iewed th Mn .»lodsîm, -le! hon TiuÈs- 500i0 o! -the acCidènt.- 'The iisi day on-. a business' trip tb 1h. West.-, Wasadjournod 1111 Fnday. Quit. a aumber (rom bere-thock ain the ýexcursion ho Niagara lut week. "Weie alnedicles as- meritorous SALE REGISTER. as Chamberlaln'us Colico Choiera and Friday, Augugt .-Auetion: sale of Dlnrrhoon :RËemedy lh. world would hOlOOdfniueaid, -hom.anad-lot be m u li lUter off, and lie perce t--ý ro e ty o! le estate ;o ! th ée l te age o! eufferlag greatly decrensed,ps Miss '..Francis, Broolu,,- S ,a, ah 'writes L1nd&aY SCOlI, o!f'rèmpîs, ad: - 1 o'clock.- Tri,.frlture, cash; For sale- >y alfdealers.-&. houseand lot 20 pegroent. cash, -bal- ance la 30 days. Win. Maw aOln. KINSALE.--- The Eisale ,branch o! the SouthfI F R S Ontario Women's Institute will meet at the borne o! lire.-T.. Richardson, Suceemuoia ta odyEt on'Thursdny, - August 21et, lashead of!- PRAOTliOAL UNDERTrAKERS. '-6 the 28ti. Subieot 1Yjellyraingad Cbrxe moderate.T also a paper', iii be rond on -worry and wonk. ' By -request tlb, meMbers will pions. __obi.___ note %bis cièange. Mrs. T. Richard- - son, Preident-; lire. R..R. Mowbray, vas cured ýof- diarboea 1>y neTHE IIROOKLIN HA dose-o o! P boielaln's Colle,:Choléra- _ _____________ aid D inrrboma Re.iedy, rtsME G b h a d i , O r i o l e ; , P '. T i e l a - oM-M 'f l g lzig ~ ~ ~ a. bete. 'r al a i onlrs-8 1 W ;i à u eanumber (rom hore vere at the oxcuprsdn b oNisgara o n tuesdai, Mr. Roy Morcombe, of Port Arthur, as, vflsling ah bis borne here. Mi.A. Rowo aid'!aMily, c9, De- troit, _a-re val grelatives ber. aI- ,,.~S. Kempthornee andà Mics May Kemhiojie o!Saskatoon, are bolI-, dà yiiÈg"at ittioue 1ler.. '-Miss Mari MÈcGregor as vialiting 14~ Formeri, of Indiana' -Wiitby, Pion. i». Raglan, W.!!. Brent-agent. -Oshawa, Phonos 47 aid 335. I AflULANSE il CONNEOTION '1 ' i il- W. wih-toacqueunt the peol Whitliynrd surroimiting cous-tr the ýfà ct tint ve have- openëd upiý classiundry on Brock St., Whitl lewi Bros.' old-store. - 'W., are- prepared to- do ail ki aà undry work-,' Faniily orders pe cal«te ntin.- ý'A i w ork ga 1 ar Parcl cale-fo nddelivered. Charles War .Whby dates appîf té AND V t. ranera Bell, nd lu -Carpenrter4 Plans drawa aid( Repairs, AI ~.R1 nadt 15q c Dpv.houf -pices . aie iglit.w S eet our C o ri C u ltiv ato rs- .. e se .i nlow i 1 al s m4lo'or every pu, rpo.o---try, Oie o! our Ont Foodft Sulky.. DO RaNckm,_flgrItyucs 069 Sites, 13 tO 1-6.-,