Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Aug 1913, p. 2

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what it Baya There ae4=m te -Of mn2i<-jUSt ay add-but Ord ýid noreaakera 1BZUe their mae om extreme to t OrId Iollowa th4r Tode and lm-nitati ýon.* Thi hm e o andl-iL instàjbi1i 4 moral anarch~ woëuid have c I bmg-So. ldiand' Rye--60 t< Bsckwheà Bran-Xa a. in b&4 L Torýout or.75 I-c. çc Ceuntry' Produ.. r Eutes-Obloedq.ry,21 ta 13;efnferior, '-17ta 9e;or.q~rr.3%~oZ60 -for, relie, tOdl4toe rm 3)Ln -Egggs-Oaa lots of n",v laid, 24 to 25e per -dosen; fresh,1M to 21c.a.nsd seconds, 16 to ob euacha ngee it 34o4j, -- to Moe forv arre. msud 14l-9for Ivias.. Eea~-Hnd-lck =5-%6 to. 855 perý bushel; pDrimes, $1.766O te iltoa -2è to 82.76 »Or dosen for No. . and $=t 42.50 for No. 2. 18 ulr-V es,1 17eper lb; turkeee, 18 a -Oc.Liv. pouitry. about Io lover thsn - thir ba'v. Pottmm-Johbnçlote of nov -potatoea, Baco. 1ng-lea~ 15-4àperlb, -laca-se lots. Pork-Slrcrt cnt, -85. 0t.' $»,odo.. lumus, U4. , HL ilb# 2t breakfast, bscob, 21 to 2Ue; backs, 24 ta Xard-Tiozpes, 14c, tubs, 141-2c; palis. 14 3.4c. Baa "ve ,i-a- - Unied statemar-kets.- Minneapolis. Augr. 19.-WhOat. september. 86 3-4é; December. 893-4c; Ma-y, 95o. Ca-eh: -Ne. i1ha-rd. 89 3-4c;No, 1 Nortiroma,873-M to 8914o; No-. 2 Noaithora, 863-4 t. 871-4e. - Jma-o.3yilov, 761-z ta 7e.* Oat-s- Na. 3 visite. 391-2 to 40 14a. Bye-No. 2, 6 - 71-2 to, 591-2c. Plour. upueianged. Bran, f.o.b., mlnneapollo, $19.50 te $20. - Duluth. Aag. 19.-What-No., 1 hard. 89;-k;- No. .ZNortbrm, -86"3-to_,8674W#; September-, 8-"e asked; De"eber,. 905-Se bld; Mar,, -6e bld. -Linoed, $1,50 14e; *Sep- temberi,81614 ,asked;OCýtober, 151 a - véber, $1151 aoked; Deember, $1.49 14e tokd 700 m kIt Livs Stock MULkts. ont*, Aut. i 9-Ebatte-Eport, - 86.50 85; choie. butchers, '86 to $6 56;.good lui, 85.25 t. 86.20; eoinmoa. 84.75 bo ~noa 2ta 83.50; cov!, 842 $t 4.75, ooansin cae,$4.74 -14t 550 te 875 ea-is. 'Cirf Samuel F. Ceody, the AaÂnglo-Amri- ca-n a-via-tom wiio waj ki-led at AI. derahot on Auguet 7, died pra-itri- 4-a-hiy peunilas.. Ail the . -- pize monay he ha-idwc w-as spent by hilm - apefecting his niachines, and-.a wif ani faauily were left la suçbxa depeadeat position thaft h. Br#t- îihi Goverlameut Àle ma-kng ah in- vestigation with 'viéw to'proiding for'theai 111Seme ëwa-y, - - ETER]NAL ICE FIELDS* Captala- Koch Ras suaeeeded lu' - rosslng- Greenlaud. A despatelifro, Ceenia-eý ýeo6.50;w Ielh1Denmark, ay& aptom pgea,'th 09x;~ earmori, - pa y Kcr h ej ý wejl--known_ Danish Pel- xir mi,7 te 82-ah-ssueedeil icrosngGe- .8~P "and laad-ifl attt wstoe ti .i0,iseay,4etemnàl ice fildi at-aKci ~ ~ -wio strted lanJune, 1912, wt suple "' - "nume'0e!Promin-antscntas gosuple.etSurMOUated elr oo6- fcliee!tl'cdagr a-ad 'dit- over 6Queen Loufe ofLa-ad, -axd 5 à3-4 cents per eventuaiyrahà raea~ 2 . eîs fo --SlO«p--4 1-4'to tain Iloch vas a- meaiboet-i. y - Hea-Abut ha Eicisen eÏpeditio n-,100: Alt l;-Aberta& Pienfilér, i n tbe- Says -West- Is>Good. saya eqta-te men" business ma-yb. quiet Iion c! juat '»rW 'ho "Iaid,~butJ I assume , fi-cm Jyen that'ý, flnencially sud induistrlàl.- kêi -ytheme is Vriy ittl-. la cempluifi -1igit 1about. Alberta vwill, I tbink,- b Ineed. Iable to look al. n#+n,. lI&n 4!i. eo Iy rrwn y opnnc bon ion. a-meut alway mon ila-the cuntaji. Hé ëwas bora ia the Uuited Sta-tes- 49 yea-rs a-go, >ad la- o! Gernuan' a-ad- Quaker parentage. Ho graduiàted' a- a civil englues-r in i 1887, went .to Britimh Coumbiain u 1895, --ad lieÏs heid ma-ny importaut posts iu the service e! the C.P.R1.- -MIANITOBA -CROP LGT.- smnallIla-' j["oumlin Been' ni*sr o rgramie ,i o~mAe id ts tefor:: ttla'ahtse né*anIr rvw y. -Nok: oury-Ja'ti-fiýe-rànglng force' toho naist#ia d-d trengthened. buit. 10 J la-ted, 6hat1 Sré,beltz vil b. - -ut ýthrdugh tise maet valuable otret=h of Pin fon, toi, a more fils atowfbe tetup, and severo proseetiooa cf -1h08 *ho viôla-ite h.éforensa t itlne. 'Tiie 5tre'bélAIt 19,le-hop..- viiprôo!. - huMer, adwhere * iffe at4rte têoPiresd-it viT' strike. thoewbelts sud etop for la-cii ct-corn- bustîbre ma-tertal.-- Thuarsof NimBus t -Coetu-Canada. 5orý ý pms tist have romched théA Pepllaealcf -Irlgrstion - a- ttàava ct -a Mhieme on -foot to brins -thairanda of Slireï toa Oasdbur a 6lect lne'of stosmera fiun CaosIultteto "Vsscanver Wa6e cajritg tihe o£elaltcensidsrahle cflen; -On.è uor, Ija-, 16t ri hst Uoativ .ceii4 -embra-eing ose ha tioussd- Hl wa M ebortir- be Ia-ùseW&i -Pro-. 'but hva a â»ega4ben, re1vMd- froci î'tr Pacifie Oaa-st.au-il, 16 la meporîta- that .a- special, officêr vT' - bu sont id Loadon té -ma-ko reprieaentatlons. ta-thse India O02«c Eft-emtQ- Lt Ires beeà- possibletar. vent 'su lalix - b tii.eordeir la conseil whih ptipulale a t I miÉWÉgats nnuet came by direct .pasasage trom the- la-ad'of ýtâieIr -blrth Anotiier'clam-Use6h6t ~- re- usfl, 'ian hobeu amd la ,dmUerca-soi in thre-oa- Sirohbin tiàgq- b,,immalgralion cf persans belongisg 6<>- arace doua usmiuit- ad l t t.eeliiùte-ar reqrirsments;of Oýs.- _ad!3 ,but, tire R'indua bars v'wagod a,- can paifgi againaot, tisbarmieri, aud mat. 'l - er.brethr1eanov lAn good iresILan eaarort.bleclrercumtscou la' Britlish Cal- -umbW . - Eladu varen isnd cisildren 'ar-e If- despite vaisgthee ludue attempt t. land lanOa-nad- a serions- isftustion vii do*olop-om feeling'a-mong tre visite pop- .ulation la Britisht Columbiaslas ra tronf. Despatebes frain 6h. ,Canadien Pacifie- cosît sy 6h16 viiletaimore are alroady eiamoring for similar le-vs la Britlis Cal ambla ta thos, meoentiy passed in Cal-if forais, aand aainal visicis Japan sa- stmonîgiy protested.- %9pl Fuel fer the Royal Navy. When km. Winstan Ohm-rchil, Pirol Lard, bl'tieAdiralty,,aaacuaeed that cil will Sapplement ,coi al -,thi ,case'cf largesa wei se ibrUalisips cf var, ho csllé a-t- tontfon t.a noliser cftth. long serles cf ebsages -tirat, haveru moloitiondril odceoan trààsportaton. -This liaI -l by noô messe 'tbpg least for tise use of ail,'wM -bring- wîth,4-1,t ci c nlylreased epeMd, but -a mach l-mgr'âda 'ol -"acion and casier a-ad fa-ster iplenl.hment. The sdmimalty ha. ;ot, hcwerer, me a-hruc nts iecision vithout 'yeufla.urao ha i l justiflod. ar ors.Mt*n a Iruadrat ,de-- ati ay6r r.Ï-ýlbnll6 or anderoostuicn, dependent entirely, on ciel. d - and exp.imittcrildag - diision cf -test bettldshipýa" -dbattis emuer. sud sa nas. lsmi! clWgit cruiser@ burniag- cl - fuel caby, Xm.- -Oisureill 'a-fflmed. issu prare&.ne.c - 0Ã"16 oveer.will, bat.be au mey» a-bindoaed, -bocaesea -tise firaIlord-'x pla-lned,>o011%'eà onuir -roquirod lua-larg ahi»u vsaw nexceptbouai -speed bas t b. meaelred -vîtira reseel cf exceptlogal- qnally. W arm- may nltlmstely bâp. pes;:o&Iall in otinuùe ta be tisemain hob *1g -cf,<Britlis ses -power' la lise cf baIll s-t proeut. --But, the. ôtak oïl ci - i 1 a-lroady ' 80Important tia-t Butaix muaI -have liie eurtàintT4m aset ipl f oýsu a sutes-y price sud t ir e admiraitI, ro~omr1eô traI1 iri bm i se -- ïý1n lspenderrt; o*aer nd--prcddtei-oS-W sup- pliés, lu Bri4in: Itselt aege oe tia-idries, ýia9o tise -Scottisis îhable depdaite 100ad'50,O0 -iosasyesr or 150 yezr aï Tie- prble;s, - mrked lMm. Cisuraflli. là rot ca oSnensntlty,.-bal cf pries. 'LORD CHIE!! JUSTIC5E. Lowa1vertoir Re~gsa-nd Isaacu so , lo>td .Clièf :JUSte- i-En- b bratiÃ":n e1t pnagothcin pany a mam]moth néw atore. GRET 1 ]ITAIN. At thÃŽ- Hoiel, Cecil, LUani, Eng-' -'la-ad, Prince ,Role Ùb1ur&g wes 4'3rebbod et a. heqe fr 84)0,- hieh 'ho flJaced o> hé-caaier's desk, turu- liiabck Ifer a- few -moments. 1hechouewas utoppedby tel.- gïrain àUNiD BTATESW Gev. #ulnn, o1~-w .York,- w&B inipeie a is uparseded in Th Ûntod t , tatee -Govetuent.u bas-apologizad te Britain for the maa- uatxntso ma-de by Henry ,,William Oîb t qacapetero YCkrn over, -didof ecef sive laughter, - when h. àWeke up A- veno-mous 'inaect, probably a spidÈIsi- -it-braham - Siider, o! New-Yer, c the hp ~euuig hie daa-th, 1aftr =intense snfleriag. - Sni; dem was 21 yeré old, a-ad a noted bowler. (4ENERAL. .August Bebel, famous Germa-n Sod-lut ea-dor, lis daad. Cspt. Krh,'-a Daniali explorer, auffered terrible hardshipa in crctss- iag Griea$and. A.convenLtionha-s been signed be- tweea France a-nd Germa-ny te pro- vide:for la-udinga of aircraft in os-ch other's territory. It lu lioped thus to a-void unplasa-nt "incident.' ITÂLIÂN CEUSUS. - - titt-.88Per Cent. A deapa-tch from RRoeeasyg: The 'resuitseof ith. canigsema-de in Italy in 1911 ha-eJ'u'et -bea pblishè-b the 4a-ta, - taL pQpulatýOn1 - 88;namarri.d womea,9,131 marie -iea ->,83745; marxied 250;wid*s,1,50,92~'-The in- creae ii tet-pop ulation mne h per cent. - f the, total popuIa1on. T ,e.-egion.tua-t'gives the ôsinalleat-, percaentage- o! iiiteracy is Pied- montj,with- il jPer cent.P, while -tii. .maximùl l rea-ieci - by Calabria- wxith 70,per cent, - -- a prevr c-i~A~>NV51>1l n do,ïtwacu>eone.-.. tAithough 'I traveljed eôme W7 BR 1- ~E1&SGT toeelier, we were aready pledge te one another. I met ber-an.d Montreal Charitable-institutions foaund her to, b a. girl of -ineteej il 1 seing ithen. ay., ran -t WIIl be Taxed to Their Utmost. - twenty4fve. , Bu. wasaw fairao'e "A'- de&patoh -frem Montreal mays: could desire, an4d I Issd the licence -Mr.- A. Cheva1iir, Chief City Re-* - îmy po*ket. liéfiOfficer, 8 s that from all in- if -d9;yw,were married and dka.tione thât i*il lb a -Iird wiûî-, ~u1tiI lo t Lwe2ve! yeàre .1a r -ter'. I- a, lyaried imibigranta; w. livèéd aà ha.ppyaz could b.- And -Ahr.edy, hG seaid,,a greatr'amount j -had tic> nxonèy when I wag zusr- Ã"f relief -lias been asked f orthan: red,,' althdigh I w... ùet. long -iùi for the saine turne lastyear. , Penty makingsemam. M etoutuide work is te b. had just at ki.iemet , weeond wife in an om - p0e but a-a 8o0nas . thia :ha nibua in the o-ity a-md*w.w re -n -ee7nstopped by frok - ail the' peo- gaged, Wteb.msrried before w. gt-Pie6ivili b. onoucf-éepoymïent Au-, .ôut. Next' day w. wexe- rnarriedother teature,,will b-e- the- iniporta anad eht ndd.me happy -for. twelve fof om~any harve8ters. 'for the . r mr. Whyeoi ehaews. s-soon a. tiswork la ver waie4. sudhemay of, the-iibcrer& will- "Me hir we, vas W.dow m'trn tct*n with the intentièn', whe>m I.had eerfànrkiin hn tsiling for hoe., -but a-certain sixe~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~b aveyyng eeri uberw1b.toc> lat.-for naviga had~_4 -4~e.i~rcrt~.tn-ina. ilbe atranded er-e. Mi.- year i~hn i noout6ohe. one, Chevalier sa-id4-hat ,h.châri W,1 day tnLiede. W. wiÈre gla4 te 'institutions i. the, city would be' Boa -Q:ne another, again, and the next ta-xed- te their utinost. day we Vwëre miarrîid. Ltwai very'happy union. REBL DF1T8YIIT&. "The fourth wifq,Imet at aihotel iiiBrihto, -d xwaua a-geod day CllIne eNortherniTrÉoops Expeet to for e:Irnglad t -y that weRutTe wasted uno time iii ~oihhi~ tion, but wvere mn'arried -wit , O"t~ deapatch -from, Hankow,Cina, oi tie ywf id-ltOt- ~ I 5reported -thàtý,00ore- ber, deeply lmn. ym, be bls frgim th.Y -Province 'of Hu-Nani' a-ilted ber friends."4ý halve cro ,aée ÃŽhe- bôrdër into -.he- 1ý4ILeau lo6kýýbaek a-nd sa-y -'h.4Poao' tX-eh u-dee da ýne cause t eret snyof < na!f rMye Iyiis I s Te- uou 1anino '- ..,pre e eterintention te cap- '<Although Lamn u inety-two miove -".against -Pe]ýin . Northern. I-have- reeently had an offor of mer;- troops, with 'attillety, have, left niage f reina woman W11,, I -Ma.y here -to intercept the. rebels, a-nd it sae~, bas $150,000. But," adde Ite e-eedthywfeaiyru matrimonial whirl-wind- witha aig1 thom.blevdte il-'esiy ot of regret; -"I .think I a-m too o14I." ________ At the sai8a tfrne there wias a:-OIIO rýUFRGTE. twinkle -iu bis briglit oye whiuuh sug- .- .. ' ÏÏ0F-7~FRGTE. geatedhis lbut>word lias noyet YeEuglish.- 'Burgeon Addreïee the been said on the aubjeot. ' t - Médical Congre«e. Dunçan is a. teetotaler and d-oes not enn4oke. Âlaohe livas A despatc-clifrein London, says: il - f1 pnvery The. mental. -condi tion od.Suffraget- simlefee, u~Icataa-pnigly ts as thi. subieot ,of "a paper -by-1 "Tw-Iv-e cents a day will keep -me,' te a- sren-NloHry ha saya. beeretta-Mdiai-Clgee- o - Wedneîdaii-Part.o!. hi. address' RURAL FREE DELIVERY. was-ruleýd euta- politic&,ý' but he was p.rsnitted to sa-y: "Thes. Wo-i -, -Raï Resulte, d inClôàing of Over 25Q aiea, ma ny weli edcated and care- - restomés. fully raised,,. who6 commit-, crimes- * - worthy cf sa-rages andi dieregard, àl A depatli ro'xr ;tta-~ pys:t~ aws; hujman ani divine,t ýar~e- Duing the.paut threemnc -18vie ofi- ah pidemnic -cf'. mentÀl; 'l Cnd-to k-e~ aewt h flewing tide - eof Ïettiemnte. The -AMS-$oOO EID extènsion o! rural--fr.. delivéï"ls es b- n- fe 18g f vr20Winnipeg's,IteraUona4;-Eiùi. "HUNGER ~N- THIRST." AMsxpatch from,,in~e, aa H UN GE eî](DAccoardinlg:4c a 4a-tement mesl y --- ixe "'eardç'f Contr9QI'iiaday-nigjit, Sylvia .Paikhur tAgan eleased th Stimaéýd le,kaon oh.-1913 e: g- Adeçp*tch -frorn ýubdon aays:- Miss, Sylvia-Pankhumat iva. agawa meiesed- from d{llôay-.J-1. on.J a-ad thit,- strike, h. waýia- ai condtiân et cola-useWhei ah. -apacity Lshels, -- .1 S'5 VL 111C- ION. ~..Gorereor tir., - a-va -says;. TRKITI -t ANCER. >,000 Two are andi Lee -Gcîson,, -15s -waem-burned ta deati Madeire and Mmi. C( mother-o! the dead ci sericue7 condition la Heptaifcllowmngt ! a- coal cil -ca-n usedj luitehen ime onluTuasda then. na-mes,--au 'i.te excitem lest -hem h!. 1:i the oethers. BOAT CAUGIR tng a-ad pit til the le icone, burlii a-ad tuga l ed te their j teen ofe! -i AN PesAdfial â occutpants la-te bests, launchos iniltywera rush- ýce, escuing six- ILD NUlRSE., tiétor to. _In short., -there ià n( illion in dress, andi dividual. ere~ ers- is .noý,consci(YuE enstyles end char pid aind mysterious cch ~tothe- desire of a.- hosi b. t pleese,-to make u aise thejr skfilLândar they strike a loveiy1 erally neither utîity allowed to dominate. change are 8 ouglit la sake. Thus apake7 T] iii.substaikýe._ Civiliz sured, anrd-moralîty 1 The povert.vand me -our ordinary speýE anëw whenever a re a4 "wkthjts added makee -its ,appearai standing the anazing Englial ton#ue-çecho are added it it Som 00 words, a, -ear-tid th- sec wherein we- Stlian our aneest-ors.- exarnpIe, express c -more -akil than or civen t-han Mil of Our -incompan ae:The trutà about-as maDy 'oD and la.nguage--doesn't snowbail. We ean't Sta-in -thiat only' the be stick -moýtscesul eral tëngue. Ac.cording toone'ý of. the Sta'ndard Dicti editiori f fwhich-wilý fal-there are now a words.ta;t caifbe -ri -Englisb, whiehý quit o-ver tiiose. known te W. now know that fur al bis erudition,4 go nny fords tiri been înciuded in'_the bis labors, 80 thit it to assume thajt the E bias- adcded ,somethini ïôrda since bis death. fui and impreasve a, I arship that the men,. workinÉ(bn the greai tionary- wiii b e able to ~~1E~ompetetheir 1e moeaccurate neltfon -many Engli.Eh wvord3 wvhen Jobnsort -wrote- Drink :ea-t aunythini and tBlé aa-a. nhoâby. ha1- ponds - ii weight; ýtuin altogetier inatem 1coffee ;-'ýeven a-t in soda cracker, or smee &Cuit.' ing -a littie tendceac s--1 1- used !-a -amaliÏ qui t 'tue sweceton with. 'in ýon -to day'tea' or; offeaê a in î ui--houa. atidi tieats,-on -My adni QXTY. rpôt mas -their -"In-conclusion I for ýbne that, a-a - efr, i ng aund nemve-streý e ays: agatheme is netl Ily for Postuin. viii C,64'Windsor, Ca ninie- -bocklet '"The lias ±L 'erIe (.mrsI-.1a Grains-of G, man neyer tisefi Ir ha knews- net 1 g.--Oiiver Creaivif irbe 'free-minded-a :>Sed a-t heure* c -a-nd ex-ercise ii .Wecepts of le -ait-b is honorable un ost blessedly "% ,.h-slives as hi -they are- -stewar re. owriers.-F3arr- e Middle class îS itant -cia-as of th, sh isoften over-li to býar a great ' ns f fhe State- erpbmtion, and'w ese days i-ceaive el yor tire att-entioi v.hich'it ltdeetrveýs. I)oelor*s Oral nuakee A1 says b srchLai Baiod ha .y-Nov ha-y, 812 60 ta $13- NO. Adsàè fo rnoi ai' I t83ILt 146,o tmsck. Tai-ont., a-ad toba-, esys: TakigMntb ga Bae em--Go tock. 8 o8*., onviiole, juded fim observations track Toment.. - in*de lu thadistricts ls we.k, it la the. opinion.-; that the' Winr.pe,Âpua -19-O-sh-Wea' ligter andt' f-;aggregaite cii>pý- N o. rtsorr, -95. -1à. z NWmheïmu. 980;- ai - Ilicthem,88ej N. 4,80e;No. s inalier un volume 'than ha'-s be 72,14e zNo.' 6,-680; .feod. 60c;Na3,tan n i5tis Provine since -«1910.- -1-o'N.-4. t.uih,'73a1Notogr-- Ne. 6,tougi,60c; Seed. tougis.-64e;'o0-t Whea-tfor iînstce, ha-rdly'yields' ,o ..,, 360,No. 1 .W,,. 3 4.ea itx* more -dia-n a- fifty ll~ibse Ne: 1 fed, 341-;Né. 1I ed4 14o; No. àiop foi MIlioha thig year,-whick- 2 lsed, jl1-k4; Ba-fre, - No. 3,45 12e #' NO. '#i -i. 1-; ý1 44 1-2e. FIS, loZiW, -8.3;No. 2, voul . Weightrniiliiî- bUa-helÈs lasuf C.W., $1.81; c .W. 81.19. - - than lait* year, 'wheathe ameà was Menti-st Makets.practica-lly thre sa-me 5120 as> it is - Ionîea Âuua 19-Oti,-Cnadsaths seamon. Qate a-nd barley are Western; i. , 41 1té 411.e; caitàdfan eorrea-poadia-gly llght.'Tire candi- 'Wets,ern '- , 391-2- tô dci etra >No. lte' o-tic b ai io h feed.-l 0 1.2- t. -41e. Dsmloy, 'Man-;fsdSitosouhf iemnlnoftb to blet ma-ilg, 62, t. 64Ã"., Bnekvheat. 'xo. C.P.R. a-me responsible for thé goa- 6. 8 to 60C. I1our,' maa. 0SpInt ag v ot at- era-I lcwernecgf tiie avera-ge pro- er' $.9 Iats, is;eôd. L1O; - trobrbak tien lirougirout the -Provin-ce. sra-fwht rollei-a, 8.10; sîmaiglit mollets, ha-g,.08240. Bolied-osts, ha-miels. 84.60; b>Égs, 90 Ibo., 8.172.a 1,9kg-$2 ir6te, 831. MiddlinÉ& $24. Monlilîlo.86 q83BIMi) HAN CODY. Sa-r, No. 2. -per ton car 1ot., 012 toï 813. (lise, fiaoul veeterse,'13 148 to 1 G3eu uàWI P4bbè;rod fixiost eoterna, 12 34 té 13c. Bt GTrmn'I i7al "vd choleesot èeery. 2 2 4 14e; secod, fori-làIow -andal a-il>'. 23 1-2 té 23 34c. aga. fi-euh. 19e; sele5ted 27e; No. 1 stock, 23e; 74e. 3 stock, 18 t )J90-, A despa-tc'h om Lenone.sai

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