Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Aug 1913, p. 4

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eaij est operatlonare,.,fow.th19l4 h'-hé âÉIý_ of t-n past or gàiot4ier year, 1wlththeý înkdýlýiatO v exceubiOo! )fa ety tewy Who st4 ae - engaged harVe64BtUIai ueun il li.e c'Ould -ge" ulale1npersoni~tt buyer. R04b. eau allôOrd to tali aO rest, and 'wili, alprobabiityM re 1crate 'the, tie osoiO Orvillages or twn.thhs n. ie iê xùaIsty ,w We wi8h him and i i 5ste ' 8 lc a reintorinidwbo avw4an&k ,.. saut future, an" will regret their louo gâherIig wet0 R.W - -MÀNôY V very inuch. jMiss MeÂvoy, Mr. u ~5 miss matilda mowbray bas of late Geno renoo been- sjending sonis time wlth Ma .J $vaoio ,pg.t Mowbray, in tAle COUity pso' greaH!!BWS01»0 U!E5~ Mr. Frank.Hà ton b r lue- ilietihj~y~1~ i b. ~ . 4isaik.Teyed/wa notas 1kre.ga r '.~~~e ht~ ws- ' r -:e~e ~ i$e j ê gssm erbt O~qai~ muttat- fronjý hre. flo <Qubt t "a' jatrO1Ç a~< bbg ~ Menjalelt4mue aS, o! Ïagt'yll y amihton vacation with Hmlo réd.EeV fwdy g.,eIôsh wil» resunil'bis H Igh "oo l uieev ltg, a1 usa go teheôu lê o1nI1SI drmO8 g o! t s dÏa aene au oonasscioolreopes.andi hearty, quite xn4atIai ad, d..iit- ! deonio U ld ni Ledgelt huA ~ ~<><> -nifie InluaPPea.rance.le rm tlgtab ouDc, Mr.*Chai Lede t u beà 10kiaia 5 atcommoene 'ad tpc. W e'guaz-Ys fer a gooti farm to\ osuran te<m BhIly McQuage s-lu'workhng , *llCSglead'..-Ii as o!~~~~ ter.Ay a oaigaîr Brouighamf. if Sagehie *ont stopr'Itebing c h r1 ears.hatibter o I e a i ge a s Jo@eph Harbron la 1k eeplng quit &alýp and stop ba7r-f afllng or wl > li u n o urbutad mout pro- well o! late. -not béautl!y theliair btlhg the. bobe greisve yong <amera Some talk of ehpping*Mllk rom a tle back andge urmoe.B Mr Thos. lllchardsoui our weSt endi lonely point on tbé C.N.R. sure to go t .F.WllII' for Sapin. mercliant, lias-for sorne Urne been Some talk o! ýre-organlzlng our)ea' other - tores ea't supply you. quite unwell, -but WC are pleaset, ta gue. report ibis helth âteadlly impro*ing Surveyors are ý>okngo ueee- HEYDENSII0RE PARK NOMTES., bow. tric route eaitward. If.West, o! ÂAbburn, preached -to 7 i MS ee og tWlb, si a mall house Iastý Sunday, owing to vlst6ng ,with mise. Hazel COuls. appel~ai services'a rokl.DrocationeIIit:1 hrhi laMas seeigbi a Miss Francis--Davia, oi. Né* York, Mrs. M.W. Colns and -childre a aeý who bas b*1u vibltlng ber "a"tM ý are dUe solely, to a-dlseasOddi.1èiben _lihg finsl ooio C. J. Stevenson, anti other relatives!,- o01the. kjdaeys. -7Tlere 4u aà 4ck, , The prettq Mowat. cottage bas bêia' for the last two monthu, liÎas ieturni---i-1 UxG iuYPI.bghed byîèjoalOcPat Z eti to ierhom acrss b. ue. speady cure l-Ati-lêiny il.bgbedUpytAejvabcuas lira. brbinil lias be thé setlÏ b J.E. Wllia sella.them and- guaratm f roiOshawa. Mmerial as e b o tothsh- býrnad ie h ired results.Conile'The su >hr eni t tbe?.park <a saIdn he awahosical av f or pclltrcteaL.-back anti get: .Yourrlfloney .il You amt e oa valuable abset. 'la tac hbb Sw orryil f r -spen iacd 1eatm nDot per fectl .y' satisiei. IBe mue you daim, is madie tat It lias-eureti rheu- ror get ANTI-URW fille. B. V. Mar on mzism. to lbave ber home und»r ,such ufa-ou, every pçag' -Adam *a, I b<iat the pavimo oralecicpnaanoskage , .-. a-Tue Siay uen lngr AU_Â11 Àerose- IirWllfrid Wilson lu making soMie -- - an#o hoFr~bbpl lso a8 muck needei mprovements 'on ,Ibe olti T7ELGCA AY-. reat mauy from-OsliaWa. - Higfielti hoauestead.. Peupiele r coming' 10 ZO#U more Mrs. W.S. qolt has returastito TO-i Bçntley Bros. eau boat ýo! an ei=cel ùI ziihre thal b eaae?13 ot le spend4athe- sulfmet a lent root- crop. Thei: seeesi b liede- .logical anti natuial imedium to Cary Heytienshore. veloptng labo goodi...f armets veyM'uews. Wby, 'uverybody ,10545 the0-Mrs. (Dr.)>,McGUjltvray hasýt- wk quicly. Sueeeaete you,_boys._ neweppeg il It. Dome s_ý t" t O bel-a moutenjable awiinulng Out truatees have InstalIeti- snew one almoat as, does breatluiig'.-..WbUijà ryfo or.yun ade rom the turuace kotbou l-,We commenti : <>> -want to kaow about thi98g, tw' thefr action, as lhe cllidren mruât-be' -tbeëy readthe lb . W.It%& anl plain -'Jli air aroundti lie'beauâtiul col- kept, ce*iortable if - .,eyare to,>,do eogi éhthn wel .maltageMctaÏigh n bas bediiIlietiwf1 * *gooi~ orkai &ae r oca e Har- ýwants-to mace an anhiouncem i bj mugie nighit ter niglit tn rvs "y hh again tùke cb6ge ltrbit- dees go tlrougb the, néewsPpr i way dulicaee. - I da"o. - wilies 'to xeaph 1the 101 lt U o ThPle- dancffl stii continue -atIthe ,JTameg ÊýwêeUy Ie asaIn n g dyliy pobe dvrl ge gnuiflews pavillon,_anti the young _peopegra on le ts reehlna rounsd,'anti wIllI titi-iti sthe annouacent o! the merch- ly appreclate 1the splendid-,rnusic sup- su as lono:.ag lits cutoere requIre anul, ajutthe bogficalway, ,th&eefote, plied uastintingly ani. .cheefully by --bis servieda. - 'or'the business" man t-lot the- public one -of the classic mualcians of- tlb. * - - - - - park.j Mir. ,Russell Collins le on.-a two» weeks" fisblng expedition Ina Muskoiça To Frinds an Neighors hie cousins and soine f riendts Voé'U Inow ~.YoUI know we would net - that we cougdd ot A uooiepryfo oono affod bckoaourwor. Nocan Hifrd consihtiug o! Mr. and Mrs. James to-Poü.wr. No C OU afo t guor@ Thompson, daugliter- and two frientis, tEris one-bak-l'no..s±lsledoffronIbi spendd lxatve, are camping aI 1the Park. They are W.'h&nestliy beieve We have tisa shula' have biýen dispelic4- renak very muchf pleased with this beauti- * but bowe remnediy everîninde - the te poison thé. system.. fui spot. moa ~eaandtatacmost per- ileadaches, billousueis, nervous. The Park Company'are expéect Mansnu benepliâl laxative for reief nessi sud o grtomndn sds hrouthé mincris ansd dangers ariang OUsinjs aier ôminnen th ner' eh omake several furtier improvemeats itou onstiation fa- uil cst- daily 'ai nature intended. to the park, to be ready for next sca- - -. ouldui'L 53' dliiiif we didn't AUi dii ray be avoided, i 3'C I 1 son.- It is proposed lu extenti>tie pa- -béfelleoIt d W horue. IVe vwouldn't soOpt oui' tvice. lonaduieupterud l riak pur reputation by'makng suaivlo n ee u tegonst utatements dedwe not feele you mk them maote suitable than ever w - w thm ru.?2aIýrgme. Our fait i h built bath ob dhe &nowledge of whad Rernil Orderici are macle of aud on observation ai vo-y maby Severe casesinl whici tliey baîe praven their mo-t. Try them at Que RIsk - Il t&Y do - not'abundantly prove tieir imarit 'with y olsoIfyou nre ot endirely satrîfledtwith them- W-e will refuud your money - and we -wlU do that on your mere say-so. W. don't ask yu turazk a penny. Jmut liaS aVu '3usd let db. bowels fail in prop-r1y Ïkoing their wnk-j,àîixt1,t th"ur action Ix d'leyei ard incoroplete 'and.th dlirp '~end e"crd otiet orzaan JL.W'aaes hat tante jutetk caudy. They ware ioothing sud easy 'lu action. They do not cause gripign uses, purs- Iug or excessive basaness. They tend do doue sud sreugthen intestinal nerves sud muscles. Theypromptly relieve constipation, and hei do per- manently overoome i. I Rexali Orderlies promode better spiritsansd better iealti. l i ai o teethingi dhey are vasdly sueerior do oid-fashioned, harsh salbi anti 'ailier purgatives, which aie not only upiensant do dakce but rehicli usually beave the bow.-Is in worm condition thaus before., We particuiarly recom- maedliexall Orderiies fer childen, aged and delieutu persons. Rexail Orda-rhes corne iu vent- pociet lin boxes. 12 tabiets. ioc; 86 tablaIs, 25c; 80 dablets, '60c. " ' C A U T IO N : P16m s bear in m id-that R ozal O r ie i es ae n t sol ti by a#2 d rug gluS.. You cawpbuy Rxaili Orderlies ouly at tie Rezali Stores. You eu-buy Rezal Orderlies in Ibis ooumunity only at our store: The ¶~a~eStore O.~i 7-eia t=lStore in uenrly every town and ecty "r P tct-i -- ' "- 10 Uian-Tir sa diffemet liexaldi"cÙ.w.s uE' l .Lýy eL ..'..... euS~enspfly desslgnd for tSi partilar il for vidaS it la recosnmouced. Th - -diStores ameAuseril ca' Ireuteat Drmsg Stores 40' 00. FAIM. LABOREiWATE FO IAVESTINQ j IN WESTE RN - QA< e.00OTOWNIi I $1800 FROM WNIE - QQING DATES r. 18Êh allr<f1«taui -i~t, ! Inenaive^sd csasitbaela r za~ ~ oronto'Id Weston Grand Trunk Manune tW Sai Inouve su5t CMd Sonh theo. - Cgond Ï'snk Line Toroiito to Notýth B2a. liii~ ~ ~ ~ î2n L to~OUtDTUkUe oronto W. North, Bay inclu;dve.- including (.P.K Line Sudbury So Saiilt Ste. M C1e ntadg, bt notIF ding-Aeildu sud Weat. ~ Sinkets Sa Wlnnlpegoi Udt w.I1 Eah 1At .I l l.J..J Semne splendid- improvemeuts have been matie at lie,- Park, iucluding a uew arch tsgu Fal e aa, ew île posts,. railiug. aldoug lie basqcilu front of th1e cottages, 'painting- -k the - Pà virion anti leveling o! tie groundis.--; The ladies are, considering the mat- ter of liaviug.a swell moonliglil s'lire party soon. 'Watci out for word o! Ibis.' OSHAW«A FAIR. Alexandra Park is* beiug 'put' mbt shape for 1the Fair. In spie o!f-tle dry summer, il -looks fiue. Every morning secs lie hiorses in training: for tie races. Thire are, lwo blig races caclli day. Eac11 purse is $200..- Tie amusement cte!dofthe-Fair is being looked>ýafler. There will lie tiva bands, a mitiway, merry-go-round, as!de shows, refresiment' standis, meals on lie. grounds, sud every-lhng ho make fodr gooti sport. Tiec Poultry Show will lie big7-Tbe Oshawa poutltry mii lia-verevised Ite prize lais, andi $350 l iffeetifortbila departmeat. Il wil l e a~ great show o! Dirds. The free attractions la front o! 1h. granti stand- are froni - New- York. They are. cesliuga large auzn - anti will perform on tie 9111 ant 101h, aI the groundsisnlth1e day lime. They will aise lie mcd aI 1the nîgit con- certs ilu-lie opera lieuse. - T~ donations oh frientis of h 1eFair. avtmatie il possible b rase tie prîisi -ail alang h li he. The prize list ismailed. If yen tant a , côp drop a card le W.ýF.N. Sinclair.- Dates, 8111, 9thcand ilh e! Sept-1 - embPor. The 8th islupreparallon day enly. -The-, 11h an 1dtiOtarbol show is ys,- anti bti eq aflýy doi. - A CÇANADIAN bff.NISTER, IS DEAD IN EYGLAND, r London, Jùiv 2l.-Dý.--Robert MaC>4. Alpfine Tliorutn ti i itero-Camr-[ -den Roati Presbyberian charch.- .dïéà, Wei '-s 5-4 ~ , - ? é trouble t fj _glasses -ai .,ake 1horou~ I examinat 'îused. OP0POSITE NEW- POST OFFICE -PR ES EN WAT îvlygîve it t 'e and try.thisspl sa preient -woth -ýhaý noC. ofOsa. WetCol SpeialSae fr oM:ay, Agust 2 - - r'POCKET -KNIVE'A ÀD RAZORSI îe wihl gi*vOý e , i o aos 2 in v b d purciaser* of Pocket -Krmves o aos 0 in tafor each mue-cent of f - W*MPRIGLE ~ADI~ UREIAAD..iP,. - -- WIB Y - ---- - - --4-.-- ----ô--- -- -- - LEXPANSION YEAR New Livestock Department Everythingt inAgiculiure ExhIbitg b' the Provinces Exhibits bÎv Dominion Goverament Exhibitsby Foreign Countries Acres of. Manufactures JMAGNIFICENT ART EXIBIT J ~Palnt1dngs from Germany, Britain, ,UnltedStates and, Canada Çadet Review Canada's l$iîÏest Dog Show Amercas-Çreatest Cnt Show AND N 4-ERO THE BURNING 0F ROME The Musical Surprise The Musical Ride_ Auto-Polo Matches Circus and-Hippodrome Roman Chariot Races Athletlc Sp~orts Great Water Carnival IRlISH,.GUARDS BAND! Score of- other Famous Banda Twelve Band Concerts DaIly Wreck of the Airshlp Wthington's Zouaves New Glant ýMldway Granfd.Double Bih of Flreworke FATRICIL CONWAY'S BAND Aug.-23 1913 Sept. 8 T. ORION T O in the matter o! tue estate o! Cath- erine Maria ý'Coline, late of! the Town -of Wtby, in the County of Ontario.- wldow, deoeased. . Notice ls bereby .giVen Pursuant. to sec. 55, chap. 26firoLthe statutes-. Ontario, I. iGeorii-V,- that all oeed- ors and others haiing claims, againet the estate -o!-1ýhe sa4d Catherine Maria Collinse 'who dled- on -the'23rd day ot ui,11,are requlr ed e Md by >ot, 'prepad or dehiver to Odrick J. e-1ohardson; V-'. bb4OÛLt. the ex- ecutor _- o!,- the mill of hedeceased, ftheir, Christian nms u~a0 and addresses antd descriptioni',wlth- juil particular otlheir'clainis and-'the na- tute of the security (if- azy) held. by. them,-duly oertilled- Andi thgt.-4te1f-the IS2th o! Septem- ber. 1918., thh saià a 4et!itrhli Notet Cralors -Notice Io- Crecitoxrs. teLaUX& of -hei- mýT I - _____ Wilson, or J.S. Yar@wehl -, Town OLýWhitby, soVkdoie in -tinmattçr cf 'twi ae o lZa l Ve ale-f e aale '!OUideta1ýte,-o n -orelore bti - Mm',Francis, late of 'the -Tomas Hl Ilolate- o! the day o! Augual, 191à, het , wnabl > ýot W l t lY , f a th o..C ou- T o w s i o - W i n u t lie C-o n - a tdre ses, andti ll p ari ly o! Ontario, 'spinàter, deceauet. ty anti Province o! Ontarlo, net, willlgof- ack - ça4fflaa 'Notlce 'le lereby given pursuatto I_ dce ti ure o!lieucrl,1 a ,George V., chap. 26, sec;'55, hai 11 tice le hb e nprsstoLtbem.' creitrs nt oher hvilg harn1 I Geo. V.., Cbap. 26, Sec. à5, thata U- Andti tke furtber not.m againsl 1the calale- of the above nained perfsons bavlng any d_éaims qgalnst theJ medilately ..aller the 21st d ElâzabhhAna Francis, who dietion' hma alWilson, -who 1die ti al lb. set heb.sili ,or about thle 251h day o! -June, 1913,1 on- or about, the12hdyo Mybditbue. - ýgt lhe saiti Township of Whidbyr, are 1913, 11eToýwnship otWbatby, s requiredti 10senti by po&tlprepaiti Or tic sali Counly o! Ontario,, are re- Datetia bibr u sI,,eliver to James Maore, Brooklin P. quiredti t senti b3r Post,. prepui, to August,193- - OÛ., Ont., lie administrator Wlith the' Geo. I. Wilson, of tie Town of Wilt-: J. Eïl. FAREWEI will annexeti a! the estate o! 1he de-I by,, an executor of ihe-last will anti, Solicîlor for ceaseti on or belote the. lut day o!f___________________________ Scptember, 1913, hi e, adi-- dresses, escriptioni and a fnILOtale - F Y U W '.A T ' mhent oh lie Pa rticulars -o! their draii <0"'. andtihle nature of thie securities (if aay) icîti by -hem dlycerifled. _.nd - thal ah 1er- lie uaidI.st day oeGt '1Soptember, 1913, thc saiti adminitra- estale- amoug tic parties eutllled tieréto, iavlng regarà oIlly hoWEAR 81 0ES RO dlaims as he shal he' bave hain.W A lice, andtih1e sait a.dminis'rator wil not be liable ta any person oh wiese- dlaim he shallot Ihen have.,recelveti notice. '- PEEL'S ýSHOE -.TOI #Dtd6hAugust, -1913. JAMES MOORE, -Adminàtrator witb A Pieasure ta- Show Ooods th1e wlll annexed e! tic estate o! Elizabeth'*Anu Francis, deceaseti, by AE. CHRISTIAN, Whitby, Ont., bIs solicitor. JOH N _ ,PEI!EI WANT EU. A CaJf Solicited.' GOOD LOCAL AGENT-At.once OCSt.oth to represensthe Old 'andRtelable ___________ FonM ilNurserles. *Splendid ,lidt of fruit sud- oramental stock f Or. F41.:'- Start at once., ad" secure iiclusive territory. We supply handsbme -free outfit and psy highest commissions. Write for f ull particulgrs.. STOE &WELLINGTGNý TORONTOe, -- ONTA1RIOi, 'ie -"dvna~e ïs ndtire buaieëss b AssuranCeCmpn3 fier tue oýrxxiNff V 2nti day RE Mil -nos, -ir~ .We haàve'something that is very new in the jar line TI"-'PýERFECT SEAL Square shape A good jar. We have'-it in, pint and quart-sizes. Also the Crown jar in the straighi.shape. You. dorg't hàve to cut your .fruitlby using these kinds. KEEP COOL ,By-usingEFALTH SALTS-Ten-Cents- package.; ~4E. WATERHOUSE. We would like do tadien, if yen are int W. -carry the la wntches iu thls Part raung ifi îplrice fro Special- dinco'nt' dion articles, of wh' large variety-- BASS- JEWELEWsaud' WHIT Satisfaction - .We have jwt bc venture. Thc Yoa -gue has bem-forme ooii . L t us a"l aegeas 1for Ibis We have. aileiti assuraàce 01 -lthéPo of the O~fld is "Wal mnarbie ta retaiii." -made or marre Inlu' wheu 'boys axai girls schools or businiess i their. fiercest- temPtal that "they nied inost O ur - inspiration. connected with a -ire hati a beautiful g deliglititl singer, a who wus an -ideal Vrt.hýin becarne dn theke- are sadly toc wherever posnible we' the ,strong arrn o gÈuar11 andi- -guide al slippery places.' -Ail piano votes i piano contest Imust Weduesday. -Mr. 0.11. WiUcoôx flrst lot o!f fSUcyp ,e--â'i line farner. T iarmer 1 the sum o! iecductlflg the costo r.Adams' den tclosed frram Auius The Oue Minýut-e -day easy. We -wau > seud ene on'approV - - A meeting Of tht t ion Was calleti 'f e ezeiig, butl was an 'rbusinecus4 beýti qurmwns not pi Don't hall to-Sec - sow at the Ro -wednesday- andi 9i Workç was begux s -ore rècently Pu1 Bseton Broýl -w4ill lie thoÈoulh greatly Impiovei - ReerveSeptem iIunvs nîlîtrat-cd abe topice- for a' MisBirdie M cd a11eppendie cd *t-aa' hos where - aR opt wame time,- but v benpse. ant -I - i - I - ý 1 ,

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