Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Aug 1913, p. 6

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rivbh and pUr., tUO aay or u - ing' cf-,wrinklés upalr'd2 eyes and iah4rp headachés, i lia' * 'xeaurably petposwdý Dr. Wil.' * huma' Pink i ?lIaare'lteaiIy'worïh their wight in ed te growiag . ii 1a àd womén et mature yea"a Thcy"fil ,the veins with the. rioli, * red biood. that halage .IrigtaSto the eye, theç gl6ôw cf heltk tQ mal-' low- cheeks, and 'charma awlay_thie *eadachee and baék&a'h.u1 :thàt remîi, d ~er' the lives of se lnahy w'r»ai constantly imiserable. .Mr., Willia Joues, Crow jýaée, Ont., says. '<I eel'thaD $l 'ianis' Pink Pillù 'maved nmy iWf:I 'waà se badly rua dowrn thaêb I ôeuld &irdiy drag .myseif, around, Irwas * o sebloodiesà that 1 wa&a as- pale as a 'heet, and you euld aztotses through my hands. 'In' tact? héë docter teid me îný blcid ' had 'aiil _turrted te water. I'- w"'., aking inedicine constantly, ,butl"witho'ut benefit. My mothei had ae mach faith ia Dr., Willim' Pink Pilla that she boùight me 1*e boxes and u"irged me te take thein. IHew tbankfult I arn that-I followed lier s.dvice. Before these were gozie'- bgnte, feel befter, and 1contin- * 'uedu.nng the Pilla 'until 1 liad 'take-'u. fve more boxtes -when 1 wafl again-enjoying the biesaâing cf per- fect health, 'with a good coler la my' f ace, a good apfitite,'-aud I fée1 * sure a new leaae of. life. I will 'ai- ways, you may be suehoaarm friend cf Dr- 1WiUl'ams -Pink -If You are wèà eak r aing'10in te cu re youreelfte-day ; wltb the rici red blood Dr.' Williixns' Pinik -*t'Pilin avtuallY Makte. If y u do 'net 'find the Pille at vour dealer'a asend 0 enta.for ïa:box"or.'$2.60; for six boxes te the Dr. Wihliams' 'ýMedi- _ciao Ce., Brockville, Ont., andîtbey tvilll le sent yorixby mailpnpa. FRENCU l:RED TAPE. Cat's Aiîowanee Continues Thougli Cat 10 Dead 12 bears. About tw-ilvë years ago the Pa-ris Preféctur e of: police had a pet, aý Pt>ri Wu died ini April,;1901, but, its ýmemor.y in ,till àkept -freel.i n a way for wýhich the prefýect h4o -every *rea on to e htaakful.. An all«w- suce cf *72:50 per anumn wans made from the po.lice tre&ary for Mou's * kep an«- tIi, ntry figured la the bocks c Of 'the depirtrnat. The en- try atifl appea evory yoar and the - prçfect ' tilldraws the allowaace cf *7250, alicglitue vacant place left by Mou's death hasnont been Before t.he itezn oaa ho struck'oôu t of'-tliebudget it îivould b6e wCesnry tô have the cat's doath legaliy ver- tified by' a ilotary or by a State document', ad as céats have no'civil statue the difficùlty je got over by ceatinuiag -the allowaace. Mlgnard'à Llinimetnt. Cures Colda. Eto. W'hat han become of the- -oId- faahioued giîrl w ho used to part hez hair la the Mlddlo? - Robby -- I think'l like you botter -thaù :any of the cther feliowe lliat iome- to e' e dater. Percy-I'm pîsase t thear ï1h; obby. Why çle -you like methe bet? Robby-Be-' cause si§ always 9IéWs me stay arouad sudt hear whatyau say. Sores Spread - Unt 1 Face Was Cov- eýred. Sa Itcliy Oould Not ,Resist Scratckig.Cred Entirely, i About TWo Weeks by C'ticur S&ap and-Ointment. Ca a noim soesb tp- keep lu r-eadlat =nnm -,' w m eouvia s'i. aseq vo thue 'iUJé,,' au >'laom' of - over, $5ý,OO ayearand'àahéut 138,»0< acres etf land, when-'a boy cf nia.. Hlis eou antI heit, lLord Ranwey, who was bora lu 1904. Tii-o mocre instances of 'i-ast for- tuntes w4ioh wili descend'to 'luvk~y therabt alsefre'n thrxotrn are ftodd by hecusf'h Mrquis cf Bla dýodsne h Dukeo f Mailbo6rough, Who le now sixteen year scf age, and Lylscount. Maudevile, _-ncf the .DuIce of *Mançbeâter, who -'is born :eleven yearsago. Thie.Duke of Manches- tor c'wns -soin.-70, 000 -,i ac f land,' and, -.ac'csescf four eoutI tr3y 'resideuc6e, two in England'and, t' lu Ireland. His-e'1, Mlna.,BUè- ne,& Zmmerman, digghter of an Amerlvan raiiway- mag*uate, - whôm -h.-marid i 190, s~eght -Mucli wealtb ýte' the Manchestê f mily. Witif two ezoeptons' the Duke etf Marlborough le.,tue ninallest et' our, d'ucal, laa&:waera. 'Ho posseaes ve'nue-'beiîg' gi-vça at *180,000. Qtuitb & nuaber ci heirs %e large, estat.es were bora la 1894, h sm yea.r asthe Prince- et Walen, - aud such, naines as Lord Whitchester, grandson and heir, - alter -hi& father, te tai6,Dukedemot Buccleudli. and Queeasberry, cSur te one readiy,. says Ladies' Field. The.Duke-îs, easily -the biggestlandiord la tuis country: Hoe, aws 460,00() acres, mostly lu Scotlaad, and much ef it la bporen land. The Earl cf Bills- bomugh, bora la 1894, son et the'- -Marquis of Dowashlre, wi lierit seme clay 120,000 acres. A great maay acres of hin future propçrýy are ia Ireland anýd some lu 'Berk- Among thq mont illustrious 'naines of heirs born la 1896 le that o! the, Marquis cf 'Devonshire. 'Hie- Inheri- tance will' number somne-of the heast known estates in the country. The acreage tie duke ewns la 198,5172, the nanual value o! which le $903,- 750., OUR SAILOR PRIN CES. Expeeted They Will Hako a Four -Mentho' Tour Throngh Canada. -Prince Albert 5., it le uaderatood,' more anxious than ove'- te b. allow- b d to make the aavy his. profession, whie wliat lie hasseen o! the-ern- tpire lias made hm lin, Jue Oliver Twist, "Laok for more,"> This desire la Iikely te ho gratifte~dabout .12 menthe hence, wli1' la expecterd that ho will aecompany the 'Pri'nce cf Wales upon a four moath!' tour thro'ugh Canada. *A warrantofficer naýmed' Broôwa, wlic went aroundthe,-world lu the Bacchante with- the - Kb-h Prince George-and. Prince AI-ber.ti Victor, narre;ted -a lit-hie' aneedote et that tino tue other,,.dayi whi-h i ho, eaid lied nover bçfore appeared ia PrInt. It h-appenedla-tMedi-. terranean, -whea the Ba>chanrte w a rat Civita- Veha Brown waa-teld off to keeP in close- toucli with two y-oung 'Princes. whea -on -aes &gin a!ter ' .they laaded Prince George, 'with a roulitwïnkIe'In7 hiseoye, - Bipped asovereiga ato Brown'& laa*-, ciiarving: 'I-th4ink,; Brown, ycu Ãœil naago tamuse, ,yourge-lf vary'wila iit'Vec- elga and t-lesugestion, giving thç 'Priabo what- je 3known-la 'nautical parlanIce as a little'imore- rope. SBrown, aMnghi'a other experiz. encça at that urne, visited,4ierus een - -h partywe n . d7cnky batik 'f ro6mthe coast.. When &so "dietS*recè f rorn thir geal,- BroW'i 'cenkey tiirow hlm. : Ris eubsee1queutn expexîence lhe relates a& foilowa; "II'tried té Mount the' dochkey o the Starbodard aide, aad'ýcouldn't d6. ih. Then- I _tri ed him, on th& pont-, , but -nIrrine if -I could mànage t- i :' TÉhe e'i o Iv ae t-hait I gét into 'Joruf+alemin tree'he ure - after t-he rest, 'dragging th'atdonkey."1I *The two prnce laughed. héseartily -*hen thefbearèýd'wiiy Bren làgg-d' behind. gonrecord w±t the 'predictiu ti~ I~wônl'Ib. 'o ng bfore, ýgjy 'dh.frais wiU -.. ,bizlipe through town and counitry -in an u- tomobile. It may net be.pad&' ~And i may cut alarming hâlesl Henry's $25 pér. But the'-eonées and the Sinthe have autos; and -the Browns -aré going' te lheevery whit a& good&.as they. Of course-, it ia' right that the( young g8eirution/iheuld b tter off'than 4the cd. _That'a what pre.- gresBile ',for, Tho Wonider1u1 achieveinent iln-_weàu -,prcdutlon durlng theilast,,: Sore cf y,e'arsa would be gbatly pra*t'cal.jkea 'if young Brewn and the, youingMra»., Brown that- -sg te ho .coulda't-at their homie-making.. on a hlglier economie plane than the>irpairbuts knew la tb'ieacantiei lonÏigGe. 'Buku ot, tttV#e i4idbOtter off.- What ?I'. bettteroff? là it te beiî, debt,- riglit et t ho -edge,.-wl*ith ni~hlnfran ,,ôer- gencey. O;is It t Uise hamd rcla sense and 4à -dniai J", theàe in# fa ncxe c that wiatv apent bringa la a ýto1erabiy'iurî11e irttura;,,aui'se.lit .matter, ýwht'z bought, somethlng fa alwayas Cuso,"the- mont, cruel Of tyr- ,4pta m e.pndthrit fms~c Us. - Whereas,..-40 yearýsag soitt.wan rather on hqýïsid."pf trift--it waé if cistom Is like a pendulnmi,, Swingxag ' htween extremea,_ wouldn't it kÊ a pretty gï>,d id1, for the newlV'edà- thia LalU .te give it a push toward frugality 1 -Real Irleh. One day an Iriohmau and an Eng- lishman wcre etanding at the cor- uer of a busy thcroughfare,' when a blind, man- passed clcàe tethe m lieuse: r a.t, h hd achd incident, remarke4 te I compaù r on tha~t he ce ud u't 1 n d er t n how one-Wbo lad -lcdst' his,, uight eould?-walk so-uaerringly.- The Eng9- lishman -began te point -out te him thnt bliad men had -More' of the other senses, aucli as touc'h, ameli, &c. "In fa.et," lie eaid te Pat, "if, a man is deffcieptin l one way lie ai- wavis las it in anotI4er." Thon ail. 0ci i sudden -the liglit dawned over Pat's. clouded brain, and he excited- ly exclaimed, "Begorra, yvu' re riglit there, me boy. I saw a man to-day Who bac! a shoft-leg. and, ho- dad, his other one was a- little -longer " Y A Pointer. ADVE'RTISE- Rhymes wiVli WI8E. *D)ONiT Do IT- Rhymes with RUE IT. - POst for Luh Apetizing and. whole- some -thege hot $U=merý No cooking-'n hot Rèea4y tW eat, iect fromn the package - flsh, criap and dainil'., Sere with -cream i ad pýýugar-aisd sometimes fresh- bernes rtu. Post Toàties are thin bite of 'Thdian, Cer, toazted t-6 a Acceptable at any meaL- out a senls.et hufflcr. - LÂW SUITS I ENGLÂ&ND; sn>rt te the ourte Ll ation .ine eplgp aujc ~ythe Govàrnm.nt. '£The num4ber of\ 'lawisulta-.bas r 4ellùe sVatil aow ealy 2citeEnglishmn lx14. niore than liwepty4ye veoi ts te ùlatîon - - Ia Englati re la eue But ivre'etêaeo th - b nds exoeédiugn »aebywives in martae teey25 u'~eiélu divo rce, se"éparatioa or a»um 'The avprage ,duratiùn of a inariager thatedaoccorl el ewvenaa là àrs.Ta er- cent. the-duratîon was fivete n yeare, and in 39 - per cent. it was the céupIeas divorc¶d were chldiesa. Divorce le almoot iiaknown ilaRome cf'the &_gnlcultur&l counties, there havig -been, in'the. year -only 11 lu Der86t, With-iL. popislation of 223,- 000; only 9 ln Wilta, with la popula- tien oft:287,000. and but 1'ila Hère- ford,'with a.poipulatica eof 114,000. Nottingliamahire .Ctunty, popula- 'tiÃ" -8 -oô hàei'I83 divorces, and ,aàcashlre Oounty- 4768,000 popu- lion,,lhad' 1,287. CANA&DIAN NITIONAL F.M.I BITION.- We leara from n a rellable source that the. Auto-Strop.Safety-Razor Ce., Ltd., ~ 0 eÇTrnt woare well-known throughout the world as manutactur- ors. et the Selt-$tr " pIng Auto-StrOi Raser, have arýrangtjd -a nove! and at-, tractIVe method et advertlstng whilh wlll be demaonstrateïd aI their boolli- la lb Manufacturel' Building, aI the Canadian Natibual i- ihilo This, demnonstraIion i411 1be con-ý ducîed,*an follows. Bach visitor-tte Boothl. will be-'precclalod with a num. bered badge, whlch- lIl be lssued Ia duplicato. "By-'flin 'gthe person bear- 1ing the,' dupltcate"Mtîunber anS pro- s'entlng came te the ÂAuté'Slrop Bfoothl each boiSer wilfl 1ýi glvçn -a $5.00 Auto-Strop Sntety- Razor 'free et chaýrge.'- '- n. taefiaté tO'e4Y- that this Booth- will prqye one. ut-,be mont attracîlve at týho 4ýixhbiin.- e LÀT14ST OWeiPITnkaRIÂ CUBE. Ifot Afr Method Adopted. by Dr. Dri.,Reiidu -ta ijua novel aând. seeinalnly suïcces'ful"etcdc treatii diphthi r4-,kyihlaln cf ot air ving 9 _pro-vedthat'Vhe mcoes f àdthÃŽeia rdesteýoy- ed by xpsure te .a beat.-of 140'de- gresEF.for ive m Éinite i ofe 15 degreesfor 'two mnteli'trIed the effeet of ý air, atr'auch, -toéaitera- 'turea supoii he disee itËlf. D1plitherila- e geizera1iy lo;alized la ,the upper respsabory pasagea.- Dr. Rendu firatexperlmeuted upon himiself-'to aseertaliï' hou'g reat -a bou&t- hie thrcat would lSea'. Re found iat -ho could inhale, dry air at 2à2 degreei?,F. for.twc àîanutee ajdat 140 degre nfor hai*f aù hbouïr -tolete xe- ie . the Duff and Far.- Sand. th4 ' 'aim<>rîû narch 'on' h gond a.ud bearing asuch eh- ýs as , pikels and' battle- 9l Jfne S~mthers. Été nohrs(ccring to a lady Who~ etana lu ýthat .relationihpY, have - mor. te 'Contend againat -thin mnoat peoplerealize. They-are -1 ýways vGMpaed ýwth the firat wlf e, genera&lly ,teI theïr daaiîvatàge. Threapae, of cus, oobad stepmçgthersl -but, the Co<i 0 -stepmo-, therabondsandshe ,&ea.,-her- ailidren an 6r new homehave been- lierby o~Il-nai~rd rlative 1i ft'ieud d 'be family. '- Nothing that #le ýýee..igt*beas'sê mothers is a cruel anad unjust thlng.ý The xirdeeda cf :: bew, axe -used-, io cendemn a wholie lot.- ON THE MÀRRJAGE DÀY. Romancé ceaus~ and blatory begn-and corne begin te-go too ".len< "Puýtn's. lu applied-ft takes out roote, brapch and ston. Nothint oc sure and painless as Putnam's Oorn and Wart Extractor; try "2unam1s, _75C.-aitail dlieera.ý "Hi s wife lias e i5oraio1 to riatdh every 'drè" "Andho "Hlm?1Oh' his alices' ëare Try'ILr10Ey ~md ~$othmyeialei tig stn 'sU .MurinêE e n. 9é>~lni,2e5c Murine Eye, Salve -la Aseptic -Tubefsý- Hurla. Eye .mdyC.Chcg The Differene, Some mien spend their time think- ing 1up,-reasons why others fail; the Wise inen devote- &Il the.ir tive, to thinking up waya by which they can. aucceed. Minard'i Lhl4meut Coa.. Limnited. Gsailmèn-Ihaye uee& MINÂEDS LflIMRT ov iy~veseland-in-my fani. and"aeetdeîrs it I c 1,oisider -it as no equal. Y ;îwuldnet start -on 'a -voyage witbout it, ilA-ot. l-£dollar a boul. CAPT. -F. n.DEjARDIýN# Bohr. "Storke,",St.,ÂAûdre, Kamourilâka. --meînt --B1- Rlegades etCeet - .d Ftiin ~i ck isaid , didrAt-~sond mt .riaht. -FOR 3AL.Eg PThiso--l& abufttaig1f 73 deai C#ýt. ,lA1 Sultable NUV il, MinUliotUrlàg_, PInqPrintIng HOaas.aK, ta,~ Vines only, no* zoady. 2uy x 4pi P11W~48in, IOe.'by mail, o;p1 for 3 1/1 l.ohft iý. élitral ý. BIT rl 1 W0041 Spl.it rume. 1Y lî x48 la, for 21/8ln;-. haft. -pybfhtýË ,1 W04. plit-plley, .10% lax 36. for 2-7116 In'.shaf. f InWâ.'lo ur blîo W o o d S l i t ' P a l e y , 1r ez 3 8 i x . at s - D r . PulIê. of unaller hÉis,8 aÈdro Lmfdrlin pIatùg 6f varions langthUi M s LLWrN, M - výt ry lw jro . unibaigo&a ndea -~ , uwed wlth theb. ýdrjueg;#s or direct. 'Th tor omCù;any O Rnfihhg 'lVork, oàn the IKin g's Lon- , . don, Besidonce. - w ' vv - dergoing toogirxoain~~~~ ternâl y- For' the inext th ree "' olg" month 150 xTe in eight-hoitr shifts' Toroànto. 1wi1l1 be at vosrk-day and'night- with-MRILlk W out a.-break reconstri'cting' the front ,n 'White Portlanld -atone.- Powerful electri-o lights will ho used n.Su fa at xight. Ail the atones to be ,used' havé beea prepared and numblered '-t ý' z a ê ýt i É é ," e n o ' O T T O - R px4aitinswil eo Nation Bpecxl t resure -wil.- b-Panoe Ai ýakeiý1te uard thezr uevaultâ ________ in tebaenint~ he alu ofthe- cobntents'êf ,ihi 1m~ au loue- They comprise the vant accu- mulations cof- je'wela, ar-mo'r, pic-,(>4 tureas, atatuary, furniture-and ob- jeta d'art which -bave corne juto th-3 posso ox f the-royal \fmilyin the last tw*o centuiriesl. There la no aoeomrnodtio.-for thesetreasures ,in the rýoyà1l-reâidencea. rneasure s 30fet by260ofeet. It is ,used for the storage of furniture and Pictures. The- amaller, which -13 1ined-'with steel throughout, is used asa jewel room. Its contents, r Aimost qpriceless. Ik eoitains more than., 8,006'el 6nmhawih i - su ,y-gZ 1oraebtweg->. n consieraby more, than a ton. Many inidividual iitems would'fetých "thousanda et01 oundéin the -open xnrkt.Mot cfthese jevweLs are hlrt gifla macle. 'foQueen Victorie-b other sofereigýns eî.5 -melsngoëd.' - "I kaow lie's, net piefech,- au d' told-ycu.sce .Don t yen -ramembç m#y. remarking thal tliotre le ie 'ýwith"'-all lits numporfetons on Ii head'l- d<Yés- , I Inow you naid:that ,,but legs aad>--ou -dîçda't'-ay a wOiN ,gar on- porridge, fruit or et,:only :pleases but] .wrence Extra Granulatecd' àd lxi sure of't'-iet sugar, untouched byhand xry le your kitchen."' bs.,2os.25 lbs.-. nàQUlT GKARANTEED.- THE___ .Twofariners met lun a, western' -tow a, de4y, o r wo afler ' cylone keU - on"- ad 'visitéd Cthat particulat. neigli' Wuiood. "She shook thiaga up 'uj_ .Pretyad outa aI inyplace,"ana., 'Oe, tr"lchie whiskers meindi:. .YILtively'. "Byho way. 'HiL-he ad Street.? 'ded, e'ýthatanew_barw <o' yeurn -get. -hurt any'lV' .'<Wal, " drawled the. alr,"I -duano.-I lhaila't fotad t- 1adit t-and'fei tont te fmeet In them. d crwdd.ando namea ere_ ivords. as Cii wards ber. Y >e psition i - ier ýberen, preuS liH-s d& teckint juil -a Fe sa-w bim. tlheS 'ahe tIntitba 'l thauglit As eClive toa 001o, .tii ilaustr, te btatck.- and th eth the sha 0f course,'C edattention,; levelled- 't lt aylufllin t tbing le eo qù Lowd tea cen nagrer te rece P)romises te e etinz indic greatees-ite i Teuan ne:r Lady the chair. A rien niace 'Ut le very Lady Editih, mnuet beýTbeî lfe and worki ipners. -The 1 «*I dida't km fiction." said 1 jOh. ±itey hi ia 'roes, .roe you muaI be- "Cotuit n imured. She -ma-de-a "I kuaw. but be ia Dy wit "FPailurel -1u-gbte -a cant associal 'rienS of titi lBut I.think 1 ttinrs. 'anS']1 o0ulaite guga aisk YOU tile remnember. .A niirht? - 'II's Wedui lienyou are I-vauit to igo veu. but Yeu queut and a Ail tii -'U enjeyed?"it. , a'.a'i4e wth z -But it isii x'au. 15 il?"» Clive' Iaug]I nay aimusem Mnost or MY -Ait. y'es: -e, ut'Yc S ther Classe eong, ferls "Imafrald nov;" said CI an outat frn sheep" smetimies Mi white," ebe zr ubni - yoii viL wrarded as an .".Seeing ltai unt me t e ' She gave a 1 Ij Siau't "mea bbdy-exOP1i bie TorelS- onu. AnSlb monopzny thé' eteapls' 50 ll hei are watchuigi Dress.thei! preWIainlY ..lathat aL anS a swift.- Say, fveMMi 1vU. You s 4uethat You j-ýth luael iligiluesi PTea lit on yonr hi, elever inau! arfe, e É plJlkvitor, te- Blt'- a'u liO tôe ber exPreio a tu - -j - i w. ri 1 1

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