Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Aug 1913, p. 1

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~I~~hsissue výe p lish 'from th Cnda Cawdu Cogner aa'rticle entitled -"A Friendi>' Dialogue."' Thic article hua reference to the Mexican' situation). and -incidentail>' tbrows ,lighi upon the >Canadlian PorFter Naval. question, --wbieh'was so much in Uic lime- ,. l h ight durig the last session of Parliament. 7 Né> are in receipt of a copy of the bs Angeles -Sunday Times of -ugust 17, sent b- an uncleliving ________ihUat cit>', which issue 'contains' 13O Pages. The aubociption price -of -the dail>' Times is $9.00 per ycar. Los Angeles is'a rapidi>' growingcit>, he las ct> dreco> giving the populationas over 0e»_Whitby,. 400,000. d»Iý ec., The summer resorts -on, the iGeo6 an Baq-are ticemhing with guestïs and campers and cottagers - this season, and- the weathef lias not -been better Bti~Et. for pxany. ycars., Ontario can boast of n à~te place for 'the summer toutist_ tbaa' amongst the ylIOatb*ùty'.tho sàn<1 -ielands of the, Georgian- Bay 'p. uer M.MA T Ame. fthe -Bowmiine , Stat«aý 1 OP Dit. ~ws ~~~E8uuv PI..i 149' Whltby Màin lathâ. Tormn front £1«4 Iatplalbtl S»c 0411 SoIIct.d. - gentlemen upon 'théir -long prld oa 'f lsevc 1ota tein -respective' communities, ad 'sncerely hope, that iùany' mor yeanS oiucuns my thgirs.- - Th Sm eltingwoksAndfondyowned 'b>' the laad Inon Cô:ePgoà'*nhaveb@i-en, clo âed', da,î temporanil>' at least, an& Ir r-aarsl in~ &ieds ai ineù aUt aôfýiiplciylnenit laMidlaéd., 'Thc' saw milis will soon _be .ciosin fan tIh seasonÃŽ-and' unless the smelter-nesumes opera'tions shorti',_ the outlaak for Midland for-the coming wiater is no-t cheerful. -Fishing in the 'Gcôrgian BaY is deci-dedl>' pon 'itis seasan.' This is .partict4anly truce within a tadiuà oaima-n>' miles ai fthÏ*ÃŽim'er resonts.Ju4st what las cause I tIce- sc ancity aof fis-if .tIeetbe" a scanCity-an their unwiflhgness-ta ý4ý.bite'" at the. inost. a ttractive'bat,- is the subject'ai m ucl -s;xéu- latian. One aid fish erman was iaci&td 'toaVa, ihteé -the- pon fishing ta tht increase in. the numb > 'àf mater boats, as fish 'are sensitive ta noises. Other pool, poah, this.,theany) but cannot advance an>' othen expianatian tîntsecmns ta be more plausible. The côpous- aI o ain' câêI n ndy- last'- seems -ta. have been pnetty: general ý-over -Cen- -tral Ontaria, and was aà béozont é cduntr-y.'Pas- tunes."-cnt aimost if -not qulte exiau'eauàa> farneahad à,ta feed-1their,, Stoek, from ,this. year s' crop. lz tIc 'more northcpi a-parýts ai the 'Province ýbusli finès'raged fien'cly,* and îtIc na.ins came jus~t in timt, fto-pievent a vcny great lI te'Fon-'days la 't noith country the §Dmôkte vas isa dense that' b- jects ashort dista-,ice away Could anCtbe scen* -On Tusaaat-ernoon oai ast n-cek -boats îfromM- -1,and and, Pene 1tang. could-not fiad their way. thnaug4i the islandse. The Waubie,- hich plies betweepPn ,etang aad -Panny 'Sound, lost a -round trip, andl the Ct'Quee,à, ruaning iroin hMidland ta Hoiey H1-ar-, bot, did flot lëave lien dck ai M.dland. Fan 'hUAsý on Wedaesday maorîing -théhtze weet so,~hc'ta ,objects ten iýods'7ditan coii diot ~c~The nain ot'Friday cameë's. , Iief; téref 16t t- Po T uia* '.* The Caandian National Exhibfflon is onc- mpcêè lfun-, swing, ana everytiàng Poitteio9'ni~ the Premier Exhibitian aof Ascawn~¶i aim Ise*that the a'ttendaace shall. nea7cl"h U iionian mark la- 1012..Candajias.,ood. neaoa to bi proud ai ,tIc ,C anad~ian Nitio4td -Ï*lb son, 1 ei nevpulic Jibra ,y fathât ci thbe - lew .buil4ing, appearèd -ih tI Press of Aug stl6M, and shïows i ingly handsone -,structuire, siiual Park and sûnrouaded 11by flower be laMA. H.,GjISbbartl,- ýhi)a léý ZEsh aistt6r in Whitby £oU1egi Gibard: taught in thé 'West-for then obtaiaed- the-_ appointmnt Moose, Jaw Publie'Libran>', at a ,,Forest Fre e ress.-Lý-ak.weJ. "an article showing how- the tioui -ay$10 a btishel for whcat, l i S hice '-tbe art cle ap p e r d a b valjed aur èttetti>n ta aànother ai extorti'opate prices for an ondina H1e nefei ta carna fiakes-' aio-,whic] taining aine ounces cost s 1-Iten ent '896 Ounces in a bùsheli a! colli, alv of -these aite aunce Pacýaes'arce> bushel. "-Thest at ten cets a pa produCÉ of Uic uhel -té $10, whi of ULti ÏayProv eu-s,' lad àad ta - MondayicXt will be Labor, Day and a: s tat-I ul-tonY hoi4day.. -Ther e .are tho e , hothlnk that. there--ýre t o:ùix satuo> oIy aOi~i Employrer 'of ~-labon carpOse' this'das hiefi>' though thèee are many, mechanics "and artfiztns- who' agrcc tha t there are too many "day s ýýwhen, their ,Wônk, and lý théeir pay as a n à tunal cansàeqec, cut off. T >. aIpplks more esp ec Iily 't-mChai an.d"lab>ning menawhose work je isOt 2of doors, and iËs affect-d by',indlment -weatherÉ'Ethloyeof la-, bot, ai ten -10k upon the le gaI holid4y -as a-u 'cvii ta' befeared and- dreaded. The,-""dayier'# cny.l ways 1¶nds the larger estLblihments 'short' handed, because the holiday proved o mâch frtht.me bibulous inclin.ed of their empljoyces. Labor Day iv Ontario, ,espedially -in that' portion Ca'ntigûous to Torontô, -givrs an oppat'unity L mhye t visit Oit Canadian National Exhibiti .on:atTono -wih thousands af them do-..an opportunity which many wauld flot- enjoy if 'tËe legal 'holiday' did ïo rvidea day -off . ThÉat -s bout te nly -USeful purpose that this legai 'holiday serves. To be: sure, la the dt'ies - the - t'rades unions keep -their -cause "befare 'the public eye ýb>" parades and dernonsti-ations, but outside the içitics the' holiday is 'of doubtful value- ta the wage carners. A tona by-law exists, we undcrstand, vwhich prohibits awaens -of caws fram allowing the ani- mais ta rua at lange an streets, ùüde tIc penalty 'ai 'the impounding ai the said - ows. Tuie. 'by-iaw, 1however, does not- prîtveat thein being tethered an' the street, and being loe ownen al ven as fart as the-leagtlr-f-fthétrope.wviU prmi.'Elvldènt- 4ysdnie oWiÜés are taking advantage a t~~mt and are "pushiag ta the, liiiit of the lan->' without wé lad' occasIon .to 'use a aidtwalk, 'but, .at. one point progness -'Was blocked-byâ eow ,which stod dinevtly acrossit. We politly - rtqù ested M rs. Cow ta' allo'w us Ia pass, but ý-she "aeýnme-dpo4tiye Ã" t he fact -that' shc lad night of way. -Force n-as neccssary'. ta ifduce )xer to- move ôn.' In 'faef, tliis' 15 a, conmon occurrence an more tlian, o aretin the tana.This kind aof thing la -à ver>' fonceful a,guiment, ta yisitaxs for tIe gneatattention givén to"the conditioof aithc rects;' isnt it ? The 'ide- Wk 'usamüe_,parts "aofthecorporation are. ilaa aenous coikditia'ii-already, without ~$o~zc<ÇnSI.odaage.thc wéaker parts ai.themi, aid :'ii t pf- sage. We do,.not destre ta, Ã"ùock,- '~cnbips-wotifAdtrfuly -Sometimes, and-c strenuai ros n past- J v& the I tan luet ycarls grant» f Mira. N. H. ,SS#t ,caretaker aCue for autces 11aay Tii. Pin-alice omltee oreommad 7AÂpleaaant favored tes is acceptable to imost men-and women M.R. Alns nla g: .' .$2nr Âenpt- s eli eawith a mug of cream and twoi or tbreel Scb4o>I. , .. .. 15-00 8lump ï.o a eWaevory am toshousekeeper- aims to, E.W. Evans..... . ..5.50 offer iolier gucets. C~. A.Godeiw & oa 2. Chas. MeGrotity... ..50 To0 meetthbese wantî'wehave placed la stock soeao!f thé-fim- J. HDowney '72.0 est brand a ageteas, uha8 Mr. Ferguson môved that the'- Plen- ô xyStret -sciiool be- eeopenesi01 4I j enmu ~Iiui. a lem otfh In 4*tendance on Our d.bi'- t a elà- -Iit was decided ta-openi the public- Our n. tes r. ' aüd tiâiv4 schools- for- publieAnpec 1ion. on thi- pli.. Try a pound, or- two.and discard the pediars',goods. afternoon of Thursday, August,28. Mr. îïS Coia»Unuc ed that the re- pafa ad ee maeand le thouglit the people of the. town shoulR -NL:d lie in vited ta sec for themselves. Dr. McGillivray said'- that there W hI'Y NT RC- should, be a coMrftitteenLOf, f ofr't -formi witli four of tihe citizens -anug rieultural Commilttee., -to deal : wth maàttèrsre Uic Agrinultural 'Depai.t-. ment- ;Rle said there were "a number' or accounts walting to, be paraed,, la11 - and à lot of! work'ta lie donc. Thre of théeebers o!' the ýconiltteha&' men wold have to bp "appolnted -ta' ýe their place, before any-woir: colild >'- done. Chairman Rutledge, hcwever, thouglit' the matter coûld stand over'tili the nex't meeting.th oinfrajunet ~F 1 RC R L mtus7t fot bléa upposÏrý bat theoton,ýfo, -Iioûi ien -heBoard ral1ydld adjoun.- Truc, they et th romo~v'to contene on 1BrocokT à.treét", , :odhlu the ail-4mportant'FA N thé Mweting. A !ew did not waft or » tMis atter meeting, but enougli o! thot -ae~~ T A lM trustees remalned te, formi a veryAL C u .11 3 liyely littie groupe Discussion grewý 'heated, lut neot convincing for any of tihe varties cQncern ed. Some of thé, participants-left !nIn.disgust- but,.oth- rs remnined. The, question cf thé- rilht and wronz o!, the matteér just hadt to be settled. Mr. X saIàd* tlat sonie crazy rnutts wanted to run theA . J . W ~ A nbew sehoolsttiat they wouldn't get LR out. in a hundred vears. Mr. Y sld, tha't ôtier dittos 'ln town -were .8o' WH ITBvY, ON T.* economical that they "wanted to pa y out for repairs annually a ý1um that Poe: N .4; ' ' N .4 woùld ainount' to the-eowô« anew BeJn epn nt 'htMÉ.- Y's bratn" býouse w*as leaky_______________________________ Ili the -'réof, nd 1 r rtorted -thât, . ~ he bad alwavâ W.ondered liowLX had -1 kept out, oftUic aslum so long. It 1 Ov l,.wq 1.9 nuslll te6urediot iust-how long '7. this Ilne o! enfilghteninc argument 'would have -been rol'on ei but: on, f N D the sudden âû otflAerot. _-,lo_ *~ets f tc pace wre. disturbed fur- ed~a e n .a aisYoe te thewe flot hadtae Aead A'ther h ltAthd-en ed.can lbe-demonstrated by an insplection of~ n~ hemee.ting.àidbourned by mutual con tc stotk of vwjmeued - 'ros 1 forwvard by -9oma, the nays won 0out 'the. Éirease zwWl was réad iron t te2f esDepartmexit,,- flant for -Ib- j 7,SCIIOOL REPAIRS. Thé 'sChOod of Uic ton-n are ir 'ng tefaitouches this we*l~ dan .hp o ter-penIng o da iet.Ertien.sve repair been made- ta al Uose 'up-ton peclally lleary Street. At sehool -Uiec eiMags and n-aIls been tlnted. or »Din-ted.-Th.. -MM& tI the newt Books and] Of TROT. i -T CÇ

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