Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Aug 1913, p. 2

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ifl b, LTS*. Y ~. ,. . Thow had not nmoved an i-ch. iw_ $She oeculd nâthave, tu ned hem 'Zavig rjoetodthrée of 'thè ma- iiead 1 "'Sc alep>osounidly,', Ob- 4o bs f-th Aqu hgovernmontg c"Tii. 'ciein. ' thare, relied- le O ijçri1Y in the House-o! lordi FathÎer Mous.. But Iiii "wife shook geema thla've.conluded tii.t ite en. -WOl .d b. jor polIoy to, reject the ani ~soine neighbOrly nice tourLis and l&st -bin» f. «*,, caniealong. They.. liuteùed tefothe- Maor aws; they pe.ped throi«li - the serieô-<aliUd. 1-heOPttiuii temiper- lhole; they,,disousséëX the'stillnegg o! > alice. bil. Âon>on ehu euthe uleun HmnBIng, and tihe reab'es he ovrnmntace'- 1 ile"ad i, !tisecheese. But1 .dthegoemnen~aeepting they all agreed thnt it. would . be apiendmnts sauggestýd bY the . brio -fodlish te 'try te get it.' 7ýYen nover andaie ~latter Wall1-ing their,ôb- knew whan a Himan Being t Wetiona te ,'certain features -0! t he move,or ht.twl . blliiiorto coïwtnom on.The visitors, .vhoe haçi. cled, - L. hope of bein'g a*k4d te breakfast, In anu"hn l, thé.billroId went haway disappointed. Whiter - .,th rv es Ear had' to b,. contente«d. with ý that i hi l5 ocalunit inkStl&fld mm8 l sd i atsher -and mother the electori be giventheopportun.. did- net even take that. ity te deéide whethi tIhey wi84 ý0 White Bar",wau very hungry. A ibolili l lioeùses andi have trie t âel n 1e frt; imbi', ý't ~r,~ rdue -ha Xit4 -the hlole. ,'Very .,til Was:wUman ~ng lituuhy2 e cn.-r o~ig; very large looed the eheese. re ptie pepst I UsIr.Ž Pro.- A asWht ar cou.d bear it hibition cp"ot, however, b en 6-C _ n ger. -e -nay lô.calitv7 li *nr R- esqueeze througii-thea bol.,j -led-ins parcent andmaclea, bol4 -dàâh for the. of those. voting "and not l16» than eee. -At/tii, very imoment lhé' P&- per cent. dl thse -ttal elect>ratestairtd-, bis lather anid,Ïmothersaw"k in .oy YOflve--yte for it. - Mm, and. Mother kMeéé, unatobai. . - at ii tail-but -she waàstee ata Y What tii.lords insistai on at bte Ear*_gm- p the sa lieeése, finit Was a lfeurth 0itiofll,.intbogi't then fie got safe-iy stitution of ditereted1 m&nagIeý_ tirsugbIsme-and tumned , te usent fu.r private ownserip - and 10k at the 4'ang-or'ie bad paaa.d; Profit in the ýiquor tracté. T h Uman ,Being *âïs usts; quiet. as etr.they have dzvpped. -It Wasa ven lutter. - * o unacceptabie tte i.gveýrn-meUt b,-- Now that he waas- sa.fa baý6k- witb cause-the option, ight diVicé the tisechocse, Mdbher Mousa had àibtv temperanée vote. ;Thse paseag>of thei- hart to ucald hlm. Father- thse bil uue;sdti épr Mous. gave hlm a iy ,pat wiluh bis î an th têmer-tail. They ate orne of!. bis bot1y, auc8 adcla-stés.,Cqnsider it a %tep, Ikud put thse rest away for supper; IL f'orward, evOn tbouîb.tbey !eai flot As, soon as 0White.,ENrsad bad- * sanylae~W1I g;v~ toreuiut.not cnôugh, but-ifl tjhat thywoki< ma y lae$Wil I'Yethn. st -let-hm eat -o! tiý.o.he w a ouais .10r Prmbition 1 J Lcto theisoieI. -Andthen ise w - - Iaw a'strange si -lit!f - 5 -Ginger Snaps. 'Ruan Being tegan te mov- fà 1 -Uù in sch afunny- way l'8h. slow- 'T *Tise moit»beaviIy burdened sbou]d ,lyr, e lowi-y paseed eut -o! bis aigit', tl av e riglit of! way. ýwitiout utting up, or even er4wl- i A aýfor Vthe tuppresion o! uise- ing! 'Bsa vwas being draggedaway. t leanoises would ha tard on tisa- -W-iteýEar hllaito put bis sharp w - ora tors.. - noue sud long -whigkers througii the, h Sorn'e O! IA-. worst blunders are baie, just Vo see bow ah. managed made witb tIse bes't intentions. it.- And tisan b. understood it ail.- -An eznptY stOmacli cônnot b. pla. "Mother 1" hae-cied, as he ani'mi cate wih, logic. back te Mrs. Mouse. "W'hat . doý enhape you c eauhat serve the1 you .upposa? She wad a R-unan of CAuse et ofProgress by keeping etBen, but-Bse as that aIways oi the. w&y. quiet kmnd thay cail a dolil " uglyd iWise' an Ycuth's Compasion. In an - argu-meit a photographer - th »aturalIyý take, tise nagaitive. IBfEn PRIZE1 GOES BEQGINItG. fe Usull' ohïewh have-no tact are- beautîfýully uzaware of it. W@miii Leavcs i209000 In 'W111 fqr . il .Mai'hb. you qan disappoint the ex- Planat Researes. g pectationa eot'your'enernie-aby net Aprsvicviiplapnee û~ets rocis thn e awardad is amongithose offered -0cmes the tug ,hytsFenl Academy of Sciences i Some. dogs know as muais as the.. for the.. enceouragement of research-' Co ou~ars bt tisi5 netsayng uci Twe'nty thoueajnd dollars lie lun foi-thedogs. tIse coffers of the aeàdemy and wà'-o Teein a fi o î bons ver- nua e paid te the firet astronomer 'ho* snd sometimes ho lu. ttws*ns. - put. tise earth in. eômMunic wso -Motte of the. * redy n: Whatwth - y pl&net 'O! -tihesolar -syâteitu *it'yours la part mine-; -viat ii mina etiser -tian Mars. - *ialme n ' ,. - Thiurcunriou.sprise vas instituted, nés ina v Wii You cOrne acrasa bYa&w0man narned-Guximan, wvise c à manwhofins bis chielf pleasure dd in 1899, snd left the snoney for, n niking othr -PeoPp euniapy. foundinrit lndhes.viII. Terao i~itor ~seondumay -insanes liy. iss. GsmnIn .exýcepted -.tie 4meon who vaw ihigt hcm lanet'Mars i. nttexpiatnedp i. isfaznous inu oider to be f amnoss Mnay. -bave, thought t ns,,t71 q M!£crPlishMent te-& ea üais Zou G0 iwth.$o w Giies---------- Pacnheu--Youaeanet married yeare yen 2" Ycungbacký-I"No,' butI'iassd u tia'.m -hi Sinaï 'a. th o ieýuuntain* - mBiasit5 la usuà1l- iden1Ïfiýd vitis Horii and lcaàted near tise aotheru ppsx ôl the .peùiùist1a betwoen tise GuIl Of Suez and . kaýbals. Repiini-tSomewhere in tIse v cinsty -eofBinai,' pcrhaps e- uv nrtb wegt Of the mountain-itsélf.- 3. Moses vent" u -untocybGd- Weut Up tise Inoitain bteh. son ià méditatlosr"and prayer. - -TIse iouse of-'Jacb-Jacub'a 4de scendants, 'the. I*rachites. ý1ý; - 4ï Büre 'you on 'eaËles' -.wingâ - beautMul -figàiré iihsstratingtlig 0f tÜe c! JeIsdv ahi for his è~b.T haîita 0! the a ré nt- eagle -wes.o unfausliar te tise dasért pilg±imsi This kiigo! birdais e said tei- oîvé- round and heneats its 'you whvie bises. »aire their first attamüpts V ever rèaiy te support- them,,10 expaudad ,wing ,wbeu tbey becomI exisasîted. - SBroùght yen urinto mysaîf-sepaý 'ratcd,-you from 'other pt,,ple w-or' Umne forvand IàrÀel'a -rélaClou'sbil le Jehlovà i l to e , a 'a eceulua dovenant. relatioithip, -Isaël haý ,seas- -Jebovais'. ôkus jpesessiou, a kigdom o! pnicatissud 'a hely -ns lion. "'And, etîaugers shall ntamý ,aud ifeed, your llocks, sud !ordign. ons ebaîl - her yout, 'plowmen and nisreusscri.,But ye shail hé namn Iess7"te 15 inclusive ,record ýthe ýprfparationâ male -by Mosai sud 1tii.peopi. for tIse -urtser unî!estation o! 3abovah's',v-ll Vo- vah's, annieuicament to Moues. ' 16. Tiie voice o! a- ýtrumpet ex- céeaing boud-Jehovahý!S 's smmona te th e peWelediscernible betweer the pea.lao!.thunder. -217. Onit-_Q! he cam-p-And nearer .,tise Mount. - 18.-S moked --. .quaked-- ý-Te diol ~snl!stitiou was, .ave-su- p.iningïa"sud rpowering,'ui ts ef- ktupen tIse- mmd o! tie ea. Thé iuguge tbroughouft j!ibat' of thë aryProphsetie narrative, abbuuuiug lu expresss inl-_wbicb lié actions 'o! Jehovais ara b4rougbit within tIse range of bume!n iompre- hension. 21. Break through unte- Jeisovals -Approach tee near tise sacred rienutain. To -gaze-Morely- for. the purpose A satisfylng tiseir >cunsossity. i Virtues of Veget'abies. Lettucea-as asoething affect on se nenvean sudl'excellent for auf- !rers frorn Ànsomnîs.- - Tromates are geed for -a terpld iver,ý but ahosTld ha avoih y ,outy people. Ce-Iery--and eniôna 'are n-erve ton.- Spinacis lias great, apenieut qu-ai.- les'suddla betterar-ti 'medicine-fer' onstipation. Beets are fatteniug sud .areý good, -r -peopleie owAnt teput on tesh. s are potatoas- Parauipa -poesssithse $samavis- Les as sarsaparilla. Aapamags. timulates the kidutys. Bananas are.,beueficial te suifer- ï- fr' cheat complaints. OayJoking:. 'Th Ti.erv'êûs]i 1c- ies rom s'ki~nOuS'_functioral'à' féet'Bouis-,Was conferai Whybold ve net atill bat. "vitis plan-ti dltistace ~ tsat-inpotaitorI pei it -udluuscizn;tes .-the pret ,rd verytiig- thiat- speédfly -b gan. -Thé matf esgivea rima te a gnea1t got, - ho matter how- veisýrableis -a s ntlu ùin UÏtext'by tisefearlul' oapPtàble YI manydý" ràbl e or pain -ul syssâp- isonorèd, viien preseited -'on tise word 1 evil" 2- Where ilu-there a proclainsed le 'o sVsteno tal heton lite; ining 'teble, - ly ,belng . gien tIse418,frOM Mosa n gtIse 01mai. -but o i get alarm tliaapprer'. n&me-.61 one o! h most eias - " - hé6, besv uae roms tbein. -imals kssovnFrons timeimniémo-r- HWPAT IU Proswlià are- tins àffeted-;Ii"ve Jla las -tise anlulialbeau -usaiÏTSLUR,- asTS - &.nta ý meppr A. -i hes a1osa.i 'at.o-fraot-'antlse sutfr -e k OIOppesEn. îv Thingi§,Aimost as Thoer. j.1Ierherte.. Tliey pa pitatte. at tIe' an th e -.svêon fev wh;î-have glyADoAiis- e ast 'exciteiseu, -I'lke hWusa Asliugn 's tjnse-t'4. ~ girIa tiey çqure~tii peuiceus-bû -mz- - .Aaiofg thse,strangest ci-all s Jisabit of living ','itIs a l'lù« theïrlïniç i eg&mû sr o!th u.siiki u- ue'. prôducts -are tise inzect-eat eOu Pul a sdheiv ts maln-dm. --- or- csmnivo roui;' planta. Tiey' ~e , ýtwiugeo!pain~- te b. due te an -Atlàa e cûupion lias -beau eudi atu,catçhj-eat, anddigest yanl-r A'tthl a e tls emselvesté.,ut !csr of critlisim, a--nd telle >of astioreugh a ts- i' nmi. HWlo é-sore visa old physiciess -'*ho* bas the: unsuspectai value o! Vbgoat#-Thse so-ealled Vénus "fly-trap"ior, odnîyaàyea S e n m a nl y s i c f s c a së e s H m k ea a a ud p o c! ý m m a t i a t t I s a a n s u a u vÈt l e t h r " 5 0 2 0 !t4a i c n r g r a v e e a ml uç >hin ] o re s a t is a c t o r y a u d-no s V p rn n k i s a J h a e . t g ow.wcwf ç o!thi r,-and lümissa-isuase a'milkp oue bna, cow. - Ain wihd- etate-îi tise -foreats- o! ieie le Wiiew- ~ne ervous beèart -propriat sn !-Dry W Siselden: a.bo ng thse in.d,,prçiseatin4 tlweus-, efl P. tlo"l~ yOuth iiii t l i; ra -üll'ûosed "by Is l be üu*hn & týlf fôth;-is'wIÏ'h clotsa.41 ly in oons éyic-<Ào, ruka? indssiinjustice doueti.- àoi tè usupct*u~ rise e- l~ie rc vrnugual ea mau'a osv"aa that'ntead o! d. ud 'mpisncd. - n"- - -uV ii -direction; eepeel, rpans, lunhing oscaetetaiforîtubejr- Tsiaé'fti'ln esa !Witl - obec.Whu hoIui 'udis- 7cuIesis 'ýor, vrryiug ourùseives.te io valves, sbàped-like'edam' shela, -as likl aim ci <overe4 and'-cor'rccted, tisa ýheatt deMhIs or-fear odur cIainyWàau,,dle- vii, wiu locdforn, a trap. so%,upé -rccove-tsuormaýltoue,-asd vorkssc eLai-soea ots is ot'îmadè Tieondse-of' tIseleaves are baited i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ yiios-suig1rshftm.- ts et i'ssuibv alvs :witls -wa gt ice visicisat/brais j0 ethlîv4r3 Th --iseritablfe'dr eevu sat-! e'etl ormikfo uaia ise usect.,: T hé leavesara coveéed -middleoa gà ,-gauerally o!-f oretbût co4d ixotýIsavç tuberetilous fith is iuti hairs, whiohere--:ij e -Iôorble iat-ory.Tise rho!f jit triai.ý- -R-Hocaliatishe ga te odvr'èoéy"ete-arne ~a m isdderu Il! & act -tôbard, a pace.; ouly dairy gnu'ai szunete-tu-er- meutis o! tise- nervous system'in ans- 1êether bel a, 'tise worker tuts clown hlm v'acatiodnm Jcubais." H eievstIse"virimes 'mals.. On the eMgo. o! tise, leaVei -îauguislsed r -or ôïmlts teeiàaitoýgetier, and:nmeveir of goàt -nmil- :and- thé'cse !ob - arelrows ot:1Iong,, fluethý - -embroider<- taks ui. euiugs lcp.Sethetanlg t re-to ltte nowu.-l'-i-n 1h. t. usepotng inseot lias tioally -disa bheart, aitboue l ,eentislly- àdùiu'd this. cuntir, - b--la aplu eeNidtets la ytise a&t hatthey f - heoanea parmanautIy tirei, juat as himiste tIse'tasko" fllngtss rctv8u.le stepasiipon on e quisite 9d the. baud o! a aufferer from writer's naed long existant,, but:ipa'efitiy o! tisemcosplhaaaiprs lu1b eramp la permiaueutly tirai. -not sufficientdy faItý. -te1 thi e wo valve iutvth-8a *hte lestl t It sows its' fatigue hy extrema Ahy-hody cau kee.j a goat; Dr. suapkepigMm. YNy secure. l eatisar -ciË irritanbility. It palpitatei brisk'ly Bull 'tells us, su ad- everybody ought -' &iUl more cirnieus are- crtain hjong.ýg-, r vitheut -warning., omi for neos ppar- te. Frou a - bygieni0. peint of view, plan-te lu Borueo-,vbich diatilFvehave Co eut reàâoîsi,-ýt vorka t£e rAPidIY St!1 it la arguai t-bat ii'.ovne're ef-'tliseeliciuon ewtepnpsee un n e es Deune -tins.,andi toee owly at an- hardy litthe eeitu-rea may- 'eni9y thei -vitini. " Many o! tbese s*ae . 1 otIier-; it suffers fréonsvague sudan greater advautigga n tis u ee bêminiature grog -shops. in-tbéir uic. Iflee7tingpains sud itofteu n a rpssessor -! a.pre p direè4. I -re: h1iitie~ iul. h s sepunls te 'miss e, bas/b. -Its owvner la cov o! the .meut -fWsx'oùab1è bod. ulfwith Isar4 esieiuns i*k ,i ué'vom .abie te loi. c-Onsciousuesa o!It la wafl k Wvutkast-go$t'%% iuiiij' B1ýc:l ýof -iiè pjV"enas--sa a iuit_-fitI- ~t It. IV e asýy te tell vbat sucli airicheïr, more nut l u re'sud' -; --j k tle e 'ýéamtueeds, 'mucb aasierfar tiss a aaily digestai tiss e'g ra 'ing cevetwisicJs'eptfisa daqu sd- to. geV it-"rèt! -T-bis suhject is i-m-1sud as a diet for -lbildien sud iuv in etit.bv ytaeeee- uau- portant enougls to bha.cousidered in luds 1b l'a tated ti--is usss l~a ieliquora vi7ýte a'su atis nmu t -be another srtaoie.-Youth'a Coernet psiciana t6 uuIýSurpassed. Va.ctr : -résultse but iV la iontcreosn -panloin.. "-- 6tiatthey ,are.i!dd flama rnt kin4ie,, ine.andaH4 The Ïtarge8t Uhryoànthemum. .aiuce différent s osfe the plants- ovr'th"e uChis rmtin Vs. Tiaesnstx. attract iffereënt insaeets. '-- M ch uldireins to ep. halslh t 0 hihet i. eu t voudeiful o! al theBe - -o! a childjhay hé gainai by ce-s o ieaieo futa oerstisat îiquor-ciatilling -plants - are-,,tise. -- 1ae-plant-breeder. Cauprinue. Tise-Y icb attraet aluga and froga. Tisose mape ments, sud expressiôn duning-sleep. O<Ïdube ortele h fé -. t n te- Tue ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ta' cIidvo:leshs ibtesm o iecmu vg the,Lileaves 'et ' gMie thse gües-'te tie ing ara. au; mouis ide<opn sd tse eadmassy-,o!-tise floyer isat_-fk 15ta< - ;udeep dovu li the fllwer, -Rand en* throvu sack'is imost- likeiy suife ioni ' >h;abut i ocm e..Ti erhovever, swin*g lnwsr4back tiafe t fnens enla"rged-'tonsils, vbwb s-j 1i pîiiaui,-u i sera is ne esý,ri 'th -ugofù%b-th sai paide- its, breathng; i t eau ouîy - nanal ralt i u8 ih '!tep.--R tvIfitti, teeti uts atnls el - ~ ie cirsnatensum-;' 'By -rensvr ïnte iro! the liaves Termove ahi A- nnu: sheep visen t Ie.,beiclothea have ',- -ro t been -kicked off. iokt Ie1" 1 ie lythi émoept the-ter-" Ipésliô y-feope aud f' 'wath fr hl ugo eitaf-f""l'i eysvrd eedt age In tise-:Pi-antgitha4a côlc-sfrOgà -fornsa a be facetons are*sisowu at,,-au early stage globuar-laaiwith- wicb ve ara-tiser. l sha1"rp'bunertad- Atob [yts enency eaep iii p ail faililliar. 'Acco'rding te 'Hortâ_ char n'libti rgI-.iphdcsayt 80 piiw, othatAtie head andulur,' Fench .amateur-,h..me4 au'rus Ieldi fabt. .ý tue - sisoulders- aire raisecL Iu casas o! ceutly siioceedinu winicdng.-a- prize. ITise usoat unique o!. ail thse -pro- A gwn o pain - s-part ýtee head yull b. ie igest chryeantheèmurn, 4uctiîons ,"f, nafùre is tise pat -pop- W~itI a. saab fouud to e acaýried tte'aff ected a i ~fl()wCS'tliaV meueÜÏd More .ularly.-o'wn as the tOEiIlV. ones o!ftihi sptduni' sl -gome hat rethiau-dixty-four igcisesJnlu cicunfer-is a&native efQùatanual an~sd ro- "Tise ue mg,~~ tedcso aab a bre- ance ~Tis. e-aytises*Ise-elivi t am n-ie -ha bnbleading eeui iiag-poaei, viile a curions; sigu o! o! tise oriinl fLoy;ver1l. Wisat !satisa- shape of! a g0ooelat1iVnt the farase irritation l.tiý teusmi i.rboyau wii li&pa' -vse Wh ù ue n Il sou te ater wlt it a- ek- aIbt lu is-costaitruhing of tfilose àoe -4eapia et~iaei erep od- r~s~. The flower ila very turnai up a Rfeithesas leeP, brokeï n ~d - uusan& otherfruits sad veÉetables,?l .beautif u, hut répuls-ive' It'has an beu'-at hie, o!sr'mýilluessa,, ue--sny-extremea :10w »ôlmno 19ye. emn t li, .n-iaamiepla s, Tise .uew,ý terpor à-sd drow-Aisstsa sould'&Is5 j!Thse quickestan- 'snl" m>f*-it y bf an -, c Ie a$ulv iiciteec hr -ex -é~ce;a tiaé oe - r.le- e- saýe butt prcode. fev6nlsh -ài otbicis~y - ~ ' : -Tietse aca atina àaud - lé,a Cnu-jPbIAdh-s Lut thse bPku aeo!laine-ihyt Id~ ~~~~o 'glues'gashusa in ' 'Tkeoffur ébat, my sen, sud -'te: te Pa am s'ng vith' me 1', id a,-curnisp rte o ainéted fr-ens iir.-- ,ig - bopéfuI wl- ti a nerveis cama -'o! tl »Ddnt tehF'you tels momung Sud"nýe xp sat I wouli settie w-i yi for after'.the.-c Sun bai bhisaîr visheI came ---. sme "-qu ie aie'-- ---H--' aShi( rsg it 5 inr or Vi hetent, bad ýinth de! o1iated T -td he. ape i-je pun fag fU u ta th The repe1j, show that h aceis large. end 01 aTle frien - esi-ai'h' f of the- frmthe homIn4 welwas ar athVe request 4 e s. hort Poured ijute th tale ocf WOe, whi -fc>riorn a.ppea the kindly pr. bis ,houaehold - r s r t tu d e - On Ms vacatio i the youhge man retunli ha 1ln More vaiuable$ protego me]n untified, dt tracMdté~1~ er uamed Harris rmasng youn M n ep'Olis Poj 4 we S ID Eey- Wheel ii A deptéh fro] burating of an ë turera of' cernnt -:the insetant deat Sthirty-six years ,day. Suddeniwa4 -on the wheel *hei of the pieces hi.± right eYoe. Otier' to his alàI, but he they reachied -hi-mm perienced empiocye over, onie of the d sidesl his wife the: clIidren,a.lrte PRESENT-ED. TO Dominion Gov-lermi Fine -Bi A despatoh from Tw<> fine ispecxmexib the famousý- lien Park, which- the 11 Ment lias presetec tiez o! the Dublin- dens, were shippe lni.-howen Ilead, w * 'this Port for ]Yubhir In la ilo, ini the - SouthA A dspa,'toh fron oecure Suff~~I ao ý.'i-Wes.térn gr,%in cri -*preeent isth ýt thi ,other shorztage oqf far M. G.,Mur lhy, ~it a;gent, o!ftlècanda zoarrangemente, i. < 1hat the. number o!fhb -West tiisyer *U -of list ' > .on ghe- lab rqueetiý peculias- <One," ays "'and it is -dimfcult to-ýs finit, figures. A1tbo-, vester excursions mun been exCaptîonally la -every indication that. diffiauty in securing9 bas been a scarcitY oi over the- prOvineýd ii mier) axid ±th# ii ao (ou Art Vain. sm-be <oldeci au-i isq 'uliiffcning-or as'. - 1~ ou have te. talc.- --- 1

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