Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Sep 1913, p. 4

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(Oontinued trom -pae.i)f2fl, W. A. flrôugblOL' tnç CoueclI, gukiag for *be opoafi , Âsiereet acroas lthe .P.U. iW The. Ptreets CommittèS wiIl dcslj .-lb hsmatter. -t -,-re né tI y Tlhe ,Stroet6 Committee réP0rted'i1 John MacCari ........ ÀSa l a ........ ............ 20.00, ý sw l , l be John Wilson . ....... ur ? ~ JouiMicCri..~...~ ~4S *!sri< JoB. Ilear4 &sous..~ ... R. Plaakett,.....- UÀght and Water Coma i »The Town Propetoe u. mto-theueaccouaý Uight & Water Comas.... ren p<.47 à.%Aî J;-E. Watehouise.... 0.u ~~t aje~t 4 ja. RuBce ... UO aaotS n -J. B. Wat.ni0ULohh. Zuy 14Ie0-free advertise'for te ndern',for'eraM& to e b It- il entoa tti". py-. * undas ez1t, oit, iq c-siW ltraininad nl1ttM ydr1il àè? couat Of tfie coIii.t2 it. - to beenStouaaect4 for a1i ch uldeu Aû aseossor for 11 ta à jç msr tendisgpuic.coqs e1ai tised fér, -andin lu te 'au4n th tupa,é la $0 b. -ut1acled" to *Counil will eoasld*r ,the best -metlodfig of .,military drilli gJral7 $0 ailun 0f obtaining a more sailufactory, as- boy ssment. (b) The. *lmInlatration i6f iii. Trust The plans, ot the Toronto a5t'0iui le $ le smcias, té engble l*t4 mew, cc Ratlway wIll ho appr»vod, for the, wiether teadchers or -pupl1i, sh are FeductiOn of thé ito aystetj e auao ii a]te*s0 !from 4 t0>I Tet. moaey--are to lie so made ýas th offez Clerk White waa lnstruCted to oh- an laducemeut-.bothto teaciier£ $0 tab ifrom tiie l)atarto Kotor 4e lastruot and pupfilsi1 c4c" bm five signa to wara motôilts tliat the~ selvek in. the traing specified. Epeed of their cars must. bt' redced, "c)Tbe. viole of »e mony grapt i hbse to ho pliced at tue towu. limlits. inlutii. prellmninary stages at lesiatp lu *'T ne G.T.R. bridges on -Broëk - aud -to ho- deveted to- eacoLutgWe phY- H rystreets are -ln very bail condi.' ical aand"ýmiiiJ%7 training in tuas t4Wn.Thej are regarde4 S- sasoolr whhreuIed dhagerus to'veh-cles«* -d pedei -out o! pibiç fi trima. .Tii.town"soliciltor wiil th«ee- rm-àmiof the fouader i.lu mng' fore communict. 'wth-tbe-talway the -rust *ee.- Th company, - aaling to have -.epaits cf.the, phY'Ocal eand" initélecwulC rud. if otingzlu don, 1heW, '1 'abilite ttidchildten at- dresuil . ýesôughït [tom-thé Board schooî.iby nieant: of a'proper system of 91o Railway Commssloners.. Thé C<>n- pyicîtreiiag;câlculated "té~ - im-~ cil wll ýl ase sO.teCompiany, to-bave vtheir physi-,d.1petad * the. approaches, tà -the bridges ma& parovthe- cl eeIp*t te oufrxùta ii. orginl. attheanme tiine te iculcate -habifi ogee f aiertnéss, orderllinees and prompt> *met as a aeth eodmr--obedienice. (2) The !ostering of; t a * Ig trainu stop - ut Whtby ý- Junotlc1. spirit of patriotUsta iii the boys, lead- The town 1lu becornlng of i sufficieitt size aid importance te lustity .tuis -ing them Ite realize,"thaât the fi r St roqueet. Very -frequetly - travelers: dtty 6o! a fr e ý.è itize j-to Gb. pre- are graty icovenencd v :heparedi detend iblé ountiry;' t falre r 'nýneine b îte whlch end ail boys,, *hile- at schdiW- - 0afw f the- train té stop, and j_%e be. given an oepprtuaity cf aequtriag .=equo ldilbe rmade as urgent ~asa.fair acqûnintance -with mliar -, psile; drill and rifle shooting. Tbe-,Pouncii adjourned taneet lu Ail are agreed"as to -tue benefits to comnttee c f -the whole on 1,the pro- be-derived -from physica-iitàlin. <,"posit in o! . -Dykes, at 8 o'clcck The individuai is hepefited la -that - ed es.evenng. by uadergoing such-a ous ! Ùri- ing; es pe latly An.- chuàhbýd, bIs phiy;- Q L. C " DIRCTORS~MEET' 1scal 'anid inteilèctual èapah{litrréi " -T01KONT0. '"gteat4y irnprovedà- Iby. Ïe habits of * The 9oard ofDfreciora or -tue 0n- niaertness, orderlineas - nand- jrotnpt at e1ë '~ tarie -adiis -Colège i à àtobedt 1ncc- thereby incuicated. -Mé and that je duriùg teEhbton. Cnu ay as !oq ii tt ubenefited *Tuèsday 0f thie week tÉe . Board- met in that sucl such a sYstqm o! týrain- in the" -t àfnd tter 'tii meetin'g the" ing insures a nationt both physicaIly mùembers visited theégeat fair, whiere and mentalv sound, and further, by they-w ere. tii.1 Ëuets 'of President R.I deveIoping the character and giving - ~ cre.- a certain stabiiity o! temper tO each - -W. have just received cur l.,h-;,yaunuh Wc handle, Plurs Hay- ForkRo Pe«*' etc, on which .our prices are right. See ouir Corn Cultivators-we selI the follo-ing: lantjr.l okshatt, John Dorti & Batoman Iwulnson. o! ilmakçs for - every purpse-try one of our Ontario Footit Saikys. Front à Wood Mowers, Side Dlilvery ROkoe,--TIgrllt Rae, aHat - Loaders, etc., la stock for immediste delivery. SecondHand Buggies and Light Wagons - ény & Pcrii "WhitbY.;, -ont. lndependontanid-Bell Phoues -giasses ' le lif.elor ichId mIc your di ke-thoro 1exarnin; ilkren's e, MOSIT 18wý BT OPPIC PES E' ï&AI teblitÉmt -o! -a eadeÉ io etpense ta tht o om - provision -for the .4e id for thesa» 1of b S - RE,. a -hy [TI FUL, NFW YORK 4,I W.- lU. COIIýnER HADWARBEI Posssse abnLiucS.c4beatilul hair adsays.: " yhatws"Id an ragged, and ÃŽ-côoul. ué,eedrèsfi" teô look c n aUy s tyle 'Untill I egaq treatug jt with< Sagene,, Saedue thicki Sageine is the- -ôuly dÏessing1 Lever use. Mr. ,j.-E. Wfil in", Wi by la, agent for Sageine, and hoelys -If Sagei » e will -net maka the coarse3t hair, d1ean, 89f t, fluif>' and heautiful and add inches te its lrsxgtb bring it back and -I wili refund your mouey. Remember to go te J_ E. Wilis' drug store__as other stores caunnt suppi>' yeu with Sageine. A large shaker-top bottie costs oni-y 50c. WILKIN SON-HIALL. :-QOu Weditesday atteTnoon, at l.SO o'- c lockë the marriàge was celebrated of! Ddr.-Chàrlecs"Arthur Wilkinson' Vo Mise Muriel Hall, both o! Whitby. Tii. e .eremony was perfÃ"rmaed. at -the Brap- fist pars6nage b> Re.v. Geo. A..Mo ILean, sud -the yeuag * >coýuple were sup- ported -b>' Miss Elsie Wiinlson and Mr. Roniald Hait, sister -o! ti jroom sud brother o! the bride, "resp"ecTivly Tphey defparteg 0a tb,- 3..,I trmü - 16 Niagara '-and" *other points. Bcth yquig people are.'we I kawa -lu t6wa, -MOW 4'--'CkMPBELL. -~ -Attb héom_ af.the. bride's parents, ,fr.' and hrs .-Matthew .,Campbell, Whitby-, on Tuesday, September 2nd, Miss Edrie Louisa - Caiphel iwag united, iu marriage, tô James Lafrd Mopwat-, -bh o! in ofa T hridesmaid was:Mim -nPIrlis Cmp bell, sitro! the.bride, - aid groonl's<brother, Chîrkseawuabn mpi."Rev RW. 1lI~,o!ApSaluts pearl grey. bat, t irmmed te. matich.' 1kfer"h. cerememy tIrç-weddig ,party sat downto ,aýdaty diilner,1 !oIIowed by aProgtRm c os té? -.The ,bride ý- recelved a host o!- Presents, liesutitûl sd bf ."M; id -Mn. Éarliament leftJo'.n tire' eeaia"gC.N. brie! hone>moou thiey Wll e sd A Ruatsve. A-meng thé. out'-týo*wa guestW at the.wedding weýre1: Mr.;auid Mr&-John Parliameat 1 Huataitle; Mms. Harry Bu4ràs, Mis McBth, -Mr. a nd Mrs. -Thos. Mage.i, MissM. . Mage~, bfr. . Crdmnore, '.Mr. aud ali e!.Toroto; ,!-. AH.:Robinson, ÃœshaWB.- -- .The McLaughin. cotjage, is clofed,- and the f amily have returaed ko-sh- awa, a! ter a pleasaut isummier.- 1 -Mr. Owens, manger o! the Stand-ý.. ard Bank, Osha*a, bas élosed tire Mowat cottage, apd. returned 'home, wlth his family, Iu ég'r notes last week we rePp .rted, a dance, havýin% beén givea by MrS. tUàtch Waie i!çemed Jhat --"»~iS. was incorrect. -The,-youug ladfis" e tu ark weére h3tnÉses. - The 'Robinson !amnily, J<e!*Toront.o,- have retûred home. -They' - cupied th ii. -III cttae. - Te-townspeeDple ,ý*-wilI soon be ieav- lag the- Part ~altef their tMnm outha'1 sojouru here..- The boys- stiflcontinue ta chrnp here.'-They wouid lie $ remain ,ua-- tii the. s!ow -flies, the>' sa>'. 'if you knew oi! the- reai vaàlue ef Chambeclain's' Liment- -for lame back, sorenesse of trmuc5,sprPn and - niieuatie- paln,- -you. -would' neyer - wlshta *liè* witiicut 1$. For' sale by ali leirs-13.- - TÃ" Goo Te-firsùi rect'the mi by defectii r cor- w.' Coxiain tii pUensd esnozzooe cfa athîoritativo library. Coves eery flldof knowl-, The nt oc. f'few -Di videè,dP Lob ua $01 yu -about thia meut roparELkàble aingsle volume. GÃ"DLOCAL, AGENT-,4 onice FnlllNure1es Splendid .hst .ouf fr-pit-iud .ornameaçta stotik ifr l st Sana" pc" and wcreeclsv .tèritoy. W' sp1Iy- bandso,e. ç'irs Wrte for full particularis. T ORONTO 0- OTARI0. brougaht into the Gazette--Clrorl 'Sep.tembeu CLash with, order- or* on delivery, 10 vo So paid, vtes for ea 6000UNDUBs -WE --RSOE -A .Pleasute o Shoiw JO:HN W. '*euifd 1k ---4Ation, if yen We -carry ti -watehes t.i ti ±r5 ele8,coù large vaiety. - Satîsiactie The regulaLr me ILwill be held, eMber :10 o, 1af AR UTA. ~V Uld--Booze has aà ien -,do sme -what it -didto< Jol urday' nighf standi. self Johns was oi near Lincolu avelnu lin in a case- A > bîru, speakingaffa wýheeled, raised -the struck- her over the ber down. The b' whicb bled freely., For .some reason your wohip.e- IL Catharines Stauda ~L. Dré~h St., S i - -t ~ "t- "t - A- ý& - PlC.KL D -' Pickles yoô,ia must Iave :good. 1inegar- ,we can-give o y e- egar -Y40, ut~erbe * t negr aÂo 50C -and 6ocpe Lofal Hé Ail piano votes i -piano co)nteest mus The aucticu sale and houfseheld if uni yel Piatten, heid l; ehtaxuedfor -eve-j tw*o, ouses aud- lo' together for f900. {Jolored Taffeta a regular 'value 75é. sale price 43c. ut) There- aie Stll SW. Coins' uei have ia largertbl The clcË-4ur"tb e a" eenuder il luii - ae u ?AND ENQUIRE ABOUTTHE,~ "t 4 'v - 4 k

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