Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Sep 1913, p. 5

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t Bell, orgsn in good condis hesp'TQor.cash. Âppytê J. B. P. HIORTICUL1TVRA L'NOTES. P tatie,Ifye ~ tam que- k o! JEWRKLERs&doT-iciAN »The reglar meet(ng et-'the, W..T. U. will hé bçld at the home oof Mrs. Roas Johnston, oi Wednesday, Sept- ember 19, 1913, 5t 3;80 p.rn.1 A BRUTAL APFAIR. l-&oze bas-a babit"? o! makig - n en do sorne quéer hus but vh t1414 to John Cazéey .lsst'Sat- , plrday ùlight- stands inua 188bý 1i gelL JgbIu waLS qu is ,w ore #i- lier J4nCOjpn _avenueli'.ca,r:ying a, vlo- li na case. A yopung lady 'passed Lispeaking -aOgbly to 1dmi; John wheeled, raised the 'iloliu case and! -struck* lber .'over the head sund knocked hém 7down. :The 111Gw eailsed a out whlch bled freely. P'or,,sone, reffon .the lady didn'ti lke - t&is Sort. 0 et te t.At-and. laid ai Ialorrnati,<mn charging Carey with johu peleaded ,Ïuilty.and .aid hé woudz't ffr ay~ex>1sàtluswhat- ever wey lho had.acted ! -such *9 The chi!'This mai migbtweII11 be harged ihaunlunietlb1 le , eo. ourworshlp. It, was a, brutal .affair, Cëathailneig Staîdardt^Je!y M. A,Plaieyotes in W.-M. 8lgl' piocont.t rut1~ eoded eah îh aitlusale o!houSes'u-loi aid, lieu)seho1lu rnitàro of Mre. Sam- kteheld lus' $at- da)r, vas - ver-y kCssful. Good prcsvr bta ied' for everytligsold. The.. tw huél and lotï wwete parcbased ie1hrfor $900. Votored Taffeta* sud Palette Sllksý, regular 'vilie 75ô. te $1. RUMiDag Thee.aM., atfil reat -bargains at l.WColià new ovsho store.. Wei have. agdtàble ~ otrWguar lias' etdé i ~Wevkdetly If anLJwIUBPBhaye bes Inn themEvw tocatew, tralna, à*la luk~t this sq#_on ofAb.- Year the trains are iui1 ae Horticutural pture bôw, umer the auspicAe ! h. 1#hm ftb H Cdm mral Society. Be sure sdlszI ilunt's illustràted àeÏtoré,~aO able Topies -for -Amalux FIover Growers," -ut the towu hall,. SeP*.. ember 12, at 8 0felock. -Sivez -colles. -o - - -- "W% .. --- ueg.*i u pos'l. IILOY haVe' dOUe'for years. > Thé sehooli chldren's exhibition o! iddreu . eI . HNIMC. o1.' tOhIe. .-iln0r tOCe K ed. - . Iast4pu and cornon , tmsed is Ia 3utpeyE ,Jol-EVn' o!1a6 a* 7 ___-_____o-6 udIyo, trbtd y u&-bortèuîursi SoýÈ"ýMs' U R$à For il -lEdSo! nolln rn~tiell iformaýpi a 't of the WMU>hy Rer- ACoeci.fridlp w e1 -aud Portian4 Cernent go to Oo. )L fer àral àà owor" a t r. r k aÃŽtls (CC. ' I ~~Two Medai wil epreseutedby the kwasu#atoeîy "<4- - . jToron oErtutza oityr e Fxdyngt wlértunatg Mr. and Mn. Jas.' Shaw -are spend- Thé- Hartrickliquest, wbich bat -best collection of "Hardy HerbaceCus from the ë Insa côupi i*weeks t Toronho boendjourned unt4l, Septemb0r 2, Pereànlàb l'displayed, ai the whîls aarroýw escape from savêysélouff, >.E W enjoyed enveral *as again> adjourned, this -time n . 'Flower Show.' accideikt, onc that xnlight easéliy havé I défntel~,owig e heabsnc o ~ ~ in inéd te ý.bzl eulted 4au a we t~< y i or~t drn he week. g to ,he abunce - Dr. aà,ÀId MiaD'Âey,'o! Détroit, Crowu Atrney Freltheix-bettdlspiay ffovst paré ototfg aonle Kugo od, r l1'lgwt n i r.J Flower Show ou ýthé mornlng <,! thé aboutïi..eén-eock aIigt.u APPLe 111h -' weS"p sbé i i ouhl.éueu-ato!tetva n isEIGoldnlbas W.Mured a Mr.: Ira BRELFlowe hW open to VIsitors a-ftér- gle'as ý,re* li abridge, thé approachés Jpsiin iteacher -thé Mimdci7 shos-fo Ewsrda ag pee oon sud cvénlng. Prée. to vbich on elther aide are fenced»,.pulcseol n~~king baniels -aI ~~~~~~about four feét. The car had >56 MsgI aohsuIsatedg eg»4BrqEltn, ..d eau fiai W«OYrXHBI over thé bridge, thé Businessut hol. PrIompty.-t.. -1eMENT t . but when about hall, .- XEN BUILDING. way 'along thé -western approach 4 1arj3s týiawa..-- pyaidlcashed.,lite the fonce. -Going -ut s-0.Yrn avrly !Hvlc1 oxtit:s ra r1ny jrnn -entydlPlyd Jibgbraéof speed, W'carrieuU away adMs b pIely !Tnno Contratos Dverlipro. ae ua> !om n eterngthe Government- about thirt>' feet of thé fence, aidn& r m ovvr Sunda>'. ot6. on thedr -contract o!, puttng do*nie- ui i thé te Cansdten Natonal he ee-ntw'oe udy ment s'idçwalks., Thë,e si "Ck bidig hjé ote, the -front wheéls going Is uy. idla !CIlg borne street-'PaI fhe1ig S61l hbto rti.ehiis<o tefot it h >nfo-d T hél--W~ ood, ýha& béen vilflig for sonme- th il reat)-"pia -farm i tby. e-eof thée car- oianolétWý completed. As rl;ibosndvgtbla o1pe, hç edl u4pndi ô th- ot>Taidvcii>' ward, sud thé walk on Dundas stréet gether wthi fruittas te!Ilf rrn-,0d11,- aicad oé,o <rom~~~~~~~~~ th OiIII Bi etésa. .sotiteu!'esti j sie ofthe ditch. Théýoccupants ve1Lio Otweegss E . é'd d, -m kea m g-colle- not séousi 'injured,, n ecivfng 1onWsd isEvjs nStudy tion siOw ecèlvng aleutioi. 1>n Ilssi su 'lurest-p;atoe a. ew cuits and bruises, but thé, front Msa-.V PwlPo ille Çobblêirs-..lU.Djà thé beauti-l'of thé car--vas badi>'- saahed "itro h qné' h;i eli - Bos' vo-iec twed nitst,<fit ipld lu-front f! hé.rand TrunJc naturally.. .. . . .hswé o age 5 a i. yui~réala- -vau>~ iaitin. tatûî~~wée té ee én Nearby résidents jrd-thé -crash,.édncoL .B. te $co umm~e ~le rlor ~ 5.AbIs~Zd-s ~obéLldrUshed . -.ut toi ýaéý i - hé- Pl.ted -bto,9f alfa aî6thep'sason. A ak Ip:,_mr $ 775 WG l~ylrewalpli-ùgsue técause. -Yhey -lent helplnig haids, aid1Mn: sud- MrJon acrlvet - ian o! tbldigsowhich w-inthéheassistance o! -a téam théecldy BASEBAL arragnt o h hulag, hc uto was hauled but o! the ditch and' Mn. Young - who has'been acagé Jwil hél along thé bluff !acing -thelake. talten up towi. Ta h cuato h Sadr akhf o h OnThrsayaitenonofas.wek Smpesothie stucco and, other were not* seiously iijured is nolhing iPast 'two..jnontls, b1as- réhwnéd- to thé ifinal .hall holiday o! thé stores, finish- of- the cottages nov undér way short of a, miracle. It -le sald thatTrno tam bas eg a paeg tenae hf. r alé, -agro the. car -was rning without l-îghts . Miss Agies 'Keai ferè on monda tea'ns Thée"eingWhIt4:by aid Oshý-- thé, tarns at Whitby, je _in charge o! it, iiaving passed -tbrough Oshawa.1fr ésotliwhr-sehs ecrI aw.Té #iorns did noQt èèem Ab thée ehibit:'. shorti>' before..-,-At any rate- when -o ed a pilatehr the ù. héve ab t oiét ihté uvs.help arrlved -not a- llgbt vas burîing. lcsho hn. i.edb he-I- lcal -pitchérs, but - - - No doubî -le le l-respoîslblé for thé Mres.-J. lakhal ad iédMr, th Witbigothe oôka grat iigbTETAENCE ient as. the-îight vas-ver>' dark. Scott, o! ýClevelwsnd, Ohio, are vis- thé~~~~~ picigot - Y ~-Y -Suaday, :,Septeinbýt,7 -Veiclés comÏnin-.' thé -oppoite. dîr- ltn.*ith.b" - foé'& reltive,-Mn ah, opý- ru4t.. ehmstr'peWhlé -Mornnng--service-Il-- .'cock-. -Subjet -,eetion .v ers- in danger.: of- beisg rus r-and -Nre. Geo. Mowat, Sr. tis n-poxents by a score tht weu -Serve God."i tôo big at thé- close o! thé, game t0- veigsrvc 7ocok.Sbe t, -an sd it le - fortunaté that the ac- iMi'se Lulu Macpherson bas sécured count. - . r -7o1lck Sbeltcident iîvolvedon>' thé car-aid ls a position as teacher in thé -ýFrý Tig is.. cuat.eJunior Cbllreîe - ~ ~ ThngeFint.' ocupats. * ~-room o! thé Hastings publie sehool, .chilr prnt blue and black an4l white ning work for thé- year in real, éiin BRT ché-pitdresses to fit ages 2, 41- est.. Corne aid.lielp. ITS aid 6 yeairs,. regular value, 35c. to! Our. Social !Commite aéu HARTRICK-At Whithy, on. Thurs- R Y L TH E T 50e. Rummage sale price 24c. ai W. unique- aid very plcasant evening on day, - Auguet 28, 1913, to Mr. aid HJOCUSIVN PCTRS G. Waltèrs, Tueday. Keep îext Tuesdayilummnd. Mrs. Walter 1Hartrick, a daughter. Opn e very evenIng -TUE If the parents of thé youngpjeople. pe- Ad-vnig LABOR -DAY. - attending thé-.. Whitbv Hîg.h. Sohool Asîts, soc., Çhildreniirider1u2yrs.,Sc0. 1will drop à_card to our pastor, Rev. j n Saturday night, xoc t-o alLý T9r ascniéal 4Q ii M A. 1E. -SÇxsitWo -and -let us know . uBAIN PEaRNgROYBMR Whtby on Labor Day, but >-for th%, iwhere thév ar-e. hoeardiig, - ve vil-I JeS INryEý1ë - la 1"n e. Opérator. most paît pévpié rélaxed and sought glad, to g'ive them- the. beneM q Successor to _______________ enjoyanent" aid test.ë MIuny iventit -chureh home i nlec. -- .J UE-&SN . __________ o! ýown,'chie11y th T-oronto - to také -. J T Lk SOI in Tîhée xhibition, ai quLe a tew -H+- -- vn purchased frorn W. J. Lue PoécqmeB to i; but el-TH EOENN FSHOOLS. & Son their complete stock of electrical Qino'sBraRW k ing lik ~th usialholiday crovd Though Thursday afternobon o!- laet fixtures. supplies, etc., I arn prépared _____________ cami. Thé' Ex!ÃŽbitiozý i- sget .1ee - .ya ,rl, quite. a' le w'. pll, to do alI kinds of electrical wiring, aid Magnlo -brJa,.adl oleucuunfoeo the imbis!th andie ail s.ccéssories. to tbiD -clectrical - -.For, thé néat tçn days, com-' toadi it È ct -wo-oudfé Board -of EdiùatÏou, yigffe.4 thée trade. -kT- -niencing Aug. 2gthL, we will supp> bo .the couptry. on, ofdity ocasons. ichols, su ad . made sujîu«éc«On Get an estimate frorn me on the aid put on Rubber liéels for thé - - - - ~ I thereofi If is a safetaémnt--ta wi g of yOur bouse. Al work will ho nisum MOf 2Qacopiid by - '~ - not for.years bavé the chools loktJpro1îptî>' executed and guaranteed to thi cupon. - Evérythiig fihardware ailwçsowIo-a hyd t-a~-Al thé nform tothe Hydro -Eilectrc iules. --- prics. -ée. . Ri.. -builin.xgs i*ere la urgent need or fie dhwoo 7. .Lk's mcou.on. ad; 25eentities the J pant,- ad th- wo&wric.bas- .,.uPhonç,,toîlDundas St., Whitby.berrt prrbereea ---POOL RSBOSOLD. I nicdl-y painted, and thé plastering calý-NAE........ XAs io ted. élsewheélin -thé, report of somineld... The, floots ,and stoveï aid ...... hie Co0uneit meeting, télcnefrdesks vére, - deaà and, -.--tI e rooms ,-. -ADES...... *thé, pool ai'4d hlant noom h b hiéen hogôu rstet A -!veny "~aty" _____________ tras1ferèd -om Â;E. elbTo.appéarancé. - 'Te, repafru àtat- -have - ohn btfntqalt'nbe Taske.r. ,Mn. Taaker, o.l .a vl beeir madé té Hent-y - tréét sehool - ,o'Ïhrea utMat a pû6~1zio bthby, bas ..récent- hv~i4.i~~ ssô'~:> el s. 1>' 'purchazes uiess fp-arn mn.1jthé other sehool huildings-.-Théehiel kid1~>'h sbt Belsd no-iy thalithe-.é e ' 1faulb o! tbW sthool la . ýtb - throeu- o!THIS"SEASON R l fer w-,e --t" -1teý 1ýu--ÏOms grébiàýý,igh.ëdlýQUIN ION fe h cn fade, wji také <cha iou-.rom ar b dI>' ouiatÏmnonbuying « SuV h ns tê- hscôtlit'-aslly lie'torréctet éaud-che SUt s -I-th ad,Éucition, o. May, î ta he.tli hluing tb. ad"snlsgeo. q nrokStet,-Sot agesecssr 12t 5yâé4e~ osthe.con po ! :iou this d-1 fezedI.ve aioailmain-TB Trouthe' he-pé çtsi , teemt'-bstej-<éalt*py.~ ><>~~'W IB 3.56. te 5.50,Ri ag pa windows, -thé - opéuung oï two par' " -Whitbyts GonIyRparSp- ah W.G.Walters'. o ni >nw -pnes,- and the.cTug --A D DAMAGEi-TO'PHIONES. *haffi Thé sévère eléclric ilcôni'> of' 1sl. bult t Tbuistay - teeng - -ausét a -disar,4 Ir4gemént - cfthé ý_teluphione ,cBr- itX vice- for Borné limé. .Thé cable box, ci - aithe-,ot~-cf he-bÃ"Wkn~the 11101 Treés fa*tony; vas blovu ouI, u bcs about sityBell- phones Put ouI o! coutt buuièsel~> a- ili. l'éttrlo ne-B lt pain the table bôx Il was neoesrl O to brn n -Inlo towu f rom ulside, OPOIi and2 bis, or- course, caused a delay.- full 8 _The Bell- Compaiy iae h aste te pui and, -théý telophoîe Cal omS s e- î liE Soon as- possible, but for iseveral dayk -550< emré ctizeois lu -towi vore -witliout. in th hohe service. 1The hndepoiealnt-D -go. j>any reporte. Ihat ver>' Itt1e,-auage Ahdé vas toue t t II lné,An tjI%4t,,btl-i an .,ter.ort, weretheàt« .ýaa rase i')w, DurTn IegraCé of al viffl adoavor -te' -"Téà;*i- fési*1e oFr*n- cents a-poid, buùt never, nover -sweeetiiâIe 1 he point? --RIGHT Ifs yont ig'hi, aveu s. auty, -t. lrny -#hse eu ü dùdo ',thé -betj but a.show, onjy a bain sho, abe t og heM-. s thsaivle yais aft. THII(K 11T GYI. - V.-~un. lin Dri-LUE, ~ ~lvidge, J n. .,1V.A. Mes uses frfend, iuiw 1-. 2L... and- Teamig 1- hav e cill, added to ~y weUl- ed pçilivery table a heavy tearai and-dray f4r aIl kin > o! catuge-an4 tosmÀaing worlý aud 'will.h la' dt -eeve ordes, which wiii have prompt andcareu ttention. - -PHONZ dg. terIýoà4 s ptembe6thI ~WUIOaliToronto Lj =berrA Xlpngatoni Wharf vii ieavè 1$p1uM. Saturday, Selitez and-'4ve Kingston Wharf 12. 'frToroutota ie&r MGon day e..- D>EÂTHS. WILONAtMyrtie. on, 0Point,, igpst so.. on 4.32 I .be 'dis- SePt- Car for .0a.m- FARM -FOR SALE.. B>' auction aI. thé. Queen's Motel, Oshava, Sét0znber ý5, ai 3jm la acrsm los 1 ad 17, lin. thée.4th IýýÈ cocsin -o! Easl Whitby, known as the -- Hylsut - farim. Goot buildings sud biéli.s wtua undérsignet for. parhticulars. W. E,N.. Sinclair, Oshýava, solicitor for thUivland egtate. - ----- P laâý,i, ï a, Oras ame -FRM FOR SÂLIý. OR RENT. Wilsn, ti hi SGtyear lot 32 and part lot, 33, RE L.E TA Eear seventh concession, W1hitby Tp. Nov.lat - ppy to Frsuk - RNIE.JONESI: LIST. E0Jus.WibyPOo .H sale u Whtby.FOR SALE. lffrla orsbolut1 Tons po!127 acres, boig part, o! lot-10, and, Whibyan Piirrlg.11, -concession- 1, Reach, hlalla.nlUé FRANK E. JrONEIS, rmCPI u.oeml ru h WRTB. i-wells; one gô.od ,,cisteiru; goodY gardent.,o! small frult, 15 açres of-or-, REAL' STATE. chard; oie row of-.evergreensba! way arouud orchard ;bush aiàd maplie oy--mear'thebeecoftrese. Ooriesgawa, rame. mar wht âN 3eret t your advantage t î i ouse, sFeveù-roomed, oo ume cipe Of ae.-Iw einW bys Uja ktchen, trame barn , cattie bopuse sud ae weddreau, -hefre o pri. Wite pig pen. .Apply to Richiard 'BIlt, G. W. STE'VnIO'NseFaher8t.,Toironto. Mrtle.-14.- Dry loi. Fac 8oosan Ifhn JACkSON'S BARAIN TOE Wl-IITBY .SATIJRDAY, SEPT. 6thl Aiternoon'Sale at 2.50 o'clock 4 - - veîsng Sale at 7.30 oO'Ck - This is thercommencemeni of'. our fluail eleanring sale. -No ré,serve. Every- article in our; Bangû,ainý- Store goés tb thé- :rhé ',tbidd en Ei thé ;-for -1 1' ALBERT w. -JACKSONV". Serching for SLrndries. V However high gradé saifcoyabccl be, it is not 'Whôllyc, - I Bting your SHIOPPING B&GS, vé will not havé limé wrap goode. - -BBING ALL YOUR MDNEYa,àriong so- you can promptl y Thére will be no noom for CHILDREN, so thé man ai- door vill not let them in. -Don't misse-this chance to lot your cash' do. double workc v-.- - -1 --4 -.4 -:4 'poie 1 tD tune vo offer 1h.-" TORONTQO'. i 0f ay given fo <qrbefore i cent flot )IN'G >Lone 151 VÇ. good, very best, Cleaimerk -4- F - - I 1 - , - - - - - - - - - - 1 Ar ý 1 & ý j

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