Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Sep 1913, p. 6

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kn'owI'ldginig. aiuei theXn~ miüii, 'outline4 Uie new pohçIy 9! thei. tJnit,*d Si&etèýlowsrds Meaiio, ptÇýi4ent Wilson, propbees VO let - -1915. J. C.- Grew, cliearg d'affairoes destiny. H. .ntert&ina the stronpl he- h. teve 1aly the pride m~ Hurawi11 ýbe bzru4p,, and that aIl f aoiiia vii lrealiz. ýthe -nece£- sity Of yield SnjVote & rie". 1 inediation d*manda.- Tii. Preuident dots uot Sonfider-- tle ne 1.W cy of nou-iiitedrrne 1 N EWS rY *AIL AÀ]OU'T 30113 Oecurrences la _Th~e- Lan ITha Relgus Supres e. In- tbe Cern. mocecli-Worid. In LondÃ"n th toggy das n- year arlon. ai> averae thirt6y-peight. There re 1,00 vouas whi4ii crom the .Atiantie 0cm-'an every mont,. The -mosti ecamon 'me fo'1r a place in. Engia&nd, h Newton, -Wich o>écurs no fouýr than.19 timeo. -Tii. 'shipyarda cf -S&t BBitain,, all w6ring t6gether, ecould' turn -out a big eteeýmehip every dy A naan vho cui ha throat a.6 Bir-, nnnghazii tated thit h. did. se o- cau se h. did -net 1k. Vthe -bot Wei,- An offer c111i0,000 for Vii. build- ing o! Vive libraries by' 1fr. Oarne- Town doumcii.- - Oig 'te tihe increased cat of manufacture steel'pens have goe up lin proçe.- Notepaper andi en-vel- ope8, bowever, remain .tati-onery. BrTitdih. m,500 -ships engaged in foreip trade, (iermany -»Ver 2,000, Ia.jan nearlly 1,»0, wlile the luniteéd S*ates-bas onl1Y n mî-6 -ahipa, se> engaged. Buckinigham- Palace, London, je underïoing a comlte renovffion eëténig4aiy. For the - nexti three kâxÀmntha150 men. viliLe et workCOn lVedaa n4lnight. in restaÙraas an authority de' clrs ti orrèct tip i-s a penny when the bill dees flot exceed hall- A Plïiiian, on viSiting London saft'aw i tatrvul f Ȏme-'Yeama, vas surprimied by whâtt' eemed te hlm a noficeable inoreafe in the number cof red-haired mchildren. ' The, LànoetrecOrds tivelve "cagi- _Oer cure' announoèd lait year. On.eiot them va -""brandy and egg,'>another, potasslim perni&n- ga&nate; a third, an alleged radio- active min8eral vater - New Brighton- has beeii grea.tly iniproved in recent year». A hanti- Soine pÏ,<om2nade à nov open; there are fiùe bande and -golf links. SVaPms»ip anid mot-or excurziozie aýre ari$&nged for visitor.. T lhe, Lai of Wemyaa, ho on the 4th iziet. eomplet.d his 95*Jh year,_ - - ':se+a vonderful reodH.e -no ey Vthe okiest ,' niebr' o! citber',.loua cf Farligmet, but the,.diily. legilator who h»e ived in loT V i Loo r icener &t that a t~ en . TrvAled "by &quiAi 55 per- 90 lb. - Prs .Miilionaiie'.lumberma,»-of Duhiuth, formerlý y of Preaooi* County, Ow- tarie, $-.ot te .d.a4Iin, his, homîe._ Sir James Wiia.m Soo&.ttV hiedied at flolton ,in hi.-7Oth " né w"o vu the head cf HiielCtton ýWorks, the greait -ooo apinsii and m&nufwotuîrn« concerne of' Bolton and Mauchster. H. j& eue- ceeded in.tue baronetcy ,by his eld-' eât mlon, )Ir. Samue asa Sot T'he Pilifm'a.-ionument, ameni- oriel of ùt»e wnten&ry c-t d&ý parturp, of- the pilegiforMnàrc4, ,W"s unveiled a t Soüthaampton u ee'.,loth imat, byWalter .Hines page, the. Unite States Ainbaasa- dor. It ila a oluznn orec'ted'om thed aite of the pier Irom whici tue pil-ý grima embarked on the Ma.yflower. The. Dueou cf Fit. ýwil[ h&veý eight -b.demniaida. Tbitnýub]berzia the rule in thao'ec>!a"R4yal wed- ding. -lWh.y wlll izolude Princesa Ma.r, Prindes. Ma.ud cf Pife,Prn ceasMaryo! tck nd PrincffasPs- i -Othr tricia iof O*aigiit. -. a re t b. ai1eted frel u ht Of meimere of Viipeerage. Prinée George and Prince John, theî younge.t Bons o! the: King and- And No Wonder. The recent death of 'Field-Mar-* shal Lord WoIàeley hagbrdught out many anwgtdote f the lamon's Brit- iSh officeio Onen. ccasions -the, sokIQrs erediningj and tho or- derliei were hastening back and forth with pails cf stes.ming soup, Wolueley stqpped one of them,,and ordered him to remove the Bid cf his pail., The man promnptly obeyed. -"Lot me taste it," said the, gen- * ersi. "Bt"kegan the orderly. "Let. me taste it, 1 ay 1" an~d he tasted it. "Diagracef-ul !" he ex- ciaimed. "It's fer aIl Vthe world 11k. dish-water." Ti, orderly saluted. "Tlhat'a what it in, air 1" he said. AhE Thingi t. Worry Aboutî A man bas enough phosphorons in his body te maki 8,2à1 matches. By e ^vcta-cf 1,ý415 ota483, Vthe eIeýéb6r, of St. -John, N:B., r.jectéd theý by-Iaw prohibitïiugthe. ereeton -o woocten. buildings of more thaii Vive êtone, luinthe. city. T'h. Anci4lit Order 'd!Fereters, meeting atLindon, authenied the puchi. of land and ereetion cM an offio. building or purchase of un .~rigbuilding.for offices in Té- 4RkISIS NB--XÊCUTION S hmniy Chrnese. -4eztIlitoîs Auid Ohr iet - South for Thelr LJves.. f~u~.1ju $ 100 td. Vom&ÏÎ furthera- ~ ~ ~ o Wedns-' resti. day o Ing< t6 Ibo .#Cr~O* O . e!zt.ToSzêepada t4il- IIo>nït,8UM* tileproclIainoz ýa4cr YMJpvlnd o mrw Jkt4.o.00i ,Lesa g1Ia'y.i0t-o, M1-oroUa. '7ire aiakse- bacon, 22ôe; ba-ckèa24 to 250. -ý,' - - 1 Lar4--mTérem.'141.4c; tubs. 151-2e: pail1', gied,- tay ioas Strew -te.- 1 Olid y 1-e i ba. $14 ta 1.5.o tiraek. Toronto, end No. 2 aI $14U te 13 Babed trîsv-*8,tô Ï8,50, *ou Iraok. -To. rente. - àà12 -0c È 6. a 1* Zene'ar -mn.,ea Àî 62-ete. -O'h'd'anWf0-- $5.0; M-3 o- 0; haao.Ife41 *5«l. 4 uoooidp, $.1P90atOng bkmrVâ*4 9 Shorters. e. X ole.. 42 -'Y- ow ter., cbaicest Vo PaO. Boler_2414car bau.90dt.:*.2. an *V Iciioë *2'Ey-o.Sparazou. crIta 1 7ti 1o. 47e..flé&- 601-20Nsý. '3 tq ton. ~ ~ 4.9.* ohlsa rerey, At~1-e eo. ;34 3,r-'; '-Ne.' - 1 -2 ; o. atoc.' y.e 94--9 t se, -, rww..i $9o-80 N. 4e No . er, 8, 1 jie, 93 -t is., 86. le s lierian.034, Ns- til.>'- Ne. 721-Ic; -No.5~Ue;-ee& SI-e; N. tob 61c; foot.-4t o. ' -S.oi&-No.àeO&YY -343-eri No fo.4-S; o 6m;fod, 321- he&nly-K3 o 3$3604ekeio , 03 oreo- sLo.b; $0fed- .- adw&4reand 1026I Montréa- l-, . 2-ft; Karv. 614 te 61.c; lom ,201,64c7.. Cae-. 23 61.2e. Ob195-4e314e.WB-41àLe. 3, 41- te Bo. 10u0 n 'rn'neagd Preih;seee fbor 3.-Wbea--e 1b tde 9634 r' teaught e»em er. 4rDcm manyoayo:O.roýn P Liom eed-z erickWillam @&ed hr siter. !eiousnto. 4.-L-e44.-Ohiviee ere. on.5 Tueday w; ible teaiercam2 -e $.& :domi-cani rhers, cid PSê ouSieno, 'ete an aup5tomobiemowi-ta13.th: City al, 4.0 te$thetraesch o ev oftedon, 900 paunda, $5 ta $5.5; oag Eas onu,40 the 650 peapolo.50te $426. the heavy, $3f tauo bi30;le. -$3The $3.o<;- alininesie, $7.n be5 t e- oau-*9 mobe., $10ted angr, an *1025 o MontPrnal, ept. .-Pr-illiam .and- 61-2e hei. 1- o 44e Iabsyi-e GEX0F HRUSERS'BOED O. Presencet oIfrlndehDlaed by he A epatch frein esoin, orý-' inany,.ays: rov Pin0 u Fed [vibï- wzniè 6c>onttîes vsere the i-' flÉtiý.ýdéath -ra4- i ta hihest.' "Size o! Výowvu bas n -o definite W.- làtionhip "û sa ifnt Mor- taiy.tibia tcureît iiregularly lu, town haizlga ppulation over -and under" so51D.0 GEKN~WIX11 NT EXHIIT ,gDu ee)Ineà',.to 4pear at thef A d* ÏM trIn Benlr Y ay: hii ýflify et thePannaPe- lic -%fo i4n n San TFrnao.in Ve 014ens~g t nt tir cvwil- of th 'UnV.d Btu. may,- con- frred on eujctfr a cone*id- 'Vii Minitrviteiveo brrwisfGenna--indutry--V - ýhibitin Sazi Françicoecç, -,the. O.ranâ deilcu ta -reg* ci t- oofficiai non- _pIed rjý uWt.bon«gative, gvng 90 the Gose~'nêiw gio*n&dsfor- Lt. e- tienVh&dghooe'ofan ffiielex- Ëht i- Wde dane -aikV Aoi ..*WW fom"' or- - gy& As 0thd r W ý-ÀItèrKIUJED. w theght lbWlf"-gonto houelEm. -the -orner urder hage.S tèc Èstà r4i Ã" a alt t rthiSu cl6ii, kof miVher;htel -agumee chonerd t Qte i audsiore 'tsote ag e hoib oci to Elizabwethtet woa kd;ithd e an.. e oke sème 8ice-tt e fi»tbe- kihezi bamploye-MIaundar ar-est ond chrig o! bIire he rgumentAu whica hé man fgista.ruatedhort-' ly betare dihelomkavn he a vutaofathe htltiio wed Voutare, inohi& eSt âbVi. reeaour Wi 'lie tesédt ice oma largte bsck .hfélinuLdon, Engbovand- ba e ired Vhsomeaçnthmincei euti o ltiiye&, buhthe vaourd inrd hie abutheo er Pl an bdoAte e!inoiatrd ioýn.H.ni, Uform ystemf. adniratton Acodét CseWreprt Efct ie -tag.-réamncy ein Lndon , Eglnd and decfrS.eaa. byf50he Pçe. One Apreqi cfluthea, -ienti.ce& wards viiet<> tre.wardommedeztui. givn ers -pi.cýed yrkedMethé form eyte cf ainisrtion va abeXunce off report ju»eant Ii.4 Vaie -trey tmet e-Ld twas -iree Ot - 1 tiére,: -lr -1Mereditti been il 3rUS. 'Vie] a wot1d-wide cocdiji ,l i -an-- ' e Scance An Ibthil -one. .~ "ojay ao y u-u.Il'a eFt= a-~ ~ ~ : lraiIgb nopanigon' wlth th]-en- saloaiahiveeto MrelBlinde- jone des Nouloualao, wohidon. 9071 ried-with him th. Parla,-ppoms a- %l.droP'r ped tbqin aut 9.15'a .in"Bordeaux. vbere ofor é t7 3-4 heure la .ne'apaper mer-, -vice, là'I oransd -if & tair 4 d oro rellebihiby - sbôûld li tùÏiu _ décrtain Ilftifad use eould ne doubtf bé fonnd môi1 -the. iying àimahin ucarrylng, the maila to- terrltery more on lois inacebebo.:Theë arrreng powQ e ftospiaù.n 0 l-~bgt patJ ni, but.-ispeo l i-ho air , oit#~ng 3ry lUtle. - sud -kby - dropplust stops on l4 b. aroded*-'B« tVhé occasion for -erial- servÏoe ïvould b. ma1 inl n ne-- glémna now acèessible only 4T. -a slow and run"abot route., - - -A£ L"ofi4esa Land. )fost nations &re se self-eatlsed thàt th.y p -Par-i-bëhéee -te custenm t c oher heéd ta ocilgeiqetea aeis as tho6y <mm«con e éru-t1.pao>e àud4:--usm iiàloy- Weekly. hhat Sitsolind' )ieslv ofi. probl.em lina r _uen-ùhe?ôU f-~imta- tie. 1 l rahé 4ioul- ie~BitlaInd det- Àa ii v- eu ,o ae' ig , If 1 .ft bV o h im e - ïi a t ç i ù . wsete by belâg eo -néa suda 'odr :tbe,- prbleni s. aunecmo e- qs- Itou te î. aeby Vhs- maté. ' Thé'pù e leýY àeasAt .tbe ffufortzUli-e ne ploed tg.sciém-wprk "qV- eely,;-for the sakie et -hle tqily.,but lunb.intereatset ,,Tier '-is ne. tleraMtie'of etVhe, j-,oaLfer. vsgraney cau" S*1ô4 -as a orbué. Shold- n ûê~loedpesol etmake- porious offert te-obtain..work, -hh. autbari- tis 'reedi-4ai4 dite1rhhm,_eud when ho refue, teor ho laei place5 lu' -lth maIViMSd,-aaarjy: am t tUred le *oan te bis buir capistty, receiii>r-tbere- -to h. .oad-sud -lgnW'sud firgm 5 te Bwitzolaud - institutions w-ihor temporary emplormeutt msy -ho )inIâbyis on ut et wonk. tbrôough ne to aultot 'beir awu. Tue? ~ ~ I ro en e t oal5 o M - ndaion nid seamuyc ensation Un tthy The imp.acbmaut at oevernor Balson et Xg>w Tork bniingo out- tho tact Ibat lu the. viiolo -hlatory - et t-horepubbico'-ouly two eâécuntta have bea mpeachoid ad- e- mWova ânde thé id. o-~r-oetNozth Gard- lina-, ta ansd Vhs other tha, gevruor at 'Nebr(kska lun171I - Pie'cth«, geveru- 015O fâcé5:-iîàpeaebieunt chargee,. but tibI lu- t-be hlstery eofliw Y-,o4 tVehm a;a govo-sarbeen ;mpalhTii.nealest sp-v prosZ>ta teecntre- abut George Olinton* te e tts tinet chiot ogeoutire, lun179. ÂA» sagSeeate, ofetVhéSgoverpor vas -ooavicted oet trrogulaiieo 1'> lend - pouii-1u, oi--'te Jail. -Thias irqhed Glintoe' ilama ton a time, but he val neVer triefl, aud -aubaoquently. neS Sedt down aud sernod bis Éa*,'hettter-fort v9e. Egyptin ah, hava a »&llaiAeut. anS Bir Bv*lad Gcehas- ivin St-hia s .~ p àays- AV will lacrease t-ha liberties - et ho E àptia - q»pb. ut l intonded te -cern. i»ielo âglltlnà OCunclýliu' t-haGen- ,rl èoumny tu n 1g~tl.A me dea.' To Itte± 111. ô,enëpr. ýtee ,_ - it, the., -èliproade, -oCpte, tersAà Bedoiu %,jàoemchta Iwo 1-deetiiî a-auietiw uatel stitIr - 0iiLgalatine Aussembly will àhtae- a déeIn; , n-vhere I- hcou- coernâé oousftltionaial lawa.. -- -The> preambl-ot et -ho -hodival.- dfcres Jsiaes ht it1VIo degliod t-a eudow * i ion, 'protectiýn cf liadivid'ugIlibeny me i-lie doae, uani- :ït pnroaios 1il 1110 t- -u .rhuget$*U- - aiS ;$ d r môe~aaa o, ' 4 rhbeîi 7véi The. death-ia occurred >eýt Stone- cf the I. ,bridge-, -ClOÏne,. f Mrs. IM&ary KCec- voulti est 4r: il h.r- - i1thyesr. -Sh.re' ?oetn ,tained ber facultiea nnimpaired o A1i-- thei. hast. -Georg3,i ' «pg yeugGslay - ad, ile znun G hathing in"t-h. Corril, neer. Meàlo Oseti., became entrans ed lu Vieth, 'Niclxîa vweedsn, -u hati a narroW. esoapeý ïdeI frc rownig. -erngrain - iamerf _named James MéKeon, - eler tc>the o! Crosno]r, -~a id, as heret-o-. of terrible iùâjunee-a . réeeved{ Vihrough'- a kr6ey turning -on hlm res-ult 0 c! aond'biting hin aeI. - grn li tranl add dp*-sed à'o!be furn-ilmBn Blacksaod-,Bay, -on- Vie veuét Coast.~ o! Ireéland, eVenart hanbor Vo y h Canàîàda in 1the BnitisW16,ane, id 'a the-Beys' necing O_ýit -ithiot]iir Ines«. Huns Whén »o Saltic vas four d asa.Canada kfi utfrein New York on 1-heon Ivyagesot ye teuenstov, oeo!fibi. eadc' ges hmas HJgsa'aiee! ildysait, aiuecumùibed te -heant feU:. ý_d ure.: ' FL. -1 M uction7,! o,, ie W 290 neyes.cfVac-i iheado"ing -' ûzan ovioted- ! farm- à eelo Bauiînoula&t Far*"in uKinig's Coun-- fôudbe; ty, vas Tbyc ot:, biïda- being ,,tho'cityj On. o! a far i bulldogs ont for - extcis. o n-the banka of VieBoyne, near Drogieda, !uriou-ely attacked - -à -tleboy, vbo va's in a Bore. Lord A pligit untîii. eanimal va-a driven der an -ln' off'by e youig nman.Lodnd -alued s'$5,a catch o! -herr- neCts.,I ing'-had Vo Le deet$ryed et- Ard- I- ¶ ri glass Ceun y on, bécause -the lnduetr- iiiebbtantis thougit tiiey 'iiad been -neturn s] eâu'ght on Sundsy, -aud prevented lust àe tiie ovuerf rom landing Vie..-- ye&rs. - - lt La uta-ted that the. Sietb so ithe, or "Fairy Wind," ha. beeu expenienced ln tiieBellylanderýa diotrict,--pameng imU> 'Ardpa4tniek, i0S sud ýtiieue V oLer Elfin,'- tIen. elined--to covening a distance cf a dozen negie COI Miles. allegeti- Tii. Queeustovu- Urbean Council count ef pa-ased a resolution thauking Dbr. me mb-ens# Roche, Caziadian MinisVer o! the. ukof, l Intenior,' for f. teprêposed etb élOr bW ween Quéesntovn aend Canada., TASTE An incurmS .inspectorChase threngi- afild by a bull et Brure., IiupoâÙ b.âd au&àextiug reS ferr lU. ne ~ reoej~e see srathe- - wi li clothés Nw.re torn whephs b.d te acm er-ia rs. n l m ed among t Whi~eM4usFarnon, o! Cloumnel-ndme 'Ion, Wésmee±bl, vas.standin «.er -a COrrfeo a mjoving m-duln.E e e OJuesud hv ct. denly Put Vii. -machine ii, motion lua n & vitii-the -reait' t -th -e iêy Wa uae $e s.verely.InjuredTii9 uÇoo t9 > .ha<lVo be-a&inpntated.- RURAL Mk-iTîIOT& npia a-vftCd iry ýat Bd anderatio. dea&y-, Y 3, thée-leý unto havi Brothier sepans for thé-ê-t Lr tôtalm Pâred wit- h te- irai Felloves, city engine, r,. ha. b..» -re-tired evw VIe stan dard, ea aauof severali'ii Great. Britaia. îquiry -into6 the 'conudi unÏr- police in the1 iiovlng tatbaukrkr7u S, ere Vie' -1oxest il immisaioninvet~iahi -Balkan atroçWtes oz eof Priesor*Tul !N édor 'o! the' Oostù 6e lu Iai« fLuesiairDu FOR CANNE» -04 ra are cola- -About t 1OêAddDmn he, PauVs Be'udl- Yeer or Two. beef, to the - ATh! -rura-l IVroni-s ttaIbË a".:é -' f underjone an inimne lu£ceae wM~a 'vitln ~. ut irer. t Vle ie-double .- hat af sent thiê eigbteeuiixundred route-s an imoa are~~~- l prVkIl hle a- number f rm 157.87 p cf routes are- bein« e".tai-hd -i --7 u~~~~h ~ ~ - - ; r. v<eu »o e~630818. p unds ià, ýde in, the. Eut, sp- We ais play<da I vbcih adis-.o4 li~ r -a 0 ei'.tendeucy Vo -- -oloui'$- of a are &rtobumbêr of cOun'ý TW@ MINERfi KIILED. ____ 01195 90slrmle. vhereby to mna~Jai~-olo,-adiWnutie, ttdkf - - menhe' exe ~' to sulless the mfalingening an lta11on on the willed and lazy. Hovever, ther, Important. tact- unfit foÉ j -nous wi, er rest and r-eU-pe had t'go. ;D strength -and on-Theiia acance notii b utt» takea 'whieli their W This wa-s flot f the tax on the- ser'o-us, -but thà- at- any rate, n-6 and- wrongfui ln the-iom-munity, --course, lea -t'lies ' -the o pitads -andpoôr-1 -,producetive indus Iruring a tunnel annnl~sd England ^and Fr' 4in ]4ndcn and'1 S-ceived a deputà- -an udpromoterS, tunnel roet hs've.been veai -men nist on ti insular peetion. abouit.-tii.danger t-o rie and, moral isolat-on. '-There- tbe- tuiniel. scheu -- But t many th, - geisteti s SiMpler a Slwe den-,-as one give 'Britiali engin the safety, Veadiü o-f the- train-fé'try, t h i £-soution 1, 'wouidnoût who Ily -perhap», but thes Apart.fretn rqug C<,-Ovenieltea o1t t] vwould dis--appear. s-a Stuon the trainI They Lkýd'th4ir_ Vien t-hat me-n 0n s t.ii bave to p-er-ir 'iafed sir-made4 "ali4x--tw-gsi ar ea4sr rup ià tighit. one. l -iLý,«l "ten Vo havi gà a -L-ust- kept hubs, iioly- thistîeIlad te gî "ad-neem --As t ît wae neeesaary ü ti, lubcve t-ho ec f tliei» dry. ra-1-it -thefe is mi ne-rd. - îrmzn baud Ve met

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