Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Sep 1913, p. 7

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'dc erage 20 bufïh- 1.R, engiiet ighter as the as f recul by a ein th.,sar$I loei i . . e aefuee te Car- lu lb. tinte byan offonciai f. vetitaug ay. ~tiea ar ouo- ceé andn m- Stoc -imdorait, t . in 00 - -' bd atle are ra cal ,a' sud os s 9antty off . u1904 od êatnlew.r' Inela off0t- Ab r tace vc le,73 alI - u 94, L e goov oarried taes swçek 'Or-fortniht off théir weary bodies badly -*&ô net fuly foresoen,,'and ,buitt4e question r -audi, rate, Lt,>that. -ef.dishonest t th 'taitifd, ot Willfuw1 engfuinalingering. Tbsl'the ken hy tirýd-out -vobrke-s a oxaodirection vbile taxiug, mmluitiy ini anùthr" i, of -cleair>,- 1t; pen- pauperý pd poo-h4puaies.' ItÀFBjesi. W vlich la aan~u m (>nèeýnQrO hsn thb' question CI boring» tunnel under the English U12POoI~ audthusF' " bettering1h 'Rngliad nd !Fasce, - ben ýreviv.d lu Lôxýadoa atiParis. 'Asquitb -re- a ve sdeputation- cf ýengineers ad prenol.r,, -bat gave t-hom 11111 eucauzgo~euî Ti. e su&dt tunnelpoj îds ute almy Iave been veakenéd, b#- tbe are men ifisiut on tlb. sdvantaRea cof an inqular-position. 'Xevapea lik abcîttt lb,. dangerof lcalg lb il. torî& suad moral conueëquences o! iaolatioaz. There -1 istlehope Ibat b.th ul eee--ii~ fer st,. -But tl many.lie'projeet hacpug- -teraatae-s& train fèr'r'~ nln -o:,no uàl4ea4ly appeecio6teth - p-0liiilta-a 'c1 alternative. - iwden, as one - wriber aya, esu give - Briiuli engirÀearspelis su to -- e - iiafqlyaotesdixa.as d eSory, of, the triÀn' frr. wby net olndy - Iis -:-olutint- The c.uu- 'wcalid net *lhOlly les. itsl',er-qa-s, perhspa, but' theme would b. mb- - fi taniItiy diminimla.d stad lesise-nèd. Aýpsrt. fa-ez rougi , veather t'b.- u - conveniences*o! tic preseut symbena - -s-aay on bbc train until, hhey Iresci- cd usor - Loadon Thé.-cotl wôuld b l ,Ù4ced sudthie scuiedulèta - - mpreved. Thé. tunnel ana>' ocmo 'iw the lfuture, ,,b-ut for tbe presesaithle Publie aud conuer" . mîit- turt veili ui to the train ferrév plau. ILORS' ? Q RUES Loùger !Neoewy forThena --le Sailiro vj'e&r Irotaers ftbat are ---vultaninoni>'. baggy amouud l".tan - . n-s cb"nse4îvave ç4 -men. -Buola -troï e ra9 are ne longer of ancre .er- -vxçiè- than- ordibary 1Irousers voulci -bbu t there w'va aime vheulhey --- wect he ideal gàrt f oreailore rhey had, tb.ei n in.uthb.du- tië* a ta*men- on sailing velmele ueed t hý)ave tc, pea-fcm. Ta.nc i alkàfý -or mcd. oadvi.&abIe-t aol- --ing of tho ýtreuaier abo," -lhe kue., sund 1h as.fax, easi r sud gore cbm- SfOrtàble--ho a-cl ups a sggytrtouzer - - - 'g lhawô ould bave ;beon le a-ol Irp a igla eue. On. flh ,ax--eilors itae-«I oflen ta heve le do- waaule deoaahoa-êhrough the-vateýr. For ke4bibry, holy'-stoninig-dek For t- lisey had tegel ddwIk ou banda ail As lh& deeka vére vol aI wa611emiesry ho r"I the trolucr 1<> bàve the knees ilu erdea- to keep i -1tem dry. - -No professoalsiinsuliyes md'ômu-e -frcab aüasd lt o uth as -a duntist. 1_ idow ivitha.per,-and ïsked"Whit la tit, Waiter t"- -WsItea- a-subatik Le the door and mewed. AÊ'nes' father tboughtomething muet -b. th -. mt- tir-, ýàid sô"he pmned the door and bcauàded. awsy.i bthe , wood 'shed1 sw ,vbere ber babies v"ere. When Agus'f ather g ,t r 11. sv bgbek' snakeeloly créeping' p W. lb . bre tlb. babies,- ..vr sepng shugly. (0 course, the -inake-W.. killed'îiu sh ort order, but i Wat.r "WOuld .net leave ber kitçn Wailter wsa ine mùousa. 0O. dy Agne' -mcOe' vas ha#aig ber-pan- lryceaudou-lah~pswabig-rat.. zit, sua- , 1te ister, -whaaa tboy, were nerng-siox , tbey 1ouaad in il ~ ~ o a etfiO! by rats. Aénat' mther lied4 the ha Wktaken eut- oe, the,-back porcela, uàcs.d Walter to -ber, tlunknglhat thé iCt-*ôu'wd 1k. let est lhesý 11111 pink babies.* Walter camne,1looked sât 1h. nèat, wentulUP t a sm"'elléd 41aoir the 1ië - raja, butwudoltca on. cf the, 'Tien siltin sttmre-. ditnce avay, the,, ookred aI34 i. bab~y ratasqculrmingA'àm.ia -n*slaag about iii tb. nesI. Thon th. remern'- .4,' vbusbi vas Dow lyixig out ii tbe titens, ud linsing il lba, i il~~bo -gehly on t-na Mbiby 'rata Walter kniv ah. ba. kiileà .îhe , Walter lived le be fifleen years oldo 014.a Ldae o a est. Sahe uavw Agnes grcvw- ...be iong0..vo- Mau snd msr-y.. Waler vas fond cf candy, sud Agnes' huaband ai-r -yuput some li bis pokot or ber. haÎ 4àoofas lh. sat dovu mii. would go cout ( snd put~- lier. - psy luis i pooketi snd gelthe csandy out. GERMA-ÂN WATBR POWERl. Geveameu I.Building Pi&alsd Dlstributhag Carrent. In the diviion of, govea-meutl -pove#s lun Geramy btwi e i Fed"a-*Send &Ste - goveraimoee tb. regulatien àcf, & vaewyesd vater-pever dev emnlfaila let -lb BtI. Il b«4 -ben lhe -pcioý ùo veleipanent cf wv1aher-povera- ite. -te Priva"e or te ol coomaunal enteïr- prise. More recenlly -bevevea-, a reversa boas taken place, u 8ý&te lias ilseIf iutsa-vsmied o build .pver plant, sund usde-tak h diataibulicuo! lbto. pov5a- devel- loped. ýThise aJ&reedy-beesidouie on lbtheLippe i" Hmm, and ou l-the ;Wsaer, botlb 51 Dorveden- sud i.&eo at certain -places- on ia.he'uppe r raeches o! lhb.same etream...It la pôÉslble tha thie Stale vilii acc nundsataké-proiest o! s>a %mula-na- tues t Otier -pvinta. 'Db. .1.appropriaIs. lb.p0, h smount néded -le .couatruct, -fie1 hyfdro-eléecta-lèplaul, togetbea- vità 1 ýauxiiary 1sca- s mutase lookà,, stey.ý and for tie. erectioàn- o! lb. rans- msonseteanfor- dietributing the-1 '- Ilapposaxâ fa-cm thbYdiscussiCou in, P.a-isetî e$ lb. lav providig forer-.Wèeea-prwojectaI lin- u a&pl ing tIbis policy 1ýhe -Gov.a-ument lu-i aclnuated b> s in-a , uthë' case c f lar~ge vtpoe.under-,,- botter eeaved blb. the lVýîasn l'>' s, 'prlvsl. -corporatin. -Hu-Ub.r. mo mca-e, -insu'-pajetsWlhieb, es 0 q ho , a. -iska iawi'olveêd, vob oul a vie' privýaIsinvesenu, >, ne-ý veathele,, be. -profitabi> n er- Gover au et o -eize .,2 per cent. on iRs invoetuient vil) lu> aý 'short tlne aler 1l ienet - -lh" been placed lun peration. -ThaslW. tel cf relu-rn h&viqg been attaln.d, expenùditures vii ,b. made for tb. improeeM-lbipf lb. plazad osa--t vice. - -The nsw- enactimeail consistas oft 401 feellOus. - Il coveza the <L is - field of -he use, aninena ce,n4 improvemeul of -Inland.bodies -e Ivab.r, boiktrunaring sadsti11$, a.ed deisev I v loo rtcin ->'dikeài nl" hoBalie ooae.> en T't,,Luke 10,. 27. 1VO*r@1, And" God spake ,&l thqm wo'df Jnf,:Pe ut. 5.0-21 isprioevàë 1aziother y0reàon <ct hsoogni d meûts. ,TXhe>two v.r lo n, .Lrwe ii sub*téncé, b ut. _differ in, wblc1luf Sn tbe f. resoie aasigied, foi Jn -1i'tç$>uomy there_ is. &voile,, aftar the fourth commandment,,re- mitnding lb. Isralités-,of whal God had dônerb them '14h v.miâiox in turu di«r, f rom, tai. crli"t ZX- mgnacripts, and from - 1h. ýé Tetsit quotalionssu sm lea euýh ." ito,- 'gen la Ma.ik 1. -19 and P - L". ,. heofat see O - IQp o~t bu eorwalal ai- pjr, forj',-or w ,h aJ1,j eaoi ioeipoitai _ wthe .'peopl &, Adould UDdGL*Sfd hatlb lw"se f'the 8Thou ms.l-hépronoun'i. In lb. acoud e~so 4ilr. The 14wa~dwe it goelf té,."ohhidi-ý viua pmber Of thé ntion. '4 Gaen i ù .-ureality a& iey f rom & mlaen" mae. zmena" .hwaIa tl teandeda r4è Thei jc olmgad$mt bu .naizeel i iiiliy sd i sculpture; bal -il .hould rathièr be oembled .ihh ô -e =4db. iJ terpreted as ferbiddiug the meking cýf imna«eifor the purposeeo the. &terune l.eWr"-c Pordnta b eb. oou->tthe 5. Uon 4ae~Jiid~ ~d apon the oaLc &hesdis vaid for -eood asm well -a for evil. Itessubls wOrk- ings wrby itelppeara uoamamas to skip one or - more geir os have.k bx u- lime eepecisilyrbeome a malter cf caréEul scientiflo tud end. inve.tâgation.' .Unethiousnde-Or, a thon- 1. The nin. of Jéhaovah tbjGoa- - âou noisnt Orientàbl peoiIe the name of à permon was regsrded aa of miuch grester sigulftca- ice sud anPortanoe lthoein our dey, atand- ug,- as' it à din uaspeculiar semae for the perimnh4mmIf. Henceto blot out a name mesut praotilc..I th., ennihil&Uiof the perscm and i.I1 memory of: hlm.. Tc use, unle. oessaxly or caraeeay the name of God ws. the height of ira-everence. .Lstea- àtoo literaS lnterpretation f'-tàhie commaudment led to asaub.- Stitution o l.w-d6a1ni lord>, for, "Yahwoh", inreading lth reSulted in é <orruptiou 'orùnbi- iation c îf -th, 4wqfr .whiih hte_ cuboua- Enilish'-w<rd '.!Jeho6vïh." -8. ~ ~ th Reebrl.sbbath'day-'Àqý ýhà,,%seenh Iiiy - 'Iereason fori >beoee fe ut. eaoac souuawdment -in Doutroraemy B> UMI1~a~ Bu-sc1vazt&ad thy ts&-urvnîMay rm l & est v as Ercu A,-iAI thon -shat .e1ý~ )41 Egypt, Ï é Em 3bviJ4 - r»ougI h .. oeout theffl by S TR!UCK El: uIiI TMN, ., S- Be. -trauge -TiàSoies Enterw4Iu. cul Regsradt gFit. Oua-frêfath.ts I4 heo-- rIsabp0ut tlg lh.m n ne oouldbe '0 ckby 1 '&uc« hylightaning * oold ,«,uLüt. 3 Spljutera froÊà iouch atree,-'4lét- lfor tootheohe, And *è~re, of e Co:r rplueenâter 1»lbth te *ha'n l deuti«ts' forceps. Apnd the old -time e »çholbcy frmly* be4ýç>ved _tbsi, f eb.we a-ai t» notiu I 941w, iret_- 1I'y ftér flàaM<b. h îporýt *part o! u?'aien 'ou5b.Sumedsté- y rn off ~ . . hi et- a. -Mot l1htbhe o Gr",k a. inu;" sy. -. O~L.wu nmsy Jadke tit ort1ès. ,e tiîne ii. e bp*cmSon eig ape Àt , adruaa hn euIahr&.ty onooul benà bly'e. êrzJê by orel n4 -9ode, 'iq e u wo et f ro m 'itoehip; nie. cis Théleetion. .Of Que Julins Eburmu te -the OePfmul$aip ïlu ýl6 m- s a. tz'bu -î.t li.ehaviug1 n~ orece ha *è b. ba isl. enic lb ern Ia~ee va. sta-uk ssnoe.osnd Nmised P»er4ùyued Unth* 1h, ex dybut- M> .mi~l. :vs 'disimby-,light- ninsg b. ume ci bis limia.for tibres h ouribut, - h'YMg rêipe. ly been a în- f0! kI~ath a BeveraL muthors reder tg çffla in vhioh rheuunstieu>. va. -cured by Iiigltniung. And iu lbierespect,.&i- sý, ta-es seem te I>e a& men.-ÂArago ssw s pop14r, oue* »f" au avenue cf 115009- er Tours, wbich, haviug been istruok, develmoped -sucb vgor "ta ita ltnk mûonJar eurpaasedin dimension bbc.. of -ail its ueigh- boa-d. *Ligbtning ià eaid'ici differeutia>te Petween trees aà veil asm monand Nab, Èa fellow cf theBo;à.ie&l go- cWey o!fEdnburgh, l-nvestiga.led in- to tihe geuersilyii!x"ceied opinion- thàt neitherîbhe beeh for the bia-ch i1sever etruck byliaghtuîug. H. col- Iected information regardîng light- nirig--etruck trees lha-ughocut Ore&t Britaini ,ad :-founà jiô singe- in- stance bf.either o! thmee -,-*es bç- in9tuk x<et~tc in North Aeic.gave amlrrs-l.He fou nideIa:i h~fra egoa-there.s beeob Itrevsae thuudrtm faaceIis ýyesr bétwee4n -sûm iits aud those cof .4ay a.- iodel .wbloh .raks k4~tse fwîth the~ halo o! e arly tali i. ma ,de Of ,-$T- -felt,'modé'led onstrnzsrf ns Tbe rMuid.ca-ovini: b;aid iitil 11111. dsrker t,t41h.h ,!Iëd-1 escli aide wit h scoird cf*pîlel White sii ie Analla-ative, bat- for a ,-k girl, is amade, cf vb$te. stij.,*t si'8Mple-ruded crwuaý an even -rolin brzu.The, ba encirel& with- a wi4o, 1o-la., ig buno, hoU es8baîf h"den ilu the ýFruit Iueh use'. I1,%m t -3,Ineso ýmïý i b.-mdet orey 1. #om i au ll IîmIagIuatIon udciever iers. Tho .4trnÉo hfine vwirer a& id wvouii, sqnd su. orouJà-4 igrp ýIÉde -cf Coton- babtiug. , - Briil e& beadm i uesb es beirries,- seffle£4lly if -trio aCÎO"eà _w 4î1za,Àâ&d4f 1. oundsare, emilr udoi oen oet hep are ibuucbed togetler, thbeyloek like- The, Us-ete Io~a The kimons stylje, rnodifled li vs- rion s w"y , 'bas be Fitýiius-foi yi4rs ând l idesg o tayi vill. usfor nany'yeas o. IBut Icaaffignsstili have aomelhng .tpe learn: aâbouVthoieproper a dbeopi- iu w4ys l wilcb leà,-t wesaî kiznon. A ~ ~ À ihrÙîi scs nddl-aqd e~n~i~ 8h. v ns't dredI t b. > ez,,vas struck 7la k M"ct fh thé~abc~u~I n suta~yd~amd or _rstet. ceaIcal omed&rk greýy wcjý leu ma- toefa. Il vas cutl 1ke a ja.paness ieue. And the si eves aere g- lalion Japsueeki aoc Içeves. Xet il vas-eul on ihues v-wicimadg il look lu n'keeping vitb h.h straigt, slin -linos of-present4daycIothies.- A coat-of thuaseTSrt vculd b.spe- cily servceable, Sensible sud b- coming " as carrnage or- automnobile cot.'Iloould b. miadeofo! imomdu- rs.bie, dsrk mnatedfai, or cf pougeé,, linen or ocherdust-oiored mnaterial cf -liglil veigbt-and color., Il would aiso'e i&adelightful coat for âu even-ing co;t-cut -ike e ki- -mous, witb regulation Japanese'ki- mouas sieves, ..lined wilb sorne brigit. color, aud villa w modified Japjanese sash àabout- te valit; The tomsîof the.aleeveos, woUld anake-ca- fans, .hMiàdkOrchifle,- vaniityt- ag udý thé otier knicknacka ! bej Èevenag 1c5ftum. :- çc;ûUméo. ____________- - To-lIera-ev A -Lsk -Iu<ieato. -Fine ho-day, i -Au - ùtom.t7cIéýk indiaca- for didtut malter, bi cash-l-on, boxe&.scaréweul4o - t-le, bnlk- sud i f l.dv lia",f#ch M~nent- audtset grass, bé qui et Ëpedetermiuned,, distances, on 110 -nt fca-get-t &V/ nchea- laIeacb biox he licre. niîglat" lu a aigu-c as s aii efrical c 4nta-vnCO con- the mra-ov, ifth- ued - vth, î-laerhsdupwa-rds frein the eliter on the. bridgze.*or in so- mema--,u!taa othr cuvelau pce. Th bordmoon loke: v#hi is îtted wva4a nnba-o!ami ti ~lvinPa cf diftrp coo' daout. Wbelkie-z the leet.box, li .s kti r b -I-wI cal otalb'Wh$*k- JelpCor- r -l>vIf;~ veS edii t t he-, - eowr ei dip I»It ee il I ligabed, 'eud -se -ré" na l theil b. a- suanl>' r"ir ai.xl- box 5 r-asrem'heby lb.- vater, z l~c the, -i w-he, îh eodisp le libed. neStmêlces it loi ousy until switeiaed i- asy aliec - - s~kyaliiw n -Côlselation canaibe fo6und 'in -1h. clôdi4cg illa a ý, èia-ybul it . s-nî ilr, I r ver- nwl c-eou-, i - hatl a ssure sig ,,s Weaîther; whe-n perlhap4 il )ut vWilii lUbe fine Dut ina th.e ven-iug," lies pIenduta!uily ou ite happy-it wll. Saitbo;gh - "red et of, flue veathe- for e- ieéd sprae lar ie &una ,bcd, il- nea- bath. ifthe ikt:01, ile-u it ooLeMiO 'ky.' butl I. If *bite -OUSIly Wrong.- Jk4êour duty.1'w4ys W ear -s1hining f aa sewQ WlJk1 brig, aldeu ,inthe iv«eof men. W musbet l. in àd laugh, pose sdrelaxh 'body'aaad aIêrre Uv r~ AI'VIJ à5by atulvLpower.,, Caa-rots--are préecribe&b-phylsi- r H azL'<liLiIII ciasssnd:besuly doctor7alik as s B ~ ~ s ut imm-mrnu-m cure fr ervdu«. indigestion o li a- î n i are teldto eatb-hemà-three times a ip for 1h. Nervei eart.-dyehrcokdraav - Yôung onions or scualio are exr- A pea-ison-wii.-bas e nervous eal cellent -eshen wihjplety cf isait; Ïmust fiat fin cul visl caüsesît t le oletluce villa sai sud pl.nty ci;ý h.- ~ ~ ~ ~~ _ ne-osiTecniinla - 80- li4ve o,b ,but aie vzipigar -or red pep- - B zs~differseut-Ïrgins ha iireé- nôe- finglee a-ofur catiet for el uu atIegreateê8t 1mon- ail iees.-Ahilb. arn - ime m cm. e, ýî- lat-ct ?i o -vervrough fotrm ofý,xceus la usuaily et lbW bot-. nervis.bave for beaity sudhéa.ltb. tom cftbeltrcuble,4. Wbetber il "W sleep- ay b. ieduc dby- Aru excis f pa.yôr xcea ! wrkhb~mui; s-ppd lowly, or, i bsa u e ymptomns yil b. similar,-and th@effciv,-by long draugbt ! o1 -remuits viii be equaliy dlsasîrons valer snd' s oold. bandagesaou -nics th --faît is corrected. - ti brov 04ctd lunctioiiei1iart trouble oflen k-,ecomes an incurable oa-gauic beart -- trouble. TOO ]JWCH iCOIVTENTIENT.. sgaof irritability,-ýwheuil itpaipi- Dlesstlsaetlon Mas Ususet! MN»t tales or works irregularly or fehlta 0 . rom oiey t. Weaith. occasional ps> u'-b-th"s8phesicisu vica rne.stsnds the heartl examine I pr u lp-.Ia oevlt il. H.eudte-au ow,-serions r 4leca-sfa.ee-ema- the condition l;sI-igoin u554li ep~ fcateamu bearl -trouble oa -any type -la aimply 1rh u-lI dàneeli.v~ s vaste cf lime. hueha.beeâindWe by People wh6 WMon the excesa Consista li-n eedgouetd i- h&rpe youthful over-indulgue in ah- elopounte sd bre -1.1es, alcohol or tobacco,- th. pro..- ehaog oeuelitg _ be.Bab pea- treatanenl l ise el. Relifff de- ee leig<ii eudusl pends ou the c'on aisen". sut-e thât hh.ereiâa vas m ount oi selfconta-ol of lbe. -patient. ý' nboysdwifldsolui howevea-, li ù robleaffecta 1. W bile bislea-y preset. maay: bu ansd Ai ià !s£niyCases cf peopl. ýWhe b6t,40. sWaY who~ ~ ~ ~ ' caut1f~u ertr ac-from s bu-mble tmuk le force theha! work, iti l--O more ctimfciÏimaît Ins.-aghgi.' llafie And yeb careful anngmnand 10ntnesl ho a-ao o good seiisc eau do 'much -hohelp -m.*, by dc>lng vl1k pati'.m4ýk, bfl- lies. cases, toc . Those vho can sU ed taoi.gnfca. èkh-.bea no k- ais mucia-est aîle oultc.dt aae hna lehve flen flud lt i Posible l - caseo!h.xii t ko take e ougi te gel ou thl. If they - bat; because o! the sh oe -h a-ee 1a pe;beesuse caf -lb. .ar tlb. -- caninol go tte eRiviera or &w'tzer- bs.htid- v,â' aot." - - t. tb. land, they cen gel au extra houa- É lu "k.mith, - &(er al-, 1iho 1lest h. -bcd cvery nigit,, a quiet bell-houa - i ti. -î ». i.i--'<uebi v afiier the evening meal, a Iranquil.wi h as xih-~.otimh sud resîful 8unday, sud 1h., igit,~j sud nurisbing -diet for hciheir - coedition ceWf~- ýIi la tru bat soma cherislaed lome aarpa haismustl,&-giveu pn tmpia- Wheu iu doubt,êHikthe, r th. ily, àt leesl.- Tobacco in- a#y foa-m, Every lime êglisheur is br'o- là cfee évos ertandî ken osée u&ves 'thie pieces. 'tes and 1 ' e'under 1h. e Il-_ .aer to ake -fiiends than condemnatiou. -,A1 he same limé, it i. te ,hcld tiielu those whq reitccustloaiýd ho tes or Even"Vh4s allnt.anén leuàabbe I. cofile, especially et.breakfast l'une, keephi gtscbadrcvr Pfîcu do better wheu thpy decrease Anyvay,1 ne' mn&evea-h" 0C4c., their allowance gra<.ualIy t7b in ntO apoize Èr doing bis dut'.. ,v-heu hhey abandon, kehait ab Ltsw iia r v ii~-tée ee4~ ruptly. - tiheir expý"ijric. for i peut. 'ýa- Let the owuer of a' nprvouaJiheart tb. dollaa - persuade hianseif te humer fhat Ordinaa-ily WOMvo Muilueýsta, faihhful servant. Let him'give- up hfold bier caoa-villa'thè éxeeption, ru nning for trains, cara-y ing baga, cf ber longue.,- sud, overýtaxiug, hiuself lu any wvay; >If many eî: vr:t b - . ,by and- by be will flud thal bhis hesrt fore thb.>' eak liey vO1UW r--forgeî -bas had:the a-est ilneeds,--anid is-wil- wbt heyJvrgiuts, iiug again,,t toil ferbian ith-it11. e- oér ne cornplaiu.-Yotih's Cern- < ,teErls Huma.- panion. -John, lthe, coacliuiou7 'hum!beon - commissiçned: to'-ssuist the --utler, ÂdVie oW Nerves., .1 dinner, sud ws st- thgu &- g é aa o. iavuns ok-abd w'lh deàfo"d1a -, :6hî (au«,1 ýjraein4 dlokok ethe mslso!' the[ from the daf 1adyw> 3y, , eye n TORONTO b

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